Promote the channel on YouTube. Free promotion of a new YouTube channel. Free methods of channel promotion

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You are here, which means you have started your own business and are trying to learn all the tricks and quirks of promoting your own service and Youtube channel. We scoured the Internet to give you detailed and understandable instructions on YouTube PR. But first...

Why promote a YouTube channel?

Youtube is, in essence, modern television with continuously growing viewership. Just as cable TV is bombarded with commercials, this resource is overflowing with marketing integrations. And there is so much content in it that it’s easy to miss the towering star. Even if you are a talented speaker, your efforts will not work without proper promotion.

We hope that before typing the coveted phrase “free YouTube channel PR” into a search engine, you spent a little money on a high-quality camera, a simple microphone and washed the mirror in the background. It's like that? Let's begin.

Required tasks

Build an "ecosystem" information space, where you will post all the material dedicated to your work:

If people like your videos, word of mouth will start working, and they themselves will spread the news about the new products of your channel. Look how many people shared Yuri’s next interview in the first 24 hours only through VKontakte.

If the videos are thematic, you should leave links to previous works in the same description. Here, for example, is what the description of each video channel dedicated to repairs is filled with.

Free ways to promote your YouTube channel

Let's take a look at the clear rules that are constantly forgotten:

Youtube operates according to clear algorithms: the more comments, likes and views the content has, the higher it is promoted in search results. Relevance is also important - compliance with the information provided search query. Start looking for people who want to discuss your material, remind viewers that they can give you a “thumbs up” and support you. If the output from such actions is small, use sites for PR of the YouTube channel. They provide absolutely all services for free, but you have to work a little to feel the usefulness of the resource.

  • . A service similar in functionality. Aimed at activating communities in all in social networks, and also on Youtube. Ordinary “hard workers” are hired for money. Bloggers can grow their audience for free by helping other similar colleagues.
  • . Here you can buy promotion for a service, or for real money. The list of social networks is gigantic - Google+, Twitch, My World, TikTok, Google Plus and many others.

And about it, see the corresponding article.

Paid methods of PR for a YouTube channel

There are few paid effective tools, but they are effective and understandable:

  • . Paid increases the number of subscribers, fills the comments section with intelligible discussion, likes photos on Insta, and so on. One big drawback is that it is impossible to make money on the resource.

  • Google Ads. Built-in advertising in a video of a similar topic on Youtube. Create a short five-second preview that will make viewers want to click on the link.
  • Direct advertising from other users. Let the blogger mention your channel in a positive way and briefly tell you what unique you offer. Keep track of the storyteller's reputation and the interests of his audience.

If you want to make money on YouTube itself, use the money to create an interesting video. Various TOPs, listing fun facts and the video “Opening 100 Kinder Surprises” are gaining an indecent number of views. It's worth taking advantage of the trend and joining their camp of simple but watchable videos.

Key error

The basics are to choose a topic and stick to it. Are you talking about high technology? Disassemble the device of smartphones. Have you taken up children's toys? Buy construction sets, visit amusement parks. But never scatter the audience's attention. People subscribe to channels with a narrow topic, and even famous bloggers, who throw themselves either on travel or on empty chatter and unnecessary advertising integrations, stubbornly followed a single course for several years in order to finally earn a loyal audience, stop and enjoy life.

In this issue we will tell you which services are best to use to promote your channel and videos on YouTube. The list includes only proven and reliable services.

Even if you have very high quality and interesting content– he needs to be pushed. We especially advise young YouTube channels to conduct advertising campaigns. Because without this, many people may never find out about your channel. But also for those who already have several thousand or tens of thousands of subscribers, but things are not going any further - run advertising.

Register on several sites at once to determine exactly which one is best for you. The functionality is similar, the differences are not big, each service has its own advantages. But it’s worth trying each of them in action.

Vktarget - increase subscribers and likes

  • Website:

Despite the fact that VK is present in the name of the site, you can also buy promotion on YouTube. The service has been on the market for a long time and has a good reputation.

