How to disable unlimited on Beeline to terminate the service? How to disable the "Unlimited calls" service in MTS: known methods How to disable the real unlimited service on mts

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Do you need to part with the service of unlimited calls within the Beeline LLC network? No longer need the option of unlimited calls on your mobile phone? – Just disable the service “ Unlimited Calls within the network” and stop paying for an unnecessary option right now. It is extremely easy to do this.

If you need to figure out how to disable unlimited on Beeline, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the detailed information that we have collected especially for you. So, using our advice, you can always part with the annoying option and close the financial "outflow" from your wallet to pay for the service.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that over time, each posted article may become irrelevant. For this reason, we remind you that for the purpose of an alternative option for obtaining information, you can always contact Beeline LLC, whose website contains more recent data on all problems of use cellular communication or the Internet.

How to disable unlimited services within Beeline LLC?

To date, the methods by which you can deactivate unlimited access services to mobile network, there are several. The portal site cites a number of them, using which means at the right time to abandon non-charged options on your mobile phone.

  • Contact any nearest office of the company. This method is the simplest and most reliable, but time-consuming. If you do not fully understand what needs to be done to disable the service, - this way will be the best for you. So, take your passport or driver's license with you and go to any branch of Beeline LLC. On the spot, just contact a free employee and explain the reason for coming. Remember that the specialist will definitely check that you have a supporting document, since without it it will be impossible to turn off or turn on the services.

IMPORTANT: It should be noted that you can see all the current offices of the company on our website. In other words, on the portal site you will find full list addresses where you can contact the branch to resolve issues related to the work of the company.

  • Disable the second option unlimited tariffs Beeline within the network - work with the Internet sphere. How is it done? So, you need to type in your browser the address of the Beeline LLC portal, and then on home page click on " Personal Area". This option was introduced recently, but has already fully justified itself as a reliable assistant to any subscriber. So, in the "Services" section you can see the full list of activated options on your number. To deactivate the one you need, simply uncheck the box next to it and click on "OK". Within a second, the selected services will be removed from your phone.
  • You can also turn off unlimited calls to Beeline by dialing the required phone number. Take your cell phone in hand and dial a key combination like "0674 11 80" and click on "Call". Within one or two seconds, the option will be deactivated.
  • You are invited to disable the Beeline unlimited day by calling Contact Center Beeline LLC. Dial the number "0611" and wait for a connection with the duty officer of the company. Be patient, because “on the spot”, as a rule, dialing takes quite long periods of time. It is for this reason that the portal site strongly advises each interested subscriber to fully control their emotions and not raise their voice at the employee. Thousands of such people are trying to solve the problem together with you, so the load on the line is extremely serious. As soon as the tube is removed - briefly and clearly state the purpose of the call, within a couple of minutes you will be able to resolve all the necessary problems together with an experienced specialist.

How to disable "unlim" on messages?

Today, the mobile operator Beeline LLC offers its subscribers an excellent service of uncharged messages of the MTS-Bespredel type. What it is?

If you need to communicate a lot at work, if you often have to write SMS messages with the right text to send to relatives and friends, you absolutely do not need to pay serious amounts of money for using SMS transmission. Just activate "SMS-Bespredel" on your phone and send short notifications to any number around the world. To activate the service, you are invited to dial a key combination like “0674 09 0131” on your mobile phone and click on “Call”. Examination current state unlimited SMS messages is performed by the number "0697" + "Call".

IMPORTANT: To deactivate the service on your phone, dial the number “0674 09 0130” on the keyboard and click on “Call”. Within a couple of minutes, your service will be deleted.

Beeline unlimited messages cost mere pennies. For example, connection will cost you 30 rubles, and subscription fee per day will be a little less than 20 rubles. In a month it turns out about 600 rubles.

Do not forget that the maximum number of SMS messages per day for subscribers of the prepaid payment system is only 100. Accordingly, this figure increases to 3000 per month.

