How to make a payment in an online store through payment systems? Credit payment method for MTS in Belarus: how to connect and deactivate the service

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Many aspiring entrepreneurs who are planning to launch an online store face this dilemma. How to do this correctly without breaking the law? Let's find out in this article.

In general, there are two ways to organize payments online: organize direct payment acceptance through the acquiring bank and, that is, through an intermediary.

Which method is more profitable? It depends on the size of your business. For a fairly large company with decent turnover, the first option will be much more profitable: the costs of connecting to the payment system will pay off relatively quickly. For small companies just starting a business, it is recommended to pay attention to the second option. The payment aggregator allows you to connect several types of payment at once, which can be beneficial in order to attract customers. The aggregator commission in this case will be cheaper than the fee for using the payment system.

How to directly connect Internet acquiring

To accept money by plastic cards on your website, you first need to select the bank with which you will work. This is not an easy task. What is recommended to pay attention to?

  • Commission. Banks set a certain commission amount, usually a certain percentage of each payment made. Find out the bank's conditions in advance. Note that the optimal commission size is up to 3%.
  • Does the bank charge a connection fee? Many banks do not charge an additional fee for this operation.
  • Does the bank have its own processing center? If there is, then the cost of such a bank’s services will be lower compared to other offers.
  • Payments from which cards can be accepted. Acceptance of the most common cards - VISA and MasterCard - must be configured.
  • Does the bank require collateral in the form of a deposit? If there is no such requirement, then you do not need to always have an untouchable amount in your account.
  • Does the bank have technical support? Technical support should be even better if it is 24/7. This way you will protect yourself from unforeseen situations, as you will always be able to resolve the issue that arises.

Evaluate the banks according to all the listed parameters and choose the best option. Then you need to submit an application for connection and a package of documents to the selected bank. The composition of the documents provided is determined by the bank. The bank also checks your website to see if it meets the technical requirements or not. If all the requirements are met, then you can set up integration with the bank’s system.

With this option, all customer payments will be sent to your bank checking account. It should be noted that Internet acquiring as a procedure is completely transparent to tax authorities.

What to do with an electronic wallet

There are many nuances to accepting payments into electronic wallets.

Firstly, a separate law “On the National Payment System” is devoted to this area. According to this regulation, if you want to use a wallet for business purposes, it must be a corporate wallet. This means that to create it, you must indicate the details of your company, and then link it to your current account: you can only top up your wallet or withdraw funds from it to this linked account.

Secondly, to create such a wallet, you need to sign an agreement with the chosen payment system. It must comply with the provisions of the law and apply to credit institutions. The most famous of such systems are Yandex.Money, Paypal, and some use QIWI. Webmoney is also very popular, but it is not covered by the law mentioned above, so it can offer an agent work scheme. The nuance is that in this case you will not have to register in the system itself, that is, there will be no violation of the law on your part.

Thirdly, chosen payment system will also check your site. The main requirements are:

  • first/second level domain;
  • hosting the site on a paid server (a free server will cause failure);
  • the relevance of the contacts listed on the site.

You will be able to conclude an agreement and set up payment acceptance only if you receive a positive conclusion after verification.

Finally, upon admission electronic money there are restrictions. Payments can only be made by individuals; individual entrepreneurs and organizations cannot make payments among themselves using electronic money - this is prohibited by law. The limit on the balance of money on a corporate wallet is set at 600 thousand rubles; all funds in excess of the limit will be transferred to the current account without your order.

Thus, using a personal wallet in business activities is prohibited. This is considered a violation. If small turnovers of 10-30 thousand rubles can go unnoticed, then it is impossible to use it in a business with large turnovers.

How to work with a payment aggregator

The payment aggregator allows you to use several payment methods at once; for this it is not necessary to sign agreements with each payment system. The aggregator, within the framework of a single agreement, will set up the required payment acceptance option for you, acting as an intermediary between the entrepreneur and the service provider.

The main advantage of an agreement with an aggregator is that there is no need to develop your own payment page. This significantly speeds up the procedure for connecting to online payments. You don't need to monitor several wallets at once. All funds from clients will be credited to the aggregator’s account, and then transferred from it to your details. For such a service, the intermediary usually charges a higher commission.

