The best programming language for beginners. How to choose the right programming language for you

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Nowadays, programming has become one of the most popular and highly paid fields of activity. People working in this field can quite easily earn hundreds of dollars without ever leaving their home computer. Most companies that provide any goods or services are trying to go online with their offers and thus get more customers. They constantly open very attractive vacancies for programmers. Also, a good programmer can easily emigrate abroad, somewhere in developed countries: the USA, Europe or even China.

All this encourages more and more people to start learning programming. By diligently advancing in the level of your skill in this matter, you can, in a few years of hard work, secure yourself a good “place in the sun” and earn decent money working in a well-known and respected company. The only question that a beginner should overcome is what are the easiest programming languages ​​for beginners and which one should you turn your attention to? Is it worth learning Pascal for beginners or immediately taking on something more serious? It is these questions that we will try to answer here.

What areas of programming exist and what languages ​​do they work with?

Modern programming is a very vast area of ​​knowledge that one person is unlikely to be able to comprehend even in his entire life. Differentiating programming into different areas of application helps specialists better study their field, write better programs and constantly improve them. Almost everything depends on what area of ​​activity a novice programmer will go into: how long he will have to study to achieve a decent level of language proficiency, whether he will be able to find a decent job, whether he will have prospects for career growth or emigration (if this is also included in the tasks person). That is why the question: which programming language is better to start with is very important and should not be approached lightly.

Currently, the following main areas of programming are distinguished.

Low Level Programming

This area of ​​activity includes the creation software for any physical controllers, microprocessors that directly work with various externally connected devices and devices. It is in low-level languages ​​that behavioral patterns are set for various equipment, the capabilities of inputting and outputting information from it are programmed, and in general all actions are performed that will ultimately control the behavior of a given physical device.
Thanks to low-level languages, basic software is developed for the most different devices, for example, drivers for microboards and controllers, video cards, printers, etc., kernels for operating systems are created and other important tasks of this kind are solved. Most often, languages ​​such as C, C++, and Assembler are used in this area of ​​activity. Languages ​​of this type also include Forth, CIL and others. Which one should I start learning from? This issue will be discussed below.

Web programming

Programming with a focus on web technology is one of the most in demand and highly paid nowadays. Various websites, online services, entertainment and news resources, social media, lion's share mobile applications, focused on working with the Network - all this is included in the field of web programming and requires the programmer to know several important languages.
In this area, you can highlight the languages ​​that are responsible for the design appearance sites and online services, for their performance and functions, for interactive features and additional plugins used, and other important points. When you just go to the site, you will see its design, a static picture that is written in one language (though even here there are most often several of them), when you hover over an element and see a pop-up window - this is already organized thanks to another language, when you click on the navigation button and automatically rise to the top of the antiquity - this could be a third programming language.

What languages ​​are used in web programming? First of all this:

  • HTML. Thanks to this language, the basic “backbone” of the future site is written, it is divided into different functional parts (but the functions themselves are not specified), the most important components of the overall structure of the site are highlighted (header, title, body of the site, any side elements and blocks);
  • CSS. This language is used in conjunction with the previous one and serves as a tool that decorates the appearance of the site. With its help you can easily arrange beautiful lists, tables (these elements are specified in HTML, but it is their design that occurs in CSS), add animation effects, glows and other things that are fascinating and attract users to the categories and buttons of the site;
  • PHP. A language used to create web applications and programs. Thanks to it, you can easily create dynamic website elements; the language and the accompanying software from developers are completely free and very popular;
  • javascript A relatively simple language for writing scripts that perform very similar functions to the previous one.

In addition to these languages, ASP, Perl, XML and a number of other lesser-known technologies are actively used in web programming. It is interesting to note that most of the above are fairly easy languages ​​that are learned relatively quickly.

