Play market waiting for wifi network causes and solution. Play Market does not work on Android - the main reasons The play market does not open through wifi

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The Play Market is a great resource that allows you to download various applications for Android. This is the most convenient way download the games and programs you need to work with android devices. Many may have problems with the operation of this service, for example: the Play Market does not work, there is no connection, let's consider in detail the problems themselves and their solutions.

Possible problems

In fact, the Play Market is a fairly powerful online store that can provide quite high quality for all its users, but sometimes problems may arise when working with it.

Photo: Select apps from Google Play

These problems can be of a different nature, so we will consider each in more detail.

So, what kind of problems can be:

  • The first reason is the lack of internet connection. This may be due to a failure of the settings, both the router and the smartphone itself. Thus, Wi-Fi is connected, but there is no Internet itself. Also, there is a possibility that the Internet speed is so low that it simply does not support the Play Market;
  • in some situations, which occur quite rarely, the store itself is not open. In such cases, you just need to wait a while before the Play Market restores its work;
  • there are also cases when PlayMarket does not work due to a problem with the hosts file that is installed on the device. This happens when the file is edited automatically by the system. In this case, it is enough to simply fix it;
  • The last reason is that the date and time get lost. In this case, the work of the Play Market will not be of high quality.

Here, perhaps, are all the problems that make the Play Market impossible to work. In principle, each of them is solvable, and this is done quite simply, which will allow you to quickly and efficiently set up work. The most important thing is to know what to do if the Play Market does not work and how all these problems can be fixed. This is what we will consider next.

Video: how to solve problems with the Play Store


It is logical to assume that it is necessary to solve problems that arise when working with the Play Market, especially since it does not take a lot of time and does not require special programming skills. Therefore, now we write possible options that can help in solving certain problems:

If you root the device, then the device becomes out of warranty. You can get rid of root, but at the same time, any specialist will definitely be able to notice that the device has been rooted. Therefore, decide about the need for rooting for yourself first.

So, if you decide to install everything as root, then you should start by downloading the program. At the same time, not everyone can come up, so you need to see which program is right for your device and only then try to install it on your computer.

Google Play Market not working over WiFi

The lack of connection to the Play Market via Wi-Fi may be due to exactly the same reasons as the lack of an Internet connection. The reasons for stopping working over WiFi are exactly the same, and their solutions are also no different. The only thing that could be the difference is in the connections themselves. That is, connecting to a wireless network can be more "capricious".

Photo: menu manual setting ip addresses

In more detail, the problem in connecting to a wireless network is quite logical and understandable. And first of all, it is worth looking at how correctly you are connected to Wi-Fi. Only after that already check the operation of the Play Market and host file. The fact that Wi-Fi does not work is easy to understand, you will see what is on gray icon WiFi.

Then you can already check your device, whether it be a phone or tablet, for other problems that may well arise. Also, don't rush to root the device as it will make it out of warranty. In principle, this is not so scary, but still, I would not want to.

Reset settings

Resetting settings when Android is not working can also be a great solution to problems, as it helps to update the device, and thus, it may be that the problem was in the settings. It often happens that when working with some programs, they themselves knock down the settings, making them the most accessible to themselves. That is why, resetting the settings helps.

I would also like to note that resetting the settings helps in most cases. The only thing to remember is that you don’t have to do this all the time, because constantly changing the settings will not have a very good effect on the operation of the device.

Most importantly, understand that if your device was made in China, then changing the settings will be a little more problematic.

Setting up a proxy for problems with Wi-Fi

Any Wi-Fi network can be connected through a proxy server.

This is quite convenient, and therefore we will describe in more detail how exactly to do this:

That's all you need to set up a proxy server and connect to Wi-Fi using it. You also need to know that the proxy server settings for each network are set differently.

Wireless DNS Settings

If you happen to have a wireless connection to the Internet, but at the same time, not a single web page works. This usually results in a server error. And if they are loaded, then for quite a long time, then the problem may be not only a bad signal. This may also be related to DNS settings.

Photo: parameters in a wireless connection

DNS is the domain name service server and is always provided by the ISP. And you should understand that without the good work of this server, your work with the network will never be fast and of high quality.

Change MTU

To understand what MTU is, you should not be a programmer, but at the same time, most sites give a rather complicated definition of this parameter, which is not always convenient, the most important thing to know is that MTU is the value of a parameter in the router, without which normal network operation is not will.

It is advised to change the MTU parameters if you could not change the DNS parameters or if they did not change themselves.

That is, first of all, nevertheless, it is advised to use the DNS parameters, and only after that proceed to the MTU. This will help solve the problem when the web page does not start for a long time.

