Assembling a satellite dish supral 90 cm problems. How to set up a satellite dish yourself: the right approach. High-quality installation of a satellite dish yourself: instructions for dummies

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The main household entertainment in the village is television. However, there is great variety in available channels, as a rule, not in the outback. The way out of the situation is to receive satellite TV programs. Reception satellite channels Currently, this is not a problem, you can assemble the kit yourself, or you can purchase a ready-made one. The undisputed leader among ready-made packages (in terms of quality (quantity)/price ratio) is TRICOLOR. But, if the determining criterion for choice is price and only then the number of “normal” channels, then I recommend considering the possibility of receiving “free” (i.e. completely free) satellite channels.

In this case, you can purchase any digital satellite receiver; it is better to buy a larger antenna and a regular converter. For example, for two and a half thousand rubles (about 2-2.5 times cheaper than the TRICOLOR set) I purchased:

— antenna SUPRAL (Antenna STV-0.9-1.1 AUM) (90cm)

— digital satellite receiver LUMAX DV-638

— converter Inverto White Tech IDLP-40SST

- several meters of 75 Ohm cable and a pair of F-connectors.

Such kits are usually sold in online electronics stores “under the heading - for receiving HotBird”. But it’s cheaper to buy all this “by weight” from the guys who install TRICOLOR.

With such a set in central Russia, you can receive practically any of the satellites “hanging” above us (and not just EUTELSAT W4 with TRICOLOR and NTV Plus) and watch free channels transmitted from them (the abbreviation FTA is accepted).

What can you really see? Unfortunately, everything will not work out right away. There is, practically, “EVERYTHING!”, but it is scattered across satellites from west to east across the entire sky. In short: I recommend choosing satellites (only Ku band is considered):

ABS1 (75E - satellite position 75 degrees east longitude) - 28 channels (including NTV, DTV, RBC, Illusion, etc.),

YAMAL 201 (90E) - 15 channels (including NTV, TNT, STS, Ren TV, etc.).

Let me immediately note that the usual ORT and RTR are not here. But, I think, these channels can be caught everywhere using the “wire in the antenna socket of the TV”; the satellite will be an addition to the “wire”.

Briefly, installation diagram:

The antenna is installed on the SKN 600-900 bracket included in the kit. The installation is carried out with a view to the south, preferably higher (away from people) (photo antenna.JPG). The wind load on a 90cm antenna is quite high, so I secured the bracket with 8mm “screws” 140mm long (the wall is log, covered with boards). To check the fasteners, it’s a good idea to hang on the bracket. (The process of assembling the antenna is well described in the instructions supplied with the antenna, so we’ll skip it).

The converter is secured with a standard holder in the focus, and we pull the cable from it to the receiver.

The receiver is already at home, the cable from the converter is connected to it. The Video input of the TV is connected to the video output, and the Audio input(s) of the same TV is connected to the audio outputs.

Features of installation and installation of the antenna

One antenna and one converter can only receive one satellite. In general, choose a satellite with open Russian-language channels The easiest way is here ( Then, knowing the name of the satellite and its location, we will use the Satellite Antenna Alignment program ( for our location (we need to know the coordinates of a populated area, or select the nearest from a large database built into the program) we determine the azimuth and elevation angle for the satellite we like, for example, for Vladimir, YAMAL 201 turned out to be 125 and 13 degrees, for ABS1 - 140 and 19. Next, you need to look out the window at the angles found and make sure that the sky is visible without any interfering objects.

