What is a landing page? Types of landing pages, the purpose of the landing page is how to create a landing page for free. Wix landing page builder detailed review

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We will try to explain to you what a landing page is in simple words. So, landing page literally translated from English as landing page. We have dubbed it as a landing page. Such a page is designed to perform a specific action - clicking on the “Buy” button, “Subscribe”, etc. On the Internet it is called a landing page or simply a landing page, in slang land.

What is a landing page - it’s a money machine

What is a landing page? Landing is the engine of online commerce, the locomotive of sales! Works in conjunction with a well-tuned advertising campaign. At correct settings can become your money machine!

This technology came to us from the USA, where it appeared due to the great competition of online stores. According to the CEO of a leading Internet marketing agency, Anton Petrochenkov, it was he who breathed life into landing pages here in Russia. Anton worked in America for a long time as a marketing specialist in a prestigious company. In 2012, he returned to Moscow and began to intensively promote the technology of selling websites. We will consider its goals and objectives further.

1.What is a landing page in simple words

In simple terms, a landing page is a one-page website. The task of such one-page sites is 90% to sell goods or services. The landing page works effectively to collect a subscription base. There are never third-party advertisements on landing pages, a limited menu within this document. Consists of blocks, ranging from one or more. Each block describes the product step by step, leading a person to perform a specific action. Designed practically for advertising one product or service. Must have good graphics and well-written selling texts.

2. Purpose of the landing page

Landing, as a rule, is used to collect a subscription base; in this case, one, two, or maximum three blocks are used. The most effective for subscription are single-block landing pages (single-screen). Where the subscription form is located and the benefits of registration are listed, plus some kind of gift - a discount coupon, eBook and so on.

Landing page, subscription

A selling landing page is a multi-block page, usually consisting of 5 - 7 or more blocks. Each block describes the product and addresses the buyer’s needs and objections. There is a block with reviews of people who have already purchased the product. The landing task is considered completed if the site visitor completes the specific action intended by this page.

3. Landing page composition

A one-page site is a collection of several files and folders.

  • CSS (style sheets)
  • img (pictures)
  • (Java script)
  • The landing page itself with HTML code

As you can see, the structure of such sites is extremely simple. And their appearance depends on the versatility and bloat of the tables CSS styles and a set of JS scripts. The development and layout are quite simple. Scripts can be found freely available and downloaded or written yourself; styles can be easily changed and developed to suit your needs with a minimum of knowledge.

As mentioned above, a landing page consists of blocks. Competent construction of blocks is carried out according to two common models. AIDA and PMPHS

Model - AIDA

Attention - Attention;

Interest - Interest;

Desire - Desire;

Action - Action;

Model - PMPHS

Pain - Pain;

More Pain - More Pain;

Hope - Hope;

Solution - Solution;

Based on your target audience and goods, services, and the landing page is being built according to one scheme or another. The most important block is the first screen. This is the beginning of the landing page, what the user immediately sees after loading without scrolling.

- Remember!!! You have only 5 seconds to keep the user on your landing page!!!

Make the most of the first screen. Its minimum task is to force the user to at least move to the next screen (block), awakening interest in a product or information product or service. The maximum program is to take an action (leave a request, Email). Maximum +++ make a purchase.

— Don’t put it on the first screen necessary information, such as company name, phone number and the like. Remember - the landing page is not the main site, but, in principle, a separate site that fulfills other goals and objectives.

The first screen should contain a title and subtitle, it is advisable to close 3 - 5 benefits.


  • Should be catchy and bright.
  • When writing your headline, take it very seriously. It should ideally coincide with the title of the advertisement in Direct, AdWords, etc. The price of a click on the ad depends on its frequency according to Wordstat, and this, accordingly, is the money of the advertising budget.
  • It must correspond to the offer on the proposed resource.

Example of the first landing page screen


Decoding the title (product), quality adjectives work well.


It is necessary to give from 3 to 5 benefits from the purchase of your product or service, or subscription. That is, what is beneficial for the user to perform this or that action on the site.

In each block, write only the necessary information. Remember, the task is to guide the client through the entire landing page and force him to take the specifically prescribed action on the landing page.

4. Landing page promotion

In simple words, landing page is not intended for SEO promotion and output to the TOP search results. Such a resource receives paid advertising traffic through contextual advertising, banner advertising, teaser advertising, etc. In general, paid Internet advertising channels are used. Such as Yandex Direct, Google Adwords, VK Target, etc.

We recommend that you place your sales landing pages in a separate folder and close the folder from indexing search engines. This must be done so that all Internet pages must contain a number of necessary tags and headings, which should not be duplicated throughout the Internet resource.

The service title tag contains the key by which the landing page is promoted; if you enter a good key into the landing page, then it can no longer be used on other pages on the site. By closing your landing page from indexing, you can easily use a high-frequency query, create an ad using this key, and send traffic to the landing.

Next, you can prepare a competent informational article about your product using a good mid-frequency key and promote it to the TOP of search results. In this way, you can get targeted visitors, and from the informational article you can already lead to the landing page. This is enough effective method, You bring a sufficiently warmed-up user to your site, then warm it up even more and send him ready for action to the landing page.

Landing page - example

This method is free, but labor-intensive and requires a lot of knowledge in the field of website promotion; it takes quite a long time; promotion to the TOP can take several months.

Paid traffic gives results immediately. That is, they published a sales manual, launched advertising and traffic began to flow, but you need to fight not for traffic, but for real sales.

The most expensive channels are on search, Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. But we must also take into account that these are the hottest users, since they were specifically looking for your product and, in principle, are ready to buy. A good landing page and a well-prepared advertising campaign will give good results. (Remember about writing headlines above).

VK Target works well for cheap goods. Facebook, on the contrary, is expensive. From social media networks can be cast free traffic, that is, lead groups, communities and thus attract visitors and buyers to the landing page.

