How to set up an account and create an email newsletter in MailChimp. Instructions: how to set up automatic letters in MailChimp Mail chip mailing list

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And click on the “Sign Up Free” button at the top right.

Click "Sign Up Free"

Enter your email address, login (you can duplicate your email) and password. Just in case, let me remind you: the password must contain at least 1 digit, special character, lowercase and uppercase letters.

Receive a notification by email and activate your account. Next the setup process will begin. account.

Please enter your first and last name. Click Continue.

Write the name of your company and indicate the website address. If you don’t have a website, you can indicate a page on Facebook or Twitter.

Write your physical address. "But why? Believe it or not, we need your physical address. This will give us confidence that your mailings do not violate international anti-spam laws.”

Does your business sell anything online? Select the correct answer and move on.

In the last step you will be asked to subscribe to 2 newsletters. The first is a guide to working with Mailchimp. Of course in English. The second is dedicated to e-commerce. Also in English. Let's go!

How to translate MailChimp into Russian

No way. Of course, you can use the capabilities of your browser and plugins to transfer it to it. But the result will probably be disastrous.

MailChimp Interface Overview

In terms of usability, MailChimp is very good. It's difficult to get lost here. So what do we have on the home page?


  • Campaigns(campaigns) - setting up and launching the mailings themselves.
  • Templates(templates) - layout of templates for letters.
  • Lists(lists) - creating lists of addresses to which you will send letters. Subscription forms are also created here.
  • Reports(reports) - all information about current and past campaigns.
  • Automation(automation) - creating a series of event letters. Which will be sent, for example, upon registration, purchase or other subscriber actions. Not available on free accounts.

This part is hidden in the tab with your name on the right.

  • Notification(notifications) - here you can read the notifications that you receive.
  • Profile(profile) - opens the settings menu.
  • Account(account) - the same thing, just a different section.
  • Log Out(logout) - logs out of your account.
  • Help(help) - opens help on English language.


When you haven't done anything yet, there's nothing new. This is just another way to get to certain points.

Here you can:

  • Create a campaign.
  • Create a list.
  • Create a subscription form (Start building your audience).
  • Invite your colleagues to work together.
  • Confirm the email addresses from which you will send newsletters (Verify a domain).

If the first campaigns have already been launched, reports on new subscribers, email open rates, best newsletters, etc. will be displayed here.

Let's get to work!

Domain verification in MailChimp

To use your email addresses for mailing, you must first confirm that you are the owner of the domain. The service strongly does not recommend using mailboxes on the domains,, and others.

So create a mailbox on your website domain, go to home page and click "Verify a Domain".

Enter an email address belonging to the desired domain and click “Send Verification Email”.

Copy the code received in the letter and enter it in the “Enter code” field. Click "Verify".

If you need to confirm another domain, click “Verify another”. If not - “Done”.

Now that you have mailboxes from which you can send letters, it’s time to start preparing the mailings themselves.

Creating a Mailing List in MailChimp

If you have already created any lists, they will be displayed here. To create a new one, click on “Create list”.

A form will open that you need to fill out. Let's see what fields there are here.

List name

This is the name of the list. Please note that your subscribers can see it. So come up with something presentable.

From email address

From name

Who is the letter from? Write your name or company name here.

Remind people how they signed up to your list

Explain to people why they are receiving this email. Write something like: “You have subscribed to our newsletter.”


Write on behalf of which company the newsletter will be sent. If you indicated the name of your company during registration, the field will be filled in automatically.

Specify legal address company or your physical address. The field is filled in automatically if you provided this information during registration.

The city you are in.

Zip / Postal code

Your postal code.

Telephone. It may not be specified.


Notifications. By default, they will be sent to the address specified during registration. If you need to change it, click “Edit” and enter another one.

Check the boxes next to the notifications you want to receive.

  • Daily summary - daily report on new subscriptions and unsubscriptions from your mailing list.
  • Subcribe notification - notifications about each new subscriber.
  • Unsubcribe notification - notifications about each unsubscriber.

When you finish setting up, click “Save”.

Now this list will be displayed in the “List” section, and you can access it at any time.

Adding new subscribers to your list

You have 3 ways to add new people to your list:

  • Manually - using the Add subscriber tool.
  • Import - from other similar services or from files (not available on free accounts).
  • Subscription Form - You place a form on your site and people will sign up on their own.

Adding manually

To add a new subscriber manually, open the “Add subscribers” section and select “Add a subscriber”.

Enter his email and, if you know, his first and last name.

Check the box next to “This person gave me permission to email them.” Without it, you will not be allowed to add a subscriber.

The second option: “If this person is already on my list, update their profile” - will update information about the subscriber if he is already on the list. For example, you had the address of a person, but did not have his name. In this way you can add the missing information.

Click "Subscribe". You now have a new subscriber! Hooray!


Please note that import does not work on free accounts. Open the “Add subscribers” tab and click “Import subscribers”.

