Solution to Microsoft Installer error when installing Skype

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1. Click the button Start | Start.
2. In the search field, enter services.msc.
3. In the list of results, right-click on services.msc.
4. In the menu that opens, select Run as administrator | Run as administrator.

5. In the window that opens, scroll down the list of services and find Windows Installer | Windows Installer . Double click on it.
6. On the tab Are common | General in Group State | Service status check if the service is running.
7. If the service is not running, click Launch | Start.

8. Make sure the service is now running.
9. Press the button OK.

Step 2: Re-register Windows Installer.

1. Click the button Start | Start.
2. In the search field, enter MSIEXEC/UNREGISTER and press Enter.

3. Press again Start | Start.
4. In the search field, enter MSIEXEC /REGSERVER and press Enter.

Disclaimer. The next steps involve editing the registry. Be very careful, as incorrectly configuring registry settings can lead to serious problems in the system, including system failure. You change these settings at your own risk.

Step 3: Clean up suspended installation processes.

1. Click the button Start | Start.
2. In the search field, enter the command regedit and press Enter.

3. Go to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress. If section InProgress missing, go to step 5.
4. Remove all options in this section. If the section does not contain parameters, go to the next step.

5. Go to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations. If section PendingFileRenameOperations missing, proceed to the next step.
6. Remove all options in this section. If the section does not contain parameters, proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Check access rights.

1. Go to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer.
2. Right-click on the section title and select the item in the menu that opens Permissions | Permissions.
3. In the dialog box that opens, in the category Groups or users | Group or user names click on the item SYSTEM.
4. In category Group Permissions | Permissions for Make sure the system has full control of the partition.

After completing all the steps, restart your computer.

Greetings, dear readers. In general, after the next one on the laptop, I, as usual, and the software necessary for the user.

Everything seemed to be fine, I installed it without any problems required applications, until it was time for Skype. As soon as I tried to run the installation of this particular program, an error message appeared on the screen with the error “Could not find or download Microsoft Installer».

Also, below it was said that you should download and install this update and restart Skype again. But there was no detailed information about what Microsoft Installer is and what it is.

At first, of course, I thought that it might be Windows Installer, but after I downloaded it and tried to install it on my computer, I realized that my opinion was wrong.

Then I tried to install an earlier one skype version (by the way I did it) and update it directly from the software environment, but as a result I again encountered the same Microsoft problem Installer.

How, after all, to install Skype and bypass the error with installing Microsoft Installer

After several attempts to solve this problem myself, I ran automatic update systems to install all missing components.

As a result, after the update was completed, Skype installed and launched without problems.

As it turned out, I later found out that for Skype to work properly, you need Internet Explorer 11.

The only thing that surprised me was that the Windows 7 distribution from which the system was installed had been used before, and all programs installed perfectly and were updated without problems, and in Skype such errors as “Could not find or load Microsoft Installer” never appeared.

Well, okay, in general, in order to get rid of the problem with Microsoft Installer, when installing Skype, you just need to update IE to version 11.

How to download and update Internet Explorer 11

You have two options:

  • Run a full scan and installation of system updates;
  • Download installation file IE 11 from the site and install it manually;

Option #1

You can launch a full system update from the “Update Center”, to do this you need to go to

Just in case, let me remind you that in the “top ten” you can get to the control panel by right-clicking on the “Start” menu icon and selecting the appropriate item.

Option No. 2

You can download IE 11 directly from the Microsoft website using this link:

Save the installation file to your computer and then open it.

The update will start current version IExlorer up to 11.

After the update installation is complete, try launching Skype. If you get to at least the first step of the Skype installation, then everything is ok and there is an error Microsoft installations Installer won't bother you.

Windows Installer

Windows Installer (Windows installer ) - a subsystem of Microsoft Windows that provides installation of programs ( installer). Has been a component of Windows since Windows 2000; can be retrofitted to earlier ones Windows versions. All the information necessary for installation (sometimes along with the installed files) is contained in installation packages(installation packages) with the .msi extension.


Windows Installer was developed in 1995-1998 and initially had the code name Darwin. Early versions were called Microsoft Installer, hence the standard file extension of the installation package - .msi.

The first version of Installer was released in early 1999 as an installer for Microsoft Office 2000. At the end of that year, Installer became part of Windows 2000. Microsoft in every possible way encouraged the transition of developers to the new installer, including in the list of requirements for programs wishing to receive the so-called Windows 2000 Logo, the requirement to install with using Windows Installer.

Windows Installer was a significant improvement over Microsoft's previous installer, the Setup API (ACME Setup): it introduced GUI capabilities, uninstallation support, and rollback at any time during installation (including rollback during uninstallation), correct work with Windows permissions and other features, which made it a strong alternative to various installation packages on the market.

Logical package structure

The installation package describes the installation of one product and has its own

Component(component) - a minimal indivisible installation unit, which is a group of files, registry values, created folders and other elements, united by a common name (component name) and either installed together or not installed. Components are hidden from the end user. Each component has key path(key path) - for example, the name of its main file - which determines the presence of this component on the user’s computer.

