Current topics for YouTube. How to make money on YouTube - detailed instructions for beginners. Everyone loves to laugh - theme: “Humor and Satire”

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It's no secret that, other things being equal, views and subscribers, one channel can earn significantly more than the other. To find out, it is enough to monitor the channel and make some calculations. But the significant difference lies in the advertisers.

In this article we will look not so much, but will try to find out which topics on YouTube are the most profitable. After all right choice Topics at the very beginning of video promotion are the key to success.

Also, in addition to advertisers who pay more, there are niches in which it is easier to “expand”. In other words, a niche that allows you not only to earn money from views, but also, for example, to sell services. Instead of depending on how many times your advertising banner is clicked.

We're not talking about cars, airplanes or other electronic equipment (although why not?), we're talking about affiliate earnings or selling small goods/services. By creating several sources of income, you will ensure that you maintain, and sometimes even increase, your profits.

1. Review of games.
Yes, yes, despite the fact that this is one of the most simple ways make your way to YouTube, there is a lot to expand on here. Even if you review one single game, your audience may be interested in other toys. And considering how many new games appear every year, there will always be demand from advertisers.

2. Cosmetics and make-up.
Suitable mainly for girls and women, but this is one of the most profitable niches. This audience is very willing to buy goods up to 3,000 rubles.

3. Review of Chinese parcels.
You may have already seen such videos, people order, for example, from Aliexpress and review their parcels. Having gained a large audience of your viewers, you can begin your resale of such goods.

4. Fashion and clothing.
Here, perhaps, is the largest field for implementation. You can either sew and present your clothes and items yourself, or review your purchases. The audience of “shopaholics” is very well monetized.

5. Humor and cats.
Although there are no direct sales, a lot of people subscribe to such channels, unless of course you have funny content. And then, when the audience of your YouTube channel is significant, you can already analyze and test different advertising offers.

6. Software review.
Reviewing various programs for Mac or Windows, you will gather 2 groups of people - blonde girls and system administrators. The latter are very good at buying hardware, and you can sell it or cooperate with an online store.

7. Mobile games and applications.
A very global and interesting niche, there is practically no ceiling on the topics of your videos. Considering that many paid games or applications cost from a few cents to just a couple of dollars, you can make some good money from volume.

8. News.
If you have access to unique news content, then you will gather people who always want to be aware of all the events and changes in the world. Such people willingly buy trendy products.

9. Lessons and educational videos.
Audiences that love to learn are sometimes lifelong learners, which will allow you to make consistent sales to the same people. A very correct and economical way to promote videos in this niche.

10. Promotion of websites, blogs and social networks.
Eternal topics for monetization, there will always be people who are just starting to “promote” their website or blog. And, as you know, everyone wants instant results, and it’s almost impossible to get it for free. This is where a huge field for your monetization appears.

By choosing one of the topics, you can count on the fact that you will always have additional ways monetize your videos. The main thing is to create quality content!

How to choose a niche for a YouTube channel?

If you still haven’t decided what niche you will work in, then we suggest you watch a video that explains one interesting technique. Watch it to get better at this topic!

If we analyze the last half of last year, a careful look will reveal several trends in the new year, following which you can very successfully promote how new channel, and already existing.

Secrets of YouTube promotion in the new year

What trends are visible in 2017? The title says “15 new trends”, in fact, in the article I will present 17 trends (two as a bonus). So, let's start looking at it in order.

1. Recruiting a new audience is becoming more difficult and expensive

If previously it was quite easy to grow on YouTube, now it is becoming more and more difficult to advance; advertising prices for popular video bloggers have increased significantly, but even at such prices, many refuse to place advertising on their sites, because they already have queue of people willing. Compared to last year, advertising effectiveness is also falling. Advertisers have begun to measure the effect of advertising more often, and if it is below a certain threshold, they simply stop advertising. Another reason can be called advertising “blindness” of users, many people probably notice on their own that they are watching the video and don’t notice advertising banners. People stop being “active” and this leads to a decrease in advertising effectiveness. Therefore, you must understand that starting this year has become more difficult than last year, and next year it will be harder than today. The longer you don’t start or slow down the launch of your channel, the more difficult it will be to develop and gain an audience in the future.