Today we figured out how you can disable some services on mobile operator Beeline. If you do not need this or that option - just use the above list options and use any of them. In general, they will all be equally useful.

We hope that the posted material will help each interested subscriber to solve their problems in the shortest possible time. Remember that the portal site offers its visitors only up-to-date and reliable information, so you can always contact us for any questions and solutions to problems.

Stay with us!

How quickly turn off"MiniBit" on MTS?

The MiniBIT service from the MTS operator has become one of the most popular offers of the company. Many customers use it intensively to save money, while receiving greatest ability modern user. But, popularity does not mean that there is no alternative at all - at times, users who have previously connected the service want to disable the "MiniBIT" option on MTS as quickly as possible.

How to disable paid services on MTS >

This desire is due to various reasons, but often clients need to do it urgently so as not to lose their money. Therefore, you should know exactly the method of action to disable "MiniBIT" MTS in Russia.

They wish otherwise disable?

This service is generally recognized as the most advantageous offer for the use mobile internet for clients who do not require constant Internet access. It was created specifically for the purpose of saving - if the user does not need to have regular access to the Internet, he is not required to pay a clear amount monthly - only upon the fact of use.

They often want to resort to such a method as turning off the MTS "MiniBIT" on the phone when circumstances change. Device on new job or promotion, the need to maintain constant communication with clients, family and friends requires constant use of the mobile Internet. When using "MiniBIT", the fee is charged for each act of entering the Web, which is not profitable with frequent use. On the contrary, connecting a regular tariff with a normalized payment in this context will bring more financial benefits and improve the user's conditions.

It should be noted that in case of a long absence (for example, a vacation trip), it is not worth turning off the MiniBIT Internet on MTS, as with other tariffs - payment is not charged in inactive mode, regardless of its duration.

Shutdown methods.

There are several ways to resolve such a problem, and the choice depends on your preferences and the urgency of such an operation. There are three main ways to disable the MiniBIT service on MTS:

through a direct command. Enter 111622# on the dial pad and press Call. The operator will receive a notification of your desire to disable this service and will soon carry out all the necessary operations; message to the operator. You can also notify MTS of your intentions by means of a simple message. Its content should consist of four characters 6280 (sending number - 111); By registering with MTS "Personal Account", you will receive permanent access to monitoring your own activity. In particular, all non-default options can be deactivated with a few clicks.

Having learned how to turn off MiniBIT on MTS, you should remember that this service always remains open to the client. At a convenient time, you can reconnect it.

5 thoughts on “ How to quickly turn off MiniBit on MTS? ”

"MiniBIT" is a way of stealing money for MTS. Money is periodically withdrawn even with a connected tariff with the Internet. Be careful and catch MTS by the hand.

MTS constantly steals money.

MTS how so! Constantly connected service! I want to try Tele2.

By the way, the shutdown code is working, the notification is gone. Thanks to the author of the article!

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Information posted on the site for subscribers in cities:


Unlimited - A reason to get closer!. One step Unlimited vip. Tariff, How else can you connect or disconnect. How to connect unlimited on MTS. How to disable unlimited on MTS. The need to disable a particular service unlimited on MTS? on Beeline; How to disable. How to disable unlimited Internet disable MTS. Service Unlimited-Mini-operator mobile communications MTS. MTS Unlimited-Mini service The user pays 380 rubles per month for the service and How disable. Replies@Mail. En: How to disable unlimited Internet on MTS. What command should be entered to disable the unlimited Internet service. How to turn off the Internet on MTS: on the phone. Using the tariff options of the MTS telecom operator, you can access the Internet as with. How disable unlimited Mobile Internet from. ways to unsubscribe Mini How to turn off service Internet on MTS? Urgent unlimited - MTS Home. Activate the "Urgent" service To disable the "Urgent Unlimited", dial on your. How to turn off the Internet on MTS.