Choose where you want to import addresses from: from a .csv or .txt file, from a spreadsheet, or from services like Google Contacts. Click the "Next" button at the bottom right.

CSV or tab-delimited text file

Click "Browse" and specify the path to the file.

You can import contacts from a CSV file or from a properly formatted txt file. Each new address must start on a new line, and email, first name and last name must be separated by a tab character (Tab key).

Check the box next to the option “I understand that my billing plan may be automatically upgraded”. Unfortunately, you cannot use import on a free account.

Click Next.

Copy/paste from file

There is no need to download anything here. It's simply an online spreadsheet into which you can copy the contents of another spreadsheet. Or you can enter everything manually - it will be clearly faster than adding subscribers one by one.

Don't forget to agree to the option to transfer to a paid account.

Integrated service

Select the service from which you want to import data and click “Next”.

Click on the “Authorize connection” button to log in to the selected service via Mailchimp.

Different services offer different options to choose from. For example, on Google Drive you need to specify a table from which contacts will be read. And on Google Contacts - specify what user data to import.

As with the other options, allow the service to upgrade to a paid account.

Working with a list of subscribers in MailChimp

You can remove subscribers from your list and add them to groups for segmentation. Open your list.

Removing subscribers

Open the "Manage subscribers" tab and select "View subscribers".

This shows all the people in your audience. To delete several people, select them with checkmarks and click on the “Delete” button.

If you need to delete many people at once, poking at each one with the mouse can take quite a long time. Open the “Manage subscribers” tab and click on “Unsubscribe addresses”.

Enter (copy) the addresses of all the people you want to remove from the list here. Each address is on a new line. Then click "Unsubscribe".

Create a group

Group allows you to segment your audience. For example, choose people who are only interested in copywriting, and not in Internet marketing in its entirety. People will choose interests in the form of a subscription.

In the “Manage subscribers” section, click on “Groups”.

Now click on the “Create Groups” button at the top right to create a new one.

Here you can choose what the preference field will look like:

  • Checkboxes- people can select several categories by checking the boxes next to them.
  • Radio buttons- only 1 tick and therefore 1 category.
  • Dropdown- drop-down list. You can only select 1 interest.
  • Don’t show these groups on my singup form- do not create a field in the subscription form.

Now you need to specify the group title (Group title) and specify preferences (Group names). Click "Save" when finished.

You can now create a preference field on your subscription form and place it on your site. People will choose topics that interest them and fall into the appropriate category.

To manually add a person to a group, select them on the View subscribers page. Open "Actions", "Add to group" and select the desired group.

Using the Remove from group tool, you can remove people from groups.

You can also import subscribers to a group. To do this, open it and click “Import to” opposite the desired segment. Please note that this feature does not work on free accounts.

Here you can immediately create a campaign for a specific group. Click “Send to”, select the desired type of mailing - and proceed with the settings (the process is described below).

Sampling of subscribers by criteria

Let's say you want to find all subscribers who were born on June 10th (you never know). In this case, you cannot do without a filter. In the “Manage subscribers” section, click on “Segments”.

Click "Create Segment" to create a new filter.

Select a condition. For example, group membership, name, date of registration, etc.

To create another condition, click “+ Add”. If you want to delete something, click on the minus sign next to the condition.

Above the list you can select whether all conditions must be met (All) or at least one (Any).

When you're done with the settings, click "Preview Segment".

All subscribers matching the specified conditions will be found. You can work with this list in the same way as with the one on the “View subscribers” page. To save the list, click “Save as segment”.

Enter a name for the list. If you want new subscribers who meet the conditions to be automatically added to it, check the “Auto-update” box.

Creating a Subscription Form in MailChimp

There are 4 tools available to you here:

Let's look at each in more detail.

General forms

Here you can create a subscription form. You can embed it on your website, send it by email, or simply give people a link to it.

Forms and response emails

This is a list of templates. You can choose one of them and make your own form based on it. The standard Signup form is perfect for embedding into a website.

Let subscribers pick email format

Additional option. Allows subscribers to indicate their preferences regarding the format of sent letters - HTML layout or plain text.

Build it

The designer himself. On the left is the form. Here you can change the arrangement of elements, delete them and add new ones. To move a block, simply drag it with the mouse.

To add a new object, open the “Add Field” section and select the desired element from the list. No need to drag it, just click on the button.

To edit the created block, click on it or open the “Field settings” section.

What's here:

  • Field label- the name of the block that is displayed in the form.
  • Field tag- a variable into which information is entered. This could be date of birth, name, email, phone number, personal preferences, etc.
  • Required field- check the box if the field is required.
  • Convert to Groups- button in the fields with answer options. Creates a group based on this object.
  • Field visibility- the field can be made invisible if you select the “Hidden” option.
  • Help text- a hint that pops up when the user clicks on the block.
  • Default merge tag value- the value that will be assigned to the variable if a person does not fill in the field.
  • Menu options- this section is found in blocks with several selection options, for example, in drop-down lists. Here you can specify answer options.
  • Replicate- creates a copy of the object.
  • Delete- deletes the block. In the pop-up window you need to write “DELETE” to confirm. Precisely in capital letters.
  • Save field- saves changes.