5. A/B test landing page

An A/B test, or as it is also called a landing split test, is not a test of an advertising company, but a test of a selling resource. It is carried out by preparing two or three identical landing pages with different elements and blocks. Buttons, headings, texts are tested. These tests are carried out in order to identify which element works better in which version.

Even if you completely ripped off the landing page from Vasya’s competitor, it is far from a fact that it will work well for you. And it is not known whether everything is really working well for Vasya.

So, for example, there is an opinion that the action button should be red or green; neither one nor the other worked for us. The dark blue one worked, they added a red border, like now, and there were more subscribers.

To carry it out, you need to set up goals in Yandex Metrics and Google Analytics. In the metric, you can track user behavior in maps, which blocks are read, which are not, how many users reach the end, which buttons are clicked, etc. Based on this information, you can correct texts and blocks. The test must be carried out with a small budget of an advertising campaign, identify all the shortcomings, compare the elements of the project, take the best, fix the problems and only after that launch a full-fledged advertising campaign.

Once the test has been passed, and all the nuances have been identified and eliminated, you need to take loading speed very seriously. The cost of clicking on an ad strongly depends on the loading speed of the landing page. Use the pagespeed service from Google, where you will be given step-by-step instructions and a link to the modified files. Keep in mind that the salesperson must be universal and open on all devices. The above-mentioned service will show you in this one, achieving the green zone should be your goal.

6. Privacy Policy

Including a link to the privacy policy increases the credibility of the landing page. It is necessary to take into account that on July 1, 2017, a new version of Federal Law No. 152 (Law “On Personal Data”) came into force. The absence of such a policy may result in fines from the government. authorities - Roskomnadzor.

Such links to the policy should be on every page of the site. As a rule, they are placed in futura. In order not to lead the visitor away from the landing page to the general site with a link in the future, make the file in PDF format with the policy and upload it to the server. On the landing page, put a link to it: “yourdomain.ru/polic.pdf” target = “_blank”. The policy will open in a new window, and the visitor will read the document and will not be distracted from the landing on the general site. We recommend this PDF file close from indexing in robots.txt

7. Landing page development

How to make a landing page? Yes, very simple! There are many free templates on the Internet, you can download them and customize them (by inserting your own texts). You can use all kinds of constructors and generators. Of these, we can highlight lpgenerator.ru and tilda, the disadvantages of such sites are that they are paid monthly resources, difficult to transfer to your domain, and the like.

It’s best to take your domain and make your own website and your own sales people; you will learn how to make a website in an hour by subscribing to our project. You will receive 5 lessons within five days and you will be able to launch an entire online store in a couple of hours. All this is absolutely free - try your hand.

Look video instructions, How easy it is to launch your landing page on the Internet.

Your promo code is TZS52983(just copy and paste when registering)

Our team is working on creating a universal landing page with step by step instructions and editor. By installing it, you can easily create your own sales tool of any complexity. The material will of course be paid for.

8. Conclusion

We tried to explain what a landing page is in simple words. To sum it all up, we can say that a landing page that is properly designed, tested and with a well-tuned advertising company can become a money machine.

This topic is quite broad and interesting; you can’t cover everything in one article. Write your questions in the comments, we will answer, and we will write separate articles for interesting questions.


Our project is at the launch stage, regular mailing is planned only by mid-September. IN this moment A partner online store is being developed. We are planning to conduct tests advertising campaigns for your budget and publish successful cases for free access to your subscribers. Real recommendations are planned for SEO promotion. A separate section dedicated to landing pages.

Subscribe to our project, stay with us.

Good luck with your sales through the landing page.

We tried to explain what a landing page is in simple words.

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If you are promoting your business on the Internet, you are probably familiar with this term. A landing page, also called a landing page or lead capture page, is a one-page website that is ideal for conveying a clearly defined message to an audience. Unlike a full-fledged website, where there are many other sections (about the company, product pages, contacts, shopping cart, etc.), the landing page keeps the attention of visitors strictly on one message and should evoke a desire to perform a specific target action. What action exactly depends on your tasks. As a rule, a landing page is used to collect contact information of potential customers (aka “leads”), register, go to a product page or to the main website.

Limit yourself to one page

A landing page is one page in the truest sense of the word. Do not confuse it with a small site with additional sections, otherwise the result will be difficult to understand, will alienate visitors and will not lead to increased conversion.

Write clear calls to action

In order to encourage the user to follow the links, you need to take into account several factors (which we will discuss later), but the call to action plays a decisive role. Make sure it is short, clear and attractive. Brevity is the sister not only of talent, but also of conversion.

Make the button visible

The effect of a call to action can be enhanced with a button. Yes, yes, use the buttons that you want to press. The user must immediately understand that this is a button, that it can be clicked, and that he will end up somewhere. By the way, make sure it goes where it needs to go. In the Wix editor, you can use it to turn an ordinary button into a dynamic and exciting one in five minutes.

Keep order

We have already written about this more than once, but just in case we will repeat: order, especially on the landing page, is very important. The page should not have too many images, text, icons and videos. Use and, opt for minimalism and adhere to the principles of visual hierarchy.

Don't get carried away with fonts

The golden rule of design is two, maximum three fonts. We understand that there are more of them in the Wix editor and you want to try them all, but don't do it. Choose well-matched fonts that best suit the style of your site.

Check if the text is readable

If you think that the landing page text is hard to read, enlarge it, make it more contrasting, change the font, in the end, but do not force readers to strain their eyes and peer into the letters. We advise you to carefully check texts for readability before the page is published. Good way To avoid failure - send a link to the landing page to your friends and ask if it is easy to read (the Get Feedback function greatly simplifies this task).

Use expressive images

If you want to express your thoughts as clearly as possible, you will need not only words, but also pictures - with their help you can tell at least half the story. We started not so long ago, so Wix users no longer need to think about where to find an interesting and high-quality photo.

