How much do you earn on Google Adsense? Earning money on Adsense: how much does it pay for views and clicks? Amount of income and withdrawal of money

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Google Adsense: how much can you earn? Short review systems + 10 advantages of an ad server + necessary components for working with the program + 7 variables that affect the amount of income + 10 tips for maximizing profits.

The vast majority of website developers who are looking for ways to monetize their websites resort to Google Adsense services. The popularity of this phenomenon is due to the fact that Adsense is the most famous and largest advertising network in the world.

A unique system based on ease of use provides all bloggers and web resource owners (publishers) with the opportunity to earn passive income. The service is reliable and has an unblemished reputation, which encourages many to interact with it.

Google Adsense is also characterized by working with well-thought-out algorithms that prevent cyber attacks on the accounts of its clients. The system broadcasts advertisements to different countries world, thereby allowing you to make money on traffic from abroad.

These and other advantages make cooperation with Google Adsense not only pleasant, but also profitable. For this reason, the number of service users is growing at an unprecedented rate. Now it reaches 2 million people.

They are concerned with the following questions: “ How much can you earn from Google Adsense?", "How to maximize income?" and so on.

Probably, more than half of Internet users know about Google Adsense, but in order to enlighten new website owners, we will conduct a general overview of the system and step by step analyze all the key points.

A Brief Tour of Google Adsense

The service, owned by the American company Google, is designed to work with contextual advertising. Advertisers use it to promote their services and products through marketing communications and websites.

Owners of web resources need cooperation with Google Adsense so that they can. Moreover, they join the program participants absolutely free of charge.

Adsense is one of the main sources of profit for Google.
In 2016, revenue from the system accounted for about 23% of total revenue, which allowed the company to earn $15 million.

Google Adsense is a reliable advertising platform that allows you to generate the most income compared to similar PPC systems. This comes at the expense of advertisers who pay money to the system for interacting with advertisements for their products.

The service selects these advertisements individually for each client and sets advertising code, which publishers place on the web pages of their sites.

The process of selecting advertisements that will be broadcast is based on the principle of an auction. It is carried out for each advertisement that matches the search query.

Based on the results of the auction, it becomes clear whether the ad will be shown and what position it will take. Of the ads that meet the search query criteria, those with a high rating are broadcast.

The rating is assigned based on the quality of advertising, the size of the bid, and the level of competition. When visitors to web resources click on ads, Google Adsense keeps 32% of the amount accrued by advertisers, and 68% is given to site owners.

To start making money using Google Adsense, you just need to register in the program:

There you will get everything necessary information about how to work with the system, what you can and cannot do (we will also talk about this in more detail later in this article).

However, having learned this data about Google Adsense, how much you can earn remains an open question, and you will not get an exact answer. Why? The fact is that the amount of income is influenced by certain factors, which we will discuss in detail later.

To better understand Google Adsense and how much you can earn from it, you need to become familiar with the basic terms:

Why choose Google Adsense to make money?

Based on your traffic, knowing the cost per click, you can find out the approximate income. If you take the RPM and multiply it by the expected number of clicks, you will get an approximate amount of earnings.

Those. the calculation is made using the same formula as when calculating the cost per 1000 impressions.

Let’s take the lowest click-through rate value – 1%.

With a hundred impressions of a web page, you can earn $1.100 * 1% = 1. So, with 1000 impressions, this figure will be $10.

Level of competition and pay per click.

These 2 parameters are highly interrelated. When the system sets ads from advertisers whose products are in a non-competitive niche, the prices for clicks will be low.

The higher the competition, the more you can earn.

Moreover, you have the opportunity to disable low-profit ads.

For this purpose in Google panels Adsense has a Blocking and Allowing tab where you can block advertiser blocks by URL, general categories, and other parameters.

However, blocking by URL has its own drawback - the method is radical.

Where you place your ad will determine your click-through rate and how much you can ultimately earn.