There are many popular aggregators, for example the well-known ones. You need to choose an aggregator based on approximately the same criteria as the acquiring bank: you should pay attention to the size of the commission, the conditions and terms of connection, and the availability of technical support.

Internet sales tax

Beginning Internet businessmen most often pay taxes according to the simplified tax system. According to the law, tax should be calculated on the amount received from the client, and not on the amount that arrived in your current account after deducting the commission. This is due to the fact that income from sales is considered as the cost of all goods and services. When calculating tax on the simplified tax system, income is reflected on the date of payment by the client.

If you use the simplified tax system with the “income minus expenses” base, then the amount of the commission can be taken into account as part of the expenses. Confirming the date of receipt of income can be an extract from an electronic wallet, a register of payments or another report that the aggregator provides you. The commission is usually taken into account on the date of the confirming document, since it is written off immediately when the payment is made and it is quite problematic to take it into account as of the same day.

Credit calculation method- this is a convenient form of payment for MTS services, in which you can pay for services only once a month - in the amount in which you used them in the previous month.

When and how much to pay?

Every month after the 5th, when you request a balance *100#, you will be able to see the invoice amount for the services provided for the previous month, which you need to pay in full no later than the 25th of the current month.

How to connect?

Who can use it?

Application for provision of a credit payment method sent from using USSD-request is considered in the following cases:

  • your number is not registered to the organization;
  • any of your subscriber numbers has been serviced by the company for more than 180 days;
  • the subscriber number for which you are submitting an application has been serviced by the company for more than three full calendar months;
  • you are not served on the “Absolute”, “Persona”, “Guest”, “Guest 7”, “Guest 30” tariff plans, as well as on tariff plans for corporate clients;
  • the subscriber number is issued for a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus with a mark of registration at the place of residence in the Republic of Belarus in the specified documents;
  • In your personal account“Home Connect” services are not provided;
  • you have no overdue installment debt for equipment;
  • you have no debts on payment for communication services, with the exception of current debt when using the credit payment method;

MTS has the right to refuse to provide a credit payment method without explaining the reasons for the refusal.

How to disable?

If you decide to disable the credit payment method (return to the advance payment method), you need to top up your account to a positive balance and send a USSD request *150*0#.

Filling out an application for the provision of a credit payment method means agreement with the “Regulations on the procedure for providing a credit payment method for communication services with subscribers of Mobile TeleSystems JLLC.”

1. General Provisions.

1.1. This Regulation defines the conditions and procedure for providing subscribers to Mobile TeleSystems JLLC (hereinafter referred to as MTS) – individuals(hereinafter referred to as Subscribers), the credit method of payment for MTS services.

1.2. The credit payment method is a form of payment for Subscribers under the Agreement for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) and is a method of subsequent payment for MTS services made by the Subscriber at the end of the reporting period for their provision (calendar month).

1.3. One personal account cannot be provided at the same time different methods settlements (advance and credit).

1.4. MTS has the right to unilaterally change these Regulations by publishing relevant information about changes on the official website

1.5. These Regulations contain special conditions for the provision of a credit payment method, which have priority in case of discrepancies with the Procedure for the provision of communication services of Mobile TeleSystems JLLC. In all other cases not regulated by these Regulations, the Subscriber and MTS are guided by the provisions of the Agreement concluded between the Subscriber and MTS and the Procedure for the provision of communication services by Mobile TeleSystems JLLC.

2. Conditions for providing the credit payment method.

2.1. The credit payment method in accordance with these Regulations is provided to MTS subscribers - individuals who are residents of the Republic of Belarus, if there is information regarding this subscriber in the MTS ASR about a valid passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus and a permanent registration address in the territory of the Republic Belarus.

