How to restart Adobe Flash Player. Instructions on how to update an outdated Adobe Flash Player plugin. How to enable the Flash Player plugin in your browser

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Flash Player on the computer - detailed instructions!" data-essbishovercontainer="">

Sometimes when you try to watch some multimedia content on the Internet, be it a video or a flash game, a message appears stating that you need to update Adobe Flash Player. Accordingly, it becomes impossible to reproduce anything.

Such a message can appear not only in the browser, but also on the computer, that is, in the tray, as well as in the antivirus.

The text of the message may also be different, but the user will in any case guess that he needs to install the latest version of this very player.

There are some things to consider before you decide to update Flash Player. We will analyze these very nuances, as well as how to view the version of the flash player on your computer.

Download flash player

To update the flash player, just follow a few simple steps, the first of which is downloading the installation file.

It is worth noting that this procedure (updating Adobe Flash in general) will look exactly the same on Windows 10, 8, 7 and even XP with Vista.

Only the interface of the windows themselves in the system may differ. So, to update Adobe Flash Player for free, do the following:

This is the official resource of Adobe Flash Player and the plugin must be updated exclusively from it. We'll talk more about why this is so.

2 If your computer needs Adobe Flash and you will install it on your PC or laptop, proceed to the next step.

And if you need to download the latest version for another device, click on the inscription Need Flash Player for another computer

After this, two steps will appear - selecting the operating system and version. Select the desired OS and one of the versions (preferably the latest available).

Rice. 1. Button - You need Flash Player for another computer

Clue: The version is selected depending on the browser you use as your main one. Depending on this, the platform on which it works will change. Adobe plugin Flash Player – PPAPI, NPAPI, ActiveX and others.

Rice. 2. Select the program version for another computer

3 If you do download the player for your computer, be sure to uncheck all the boxes in the Additional offer. It will offer various support programs for Windows 10, 8 and 7.

This could be some kind of antivirus, driver checking software, and the like. In most cases, all this is absolutely useless. In our case, it is proposed to install Google Chrome and make it your default browser.

This is the most harmless proposal possible. After you uncheck the boxes, simply click Install now. If you need to download a flash player for another machine, the Download button will be located in the same place.

Rice. 3. Additional offer and download button

Now you have the installation file from the official website and you can proceed to the next step, which is the actual installation of the Adobe Flash Player.

Installing flash player

Advice! If the latest version of the flash drive will be installed on another laptop or PC, then this file must be downloaded to a flash drive or uploaded to a file hosting service.

Then you can download it or simply run it from a removable drive on the desired computer.

The update itself Adobe programs Flash Player works the same way in all cases and looks like this:

1 Immediately after launching the file, the settings window will open. In it you will choose how updates to this software will occur until latest version further.

This means that a check will be performed from time to time Adobe versions Flash Player.

First option— If the version is outdated, installation may occur automatically, without notifying the user.

Second option implies notification before downloading.

Third option means that the check will not be performed at all. If Adobe Flash Player needs to be updated, the user will do it independently.

Rice. 4. Selecting options for further updates

2 If during installation some program associated with the player is launched, it will need to be closed.

This could be a browser, something related to the operation of games, in some cases antiviruses, etc. The program will inform you that you need to close it in order to update Adobe Flash Player for free. Do this and click the Continue button.

Important! In some cases, the installation window does not respond immediately after closing the program that is interfering with the installation. That is, you close what is displayed in the window, click “Continue”, but nothing happens - you see the same window.

There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to wait a while, no more than 2-3 minutes, and then repeat the procedure.

Rice. 5. Window for closing programs associated with the player

You can simply close it. Sometimes this window does not appear. Instead, the progress bar will simply be filled, and to the right of it there will be a green checkmark. In this case, you also need to close the open window.

Rice. 6. Completion of installation

Now you know how to quickly update the flash player on your computer. Let's talk about the very nuances that relate to how to update Flash.

Version check

In some cases, you need to know how to check the version of Adobe Flash Player. For example, if a message appears in the browser about the need for an update, but you are sure that the software is up-to-date. To do this, there is a simple procedure for checking the version, and it is as follows:

1 Go to Control Panel via the Start menu. Switch to Small icons next to View if this has not been done previously. This is the only way you can see the desired shortcut.

2 In the list of programs, click on Flash Player (32 bits). Usually it is on the left top corner list. If you have a seven, everything will look like the pictures below.

Rice. 7. Control panel and list of installed software

3 In the window that opens, go to the Updates tab and click the button Check now.

4 In the default browser, a page with information will open, on which there will be a table with the latest, that is, the most current versions of the program.