Place anchor links

Pages are still in vogue, and they are still awkward to read without anchor links. A confused visitor becomes disappointed and leaves, and this, you see, does not contribute to conversion in any way. To avoid such situations, use them - you can create them in the Wix editor in just a couple of minutes. A free application will help you create a “Back to Top” button in no time.

What is a landing page and what are its features? How to quickly make a cool landing page yourself with high conversion? Which landing page builders are popular now?

Hello, dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the business magazine “HeaterBober.ru” Alexander Berezhnov.

And I decided so - I’ll tell you about landing pages, about the main techniques that I used to create them. I will give examples of good one-page sites. And each of you will draw conclusions for yourself. Agreed? Then let's begin.

The topic of creating a landing page is not an easy one, but it is very relevant and interesting. Knowing how to do this will help you make money. different ways, for example, like . Understanding this, you can start your own small business by simply selling goods or services through a landing page.

1. What is a landing page - an overview for beginners

Hundreds of articles have been written on the topic of creating landing pages. It’s difficult to cram all the advice and all the experience into one material. But I will still try to tell you about the most important thing regarding the landing page.

Landing is a one-page website or just a page, the purpose of which is to induce users to take some action: buy, subscribe, call, leave a request.

Landing page is literally translated from English: “target” or “landing page”.

You've probably seen such one-pagers on the Internet.

Why do they make landing pages:

  1. They motivate well visitor to take the desired action.
  2. They are quickly constructed. And they often cost less than a regular website. Another plus: you can create a landing page yourself.
  3. Landing page is easy to redesign– improve, change, add missing information.

Landing pages are created for:

  1. Product sales. For this purpose, calls are used: “buy”, “leave a request”, “call”.
  2. Collection of information. Here visitors are offered: “subscribe”, “find out more”.
  3. Software distribution- software sales.

Landing page and sales funnel

Funnelsales is the process of selling a product/service. At each stage of this process, a portion of people are eliminated - potential clients of a commercial company. We have a separate article on our website about.

The sales process through a landing page looks something like this:

  • 100 people saw a link to the landing page;
  • 40 users followed the link;
  • 10 people submitted an application;
  • 2 people bought the product.

Out of a hundred - two sales. Return – 2%. This is a good option. Not perfect, but not a loser either.

A sales funnel looks like an inverted kitchen funnel: a wide base and a narrow neck.

The widest part is the transition to the page. At this stage, we test the operation of contextual advertising, messages on social networks, and publications on other sites. Determining CTR.

CTR– the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. Measured as a percentage.

The middle part is the application. We analyze the effectiveness of the landing page - its design, text part.

The narrow part is processing applications and sales. Here we evaluate the work of living people - operators, managers.

When analyzing a landing page, another indicator is calculated - EPC.

EPC– this is the average earnings from one thousand landing page visits.

The higher the return rate, the higher the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

In what cases is it necessary to create a landing page?

Below we will consider a number of cases when you may be faced with the need to create your own one-page website.

Case 1. Low conversion (sales) of the company’s main website

When a website shows a low conversion rate, that is, customers leave without purchasing anything. And there is no money to create a new working large website.

Calculation example: 300 people visited the site in 24 hours. Subscribed to the newsletter - 12 users. The conversion will be: 12 / 300 * 100% = 4%.

The average conversion of sites in zone.RU is 0.5%. Landing conversion rate is 5–10%. These numbers hide the whole truth about why entrepreneurs love to sell their goods and services through one-page websites.

Case 2. New product launch

When you are launching a new product and want to show it off at its best. When you need to focus contextual advertising on a new product.

Case 3. Solving a specific problem

When you need to solve a specific marketing problem. And the company’s main website is not suitable for this.

Creating a landing page without in most cases will help increase sales.

Just having a landing page will not attract a ton of customers right away. In fact, landing is just a tool. Even the most sophisticated drill will not drill a hole in the wall until you pick it up. So it is here.

For the page to work, you need to “turn it on”.

To do this, you can take the following steps:

  1. Launch contextual advertising to your one-page website.
  2. Start an email newsletter based on a pre-collected subscriber base. In the letter, briefly describe the properties of the product and add a link to the landing page.
  3. Advertise a product on forums, partner sites, message boards. Add a link to the page everywhere.

It is a mistaken belief that a landing page can be the only place of communication between business and audience. If a company does not blog, does not develop its presence in in social networks, does not use email marketing – the landing page will be ineffective.

Case Study

The young man became interested in the offer of the Kverti company. The guy has never heard of this company before, and therefore is looking for evidence of its existence. Visits the company’s website and blog, joins a group on social networks.

He was convinced that the company was working. The blog content is constantly updated. On social networks, admins quickly respond to user questions. The client returns to the one-page page and makes a pre-order.

Now ask yourself a question: what would the guy do if he didn’t find traces of “Kverti” on the Internet? If the entire existence of a company began and ended on one single landing page. Would he order their product?

The conclusion from this example: use auxiliary tools to enhance the effect of sales through your one-page website.

2. How much does it cost to create a landing page and what does the price of a one-page website depend on?

The price of creating a landing page depends on whether you order one-pager or do it yourself.

  • The first option is expensive. Freelancers charge from 100-200 USD. for work, design studios – from 1,000 USD Cool agencies – from 5,000 USD
  • The second option is “almost” free. If you involve a programmer or copywriter in the development, if you use a paid template as a basis, the price of this method will be from 20 to 1,000 USD. and even higher. For a better understanding of prices different types websites and landing pages, read our article.

If you decide to order a landing page, you will be asked to fill out brief– a special questionnaire: answer questions about what you would like to see on the site.

Your answers will be the basis for the contractor when determining the price for the work.

The more “tricks” and “bells and whistles” you want to see on your one-page website, the more expensive the landing page will cost.

The price will depend on:

  • unusual structure and unique design will cost 7 00 USD;
  • contextual advertising and its setup – from 100 USD per month;
  • text from a good copywriter - 50-100 USD, from an excellent commercial writer - from 1,000 USD;
  • unique pictures and icons (not downloaded from stock) – that’s at least another 100-200 USD.