We update the application

So, if you are trying to enter the Play Market, but you can’t, then you should try the simplest solution to all problems - updating the program. It's pretty easy to do and won't take much of your time. Moreover, it is logical to assume that this is the easiest to do than to think about the settings of the router parameters for a long time.

Photo: update applications directly from the tablet

Updating is a fairly quick and high-quality way to solve problems with the Play Market and its operation. It should also be understood that there may be a small snag in the operation of the program itself. In this case, it is advised to wait a while, and come back again.

Installing Utilities

Utilities, in short, are special programs for smartphones. They help make the job much easier and better. In order to make working with the Play Market easier, you can install additional utilities that will undoubtedly help with this. Such programs can help make working with the Play Market much easier, and also make sure that there are no special problems.

Video: why the Play Market does not work. And how to solve this problem

Why the Market does not work on the phone

The work of the Play Market is rarely problematic, but at the same time, small difficulties can sometimes arise. The reasons why this may occur may be different, and this has been described previously. But that's it, the main reason why PlayMarket may not work is a change in the operating system.

This is what basically affects, at the same time, there is a way, the simplest is to return to the factory settings, but there is some drawback, all the information that was on the phone is lost.

Which, probably, no one would like, so there is another fairly effective way:

So, as we found out, the operation of the Play Market is quite simple, and difficulties with it can be rare. But if they do occur, then it’s worth taking the steps that are least harmful to the device itself, and do not touch the settings much. Especially check the date and time, or wait for the Play Market itself to load.

Hello Sergey. Your website is amazing and very well written. I have a problem, I will write names in Russian so faster 🙂 and so on the miui phone (Xiaomi Redmi 3s) and on the Asus tablet there was a problem that YouTube and the Play Market do not work on the Wi-Fi network, at first the videos on YouTube were all gray , but they were played, then they completely disappeared and writes that connect to the network, and if everything works and loads on the mobile Internet.

Everything works on the computer via Wi-Fi. I called the Internet company distributing our Internet, it's via cable osk, they said everything is fine, it's a Wi-Fi router. I found your site and decided to reset the router to the factory settings, according to your recommendations, I installed everything again, launched the router, everything works fine. on a computer and in a tablet phone too, but YouTube and the play market remained lifeless. What to do?


Hello. If YouTube and Google Play open on your phone and tablet through the mobile Internet, then for some reason I'm sure that the problem is with your Internet provider. Hardly something in the settings of the router. Moreover, no one has changed them. Everything stopped working suddenly.

It would be good to check:

  • Does YouTube open through a browser on a phone or tablet.
  • And will there be access to these services if you connect your ASUS or Xiaomi to another Wi-Fi network.

What can be done? I would try to change DNS addresses. On your phone and/or tablet, go to wifi settings and open the properties of your Wi-Fi network you are connected to. There you can set static settings. Write DNS: and

It is possible that the error "No internet connection" and "Check your network connection" will no longer appear.

A separate article with the main solutions:. There I showed in detail how to change DNS on Android.

Users Android smartphones may encounter a problem: when the Play Market is not working, it is not possible to connect to Wi-Fi. That no connection, signals the corresponding error name. But the main difficulty is that everything is fine with Wi-Fi, since you can easily access the Internet and open any site from another phone, laptop or tablet. And only the Market refuses to see the wireless network and writes that there is no connection. interesting moment: if you use regular mobile Internet to connect, while turning off Wi-Fi, then the Play Market immediately corrects itself and starts opening any sites.

But without the Market, there is nothing to do with Android, since downloading a game or video from the mobile Internet is not a cheap thing. The problem seems insurmountable only at first glance, and today I will show you three ways to deal with the difficulties of installing the Google Play Market on Android.
But this material will help you only in case of problems with the Market. .

For those who, when trying to enter the Google Play Market, see an inscription that there is no connection, but at the same time other applications and sites open without problems, which indicates a normal Wi-Fi operation, follow these guidelines.

Disable proxy server

Troubleshooting the Play Market needs to start by checking the proxy, that is, make sure that they are really disabled. The verification is done on your Android.
When choosing Wi-Fi in the settings, wait for the list of available wireless networks. Your network is the one that makes the Market not work. After clicking on the desired network, wait a bit until the list box appears. You need to click on the line Change network».

Then make sure that next to the line " Advanced Options» is checked and proxy servers are disabled (it says "No"). If there is no negative word, it means that the proxies are set, and you definitely need to disable them.

Have you definitely turned off the proxy servers or were they not turned on, but the problem is not solved? Then move on to the next step.

