How to change your VK number if the old one is lost. How to change your phone number in VK: step-by-step instructions. Changing the login to the phone number

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On this moment, each page on the VKontakte social network must be linked to a mobile phone number. All major changes that you make to your page will be confirmed using a code that will be sent to you via SMS to your contact number.

If you changed your number or lost access to your SIM card, it doesn’t matter. You can link a new one to the page.

Now I'll show you how to change VKontakte phone number.

How to change your number in VK

Here we find the block "Phone number". Opposite the current number, click the link “Change”.

A window will open where you need to specify new number phone. Then click on the “Get code” button.

A code will be sent to the specified number via SMS message. Enter it in the form and click “Submit code”. If everything was done correctly, your number will be changed.

We have prepared a video for you, where we explain in detail about changing mail and phone in the page settings.

Linking a phone number to your account allows you to additional protection personal data, and also greatly simplifies the process of restoring access to the page in case of loss of the password. What should you do if your phone number has changed and you want to use the new one as a login for your page? In this step-by-step instructions with photos, we will show you how to change the linked phone number on the VKontakte social network.

Step 1

How to change the phone number for a VKontakte page

Start by going to the Settings section.

Step 3

In the “Your phone number” block, click the “Change phone number” button.

Step 4

Enter your new phone number and click the "Get Code" button. The access code will be sent to the specified phone number as an SMS message.

Step 5

Enter the confirmation code you received and click the “Submit Code” button.

Step 6

The application to change the number has been accepted. The number will be changed after 14 days.

Step 7

How to speed up the process of changing a number to a VKontakte page

If you want to quickly change your phone number, you will be offered an acceleration option, which can be done in two ways: if you have access to the old number and if you don’t. Let's consider speeding up the change of phone number if you have access to the old number. To do this, next to the corresponding item, click the “Click here” line.

Step 8

In the “Your phone number” block, “General” tab, you will also be shown a window where you can choose the option to speed up the number change or cancel the request.

Step 9

The next step is the “Get code” button.

Step 10

Enter the verification code and click the “Submit Code” button.

Step 11

The phone number has been changed.

Step 12

Now let's consider the possibility of speeding up the number change if the old number is not available. To do this, click the “Click here” line next to the appropriate item.

Step 13

Now enter old number telephone number (if you do not remember it, you must leave the field blank), a new telephone number to which the page will be attached (the specified number should not be used for other accounts on the VKontakte social network). Then enter email address and the password for the page that you used to log into your account. Now click the “Submit Application” button.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. linked to a mobile phone number, and not to a mailbox, as was the case before.

On the one hand, this increases security (it is more difficult to hack and steal an account) and simplifies the procedure for restoring access, but on the other hand, it makes life somewhat more difficult for those who do not want to burn their mobile phone number () or want to have several on different accounts.

In this regard, the question often arises - Is it possible to unlink a number from pages in Contact?? In principle it is possible, although it is not entirely obvious. By the way, this may be needed in different cases. For example, you could buy a new SIM card and, for some reason, throw away the old one (to which access to Contact was linked), or simply lose it. You may also have two VK accounts and decide to link this particular number to your other account.

Unlinking a number may also be necessary in the case that I already wrote about, when before deleting an account it would be desirable to unlink the number, otherwise it will still remain in the database of this social network.

How can you unlink a VK page from your phone number?

Starting from 2013, you won’t be able to simply unlink a phone number from your VKontakte account (previously you could do this by specifying Email as the main linking type). That is, now it will not be possible to simply delete your phone number and not offer a new one in return. This is understandable - VK has moved to a high security standard and the entrance to the site is primarily tied to a mobile phone.