In addition, the price of a landing page is influenced by analysis of the target audience, selection of key phrases, testing of the page structure, constant monitoring, etc.

I've seen landing pages whose conversion rate was 50–60% . That is, every second visitor left their details or sent an application to purchase a product. The secret to such great returns was two factors:

  1. The page was visited mainly by the target audience - that is, people who were interested in this product.
  2. The developers adhered to the traditional rules of creating an effective landing page.

I will tell you about these rules.

If they fail to hook you, the reader will not reach the treasured “buy” button.

Follow these rules:

  1. Focus the client's attention on one thing.
  2. Tell him about the benefits of only this version of the program.
  3. Offer him a discount on one product.
  4. Get him interested in sending out newsletters on a specific topic.

If you place ten products within one screen, the visitor’s attention will be scattered. He will scan the entire page. Perhaps he will pay attention to a huge discount or some funny picture. And then closes the tab. In five seconds he will have forgotten about your existence.

The user visits the site. The first thoughts that come to his mind are: where did I end up, why am I here? If he doesn’t find an answer in the next few moments, you will lose the client.

According to statistics, 80% of potential buyers leave the page in the first fifteen seconds. And here are the main reasons:

  1. They didn't find what to do here. The site does not have a specific call to action: “subscribe”, “order”, “find out more”, etc. Remember, if there is no “big red button” on the screen labeled in a simple word“buy” - this is a bad landing page.
  2. Visitors do not understand what is offered to them here. They are irritated by dozens of details splattered on each other, flashy gifs and continuous Caps Lock. Awkward elements compete for the visitor’s attention, distracting him from the main thing – making a purchase or subscribing.

These tips will help you increase sales of your product:

  1. Our everything– a rectangular red button with a capacious verb in the center. Place it not only at the end, but also at the beginning of the page.
  2. Express yourself clearly. Speak directly: what the user must do and what he will get for it.
  3. Remove everything that distracts from the main idea. Incomprehensible graphics, neutral pictures, stupid headings, left buttons, huge banners advertising other people's products.
  4. Convince the visitor with an example of the exclusivity of your product. When praising a product, use more numbers, comparisons. Place a red button next to the belief.
  5. Show specific benefits that the client will receive from using your offer.

But don't be overly passionate in your desire to intoxicate the client. Excessive pressure and an overabundance of advertising conditions only makes readers feel nauseous.

Selling fluorescent lamps? Here's the headline: "Save energy 4 times more efficiently."

Do you invite fatties to the fitness center? Hit the heart: “Who else wants a TV star figure?”

When laying out headings, be sure to use h1 and h2 tags. If possible, include key phrases in them - those words and phrases by which clients will find you through a search engine.

The text is the first priority. Until you have a fully formulated proposal, don’t even think about ordering a landing page design.

For the text to be first-class it is necessary:

  • First- know who the person is who needs your product. Create a portrait of your “ideal buyer.”
  • Second- read books about marketing and sales psychology.
  • Third- be able to involve the client in a conversation. Even if this conversation is actually a monologue. Imagine what questions arise in the interlocutor’s head. Write your answers logically into the text. Write until you tell everything about the product. And don't get hung up on the number of characters.

I noticed how internet marketing gurus like to criticize big landing pages. If you take a closer look at the object of criticism, it will become clear that they condemn tedious and uninformative texts. For some reason, critics avoid interesting and worthwhile long landing pages.

Don't be afraid of large texts if:

  1. The product is complex and unfamiliar. The client will have to chew on every advantage of the product. Provide many examples to prove its benefits.
  2. The product is expensive. To get a response, you will have to use all the superpowers of the landing page - reviews, guarantees, cases, discounts, post-warranty service, gifts.


70% visitors won’t even read the halfway point of your tortured landing page. Don't blame yourself. Try to grab the attention of others 30% – that’s not bad either.

How do you like three exclamation point at the end of a sentence? Maybe CAPS LOCK should also be added?

These things are a sign of aggressive advertising. For a normal person, the sight of capital letters and three exclamations causes panic attacks: “They want to sell me some kind of nonsense”, “Again this intrusive advertising!”, “I have always said that the Internet is a garbage dump.”

And for good copywriters, editors, content managers, this is also a sign of parochialism, unprofessionalism and sometimes, excuse me, idiocy.

I also recommend excluding the following cliches from the text: “flexible system of discounts”, “leader in the field”, “ high quality And low prices", "vast experience", "individual approach". Without regret, delete all crude and unsupported phrases.

This stage is very important for the successful promotion and sale of goods and services.

Let's get straight to the rules:

  1. Readable font – 16 point. I recommend: Georgia, Open Sans, PT Sans, Arial, PT Serif, Clear Sans, Garamond.
  2. Up to 80 characters per line.
  3. Every 3-5 lines – a new paragraph.
  4. Every 2-4 paragraphs – a new subheading. Subheadings should be composed in such a way that the reader, after skimming over them, can easily understand what is being said.
  5. Required: lists, quotes, tables.

Consider which path the visitor’s gaze will follow. When all the elements are in place, a person easily perceives information. And if the client understands your product, there is a chance that he will immediately buy it.

Use visual navigation: arrows, icons, pictures. Attract attention with contrasting shades: highlight the headings in color, use a red (yellow, orange, green) button.

A relevant landing page is a page that meets the user’s expectations.

Another example

If the user clicks on the banner “buy new iPhone with a 10% discount”, then on the landing page there should be an offer specifically to buy this phone and with this particular discount.

Create your own landing page not only for each marketing campaign, but also for each traffic source. For example, clients come from the social network VKontakte - this should be reflected on the website.

90% of buyers think before they buy something. People are afraid of fraud and fear for their safety. Many people do not want anyone to know about their purchase. Fears give rise to objections: “I’m afraid of losing money,” “I don’t believe that the price can be so low.”