Bosslike – wind up and earn money

  • Website:

On the Bosslike service you can not only promote your videos, but also earn money by completing various tasks. There are 6 social networks in total: YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Odnoklassniki.

Cashbox is a large promotion exchange

  • Website:

A large and professional exchange for promotion on social networks. Low prices will allow you to effectively conduct your advertising campaign. For example, watching a video on YouTube costs just 10 kopecks.

LikesRock – a new generation of promotion tools

  • Website:

A relatively young, but very promising service with its own promotion philosophy. They often hold competitions and promotions.

Epicstars – an epically cool promotion service

  • Website:

You can read how effectively you can promote your YouTube channel from our friends from ★ EPICSTARS in their article -

How to effectively launch an advertising campaign on YouTube?

Watch the video to find out which advertising format is most effective - pre-rolls, post-rolls, mid-rolls, individual videos or embedded advertising in videos.

We wish you a successful marketing campaign and gain new subscribers to your channel!

Write in the comments if you would like to see on our website detailed reviews for each service?

There are many ways to get free PR YouTube channels, but many of them, unfortunately, are “outdated”. In this article I will talk about those that are relevant to this moment and are available to every YouTuber..

I have already written about methods of promotion and, but since the topic is always relevant, I decided to collect in one article ways of free PR for a YouTube channel.

YouTube channel PR

Once a YouTube channel has gained popularity, it doesn’t make much sense to advertise it. But if your channel is young, then naturally no one knows about it yet and they need good publicity. Therefore, your main task is to talk about it and show the videos to as many Internet users as possible in general and YouTube in particular. AND The best decision for this - free PR.

Method number 1: Social networks

If users go to YouTube specifically to watch videos, then they use social networks out of habit, rummaging around for days and watching everything that catches their eye. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to do PR for a YouTube channel for free on social networks. To do this, after each published video, do not forget to share the link under the video.

This is necessary not only to get an increase in views, although if you have a lot of friends, you will get them. Promoting videos on social networks is necessary to direct as many links as possible to your channel. Then YouTube will understand that the channel is gaining strength because the content is interesting to users. He will pick up your videos and promote them on the platform himself.

2. PR of the YouTube channel using other people’s names

You have already noticed that some cunning video bloggers do PR on the names of famous people or popular vloggers. And it really works. Of course, you can get into trouble, but if you do it carefully, the risks are minimal, especially since popular vloggers rarely react to such tricks.

3. YouTube PR: comments under the video

Oddly enough, you can promote your channel by leaving a comment under a video on a well-promoted and popular channel. Even though you can’t insert a link, if the review is scandalous, negative, or in the form of a survey, they will want to watch your channel just to see “who’s so smart here” or to compare it with the author’s channel.

The main thing is to become one of the first, or even the first, to leave an attention-grabbing review in order to secure it in the first position. Therefore, the main thing here is to be in time, which means subscribe and monitor the addition of new content to the channel.

This method will probably work if the avatar and channel name with the comment are attractive to viewers. The title is “Intrigue. Scandals. Investigations" will attract much more than the Vasya Pupkin channel.

4. Collaboration

Collaboration on YouTube is now one of the most popular ways to promote a channel. The idea is that the authors of channels with approximately the same indicators promote them through cross-advertising.

With the help of such cooperation, you can not only promote your channel for free and with high quality, but also exchange subscribers and significantly increase the number of views. There are many methods of collaboration. Nowadays the trend is to make joint videos and post them on your channels. Examples of collaborations and details of cooperation are available in this article.

You can look for channels for collaboration at summits and various events for video bloggers, but this is more suitable for the authors of well-promoted channels. I recommend that young channels search in “similar videos” or connect to the ISS and receive offers from network managers with potential colleagues on YouTube.

5. Sending messages

Yes, letters with advertising that are not interesting to you are already quite boring. And it’s unlikely that you want to provoke the same reaction in people, well, if you send them out to everyone. And if you find groups with yours on social networks target audience, then you can offer people the information that will really interest them. Mass spam will be blocked, so you need to do everything manually and with a specific approach.

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