This way you can add all the fields you need to the form.

Design it

Here you can configure appearance forms. There are 4 sections at the top:

  • Page- page.
  • Body- the form itself.
  • Forms- objects.
  • MonkeyRewards- Mailchimp logo. Always displayed on free accounts.

Each section has subsections. When you select one of them, the corresponding form element is highlighted with a red frame. So you won't get lost.

The settings are not very flexible. In principle, here you can only change the color of the elements, font and size of the inscriptions.

Translate it

This tool translates English forms into other languages ​​(including Russian). To do this, select Russian in the “Set default language” list.

Here's an example of what you'll get.

But it is not all that bad. You can fix this madness manually. Just enter the required phrases in the appropriate fields. Just in case, the original text is shown on the right.

If you check the box next to the “Auto-translate” option, the form will be automatically translated into the user’s browser language. Considering the quality of machine translation, the pleasure is questionable. Unless you want to manually edit all the required fields.

The “Text direction” option allows you to align all objects to the right or left.

Embedded forms

Do you want to embed your form on your website? This section is for you. You will embed the form that you created earlier using General Form.

The tabs at the top (Classic, Super Slim, etc.) define the appearance of the form. Just click on one of them.

On the right is a preview of the form. On the left are its settings.

Include form title

If you enable this option, you can write a title for the form. For example, “Don’t be lazy, subscribe!”

Show fields

Show all fields or only required fields.

Show interest group fields

Show fields for audience segmentation or not. For example, the user will be able to specify topics that interest him and receive only relevant emails. This only works if you created such fields in the constructor.

Show required field indicators

Shows or hides asterisks next to required fields. It is very convenient if all the fields in your form are important.

Show format options

Shows users settings for their preferred email format (plain text or HTML format).

Form width

The width of the form in pixels. If you leave the field empty, the form will take up all the available space.

Disable all JavaScript

Disables all scripts, for example checking the values ​​of filled fields.

Include archive link

Include MonkeyRewards link

Enable reCAPTCHA

Adds a captcha from Google to your form.

Copy/paste onto your site

The most important block. This is where the subscription form code is generated. Copy it and paste it into your website.

Subscriber popup

Here you can create a pop-up window with a subscription form. The template that you created in the designer is taken as a basis. So what do we have.


Allows you to see how the form will look in normal and mobile versions.

Customize the appearance of the pop-up window. Here you can specify where the window will appear (Layout), set labels for buttons, background and text colors, and the location of the subscribe button.

Here you can choose which fields will be in the form and whether they are required. They can be swapped here (but Email will always be on top).

Adds text above the form (Body) and below it (Footer).


Here you can specify the delay time (Popup delay) before the pop-up window appears and its maximum width (Max popup width).

Generate Code

When you are done with the settings, click on the “Generate Code” button at the bottom right.

The resulting script code must be copied and placed on your website.

Form integrations

Creating an Email Template in MailChimp

Open the "Templates" section in the menu.

This page contains a list of already created templates. For now it is empty. Click on the "Create Template" button at the top right.

There are 3 tabs with blanks:

  • Basic- basic templates with a bunch of settings.

  • Themes- more visual templates with already selected pictures and fonts, sorted by category.

  • Code Your Own- if the designer is not good enough for you, type out the letter manually or import the code from an HTML file.

Remember that you can remake any workpiece as you want. At least delete all elements and assemble the letter from scratch.

Working with the constructor

The constructor consists of 2 parts: the body of the letter with all the objects on it on the left and tools for working on the right.

The letter template consists of blocks that you can edit and rearrange. To move a block, hover over it, click on the square of dots (top left) and drag the element to the desired location.

To change an element, simply click on it. The editing menu will open on the right side of the window. If this is a text block, you will be able to write and format the text. If it's an image, upload a picture. If the buttons social networks- indicate links. And so on.

There are usually 3 tabs in the menu.

Specify the path to the image (Import From URL) or download it from local disk(Upload).

Uploaded images can be edited. To do this, click “Edit”.

There is a good one here graphics editor. You can add effects, crop the image, resize it, add shapes and inscriptions, and play magic with brightness and focus.

Design: color, fonts, alignment.


Settings. They are different for each block. For example, for text, this is the number of columns. For the picture - alignment. For links - select icons and their location.

When you are finished setting up the block, click “Save & Close”.

You can create a copy of an existing block. To do this, hover over it and click on the copy icon.

If you want to delete an item, click on the trash can.

To add a new object, open the “Content” tab on the right side of the screen. And then simply drag the desired element into the letter.

