Which programming language is the easiest to learn. If the IT company doesn’t hire you or an alternative place of work. List of literature for programmer specialization in Java for Android

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“What programming language should I start with?” - This is exactly the question often asked by people who decide to try to learn how to program. Five years ago it would have been advisable to learn to program in BASIC, but this moment this is complete idiocy, since BASIC is already an ancient fossil. Yes, now many people can advise learning to program in Visual Basic. A simplified version of this language, VBA (Visual Basic for Application), is built into all Microsoft office applications. For those who write macros for office applications Microsoft can't do without VBA. However, I cannot recommend either BASIC or Visual Basic as a language for learning programming.
I propose to consider two cases:

Finally, keep in mind that the computer languages ​​used to create robots are often accompanied by specific instructions. But don't panic: written languages ​​look very similar once the syntax - the main difference - is assimilated. Linear, multitasking or intermittent firmware design is independent of the selected language.

Robot-specific languages

Several major initiatives have led to the invention of new languages ​​that were not found in conventional computing and were considered for robotics. This refers to scripting languages, which allows you to quickly reconfigure the main elements of a robotic program: sensor control, reactions to internal and external events, sequence of movements, signal processing algorithms.

1. Everything is great with mathematics and physics, you can easily remember quite a lot complex formulas, you are not afraid of various incomprehensible symbols.
In this case, it is worth starting to study programming with the C language. The fact is that C is a very powerful language, on the basis of which many other even more powerful ones have been created. powerful languages such as C++, Java, C#, PHP and others. By the way, the operating system is written in this language Windows system and almost everything computer games, which you play.

This written language is accompanied by a graphical environment that allows you to mix the two options mentioned in the previous paragraphs. These Terms of Use are intended to govern the relationship between users and users of the site in connection with the services provided as a result of its use.

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If you choose C, or rather C++, then there is more than enough information on this language on the Internet. However, I advise you to buy a good C++ reference book. I highly recommend purchasing Herbert Schildt's reference book.

C++ Reference

The Complete Reference to C++. The book is a bestseller and is being published for the fourth time. 4th edition. The fourth edition of this book fully describes and illustrates all keywords, functions, classes and properties of the C++ language that comply with the ANSI/ISO standard. The information presented in the book can be used in all modern programming environments. All aspects of the C++ language are covered, including its basis - the C language. The reference book consists of five parts: 1) a subset of C; 2) C++ language; 3) library of standard functions; 4) library of standard classes; 5) applications in C++. The book is intended for a wide range of programmers.
Order the book>>

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2. You have problems with mathematics, you can’t digest formulas and incomprehensible icons, but you still want to learn how to program.
Well, whatever one may say, it’s better to try Pascal. Yes, this is also a fossil, but be that as it may, the Pascal programming language was originally conceived as a language for teaching programming.
To independently study programming in Pascal, you can buy a book. I can recommend the following:

What does "program" mean?

To program is to tell a computer what to do, such as “play a sound,” “print something on the screen,” or “multiply two numbers.” When the commands are one after another, they are called a computer program. The text of computer programs is called program code.

Computer programs usually run some kind of algorithm. Algorithms are a sequence of steps required to complete a specific job and achieve an expected result, something like a "recipe". For example, if we fry eggs, we make a recipe: heat the fat in a dish, break the eggs, wait until they are fried, shuffle away from the fire. Similarly, in programming, computer programs execute algorithms: a sequence of commands needed to complete a specific task.

Pascal tutorial

Programming in Pascal.
By Sam Abolrus. The original title of the book translated from English is “Learning Pascal in three days.” Indeed, you can master the basics of programming in Pascal using this book in a couple of days. The author works as a programmer at Microsoft.
Order the book>>

For example, to arrange a sequence of numbers in ascending order, an algorithm is needed, for example, to find the smallest number and print, from the rest of the numbers to again find the smallest number and print, and this is repeated until the digits are completed.

Programming languages, compilers, interpreters and development environments

A programming language is an artificial language designed to set the commands that we want the computer to read, process and execute. Using programming languages, we write sequences of commands that ask what the computer does. The execution of computer programs can be done by a compiler or an interpreter.

In any case, if you want to learn to program, you need to constantly write programs, because... It is impossible to learn programming only by reading smart books. Good luck to all aspiring programmers.

