Presentation on the topic of client email program. Presentation on computer science "E-mail" (grade 9). Collected works of Daniil Kharms. Diaries

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3.2.6. Email

Basic Concepts

The messaging system is one of the most accessible and popular means of communication on the Internet and local networks.

The essence of the postal system is as follows:

  • open the mail application window;
  • select the “Write a letter” mode;
  • type the text of the letter;
  • indicate the recipient's address;
  • indicate the subject of the letter;
  • select the “Send immediately” command, i.e. place it in a mailbox located on the mail server;
  • The letter is collected from the mailbox by the postal service and delivered to the addressee's mailbox.

Messages are exchanged through the interaction of two programs - a mail server and a mail client. Software - mail server, installed, for example, at the provider, to receive mail over the Internet, or in local network company for exchanging messages between employees.

Email clients are application programs (for example, Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, The Bat), which are installed on users' computers that send or receive mail. All email clients have approximately the same interface, so it is enough to learn how to work with one of them.

To work with email, you can use both email clients and webmail interfaces, which are located on email web- servers. Using the web interface, you can work with mail directly on mail web servers. In terms of functionality, the web interface is as close as possible to email programs.

WWW-based mail systems allow you to process mail messages on the Internet using a regular browser rather than an email program. They work on the “2 in 1” principle, combining the functions of a mail server and a mail client.

Using a web interface is advisable when you need to send or receive correspondence from different computers with access to the Internet.

In order to gain access to work with e-mail, you need to create a mailbox on one of the mail servers.

To create a mailbox, you must register on one of the mail servers.

To work with email programs (mail clients), they must be installed on your PC. Email is based on two applications: the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) and the Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) or the Internet Message Access ProtocoI (lMAP4). - latest version).

To be able to send or receive mail using email clients, you must create at least one account. Account– this is a set of data about the mail server user (name, email address, password for connecting to the server, names of incoming and outgoing mail servers). Accounts are created in the email program you use.

Address Email.

An email address consists of two parts, separated by the @ symbol. The characters that appear on the left side of the address (before the @ sign) are the recipient's name or mailbox name, which often coincides with the user's login. Right side email address, which comes after the @ sign, is domain name mail server on which the mailbox is located and messages are stored.

Outlook Express mail application

Outlook Express is a Windows email program that is very easy to use.

With Outlook Express you can:

  • exchange email messages;
  • create and maintain an address book to store email addresses;
  • read and post messages to newsgroups.

After launching Outlook Express (Start / Programs / Outlook Express), an application window will appear on the screen, which is divided into three frames (three areas). The left area displays the structure system folders, in the upper right area - a list of letters contained in the selected system folder, in the lower right area - the contents of the folder on which the cursor is located.

Rice. 1.

Purpose of system folders:

  1. Inbox – messages received by mail are stored.
  2. Outbox – messages intended to be sent but not sent are stored.
  3. Sent – ​​copies of sent messages are stored.
  4. Deleted – contains messages deleted from all folders.
  5. Drafts – contains messages that are in the preparation stage.

Preparing messages

Message preparation technology:

  1. Open a window for creating a new message (Fig. 2) by running the command: File / New, Mail message or click the Create message button on the toolbar.
  2. In the To field, enter the address of the message recipient. You can enter multiple addresses in the To field, separating them from each other with a semicolon.
  3. In the Cc field, enter the addresses of the recipients of a copy of the message.
  4. In the Subject field, enter a subject for the message.
  5. Enter the required text in the field provided for entering message text.
  6. If necessary, attach a file to the message by clicking the Attach button on the toolbar, and in the Insert dialog box that opens, select the required file.
  7. You can save your prepared message in the Drafts folder so you can edit it later. To do this, on the File menu, select Save. If the message does not require further processing, you can place it in the Outbox folder so that it can be sent when the connection is established. To do this, execute File / Send or click the Send button on the message window toolbar.

Rice. 2.

Sending a message

To send and receive messages from the Outlook Express program window, run the command Tools / Deliver mail, Deliver mail. Outlook program Express will connect to mail server Internet, will send the prepared message and receive incoming mail. To read a message received at your address, go to your Inbox.

Message reply

You can use the message you receive when preparing your email response. To do this, place the cursor on the message to which you want to prepare a reply, and click the Reply or Reply all button on the toolbar.

In both cases, a message window opens in which the recipient’s address is already indicated, the phrase Re and the subject are entered in the Subject field incoming message. The contents of the original message have been copied into the new one. Enter your answer and send your message.

Forwarding a message

Microsoft program Outlook Express allows you to forward a received message to someone else. To do this, place the cursor on the message and click the Forward button on the toolbar. A window will open containing the text of the original message. Enter the recipient's address, add your comments to the original text and send the message.

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The basic functions of all email clients are receiving messages, allowing them to be viewed offline, sorting messages, automating the creation of reply messages and maintaining an address book.