Rice. 8. Player settings manager and information page

Now you know how to find out the version of Adobe Flash Player. In some cases, problems may arise with the installation. Oddly enough, they are all solved in the same way.

Uninstalling the old version

This procedure is performed as follows:

1 Open Control Panel, then point Uninstalling a program.

2 In the list of software, find everything related to the player. Usually these are three programs with different platforms.

3 Click on each of them step by step by double-clicking with the left mouse button. After each such action, a window will appear in which you should click the Delete button.

Rice. 9. Software removal

What not to do

As for how to properly update Adobe Flash Player, you definitely shouldn’t use third-party resources for this. There is an official website, and you should only install the flash player from there.

Why is this so? Mainly for the simple reason that attackers often use the disguise of the latest version of Adobe Flash Player to inject a virus onto your computer.

In general, on the Internet, on different sites, you can find a lot of buttons and links that do not lead anywhere, but simply serve to download a virus to your operating system.

But the number of malicious links associated with Adobe Flash Player is simply off the charts!

Also, don’t look for this software on the Internet, just go to The fact is that any search engine will offer you a huge number of options, but all of them are unlikely to be what you need.

In most cases, you will simply download a virus. The most harmless thing that can happen is downloading an old and non-working version, due to which the video in Flash Player will not play, like other multimedia content.

Adobe Flash Player Update

Step-by-step video instructions on how to properly update Adobe Flash Player on your computer

If you are also fed up with periodic crashes of the Flash Player plugin in Google Chrome, we strongly recommend that you read this article! When viewing various sites containing Flash content, the Google Chrome browser displays a Flash Player plugin error (“ The following plugin has crashed: Shockwave Flash" or " The following plugin failed: Shockwave Flash") and shuts down abnormally. Moreover, Chrome sometimes becomes so bad that even restarting the chrome.exe process does not save it; only a system reboot helps.

Let's try to figure out the reasons why Google Chrome crashes due to errors in the Flash Player plugin.

Reasons for Flash Player errors in Google Chrome

The main reason for frequent errors and failures of the Flash module in Chrome is the architecture of the browser. Browser like Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer use a standalone version of Adobe Flash Player, which the user independently installs on the system. Google Chrome has its own built-in version of Flash, which differs from the system one. This version The player is automatically updated with the release of new versions of Chrome.

The problem is that Chrome, upon startup, detects and connects all versions of Flash plugins found on the system. As a result, Chrome begins to see two (and sometimes more) versions of the plugin (its own and system), and when opening a Flash object, a conflict between Shockwave Flash versions in Google Chrome may occur, resulting in incorrect operation of the browser. Those. Having multiple browsers on your computer, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera at the same time, could potentially be the source of the problem you are looking for.

How to disable some of the found Flash plugins in Google Chrome
To display all Flash plugin versions found on the system and used Chrome browser, you need to type in the address bar of your browser chrome://plugins/, after which the Chrome Plugin Manager will open. In our case, two versions of the plugin were detected.

In the upper right corner you need to click on the “[+] Details” button and expanded information about the installed plugins will be displayed.

In my case the first plugin has Shockwave version Flash 11.4 r31 (path to it: C:\Users\winitpro\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\22.0.1229.92\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll), the second is Shockwave Flash 11.1 r102 (path C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll). From the paths to the plugin it is clear that the first one is the one built into Google Chrome Flash plugin, the second is, accordingly, systemic.

We are required to manually disable one plugin. Probably the best candidate for disabling is a system plugin, because... built in Chrome plugin Flash will automatically update every time you update your browser (which happens quite regularly). When updating the Adobe Flash system plugin, things are usually more complicated. Although from a security point of view, if configured, it is preferable to leave the latest version of the plugin. In general, the final decision is yours.

To disable one of the Flash plugins in Google Chrome, you need to click on the button Disable(disable). A disabled plugin is marked with a gray background.

All that remains is to restart the browser and check the operation of the flash. If the problem persists, try disabling another plugin and enabling the first one.

If the described procedure does not solve the problem, also perform the following steps.

Try the described methods to fix Shockwave Flash crashes in Google Chrome and comment on the result. We hope everything worked out for you and this problem won't bother you anymore!

5 minutes to read. Views 4.1k. Published 05/06/2017

Greetings to everyone who has visited this site! In today's article we will look in detail at how to update Adobe Flash Player. Very often, you and I have to do this when we surf the Internet and, for example, when watching a video or Flash animation, we see a message: viewing a page element is impossible, update your Flash Player.

In this case, there is no need to panic, nothing happened to your computer, but you will have to update, since further work on the Internet will be problematic due to the fact that some pages will not be displayed correctly.