You can earn more if you install ads closer to the content. There they most often pay attention to her.

Ad design and mobile devices.

Mobile traffic makes up 50% on most sites, so you need to take this into account and set up advertising formats that are designed for portable devices.

When installing ads for standard PCs, you must also use the sizes that Google Adsense recommends.

Popular are 336x280, 728x90, including 300x60, 300x250.

Google Adsense emphasizes large banners due to ease of reading. But don’t forget that with all the recommendations, the ad size should match the design and interface of your site so as not to scare away visitors.

The right decision will be the installation of one large block and 2 medium ones located next to each other.

Other sizes are not so popular among advertisers, so you won’t be able to make good money on them. Also be sure to set your ad settings to display images and keywords.

How much you can earn depends on the topic of your web platform.

It is also of no small importance. It must be unique, targeted and preferably practical if you want to earn a decent amount of money from Google Adsense.

Focus not on videos or images, but on text content. Popular niches are: finance, insurance, loans, mortgages, legal services, donations/donations, hosting, receiving compensation/debt collection.

In addition, you can safely try the following topics: software, courses and training, medicine/treatment, construction, marketing, etc.

You should not create web resources in the following areas:

  • movies;
  • entertainment;
  • art;
  • celebrities;
  • news portal;
  • recipes;
  • photo galleries.

Number of products used.

You can make money with Adsense different ways:

  • by displaying banners,
  • installation on home page search engines from Google.

The second method allows your audience to receive relevant and quick results for their search query. You can also earn money by displaying ads and clicking on them.

Connect larger number products from Google, and you will have the opportunity to earn a decent amount of money.

Demographic indicator.

If you know foreign language or you can turn to a person who has mastered it for a similar service, optimize your content for foreign users.

A publisher with publications on English language. This is due to the fact that the very idea of ​​​​creating the service was aimed at American citizens.

And only a few years later, access to the program opened in other developed countries of the world.

The country the traffic comes from affects the amount of income. Clicks from America, the UAE, Great Britain, Switzerland and other Eastern European countries are rated much higher than those from Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.

Do you want to make decent money on Google Adsense?

Follow the tips from our article!

You will find a number of other nuances in this video:

Can't predict how much can you earn from Google Adsense. The best way To find out the amount of income is personal experience and practice. Start showing ads and analyze using the tools provided by the service.

Everyone has the right to earn good money, but not everyone knows how to earn it. The secrets of making money lie on the surface. How to make money on Google Adsense? With the help of a program developed by Google, it is possible to receive a substantial monthly reward. This type of income requires having your own website or blog.

Critical point: your site must have more than 5,000 visitors per day!

What is the program

If you have a website with traffic, anyone can make money using this affiliate product.

This is one of the types of passive income, which can be obtained in the following ways:

  • From contextual advertising when placing a block visible to visitors. The contextual ad should resonate with the information on the site. The search engine itself determines which ad to place based on the analysis keywords and the frequency of their use. You can design your advertisement at your own discretion: color, size. Advertising should be in harmony with the site and not be annoying, so its creation must be approached with the utmost seriousness.
  • You can also place Google search blocks on your page. Profit is accrued based on the number of clicks. For one click on an advertising blog, income is charged from 3 cents to 5–7 dollars.
  • Earning money from games and posting video materials with InStream advertising.

How it works

In the Google Adsense system, you will be called a “publisher”. The technology is as follows: the owner of an online watch store, for example, places advertising on your resource for a fee - through the Google Adsense system. A visitor to your resource, if he is interested in a given product, can click on an advertisement and then be taken to the advertised online store.

For one click, the advertiser sets a certain price, which is distributed between the owner of the site on which the block is located and the Google service. A click is essentially one visit by a person to the advertiser’s website. The higher the cost per click, the higher your earnings as a publisher and the higher the advertising effectiveness.