2.2. The credit payment method provided for by these Regulations is not provided:

2.2.1. in relation to subscriber numbers served on the tariff plans “Absolute”, “Persona”, “Guest”, “MTS SMART Guest”, “Corporation”, “Corporate 1”, “Corporate 2”, “MTS Connect”, “Business”, "SMART OFFICE";

2.2.2. in relation to personal accounts for which MTS provides services for fixed broadband Internet access;

2.2.3. Subscribers whose subscriber numbers have not been serviced by MTS for more than 180 calendar days;

2.2.4. in relation to subscriber numbers that have been serviced by the company for less than three full calendar months;

2.2.5. in case of debt for MTS services, with the exception of current debt that is formed when using the credit method of payment;

2.2.6. in case of overdue debt for equipment sold on an installment plan;

2.2.7. in other cases provided by MTS.

2.4. MTS has the right not to provide Subscribers with information about the full list of criteria on the basis of which a decision is made to provide (or not provide) a credit payment method, and the content of these criteria, and also has the right to refuse to provide a credit payment method for Subscribers with an advance payment method without explaining the reasons for the refusal .

3. Credit limit.

3.1. MTS has the right to establish a credit limit (credit limit) for Subscribers using the credit payment method.

3.2. Credit limit is the maximum permissible amount of negative balance on the Subscriber’s personal account, upon reaching which MTS has the right (but is not obligated) to limit or suspend the provision of services.

3.3. The methodology for calculating the credit limit is determined by MTS independently depending on the list, volume and cost of services used by the Subscriber and is not subject to communication to the Subscriber.

3.4. The credit limit is recalculated automatically once every 3 full calendar months from the date of initial provision of the credit payment method in accordance with these Regulations. The new credit limit amount is available from the 5th day of the calendar month following the period for recalculating the credit limit.

4. Payment terms.

The subscriber undertakes to repay in full the debt for services rendered during the previous calendar month no later than the 25th day of the calendar month following the reporting month.

5. The procedure for suspending and resuming the provision of services to the Subscriber when providing a credit payment method is determined The procedure for the provision of communication services to Mobile TeleSystems JLLC.

6. Provision and cancellation of the credit payment method.

6.1. Providing and canceling the credit payment method for services (changing the credit payment method to an advance payment method) is possible only if the personal account balance is positive.

6.2. Providing and canceling the credit method of payment for services (changing the credit payment method to an advance payment method) is carried out after processing the technological settings necessary for its provision/cancellation by the MTS hardware and software complex.

6.3. The Subscriber can check the possibility of providing a credit payment method (without filling out an application for its provision) in one of the following ways:

6.3.1. by sending a non-chargeable USSD request *150*1#;

6.3.2. by contacting the MTS Subscriber Service Center, MTS Contact Center.

6.4.1. by sending a non-chargeable USSD request *150#;

6.4.2. by contacting the MTS Subscriber Service Center, Trading facility of MTS commercial representatives;

6.4.3. by contacting Contact Center MTS.

6.5. The time interval between filling out an application for a credit payment method using the method specified in clause 6.4.1 of these Regulations and receiving a response to this application can be up to 24 hours.

6.6. You can cancel the credit payment method (change the credit payment method to an advance payment method) in one of the following ways:

6.6.1. by sending a non-chargeable USSD request *150*0#;

6.6.2. by contacting the MTS Subscriber Service Center, Trading facility of MTS commercial representatives;

6.6.3. by contacting the MTS Contact Center.

6.7. Performing any of the actions specified in clause 6.4 of these Regulations aimed at changing the advance payment method to a credit one means the Subscriber’s consent to the provision of a credit method of payment for services, and also confirms the Subscriber’s familiarization and expresses his agreement with the terms of this Regulation.

7. Termination of the provision of the credit payment method.

7.1. MTS has the right to terminate the provision of services based on the credit payment method in accordance with these Regulations (change the credit payment method provided under the terms of these Regulations to an advance payment method), in the following cases:

7.1.1. failure by the Subscriber to repay the debt for communication services or for user equipment purchased by the Subscriber with the condition of payment by installments, within 30 or more calendar days from the date of expiration of the established payment period;

7.1.2. if the average monthly charges on the current personal account for telecommunication services over the last 6 full calendar months amounted to less than 1 ruble (including taxes);

7.1.3. changing the tariff plan to tariff plan specified in clause 2.2.1 of these Regulations, in relation to the subscriber number for which the tariff plan was changed;

7.1.4. in case of change of owner of the subscriber number. Changing the owner of a subscriber number for Subscribers with the provided credit payment method is possible only if the personal account balance is positive;

7.1.5. in other cases, without explaining the reasons for termination of the provision of the credit payment method.