It is also necessary to periodically update the Flash player to reduce the risk of infection, since Flash technology is quite vulnerable and has a huge number of holes that attackers use for their own purposes. Therefore, we will now understand what a flash player is, how to update Adobe Flash Player and why it is even necessary.

What is Adobe Flash Player and why should you update it?

By default, many people do not know how to play flash content. Since this requires special software. To teach the browser to play Flash, we need Adobe Flash Player. This is a kind of media player that is needed to play Flash content on websites. Slowly but surely, many developers are trying to move their resources away from flash, using HTML5 technology.

This is because Flash content creates a very large load not only on the website, but also on the user’s computer. Just as I said above, flash technology is very vulnerable, because of this, viruses can easily penetrate user computers. Another important problem is that as a result of using Adobe Flash Player, users often encounter problems with it. incorrect work, which sometimes leads to the browser not working at all. Therefore, in order to eliminate all problems as much as possible, it is necessary to update the flash player to the latest version in time.

How to update adobe flash player correctly.

Now let's begin the update process itself. I want to immediately please you that the process is quite simple, what is required of you is to follow the instructions, and you will succeed.

Note! The update process is the same for all browsers, but, for example, the flash player is built in by default and is updated when the browser is updated.

3 options available:

  • automatic installation of updates, in this case the program will install all the necessary patches without your participation;
  • notification before installation, the program will ask the user for permission to install updates;
  • do not check for updates; updates will not be downloaded and installed automatically;

Note! Before the update process, you must close all browsers!

After installing the update, the Internet browser will launch and the official developer page will load, this means that we did everything correctly. This is the first option on how to update Adobe Flash Player. Now we will look at another method.

We update Adobe Flash Player through the application.

There is another, probably easier way to update Adobe Flash Player. This is done like this:

Now you know how to update Adobe Flash Player. There should be no problems with the update if everything is done strictly according to the instructions.

How to remove Flash Player?

Sometimes there are cases when, after updating the flash player, the browser starts to work incorrectly. Flash content closes on its own or the content being played begins to slow down the computer. In this case, you will need to remove the program and install it again.

To remove Adobe Flash Player do the following:

That's it, the program is completely removed from your computer. Now you need to go again to the official website of the developers and perform a clean installation of the software.

Let's summarize.

Today we looked at how to update Adobe Flash Player. As you can see, the process is quite simple, but problems may arise after the update. To do this, remove the program and install it again. It is advisable to set up an automatic update process for the flash player, as it will be less susceptible to virus attacks and work more stably.

Nobody (not even knows why Flash Player doesn't work. They also provide a list of recommendations. Some of this list made it into this article. Recommendations are arranged in ascending order of difficulty. If you follow the recommendations at some stage, the Flash player will work, but it is not known at what stage. In conclusion, I will give a shorter list that I will most likely use. This, of course, is not the simplest option, but, it seems to me, it is shorter.

1. Update the browser

First, a short educational program. What you need to know about Adobe Flash Player.

There are two versions of Adobe Flash Player

You also need to know that Google Chrome has a built-in Flash Player and it is updated along with the browser.

In any case, you need to update your browser.

2. Enable the Flash Player plugin in the browser

For correct operation, you need Adobe Flash Player to be installed and enabled in your browser.

How to enable Flash Player in Internet Explorer

Open the main menu and select “Configure add-ons”

Select “Add-on Types” - “Toolbars and Extensions”

“Display” - “All add-ons”

Find the Shockwave Flash Object and if its state is “Disabled”, click the “Enable” button at the bottom right. Restart the browser and try.

If you don't have the Shockwave Flash Object add-on, you just need to install Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable Flash Player in Firefox

Opening FireFox menu and select “Add-ons”

Select “Plugins” on the left and look for “Shockwave Flash” on the right. From the drop-down menu select “Always enable”

Restart Firefox. If Flash Player does not work, read on. If there is no Shockwave Flash plugin, you need to install Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable Flash Player in Opera

Open a new tab and write in the address bar - opera://plugins

Select “All” on the left, find “Adobe Flash Player” and click “Enable”. Restart Opera.

How to enable Flash Player in Google Chrome

In a new tab we write chrome://plugins/. At the top right click “More details”

Find Adobe Flash Player and disable one of them. Restart the browser and try.

If it doesn’t work, enable the disabled plugin and disable the other one. If it doesn't work, read on.

3. Clear the Flash Player cache

Open the Start menu and in the search field write “ %appdata%\Adobe". Press Enter or select the found “Adobe” folder

Delete the “Flash Player” folder

In the same way we move along the path “ %appdata%\Macromedia" and delete the "Flash Player" folder. Launch the browser and check. If Adobe Flash Player does not work, read on.