The “Design” tab contains settings for the appearance of the letter. Here you can set the background, fonts, button appearance, indentations and customize the version of the letter for mobile devices.

At the top there is a “Preview & Test” button. Click on it from time to time to see how your letter looks.

When you're done with the layout, click "Save & Exit" at the bottom right.

Enter a name for the template.

Setting up a campaign in MailChimp

Now we come to the most interesting part. We have a list of victims and ready-made template. The last part remains - setting up a mailing campaign. The moment is approaching when subscribers will receive their letters! Open the "Campaigns" section.

If you already have ready-made companies, they will be located here. To create a new one, click on the “Create campaign” button in the upper right corner.

Now you need to select your company type. There are only 4 of them:

  • Regular- sends a beautiful HTML email. If a subscriber has indicated that he wants to receive just text, he will receive a copy without layout.
  • Plain-text- sends a text message without images or formatting.
  • A/B testing- creates up to 3 campaign options so you can test your newsletter and choose the best subject, content and email delivery time.
  • RSS- sends content from RSS feed.


If you don't have any subscribers yet, MailChimp will offer to send an email to your inbox for testing. If you have already created a list, you can select it.

The options below the list allow you to select a specific part of the audience.

  • Send to entire list- the whole list.
  • Send to saved segment- saved segment.
  • Send to a group- sampling according to different conditions. For example, people named “Petya” or inactive subscribers.
  • Paste emails to build a segment- here you can enter a list of addresses to create a segment.

Click "Next" in the lower left corner.

Campaign Info

On this page you need to set your mailing parameters. In the “Name your campaign” column, write the name of the campaign. This is for your convenience only. Subscribers will not see it.

Email subject - subject of the letter. You can even add emoticons to it.

The “From name” and “From email address” columns will already be filled in if you specified this data when creating the mailing list. But, if necessary, you can edit them.

The “Use Conversations to manage replies” option creates a special mailbox to which subscriber responses will be sent. And then you can read them in reports. The feature is only available on paid accounts.

You can contact the user by name in the “To” section of the letter using the saved data. To do this, check the box next to the “Personalize the “To” field” option. And in the field that appears, enter variables, for example, name (*|FNAME|*).

To view all the variables that are available for the selected list, click on the “merge tags” hyperlink.


In this section, you can specify which subscriber activities MailChimp should track.

  • Track opens - tracks email open rates.
  • Track clicks - which links were followed and which subscribers followed.
  • Track plain-text clicks - which links were followed by subscribers who received letters without formatting.
  • Google Analytics link tracking - tracks user actions: from following links in emails to purchasing on your website. To work, you need to connect Google Analytics to your site.
  • E-commerce link tracking - tracks all the actions of your website visitors who reached it through a link in an email. All this can be viewed in MailChimp.
  • ClickTale link tracking - connects trackers from the ClickTale service to the letter. Helps you see how users interact with content.
  • Goal tracking - observes user behavior on the site and then sorts them into groups. Doesn't work on free accounts.
  • Track stats in Salesforce or Highrise - connects Salesforce and Highrise services.

You can also automatically send an email link to Twitter or Facebook using the "Social media" option. Select the desired social network (or both) and write an announcement.

If you are going to send videos in your emails, you can enable the “Auto-convert video” option. MailChimp will find all video files and convert them into a format suitable for sending.

Click "Next" to move to the next step.

Select a template

Here you need to prepare a letter to send. Choose from standard templates, upload an already edited one, or import HTML code from an external source.

Now create a letter based on the template. Insert the necessary pictures, write text for a specific letter, etc.

Click "Next" to move to the last step.


On this page you can look again and check your mailing parameters. If something is wrong, click “Edit” next to the desired item and correct it.

Confirm the action with the “Send now” button. Good luck!

If the letter needs to be sent not right now, but at a certain time, click on the “Schedule” button. The schedule settings will open at the very bottom of the page.

Indicate the delivery date of the letter.

Delivery time can be set in three ways.

  • Send a specific time- just specify a fixed time. The “Batch delivery” option (available only on paid accounts) divides a batch of letters into portions and sends them at short intervals. This reduces the load on your site when a crowd of subscribers floods into it.
  • Send with Timewarp- sends a letter at a time when he is often online. Doesn't work on free accounts.
  • Let MailChimp optimize time for maximum engagement- the service uses its algorithms to calculate the optimal delivery time. Only for paid accounts.

This is the beauty I sent to myself.

Email results reports in MailChimp

Now that you've sent your emails, it would be nice to know the results of your mailing. To do this, go to the “Reports” section.

There are 3 tabs here.

  • Campaigns - reports on completed mailings.
  • Comparative - comparison of several mailings (available only to PRO account holders).
  • Automation - reports on automatic mailings. Let me remind you that automation of sending emails is not available on a free account.

Open your campaign report.


In this tab you can view open rates, number of clicks, revenue, delivery reports, activity over the last 24 hours, and a list of the most active subscribers.