2. It becomes more difficult to retain and surprise your audience.

The most striking example: let's pay attention to the channel WOM RANDOM– the author of the channel started successfully and in a very short time gained an audience of 100,000 subscribers.

After a sharp start, the author reduced his activity and began publishing videos once every one or two months. This is due to the fact that at first he was relevant and interesting to his audience, and then something went wrong or he began to do things differently than before. There are several reasons: perhaps the author’s interest has faded, or competitors have appeared in this niche, or the surge of interest in this topic was temporary. The initial interest of the audience was created due to the filming of a series about an experiment on growing some kind of egg from an egg. "homunculus":

As soon as the experiment was over, the audience's interest began to decline - the video blogger's mistake was that he did not film a continuation of what was interesting to his audience, but simply began filming about his life, about what was interesting to him. This was his mistake, the number of views dropped sharply and the channel does not show any further growth. So, what you need to pay attention to: if over the last 3 months you have a decline in views, then you need to change something, either the topic of the content, or look at your competitors and look for what is most popular with them at the time.

4. YouTube evaluates viewer involvement in the channel viewing process

For YouTube, it is really important how the user behaves on the channel page. It is important that the viewer, after watching one video, watches something else on your channel, or switches from "Related videos" to another video, liked or subscribed, and didn’t just close the tab. If you do not involve the user in the process, YouTube tracks all this and this will be a signal to him that your content is not of very high quality and does not “catch” the viewer. Conclusion: Try to make each video perfect so that even a casual viewer watches it several times.

5. Almost no one watches old videos.

I don’t think there’s any need to explain here that as soon as you stop systematically adding new videos to the channel, its popularity begins to decline, despite the fact that old videos can “sit tightly” in search results and have a lot of views. YouTube loves new videos. Conclusion: To maintain your audience, you need to publish a new video at least once a week.

6. Popular channels grow more slowly, while young channels start easier

Previously, this trend was not noticeable, but literally at the end of 2016 it became very noticeable, for example, in "Related Videos" For popular channels, videos from young channels that have a very small subscriber base have become more common.

Young channels start easier, they need an impetus for the video with the help of live views, using the server, they give the video a good start from 50k - 500k views and boldly get into those similar to millionaires, from where they receive the lion's share of traffic. At the same time, popular channels began to lose traffic, since with an audience of millions it becomes more difficult to retain viewers.

7. Good retention even with a bad title, description and no tags – it works!

To experiment, type a few letters into YouTube AAAAAA(English) and you will be surprised what you see in response. For example, there is a video called “aaaaaaaaaaaa”... There in the videos a person simply screams in different tones, different volumes, etc....

Look at the number of views - 50-70 thousand! How does this happen? The video has no proper title, no description or tags, but it has so many views? This is the work of the retention algorithm, when initial views are gained through active users of social networks who share interesting videos with their friends, and then retention is activated.

Watch one of these videos:

It turns out that the presence of titles, descriptions and tags remains valuable, but their role before retention is reduced. This means retention is of great value and it is present on those channels that have their own stable audience.

8. Getting into “Related Videos” has become easier, but getting out of there is even easier

At first it sounds encouraging, but then immediately scary. The reason for falling out of the “Related Videos” is a poor selection of the video preview (image/picture for the video) and the lack of relationship between the video title and its preview. In general, the meaning of this can be described as follows:

Read also: Cybersquatting: how to make money on domains

Preview – Title – Hold – TOP

9. Targeting user search queries on YouTube

YouTube search is designed in a unique way; it shows not only videos that are on the video hosting site, but also those user queries that they entered in the search, but did not find such videos. For example, if you enter a query, YouTube will display a hint of 10 lines, among which there may be a query for which a video has not yet been made:

Use this opportunity and work more carefully with user requests, looking for those precious grains that will bring you to the top and attract traffic and audience. There are no software or services for this, although there is a service and paid version), but its capabilities are also limited, so try to conduct a deep analysis of user requests yourself to achieve maximum effect.