However, you can easily change this same number to another, thereby unlink your page from the old number, to which you, for example, could have lost access for one reason or another. In general, for starters, it would be nice to understand a few rules that VKontakte moderators and administrators adhere to:

  1. You can use one mobile phone number. Thus, the system is trying to combat spam pages, which many use to cheat and make money, although all this is served under the guise that it is supposedly more convenient for users. Therefore create new page It won't work to the same number.
  2. However, if you already have there is another account on this social network(for example, registered before 2013, when it was enough to link another Email address), then you can link to it the phone number that is already used on your other VK account. Thus, from the first page the necessary The number will naturally go away. True, then when you log into such an account (with an unlinked number), you will be strongly advised to link some phone to it so that you will be tortured, but this is the tenth thing.

From the above rules and conditions for working with VKontakte, several conclusions can be drawn at the moment:

  1. Without any problems it will be possible unlink from the page the number to which you have lost access(lost your SIM card, threw it away, gave it to someone, etc.). The official method (if access to the old number is not possible) will take you two weeks, and the unofficial (although somewhat risky) method will take you one day.
  2. If you have another account in VK, then the number can be transferred to it, thereby unlinking it from the desired page (there can be a lot of reasons). Here again, certain delays are possible at different steps, but in principle everything is feasible (I’ve done this myself more than once).
  3. The third option in the series - I didn't tell you this. Spammers still bypass Contact's restrictions on the number of pages registered per person and use various services for this, which can be called a “temporary mobile number” (you will get access to SMS messages sent to it).

    The number received there can be used to implement the first unlinking option (the official one), thereby deleting the real number and replacing it with a fake one. Of course, this will significantly complicate or make it impossible to restore access to the page, but in some cases it may be necessary to unlink the number just before deleting the page, so as not to leave unnecessary waste later.

Where does the phone number linked to a page in VK change?

The unbinding process itself is implemented on the page “ My settings" in area "Your phone number". To do this, just click on the “Change phone number” button and enter it in the window that opens.

True, I recently transferred this number from this account to that one (unlinked it), so they offer me to wait a little (about two weeks):

In your case, this message most likely will not appear. Usually everything goes fine and you are told that the default The number change process will take a couple of weeks:

The process can be speed up official means , if you have access to the old number (just use the appropriate link, and after going through the steps of the wizard, you will get the result much faster). The second way to speed things up is to go through a rather tedious wizard, similar to the one you need to go through when restoring access to your page if it has been lost:

How can you speed up number unbinding by 14 times (without guarantees)

However, there is also unofficial way to speed up number unlinking from your VKontakte page (up to one day), but, firstly, it may no longer work (six months ago it definitely worked), and secondly, it is associated with certain risks (for example, your page may not just be “frozen”, and ban for some long period).

Therefore, everything you do is at your own peril and risk (I wash my hands, as they say).

The essence of the method is to use the Contact bug (logical inconsistency), which allows you, when a page is frozen, to change the number associated with it and immediately unfreeze it. In this case the old number will be untied from the page not a couple of weeks, but just one day. Absurdities that have not yet been fixed (corrected). Although it is possible that by the time you read this post, this cartoon will not work.

To begin with we will need make sure that our VK page is “frozen”. This is not difficult to do. There is an exchange of likes, the mention of which on the VKontakte website is taboo and entails the immediate freezing of the page where this link appeared (thus, they are trying to combat the spread of spam and spammy methods of promoting pages on their social network). Just leave this link on your wall:

Literally a minute after clicking the “Send” button, you can refresh it in the browser, after which you will see a message about temporary freezing:

But we needed this whole circus just so that at the very bottom of this window we could use the button "Specify another number". Actually, it is entered in the adjacent field after clicking on this button, and after clicking on the “get code” button located below, you will see a message stating that another phone number is already linked to this page and a question about whether you are really want to destroy this whole idyll by untiing your mobile phone:

Next, enter the confirmation code sent to your new number. After this, you will also be asked to come up with a new password for your account. All. Now all you have to do is press the button "Unfreeze the Wanderer":

On the next page you will be asked to take a short sanity test. But this is not the main thing, but what will be written at the very top:

Those. With such a trick with our ears (freezing - unfreezing the page) we achieved speeding up the unbinding of the old and binding of the new number by fourteen times, which is very significant and can be very useful for someone. But I repeat - the method is not one hundred percent working, so everything you do remains on your conscience, but bribes from me are smooth...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Let me remind you that login is a unique phrase that is used as a username. We indicate the login when logging into VKontakte.