Since you cannot personally reassure the client, take care of the answers to their objections in advance. Formulate convincing arguments and insert them into the text.

I'll give you some hints:

  1. 1-2 week money back guarantee."If you don't like the product, we'll refund your entire investment."
  2. Offer to try the product for free.“A 2-week trial period will help you decide.”

Such marketing moves have been and remain relevant when creating landing pages.

Be careful with deficits. Few people now believe in countdown timers. Moreover, when the counter is constantly updated when the landing page is reloaded.

Be smarter. Indicate the quantity of remaining products. Constantly and manually update information. The user must see that the goods are being dismantled.

Make the buyer think so

“Yesterday there were 74 microwaves with a 50% discount, this morning there were 23, and by lunchtime there were only 7 left. We need to take it urgently!”

Tip 11. Convince the user that you are reliable and safe

Place trust elements close to the call to action.

  1. Use social media buttons– tweet feed, likes on Facebook, list of subscribers in a group on VK.
  2. Post reviews with links to people or the company that left them.
  3. Display awards and certificates. Documents should open in full size and easy to read.

The data entry form itself does not cause unpleasant emotions in visitors. The majority of your target audience is ready to interact with you. If necessary, they will write their name, occupation and e-mail.

The difficulties begin when, at the registration stage, users are asked to talk about their lives in more detail. I advise you to postpone the moment of closer acquaintance until later - when the visitor confirms the fact of registration.

Another problem is a complex captcha.

Captcha- a pop-up form in which the user enters a set of characters (numbers and letters on blurry pictures), confirming that he is not a robot.

Everyone is stuck over deciphering symbols, solving puzzles and riddles. Therefore, not everyone passes the test - about 30-40% will close the tab and immediately forget about your offer. Forget about captcha. Leave it to your competitors.

This advice combines the essence of all previous points. Order a simple Landing page.

The page should be:

  1. No unnecessary graphics or text
  2. With a proposal to perform only one action: buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter, and so on.
  3. Looks free, spacious and not overloaded

The ideal landing page is a logo, a clear title and a button. If your product allows you to create a one-page website in a minimalist style, use it.

4. What is better: order a landing page from professionals or make a landing page yourself?

The command needed to create a landing page from scratch:

  1. Marketer. Develops strategy. Forms a proposal. Tests the results. Creates a website prototype.
  2. Copywriter. Writes texts. Creates headers.
  3. Web Designer. Based on the prototype, he makes a layout. Implements special effects.
  4. Front-end developer. Programs and typesets. Tests the landing page display on different devices. Sets up the form feedback, call button, etc.
  5. Directologist, contextual advertising specialist. Analyzes semantic core. Picks up keywords. Sets up contextual advertising.
  6. Manager. Supervises the work. Calculates the payback of the project. Makes key decisions.

The services of six specialists will cost you from 3,000 USD. This is the price for a landing page that will work.

If you plan each stage of work correctly and find good people in advance, the landing page will be ready in 2-3 weeks.

Now let's move on to the second one - "independent" option .

If you are an “ordinary” person, you will most likely fail in programming, design and layout tasks. There is nothing left to do but download a ready-made free template or use a paid landing page designer.

You will have to take on the work of a copywriter, manager, contextual advertising specialist and marketer. Here is an approximate scheme of actions:

  1. Come up with an idea. Formulate a proposal - a message to the audience who needs your product or service.
  2. Break your idea down into logical blocks. If you ask a question in the first block, the second or third block should be the answer.
  3. Develop a teaser*– picture or text. Make it catchy and concise.
  4. Work on the main text. Here you will act as a copywriter.
  5. Come up with headlines. It is desirable that they are not heterogeneous and form a story.
  6. Call to action. On your selling website you should have the phrases and words “order now”, “call”, “subscribe”.
  7. Get into design. Choose a suitable landing page template. Edit it to fit the structure you came up with. Look for photographs and illustrations in stocks. Or take a camera and shoot the material yourself.
  8. Launch the landing page. Set up contextual advertising.

Hard? But it's free! True, you will spend a lot of time on this: probably no less than 4-5 weeks.

Let's look at a table of ways to get a ready-made one-page website.

5. Popular landing page designers - TOP 3 best

The popularity of landing pages gave impetus to the emergence of a number of website builders. I will now tell you about several - Russian-language and the most popular.

Constructor 1. “Flexbe” (flexbe.com)

- a very simple and reliable landing page builder. Free version valid for 14 days - enough time to understand whether the designer is convenient and suitable for your business.

The cheapest tariff is 750 rubles per month. This amount includes: one domain, 10 pages, 250 SMS notifications, technical support, your Mailbox and other “goodies” up to a free domain in the .RU zone.

The most expensive tariff is 3,000 rubles per month. This is an unlimited number of domains, as many pages as you like, 1,000 SMS notifications, and so on.

The downside is that you won’t be able to create something incredibly cool. A no-frills Flexby tool set.

The advantage is incredible speed. In 10 minutes I created an acceptable one-page website. It looked good on mobile device screens.

Constructor 2. LPgenerator (lpgenerator.ru)

Let's imagine that you have already downloaded the template you like. What do you have hosting and Domain name. What to do next?

Landing page installation instructions

A few simple steps on how to install a one-page website:

  1. Go to your hosting provider's website. Go to your account control panel.
  2. Find the site's root folder (it should be empty). The name of this folder is the domain you purchased in advance.
  3. Click the download button, in the window that appears, select the archive with the template.
  4. When the archive is copied to the domain folder, click the “Unpack” button next to it.
  5. Wait 20 seconds for the operation to complete. Refresh the page.
  6. Landing page installed!

To edit the landing page, go to the root folder of your domain and search for required file. Change text, pictures, insert videos. You can learn this: read a couple of articles on the topic - and go ahead, make money.