10. We analyze top competitors and closely monitor them

Many niches on YouTube have their own leaders, your TOP competitors, and you need to spend more time watching what they do and analyzing their actions. If you did not conduct such surveillance before, then now you need to do it, because perhaps you are making mistakes that they also made before, but corrected themselves by doing something. Many beginning channel hosts (and not only beginners) often live in their own world, not noticing what is happening around them. And you must definitely monitor what is being done in your niche and not only in your language, but also in other languages. How many of you have tried to look for foreign competitors? Few people devote time to this, but in vain... Conclusion: If there are no worthy competitors in your niche in your native language, look at Western channels, there are definitely ones similar to yours, look at what the TOPs are doing and how, as they say, “you need to learn from other people’s mistakes.”

11. Use of ready-made prototypes

Unlike global YouTube, there are not very many video channels in the Russian segment yet. According to analytics, there is about 15 thousand active channels that are conducted in Russian. This is just a drop in the YouTube ocean. On the one hand, you may think that Russian-language channels a great many, but if compared with English-speaking ones, it turns out to be approximately 1:1000. Therefore, in the West there is already a wide variety of channels on different topics and ready-made prototypes will make your path easier. Just look for interesting channels by format, presentation, style and adapt them to channels on Russian YouTube. A good example would be the channel « FightTV". Here is an example video from this channel:

What is prototyping involved here? To avoid bans, strikes and other punishments, the videos do not use clips, but regular pictures of images, 10-15 pictures per video. The idea is that each prototype video can be divided into separate pictures, edited into a new video clip up to 5 minutes long, a voice-over can be added, and due to the fact that the video is released often (several) times a day, it becomes simply convenient for people to watch such a channel. And this approach can be applied anywhere, because Fi News did not come up with this method itself, it was also borrowed from Western prototypes. Another example is a channel "Nauchpok" I didn’t come up with the concept of hand-drawn videos myself; this innovation was borrowed from Western resources:

Therefore, the options may be different, you can copy the prototype (with caution, of course), or mix several prototypes and do something new. Here is an example of a video on the Nauchpok channel:

Before you shoot and post your first videos on Youtube, you need to decide on the topic of the channel itself. In this article we will take a closer look at the question of which topics for Youtube channels are the most popular.

Most often in the YouTube tops there are humorous topics and gaming channels, as well as videos about politics and news - they collect the largest number of views and are very well monetized through advertising.

Of course, at first you will have to spend a fair amount of time and, possibly, money (if you want to gain an audience faster), but then it will more than pay off. You can develop a successful project, which over time will become your main source of income.

The first step to a successful project on Youtube

To become popular YouTube blogger, you need to think through all the details and try not to miss a single detail. One of the highest priority tasks at the first stage is choosing a topic.

The number of views directly depends on the focus of the channel, in other words, on the type of video you will upload there. The ability to recognize user needs will help you significantly increase the number of subscribers.

The topic is very important! Many YouTubers have tried to run channels “about everything”, believing that they should not force themselves into the framework of a specific topic, but in practice this does not work!

Only well-known media figures (their channels will have subscribers in any case) and, perhaps, some charismatic individuals who have the talent to make funny videos about everything can afford to run a channel “about a little bit of everything.” But this is an exception that only confirms the rule.

Grow your YouTube channel wisely: Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and earn from $10,000 on it

The chosen theme must be tested

How to do it:

  1. Go to the Wordstat service from Yandex and see the number of queries on your topic per month. If there are several thousand of them, the topic is popular.
  2. Look for similar videos on YouTube. Look at how many subscribers the channel has, how often videos are posted, what tricks the channel owners use.
  3. Answer your question honestly: is the topic interesting to you personally? Do you understand it? It is much easier to achieve success if you are passionate about this idea. For example, if you are a fitness trainer, then it will be much easier for you to run a channel about fitness than to re-learn a new topic.

And keep in mind that payment for advertising also depends on the topic of your channel. Business topics pay much higher than humor. But if you don’t understand anything about business, but are great at acting out funny scenes, it’s better to choose something that you’re passionate about and have the ability to do.

The 3 Most Popular Topics on YouTube That Get the Most Traffic

Let's look at the most popular topics on YouTube

Everyone loves to laugh - theme: “Humor and Satire”

According to statistics, almost 60% of users watch funny and tricky videos. Yes, the lion's share of content on YouTube is entertaining. To create a similar topic yourself, it will be enough mobile phone with a camera that can be used to capture funny moments in real life.

