How MDK became the most scandalous community on VKontakte. Mdk - decryption in computer games Mdk VK decryption

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The social network “VKontakte” has brought quite a lot of innovations into our lives with its appearance. We started communicating more, watching news, having fun in browser games on VKontakte and many others. Let's not forget about the important and significant thing that makes social networks what we know them - these are communities. They can be of different directions, which is why they attract more and more audiences. This article will talk about what “MDK” is and why everyone loves this community so much, as well as the similarity of its name with the disciplinary subject.

What are VKontakte communities?

Communities are special pages on which certain content is posted. Each group or community should be highly specialized, and a sudden change in topic promises blocking. These are the rules, but this has its own advantage - a person can always rely on one or more groups and communities where he will definitely find the desired content.

People by their nature are quite constant, so not everyone will like it if the animal community suddenly starts posting musical compositions on its page. This is what makes VKontakte a unique social network, distinguished from others by its atmosphere and charm.

This is precisely the charm that the “MDK” community has, which is why the question of what “MDK” is arises not only among VKontakte users, but also among ordinary readers global network Internet all over the world. Let's talk about this in more detail.

A few words about what “MDK VKontakte” is

This group is quite famous in the Russian segment for its dark jokes, or, to be more precise, “memes”, which were previously called “fotozhaby”. Nothing lasts forever, just like the name of old concepts. Oddly enough, the theme of “MDK” is humorous. The community was founded back in 2011, after which it literally experienced more events that could close the community once and for all, and bring the creators to justice for extremism.

In 2015, the creators were threatened with criminal liability for extremism in their “memes.” We are talking about a published picture in which the death of the popular pop singer Zhanna Friske was ridiculed. The case was given publicity by the television program “Let Them Talk,” to which the creators of the community and many Russian celebrities were invited. Joseph Kobzon also could not contain his opinion, wishing death to those who laughed at the “meme.”

After all these events, VKontakte and Rospotrebnadzor blocked MDK for the Russian segment of users. However, the community still exists today and is not difficult to find. Almost every fifth user of the above social network is his reader, so among his friends there will definitely be at least one who will have “MDK” in the list of groups. If you have a “dark” sense of humor and a desire to understand trends, then this is the most suitable content in the entire Runet.

What is this - an MDC subject?

By definition, MDK is a special interdisciplinary course. Every year, reforms in the education system make it possible to make the process of training new personnel for the country more flexible and reasonable than previous teaching methods. IDC is a global practice that not only helps create more qualified employees, but also increases the number of people able to work in various fields with just one degree.

An excellent example is the discipline called “MDK: Programming in computer systems“, because after graduating from college a person not only knows how to understand computers and programming, but is also a fully qualified accountant. This is exactly the approach that MDC is considered to be.

The question also arises about what it is - MDK 01.01. During the training process, each profession has its own interdisciplinary courses. For example, builders may have an MDC entitled “Organization of installation work of industrial equipment and control over them.” And within the framework of this curriculum, the subject will be designated by the indicated index.

Is it worth creating your own VKontakte community?

The opinions of many experts agree that this type of activity is most suitable for those people who want and can put their souls into something, while receiving a lot of money for distributing advertising records in their community.

The point is to create interesting and captivating content that people will come to and consume. An example of a successful community could be MDK, because one of its authors at the time of its creation was an ordinary student, but now he is a businessman: he has about 20 VKontakte groups that bring him considerable monetary income.


We hope that this article on the topic “What is MDK?” has enriched your knowledge of the modern media sphere, because according to the law, all communities that have reached 3,000 subscribers are considered media. Let us also remind you that MDK has this moment Currently there are more than 8.5 million readers.

On the Internet, as well as in computer game chats, users very often use various abbreviations that help them express their thoughts faster. This is a very convenient tool, but there is a small problem: it will be quite difficult for an uninitiated person to understand what was actually said. After all, you need to have some experience in computer games and Internet technologies to understand this topic. For example, very often among gamers you can come across the term MDK, but what can it mean? For the abbreviation MDK, the decoding can be very diverse, but this article will give the most common examples.

MDK game series

First of all, you should pay attention to the fairly popular series of computer games MDK, which has almost twenty years of existence behind it. Of course, it cannot be called a masterpiece. But these games still found their fans. And yet, what is hidden behind the abbreviation MDK? The decryption in this case is quite simple, but no one would think of using it. The fact is that it hides the names of the main characters for whom you will play. Initially they wanted to call the game Max, Dr. Fluke Hawkins & Kurt, but by the time of release it was decided to reduce the number of characters in the name to a minimum, as a result only MDK remained. After this, the second part of the game was released, but its name remained unchanged - it just received the number 2. Also, during the game you will notice several references to the name. For example, when you play as Kurt, one of the missions will be called Mission: Deliver Kindness, which can also be abbreviated as MDK. Now for the MDK game the decoding is quite clear, so you can move on to other options.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong

There is another game that is usually abbreviated as MDK. The decoding in this case is completely different - this time the full name of the game sounds like Mario vs. Donkey Kong. As old-school gamers might have already guessed, this presents a confrontation between two iconic computer game characters that were loved by millions of users in the nineties. This project did not receive public recognition because it could not return the same atmosphere that so delighted the players twenty years ago. Well, now you know how MDK stands for in this case. This is the last game with a similar name, so now it's worth moving on to more general concepts.