7. Real examples of working landing pages

About 15-20 years ago, landing pages were created for impulse purchases. In the old days, people were still influenced by acidic colors, crazy GIFs and other rubbish. Now we have become more discerning: we pass by empty promises, trust a calm tone and convincing evidence.

“Those” days have passed, but there are still people who believe that a landing page should be “screaming.” I created this section to convince them otherwise. Here are examples of landing pages. Let's look at their pros and cons and understand why they work.

Example 1. Master Climate - a company for the installation and sale of climate control equipment

www.masterclimat.pro - we made this site with a friend when we were still studying.

The site has a clear structure and a pleasant design in the “ventilation and air conditioning” style. Also, this landing page has an adaptive layout, that is, the site adapts to any screen size, including mobile devices.

Example 2. Alfa-Bank vacancies

www.job.alfabank.ru - we scroll through the site and see how a young man’s career starts at Alfa-Bank. After some time, having looked at the tempting visualization, site visitors finally see the letters. The page contains decent text – its quality is no worse than an animated picture.

A description of new vacancies is posted right on the surface, and an opportunities section is published. For applicants - a small and very simple form.

Action button: at the top there is a small and barely noticeable “send resume” button - this is a minus; at the very bottom of the page there is a bright link “view vacancies” - this is a plus.

Globally, you can make money on landing pages in three ways:

  1. Creating landing pages to order, that is, being a web studio, designer or manager of the entire project, having found the right team.
  2. Using one-page sites as intended, that is, sell goods and services through them.
  3. Doing lead generation. Leads - contacts of potential clients. These are “warm” applications that can be sold to target companies. For example, you can create a landing page “Sliding wardrobes in Samara”, drive traffic to it and sell the generated applications to the companies that manufacture these cabinets.

Which method to choose is up to you to decide. In the first case, you will receive money from clients who need the sites themselves, and in the second, the money that landing pages will bring from sales to end consumers.

9. Conclusion

The truth is, people are tired of landing pages. They are tired of the same techniques - countdown timers, crazy discounts, “unique offers”, static reviews that have not changed for 2-3 years.

To prevent visitors from closing your landing page, make it unconventional. No, you can use templates, but fill them out wisely. Don't lie, don't chase fleeting benefits. Think about the client and his needs.

Let's summarize:

  1. Landing– this is an excellent tool for attracting new subscribers and buyers.
  2. Don't rely only on the landing page. To communicate with your audience, develop other areas - blog, main website, groups on social networks.
  3. The term “landing” comes from English word“Landing”, which means “landing”. This term reflects the main meaning - a landing page is a landing page.

    A landing page is an independent website or a separate page that encourages visitors to take a targeted action. For example: leave a request for a tour selection, buy a ready-made house project made from sip panels, advertise the sale of an iPhone, leave your phone number, subscribe to the newsletter, etc.

    There are 4 main possibilities where a landing page is placed:

    1. On a separate domain: domain.ru;
    2. On your subdomain: landing.domain.ru;
    3. Website page: domain.ru/landing.html;
    4. On a third-party service: service.ru/yourlanding or yourlanding.service.ru.

    The main task of a landing page is to encourage people to take a targeted action. For example, you can make a separate landing page to recruit subscribers for your newsletter. For each task there is a separate type of landing page, and below you will find out what types exist, as well as what type of landing page is better use in certain cases.

    Types of sales pages

    All landing pages are divided into three large groups:

    • Microsites;
    • Individual pages of the site in the form of landing pages;
    • Full landing pages;

    Landing pages are also divided into several categories according to tasks:

    1. Selling;
    2. Subscribed;
    3. Informational;
    4. Viral;
    5. Differential;
    6. Other.


    Microsites, or otherwise “business card sites,” are sites with a small number of pages (usually up to 10), where the main page is a kind of landing page, and auxiliary pages are created so that the user can better understand the product or service.

    Let's consider such a microsite using the example of a hotel website - https://fenixhotel.ru/.

    Home page The site is a full-fledged landing page, the task of which is to obtain the visitor’s contact for an individual calculation of the cost of the house.

    In addition to the main page, there are other pages on the site:

    • Examples of built houses;
    • Standard projects;
    • Construction technology;
    • Other.

    Each auxiliary page, one way or another, ends with an invitation to leave your contact information. That is, several additional pages “upsell” the main service or product from the main landing page.

    The disadvantage of such micro-sites is that they work best with purchased traffic, and they are very difficult to do with SEO.

    A landing page can also be a separate page on your website, for example, https://nethouse.ru/internet-magazin or https://moi-biser.nethouse.ru/czechbiser.

    Individual pages allow you to collect internal project traffic. For example, a person from search engines came to your site on one of the pages from where you send him to the landing page. By clicking on the link, the user is taken to a website page made in landing page format. This format gives you more opportunities to sell a product or service than most classic styles of informational website design.

    The advantages of this format are that you can drive traffic to such a landing page from various sources, including using Yandex.Direct and other sources.

    Full landing pages

    Full-fledged landing pages are one-page sites built on the principle: “take action or leave.”

    Most often, visitors come to such landing pages from advertising (contextual, targeted, display, VKontakte audio advertising, email newsletters, etc.). As a rule, landing sites have a higher conversion rate than pages within a site in a classic design.

    High conversion rate is a key advantage of landing pages. Why does this happen? It's a matter of psychology. The right landing pages grab the visitor’s attention (clear structure, beautiful graphics), convince him of the correct choice (emphasis on the benefits of the product) and, as a result, lead to a call to action block (Call To Action) - all this literally forces the person to take the action he needs to you.

    As with microsites, the most a webmaster can do with a landing page to promote it is to SEO optimize it for a group of target queries. But the possibilities for SEO promotion of landing pages are limited. You will have to buy the main traffic – yourself or with the help of an affiliate marketer.

