How to overclock a processor in the BIOS. Software overclocking method. Introduction to temperature safety.

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Increasing the performance of a computer system by increasing the clock frequency of certain hardware components provided by the manufacturer is called overclocking or overclocking. As a rule, when it comes to such an operation, it means considering the question: “How to overclock the processor?” Although the term “overclocking” is much more comprehensive and includes increasing the operating frequency of modules random access memory, video cards and even adjusting the modes of bridge chips (in Lately has lost its relevance). Moreover, if we talk about the computing core, then there are both special utilities for overclocking the processor, and techniques for making hardware changes. In other words, you can “overclock” the microcircuit using programs, as well as using jumpers on some motherboards.

Memory: Set the correct time

This also applies to the risks of overshoot due to higher voltage. If you want to go this route, monitor the development of video card temperatures during tests. Despite this, despite this moment it is possible to get a little more out of memory belts with the right manual settings and adapted timings. Before we start with the actual setup, here are a few optimization options up front. Then set the timings of the memory blocks to the specified values. They are usually visible directly in the BIOS.

How to overclock a processor: programs

In this article we will talk about how to do this programmatically - through the BIOS, but it is also worth pointing out some of the most popular applications of this type. Among them are Right Mark Cpu Clock, Set FSB, CPU FSB and specialized programs, often supplied on disks with drivers for motherboards from various manufacturers. There is nothing complicated in using this group of applications: a slider for selecting the reference (or resulting) frequency, a multiplier, the core supply voltage - even a person without computer experience can quickly understand them.

At this point, the lower the better. However, first start with the values ​​specified by the manufacturer for the memory latches. Also set this at the beginning to the value suggested by the system. Set the parameter to a lower value step by step when overclocking. You can also specify the memory voltage. In standard memory this is typically 1.5 volts for current memory modules. If necessary, increase this step by step using 0, 1 volt steps. However, the results you can achieve when overclocking memory are very simple.

The risk to equipment, especially as voltage increases, is very high. Therefore, our recommendation does not go towards overclocking. With better memory, you can go further. By overclocking your hardware, significant performance gains are easily possible in a wide variety of situations. However, as you saw in the seminar, you will only succeed if you are patient and careful.

How to overclock a processor through BIOS

One of the most effective ways increasing the performance of the central chip by increasing its operating frequency involves making changes to the motherboard BIOS. BIOS is a set small programs, stored in one of the mainboard chips. Every time you turn on the computer (even before booting operating system) these programs are activated and perform a series of simple tasks- configure the operating modes of components, carry out basic testing, and organize low-level interaction. The user can make permissible changes to the configuration algorithm, thereby achieving the desired results. In order to get to the settings menu, you must immediately after applying power to system unit press and hold the Delete button (in laptops this can be F2, etc.). In the list that appears, you need to find a section with processor settings - FSB, multiplier, voltage. It is impossible to indicate the exact location, since it depends on the BIOS version and manufacturer.

For best results, always check your processors and graphic cards. Main memory is quite manageable. In this case, you must slowly approach the hardware's limits and remember to include some power reserves. Always try to optimize clock speeds before approaching voltage values. The latter are always more risky. If you follow these steps in a smart and intentional manner, nothing will stand in the way of your success.

Overclocking is what experts call a computer. A little patience doesn't take much more to make computer legs. Ten percent more energy is almost always available, we have increased the cycle by a third. For risks and side effects, read this notice. Using computers is very popular, but you can basically jeopardize the warranty and guarantee, and in the worst case scenario, destroy the components. In addition, they still largely meet the specifications specified by the manufacturer.

From theory to practice

You cannot consider how to overclock a processor without at least a general understanding of the process itself. The operating frequency of the microcircuit is formed by multiplying any main (reference, FSB) frequency by a multiplier. So, a 1 GHz processor can actually run as fast as 200 MHz*5. Thus, there are two ways to overclock - increase the FSB and/or the coefficient. The first option is more effective. Usually in the BIOS window you can see what the base value of the reference frequency is. For example, 200 MHz. First you need to set it to 205, save the changes (the dialog appears after pressing Esc) and check the stability of the system. Then repeat the operation, increasing it a little more. The “ceiling” depends on many factors. When it is reached, it is necessary to reduce the result by 5-10 MHz - for stability. If after the next upgrade the computer does not turn on, then you need to reset the BIOS settings (the jumper on the board is indicated in the instructions), and then set the identified “ceiling”. Further increases may require increasing the voltage in minimal increments.