Sometimes such a video, even if it is not of the best quality, can gain hundreds of thousands of views on your YouTube channel, which will increase your popularity and attract advertisers.

A good example is a young Ukrainian blogger EeOneGuy, or Ivangai, with 12 million subscribers on YouTube. Many are trying to understand the secret of this YouTuber's popularity, wondering why his videos get so many views - after all, there is nothing special there? Apparently, Ivangay simply managed to understand the needs of his target audience (mostly young people and teenagers) and give what they were interested in, and his natural charisma helped him gain such wild popularity, becoming the number one YouTuber among all Russian-speaking bloggers.

If you look carefully at the list most popular bloggers on YouTube, it will become clear that most of them deal with humorous topics or have channels dedicated to let’s plays. The same applies to top Russian-speaking bloggers. Many popular topics for YouTube videos are somehow related to humor.

One of the most popular humor video formats is a set of short videos combined into one video. You don’t even have to install expensive software in order to cut and glue several funny videos into one: the built-in Youtube video editor is enough for this

Other options - sketches, skits, humorous songs, vlogs. Before you finally make your choice, watch the most popular videos on the channels SlivkiShow, AdamThomasMoran, BrianMaps, This is good. Determine what is most popular among viewers, which videos get the maximum number of likes - and try to make something similar, but at the same time unique.

Teach me to live - the topic of training videos and life hacks

Many users watch videos on YouTube showing how to perform this or that operation. All you have to do is record everything on camera, dictate the text, post the video on YouTube - and you can attract a certain circle of users.

The most popular in this direction are:

  • computer theme(refilling cartridges, disassembling a laptop, working with one program or another, setting up a GPS watch),
  • construction(installation of equipment, installation household appliances, finishing work), etc.

Among the purely “feminine” topics we can highlight:

  • Cooking channels
  • Beauty channels
  • “Mom’s” channels dedicated to children
  • Crafts channels

Write step by step instructions(for example, how to bake a cake, or how to remove makeup) and make a video! People will watch and repeat after you, and you will receive money from views. If you pick keywords for a video, format the title and make the correct description - you will attract regular traffic from search engines.

It is advisable that the actions performed are accompanied by voice prompts. If you can’t do all the work, it’s better to ask one of your friends or even hire someone who will help you shoot the video (the same applies to voiceover). Most likely, you will have to spend money, but this investment will more than pay off in the foreseeable future.

Another good option is educational videos on the topic of earning money. If you know how to make money online, tell us about it and make a video about it. Such videos are always popular, because a huge number of users are concerned about searching additional sources income.

In general, the idea is to teach something for free that you are good at doing yourself. It doesn’t matter whether it’s something in the area of ​​beauty (how to properly dye eyebrows, how to do makeup correctly, etc.), or whether you start teaching those who want to foreign language, or tuck the blanket into the duvet cover.

Don’t think that everyone already knows and can do this! Sometimes videos with very simple, at first glance, life hacks gain wild popularity.

You will never know for sure how many views your video could get until you film it and post it on YouTube! Go for it!

Are you for Putin or against? Another evergreen topic is Social Activities and Politics

Politics is a traditionally popular topic. It is worth noting that in this area you can find few promoted YouTube channels, but they all have fabulous income and hundreds of thousands of views.

3 ways to get quality content on political and social topics:

  • Interview famous public and political figures (and they can be on a regional scale).
  • Conduct social surveys.
  • Create a video through editing, accompanying it with analytical conclusions (this also includes maintaining your own blog).

If you are interested in politics, you are familiar with this topic and want to convey your position to a large number of people, YouTube may be the ideal platform for you..

Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and earn from $10,000 on it

What other topics are in demand on YouTube?

In fact, there are a lot of interesting and popular topics:

  • Instructions for completing various games and cheat codes for them. The so-called let's plays are especially popular. By the way, the most popular video blogger in the world, PewDiwPie, with more than 56 million subscribers, runs a channel with let’s plays.
  • Creating a music video from several live recordings
  • Spying on unpacking - unpacking children's toys, unpacking parcels with goods from China, etc.
  • Emergencies and incidents
  • All sorts of cute animals and children
  • Book Review

Here are 6 cool ideas on how to shoot a video on YouTube so that it quickly becomes popular.

