Hosting with DDoS protection. Protection against DDoS attacks: DDoS GUARD is your secure hosting. Secure hosting - general security rules

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A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a series of malicious actions carried out by a hacker trying to block users' access to a service. Such an attack can be carried out against almost anything: servers, devices, services, networks, applications, and even specific transactions within applications. During this process, the hacker sends malicious data or requests from several different systems to the target resource.

Typically, such attacks overwhelm the resource with data requests so much that it simply cannot handle the load. As a result, it stops working due to an overabundance of requests. The losses that this attack will entail may be minimal - the resource simply will not work for some time. But sometimes this can lead to global negative consequences, especially if interruptions in the service greatly harm its users.

The motive that pushes an attacker to carry out a DDoS attack can be either a desire to simply have fun, or a more serious goal - the struggle for a place in the market or information wars, for example. Therefore, hosting with DDoS protection is extremely important for both commercial and information projects.

Quite often, game servers are attacked. This can be done by competitors in the gaming industry, or by independent hackers who just want to earn a little fame for themselves by cutting off players' access to the game. Game hosting with protection from attacks is not a luxury for online games, but a real necessity.

Hosting with protection against DDoS attacks from King Servers

Of course, you can independently try to protect your resource from intruders. But why if there is already ready-made solution? Hosting from King Servers already has reliable protection against attacks, which will prevent any hacker’s attempts to cut off users’ access to your service.

DDoS protected hosting provides:

    remote anti-DDoS security system;

    complete security of the resource from any type of attack (SYN Flood, UDP/ICMP Flood, HTTP/HTTPS);

    protected IP addresses;

    a software and hardware complex that filters traffic at speeds of up to 1 TB/sec. Dirty traffic is transferred to King Service resources, filtered, and then clean filtered traffic is sent to the resource itself.

The server where you can rent hosting with DDoS and ssd protection is located in the Netherlands. The client's IP address is automatically entered into the filtering zone. If an attacker attacks a resource, the King Servers team closely monitors what is happening and controls the situation. If necessary, the server is supplemented with filters to increase the efficiency of the traffic filtering process.

If you only need hosting protection, remote anti-DDoS is the solution. The remote protection service is connected and configured by King Servers specialists in just 10 minutes. All the client needs to do is provide Domain name and IP address and make the necessary changes at the domain registrar. To use this service you do not need to host the resource on King Servers. It can be located on any other hosting.

The cost of hosting with protection from attacks depends on the amount of traffic and the power of the server to which it arrives. The more information the filters need to process, the more expensive the price of the service will be. The same applies to remote protection - the cost of the service depends on the chosen tariff.

A DDoS attack (from the English Distributed Denial of Service) can disrupt the operation of any resource - from a small information site to a large online store or mail server. During an attack, your server receives millions of requests, causing it to become overloaded and unavailable.

A successful attack can not only take your site down for a long time, but also cause significant damage to your reputation and business. Therefore, your website needs reliable DDoS GUARD protection. The service is provided free of charge and is activated automatically for all users of hosting (Shared Hosting), virtual servers (VPS) and dedicated physical servers (Dedicated).

How does DDoS GUARD work?

DDoS GUARD uses a series of reliable filters connected to the Internet channel with a sufficiently large throughput. Filters consistently analyze passing traffic, identifying anomalies and unusual network activity. The analyzed patterns of non-standard DDoS-GUARD traffic include all currently known attack methods, including those implemented using distributed botnets. All this will allow you to detect and successfully repel an attack of any complexity in time.

Benefits of use

  • Successfully repelling such classes of attacks as IP malformed, ICMP flood, TCP SYN flood, TCP-malformed, ICMP smurf and others.
  • Geo-distributed filtering network with nodes in the Netherlands, USA, Japan, Russia and Germany with a throughput of more than 1.5 Tbps.
  • Guaranteed protection against attacks
  • Smart filtering
  • Low packet processing latency
  • 24/7 monitoring of service availability

Incoming requests to a site hosted on a secure hosting are analyzed, filtered and processed at DDoS-GUARD traffic processing nodes. After the request is verified by the system, it is sent to the cloud cluster of DDoS-GUARD web servers, where the resources of the requested site are stored. A response is also generated there and sent to the visitor.

The web server cluster is optimized for multi-threaded processing of incoming requests, which allows you to serve thousands of sites hosted on secure hosting. The entire range of services is under round-the-clock supervision of competent specialists, ensuring its uninterrupted operation, availability and safety of clients’ personal data hosted on the hosting.

A distinctive feature of secure hosting is the full preservation of the benefits of the service Protection and acceleration of the site, combined with protection against attacks of any type on the IP address of the web server, on DNS servers used to host domain names, mail server, database server and other services used in the operation of the site.


Technological capabilities of the service:

    Constant protection against all known types of DDoS attacks, including attacks on the target IP address of the web server

    Compatible with sites using PHP 5.4, 5.6, 7.0, 7.2

    Manage hosting using cPanel

    Adapted for all popular CMS (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.)

    Backup files and databases

    Personal IP address

Possibilities for processing, optimizing and delivering web traffic:

    Web traffic analysis and filtering

    Caching and Static Content Delivery (CDN)

    Filtration HTTPS traffic

    Providing a free certificate from a Let’s Encrypt CA

    Access List Management

    Subdomain protection

    HTTP/2 and TLS 1.3 support

    View request information in real time

    Posting records on protected DNS servers DDoS-GUARD (DNS hosting)

    Service management via Personal Area and API

Who is it suitable for?

Suitable for projects entry level with basic disk space requirements for which it is not practical to allocate, configure and maintain a separate server.