The "maximum speed" of processors is still important to the speed of the entire computer. However, many gamers have previously designed dual core processors for quad-core models, because the "duo" clocks were higher, and the clocks decide a lot of games: only a few programs name the processing power of two cores, let alone four cores.

All settings - no system is the same. Such instructions have a big disadvantage: no processor is the same - and the same applies to the computer as a whole. All the tests we have done and reported in the following sections were performed on a system with the following components.

Using a Multiplier

It is also possible to overclock the processor using a multiplier. The algorithm is the same. This opportunity implemented only in special processor models where it is explicitly indicated (AMD Black Edition). It is worth considering that an overclocked processor consumes more electricity and heats up more, so it is necessary to control the temperature (AIDA64 application), as well as use effective cooling systems. By the way, this is why overclocking a processor on a laptop is often impossible from the BIOS - they already use small-sized radiators and weak fans.

In the end, what settings are ideal for your own components is something everyone must find for their own computer. However, to understand individual set screws in principle, there are many instructions for various configurations in the depths of the network. Here are some websites that have forums where you can find advice on their own PC configuration.

Before you take your first steps, you should consider some “how-tos”: these are instructions that explain the setup in detail. Here are two examples for many. Please read the factory settings before setting up. The bandwidth can be found in the manufacturer's "datasheet". But be careful: low voltages require good power supply, because otherwise there will be voltage fluctuations and the system will not work stably. This saves energy and money on your next bill because the computer behaves like a car that has been "cruising" at low speed in its highest gear.

Overclocking the processor via BIOS and special programs

Avid gamers, people who work with bulky media, and those who require complex computing processes often find their hardware underpowered. And if they don’t want to spend money on upgrading equipment, or there is no need to dramatically increase performance, then overclocking or overclocking the processor, video card or RAM will help. Overclocking or overclocking – increasing the performance of components personal computer software or physical manipulation.

Now continue - into the BIOS! And off Note. This keyboard layout is not related to any bio. You have to change about a dozen settings there to get a stable, perfectly tuned system. But be careful: this should be done in as many steps as possible: first increase from 9 to 9.25.

Best: Memory limits. We can leave this alone. This is, roughly speaking, the time of access to information about Rama. Crashes and blue screens - and how to react to them. Frustrated, we looked to find the bugs. The disadvantage of this measure is that the temperature increases significantly.

All devices operate at 50-80% in normal mode maximum power. Restrictions are imposed by manufacturers and are designed to extend the life of the device. There are several ways to remove or bypass these restrictions. True, this will significantly increase the load and, consequently, reduce the service life of the device. Thus, having undertaken correct actions, you can increase the performance of your processor, video card or RAM by 20-50%. Achieving the highest possible productivity is quite difficult - this is already an area of ​​​​professional activity. But 20-30% growth can be obtained without delving into the constructive jungle.

Since in control calculator There is water cooling, temperatures were limited. This was not done when the voltage was raised: TV reception was interrupted. Therefore, we followed the following tips that we collected from various quarters online. They are valid in the community settings as the main parameters for each attempt to try.

We don't want to comment on each of these settings - it's, in short, the voltage under the memory, " North Bridge” and “Southbridge”, that is, the “highway” state through which data is transferred between components. We also tested an experienced colleague's tip because these values ​​are within the ranges that our motherboard manual considers compatible.

The following will provide tips on how to properly overclock your processor. It is difficult to damage your computer on motherboards with built-in overclocking utilities. Special software fuses, when detecting an excess of normal temperature, reset the settings to their original state. Despite all precautions, it is better to play it safe and provide additional cooling before overclocking the processor.

The goal in mind is now the test. But still no proof is provided that these settings are also truly stable under load. If the settings are insufficient, you may see the following: green test mark of simple lines is red - the program starts counting. If you want to be safe, it should run for at least six hours.