Mobile applications

Also a very rapidly developing area of ​​programming is the development of applications for smartphones and other gadgets (tablets, smart parts, etc.) Lately glasses have also been added virtual reality). Almost every modern person in any country in the world is a smartphone user. This device it simply cannot work without decent software, and often its quality plays an even greater role here than the physical parameters of the device. By developing software for mobile phones, you can make very good money and open up prospects for serious career growth for years to come.
The choice of language here is relatively small: if you plan to program on Android, then you need to actively study Java and master Android Studio; if we are talking about iOS, then you need to pay attention to the Objective-C languages ​​and relatively new language from Apple Swift.

What should a beginner choose?

Well, now it’s time to answer the question: what programming language should I start with in order to delve into the chosen field of activity as much as possible and relatively quickly begin to reap the fruits of my labors? There are so many people and so many opinions on this issue, but it’s best to pay attention to:

  • Java. A universal programming language with which you can equally easily write both for mobile applications and for various operating systems computer systems. It has a simple and quickly memorized syntax, has many additional libraries and tools, and is capable of organizing multi-threaded operating modes. In skillful hands, Java can replace other languages, such as C++, and Java is very easy for beginners;
  • C, C++. If your goal is to develop serious software or even write your own operating system, then C and C++ are the best fit for this. It’s better to first take the SI course for beginners, and after delving a little deeper, study C++, which inherited many aspects from C;
  • If a person is going to devote himself to working in the field of web technologies, then the best languages ​​for a beginner to learn are HTML (HTML 5 is highly desirable), CSS and PHP. With such a set, the programmer will be able to create amazing high-quality projects alone. As for the beginning of programming, it is better to pay attention to HTML and CSS.

This is exactly what the answer to the question of where to start programming looks like. Each of the languages ​​mentioned is good in its own way and, if used correctly, you can get good results, but some of them are simpler and more understandable for beginners. Therefore, if you are just starting to learn the language, it is better to pay attention to the above options. With such a basis, it will be easy to move forward and easily perceive new information.

Programming has become mainstream, a fashionable trend on a global scale. Both old and young discover this wonderful world. In the USA it has come to the point that the President himself speaks throughout the country about the benefits of learning programming.

The Internet opens up many ways for everyone to learn the art of programming, starting with the free Codeacademy, and ending with expensive multi-thousand courses, like Devbootcamp, which promise to turn a dummie into a seasoned programmer in 9 weeks.

Do I need to learn programming specifically?

We at Lifehacker believe that, in any case, the answer is “yes”. Even if it doesn't go far and remains just a kind of hobby in free time, programming still makes our brains work, and that's always a good thing.

If you look at the business sector, programming skills will be useful to everyone whose activities are related to technology.

Greg Pollack, founder of the educational service Code School, says this:

Anyone who, due to the format of their work, is forced to communicate with developers, must know the basics of programming.

This makes it easier to find a common language and constructively and competently resolve any nuances that arise in the process of interaction between people of different professions.

Am I too old for this?

Where to begin

Learn English. Seriously. Below in the text of the article you will understand why you will need English to successfully master the profession of a programmer. Something is being Russified, something is being adapted by enthusiasts, but the fact remains that you need to know English.

If on this moment If you are interested in the concept of programming itself, then you can start with anything. You will play around with different languages ​​and environments, find something that you like best, and then see how it goes. However, many goals go much further than the abstract “I want to be able to program.” They have a specific goal. For example, write your own mobile application. And here we already need quite specific correct development tools.

I do not know anything

In the case where there is no experience at all, it is better to start with something easier to understand. Good examples would be HTML basics and CSS.

HTML is not a programming language - it is a markup language. Thanks to it, you can present words, pictures, links and videos in a format that the browser understands. This is where simple amateur sites and blogs begin. CSS is responsible for fonts, their size, placement of elements and other design components of the presentation of web pages.

In fact, there is a high probability that you have already dealt with HTML, you just didn’t know it. If you have or had a blog, then you are guaranteed to have come across markup. Any sane WYSIWYG editor presents content in both visual and text mode. It is worth looking into the text mode of the presentation, and the same HTML will appear there. Deeper mastering HTML will help you go beyond the visible capabilities of the editor of your blog or website, and will make the pages of your corner of the Internet more functional and interesting. In general, learning HTML is useful, no matter how you look at it.