7.2. Re-provision of the credit payment method to a Subscriber for whom the provision of the specified form of payment has been terminated in accordance with clause 7.1 of these Regulations is carried out in accordance with the general procedure, subject to compliance with the criteria provided for by these Regulations.

8. Reflection in the balance sheet and information.

8.1. The subscriber is informed via SMS about the need to top up the balance to prevent blocking when the debt amount reaches 70% of the established credit limit.

8.2. Every month, before the 25th day of the calendar month following the reporting month, the Subscriber is informed via SMS messages about the need to top up the balance to prevent blocking. Dates for sending SMS messages: the 10th of each month; 20th of every month.

8.3. Failure to receive SMS messages specified in clauses 8.2 and 8.3 of these Regulations is not a reason for the Subscriber to refuse to pay for services or a basis for receiving a deferment or installment payment.

8.4. The SMS notification specified in clauses 8.2 and 8.3 may not be received by the Subscriber if his ability to receive SMS messages is limited, as well as in the event of a forced blocking.

8.5. The Subscriber is notified of the termination of the provision of the credit payment method (change of the credit payment method to an advance payment method), in the cases specified in paragraphs 7.1.1, paragraphs 7.1.2, paragraphs 7.1.5 of these Regulations, via SMS message no later than 5 calendar days before the termination of the provision of the credit payment method.

8.6. The Subscriber can obtain information about the current amount of the credit limit in one of the following ways:

Using the Internet assistant;

Using the “My MTS” mobile application.

8.7. The Subscriber can receive advice on the procedure for providing a credit payment method by contacting the MTS Subscriber Service Center or the MTS Contact Center.

9. Other.

A subscriber who has been provided with a credit payment method in accordance with these Regulations can pay for services through the MTS Money and iPay systems only if the personal account balance is positive.

The usual system of advance payments for the MTS operator is quite simple - first we pay, then we talk. But not everyone will find this payment scheme convenient, because you have to constantly ensure that the account balance is positive.

Option mobile operator MTS, called “On Full Trust”, provides for payment for calls after the fact. Let's consider in detail how to activate the service, what opportunities it provides and how to disable the credit of trust on MTS.

How to connect?

When connecting to the service, the subscriber is usually allocated a credit limit of 300 rubles. The limit is subject to revision monthly and the revision algorithm is simple - the more money we spend on communication services, the higher the limit becomes.

The operator automatically analyzes the subscriber's expenses for the last three months, displays the arithmetic average and adds 20% to it. The amount received becomes the limit for the next month.

A new credit limit is assigned if the resulting figure is 50 rubles or more higher than the previous one. And after six months, the credit limit will increase by 50% based on average monthly expenses.

The main thing is not to forget to regularly top up your balance after issuing, in this case the number will be blocked. The number will also be blocked if the established credit limit is exceeded.

Let's look at how to activate the “In Full Trust” service from MTS. Subscribers who meet several parameters can receive the service. This:

  • Subscribers who connected MTS mobile communications at least three months ago
  • Those whose total top-up amount over the last three months was at least 200 rubles
  • Subscribers who have fully repaid all debts on all their accounts
  • Those subscribers who have a positive balance at the time of connection to the service

When all these conditions are met, then feel free to activate the “In Full Trust” service and you will receive a credit limit from MTS of 300 rubles. The connection can be made using the USSD command *111*32#. You can again, if you wish, use the Internet assistant.

How is the credit limit calculated?

We can independently influence the final figures in order to fix the limit assigned to us and by prohibiting or enabling its recalculation, although the limit itself is calculated automatically by the operator. This is due to the fact that eventually the credit limit may become quite large, which is why many subscribers will want to forcibly limit it, thereby preventing too high communication costs. You can manage the limit both through the “Internet Assistant” and using the SMS menu *111*2136#, called by the USSD command.