Set static DNS in the Wi-Fi menu

You again need to go back through the settings to the properties wireless connection. Again tick the Advanced Options» and note static setting IP. As you scroll down, you will see two fields to fill out: DNS1 where you should put And DNS2 you fill with numbers Check if you did everything according to the instructions and click " Save».

We overload Wi-Fi on our Android and try to enter the Play Market again. Works? If there are difficulties, move on.

Change MTU

In the router settings most often automatic setting MTU - 1500. Because of it, some programs may not work correctly, and some sites may not open at all. And this problem can affect not only your Android, but also all devices connected to the same point.
You can find the MTU parameters in the router settings in the tab Network WAN(for Tp-Link). At the bottom of this page you will see the inscription MTU Size and the box next to it, which must be filled in with the recommended four digits.

Before changing the MTU parameter, it is better to contact your Internet provider and find out what numbers he recommends. If you do not have such an opportunity, and you need Internet access immediately, then try several options: 1420, 1460, 1500. After saving the settings after the change, be sure to reboot the router.

If you have an Asus router, then first you need to find the Internet tab. At the end of the page you will see the line " Extra options pppd”, next to which in the box you write MTU 1460 MRU 1460. The variable value here is still numbers.

These simple instructions will help you install Google connection Play Market with a wireless network and download videos or games from the Internet as much as you like. You can ask questions or suggest your own solutions to this problem in the comments.

Problem: When Google launch Play Market errors appear No connection or :

At the same time, a funny nuance is observed: sites in browsers open normally and other applications also successfully connect to the Internet.

Situation 1. Play Store does not work over wifi or mobile Internet


1. Check if the system date and time is correct. If the date is wrong, set the correct one. Check the boxes:

2. Restart your device:

3. Find out the version of the Play Market application itself. If the version is not the latest, download the latest one in the format .apk and install from a memory card.

4. Check if the Freedom app is installed. If this is present, run it, press STOP and reboot.

5. Check the hosts file. If it contains lines other than, remove them. Root is required for this operation.

6. If all else fails, reset your Android device.

Situation 2. Play Store does not work only when connected via Wi-Fi

This is your case, if when you disconnect your tablet (smartphone) from Wi-Fi, the error disappears and the Play Market application starts working normally through Mobile Internet.


1. Enter the router settings. Open WAN settings. Try alternately setting MTU 1460 and 1500.

Most often, setting the value to 1460 helps. But sometimes it happens the other way around, when setting the value to 1500 helps.

In common D-Link routers, this is done like this:

  • Set value MTU 1460
  • Save Settings:

This is how the setup looks in old D-Link routers:

  • Home
  • Specify the value in the field MTU
  • apply

In TP-Link, you need to go to the section Network => WAN, change field MTU Size (in bytes) and press Save:

2. In WAN settings as DNS, specify the addresses of Google servers:

Primary:; Secondary:

Usually it is enough to specify as the Secondary DNS.

After these steps, for the purity of the experiment, it is advisable to restart the router.

Common user error

Finally, I would like to mention one more situation. Smartphone / tablet may give an error Please check your connection and try again, if you launched the Play Store (Google Play) application and during the download process changed the type of Internet connection - for example, simply turned on Wi-Fi. At this point, the device is undergoing changes in network interfaces: Traffic priority is given to Wi-Fi, default gateway is changed. And it turns out that the device tried to connect the Play Store with Google server via mobile Internet, and due to the inclusion of Wi-Fi, this interface was deactivated. In this case, you need to wait a few seconds until Wi-Fi connects to the network, and then click Repeat:

And henceforth, first turn on Wifi, and then run applications that connect to the network.

Imagine the situation: you decided to download a new game recommended by friends, but when you entered the store, you found an error. Because of this, it is not possible to install a new application. So why is the Play Market not working through Wi-Fi and how can this problem be solved?


Before starting the recovery Apps Play Market, you need to understand the origin of the error. There are several reasons for the problem:

  • settings failure/problems in operating system android;
  • incorrectly set time or date;
  • problems in the settings that are responsible for continuous access to the Internet;
  • problems with the distribution of the Internet in the router itself;
  • another application interferes with the store;
  • violations in the work of the store itself;
  • program problems for which Google is responsible.

Recovery methods

Understand exactly why the Play Store does not work over Wi-Fi , impossible without trying every recovery option. We offer solutions for every problem.

In order for the app store to work, sometimes you need to do a factory resetGoogleplay. See the following video for details:

OS crash

Unexpected problems in the work of programs is the main motto of the Android OS. They affect the functions of the operating system itself and individual applications or modules. problem with mobile application You can solve it by trying to restart the phone yourself. This will fix minor and minor problems with the operating system.