Advantages of making money with Adsense

  1. Earning passive income while sitting at a computer in the office or at home. At the first stage, you will have to devote a couple of hours a day to the site; subsequently, money will be earned automatically, and there will be no need to waste time on it. This is just income for lazy or very busy people!
  2. It’s easy to earn from 1000–3000 USD without much effort.
  3. Possibility of combining with main job.
  4. If you are a webmaster, there is a minimum investment in creating, promoting and optimizing your site for Adsense. Earnings are approximately three thousand. e. you can get it even on a simple website, without any bells and whistles. You just need to fill it with content correctly. If you have no experience in web programming, you can use systems free creation site.
  5. The secrets of this activity are widely described on the Internet.

You can hope to receive real money if you properly think through and optimize your website so that there are more visits; profit directly depends on their number.


  1. Registration for Adsense. To register in the system you need Mailbox on Google. Go to, to register you need to click “Sign up”, select your account and Russian language. Next, fill in the data fields: you must provide reliable data. Within a week a confirmation will be sent by email. Now you can start working.
  2. Set up ads in accordance with the site design. To do this, go to the Adsense settings and in the “allowed sites” select the option “allow ads to be displayed only on the following sites.” This action is necessary to place advertising exclusively on your own website. Indicate your website or blog.
  3. Then create ad types (size, type, design) in the Adsense for Context section. A code will be automatically generated that must be placed on your resource.

The procedure has been completed, and all that remains is to wait for daily receipts.

  • To avoid being banned from Google, it is better to read the rules of the Adsense program before starting work. Violation of the rules threatens the loss of this service.
  • Don't overload your site with advertising. Visitors usually want to leave such a site immediately, because with such an abundance of advertising it simply dazzles the eyes and it is difficult to concentrate on the main thing.
  • Advertising must be placed in such a place that it catches the eye of the site visitor. Good decision- This is the use of large square advertising texts at the end of the article on each page. You can also place advertisements in the article itself.
  • Image ads are more eye-catching and get more clicks.
  • The advertising code of the ad cannot be changed!
  • Under no circumstances should you increase views yourself, that is, click on advertisements yourself, since the robot tracks the IP address.
  • The newly created resource does not need to be immediately overloaded with advertisements; let people first get used to the site, and its traffic will reach a figure of three hundred people.
  • Ads cannot be placed on a site that is intended for sales, because buyers can go to a competitor and buy a product or service from him by clicking on the ad.

Amount of income and withdrawal of money

Receiving a reward depends on many factors, including the content of the site or blog, the number of visits and the location of the advertisement. To receive large amounts of money, you also need to promote your website so that it is among the first in search results. search queries. But that is another topic.

How much do advanced bloggers earn - at least 30,000 rubles monthly. For practically passive income, this is quite good money, especially for residents of the regions.

Earned funds can be withdrawn through WebMoney, Yandex Money, through payment system Rapida. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. Adsense automatically pays out money once a month when the amount for the previous month exceeds this figure. If you want to receive a large amount at once, but later, you can choose a delayed payment in the system.

Topics that generate more income:

  • insurance,
  • hotels,
  • movies,
  • passenger cars,
  • education,
  • credit,
  • banks,
  • trips.

These are the most popular positions, arranged in descending order.

As you know, any business activity is subject to taxes in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Not so long ago, the tax office was not too interested in business on the Internet, but since many entrepreneurs are switching to business on the Internet, the tax office is showing increased interest in them.

If your income is small, you don’t have to worry too much. But if you receive large incomes, it is worth registering as an individual entrepreneur. Typically, the tax office does not audit newly created enterprises that are not yet 3 years old from the date of registration.

As you can see, the Google Adsense program pays well for those who take into account all the recommendations. What’s most interesting is that you can earn income in any country by doing this business.

All beginning webmasters and owners of blogs, information and commercial sites interested in making money on Google Adsense. This is understandable, because the system allows each “publisher” to monetize their web resource in a free and easy way.