Now let's talk more about paying bills. Payment must be made on the 24th of each month for the previous period. For example, September calls must be paid before October 24th. One week and one day before, a warning SMS will be sent to your number indicating the amount of debt for the service.

You can find out the amount yourself by typing USSD command *132#. In response, you will receive a message that will contain both the amount of debt and the current limit from MTS. The service can also be managed using the Internet Assistant.

How to disable?

In the event that, having tried mobile service If you decide to disable the limit completely and not use this service anymore, then the short USSD command *111*32# will help you.

The MTS “In Full Trust” service has existed on the mobile market for several years now, and such an offer from the operator, how to take out a loan from MTS for mobile calls, is deservedly popular among many subscribers of this network. Since MTS introduced this service for the convenience of users, try it too - take credit from MTS.

Mobile Telesystems Company provides services High Quality on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The advantages of using are the credit method of payment for MTS. Before activating the service, you should carefully read the current terms of cooperation so as not to encounter unforeseen situations in the process.

For services mobile communications The opportunity to pay using a convenient payment form is provided. Payment is made one-time per month in an amount equal to expenses for the previous reporting period. This method of using the service is the most convenient, because it allows you not to monitor your balance, while always staying in touch.

The option “On full confidence” is payment upon delivery. Credit of trust has become firmly established in the lives of most subscribers, since it eliminates the possibility of partial or complete blocking.


The credit payment method for MTS in Belarus requires depositing funds into the account no later than the 24th of the next month. The subscriber is required to be notified 7 and 1 day before the deadline via SMS notification. The message states the amount of debt and payment deadlines.

You can determine the amount of debt yourself. To do this, you can use any of the methods below:

  • USSD request – *132#.
  • "Personal assistant".
  • Helpdesk – 0890.

How to connect the MTS credit payment method

The MTS credit payment method involves setting an initial limit. For new subscribers it is no more than 300 rubles. If payments are made regularly, then after a few months it will increase.

The telecom operator will periodically analyze the expenses of each user, taking the average and increasing by 20%. The amount received as a result will be the limit. After 6 months, the limits will increase by 50%. If you do not pay the current debt on time, the number will be blocked.

The service can be activated by those subscribers who meet the following criteria:

  1. Have been subscribers of the company for at least 3 months.
  2. The monthly account replenishment amount is at least 200 rubles.
  3. They have no debt on current or other accounts.
  4. They have a positive balance.

Activation of the “On Full Trust” option is carried out using a USSD request – *111*32#. If you wish, you can use your personal account on the company’s official website or contact the service center.

How to disable the MTS credit payment method

For those mobile communications users who, after using the option, decided to deactivate it, the following deactivation methods are provided:

  • Dial USSD request *111*32#.
  • Use the Internet Assistant.
  • Contact the company office.

Most subscribers will continue to use this service on an ongoing basis, as it is as convenient and profitable as possible. To ensure that the option does not cause any problems, you should carefully study the general terms of use before connecting it.

Submission procedure

Each subscriber can independently influence their own balance. To do this, you need to fix the current limits, make payments regularly and expect an increase in the allowable amount of debt. If necessary, you can limit the limit so as not to get into large debts. To manage your own balance, you can use your personal account or SMS menu - *111*2136#.

If you have any additional questions, call 0890. The company's experienced employees will help you understand any technical or information problem.

In this review, we will try to understand the issue of how to disable services on MTS if they are charged. Sometimes it happens that a subscriber selects services that are incomprehensible to him, which he does not need, and he is charged for them cash. This usually happens like this: the subscriber purchases a service package, which consists of certain paid and free services. After some certain time, the conditions change, and some of the services become paid. Thus, the subscriber begins to be charged more money than he planned. Sometimes it happens that the subscriber does not receive notification about this and he begins to incur unexpected expenses. To prevent this from happening to you, we recommend that you actively use where all operations with your number can be performed in a self-service format.

Sometimes, along with the activation of packages, paid subscriptions are activated. This can also happen at the time of receiving an SMS, and the user himself can accidentally or intentionally carry out the operation of connecting a subscription in the menu. As a rule, the subscriber forgets about such subscriptions, and funds begin to be withdrawn from his account. It may also be that someone close to the subscriber somehow activates a paid service or randomly subscribes to paid content, so be careful: always monitor the services available on your account.

