The phone fell into the water - first actions. The phone fell into the water. What to do

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This situation can happen to almost anyone. Your first actions will largely depend result subsequent restoration of the phone.

As fast as possible get it device made of water. If the phone gets into water, it is likely that will turn off. Rare smartphone models can withstand complete immersion in water, although you can hear a lot about such waterproof devices from advertising.

In no case do not try turn on the phone - it can damage internal contacts and completely Destroy battery and other device components.

At once remove the back cover And get it battery, if your phone model allows it.

Get it also sim card And memory card(by the way, they can also be damaged by moisture), lay it all out on dry towel. Carefully wipe surface with a dry cloth.

Then follows disassemble machine using a set of small screwdrivers. Do this if you are confident in your abilities, by watching the disassembly guide from experienced specialists in videos on Youtube specifically for your model.

Using a scalpel carefully pry off the body for disclosure.

In general, you need to block by block disassemble phone, into as many parts as you can handle. This is necessary for better and faster drying.

Good way - dry in raw rice. You need to dry it in it undisassembled, you just need to disconnect the battery.

The rice will absorb moisture, absorbing it into itself.

Do not do it Also dry the device with a hairdryer - hot air can damage the device. In this way, you can blow drops of water from the surface into the inside or melt the parts of the device.

Ovens and microwaves, as you understand, for these and not only reasons, are also no longer needed.

You need to dry your phone no less than a day, and better a few days– the longer it takes to dry, the greater the chances of starting it again.

Shake and turn the phone over as little as possible; in this case, it is better not to touch it until drying is complete.

Consequences of water getting into your phone

After the events, collect and try turning it on device. If everything is done correctly and after the dive there is no serious damage to the elements, the phone will start.

If the phone won't start, try turn on with the power cable connected - it works, then the probable cause is the battery, it will need to be replaced.

Otherwise, you will have to take it to a service center and pay a certain amount for restoration. For recessed phones not covered by warranty, so repairs will only be at your expense.

May be damaged display or main microcontroller, in such cases, it is sometimes easier to buy a new device than to try to revive the old one. Another unpleasant point is that if a SIM card or memory card is damaged, you can lose a lot of valuable information - contacts, photos, videos, etc.

What to do if your phone falls into water? This is not such a simple question as it might seem at first glance. Especially if the phone is touch-sensitive. After all, such a situation can happen in the life of any person. No matter how confident a person is in his careful and careful attitude towards the telephone, no one is immune from an emergency.

What to do if your phone falls into water, and for what reasons could this happen?

Firstly, it can simply get wet from the rain. But that’s what cases and other accessories are made for. But they don't always save. Your phone may fall into a river or lake while on vacation, or it may be accidentally forgotten in your pants and put in the washing machine. It can also be accidentally dropped into a bucket filled with water while cleaning, or simply doused with tea or juice. All this will lead to malfunctions of the device. But how to deal with this and what to do if the phone falls into the water?

A set of measures to rescue a drowned phone

What to do if your phone falls into water, and what could be the consequences?

By and large, the above methods can completely save the phone. The worst option is liquid getting under the screen, especially if it is touch-sensitive. It will be impossible to restore such a screen, and buying a new one will be very expensive. Salty sea water is especially dangerous - it can lead to rapid corrosion of the circuit boards inside the telephone. If the above measures still did not bring the desired result, and the phone still does not work or works partially (some functions have failed), then it is better to quickly contact a service center to repair the device.

The cost of repairing a phone or tablet after water gets into it varies.

It all depends on the damage. Only diagnostics can determine the exact price.

Even the approximate price is determined by the actual breakdown, although in this post I will try to indicate as accurately as possible the cost of repairing a phone that fell into water.

NOTE: the price also depends on the place where you go and sometimes the difference reaches thirty percent - verified

Approximate cost of repairing a phone after water damage

Typically the price ranges from $10 to $80. Of course there are exceptions, but there is one more point.

If you don’t take action right away, repairs may no longer help - checked.

NOTE: maximum oxidation does not occur immediately, so the smartphone may work for some time - death may occur later.

Also, the cost of resuscitation after falling into the water depends on the model. After all, there is no need to prove that expensive phones use more expensive components.

Most often, repairs are required: keyboard, speaker, microphone, screen, sensors and charging.

A critical situation is the oxidation of radioelements. Recovery is then not always possible.

Also, sometimes repairs are unprofitable and pointless, and diagnostics performed in some workshops are paid, while others are free. However, the price is small, somewhere around 0.5 - 1 dollar.

Phone firmware price

NOTE: the price practically does not depend on the name of the phone, for example, Lenovo, Samsung Galaxy, Huawei, HTC, Asus, LG, Nokia, but only on their category.

When flooded, sometimes you have to change the device.

For example, flash memory was damaged, the cost of which is about $40 (depending on the category of the device)

The price of the firmware ranges from 5 to 10 dollars, it also depends on the category and possibly the version.

Cost of simple repairs

Simple repairs aren't expensive, but you'll have to shell out $5 to $10. This could be, for example, cleaning from dirt.

After all, the phone does not always fall into the bath, where the water is clean. It may fall into a puddle where there is a solid mule at the bottom.

Corrosion cleaning cost

But they will tell you this only after inspection - there is different types of corrosion, and if the motherboard is covered with it, then most likely they will give you the device and say goodbye.

For example, replacing a microcircuit can cost up to $40, and repairing broken conductors can also cost that much.

Again, a lot depends on the category, and it is as follows:

  • The first category includes devices under $50.
  • In the second category up to $100
  • In the third category from 100 dollars

That's it. As mentioned above, these are only approximate repair prices. Good luck.

If the phone drowns in water, this is not a reason to throw it away. In this article, “Ruformator” will tell you how you can resuscitate a “drowned man.”