Although the contextual advertising service has been available on the Runet for a long time, it has begun to gain real popularity over the past few years. During this time, many users have been convinced from their own experience and can say with confidence that this is relevant, promising and.

If you become a participant in the system and do not violate its rules, the result will not be long in coming. Of course, not everything is as simple as it is presented. You should constantly work to improve and promote your website. Then you can use everything Google benefits Adsense and earn decent income.

What is Google Adsense?

The main advantage of this system over similar contextual advertising services (Begun, Yandex.Direct, etc.) is that Google Adsense accepts almost all sites. It doesn’t matter who your web resource is aimed at - an English-speaking or a Russian-speaking audience.

Participation in Google Adsense is also not affected by site traffic. Those. it plays an important role in influencing income levels, but is not a limitation. Regardless of the traffic indicator, the service will allow you to work.

Plus, Google Adsense makes no claims against webmasters who place affiliate and advertising links of such services on their sites.

True, experienced publishers do not recommend resorting to such practices. In this case, earnings from Google Adsense will decrease significantly, since the audience’s attention will be scattered on all types of ads available on the web resource. Consequently, the number of clicks, which affects the level of earnings, will decrease.

Also, Google Adsense does not deprive those authors who deal with wap sites (mobile platforms) of attention. The system has special offers for publishers directing their content to portable devices.

With Google Adsense, your portal becomes an advertising platform. For displaying ads, the system accrues up to 68% of the funds of advertisers who pay for their advertisements to be displayed on web resources. For intermediary services, Google Adsense takes its 32% commission.

Google Adsense is an auction-type system. Those. advertisers have to compete with each other. Whoever offers the highest price for ads, and whose ads are of higher quality, will have priority in display.

The service offers the following types of advertisements:

  • animated/simple images,
  • text,
  • short video,
  • flash and other multimedia.

The site owner has the right to disable the display of graphic or text blocks.

Google Adsense: earnings and its types

Google Adsense offers several types of earnings. Moreover, some can be used simultaneously.

Let's get acquainted with the functionality of the Google Adsense system.

If you are seriously thinking about how to make money on Google Adsense, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the service. To make your cooperation with the system as convenient and fruitful as possible, the developers have taken care of a variety of tools.

The set of special tools includes many necessary and simply useful widgets and filters, for example:

Step-by-step instructions on how to make money with Google Adsense

If you're new to Google Adsense, there are a few important concepts you'll need to understand that you'll come across regularly in the future.

CTR is a metric that measures the percentage of impressions leading to clicks. In other words, CTR is the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. It can be calculated using the formula: CTR = impressions/clicks * 100%.

If your CTR is 5%, this means that out of 100 impressions, visitors will click on the ad units 5 times. Accordingly, your earnings are formed from 5 clicks. This parameter, as you understand, is of great importance for webmasters.

On the service, the indicator is reflected in reports:

In relation to website owners, this means that the profit in their accounts comes not from a click, but from each display of an advertising unit on their pages.

So, how to make money with Google Adsense? First of all, you must have a website or blog, preferably with good traffic and an impressive amount of posted content.

Step 1. Your web resource must meet the necessary requirements.

The following are not allowed to participate in the program:

  • sites with pornographic content;
  • web resources promoting terrorism, violence, extremism, racial intolerance, drug use, alcohol use, and smoking;
  • authors who post materials prohibited by copyright on the pages of their platforms;
  • sites with the presence of fake and counterfeit goods;
  • publishers who solicit clicks on advertising or make clicks themselves (including all kinds of incentives for clicks are prohibited);
  • webmasters who artificially increase the effectiveness of advertising and harm the reputation of advertisers;
  • sites are difficult to navigate, where user settings change, redirections to unwanted pages occur, etc.

Residents of India and China have their own restrictions regarding the period of ownership of a web resource. It should not be less than six months.