In this manual I will explain to you, Is it possible to change the VKontakte login, and how to do it.

You indicate them when registering a page. Subsequently, if there is such a need, they can be changed.

See also :

To do this, we need to go to settings. Go to VKontakte, and on the right top corner expand the drop-down menu. Next, click "Settings".

Here we are interested in two items: email and phone number. Next to them there is a link "Edit". Click it to start making changes.

Changing email in VK

Let's start with Email. After clicking on the “Change” link, an additional field will appear here. We need to enter a new postal address in it. Then click "Save address".

Please note - for the changes to be saved, you need to go to Mailbox, whose address you provided. There you will receive a letter confirming that this address needs to be linked to your page. To confirm, you will need to follow the link in the letter.

Changing the VKontakte phone number

A form for entering a number will open. We dial there new phone. Then click “Get code”.

You will receive an SMS with a code to your number. It will need to be entered into the form. Then we save the changes.

Great, Now you can use your new credentials to log in to the page. See also - , .

In this article we will tell you how to unlink and link a phone number to a VKontakte page.

VKontakte (VK) is the largest website in Europe social networks with over 450 million users. VKontakte is most popular in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Belarus. It is similar to Facebook in that VKontakte allows users to communicate with friends and colleagues, create groups and public pages, share images and videos, and play games.

But many users have questions about how to link or unlink a number from their VKontakte page. Therefore, today we will consider these questions in detail and answer them.

How to link a VKontakte number?

If you want to link a number to your VKontakte page, then all that is required of you is a SIM card with a work phone. And of course you need to follow our instructions.

  • "Settings".
  • "Phone number" "Change",

  • "To get the code", then an SMS message with a code will be sent to your phone. Enter the code and confirm the procedure for linking the number to the page by clicking on the button "Confirm".

How to unlink a VKontakte number?

If you want to unlink a number from your VKontakte page, then all that is required of you is an extra SIM card. And of course you need to follow our instructions.

Advice. The best option to unlink a phone number from your VKontakte page is to purchase a SIM card with a new number.

  • First of all, you need to click on your profile photo with your name to bring up the pop-up menu. In the menu you need to click on the item "Settings".
Figure 1. Select Settings from the pop-up menu.
  • After accessing the general settings page of your account On VKontakte you need to pay attention to the field "Phone number". Then you need to click on the button "Change", which is located to the right of the phone number associated with your page.

Figure 2. Pay attention to the Phone number field, then click on the Change button, which is located to the right of the phone number.
  • A dialog box will then appear that will require you to select your country mobile operator and enter a new phone number. It is best to indicate the number that you do not need or do not use at all.

Figure 3. In the field Mobile phone please indicate your phone number.
  • After entering the number you need to click on the button "To get the code" "Confirm".

How to change VKontakte number?

If you want to link another number to your VKontakte page, you need to use these instructions:

  • First of all, you need to click on your profile photo with your name to bring up the pop-up menu. In the menu you need to click on the item "Settings".
Figure 1. Select Settings from the pop-up menu.
  • After accessing the general settings page of your VKontakte account, you need to pay attention to the field "Phone number". Then you need to click on the button "Change", which is located to the right of the phone number associated with your page.

Figure 2. Pay attention to the Phone number field, then click on the Change button, which is located to the right of the phone number.
  • A dialog box will then appear that will require you to select your mobile operator country and enter a new phone number.

Figure 3: Enter the new phone number you want to set as your default.
  • After entering the number you need to click on the button "To get the code". Then, when the code arrives, enter it and confirm the number change procedure by clicking on the button "Confirm".

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