The most important thing is that new interesting videos appear on your YouTube channel regularly (at least 2 times a week) good quality, and you took the time to develop. In this case, subscribers will definitely find you, and after them advertisers, and you will be able to earn decent money.

Remember the YouTube rules: do not use other people's content, because in this case your channel may be blocked or monetization disabled!

Do you want to know more about making money on YouTube and more? That way: 50 the best ways making money online

The Internet is not the only opportunity to make good money today. Are you interested in other types of reliable income? If yes, then read 11 killer investing strategies. Learn to manage money correctly and find opportunities to invest it.

One of the most reliable investment strategies is real estate investment. If you want to have reliable assets in the future, you need to invest money now. Learn to invest in new buildings to secure your future.

Making money on the Internet is one of the most pressing topics that is attracting more and more attention from Internet users. Anyone can organize their work online, and it is not at all necessary to invent something or create a large website.

You can earn money using large sites, one of which is Youtube. Earnings from Youtube, this is one of the most popular types of earning money on the Internet, and it is worth noting that it accessible to absolutely everyone.

Naturally, using popular video hosting as a source of profit will require certain actions from you, which we will consider in this material.

I would like to say right away that in order to make money on Youtube, you will need to make your own video. The topic of information that will be presented in video format can be absolutely anything, the most important thing is that your video attracts the attention of other users, because Your profit will depend on the number of views.

Where do you start making money on YouTube?

The first step to making money with video hosting is creating a channel. If you already have a Google account, then you won’t need to do any extra steps. If there is no profile, open the search engine and proceed to registration:

You will need to fill out a form, if you plan to really make money on YouTube, then it is better to provide real information:

One account is created in Google for all services (drive, documents, advertising, etc.). After filling out the form, go to YouTube and click “Login”:

When you go to your channel for the first time, you are asked to indicate its name. Decide for yourself here. There is no need to pay any money, and the added videos will be available to users from all over the world.

How to upload a video to YouTube?

Do not rush to add videos to the channel, they must be of high quality. First, you can upload a video as an example, then it can be easily deleted. The video download button is in the upper right corner:

Remember the YouTube rules: you cannot upload pornography, extremist materials and other prohibited information. Videos are added to the channel one at a time simple action. You just need to drag them to a special area or click on the arrow and find the video on your computer. Here you can immediately set access parameters:

After downloading the file, go to the video manager (in the main menu) to configure various settings. Be sure to write the name, or better yet, a description. Specify appropriate tags, try different settings, insert annotations, and so on:

Basically, that's all Uploading a video to YouTube takes 2 minutes, you just need to register on video hosting in advance. Popular video bloggers also add content in the same way. You can download videos from mobile devices, but for this it is better to install a special application:

There is a camera icon on the profile tab; clicking on it opens videos downloaded to your phone. You can also go to the “My Videos” section and click on the exact same icon there.

How to make a channel header on YouTube?

Beautiful design channel will begin to attract more attention from viewers. It is impossible to change the design of YouTube, it remains simple. But you can add a site header. To do this, you need to go to your channel, hover over the header and then click on the pencil that appears to choose to change the channel design:

You can upload images with a size of 2550×1440 and no more than 4 MB. In this case, only the central part, 1546x423 in size, will be displayed on the channel. Therefore, you have to create images where the graphics are only in the center:

If you don’t know how to use Photoshop, look for templates in Yandex or contact designers from the Weblancer exchange. Come up with your own idea in advance or find something similar to make it easier to explain how you see your channel header.

How to promote a channel on YouTube?

There's no point in thinking about making money YouTube channel, so far no one has subscribed to it and so far the videos are not gaining many views. This is the most difficult thing in the work of video bloggers, since the competition is high, and surprising viewers is not so easy.

Paid advertising is a great option (through other video blogs), but requires huge expenses. First of all, you need to figure out which videos are the most interesting, what catches the audience and how to add content correctly:

Be sure to read all these articles; without knowledge, making money on YouTube is much more difficult. Of course, there are exceptions when some video blows up the Internet, but for the most part, video bloggers act competently, using any way to become a little more popular.

How to make money on Youtube?