Killings in games

A huge number of computer games revolve around the fact that you need to eliminate your opponents. And if in this case you ask a question about what MDK means, then most likely you will be told that this is how murder is designated in the game, especially if we are talking about some kind of task. In this case, this abbreviation stands for This abbreviation is used to indicate missions in which you need to eliminate targets, kill everyone in the level, and so on.

Other meanings

Naturally, the use of this abbreviation is not limited to computer games, so you can continue to study the meanings of these letters. For example, in popular network There is a community on VKontakte that is called just that. This abbreviation has also been used several times in the music industry - there is a song with a similar name, and even an entire album. This abbreviation is used in the most unusual areas. For example, there is this and also a development package software, distributed online for free. Thus, the abbreviation MDK really has a lot of meanings, and the most interesting thing is that they are all unrelated to each other and mean different things, hiding different words behind them.

The district court of St. Petersburg decided to limit access to information from the MDK community on the VKontakte social network. Now he is in danger of being included in the register of blocked sites, and MDK has already been on the “black list” of Roskomnadzor. Why is there such attention to him and how it all began - says

What is MDK?

MDK is a community, a public page that emerged on the VKontakte social network in 2011. It gained popularity thanks to jokes, pictures and demotivators, designed in a teenage style, which were posted by the users themselves. Often beyond the boundaries of accepted ethics: for example, jokes were made about the dead, obscene language was used, etc. And the name of the community itself is consonants from an obscene word denoting a narrow-minded person.

The strategy turned out to be successful - the community grew along with VKontakte and became the most visited on the most popular Russian social network. So, at the beginning of 2013, more than a million people subscribed to it, and by the end - 3 million. mobile version entered the most programs App Store. MDK now has almost 6.8 million subscribers.


Despite their youth, the founders (they are in their early 20s) managed to turn the community into a business. Advertising posts almost from the very beginning.

At the end of 2013, a trademark was registered for the Sarafanka company. One of the co-founders, Dmitry Aladyshev, became the general director. He owns 34 percent of the shares. His partners, Roberto Panchvidze and Dmitry Trachuk, each received 33 percent.

Panchvidze explained the registration of the trademark by the need to fight communities and companies that are trying to profit from the MDK brand. However, he promised not to interfere with those who use trademark not for commercial gain.

The community also has accounts on Twitter and Instagram, but both have a total of just under 200 thousand subscribers - VKontakte remains the main platform. By the end of 2013, turnover was estimated at $1.3 million, according to Russian Forbes. In an interview with, Roberto Panchvidze avoided a direct assessment of the current turnover.

Expensive jokes

Both ongoing events and typical everyday problems served as the basis for jokes in the community. The public did not shy away from attacks on advertisers. We must pay tribute to the community: they did not fail to joke about their potential closure.

Screenshot of the MDK community on VKontakte

MDK’s most notorious publication was a picture with text parodying the words of Zhanna Friske’s song, which was published on the day of the singer’s death. In addition to potential blocking, which was already familiar to the community at that time, they even sought criminal prosecution for its authors.

The current court case states that each of the 695 community albums contains 400-600 photographs that are pornographic in nature and could influence mental health children. The community also published texts with profanity and pictures that offended the feelings of believers. At the same time, very tragic events did not go without comment - for example, the terrorist attack in Volgograd. This post was subsequently deleted.

Consequences of posts

If closure was threatened quite often (usually it all ended with the removal of the indictable materials), then in the case of the post about the singer, MDK’s pain point was touched upon - the community was disconnected from the advertising exchange, through which a significant part of the income was received. However, the community did not change its concept.

Screenshot of the MDK community on VKontakte

Often, after claims against the community, claims were also made against VKontakte, but employees of the social network usually took a neutral position, demanding a decision from a judicial or regulatory body to take appropriate measures. An exception was made only in the above case with a joke about Friske. Also, the community was once banned for posting a link offering to download a malicious application.

In November 2013, the public itself threatened to launch a counterattack, announcing an attack against State Duma deputy Mikhail Markelov for statements he made on October 23, 2013 about a post dedicated to the terrorist attack in Volgograd. However, there was no further information about the lawsuit, and the post is not available at the link.

MDK always strives to turn any event, be it a lawsuit against the community, or a response statement, into self-PR. It is difficult to expect that another lawsuit will change anything in this concept.

MDK co-founder Roberto Panchvidze commented on his view on the current situation with the community.

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