I want to make beautiful web applications

In this case, you will need knowledge of JavaScript. It is what allows you to make websites more beautiful, more impressive and more functional. There are several popular (and compatible) JavaScript development frameworks, such as Ember, Angular, and Backbone.

JavaScript has been around for 20 years and is not going anywhere. In fact, its dominance in the field is only increasing. Due to its popularity, JavaScript is a great place to learn. For example, Pollack, mentioned above, calls the courses of this language the most popular at Code School.

If you do anything on the web, then you need to learn JavaScript.

I want to quickly make prototypes

If you are a designer and you want to gain backend programming skills in order to test applications yourself, then you need to learn Ruby or Python. Both options are quite easy to learn and open the way to some of the most in-demand specialties of 2013. As you understand, their relevance will remain in the foreseeable future.

Ruby has a developed ecosystem and one of the most active and responsive communities. Developed back in 1995, the language began to gain particular popularity in 2003, when the Rails framework appeared. Thanks to it, the processes of creating websites and web applications have been significantly simplified.

Python also boasts a strong community, and if you like the challenges of designing and creating artificial intelligence and similar cool things, then Python is for you.

For a quick start, we can recommend Learn Python The Hard Way, or the Ruby section on Code Academy.

I want to make an Android application

Android application development is mainly done in Java. The beauty is that both Windows and OS X are suitable for your work. Both operating systems allow you to install development environments for Android. Another plus is the ability to test your applications on a budget, because there are a lot of cheap Android smartphones and tablets on the market.

Another very important point: if just a couple of years ago the key platform was iOS, now developers prefer to start with Android.

A free introductory Java programming course can be found on Udacity. When the basics are learned, your path will lie towards the official website of Android developers. Here you can learn the intricacies of creating your first Android project.

I want to make an iOS application

Development for iOS is much more demanding on tools. In addition to knowledge of Objective-C, you will need a Mac with OS X version 10.7 or higher, Xcode - free tool for creating applications, as well as a development kit for iOS.

There are almost 2,500 programming languages ​​known in the observable universe. The man was looking for the most convenient way setting tasks for computers, but in pursuit of the ideal, people lost unification. The Tower of Babel has collapsed. It is especially difficult for beginners - which language to choose?

The machine does not understand human language. Of course, we are not talking about Siri and other voice recognizers - we are talking about the creation of new software. To make a calculator, the machine needs to be given a task in the same way as a foreman explains to workers how to lay a brick. But “Vasya, damn, you need to be more even!” needs to be described in a programming language. Where did these languages ​​even come from?

A starting point modern computer- Babbage’s analytical engine, but languages ​​were invented earlier: in the 19th century, a mechanical piano and a loom were invented, for which engineers described the logic of operation. This set of instructions is a prototype of what programmers write in today.

In the middle of the 20th century, the Turing machine appeared, then the first computers and the first modern programming language Plankalkül. The first leap in development occurred when the military drew attention to computers - DARPA and others like them began to actively invest in the young industry. The second came with the spread of the Internet - the deeper people dive into the digital era, the more in demand the main creators of the environment of this era - programmers. And more and more people want to join them.

The desire is reasonable and understandable, but the first question in the head often becomes an insurmountable barrier - what language should I start learning programming with? The fear of making the wrong choice is based on the fear of wasting time. As a result, a novice programmer searches for “his” language for several years, without making any progress towards his cherished goal. So, damn it, what language should you choose?

Criteria for choosing the first programming language

The choice of language depends on the problems that the programmer wants to solve. For Internet projects, Python is popular, which is used in their projects by Google and Facebook, for mobile applications under Android is the best friend - Java, and for iOS - Swift.

The true problem of choice is the lack of a specific task. This is normal, because you can only understand what exactly you want to do once you are inside the environment. Therefore, experts recommend taking as your first language the one with which you can solve the widest range of problems.

Of course, highly specialized languages ​​better solve the problems for which they are designed, but this is the next step. A beginner still needs freedom of choice.