The system also imposes technical requirements:

Step 2. Registration on the Google Adsense service.

Go to the official website, then click on the button located in the top right corner “New to Google Adsense?” Next, click on the widget “ Register».

If you have email on Gmail, then you go to your profile using the corresponding button. Otherwise you click on " Create a new account».

After this, you must indicate the address of your portal, language and agree to the terms of cooperation. Click on the “Continue” button.

Then carefully fill out your personal information. The data is written in Latin and must be reliable. So, you apply for Google Adsense to earn money in the future.

When all fields are filled in, click on " Send a request" It remains to wait for the results of moderation. In a week, maybe a month, a letter will be sent to your address, which will indicate whether your site is approved or not.

Step 3. Let's start posting advertisements on the site.

Once confirmation is received, it’s time to start posting ads on the web resource.

To create an ad unit, log in to your personal account. Google account Adsense. Next, click on the “My ads” section.

Press " New ad unit».

You must write the name of the ad, choose its size, which can be completely different. Google Adsesn tells you how to choose the right parameters for ad units and which ones will be most effective.

There are other sizes: 320x50, 232x60, 468x60, 300x1050, 750x100, etc.

Once you've decided on the size, move on to the ad type. They have already been mentioned in the article. If you prefer text format, you will have to work hard on advertising design. You can use the standard one or create your own style.

During settings, a block will appear on the right side that allows you to preview. When all the moments have passed, click on the widget “ Save and get code».

Please note that you cannot place more than 3 advertisements on one page of the site. Create blocks so that they attract the audience's attention, but do not irritate them. It is better if the type of ad is in harmony with the design of your online site.

A window will pop up in which you need to copy the code and then close it.

An advertisement for earning money has been created. Copy the code and place it on your web resource.

How to earn an acceptable income from Google Adsense?

Let's start with how much money you can get, what factors are decisive when calculating earnings. No one will give you an exact answer to the question: “How much will I earn from Google Adsense?”

But at the same time, more profitable niches and other factors are known that are decisive in relation to the amount of earnings.

The level of income from Google Adsense depends on the following aspects:

    Topics of the web resource.

    The content of your pages will bring in more income if it is in demand among Google Adsense partners. The more competitive the search criteria, the higher the publisher's earnings.

    Internal algorithms of the system.

    Quantity and quality of content.

    Content can be called fundamental in predicting the amount of potential earnings. When an author regularly publishes quality content on his portal, the authority of the site increases along with traffic. Then the probability of clicks becomes greater.

    This factor is crucial. If you place ads where they are invisible, then there will be no clicks. But imposing advertising is also wrong decision.

    Target traffic.

    If you want to earn an acceptable income, site traffic must be high. Some publishers get from 200 unique visitors 10-50 dollars per month. Web resources with a traffic of 2000 visitors and a popular topic bring monthly earnings of 300, or even 700 dollars.

    Geographical factor.

    The size of earnings is also affected by the location of the advertiser and visitors. In economically developed countries, the CPC is higher.

Although Google Adsense will not disclose how much earnings you will receive from one ad, you can always account find out your total income. Moreover, earnings are displayed for the month, year, week, day.

However, you should not assume that next month you will have the same earnings as last month. It may be lower or higher.

Google Adsesn allows you to withdraw your earnings when you accumulate $100. different methods: by check, using the Rapida system.

  • The check is sent to the registered address you provided. Upon receipt of the document, it is cashed in any banking structure.
  • Payments using Rapida appeared only in 2009. This option involves earning money at the post office. However, not everyone chooses this type calculations, since a small proportion of post offices work with Rapida.

Depending on the publisher's country, there are other payment types:

  • Western Union Quick Cash;
  • electronic transfer;
  • Bank account.

To select a payment method for earnings, you need to click on the “Settings” button on the left side of the account menu.

Go to the "Payments" tab. In the window that opens, click on the button “ Add a payment method».

Check the box next to the earnings payment option that suits you.

