Mrko is an independent diary. Mrko electronic magazine Mrko electronic magazine

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Electronic diary (Moscow) is an application that will allow you to fully control your child’s progress at school.

Your child's up-to-date grades that appear in real time

The report will help parents of Moscow schoolchildren look at their children’s performance from the point of view of a professional teacher and methodologist. The development of the report was carried out in close cooperation with experts in the field of education, which made it possible to take into account the nuances of the development and learning of children of different ages.

Convenient daily and weekly progress reports with which you can quickly find out grades, homework and missing classes. We deliver them as a news digest to your inbox.

You will always know your homework and easily control its completion

Prompt notification of changes in the lesson schedule

Prompt notification of missed classes. Know about your child's truancy

Never miss important messages from teachers

The electronic diary application will allow you to monitor the progress of your child who is studying at school in Moscow! You will be able to quickly find out grades, absenteeism, homework and lesson schedules. Perhaps your child is not a good student because he is copying from the school assignments and ready-made homework assignments. With the electronic diary application, you will be able to control the quality of your child’s education, and his studies will become much easier. PGU / PGU / MRKO / MRKO Electronic journal (Moscow) - an application that allows complete control over your child's progress in school.

Recent evaluation of your child that appears in real time

The report will help parents to Moscow schoolchildren to see the performance of children from the perspective of a professional educator and practitioner. The report has been developed in close cooperation with education experts, which will take into account the nuances of development and education of children of different ages.

Convenient daily and weekly reports on progress with the help of which you can quickly learn assessment, homework and lesson omissions. We deliver them in the form of a news digest on your mail.

You will always know your homework and easily monitor its implementation

Operative informing about the change in the schedule of classes

Attendance and truancy
Prompt reporting of absenteeism. Be aware of your child's truancy

You will never miss an important message from teachers

Appendix electronic diary allows you to control your child's academic performance, who is studying in Moscow in the school! You can quickly learn assessment, truancy, homework and know the timetable. Maybe your child is not learning, as it withdraws from the GDZ and finished homework, accompanied by an electronic diary, you can monitor the quality of your child's education, and its study will become much easier. PSU/PGU/MRKO/MRKO

The service is a very valuable, convenient Android application for schoolchildren and parents. After free downloading and installation on your tablet, you just need to log in - access to the information is open.


The essence of the presented program is to mobile devices users gained access to the MRKO service. The service is intended for teachers, schoolchildren, and parents.

Students have accounts under specific code names. The log contains the necessary information. This includes names of subjects, schedule, homework.

However, the main advantage is that teachers enter information into an electronic journal. useful information, homework, grades. They can also leave personal wishes, comments for students, and feedback on their performance in lessons. At the same time, parents and schoolchildren can view all the information - you just need to have installed program on a mobile device, internet connection. In addition to viewing data, the application gives users valuable tips that can help improve academic performance and improve knowledge.

Parents are given the opportunity to monitor several accounts at the same time.

The service has some drawbacks. Situations often arise when new information is displayed by the electronic journal with a time delay. This particularly applies to grades.

Interface, graphics, sound

It features a convenient design. The location of the controls is remembered quickly. The application has Russian language. In the settings you can adjust some program parameters. However, many users complain that the graphic design lacks brightness and saturation. There is no sound accompaniment.

Access to MRKO from a mobile device;
- convenient control;
- the ability to monitor multiple accounts;
- Russian language;
- attaching, downloading files (documents, images).

Dull interface.

For mobile devices with android system– a convenient, useful tool for students and parents who can check the progress of schoolchildren in a matter of minutes.

The famous DJ Marco V (real name Marco Merkuylen) was born and raised in Holland. Already as a child, he became interested in electronic music, and from the very beginning it was clear what path he would choose in life. He made a great contribution to the history of modern electronic music, and not only largely determined its development, but also continues to redefine it with each of his new job. Very few DJs can be said to have put more effort than he into translating their musical talent into specific compositions, remixes and sets. His work, in turn, serves as a source of inspiration for many young artists, for which he is often called “The DJs DJ”. Many closely follow both his performances and his studio works, which invariably turn out to be evidence of his subtle taste and unique talent.

To constantly stay in the game, to be at the forefront of the development of modern music, you need to be able to change in accordance with its development trends, and Marco V has this ability. His sets, the style of which is difficult to clearly describe in words, make a great impression on fans of electronic dance music. It contains elements of various genres from electro to techo, as well as beyond. There is probably not a club in the whole world that is not familiar with the power of his music.

His studio works also include many world hits. His “Indicator”, “Simulated” and “Godd” became classics of dance music, and currently “Second Bite”, “More Than a Life Away”, “Coma Aid” and “Red Blue Purple” have achieved no less success. And with hits like “Café Del Mar” and “Loops & Tings Relooped,” his discography is the envy of many musicians.

His love of music and commitment to excellence is evident in everything he does. His series of mix collections “His Combi:Nations” became very successful, which attracted the attention of a huge audience both in the DJ’s homeland and around the world. She is a shining example, demonstrating the full spectrum of Marco V's sound, from underground techno to commercially successful dance music. In addition, Marco V released a solo album of original compositions, 200V, which became a hit on many dance floors and won a leading position on the Radio One playlist.

In 2009, Marco V released his third solo album, entitled "Propaganda". It was released not in one, but in two parts, each of which is a carefully developed musical concept. The lead single of this album was “Unprepared”, which rose to the top of many authoritative charts, and throughout the year was often played both in clubs and on the radio, becoming on a par with the classic works of Marco V. In addition to the release of the album itself, A collection of comics by British artist Vee Ladwa was released, dedicated to the plot of the entire album as a whole and each individual composition. This original solution speaks volumes about Marco V's creative approach to everything he does.

Marco V is often called a genius, a pioneer of electronic music or a legend, but despite his achievements, he does not stop in his development. He is one of those people who were born with music in their blood and devoted their whole lives to it. He is also called a “musical chameleon” for the extraordinary variability and fluidity of his style, which each time opens up new and unexpected facets of his talent.

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