Besides versatility, there are also criteria:

  • . Simplicity- stumbling over complex syntax and getting stuck in the jungle of unreadable code is not the most pleasant start to learning.
  • . Popularity- the language must be updated frequently, have a large community of developers, and be in demand in large companies. Another plus is that the more popular the language, the easier it is to find an answer to the working question that has arisen.

The languages ​​that best fit these three descriptions are Python, C#, Java, and Ruby.

Developed in the 80s by Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum. Big tech companies work with Python: Yandex, Google, Facebook and YouTube. This is a so-called scripting language - what is written under the hood of the program is written in it. It is used for web applications, game development, server software...

Simplicity Popularity Versatility

The code is easy to read and has a clear structure. Standard tools are enough to start learning.

Ranked #1 in entry-level programming programs at US universities.

Updated regularly—every 2.5 years. It is one of the top five popular languages ​​according to the analytical company TIOBE Software for January 2016.

Almost everything is written in Python: system management scripts, websites, machine learning systems, games.

The language was developed in the late 90s based on C++ and Java. Mainly used for large enterprise projects, but not limited to them. For example, scripts in the Unity game engine are written in C#.

Simplicity Popularity Versatility

Structurally close to C++ and Java - syntax (structure program code) is more difficult than Python and Ruby, but it will take less time to learn related languages. The library interfaces fit well into design patterns, making them easy to learn.

Last update it was in 2015.

They write in C# under Windows Phone, iOS and Android. There is a large amount of documentation, but there are not many libraries with a free license - this means that a programmer can use someone else’s code for training, but to use it in a commercial product you need to pay.

The language was invented by programmers from Microsoft to develop Windows applications. Despite this, it is also used in other systems. Also works on embedded, desktop and server platforms.

Created by a Japanese developer influenced by the Perl language. Launched in 1995. Ruby is written by: Shopify, Github, Groupon, Yellow Pages, Twitter and Slideshare. It is gaining popularity, but is more common in startups than in large companies. Well suited for creating a simple Internet project.

Simplicity Popularity Versatility

Like Python, the code is easy to read. The structure is also identical to Python. Compared to other languages, the choice of standard libraries is poorer - you need to spend time searching.

Large and loyal community of developers - closes the top ten most popular languages ​​according to TIOBE Software. Many libraries are freely available.

The least universal of the four - mainly suitable for web development. On the other hand, within Internet projects you can do very different and very cool things with it.

The first version of the language was released in May 1995. Java is used by Amazon, eBay, LinkedIn and Yahoo!

Simplicity Popularity Versatility

As mentioned earlier, Java and C# have very similar syntax - once you learn one, you almost know the other. But as in the first case, the syntax is more complex than that of Ruby and Python.

There are 3 billion Android smartphones in the world, which means that Java will be in demand for a long time. First in popularity according to TIOBE Software.

Most often used for enterprise development and Android applications.

The result of the preparation

It is difficult to draw a conclusion. On the one hand, the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and take Java or C# beckons, but Python attracts with its versatility, and Ruby with its simplicity.

We doubted it and went to talk to experienced developers - they still advised us to stick with Python. Here's what Grigory Petrov, professional developer and VoxImplant evangelist, says:

"Language Python programming often called "executable pseudocode" because the language's syntax and standard libraries emphasize readability and understandability. Add to this the widest selection of development tools, libraries, training materials - and we get one of the best programming languages ​​for beginners.”

Conclusion: While there are no clear tasks and clear goals, but only a desire to code, it’s worth choosing Python - it’s simple, popular and universal. Nikita Sobolev, a teacher at #tceh, also considers the choice of this language optimal for a beginner - educational program It turned out to be more difficult and longer than the Ruby course, but the freedom to choose the direction is worth it.

“A newcomer to the IT field should know one simple rule of programming - writing very subtle instructions for a very stupid but obedient machine.”