When you select the most popular “bank transfer” method, the following page will open, where you will be required to fill out all the lines and click on the “Save” button.

8 secrets from Google Adsense on how to earn more

Below are the secrets revealed by Google Adsense on how to earn more money for newbies:

  1. Optimize each page of your web resource for a specific request. This will help maintain user interest and attract more visits.
  2. So, don’t be lazy to use all kinds of legal traffic sources. Such sources are: social networks, various forums, YouTube, etc.
  3. Give preference to text ads. According to statistics, this advertising format gains considerable click-through rates. Graphic banners are good in their own way. They can also be used, but there should be more context blocks.

    If your portal layout allows for vertical ads, do so. Skyscrapers provide more transitions. The optimal place for their placement is considered to be the space on the right side of the main field.

  4. Experiment with ad design, sizes, and placement. This way you will understand which ads will bring in more earnings. In context, it is recommended to use the same font.
  5. Don't try to break Google Adsense rules. Start by studying them in detail and adhere to these settings all the time. Previously, the system did not so carefully monitor the earnings process of its participants. Recently, control has increased. At the slightest circumvention of the rules, you will be blocked and your earnings will be canceled.
  6. Try to avoid free hosting. When you don't own a site, there is a risk of it being removed. This happens quite often. Moreover, hosting providers can do this without warning. Then you can say goodbye to your earnings.
  7. Saturate your pages with key phrases and words. You need to focus your attention on keywords that have high demand, but little supply. If you choose only well-paid keywords, high competition will not allow you to earn a decent income.

    Therefore, careful analysis must be carried out. For example, “asbestos cancer”, “debt consolidation” are keys on which you can earn much more than “how to care for cacti”.

  8. Do not make changes to the advertising code. Such actions are strictly prohibited and may result in loss of earnings.

To make money with Google Adsense, you first need to register an account.

Not sure how to do this? Video instructions will help:

Earning money on Google Adsense This is not a get rich quick scheme. Earning decent money will require hard work and dedication. But your efforts will pay off with dignity, and you will be able to turn them into the main one.

As soon as an inexperienced webmaster finds out the amount that can be earned on Google AdSense, he will immediately begin to act. If you place advertising on your own website, it will bring good income. If a master has his own forum, website or blog with a popular topic and excellent traffic, then he needs to put an advertising banner on it as quickly as possible.

If you don’t have your own website, then you need to think about creating one. The more time passes, the more popular the site can become during this time. Therefore, its creation must be started today. Money will come from advertising every day. The question arises, how much can you earn from Adsense on your website?

Masters who have their own website think that no one clicks on advertising. In fact, there will be very few such advertising visitors, but their number will be enough for a good amount of money to appear in the account. As a rule, after the first advertisement is placed, you can be charged from $2 per day.

What does Google Adsense income depend on?

First of all, you need to think about exactly how much you can count on. Newbie who maintains his own blog, can have an income of 100 to 200 bucks per month. To receive this amount, you need to place Google ads on your blog. How will bonuses be awarded? They come for every person who clicks on the advertising link. The cost of one click will be assessed differently each time, and there will not be as many clicks. In this case, there will be no stable income.

Many masters on various forums write that it is impossible to get sufficient profit from such earnings. As experienced programmers say, their income from advertising from Google AdSense is very small. The $50 amount only accumulates over the course of a year. Undoubtedly, there are such cases of small profits from advertising. To increase the level of payment you need to know some of the features of making money from advertising. This is what determines the cost per click. What does the amount of salary from advertising consist of? There are a huge number of ways to make money from advertising. This article will cover only the most basic and important ones. The rest of the details don't matter much.

What determines the cost of an Adsense click and the total profit on contextual advertising.

1. Website theme. What theme should I choose for my website? Earnings from advertising depend on the topic of the site. Therefore, the cost per click through on advertising will be different. Prices in this place range from 1 buck to 3. Therefore, the theme of the site is of great importance.