Lists of people who received the letter, opened it, followed the link, did not open it, unsubscribed after reading it, etc.


Reports on orders that people made by following links in the email.


Paid feature. All responses from your subscribers are saved here. So you can read your correspondence history without going to your mailbox.


Reports from Google Analytics. To watch them, you need to connect the service to your website.

How to share access in MailChimp

If several people are working on one project, it would be a good idea to give all of them access to the account. To invite a new user, go to your account settings page.

Open the “Settings”, “Users” section.

Click on the “Invite A User” button.

The invitation is sent by mail. Enter the person's email and access level.

  • Viewer- can only read reports.
  • Author- reads reports, creates and edits campaigns and templates, but cannot launch them.
  • Manager- full control over payments, addons, other users and subscriber lists.
  • Admin- admin, great and terrible. Can do anything.

Write a comment to the invite if you want and click “Send Invite”.

MailChimp Tariffs

After registering with MailChimp, you will receive tariff plan"Forever Free" He is completely and forever free. But with limitations:

  • No more than 2,000 subscribers.
  • No more than 12,000 letters per month.
  • Some functions are missing, for example, sending event emails.

To change your pricing plan, go to your account settings.

Open the “Billing” section and select “Monthly plans or credits”.

Here you can choose the appropriate tariff or switch back to the free one.

  • Forever Free - free tariff.
  • Monthly- monthly payment, the amount of which depends on the number of subscribers. 500 people will cost you $10, 50,000 - $245.
  • Pay As You Go- you buy credits that are spent on mailing. This way, you only pay for completed actions.

You can also connect here additional functions:

  • MailChimp PRO- an additional set of functions, for example, comparing the effectiveness of mailings or multivariate testing. Costs $190 per month.
  • Mandrill- a service for sending e-commerce letters, created on the basis of MailChimp. The first 2000 letters are sent free of charge.
  • Social Profiles- collects data about subscribers from social networks. The price depends on the number of subscribers.


In this guide, I only covered the features available with a free account. I'm sure that once you pay for your subscription, you won't have any difficulty figuring out the rest.

Who can use MailChimp? Anyone! Email marketing helps any type of business. Just do not send spam through this service!

We figured out how to send standard emails using MailChimp. There are cases when doing this manually is inconvenient. For example, if you want to send welcome emails to all new subscribers or wish them a happy birthday.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to create and configure automatic emails in MailChimp.

Why do we need automated emails in MailChimp?

By automatic, we mean emails that are sent after a certain event: subscription to a newsletter, subscriber’s birthday, entry into a segment. Using automatic emails, we usually implement a welcome series, where we welcome a new subscriber, give a gift for subscribing, and talk about the product.

However, Automation can be configured not only for new subscribers. For example, you can send emails to a specific segment. There is also a special type of automatic letters that are sent on the subscriber’s birthday or after the first purchase.

We will not consider trigger or transactional emails in this article. They are also sent automatically, but are configured differently. All trigger emails are implemented through Mandrill, which connects to your MailChimp account separately, and are called using API requests. But automatic emails can be set up in MailChimp without third-party services.

Automatic emails are located in the same place as regular ones - in the Campaigns section. Create a new campaign, select the Automated type.

The new automatic chain will appear in the general Campaign tab next to the standard mailings. There you can pause and edit this chain.

Automatic emails in MailChimp are divided into several groups:

  1. Subscriber Activity - letters that are launched depending on the activity of the subscriber.
  2. E-commerce - emails related to e-commerce: abandoned cart, thank you for your purchase.
  3. Data Based - emails whose launch depends on the data in your list. A classic example is a birthday. Information about this day is stored in the list of subscribers, and the letter is sent regarding it.
  4. API - letters that are launched based on API requests.

How to set up sending in MailChimp

First, you need to create a new automatic chain in the Campaign section. For example, let's choose the most common type of automatic letters - Welcome new subscriber - welcome letters for new subscribers.

The idea is for people to automatically receive the first email when they sign up for the newsletter. The letter may contain a gift or congratulations on a successful subscription. There can be as many letters in a chain as you like, and it is launched in MailChimp through the Welcome new subscriber.

Next, we select the type of automatic chain, enter the name and immediately select the list of subscribers to whom we will send these letters. Initially, everything is configured for one list, but within automation, sending can be divided into segments or groups.

This is what an automated email chain looks like from the inside:

A new email is added to the chain using the Add Email button:

Let's figure out what certain buttons do:

1. Edit Workflow button on the right top corner. If you click it, you will go to the main settings: name, sender email, GA tracking.

2. You can customize the appearance of the letter using the Design Email button, everything is the same as in standard letters. We told you how this is done. We customize the appearance of the letter, links, and test it.

3. To launch the letter, we need the Edit Trigger button. Here are the settings for launching a letter.

You can change the time when the letter arrives. For example, the first welcome letter needs to be sent as soon as the subscriber is on the list, so we set it to Immediately. The next letters should arrive after some time. To do this, we configure how many days or hours after sending the first letter they should be sent.