One day it is quite possible to be left without your favorite mobile phone due to incidents related to water. It may get wet in the pocket of your jeans or jacket, it may fall out of your hands in a puddle, or you may be generously doused with a dirty shower by a guy passing by in an SUV.

"Ruformator" presents to your attention a translation of the article “How to quickly fix a cell phone or MP3 player damaged by water,” but warns that you use these methods at your own peril and risk.

Act quickly

The minute you discover that your phone has become a submarine, act without delay. Remove removable elements, if any. For example, memory card, SIM card, battery and back cover. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remove the touch screen - we will tell you how to do this a little later.

Using toilet paper or a thin cloth, wipe the gadget wherever possible; both outside and inside the phone - in general, wherever you can get it with a cloth (addition from Ruformator - cotton swabs will also do). If you don't do this quickly enough, the water may begin to evaporate and damage the internal components.

Theoretically, the phone can already work if it has not been in the water for long. If this is not the case, read on.

Quick drying

Now it's time for your phone to take a trip to the beauty salon. Dry your phone with a hairdryer, paying special attention to the battery compartment - it usually has tiny holes that allow water and air to pass through freely, but a Q-tip does not.

Warning: Do not hold the hair dryer too close to the phone! Maintain enough distance so that you can put your hand on the phone without getting burned. If you bring it closer, you will damage the circuits in the phone. Don't believe me? Bring a piece of paper close enough to the hairdryer and you will see a blurry brown spot. Do you want the same thing to happen with your phone?

If after 20-30 minutes the phone does not work, we will use plan C.

Long drying

This is the most difficult method for the most advanced cases - when the phone took a full bath (for example, falling into the toilet). Place it in the laundry pile or other very dry place in your home. It will also work next to the dryer or boiler. The idea is to keep the phone in a warm and dry place, but not too hot. Putting it on the battery, as is sometimes advised on forums on the Internet, is not worth it under any circumstances - it will not be difficult to damage the phone, which will become very hot from this. Moreover, the water inside will evaporate faster than necessary.

By keeping your phone in a dry and warm place, you allow the water to evaporate slowly and escape through the holes. Be sure to remove the battery and all other removable items.

Let's give some tips on this method:

  • Turn the phone over with the back side facing up. This will allow the water to evaporate easier and faster.
  • A room temperature of 20 degrees will be ideal.
  • Remove everything you can from your phone.

The chances of bringing your phone back to life using these tricks are 75%.

Let's say a few words about phones with touch screens. The risk is that moisture can damage the screen elements. However, many models have tiny screws on the back that will allow you to unclip the screen from the case and dry it. Don't forget - you do this at your own peril and risk!

Despite manufacturers' assurances that it is impossible to revive a phone that has been bathed, it is actually quite easy to do. Many people think that once water gets into the phone, they can throw it away. But a phone is just a collection of circuits and screws along with a screen. The main reason for device failure in the event of drowning is a short circuit. So the chances are always there, and quite high.

Probably each of us has at least once dropped a mobile phone into water or simply gotten it wet. For example, he put the phone together with his clothes in the washing machine, forgetting to take it out of the clothes, or he spilled some liquid on the phone (coffee, tea, juice), dropped it into a puddle, into a sink, or while on vacation into a lake or river. And in winter, cases often arise when the phone falls into a snowdrift or simply into the snow, but in order for the phone to stop working, just one drop of water is enough for it. And the point here is not the water itself, but the fact that water or moisture serves as an excellent electrical conductor, causing a short circuit of parts in the phone. As a result, the internal parts of the phone simply burn out.

But a short circuit of parts can only occur in one case, and that is if the phone is turned on after it gets wet. Otherwise, nothing will happen to him.

Therefore, in order to prevent the phone from burning out and return the phone to its previous working condition, you need to perform a few simple steps. Namely, the first thing is to immediately turn off the phone after it gets wet, or, if it was already turned off, then do not try to turn it on.

The second step is to prepare the phone for drying so that the phone is completely dry. To do this, you need to remove everything that can be removed from the phone, disassemble it, but in such a way that you can then reassemble it yourself. The first thing we do is remove the back cover, take out the battery (battery), if the battery is not removable, then naturally we leave the battery in place (the main thing is that it is de-energized - turned off). We take out the SIM card, memory card, remove all the plugs (the more holes appear, the better - for more air access).

Then, we leave the disassembled phone to dry, just at room temperature (just not in the sun, on a window, not on a hot battery or on any other heaters) for 2 - 3 days.

There are also good auxiliary and effective methods for drying the phone, which can be used as mandatory manipulations to save the device.

what to do if your phone falls into water

1 – put the phone in the rice and leave it in the rice for a couple of days. Rice groats perfectly absorb moisture and can remove all excess moisture from the inside of the phone.

what to do if your phone falls into water

2 – when the phone is already disassembled, you can dry it with a vacuum cleaner with a narrow tip nozzle, carefully vacuuming the inside of the phone for 5 - 10 minutes.

3 – You can also use a hair dryer. Just now the air flow of the hairdryer should not be hot, only cold, and use the hairdryer to dry the phone. An ordinary fan aimed at a disassembled or open phone for 20-30 minutes will also work. But then, don’t rush to turn on your phone, but let it sit for a couple of days alone, just to be safe. After using a hairdryer or fan, you can reassemble the phone by placing it in rice for a couple of days to lie in the rice.

If your phone did not immediately burn out after it got wet, and there was no short circuit in it, then after drying the phone will definitely work again, like new.

Personally, my phone fell into water. I just immediately removed the back cover, took out the battery, and left the phone open for a week in the room, during which it was completely dry. Then I turned it on and it worked as if nothing had happened. My phone still works 6 years after I took a swim.

what to do if your phone falls into water

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