Among the mass of different programming languages, it is very difficult for a newcomer to IT to choose directions for further development, because each language occupies a specific cell. Most popular languages ​​in " modern programming", these are: Java, Python, Objective-C, PHP, C, C++, C#, JavaScript and Ruby. Forums and specialized sites are filled with the topic “What to choose?” and “Where to develop?” And we found the optimal scheme for choosing a development branch for young programmers.

So where should you start? First of all, answer yourself very honestly to the main question: “Why do you want to start learning programming?” There are many answers, and even more prerequisites, but if you conduct an analysis, there are several motives for becoming developers.

The first reason is to teach programming language, and Probably the most common is: “I want to make money.” Today, in order to make money, you either have a million-dollar idea and open your own start-up, or aim to work in a good company.

When choosing a large tech company, you also need to decide what specific area or platform you want to work in. For people with great ambitions, the dream of a lifetime is the market giants: Google, Facebook, Apple or Microsoft. To get a job at Google or Facebook, you just need to be a pure developer and start learning Python as the main programming language. Microsoft hires specialists who speak the C# programming language. And we advise Steve Jobs' idols to start their journey by learning Objective-C.

Gamers are not made, they are born. If you have been a fan of the Game industry since childhood and have dreamed of working on creating games all your life, then you need to start learning C++.

The field of Web development is now the most popular. If you are interested in the web interface (everything that lies on the surface), then you are a born front-end developer. To develop in this industry you need to have a deep knowledge of JavaScript and stack technologies. If the heart is closer to the functionality (“brains”) and the internal part of the site, you should decide in which direction to move, which platform to choose. In Microsoft-oriented companies, back-end workers code in C# and Java.

Many IT companies, and especially start-ups, are moving away from traditional programming languages ​​and want to try something newer with even more potential, but something no less reliable. And if so, then to write an application that can work with streams of information in real time, you need to be a JavaScript guru.

Writing mobile applications and applications for different gadgets requires the use of different platforms, depending on the operating system (OS) of the device, the preferred languages ​​for programming also change. iOS idols still stubbornly use this programming language - Objective-C. The vast majority of Android developers use Java as their primary language.

If you decide that you want to become a developer and you absolutely don’t care in which area/platform to work, and you need to earn the maximum amount of cache, then you should think about learning Java. This difficult language guarantees you a high level of salary, regardless of market trends, clients and other factors.

In the event that you have no idea which programming language to start with and what to choose, and you are reading this article to hear advice from us that will help you decide, choose Python, because it is widely known as best language programming for beginner developers.

Often people become developers because they have been interested in it since childhood. If you want to test or realize yourself in new technologies, following the simple path, you should think about learning Python. When choosing a path that is not the easiest, in order to “sweat”, start with C or Java. For the most desperate ones, who choose the most difficult path in order to obtain an excellent base for the transition (in the future) to another language, we advise you to choose C++.

Also, developers become people who have great idea, and they don’t want to share the implementation. They open their firms/companies/start-ups for a specific platform: for game development, as written above, it’s worth learning C# and Unity3D; for mobile applications this is Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android; to create web applications using new technologies, you should choose JavaScript; for web applications using more traditional technologies, choose suchprogramming languages, like Ruby, Python and PHP.

One of the simplest and most popular programming languages ​​is Python, it helps novice developers understand the principles of programming, and experienced developers often use it in large and complex projects. Using Python together with the popular Django framework, you can write web applications. Used on Youtube, Instagram, Spotify.

Also, one of the easiest and most popular languages ​​for writing web applications is the programming language - PHP. Although it is controversial and unpredictable, it is supported by all web hosts, regardless of price. PHP is good for creating small web applications in a short time. Used in Wordpress, Wikipedia, Flickr.

Ruby is built with specific goals in mind, designed to make programming easy and productive. Also great for your own projects, startups and quick programming. Mainly known for the very popular Ruby on Rails framework. Used in Hulu, Groupon, Slideshare.

JavaScript is the most popular language for developing client-side web applications. A must for frontend developers (along with HTML5 and CSS3). One of the most talked about languages ​​due to its growing popularity in the field of server-side programming (node.js). Used in Paypal, the front-end of most websites.