Nowadays, programming has become one of the most popular and highly paid fields of activity. People working in this field can quite easily earn hundreds of dollars without ever leaving their home computer. Most companies that provide any goods or services are trying to go online with their offers and thus get more customers. They are constantly opening up attractive vacancies for programmers. Also, a good programmer can easily emigrate abroad, somewhere in developed countries: the USA, Europe or even China.

The compiler translates code from a programming language into machine code, selecting a suitable pre-prepared piece of machine code for each code construct, while checking for errors in the program text. Together, the compiled fragments make up the program into machine code, as expected by the computer's microprocessor. Once a program has been compiled, it can be directly executed by the microprocessor in cooperation with the operating system. In compiled programming languages, compilation of the program is mandatory before it can be executed, and syntax errors are detected during compilation.

All this encourages more and more people to start learning programming. By diligently advancing in the level of your skill in this matter, you can, in a few years of hard work, secure yourself a good “place in the sun” and earn decent money working in a well-known and respected company. The only question that a beginner should overcome is what are the easiest programming languages ​​for beginners and which one should you turn your attention to? Is it worth learning Pascal for beginners or immediately taking on something more serious? It is these questions that we will try to answer here.

Some programming languages ​​do not use a compiler, but are interpreted directly by specialized software called an "interpreter". An interpreter is a "program-running program" written in a specific programming language. It executes program commands one after another, not only through individual commands and commands, but also through other language constructs. Due to the lack of precompilation in interpreted languages, errors are detected at runtime after the program is run, rather than before.

What areas of programming exist and what languages ​​do they work with?

Modern programming is a very vast area of ​​knowledge that one person is unlikely to be able to comprehend even in his entire life. Differentiating programming into different areas of application helps specialists better study their field, write better programs and constantly improve them. Almost everything depends on what area of ​​activity a novice programmer will go into: how long he will have to study to achieve a decent level of language proficiency, whether he will be able to find a decent job, whether he will have prospects for career growth or emigration (if this is also included in the tasks person). That is why the question: which programming language is better to start with is very important and should not be approached lightly.

The programming environment is a set of traditional development tools software applications. In a development environment, we write programs, compile and execute programs. The development environments integrate a text code editor, a programming language, a compiler or interpreter, a program runtime environment, a program tracking and debugging debugger, user interface development tools, and other tools and add-ons.

Programming environments are convenient because they bring together everything you need to develop a program without leaving the middle. If we are not using a development environment, we will have to write the code in text editor, compiling it with a command from the console, executing it with another command from the console, and writing additional commands when needed will waste time.

Currently, the following main areas of programming are distinguished.

Low Level Programming

This area of ​​activity includes the creation software for any physical controllers, microprocessors that directly work with various externally connected devices and instruments. It is in low-level languages ​​that behavioral patterns are set for various equipment, the capabilities of inputting and outputting information from it are programmed, and in general all actions are performed that will ultimately control the behavior of a given physical device.
Thanks to low-level languages, basic software is developed for the most different devices, for example, drivers for microboards and controllers, video cards, printers, etc., kernels for operating systems are created and other important tasks of this kind are solved. Most often, languages ​​such as C, C++, and Assembler are used in this area of ​​activity. Languages ​​of this type also include Forth, CIL and others. Which one should I start learning from? This issue will be discussed below.

Low and high level languages, implementation environments

A program is essentially a set of instructions that tell the computer to perform a task. They are entered by the programmer and executed unconditionally by the machine. Exist different types programming languages. In the languages ​​of the low level the instructions that run the processor can be written, for example, using assembly language.

Low-level languages ​​directly control the hardware and require a lot of effort and a huge number of commands to do some of the work. Higher level languages ​​require less code per unit of work, but do not have direct access to hardware. They develop application software such as web applications and mobile applications.

Web programming

Programming with a focus on web technology is one of the most in demand and highly paid nowadays. Various websites, online services, entertainment and news resources, social media, the lion's share of mobile applications focused on working with the Web - all this is included in the field of web programming and requires the programmer to know several important languages.
In this area, you can highlight the languages ​​that are responsible for the design appearance sites and online services, for their performance and functions, for interactive features and additional plugins used, and other important points. When you just go to the site, you will see its design, a static picture that is written in one language (though even here there are most often several of them), when you hover over an element and see a pop-up window - this is already organized thanks to another language, when you click on the navigation button and automatically rise to the top of the antiquity - this could be the third programming language.