You can not only shoot video with cameras and phones, but also use special programs, which will record your actions on the monitor screen. Using this functionality, you can create various instructions that are becoming increasingly popular on the Internet.

The popular advertising network allows you to present advertisements on various platforms, including inside videos on Youtube. From this we can conclude that to make money on Youtube you will need to register with Adsense.

Not all channels are accepted into the affiliate program. They must be at least a little promoted and meet certain requirements. The content of the videos must be copyrighted and must not violate general rules site.

After spending a little time creating an account in Google Adsense, you can place advertising blocks in each added video by checking the box next to the inscription “Allow advertising next to my video.”

To connect to a service that allows you to use video as an advertising platform, go to After that, create your account on Youtube using an Adsense account.

Every click on an ad will bring you profit, try to earn real money by spending a little time and showing your skill in creating videos. Each video blogger maintains YouTube statistics which shows the total income of the channel and individual videos:

This example shows how one video earned the creator almost $66. Notice how much the estimated income varied from day to day. This shows how scattered the profits are for those who run their own channels.

White earnings on YouTube with direct advertisers

Official advertising on video hosting is not the only way for bloggers to make money. Advertisers constantly turn to them to order mentions of their products or to promote something at the beginning or end of the video. This is the best option for making money as a video blogger, there are no commissions, the entire amount is paid at once:

As for prices, everyone decides for themselves how much money to take from advertisers. In most cases, the cost is negotiated individually, taking into account the requirements, subject of the product, and so on. For example, here’s how much advertising costs on the Samyy Klass channel:

The channel has half a million fans, for example, if you have 5 times fewer subscribers, you can set prices 5 times less. Although it is stupid to rely on the cost of advertising on one channel. It is better to first identify your main competitors and find out what money they take from advertisers.

Earn money on YouTube through Blogun

Haven't you heard about this? Yes, you can sell links from descriptions. To add a site, you just need to log in:

The Blogun system offers to add different platforms for posting links, including YouTube channels. Many video bloggers have already done this:

The requirements for such sites are as follows:

  • at least 10 uploaded videos;
  • at least 1000 views (wind up on VkTarget);
  • at least 500 subscribers (can be gained on SMMOK);
  • The channel was created at least six months ago.

This minimum requirements, and the better the indicators, the more advertisers will contact you. Probably the only minus of Blogun is minimum wage of 1000 rubles and a withdrawal commission of 15%. But you can receive money to Webmoney wallets or order it directly from bank card.

Earning money on YouTube through affiliate programs

This method also involves installing links in the description, but without attracting advertisers. Need to find affiliate program to the theme of your channel and convert traffic. For example, channels about games would be suitable online stores licensed games.

In order not to look for a specific affiliate program, it is better to register with the ActionPay aggregator. There are many offers available there:

Every video blogger will definitely find a suitable offer here. Sell ​​toys, make money on installations mobile applications, help sell all kinds of creams and get your percentage.

Some offers have a fixed reward, here is an example:

For the sale of a mirror with a DVR, the partner receives 1,300 rubles. The conditions are not bad, all that remains is to figure out how to attract buyers and interest them in something. In this matter, everything depends on how well you advertise the product in order to achieve maximum profit.

When newcomers look at income statistics from popular channels, they have many questions. To properly develop your site, you need to learn various tricks.

Do you want to make your channel popular and get maximum views? Then listen to these tips:

  • analyze competitors and use their techniques to promote your videos (useful for this);
  • come up with interesting ideas for opening a channel ();
  • find start-up capital for an advertising campaign. Order channel advertising from other video bloggers;
  • create descriptions for each video and add optimized texts with keywords there;
  • use social networks and forums to distribute your videos;
  • come up with original video titles and add keywords to them;
  • don’t rush to monetize the site until your videos start getting several thousand views, it’s pointless;
  • design your channel, make it attractive (and use for easy navigation);
  • make an effort (this helps to get good positions in the search);
  • find out and install beautiful previews;
  • don’t rush, channel development is a serious thing, it takes a lot of time;
  • learn to surprise viewers, record videos that deserve to be in the TOP.

These simple recommendations help every video blogger make money on YouTube. You can only add that your activity always affects the indicators. The more videos you upload, the better you advertise them and the more interesting they are, the better.