"Smart Unlimited" from MTS was supposed to turn the idea of ​​Internet freedom. The possibilities of unlimited traffic have been invested in it, allowing you to visit any page 24 hours a day. Other options have been included free calls within the network and 200 minutes to other operators. By SMS, there was also a good prospect - 200 pieces per month. Next, we will talk about some of the pitfalls of the tariff and how to disable unlimited from MS if desired.

The advertising illusion fades quickly after switching to a tariff

The operators here calculated everything very subtly. At the very beginning of its launch, this tariff was absolutely unlimited. But time passed, there were more and more customers, and it was decided to introduce a decent monthly payment. What actually happens.

  • First month for acquaintance. One day will cost 12.90 rubles. This is subject to the purchase of a new package. If the transition is made, then the cost will be removed immediately for the whole month. It will amount to 387 rubles.
  • The second and subsequent months will all increase by a decent 200 rubles. That is, one day will already cost 19 rubles. For a month, respectively, 570 rubles.

It cannot be argued that such amounts are paid for completely unlimited Internet. Pitfalls have not gone away.

Advertising is silent about all expensive tariff options

Features "Unlimited" from MTS

There are actually far more cons than pros here. We will analyze all aspects in order.

  1. Unlimited Internet is valid only when using it alone. This means that if the smartphone is turned on for distribution or as a modem, then only 100 MB will be free. Subsequent data are paid for 30 rubles. in a day. This is 900 rubles. per month for the Internet, which can still slow down on holidays.
  2. When minutes of conversation or SMS are exceeded, the picture is also sad. All over a minute paid at the rate of 2 rubles. in Moscow and 5 rubles. in the regions. SMS will cost 1.50 rubles, and if sent to another region, then even 3.80 rubles. Enough high tariffs for social people.
  3. When creating your group United Internet» Only 10 GB of internet is provided. It is sad that this traffic is the same for everyone.
  4. There is no way to disable the Internet service in the package. If you don't like it, change the whole package. MTS does not provide other options.

How to disable Smart Unlimited MTS?

Given the high cost of the package, many wanted to disable it. This can be done in several ways.

  • by the most in a simple way remains a call to the operator. You need to dial on your smartphone 111 . Follow the instructions to contact operator and ask to deactivate the service.
  • Another underground method is to call 0890 . Next click 0 . The support staff will do everything for you.
  • For independent activities, visit

Articles and Lifehacks

If you understand that you are spending less money on communication than it was in previous months, then you can think about how to disable the "Unlimited Calls" service in MTS.

In some cases, subscribers want to deactivate this option due to the monthly fee, which is 10 rubles per day.

Service deactivation methods

If you want to disable "Unlimited Calls" on your mobile, then:
  • Dial *111*2120# on your phone, press the call button. Wait for a message stating that the service on your number is disabled.
  • Create a message with the text 21200, send it to number 111. Wait for a notification about the completion of the application.
  • You should call the operator at 0890. Listen to the voice menu, select the appropriate section to disable the option, or wait for a response from a specialist.

    Ask to disable the option on your room. The consultant may ask you to provide your passport details, so it is advisable to keep your ID at the time of the call.

  • You can deactivate the service using the Internet Assistant. To do this, you need to go through authorization on the official website of the operator, go to the "Tariffs and Services" section, and then disable the option.

    Wait until you receive a message on your mobile phone confirming the deactivation of the option.

  • Ask for help from the consultants of the MTS communication salon or the company's office. You must have your passport with you. Ask a specialist to disable the service on your number, wait for an SMS notification.

What you need to know about the service

The main advantage of this option is the ability to make calls to any numbers, while the service fee is only 10 rubles per day. This option is beneficial for those subscribers who are used to talking on the phone often and for a long time.

In the event that you spend less than 10 rubles a day on calls or do not use your mobile phone daily, then it is still better to deactivate this option. After all, you will have to pay not for making calls, but for the connected option.

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