Disabling all paid services on MTS using a PS or mobile device

Not everyone knows that all services that cost money can be disabled easily, without any problems. This is usually required when traveling, going on a trip, or switching to a more budget-friendly lifestyle. To disable services in this case, you will need the Internet from any of the available devices. If you are using mobile phone, then it is best to use an API application.

To use your Personal Account from a PC, you should log in to and log in via SMS received on your phone. By the way, the same thing can be done using mobile device. Read on to find out all the details about subscriptions, services and how to disable them.

Using USSD and SMS

You have the opportunity to disable all paid MTS services with one command using a USSD request. You also have access to a free SMS service for such purposes.

You just need to dial the USSD number on your device or send an SMS to the corresponding number. This way you will be disconnected from the services instantly. Yes, you can apply and support service 0890 , but this cannot be compared with the speed of USSD and SMS. You can quickly, right on your phone, check the list of services, subscriptions that you have ever connected, and delete them there.

The most useful commands

Do you want to control your services? Then use the MTS USSD service. With these commands you have access to the main functions:

  • "My services" - *111*11# ;
  • Paid services - *152*2# , *152# – enter the main menu, where you can see items for viewing services, as well as connecting and disconnecting them. So you can find out about paid services ah MTS.

To manage your account, namely to disable specific services, you will also need the following numbers:

  • "Beep" - *111*29# , call to 0550 and selecting the appropriate item, as well as SMS to 111 with text 21510 ;
  • GPRS - *111*38# , *111*338# , SMS to 111 with the text 21220;
  • Caller ID – SMS to 111 with text 21130;
  • “They called you” - SMS to 111 with text 211410 ;
  • “Everywhere is like home” - SMS to 111 with text 21500 ;
  • "Voicemail" - SMS to 111 with text 90(space)2 ;
  • “Call barring” - SMS to 111 with text 21190 ;
  • “Conference call” - SMS to 111 with text 21150 ;
  • “Favorite number” - SMS to 111 with text 21410 .

The services described above are the most frequent and popular. When using the given commands, they are instantly disabled. You can enter the subscriber service itself by command *111# . We would like to note that all this is provided for free! Next, you should select the service you need to delete and enter the appropriate numbers. This contains all the services that can be disabled.

Disabling services through your Personal Account

You've probably heard a lot about MTS Personal Account? This service allows you to disable unnecessary paid services instantly, with one click. This useful service to manage your account, services, subscriptions and more. Here you can easily enable and disable the necessary services. This method is undoubtedly better than contacting support.

So, how to disable paid services on MTS yourself through your Personal Account? Follow these steps:

  • Go to the website and log in using your personal login information (login and password).
  • If this is your first time, then you need to request a code, which will be sent to you via SMS after the request. To do this, click on the “Receive password via SMS” link, which is located next to the login and password entry form.
  • After successful login, go to the “Tariffs and Services” menu, and then “Service Management”.
  • Select the option you want to delete and click “Disable”.
  • Select the option you want and click Disable.

If you did everything correctly, after a few minutes the service will be deactivated. Check your details through the menu by clicking “Service Management” or immediately find the “Details” item.

Registration in your Personal Account

Not everyone knows how to use their Personal Account. By the way, we already wrote about this in the section. If you are a beginner, we will help you by telling you everything in more detail. To register, follow these steps:

  • Login to the company portal using the links or
  • If you chose the first link, log into your Personal Account by clicking on “My MTS” at the top right. There, enter “Mobile communications”.
  • Log in. First, enter your number in long-distance format.
  • Now you need to enter your password. If you don’t know it, click “Receive password via SMS.”
  • Receive an SMS and enter the received combination in the password field.
  • Change the temporary password to your permanent one in Settings.
  • That's all. You are in your Personal Account.

Checking subscriptions

So, you have entered your Personal Account. Now you should check your subscriptions and unsubscribe from those you don’t need. The following methods are available to check the list of subscriptions:

  • A service called “My Content”.
  • Applying a command *152*2# .
  • Call operators on 0890 .