How much can you earn on YouTube?

A difficult question, because some channels bring thousands of dollars to their owners, and some cannot even earn 100 rubles.

Profit depends on many factors, and everyone uses different ways monetization. To make rough calculations, let's try to calculate the possible income from the YouTube affiliate program.

On average, channel owners receive about $1 per 1000 views. The money is not big, but due to this indicator, we can guess how much the video bloggers’ channels brought in. For example, a well-known channel about science and technology was taken:

The total number of views is 28.3 million, remove the last 3 digits (divide by 1000 views) and we get $28,300. This channel brought so much to its owner - 2.2 million rubles. This is not much, considering that the channel was created back in 2012, but the calculations are not exact, this is an approximate indicator.

You also need to take into account that this is profit only from the YouTube affiliate program. The channel owner could receive money from direct advertisers, through the sale of affiliate products, or by installing links in the description. If you work hard, the income from the affiliate program will only be additional.

In many ways, the income from the channel depends on the popularity of the author. Read and strive to conquer the peaks.

Making money on YouTube is a serious matter that can easily turn into a full-fledged business. By opening your site on the most popular video hosting site, you are taking a step in the right direction. If you manage to promote the site, you are guaranteed decent income.

What determines earnings on YouTube per 1000 views?

In general, it doesn’t matter how many times viewers watched the video, what matters is how many times they clicked on the ad. It’s not views that are paid for, but clicks, which is why they so often try to cheat them. How much does one click cost? Its price depends on many factors, including the subject matter.

Experienced YouTubers have repeatedly told us what topics are best to make videos for. monetization through an affiliate program:

  • cars;
  • real estate;
  • Food;
  • toys;
  • gadgets;
  • trips;
  • business;
  • finance;
  • education;
  • fashion.

Socialblade will show you how much you earn on YouTube

Everyone is interested in how much video bloggers get from their channels. Almost none of the YouTube stars publish this information. Do you know why? Because these are really big money. The Socialblade service collects data about channels and shows the approximate income from them. The site is foreign, but you can see how much video bloggers from Russia earn:

You can simply enter the channel name on home page, if you are interested in the income of a specific video blogger. After selecting Russia in the list of countries, a table opens:

It shows how many subscribers the channel has and the total number of video views. If you open one of them, you can see your approximate income. For example, we chose the Big Russian Boss Show channel. He has 2 million subscribers:

On the left is monthly income, on the right is annual income. Translated into our money, in 30 days the channel brings in from 350,000 to 5.5 million, and the annual profit varies from 4.2 million to 67 million rubles. In any case, the figures are impressive. Do you want another example of making money on YouTube? Let's look at the statistics of Dmitry Larin, who has almost the same number of subscribers:

Income is almost half as much, that’s the range of earnings on YouTube. With the same number of subscribers, the service calculated the income of the first channel to be significantly higher, despite the fact that Larin has more views.

Important points when making money from YouTube

There are a lot of subtleties in the work of video bloggers. Advanced users earn much more than beginners. What is their secret? They use different tricks and know how to gain popularity. So that you can develop more effectively, listen to these recommendations:

  • your videos should be shared by everyone accessible ways. Social networks, forums, comments on websites, insert videos wherever possible. Just don’t spam, add videos if they are related and useful;
  • the channel must have some kind of platform. Most are limited to a group in in social networks, but it’s even better to open a full-fledged website or. This is also easy to do, let the projects develop in parallel;
  • a video blogger must be active, upload a lot of videos, stick to a schedule and communicate with the target audience. Create a community of interests, rather than just showing videos;
  • It’s better to monetize your channel in several ways at once, the main thing is not to overdo it with advertising. Also, keep an eye on what is advertised; by offering viewers scams, online casinos and other fraudulent projects, you can say goodbye to your good reputation;
  • activate your audience by holding competitions. They should be thematic, and the prizes should be valuable. It’s better to have one winner for something big, then the excitement increases, plus it attracts new subscribers (according to statistics, after the competition, no more than 20% unsubscribe, the rest continue to watch videos);
  • To earn a lot of money from advertising through the YouTube affiliate program, thematic channels are more suitable. Advertisers want to attract target audience, they are not interested in platforms “about everything”;
  • If someone ordered advertising from you, try to make it effective. Further cooperation depends on how successful sales and service orders are. The same advertiser can pay for advertising in each video;
  • Experienced YouTubers note that CPCs increase with the age of the channel. When he gains weight, a good reputation and stable viewers, the owner is paid even more money;
  • advertising bots on YouTube determine the target audience. For example, if these are insolvent schoolchildren, they will not pay much for a click. And if these are people over 25 years old with a large income and a high IQ, they will definitely be shown expensive advertising;
  • Linking a channel to a locality greatly affects the cost per click. In all cities near Moscow, video bloggers are paid more. It's simple, the competition there is much higher.