Programming languages, which is the most paid?

One of the most popular and highly paid programming languages ​​on the market is Java. Very popular on all platforms, OS and devices due to its cross-platform functionality. Used in Gmail, Minecraft, most Android applications and in enterprise applications.

C is the lingua franca of all programming languages. One of the oldest and most widely used languages ​​in the world. Great for system and hardware programming. It is used in OS and hardware.

C# was created on the Microsoft platform, but has recently become open source. C# is a popular choice for businesses to develop a variety of websites and Windows applications using the .NET framework. C# is used for web creation sites at help web framework from Microsoft - ASP.NET. Its syntax and functionality is similar to Java. Used in corporate and Windows applications.

Objective-C is the primary language used by Apple for Mac OS X and iOS. It's worth learning if you plan to develop only for OS X and iOS. It's worth considering learning Swift as your next language. Objective-C is used in most iOS applications and in parts of Mac OS X.

C++ is a more complex version of the C programming language, with a significantly expanded set of capabilities. Widely used in game development, industrial and high-performance applications. Learning C++ is like learning how to manufacture, assemble and drive a car. This language is not recommended for self-study and requires a mentor. It is widely used in OS, hardware and browsers.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all where exactly you start your journey in the IT field. You need to know at least a few basic languages ​​and technologies to understand all aspects of programming. And the most important thing is to start!

Very often, people want to become developers at an older age and are afraid of changing their field of activity. They fear that it is too late for them to start learning programming, since there are younger and more agile applicants. In this case, you should check out the following statistics, which show that the average age of employees at tech companies like Facebook, LinkedIn and Salesforce is 28-29 years old; Google, Amazon, Apple, Tesla Motors, Yahoo!, eBay, Adobe, Microsoft, Intel and Cisco - 30-35 years; Dell, IBM, Oracle Hewlett-Packard -37-39 years.

If you dream of a career as a programmer and are just starting to learn programming, you may want to find the most easy language. A programming language that can be quickly learned and used.

But don’t try to go to programming forums or friends with this question. Typically, a person who already knows how to write code believes that the easiest language is the one with which he himself works. And if he speaks several programming languages, the one he studied first. Again, all people are built differently, and what one considers easy and understandable, another may not be able to cope with at all.

So which language is the easiest? In order to simply learn, we recommend Pascal or one of the languages ​​of the Basic family. Pascal will instill in you “correct manners” in programming, it teaches you to write structured programs and always declare the types of variables. Having learned in time, you will make fewer mistakes when writing code in any other languages. Basic even translates as “easy” or “for beginners,” but you are unlikely to be able to write anything really serious in it.

Not all beginners know that in order to learn to program, it is not enough to learn any language or even several languages. You must be able to compose algorithms, solve applied problems, and work with data sets. To learn all these things you need your first language. And for learning to be effective, algorithms must be built not using individual examples from a problem book, but using some small program. It is usually recommended to write Tetris or a word processor yourself, from scratch.

But what if you not only want to become a programmer someday, but already dream of some specific application of this skill? Then you shouldn’t look for the easiest language. It is better to pay attention to the most suitable one, otherwise you simply risk wasting time. Applications for the Web are written in PHP and Java, Delphi is ideal for working with databases, and now you can write anything in C++.

Very often, the easiest programming language is sought by novice game developers - non-professionals in writing games. If you just want to make a small casual game, any language will do. For office games, learn Flash - it's also quite simple. And if you dream of creating addons and making mods for popular games, you can’t do without C++.

Once you have decided which is the most suitable or easiest language you have decided to choose to start with, don’t forget about the textbooks. Now it’s time to go to familiar professionals. They will suggest good textbooks. After all, sometimes even simple things can be made extremely complex due to incorrect presentation and vice versa. Writing code and solving algorithmization problems should be fun; this is the only way you can master programming in the shortest possible time and not lose motivation along the way.

In conclusion, we say that the majority operators modern languages programming are named on English language. Therefore, for those coders who speak at least a little English, it will be easier and faster to remember their name and operating principles.

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