4. Delete all Flash Player data

Go to “Start > Control Panel”. Set View to “Large Icons” and select “Flash Player”

In the opened Manager Flash settings Player, go to the “Advanced” tab and click “Delete all...”

Check the “Delete all data and site settings” checkbox and click the “Delete data” button

Close the window, open the browser and check. If Flash Player does not work, read on.

5. Disable Flash Player hardware acceleration

Right-click on the picture and select “Options”

Uncheck and turn off hardware acceleration

Click “Close”. Restart the browser and check. If it doesn't work, read on.

6. Update Adobe Flash Player

First, let's simply update Adobe Flash Player.

7. Reinstall Adobe Flash Player

If installing the latest version on top does not produce results, let's try to remove Adobe Flash Player completely and install the latest version.

8. Reinstall the browser

If all of the above did not work, then I would reinstall the browser. Naturally, you need to save your bookmarks or set up synchronization.

You can reinstall another browser in the same way. We download and install all browsers from official websites.

9. Recovering system files

If Adobe Flash Player doesn't work, then I would uninstall the browser and uninstall Flash Player. Performed system file recovery. I reinstalled the browser and Adobe Flash Player.

10. Update drivers

The last hope before reinstalling the system is updating the drivers. Just take and install the latest drivers for your computer. If nothing works, then either switch to another browser or reinstall Windows.


I like the Google Chrome browser. It does not require installing Adobe Flash Player. If Flash Player doesn't work, you just need to reinstall Chrome. If this does not work, then I would delete the browser, scan the computer for viruses and restore system files. Then I would install Google Chrome. Flash Player simply must work. If not, then I would reinstall Windows.

Adobe Flash Player is a multimedia platform widely used for playing audio and video on web pages. This article tells you how to install Flash Player on a Windows computer or update it to the latest version.

Despite their prevalence, flash applications have a number of disadvantages:

  • This creates an excessive load on the computer's central processor.
  • Insufficient error control leads to frequent failure of Flash content on web pages and even the entire browser.
  • Problems with text indexing are important for webmasters creating websites in Flash.

However, glitchy flash is widely used on the Internet.

This is what a window looks like when it does not play media content. social network VK. To watch the video, you need to update the VKontakte flash player - the latest version of the plugin is required.

Therefore, you have to install this plugin and periodically update it on your PC.

Before installing or updating Flash Player, you must make sure that you are using the latest version of your browser.

The entire program installation process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Update browsers.
  2. Download Adobe Flash Player and close your browsers.
  3. Install Flash Player.

Let's start by updating popular browsers.

Google Chrome

Go to Settings and select About Google browser Chrome."

The next window will tell you which version of Chrome is installed on your PC. You need to update Google Chrome if you have one a new version.

In our case, we use the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. There is no need to update.


Go to the Help menu and click Check for Updates. If you do not have the latest version of Opera, update.

Below is a window with the test results. A new version is available, you need to click “Download and Install”.

Pay attention to whether the web browser is detected correctly and operating system. In our Windows case 7 and Mozilla Firefox. The information recognized is incorrect - click the "You need Flash Player for another computer" link.

Uncheck the box next to free utility McAfee Security Scan Plus, if you have another antivirus on your PC or leave it, it's up to you.

Once you are sure that the information you have entered is correct, click “Install Now.”

The Flash Player installer will begin downloading. Specify a convenient save location, for example on your desktop, to quickly find it later. After installation or Flash updates Player, the installation file can be deleted.

Attention! Before installing the program, close all browsers, otherwise it will crash.

After closing all browsers, run the downloaded file. The download of the necessary components and further installation of the Flash player will begin.

At the end of the installation, click “Finish”. Flash Player installation is complete.

Check the plugin for functionality. Open the browser for which you downloaded the flash player and follow this link:

In the window that opens, click Check Now. A message should appear indicating that you are using the latest version of Flash Player.

Scroll down to the image with moving elements. The animation is displayed correctly - Flash Player is working. Otherwise, read the next point: why Flash Player does not work.

Why Flash Player doesn't work - what to do?

Most often, Flash Player does not work due to incorrect installation. Many users, through inattention or in a hurry, forget to close all browsers when installing the plugin. Therefore, when Flash installation Player crashes.

Another reason for Flash Player not working is outdated browsers. Before installation, they need to be updated to the latest version. This was discussed above.

Sometimes, correct installation Some frozen process is interfering. You can close it in the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Alt+Ctrl+Delete) or by restarting the computer. After restarting the PC, with no browsers running, the plugin installation should proceed correctly.

What else should I do if Flash Player doesn't work? Try it.

That's all, now you know how to update Flash Player on Windows computer XP/7/8 and what to do if it doesn't work.

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