The Change Trigger button hides the type of automation. We initially chose that these would be letters for new subscribers, but this can be changed here. For example, configure it so that automation is launched after activity in a campaign.

The Trigger when subscribers are imported setting allows you to send automatic emails to those contacts that you will import into the list.

4. Schedule. Here you can set up sending for a specific day or time. For example, so that the letter is sent only at 9:00 on all days except weekends.

5. Segment. Here you can select the segment to which the letter will be sent.

6. Actions. Here you can assign an action to those who received the letter. For example, place them in another segment.

When everything is ready, click Next in the lower right corner and continue sending in the same way as with standard letters. Only we will launch not just one letter, but a whole chain. We can pause or edit it at any time. Bingo.

Mailchimp is a mailing service. Mail - mail, chimp - chimpanzee, i.e. we have a chimpanzee that delivers mail. Perhaps the best mailing service in the world. From now on we will call him Meilchimp.

Formulation of the problem

Let's say the number of such records is a couple of hundred. And we need to ensure constant communication with them through mailings.

Where to begin?

Go to and register

1 - “Sing Up Free” = “Register for free.” Using Mailchimp begins by clicking on this link.

2 - “Login” = “Login”. For further use, you need to go to Mailchimp by clicking on this link.

So, click on link 1 and proceed to registration.

When you register, you are told that it is easy to get started and that you are given free access when you start. That it takes 30 seconds to get started and you don't need a credit card. If you already have a MailChimp account, the service prompts you to go to the login form.

3 - Address Email, to which we register access

4 - Username = Username. In the future, you will use this name to log in to the system.

5 - Password = Password. You can check the Show box to make sure the password is entered correctly.

6 - Create My Account = Create my account. Fill out points 3, 4 and 5, and then press the button.

After this the message is displayed:

It tells us that we need to check our email. And in the mail there will be a letter with a special link to activate your account.

The following letter arrives in the mail:

In this letter, you must click the “Activate account” button.

You are taken to a page where you need to enter the written words and click the “Confirm singup” button.

Then enter your login (username) and password (Password) and click the “LogIn” button.

7 - Let's get started

10 - Last name

11 - Your email address

12 - Information about the organization ( this information will allow you to create a block at the bottom of letters that will meet the requirements of organizations fighting spam).

13 - Name of the organization. If the name is in Russian, then enter it in Russian.

14 - Website address.

15 - Location address. If there is no office, then simply indicate the street and house number where you live.

16 - Continuation of the address. If everything you wanted was included in the previous line, then skip this line.

17 - City. Write the name of the city in Russian.

18 - Region/Area. If so, then write in Russian as well.

19 - Postal code.

20 - Country. Select your country from the dropdown menu.

21 - Scope of activity. If you don’t know English, then just select the bottom item: Other. It means "Other".

22 - Time zone. You need to choose the right one so that the time of sending the mailings is determined correctly. For Moscow: (GMT +4:00) Moscow

23 - check the box if you want to receive advice on mailings (in English)

One more small step - filling additional information, required by Meilchimp's security rules.

25 - Select your country from the drop-down menu. +7 – code of Russia. Enter your mobile phone number.

26 - Verify = Check. After this, you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code.

Enter the received code and click “Verify”

Great! We are registered in Mailchimp.

Let's look at the basic structure.

27 - Dashboard = Control panel. This is essentially a summary of everything that happens in Mailchimp.

28 - Account = Account. Various account settings. Click on your username to bring up a pop-up sidebar with settings.

30 - Lists = Lists. These are lists of those to whom you send mailings.

31 - Reports = Reports. Here you see the statistics of shipments.

32 -Autoresponders = Autoresponders. Automatic sending of messages depending on different conditions. IN this manual not considered.

Once again: we have lists of those to whom we send letters (30 - lists), there is what we send to them (29 - campaigns) and there are reports about what this gives us (31 - reports).

So we start by creating the first list. In essence, this will be the following task: “make sure that the table with our clients is stored not only in Excele, but also in Mailchimp).

Go to the Lists section (30) and click the Create List button on the right:

You will receive a form to create a list.

33 - Set up your new list

34 - List name (only you can see). For example: “Our clients”

35 - Sender's name. This is the default name; in the future you can change it for each mailing. For example: “Ivan Petrov” or “Company of Merry Men”.

36 - The email address that your subscribers will see. You can also set it separately for each mailing in the future.

Here is an example of what your subscribers will see if you specify “Rambler-Kassa” as the name, and “Rambler-Kassa” as the email address - [email protected]

37 - Subject of the letter, which is substituted by default.

38 -Here you need to write how the people on this list learned about you. Essentially, this is the rationale on which basis we send them letters. For example: “Newsletter for clients.” Or “Offers to exhibitors.”

39 - The name of your company.