In any business, experience is important and making money with YouTube is no exception. The theory is undoubtedly worth studying, but without practice it may not be useful. You need to check different tricks, schemes and try to apply the advice of professionals.

Making money on YouTube 2017 or how to make money on other people's videos?

Usually under such headings they talk about all sorts of cuts and attempts to find videos on the network that have not yet been uploaded to YouTube. All this is a passed stage, they are bombarded with strikes and complain about copyright violations, and as a result the channels are blocked. It's better to use another method.

You don't have to record the video for the channel yourself. Do you know how many bloggers act? They buy articles on copywriting exchanges and thereby fill the sites. Why not apply this technique to YouTube? So far there are few such channels, but this is great idea.

Finding freelancers who are willing to record videos is not difficult. On freelance exchanges, many have already started looking for video authors:

Look for artists on Weblancer, this is the TOP Runet exchange. You can also search for authors through forums; many will not refuse part-time work, especially if it is an unusual, interesting channel. There are a huge number of offers on the Kwork website and they all cost 500 rubles:

By paying for the creation of videos, you receive hosting rights and publish original content. This is the best option for monetizing the channel; with such videos, you can safely connect an affiliate program and use any other methods of earning money on YouTube.

There is one nuance in this matter. Ask to record videos without a face or order each video from different people. Why? Because a well-promoted “actor” can easily leave the channel and then your work will go down the drain.

Think carefully before investing in a startup. Please note that you will have to pay generously for each video if you want it to be of high quality. You will also have to find trusted authors to avoid any problems unnecessary problems. Alternatively, try to involve your family and friends in the filling; it’s more interesting to work together.

Earn money by watching YouTube videos

Your own channel, popularity, big money - all this is good, but how hard it is to achieve this. You can also earn extra money by watching videos, but the income here is much lower. At best, they will pay 5 cents for one video. Although this is not so bad, 3 rubles per view, and videos can be opened in several tabs at once:


Alexander– I have already created 4 channels, but none of them have taken off. I don’t know what’s the matter, maybe I just don’t have the gift that famous video bloggers have. But I don’t despair, I’m currently recording a series of training videos on information business, this idea should work (judging by the statistics). I don’t want to work in vain again, so I try to take into account all the little things.
Victoria– I’m not eager to get into the camera lens, and I don’t understand it. I'm quite happy with the money I get for watching videos. Someone will say “measly pennies,” but without wasting much of my time, I easily pay mobile communications and sometimes I order goods online. I don’t even plan to open a channel, it’s not my thing.
Ivan– I had one profitable channel, but recently it was bombarded with strikes. It was not possible to win it back, but over the past year the total income from the channel exceeded $17,000. I think this is a really good result (the videos were made from funny clips). The most important thing for me is the experience gained, now I know where the really big money is.
Vladimir– I’ve been filling a channel about car audio for over a year. I love what I do and have always had an interest in powerful bass and loud fronts. It’s a pity that they weren’t allowed to advertise my channel, you would have liked it too. I write down reviews of various pancakes, amplifiers, converters and much more. There is no stability, but every month at least 20,000 rubles come in.

It’s a pity that we weren’t able to contact millionaire video bloggers, although there are plenty of their reviews online. Having decided to use video hosting to make money, you should seriously think about the idea, it is advisable that it is interesting to you in the first place.

Look, this is one of the methods to protect your content from theft.

Nobody knows how much money you can make on YouTube. The main thing is not to be afraid and remember the prospects. It is clear that after the launch of the channel, there will not be many views, this needs to be achieved. Therefore, you need to start with enthusiasm, forgetting about money.

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