Then you are also safe with the games. There are several applications that can be launched one after another. And was it that bad? Just because on paper, or rather on the screen, the clock increases in size, speeds up the pace and at the same time leaves an amazing placebo effect?

To effectively increase the processor clock frequency, there are two ways: correction BIOS settings and special software. Both methods are relatively safe and accessible to users with modest knowledge of computer technology.

Before overclocking the processor through the BIOS, you must carefully study the instructions for the motherboard. You can find all the necessary values ​​in it. In addition, it indicates the presence of special switches on the board that are responsible for increasing performance. Their use can also improve system performance. The clock frequency is increased using the BIOS by changing the FSB bus multiplier. This feature is only supported by processors with an open multiplier. Otherwise, you will have to resort to software overclocking or soldering contacts. IN technical documentation The motherboard must include information about the FSB bus multiplier. To overclock the processor through the BIOS, you must perform the following steps: 1. Enter the BIOS (Del or F12 key, depending on the motherboard and installed version BIOS); 2. Select the appropriate menu section (MB Intelligent Tweaker, M.I.B, ​​Quantum BIOS, Ai Tweaker). There are a lot of options; they cannot all be described in one article. You can determine the required parameter by specifying the motherboard model on specialized forums and websites; 3. Find the item containing information about the clock frequency of the FSB bus (this will be a three-digit number with the mHz prefix, in some BIOS versions this item is designated as “CPU Bus”); 4. Find the item CPU Ratio (bus performance multiplier);

Of course, this is also part of it, but it is not the only reason: we measured it, and the numbers confirmed our perception. So we celebrate a small triumph over the merciless Moor's law, which states that computer performance doubles every 18 months. Of course, this is a triumph of short duration and, of course, only on new systems where the clock screw does not rotate.

We raise our hats and treat him, after all, his computer costs twice as much as our not-so-shady test system. But whoever caught fire must immediately take over this system. Operation and selection of values ​​are also mouse-friendly, and the menu structure isn't too deep or even nested.

5. Set the multiplier to the required value (you can calculate the required value as follows. Nominal clock frequency+ 20-30%, divide the result by the FSB multiplier and get the required coefficient); 6. Exit the BIOS and save the changes. If after loading the operating system the blue screen or discs are not recognized, sound cards or other elements, it means that the acceleration threshold has been exceeded. You need to reduce the coefficient and try again. After completing these steps, you need to check the processor temperature (special programs like Everest or HWmonitor will help). The maximum permissible value at peak loads is 900C. If the indicator exceeds the permissible value, then it is necessary to reduce the coefficient or ensure sufficient cooling. It is better to gradually increase productivity, increasing the final value with a certain step. Once you reach the required frequency, you can stop, or you can continue to increase it. When the maximum value is reached, the computer will stop turning on.

We already know this: multiplier boost

Since this increase is applied to all 4 cores equally, we no longer need to worry since motherboard automatically monitors and controls all values ​​automatically. After setup, you save and restart your computer. The clock rates according to the multiplier now vary between the minimum possible maximum value that was just set, depending on the load applied, but this is the same for all cores if the maximum value for the clock is greater than the value set by the multiplier. The so-called turbo cycle of individual cores.

To restore normal operation, you must reset BIOS settings. This can be done by removing the battery on the motherboard for ten seconds. If the computer still does not turn on, then you need to remove the battery and close the jumper marked CCMOS. It is usually located next to the battery socket. Having found the optimal value, you need to work at the computer for half an hour. If during this time the temperature did not increase and there were no system failures, then everything is in order - overclocking was a success. Now you don't have to worry about how to speed up your processor.

A higher turbine stroke of hearts is coming!

The motherboard then ignores these lower values ​​and clocks as high as specified. Then happily back to the details. You can think of this as a car for which consumption and maximum speed are fixed at maximum load, which can, however, accelerate faster if necessary if they are lighter and the consumption is as close to specification as possible.

Now we can turn the tables and increase the multiplier and therefore the maximum clock per core! Save and reload - done! But where is the added value of a slightly more complex action? When running a multiplier with an applied load, the clock speed of all cores is evenly increased to the same level, the clock pulse of each of the four cores is adapted to the load applied to it, resulting in significant savings in power consumption and therefore possibly lower temperatures, if not all cores are fully utilized.

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