Problems could also arise after flashing the smartphone to updated version OS. So that Google Play Market does not freeze and starts working with using Wi-Fi, you need to return the operating system to old version. The reason for the errors may be the incompatibility of the new firmware with your device.

date and time

Sometimes the Play Market program does not work on Android due to the fact that when connecting Google checks the time and date with its servers. If there are deviations of a few minutes, then this will not play a role in the work of the store. But changing the time for several days, months or even years leads to malfunctions of the store.

The solution to this problem is the simplest - go to "Time and date settings" and set the desired parameters.

Router settings

It is not always possible to access the Play Market via Wi-Fi. The gadget can be connected to the router, but there will be no network.

  1. To get started, study the light bulbs on the router and the availability of the Internet in general. Access any resources from the gadget through the built-in browser. If they do not open, consult your ISP, as there may be technical problems with the network.
  2. But what if the network is still there? The answer is simple - insufficient speed. The store requires a stable internet connection and good speed. Therefore, very often, with a weak signal, the error “Connection timed out” pops up in the store. The provider will help solve the problem.
  3. Sometimes a router may prohibit access to the Internet for a specific connected gadget. You can correct the situation by finding the instructions for the router, going into the settings and viewing the list of MAC addresses. It contains addresses that are denied access to the Internet. In settings mobile device find the "About phone" section, look for your MAC in the list and delete it in the router settings. Then reboot your network equipment.

  1. The problem can occur if you enter the wrong password when connecting to Wi-Fi. You can solve this by entering the correct security code in the wireless network connection settings on your smartphone.

  1. Sometimes the router system may not be updated. Therefore, you should download new firmware from the official website of the manufacturer network equipment. The problem will be solved by resetting the settings to the factory settings.
  2. Additional troubles can bring technical damage to the router: a broken antenna, broken wires, or the device simply turns off. If you notice such problems, please contact service center for repair or diagnostics.

Android Settings

Another option is to find out why the Play Market does not work via Wi-Fi, and you can fix this error by disabling the Proxy Server.

To get started, in the "Settings" of your gadget, select the Wi-Fi column. A list of available wireless networks will appear on the screen. Look it over, because there is a chance that the router's network is the one that does not turn on the application. If so, click on the "Change network" column.

A checkmark should appear next to the line "Advanced options" or "Advanced", and the Proxy server will be disabled. If the last one does not have the inscription: “No”, you need to disable the Proxy server.

If the problem is not solved, you need to set the static DNS in the menu wireless internet. To do this, open the static setting of your IP. Having found the fields to fill in (DNS1 and DNS2), enter the following combinations in them - and Then click "Save", reconnect to the Internet on the gadget and try to enter the application again.

Shop disruptions

If you can’t use the Play Market because the application does not work over Wi-Fi, try updating the program itself. To do this, simply find the desired store among other programs and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. If there is an item "Update", click it.

Wireless network settings

The program may not open or work incorrectly due to the standard MTU-1500 parameter set in the router settings. You can find and fix this error. To do this, go to the Internet settings on the router.

At the bottom of the page there will be an inscription "MTU Size" (or any similar one). The column next to it can be filled with 4 numbers. It can be a combination of 1420, 1460. To find out the exact number, contact your provider. After setting the numbers, save the changes and reboot the router.

Other applications

Sometimes various kinds of programs that allow you to freely visit sites prohibited in the country can harm the Play Market itself. You can restore its performance by disabling such an application. In the "Settings" menu, find the "All applications" column, and only then - the program that gives access to closed resources. In the upper right corner of the application there will be a “Stop” column, and click it.

Errors in the application

The stable operation of the store depends on certain parameters and files. Serious failures in the operating system damage them, and after that there is a breakdown of the application itself.

Try downloading the OS update by downloading it from the internet. If the Play Market does not function after installation, then the developers have not yet fixed the problem. There are several ways to check this:

  1. Create a new Google account. If the entrance to the store is allowed, then your previous account was blocked.
  2. Clear the cache. We enter "Settings", then select "All applications" and find "Play Market". Next, clear the cache. After restarting the gadget and re-enter the store.

If you have problems with the app store on your smartphone Xiaomi cMIUI 8, the following video will help solve the issue:

Knowing the reasons why the Play Market does not work via Wi-Fi , you can easily fix problems and enjoy the application after a while. Use our troubleshooting guide. If the trouble persists, or you know other ways to restore the program, be sure to write to us! Thank you for your attention!

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