40- Company address (fill in Russian). If the address does not fit on one line, continue filling in next line addresses.

41 - City (also write in Russian)

43 - Country

44 - Telephone

45 - Notices. If you check the boxes, you will receive emails about who has subscribed/unsubscribed from the mailing list. We recommend not betting, but simply looking at it in Mailchimp’s reports.

46 - Letter format. There is no need to put a mark. This means that we ourselves decide in what format to send letters: text or extended.

Fill in the data and click “Save" (Save)

Great! Now we have our first list

Now you need to add subscribers to it.

In English subscribers -Subscribers.

We go inside by clicking on the name of the list. In this case it is “Graphic Design Clients”.

Internally we need imports. Select the Import button on the control panel (item 47).

You will see a page with a selection of possible sources for importing contacts.

We need import from Excel, select the icon on the page (point 48)

And indeed: we just take, copy our list of clients from Excel and paste it into the appropriate field:

49 - Copy/paste your list

50 - Insert your list

51 - Import list. We press this button after we have pasted the copied contacts into the large field.

We get this screen. Caption 52 says something like this: you need to tell Mailchimp what data should be written in which column.

53 - select the data type for the first column - we have this name (First name) and click “OK”, and the second will contain an email address.

After that, click Done. What does "Done" mean?

In the future you will need to manage subscribers:

To go to managing subscribers, select the drop-down menu called "Manage subscribers"

56 - list of subscribers by clicking on a number or an item

View subscribers ("View subscribers") you will open a list.

57 - Name subscription (adding a subscriber manually)

(for example, someone calls and is outraged by the mailing).

Let's go to campaigns (point 29).

And select the Create Campaign drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

And then Regular Ol’ Campaign (What does “Regular Campaign” mean).

We choose which list we will send the newsletter to. Now we have 1 list, but as we work there are more and more of them.

Chose. Click on the Setup button at the bottom of the page (Next step: setup).

59 - Company information

60 - Campaign name

61 - Subject of the letter. The topic is damn important. This is something that greatly influences whether the recipient opens the letter or not.

62 - From whom. Also an important point. Initially, recipients open emails because they are interested in the subject of the email. If you do the right mailings, people start opening them not because of the subject, but because the letter came from you.

63 - Mailbox from which the newsletter will be sent. Send mailings all the time from one mailbox. This is important because to display images in emails, the recipient must click a special link. You need to press it once to mailbox, but when you change your mailbox, this need appears again.

64 and 65 - If you have names in your user database, and there is a checkmark here, then letters will arrive with the name indicated.

67 - Tracking the opening of letters. Should be noted.

After filling out, click on Design at the bottom of the page (next step: design)

ChooseDrag & Drop Editor (P. 69) pressingSelect

Let's go to the editor:

71 – field where your newsletter will be displayed. Those. on the left is display, on the right is editing.

72 – select a block of information and drag it to the left.

73 – edit, delete, move blocks of information

74 – preview and test (if necessary, you can send a test letter)

Once you've finished editing, move on to the next step.

The next step “Plain-Text Message” is needed so that you get a text version of the letter that could be displayed to those recipients whose mailers do not support advanced formatting.

At this step, you need to click on the Copy text from HTML button, and you can move on. Click "Confirm"

Here you can check what has been written and return to previous steps. After everything has been checked, you can click Send now to send the newsletter

If you need to delay sending the mailing or send it on a schedule, you can use the Schedule button

In the future, you can copy previous mailings and make new ones based on them.

This is done in the “Campaigns” section. In the Edit drop-down menu to the right of the newsletter, click Replicate, edit and send out.

Hello everyone on the updated SEO sectarian Blog! By the way, you can express your thoughts about the redesign))

Most likely, you are currently using the Feedburner service. There are rumors that it may be closed, like Google Reader. Therefore, it’s time to think about a backup option for email newsletters.

Some of you came to this article straight from your mailbox because you once subscribed to blog updates (those who have not subscribed yet, what are you waiting for?))).

For email newsletters, I have also been using Feedburner quite successfully for a long time. This is a wonderful service, but... when using it, I did not have enough response from subscribers. That is, I saw conversions from email newsletters in Google Analytics, but this seemed not enough to me.

That's why I discovered MailChimp. This is not the discovery of America, of course, but it is also quite a serious step forward.

MailChimp will also be useful to you if:

You want to change the headers of emails in your newsletter. Headings are a very important thing, because in many ways it depends on them whether a person will open your letter or not.

You want to control the content of your email newsletter: insert any pictures, text, links.

You want to see how many subscribers opened your email and even how many times.

You want to see who clicked on which links from your email.

If you want to segment your subscribers according to any parameters and send them letters in accordance with this segmentation.

Here, in my opinion, are the main advantages of using MailChimp for email campaigns. The only downside for some will be that this service is in English. But it's not that hard to figure out.