Already know what an attack on a web server's IP address is? Has your hosting provider taken your site down due to DDoS attacks on other clients? Then moving to DDoS-GUARD secure hosting is what you need! Order the service right now, and we will solve problems with access to your site in the shortest possible time.

Benefits for the client

    Easy moving

    Ability to recover data from backup copy

    Maximum compatibility with your project

    Huge selection of free options to speed up website access

    All the necessary tools to manage, protect and speed up your site in one panel

    Online analytics of visits in your personal account

    No costs for setting up and maintaining the infrastructure used by the project

    No traffic restrictions

How to order and activate the service?

You can order the service directly on the website or from your personal account in the service store. After purchasing the service, you will receive access to your personal account, where you can upload the site to hosting and configure its operation.

Hosting protection and security methods are a pressing issue. All current and future website owners choose not only the cheapest and most convenient hosting. They also take care of security measures that will protect the site from various types dangers - including from hacker attacks.
Hosters have significantly expanded their services! Our task is to take care of the protection of servers and the information stored on them. This is not surprising - the Internet has become a platform for large monetary turnover and commercial transactions. That is why any disruption can affect the hosting client’s income.

The content of the article:

Secure hosting today

Until recently, there was only one way to protect your hosting - rent a server. Naturally, only:

  1. large owners of huge resources;
  2. online stores;
  3. Internet banks;
  4. massive corporate portals;

What should owners of small non-profit websites do? Hope for luck, because no complex password system will save you from a well-thought-out hacker and Samara attack - there are flaws in any system.

But now secure hosting has become possible - with the advent of the concept of a virtual dedicated server (VPS). Nowadays, only the lazy do not know the operating principle of such servers. For example, software is installed on a physical server, which divides it into several virtual locations - with the ability to install operating systems, separate independent settings. Virtual servers cannot intersect, therefore there cannot be “conflicts” between them - despite the same habitat.

VPS hosting capabilities for security

Since our main criterion— safety, that’s what we get, and for quite reasonable money. At the same time, we get a separate server with settings, up to the most precise ones. Nobody forbids you to install your own software for more convenient work. In general, there is no difference between a virtual and a separate physical server - only in price.
In addition, the client has access to optimal disk space, good access speed and other capabilities of his own server.

Hosting with ddos ​​protection

Nowadays, attacks on websites have become more and more frequent. The main purpose of which is to steal personal data to steal money or undermine the authority of a certain company. This is understandable - every year the Internet is increasingly turning into a commercial network. That is why the main players in the web business have a very good income. So there are those who don’t mind “snipping off” someone else’s pie.

Let's say more - Russia has become the leader in the number of attacks on the resources of its own country and abroad. Only secure hosting can solve the problem of hacker attacks. Do you have a commercial website? Don’t take risks and choose a provider that provides hosting with DDoS protection. Even if you haven’t noticed any increased interest in your site, it’s better to hedge your bets a little than to count losses later and try to restore a “dead” site.

Secure hosting - general security rules

If you do not have special knowledge, it is better not to try to set up protection against DDoS attacks yourself. The process of setting up protection includes filtering, cleaning malicious traffic, and eliminating Achilles heels. Such actions should be performed by professionals. Well, remember that no external filters will protect your hosting site if you do not follow security rules.

Checking every step, rejecting malicious and potentially dangerous programs. Also, a complex access system for working with site files will be additional measures that will complicate penetration into the hosting.
To ensure that your hosting site is secure, pay great attention to the security of the hosting you use. Well, remember that personal safety is not paranoia, but a smart decision.

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The concept of a DDoS attack refers to the activity of hackers who identify the vulnerabilities of the server they need and put an excessive load on it. The result of such a hacker attack is a failure computer network and temporarily closing or making it difficult for bona fide users to access servers. The purpose of such attacks is the desire to obtain financial compensation for termination. Carrying out DDoS attacks can also be associated with the desire to gain access to an Internet resource.

An effective method of protection against such hacker attacks is a hosting service with protection against DDoS attacks from Cloud4box. Proven and inexpensive hosting will protect the Internet resource service from cases of massive hacker attacks through a remote traffic filtering system. Hosting with protection against DDoS and SSD attacks is relevant for owners of popular websites, game servers and portals.

How protection against DDoS attacks works in Cloud4box

Every year the service becomes more and more relevant. Using DDoS protection will repel all known types of attacks that will not reduce the quality of your resources.

Server protection from DDoS attacks is increasingly becoming one of the prerequisites for uninterrupted operation. Stopping the operation of the site and the content on it, the database, problems in the operation of even a small business will affect profits. The cost of ordering attacks is becoming cheaper, which could lead to an increase in frequency and duration. To work under reliable protection, we recommend using a system with traffic sorting. A variety of solution options allow you to select and use the appropriate tariff on the site.

According to traffic filtering technology, the main screening is implemented at the level of L2-L7 OSI channels. Traffic is cleaned and analyzed directly on the network. The client already receives pure traffic. Arbor Pravail are designed specifically for data centers. Clients can install Peakflow for additional protection. Operation speed from 1.5 Gbit/s to 100 Gbit/s. The equipment instantly blocks illegitimate traffic from malicious botnets. System reports from Arbor provide comprehensive detailing of network events.

Hosting with protection against DDoS attacks

Hosting protection from DDoS attacks through specialized hosting provides the following advantages:

  • guarantee of reliable server protection from DDoS attacks (UDP/ICMP Flood, SYN Flood, HTTP/HTTPS attacks);
  • use of secure IP;
  • traffic filtering;
  • setting up a firewall for a specific project;
  • no additional costs required to stop malicious traffic;
  • no need to move software And ;
  • free technical support;
  • free control panel for dedicated and virtual servers.

You can order protection against DDoS attacks for your hosting and guarantee the security of your resources on our company’s website.

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