    Types of landing pages and their purpose

    Depending on the purpose of creation, there are five main types of landing pages. Here's a handy chart for understanding the goals of each type:

    The purpose of such a landing page, as the name suggests, is to sell a product or service. Paid methods are often used to attract traffic - contextual advertising, teasers, etc. You might have seen landing pages like this when it was fashionable to sell a talking hamster toy. An example of a selling landing page is https://nabor-noskov.ru or http://www.maxitrip.ru/.

    The key element of a selling landing page is the presence of one Call To Action (call to action), and all other blocks direct the user’s attention to it. There are alternative examples of selling landing pages that use massive CTA elements to encourage a purchase.

    If your sales are offline, or your type of business does not involve impulse buying, then a sales landing page will not suit you. In this case, landing pages for mailing lists, which are often called subscription sales pages, work better. An example of a subscription landing page with high conversion: https://www.unisender.com/ru/about/bonusy/correct-email/.

    Such landing pages are created with one purpose - to get email or the visitor’s phone number for further work with him in the form of mailings or a call from a consultant.

    The format works very well - you give me your contact, and I will give you a free gift. The bait could be a free book, a cost estimate, or a discount on a service related to the topic of your landing page. As a rule, a good landing page for a newsletter consists of literally one or three information blocks.

    This format is often used to subscribe to an Internet service’s newsletter, to receive an individual promotional code that gives special privileges when presented in an offline business, subscription to a TV series, etc.

    An informational landing page is created to stir up interest in a new company product or a special event that will happen in the foreseeable future. The purpose of the information landing page is to subsequently transfer the visitor to the main site, or to add a certain date to the user’s calendar. A good example of an information landing page: https://www.coca-cola.ru/product.

    The difference from other types of landing pages is, as a rule, the absence of any call to action. On such a landing page, as a rule, descriptions, images and infographics prevail.

    This format is suitable for you if you want to talk about a new feature of your project, for example, that now your White Label project will show in detail the conditions for transporting luggage.

    A viral landing page involves the presence of entertaining or educational content that visitors will be happy to share on social networks and thereby increase the brand’s advertising reach.

    Examples of viral landing pages with high conversion:

    Such landing pages can look like a landing page for collecting contacts, or an information page, or have any other format; their main feature is the presence of wow content.

    The company logo should not be too conspicuous. It's better for him to be somewhere in the background. In this case, your brand will be subconsciously associated by the audience with the wow effect that you have prepared for it.

    In most cases, this type of landing page is used by online stores and includes a combination of almost all of the above types of landing pages. An example of such a landing page is https://www.mvideo.ru/promo/predator-50.

    Differential landing pages are integrated into the main website and provide complete information about your product or service. Such landing pages are often used for promotional offers and serve as information landing pages.

    As a rule, a differential landing page has forms for collecting contacts, as does a landing page for collecting email addresses.

    In addition, differential landing pages are often used to attract and process traffic for low-frequency search engine queries.

    The advantage of this solution is that the user who lands on this page does not have to spend a long time searching for the information he needs throughout your site.

    What type of landing page is best?

    We have posted examples of information landing pages and other types of landing pages. Compare all types and choose the one that best suits your task. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to the question of what type of landing page is best - start from the goals you are pursuing and try different options.

    Share your experience of creating sales pages in the comments, and also ask questions to our team and website builder experts

    Landing page, landing page, landing page, landos and even a sales plug - all these names, serious and not so serious, for a special type of sites that are created for a specific task.

    With a very high probability we can say that for your task. But first things first.


    To understand what a landing page is and what it should look like, we need to understand what other sites exist, and, of course, how they differ from our highlight of the program.

    And I’ll say right away that if we consider the concepts of “site”, “business card site” and “landing page” from a purely technical point of view, then all of these are sites, but from the point of view of the task, they are different. Therefore, let's figure out how a landing page differs from a business card website, corporate website, etc.

    1. Business card website

    Business card website for vending machines

    It is created to present the company on the Internet and provide some minimal information about it.

    And most often, as in the case of a business card website, it is used once to contact you, and then thrown into a deep drawer.

    Today, this kind of resources is used by organizations that receive most of their clients from offline, and for them this site is more for show than a real sales tool.

    2. Corporate website

    Corporate website for the implementation of IT solutions

    This is a more serious thing, intended for a full presentation of the company on the Internet.

    As a rule, there are always several main pages: portfolio, about the company, our team, services, contacts, and then individually. Although you may not have all of these points.

    The main task of such a site is to create an image and inform about a large number of goods or services that cannot physically be placed on one page.

    This is why large large companies give preference to such sites instead of landing pages.

    3. Online store

    Online store selling equipment

    The most complex website format, designed to demonstrate the assortment to visitors and receive orders from the client.

    However, you know this even without my clever description, since shopping in online stores has now become the norm.

    The most ideal situation is when you have a lot (at least over 30 pieces) of physical goods and you need to arrange them somehow conveniently.

    And if at the same time you need to automate sales for your niche, then this is generally what the doctor ordered.

    4. Landing

    Landing page for online yoga classes for pregnant women

    If we talk about the landing page, then it is only one page. And the task of the landing page is to force the visitor to take the target action.

    Which one exactly depends on the marketers’ idea, and it will not necessarily be the purchase of goods and services.

    This can be classic - order a consultation or cost estimate. This is the main difference between a landing page and a multi-page website or online store.

    Who it is suitable for and what its pros and cons are, we will discuss further. Now the main thing for me is that you understand how a landing page differs from a regular website.

    If, to my regret, I was not able to convey this, then we have already written in more detail about the differences between landing pages and traditional sites and business card sites.


    The idea of ​​creating one-page websites began to gain popularity back in 2010 (approximately), and their popularity is still not subsiding.

    Or rather, it even grows. And mainly because from the point of view of business owners, a landing page should work something like this:

    1. The user lands on the page;
    2. Admires the sales and packaging of the business;
    3. Leaves a phone number and looks forward to the manager’s call;
    4. Runs to bring money to your company.

    I don’t want to say that this doesn’t happen – it very much happens, but not in all areas of business and certainly not with every landing page.