      1. Creating an email

When preparing an email, the user prepares the text of the message and fills in a number of fields: “To”, “Cc”, etc. Information about the date the letter was created and the sender's mailbox address are entered automatically. The mail program allows you to simplify the process of filling out these fields if you are replying to a letter. Features such as Reply, Reply All, and Forward are particularly handy. To create the text of an email, a text editor is usually provided, which allows you to perform formatting operations, use the clipboard to copy fragments from existing documents, and select text encoding. If mail client supports HTML format, the possibilities for designing a letter increase significantly: you can use built-in multimedia objects, voice and video messages.

      1. Sorting messages

For ease of storage and retrieval, an email client usually allows you to sort messages into logical folders. It should be noted that these are logical folders, and not physical folders on your disk. It is incorrect to think of individual letters as separate files, since physically all letters are usually stored as a collection of records in some database contained in one or more files. And logical folders are filters that allow you to see a specific set of records. As a result, you can sort your messages by sender, date received, etc., and search messages by various fields.

      1. Receiving emails

Receipt emails- another one basic function mail client. After connecting the mail client to the server, incoming correspondence is copied to the local computer. When messages are received, the Internet connection can be terminated, and reading messages can be continued offline. Most email clients allow you to automatically forward a received message to a new address.

When you reply to a letter, a number of fields are filled in automatically. In particular, there is no need to type the recipient's address - just click the "Reply" button.

      1. Email clients for all occasions

There are several hundred email clients in the world for the Windows platform alone. A description of the functionality of specific programs is beyond the scope of this article; we will mention only the most common programs and indicate the addresses where they can be obtained.

Outlook Express is the most popular program in the world, part of Microsoft Office and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The program can be copied from the server for free . Outlook Express has a wide range of functionality and supports the IMAP protocol 3 .

For Russian-speaking users I would like to recommend The program Bat! - a famous product of Moldovan developers, - which can be found at . The Bat! – a powerful email client. The product supports the Russian language and the interface is completely Russified. The program is easy to use and does not require resources.

It seems to us that the genre of “paper” writing has gone into oblivion. In fact, one should not consider various accounts and agendas to be epistolary creations.

Any computer owner probably has an email address, and many have several: corporate, personal, and for registration on various web resources. If you didn’t check your “soap” in the morning, it’s a bad day: this principle has long been firmly rooted in the consciousness of modern people. However, progress does not stand still, and now a smartphone or communicator is enough to check email.

And some advocates of general “mobilization” rashly predict the imminent oblivion of emails, since they are accustomed to communicating only using mobile phones or instant messengers. Indeed, the latter have gotten the hang of transferring files and easily work as a video phone. Let us leave such a naive belief in the imminent death of e-mail services to the hotheads, since the leading players in this business, who have turned into social media, earn money on other things and besides mailboxes, which have not gone away, offer search engines, microblogs, chats, navigation services, etc. to everyone.

Discussion of the merits and demerits of programs for working with e-mail has long been the subject of a pointless pastime called “holivar”. For some, a web interface is enough: all reputable email hosting providers offer features no worse than those found in some email clients. Fans of HTML emails will find their favorite tools, but fans of bare text will not be offended either. The address book online? Don't worry - everything is for you.

However mailers cannot be written off. Firstly, corporate demands cannot be easily dismissed. Secondly, what should you do if you need to work with mail without an Internet connection? Waiting by the sea for weather can sometimes feel like death, but the important document in the attachment is needed immediately. Thirdly, addiction to email clients is just a matter of taste, and other people's quirks should be respected.
Among the dozens we are considering today mail programs you won't find Outlook Express or Windows Mail.

We would be happy to introduce you to the Marlin Mail program, but the developer, unfortunately, safely buried his project almost 8 years ago. It’s quite good and feels great in the environment. operating system Windows 7.

Claws Mail 3.7.8

Developer: The Claws Mail Team OS: Windows XP and higher, Linux, Solaris Distribution volume: 12.8 MB Russification of the interface:

If this program has taken root in the repositories of most GNU / Linux distributions a long time ago, then before loading Windows— the installer had to spend a long time “touching” the file with the laconic name gpg4win — light — 2.1.0 — rc1 — svn 1622 — colin.exe. As you may have already realized, Claws Mail fully supports GnuPG encryption. Relatively large size installation file due to the need for additional components. The supported protocols are POP3, SMTP, IMAP4rev1, NNTP, Usenet News and SSL. First of all, we recommend looking through a solid list software settings and, if desired, activate additional modules.

Claws Mail does not impose its services when filtering spam, but the necessary bsfilter.dll plugin is already ready for military work. Other modules will allow you to read news feeds in RSS 1.0 / 2.0 or Atom formats, view PDF files and notify about the arrival of new letters. Those who want to get vCalendar message support similar to what MS Outlook offers will also not be left out. In our opinion, this is a completely decent product with minimal capabilities that can be expanded through plugins. Alas, text formatting and other embellishments are not provided for in letters. We can only console ourselves with the support of skins.

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