Computer programs - compilation and execution

It is these commands that, using the utility, are converted into a file that can be executed. As already mentioned, a program is a sequence of commands, in other words, it describes a series of calculations, checks, iterations and all types of operations aimed at achieving a certain result.

The program is written in text format, and the program itself is called source code. It is compiled into an executable file or executed directly. We'll understand in a moment how we can execute this command and hear the sound of the note, but let's just look at what the programming commands are for now. Let's look at a few examples.

What languages ​​are used in web programming? First of all this:

  • HTML. Thanks to this language, the basic “backbone” of the future site is written, it is divided into different functional parts (but the functions themselves are not specified), the most important components of the overall structure of the site are highlighted (header, title, body of the site, any side elements and blocks);
  • CSS. This language is used in conjunction with the previous one and serves as a tool that decorates the appearance of the site. With its help you can easily arrange beautiful lists, tables (these elements are specified in HTML, but it is their design that occurs in CSS), add animation effects, glows and other things that are fascinating and attract users to the categories and buttons of the site;
  • PHP. A language used to create web applications and programs. Thanks to it, you can easily create dynamic website elements; the language and the accompanying software from developers are completely free and very popular;
  • javascript A relatively simple language for writing scripts that perform very similar functions to the previous one.

In addition to these languages, ASP, Perl, XML and a number of other lesser-known technologies are actively used in web programming. It is interesting to note that most of the above are fairly easy languages ​​that are learned relatively quickly.

Example: a program that plays a series of musical notes

We can complicate the previous program by setting up repeating loop commands to play a series of notes in increasing pitch. The result of the program is played back by a melody. How do programming teams work? We'll learn in the Loops chapter, but for now accept that we're just repeating a few commands over and over again.

Example: a program that converts from leva to euro

This is a program of three consecutive commands. We looked at three examples of computer programs: a single instruction, a series of instructions in a loop, and a series of three instructions.

How to write a console program

Let's look at the steps to create and run a computer program that reads and writes data from a text console. Such programs are called “console”.

Mobile applications

Also a very rapidly developing area of ​​programming is the development of applications for smartphones and other gadgets (tablets, smart parts, etc.) Lately glasses have also been added virtual reality). Almost every modern person in any country in the world is a smartphone user. This device it simply cannot work without decent software, and often its quality plays an even greater role here than the physical parameters of the device. By developing software for mobile phones, you can make very good money and open up prospects for serious career growth for years to come.
The choice of language here is relatively small: if you plan to program on Android, then you need to actively study Java and master Android Studio; if we are talking about iOS, then you need to pay attention to the Objective-C languages ​​and relatively new language from Apple Swift.

As already mentioned, we need a development environment - an integrated development environment. This is actually a program editor where we write program code, and we can compile and run it, see errors, fix it and run the program again. We don't need to change any other settings.

After downloading installation file and launch it, the following screen will appear. Here the choice is entirely in accordance with the user's preferences, no matter which option is selected. There are also alternative online development environments directly in your web browser.

What should a beginner choose?

Well, now it’s time to answer the question: what programming language should I start with in order to delve into the chosen field of activity as much as possible and relatively quickly begin to reap the fruits of my labors? There are so many people and so many opinions on this issue, but it’s best to pay attention to:

  • Java. A universal programming language with which you can equally easily write both for mobile applications and for various operating systems computer systems. It has a simple and quickly memorized syntax, has many additional libraries and tools, and is capable of organizing multi-threaded operating modes. In skillful hands, Java can replace other languages, such as C++, and Java is very easy for beginners;
  • C, C++. If your goal is to develop serious software or even write your own operating system, then C and C++ are the best fit for this. It’s better to first take the SI course for beginners, and after delving a little deeper, study C++, which inherited many aspects from C;
  • If a person is going to devote himself to working in the field of web technologies, then best languages A beginner will need to learn HTML (HTML 5 is highly desirable), CSS and PHP. With such a set, the programmer will be able to create amazing high-quality projects alone. As for the beginning of programming, it is better to pay attention to HTML and CSS.

This is exactly what the answer to the question of where to start programming looks like. Each of the languages ​​mentioned is good in its own way and, if used correctly, you can get good results, but some of them are simpler and more understandable for beginners. Therefore, if you are just starting to learn the language, it is better to pay attention to the above options. With such a basis, it will be easy to move forward and easily perceive new information.

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