2. Attendance. It is of decisive importance. The higher the score, the better. Everything is clear here, the more people visit the site, the more likely it is that they will click on the advertisement. At this point it is clear that not every person will click the link. But still, the number of people increases the likelihood of earning money. It is of great importance how many pages the client will view on the site.

It may happen that a client uses a link in a search engine to go to one page, and the advertisement will be located on a completely different one. And for a click to occur, there must be motivation for the person to look at as many pages as possible. Thus, you need to ensure that the visitor views as many pages as possible. To have more information, you need to look at competitors' websites. You can find out what their attendance is.

3. What location should the advertisement have?. This point is fundamental. If the site has excellent traffic and the topic is expensive, then incorrect placement of advertising can harm earnings. To decide on the best variation, you need to experiment and try different options. But many experts have already identified those places where advertising has the most advantageous location. Each site, depending on what topic it has, has its own most advantageous places for advertising.

Advice: Personally, I recommend using blocks with dimensions of 336x280 px both in text instead of pictures, and in modules, such as, for example, in my right sidebar. Banners placed after subheadings in the text with dimensions of 728x90 px are also clickable. Choose media and text style.

If all these factors are combined together, a very significant result can be achieved. To achieve the highest earnings, advertising should be located in the most prominent places on the site. Must be placed three blocks each. According to Google site rules, it is prohibited to place more than 3 marketing blocks on one page. The total number of advertising blocks with this advertising arrangement should be 25 pieces. So, you can earn from 7 to 27 dollars every day.

As a result, in a month you can earn about 300 dollars. And this is based on the fact that less than 250 people visit the page per day. Such results can be achieved by correct placement and changing the color of the advertising block. After advertising blocks are placed, as a rule, the site increases its value in the search engine. Thus, ad units will only bring benefits and the Adsense cost per click will increase.

How much money can you earn on Google Adsense in 3 months?

Payment for Google AdSense is made in the form of checks. On specific address A check will be sent by postal order. The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $100. It's no secret that the first money you earn is the hardest to get, but this amount is the most long-awaited.

At first, this amount may seem like a lot. But you shouldn’t worry about whether the check will arrive or not. A letter from Google notifying you that the check has been sent will definitely arrive at email. The first letter will arrive when the threshold value is reached. Read my article to activate your account.

I hope you liked the article and look forward to seeing you in new posts. Good luck to everyone and see you soon.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Dmitry Smirnov is in touch with you as always, and in this article I want to tell you about google adsense, whether it is worth making money with this contextual advertising network or not, which topics are better and more profitable.

Google Adsense on your website or blog

If you only knew, friends, how many different messages I receive on the topic of making money on contextual advertising from Google. Accordingly, we are talking about making money from Google AdSense contextual advertising, and many people ask questions like how and how much you can earn on a blog with a traffic of, say, 1,000 people per day. In reality, it is very difficult to calculate the average earnings that can be earned by working with contextual advertising from Google.

There are sites that are able to earn $100 per month, and there are sites that are not able to earn even 10 - 20 dollars per month, despite the traffic of 1000 - 2000 visitors per day. Yes, yes, friends, there are also cases when a site with a traffic of 1000 people per day is able to bring in only a certain amount of pennies. When I had a women's website about beauty and health, it brought me an average of 70 - 90 cents per day, despite the fact that it was visited by approximately 1,500 visitors per day.

The bottom line is that everything depends on the topic of your resource. If you have a financial website, say a website about lending or the Forex currency market, which is even better and much more profitable, then you can count on a very high level of income, not only from earning money from contextual advertising, but also through binary options affiliate programs, and various brokers.