Opportunity(feature; in the Russian version of Windows this word is translated as “component,” which causes confusion) is a hierarchical group of components and/or other features. When a dialog for selecting parts of the program to be installed is displayed during installation, the user controls the choice of opportunities. Selecting an installation option entails installing all the components that are included in it.

Physical package structure

The .msi file is an OLE compound document (OLE compound document - Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. documents are stored in the same container format), which contains a small relational database - a set of several dozen interconnected tables containing various information about the product and installation process. In this case, all string data in the database is stored together in a separate document stream, and there are links to them in the database tables; This way duplication of rows is avoided, which significantly reduces the size of the database.

In addition to the base, the structure of the .msi file provides for placing there user scripts and auxiliary

Installation process

The installation process consists of several stages - collecting information, execution (the installation itself), and possibly rollback (in case of an error or cancellation of the installation by the user).


Each installation step consists of a sequence actions(actions) recorded in the database. Actions are assigned numbers that determine the order in which they are executed, and sometimes the conditions under which the actions are performed or not performed.

Most of the actions are standard actions typical of a typical information gathering and installation process. All these actions are documented. In addition to them, the user can define his own actions (custom actions).

User-defined actions can either be written in one of the scripting languages ​​built into the operating system (VBScript), or placed in specially created C, C++, etc.). Files with these actions are placed inside the .msi file and are extracted from there at the beginning of the installation.

Collection of information

At the collection stage Windows information The Installer collects instructions (either through user interaction or programmatically) to install or remove one or more features included in the product. These instructions further form an internal script based on the database, which describes in detail the subsequent stage of execution.

This stage is also called direct mode(immediate mode).


By the beginning of this stage, the installer generates an internal script designed to be executed without user intervention. This script is executed by the installer in privileged NT service mode (specifically, under the LocalSystem account). Privileged mode is required because the installation could be started by a user who does not have necessary rights for change system parameters and files (although he was granted the right to install the program).

This stage is sometimes called deferred mode(deferred mode).


If any of the actions defined in the script fail, or the installation is canceled in progress by the user, all actions performed up to that point are roll back, returning the system to its pre-installation state. Rollback is ensured by the presence of a reverse action for every action that makes a change to the system. When introducing non-standard actions into a package, the programmer must also create inverse actions to them for the rollback to work correctly.

Other features

Announcement and installation on demand

Installation log

Other installation systems

  • Wise Package Studio


see also

The operating system consists of a huge number of programs and services, each of which performs its own functions. For example, to install new programs on your computer, you use Windows Installer, an installer service for Windows 7. It is responsible for unpacking files and entering data into the system registry. Some users, when trying to install applications, encounter the error “Could not access the service,” as a result of which the installation of the program becomes impossible. This article presents ways to solve the problem.

A similar error may occur if the corresponding service has been disabled, or the system files or registry entries. Below are ways to solve such problems.

"scan now" command

If, as a result of viruses or system failures, any important system files responsible for Installer have been damaged, you can use a special command for the console to identify and fix errors. You need to do the following:

After that, try calling Installer again by starting the installation of some application. If the problem is not resolved, proceed to the next step in the guide.

Service Manager

It is possible that Installer is not working because the service that is responsible for it is disabled. Try opening the manager and turning it on. If you don't know how to do this, follow the instructions.

Today the vast majority of people use operating system Windows. Naturally, many different applications are also produced for it, ranging from the simplest programs to such as .

But one day terrible things may happen: the application will be in unknown format refuse to install. What to do? In fact, the solution to this problem is simple, you just need to download the Windows installer for Windows 7 x32 and install it on your computer. Today you can find out what this program is and finally solve the problem with its installation.

What kind of program is this?

Windows Installer (or in Russian the Windows 7 installer) is free application, thanks to which you can install/configure or remove a computer program with an .msi extension. Using this installer, you can always install any program, as well as change some parameters. On our website you can download and install it completely free of charge.

Main reasons why this service may not work

So, if, when you try to install a program, the message “Cannot access Windows service Installer", then you just need to enable or download it.

In general, this installer comes with the operating system, but it happens that it may not work for the following reasons:

  1. Access to the Windows 7 Installer service is prohibited because you are logged in account on behalf of the guest.

How to start the installer service?

If the computer is yours, then you will just need to log in as an administrator (main user). If not yours, contact the administrator-manager or person responsible for computers.

  1. The installer service has been disabled

If a message pops up with similar text, then this problem can be solved like this:


1) Open the Start menu and click Run. Or simply press the Win+R key combination. In the window that appears, enter msc and click OK:

2) In the window that appears, find the installer, right-click on it and click run.

3) This service simply does not exist or is outdated. Therefore, in this case, you just need to download it and install it on your computer. Windows Installer is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10.


Download this installer. Then all that remains is to launch and install it.

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