These services will make it possible to manage and control expenses. You can find out the details for the month using *111*341# , and detailing for a certain period – *111*342# .

How to disable MTS subscriptions on the Internet?

Sometimes some subscribers don’t even know that they are paying scammers for their subscriptions. For example, the following situation may arise: you receive a message with an offer to participate in some promotion and a request to send an SMS for this to short number; you send a message and make a subscription you don’t need!

How to fix this error if you have already subscribed? Log in to “My Content” using the link In this section, go to “Active subscriptions”. You will need authorization in your Personal Account. Then all you have to do is disable subscriptions on your page.

Note: In this way, you only disabled your connected subscriptions, but did not protect yourself from potential subscriptions in the future.

Cancellation of subscriptions via USSD

Do you want to quickly get rid of your subscriptions? Choose a USSD service. Dial *152# and enter the menu of your subscriptions and services. You can also do this immediately on command. *152*2# . On the screen you will see the item number for disabling a particular subscription.

We hasten to say that there is such a service as “Content Ban”, which allows you to refuse any subscriptions and it is activated free of charge by the MTS operator. This is the most effective method prevent the possibility of connecting any paid subscriptions. This is especially true if a child uses the phone.

Disabling subscriptions by sending SMS

There is another option for disabling subscriptions: by sending SMS. In this case, a certain technical trick is used. Subscription comes with specific number, to which the subscriber subscribes. You can cancel this subscription not only by USSD request, but also by sending an SMS. This is the easiest way to get rid of intrusive content.

So, you should send an SMS to the number from which the newsletters come. Please indicate the value in the message text "STOP" or "STOP". If you successfully unsubscribe, you will receive a notification. Also, instead of the above values, you can enter a number «0» .

How to protect yourself from subscriptions?

Simply unsubscribing in your Personal Account is not enough if you want to get rid of subscriptions forever. After all, after unsubscribing, there is a chance that you will again be caught subscribing to content you don’t need, and the problem will return. But there is a solution! After all, it is possible to disable subscriptions forever, and we have already mentioned this above.

“Content Ban” service on MTS

This service can be activated from your operator by number 0890 or in the MTS communication salon. You can also access the connection in your Personal Account, and you can also use the SMS method.

This will help you save significantly on communications. Through your Personal Account, you can check all content services and disable those you do not need. Here everything is done with “one touch”, the controls are very convenient. Activation of the service is free, but for disconnection they charge one ruble.

To do this, you just need to follow some simple rules:

  • Please note that when you connect to a certain tariff, some subscriptions may be automatically included, which become paid after a period of time, so be careful: keep an eye on the list of connected services and your account.
  • It is worth minimizing children’s access to the functionality of your device and to your account.
  • You should not take part in dubious activities.
  • Install an antivirus on your device.
  • Log in to your Personal Account via mobile app and control costs.

This will certainly prevent you from overspending on unnecessary services.

How to disable MTS paid services by calling the operator?

If you do not want to control your services yourself, you can leave this matter to the MTS customer support service. To do this, call 0890 . All of the listed actions that can be performed using the self-service office, commands and SMS can be performed for subscribers by the MTS support service operator (0890). If you do not currently have access to Personal account, then you can easily use this method.

Operator capabilities:

  • disabling active paid services on your account when you are roaming and do not have access to the network;
  • cancel subscriptions;
  • setting up service packages;
  • enabling “content ban”.


If everything is done in a timely manner, you will not lose your funds just like that. So be careful when connecting to any tariff. Please note that only the owner of the number has the right to refuse unnecessary options, subscriptions, etc.

Despite the fact that there is a risk of accidentally subscribing to unnecessary services, it is still better not to block content when connecting to the service described above. The main thing is that the received content is connected with your consent, but do not succumb to any kind of deception. Note that, for example, services such as balance control still remain connected, since the “Content Ban” applies only to commercial subscriptions.

So, here you have become familiar with all the ways to unsubscribe from all kinds of paid subscriptions. Now you know how to disable SMS services on MTS, in other words paid subscriptions. We hope our information helped you solve your problem. If not, then please leave all your questions in the comments!

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