If we talk about making money specifically on my blog, then many people most likely saw such a picture that the traffic to my blog, from almost 2000 people per day, dropped to 300 - 500 visitors per day. But despite this, it continues to bring me a stable income. With an attendance of 1,600 visitors per day, Google AdSense contextual advertising brought me on average from 7 to 30 dollars per day, and this is due to the fact that the subject of my resource is precisely on the topic of making money on the Internet, trading and investment. On this moment, with an attendance of 400 visitors per day, advertising brings in approximately 2 dollars per day, of course it can be 7 dollars per day, but it can also be 50 cents per day. Attendance fell accordingly, and income itself fell accordingly.

Is it worth creating websites to make money using Google AdSense?

In fact, creating websites purely to make money from contextual advertising is a completely stupid decision. The fact is that contextual advertising at any moment can simply take you and ban you, and I do not promise that one fine day I will wake up and see that my account is blocked. Everyone has long known what happened to Crimea and why it is impossible to work with Google AdSense contextual advertising there.

Personally, I use earnings from Google AdSense as an additional, but not permanent, type of income, and this is accordingly. But, if you have a website with a financial focus, then you will be able to earn not only from contextual advertising, but also thousands of dollars and perhaps even tens of thousands of dollars per affiliate programs binary options.

So how much can you earn from contextual advertising from the company?

It is very difficult to say exactly how much you can earn from contextual advertising. Someone earns very good money from contextual advertising from the Yandex company, someone earns more from AdSense contextual advertising, but in any case, you must understand that it is not only about traffic, but also about what topic your resource has been created.

It is still possible to make big money from Google AdSense. For example, if you have a website on the topic of Forex or lending, which is visited by, for example, 10,000 people a day, with proper optimization of blocks, you can achieve an income of even $3,000 per month or more. But if I am your site on women's topics, beauty and health, then even with 5,000 visitors per day, your income may not even be more than, say, 200 - 300 dollars per month.

Does it make sense to buy a website that generates Google AdSense income?

Accordingly, it’s worth it, this is exactly what many people do, they buy sites with income from contextual advertising. For example, on Telderi, you can easily buy a website for 100,000 rubles, with a traffic of a couple of thousand people per day, and an income of 10,000 rubles. per month using contextual advertising. Either way, I strongly encourage you to make sure you don't put all your eggs in one basket. As I already said, there are times when everything can go wrong!

When you create your website on the Internet, first of all you should think about the content and visitors to your resource, and only then about significant profits. If you want to earn a lot of money from Google AdSense contextual advertising, say $5,000 a month, then for this you need to try very hard, work on content, on behavioral factors, you need to know very well what website optimization is for search engines. Absolutely anyone can learn this, the main thing is the desire.

Well, now let's talk about numbers

If we talk about bloggers on YouTube, then this category earns mere pennies on views. It has long been known and proven by communicating with many bloggers, such as Vlad Savelyev, Khovansky, that the main income comes from donations or direct advertisers. It is text bloggers who earn the most from contextual advertising, namely those who have their own text diaries on the Internet, respectively, with high traffic. Having your own website, let’s say, as I already said on a financial topic or about making money on the Internet, and having traffic of let’s say 3000 - 5000 visitors per day, you can forget about your main job and earn an average of 100,000 rubles. monthly. As for the cost per click, the cost per click can be completely different, which is why I am talking about different resource topics. If, for example, on a financial website you can earn from 50 cents to 5 dollars per click per click, then on a women’s website the cost of a click can be from one cent to 15 cents or a little higher.

But you need to understand that it is much easier to promote a women’s portal than to promote a site about the Forex currency market and investments, about binary options and so on. You can see for yourself by going to the Telderi exchange that financial websites can cost several million rubles, and websites with the same traffic, but on a women’s topic, can cost 20,000 rubles. Hence the conclusion is that if you want to have a high income from contextual advertising, then you need to have either a whole network of sites, or one high-quality visited financial portal, or a site on the topic of making money on the Internet. But if your website is about cooking or eyelash extensions, then you can forget about making big money once and for all! That's the whole truth about Google Adsense.

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