If you are just starting to work with email newsletters and have less than two thousand subscribers, Mailchimp is best suited. There is no need to link a card or pay for using the service, and recently automation has become available for a free account. In today's article we will figure out how to register with Mailchimp, create user lists and configure the service for further mailings.


Complete standard registration. Click Sign Up Free, enter your email, login and password. Next, you need to confirm your email address and domain, and provide information about yourself and the company.

Mailchimp does not approve addresseson bulk domains:, and others. For mailing, it is best to use mail on the domain of your site.

Creating a user list

Before you start mailing, you need to identify recipients. Go to the section Lists and create a list of users with email addresses. To do this, enter the data: from what address subscribers will receive letters, from what name and for what reasons they receive the newsletter, indicate the city and zip code.

Now you have an empty container ready. To add new subscribers, you need to go to the lists section and import contacts.

To download a list of contacts, click Import from the drop-down menu and then choose one of three download methods.

Import a CSV or TXT file. Suitable if you have collected addresses in a separate file. It's simple: find the file on your computer and download it. These documents are often completed by hand, so double-check the addresses carefully as some may be misspelled. For example, users often instead write and make many other typos.

Copying from a document. If the data is stored not in CSV or TXT, but in any other file, it is better to use this method. The easiest way to do this is to copy the addresses and paste them into the Mailchimp field. If you have several columns with information about users (email, first name, last name, date of birth, and so on), you need to separate them with commas, otherwise the service will not distinguish between the types of data that were provided to it. As a rule, Mailchimp independently recognizes only the subscriber’s email address, so the remaining data (first name, last name, date of birth, etc.) will have to be entered manually. To do this, click edit, fill in the required item and save:

Mailchimp allows you to specify only standard data types - first name, last name, etc. If you need to record something unique, for example, the type of activity of the subscriber, you need to create this field yourself in the settings. I’ll tell you how to do this further.

Integration. Thanks to this method, you can automate the downloading of email addresses. You connect Mailchimp to a service where the subscriber base is stored, for example, Bitrix. And that's all required users are transferred to Mailchimp. To set up this method, select the service where you store your subscriber base.

If yours is not among the standard services, click My service isn't listed, you will be redirected to a page with expanded selections.

Working with a list of users

To add new fields for the list of subscribers, you need to go into it, open the settings and select the line List fields and *|MERGE|* tags:

Then create your fields by clicking on the button Add a field and enter any data you already have or plan to add about users. Then you can do segmentation, grouping and other things that are needed for high-quality mailings.

Segmentation. Let's say you want to find subscribers who use by Gmail. To do this, go to the subscriber list and click Create Segment.

Create a new filter. In the drop-down list, select the required line and indicate the email client that the subscriber should use.

To add more conditions for segmentation, click the button +add. If you want to delete something, click on the minus sign next to the condition. Above the list you can select whether all conditions must be met (All) or at least one (Any).

When you are done with the settings, click Preview Segment. All subscribers matching the specified conditions will be found. To save the list, click Save as segment and enter its name. If you want new subscribers who meet the specified conditions to be added to the list automatically, check the box next to Auto-update.

Removing subscribers. A necessary function, but not easy. If you delete many users, it will take a lot of time, because you cannot delete the entire segment at once. You need to select a maximum of 100 addresses and manually remove them from the database.

Let's look at it in practice. Go to the subscriber list. Segment the people you need to remove using the steps from the previous point. This shows all the users in your audience. You can delete one at a time; to do this, click on the checkboxes next to the email address. To remove multiple people, select them with checkmarks and click Delete.

With unsubscription everything is easier. You must also select the desired segment, then open the tab Manage subscribers and click on Unsubscribe addresses:

Enter or copy here the addresses of all the people you want to remove from the list. Each address is on a new line. Then click Unsubscribe:

Create a group

The group helps segment the audience. For example, choose those who are interested in copywriting, and not Internet marketing in general. Interests are selected in the subscription form. In chapter Manage subscribers Press Groups, then click on the button Create Groups top right to create a new group:

Now you need to decide what the preference field will look like:

    Checkboxes— people can select several categories by checking the boxes next to them.

    Radio buttons- only one tick and, therefore, one category.

    Dropdown— drop-down list. You can only select one interest.

    Don’t show these groups on my signup form— do not create a field in the subscription form.

After that, enter the name of the group (Group title) and preferences (Group names).

Now you can create a preference field on your subscription form and place it on your site. People will choose topics that interest them and fall into the appropriate category.

To manually add a person to a group, select them on the page View subscribers. Open Actions → Add to group and select the desired group. Using a tool Remove from group People can be removed from groups.

You can import subscribers to a group. To do this, open it and click Import to next to the desired segment. Please note that this feature does not work on free accounts.

Here you can immediately create a campaign for a specific group. Click Send to, select the desired type of mailing and proceed with the settings:

In the next part of the guide, I will talk about how to create and send the letters themselves, as well as about the different features of Mailchimp.

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