    Therefore, let’s move on to the most appetizing part - why do you need a landing page and who is it ideal for (and at the same time, what to sell through the landing page)?

    I will answer this question step by step: who is allowed and who is not allowed, and categorically.

    Hooray! Hit

    I’ll start with someone who will probably benefit from a landing page that sells and will bring hundreds of thousands, and maybe even millions of dollars into their warm pocket.

    But remember that there are always exceptions and perhaps your project is just like that.

    1. Simple and inexpensive products

    The less time a person needs to make a decision, the more suitable a one-page site is in this case.

    House decoration is a popular and user-friendly service

    2. Complex and expensive products

    If it is important for the client to present everything in a structured and consistent format for ease of digestion, then the landing page is also useful.

    Apartment with an area of ​​380 sq. m can also be sold through landing page

    3. Communication with you is important

    Can’t the client make the final decision without you? Or do I need to ask him for details? Then this tool is right for you again.

    It is clear that a serious project needs to be discussed for more than one day

    Past! You missed

    And now a few points about those cases when the advantages of a landing page do not matter and you do not need a one-page website.

    Although if you have doubts (or you again consider yourself an exception), then write in the comments, and we will give you free advice - “to do or not to do” from our 6+ years of experience.

    1. Large assortment

    For a business that sells over 20 different products at retail, it is better to choose a classic online store. There are exceptions, for example, wholesale. But still rare.

    100,000 catalog items will be difficult to sell using a landing page

    2. Clear product

    If your product does not require a presentation, and the client is only interested in reading more about your company itself, then a multi-page website would be better in this regard.

    The important thing here is not to sell an examination, but to build trust in the veterinary clinic

    3. A very large company (you don’t sell anything)

    Let's say you are ROSNEFT, and it is logical that you do not need to sell anything, you need a website more to communicate with clients and a few other tasks.

    For example, posting current news or offers for investors

    In all other cases, the right landing page shows itself to be a popular and effective sales tool.

    This is understood not only by sellers, but also by buyers; people are accustomed to the one-page website format; they are ready to leave their contacts there, make requests and buy.

    4. Outbound sales

    You don’t need to hope for much through landing pages in areas where all sales are made through outbound calls and meetings. Not in the sense that there won’t be any, but most likely the result will be so-so.

    Another video that you should definitely watch before making a choice is a landing page or a website of another type.

    Plus to Minus

    Let's say you find yourself on the list of lucky ones who are suitable for a one-page website. But this does not mean that you necessarily need to do only this now.

    As you remember, there are always options. Therefore, let’s weigh the pros and cons and certainly bring this issue to its logical conclusion.

    Pros of landing pages

    The main advantage that I want to highlight separately is the opportunity to get maximum conversion from visitor to action.

    This is definitely not always good, especially when there is not much energy to process applications. But on the other hand, even if half of the applications are not mature, they can still be developed for the future.

    • The landing page carries a specific advertising offer;
    • From a technical point of view, creating it is easier than creating a full-fledged website;
    • Using multiple landing pages allows you to segment your audience;
    • With proper preparation, the landing page can not be changed for many years;
    • With the help of a landing page, you can quickly start and sell now.

    Disadvantages of landing pages

    If we talk about the disadvantages of landing pages, then, like any popular idea, many expect miracles from them.

    However, the general trend of Internet marketing, and digital technologies in general, is that while becoming more simple and understandable to the end consumer every year, they are becoming more and more complex inside.

    And the more complex the mechanism, the higher the qualifications of the person who develops it.

    • You can place no more than one or two (well, maximum 10) offers on the landing page;
    • Technically simpler does not mean a good landing page costs money;
    • Reveals just one sentence and a little about the company;
    • Landing pages are not applicable in every field of activity.

    SHARP SALES. Wait or cry?

    If the landing page is made by professionals, with a clear understanding of exactly what target action the visitor should take, then there will undoubtedly be an effect.

    Sites of this type are precisely designed for a quick start to sales, because a landing page visitor has only 2 options: close the tab or leave a request.

    At the same time, it is also important to understand that for landing it is important not only the quality of the page, but the amount of traffic, moreover, targeted traffic.

    And with this, as a rule, many people have problems, but for some reason, precisely in the absence of results, everyone looks for flaws in the site, and not in the source of transitions.

    Therefore, here you need to maintain a balance between the quality of the site and the amount of traffic.

    Or, you can just watch the video below and get a live demonstration of this idea:


    Here, perhaps, it’s time to debunk one of the popular myths about landing pages, which, as you might guess, was created by the owners of these same constructors.

    And the myth goes like this: professional landing is easy. And now we will deal with it in more detail.

    Five, or at least ten minutes, and you will have a real landing page. But it is not exactly.

    Moreover, not only advertising helps to form such an opinion, but also numerous courses and video tutorials on creating landing pages.

    Indeed, why pay for something you can do yourself? I'll watch a couple of videos and move on. But in practice, for some reason, everything turns out differently.

    They said that the site would sell...

    Therefore, understand that you can drive paid traffic to your landing page fairly quickly, but whether site visitors will be converted into clients is a big question.

    The modern buyer is spoiled by convenient and fast websites that anticipate his desires.

    Lifehack. If you do the landing yourself, I recommend PlatformaLP , Tilda , Bloxy .

    As soon as your potential client encounters something incomprehensible, you can say goodbye to him. He closed the tab and went to your competitor.

    Landing is a sales tool, and in your business, as in any other business, good results can only be achieved by using high-quality tools.

    Which you need to either make yourself, having previously studied at least 3 areas of marketing, or buy from a master.

    If you don’t feel like a Stradivarius of Internet marketing, and in fact you also need to manage your business and solve a bunch of other problems, then we order an effective landing page on the side.

    Or, as I already said, first of all study internet marketing well, starting with our articles, and only then get down to business. By the way, in the materials below you will find the rules for creating a landing page, learn about texts for a landing page, and so on with examples.

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