Converter position

A special point when installing the antenna is rotating the converter in the holder (this is often not mentioned). Let's skip electrodynamics, from practice: deviation of the polarizer position from the calculated one within 10 degrees does not particularly affect the quality of reception. Because both satellites are located to the east, then we turn the converter counterclockwise by 27 degrees for Yamal or 21 degrees for ABS1 (the angle between the straight lines in the photo). For other regions, we can advise: if the satellite is to the east from us (looking south), then we turn it counterclockwise, if it’s to the west, we turn it clockwise, the maximum rotation angle is 30 degrees (this is when the satellite is almost on the horizon). The position mark of the converter for vertical polarization is indicated on its body

Antenna vertical installation

After installing the antenna mounting bracket on the wall and installing the antenna on it, the fun begins - searching for a satellite. To approach the solution of the problem fully armed, I recommend that you properly set the antenna elevation angle (vertical position). To do this, we place the plane of the plate strictly vertically (I used a plumb line attached to the upper edge of the plate). After this, we draw a line with a marker on the installation unit along the elevation angle, passing through the turning point of the dish in the vertical plane (line A on the moving part of the antenna and the same line B on the fixed part in the figure - in a vertical position they coincide). Next, it is convenient to use a protractor to place several marks on the stationary part of the fastening unit

Installation by elevation

Next, we set the antenna in elevation to the value determined earlier (in our case, 13 degrees Yamal and 19 degrees ABS). We have an offset antenna, the angle of inclination of the focal axis, which relative to the horizon is 26.5 degrees. Therefore, we tilt the antenna “down” by about 13.5 (7.5) degrees (this is between the risks of 15 and 10 (10 and 5) degrees - see photo). You need to set the angle quite accurately, because... The beam width of the antenna pattern is approximately 2-3 degrees, and an extra degree of tilt can significantly damage the signal.

Link to satellite (interfering objects)

It is unlikely that it will be possible to install the antenna in azimuth right away, so I pointed the antenna approximately to the southeast, taking into account subsequent manual search. Here we can recommend that when installing the antenna, attach a clamp with a shelf under it on the bracket, on which the freely rotating antenna would rest (see arrow in the photo). This will allow you to freely and smoothly move the antenna in azimuth when searching for a satellite.

Receiver installation

The LUMAX DV-638 receiver connected to the TV started working immediately. The first step was to check the work on the Tetris game.

Setting up a channel to search for a satellite

Following the satellite search method described in the “Installation” - “Antenna Setup” instructions, I chose the YAMAL 201 satellite (the other is ABS1) (the list stored in the receiver’s memory is very large). The LNB type (that's what the converter is called) set UNI1 (there are also UNI2 and UNI3, but we need UNI1). I turned on the power to the LNB and immediately the level of 56% appeared on the “Power” scale. This doesn’t mean anything, but it’s good that at least the converter responds. Next, everywhere it is suggested to slowly turn the antenna until the maximum value appears on the second “Quality” scale, but this trick did not work for me.

Tuning the antenna to the satellite (satellite search)

I caught the satellite in the following way. Select the menu item “Installation” - “Manual search”. The satellite has already been selected, guided by the list of channels (Site (abs1.html)), we set the transponder frequency where the maximum number of channels is transmitted (for Yamal - 11057, for ABS1 - 12640). Polarization - vertical, SR (flow speed) - Yamal = 26470, ABS1 = 22000, other parameters are not important. The entered parameters are sufficient to track the signal on the “Quality” scale. Next, we slowly turn the dish in the sector where the satellite should be (azimuth 125 (140) degrees - it is more convenient to count from the direction to the SOUTH, then the azimuth is -55 and -40 degrees, I was looking in the sector of 20-30 degrees). The turn should be slow, because The “antenna beam width” is about 2 degrees and you can easily “overshoot” the satellite, and besides, the receiver’s response time is also not zero. I moved the edge of the plate by 1 cm per second and in about 30 seconds I found a satellite - “Quality” was at the level of 75% for Yamal (it is “louder”) and 70% for ABS1. With this quality, automatic scanning does not show the presence of all channels. It is necessary to more subtly “move” the antenna in the found direction, both in azimuth and elevation, in order to achieve maximum “quality”, preferably at the level of 85%, in which case all channels will be found. Tightening the antenna mounting nuts significantly affects the signal quality; you need to turn them all one by one, monitoring the signal.

About the features of the receiver.

After tuning to YAMAL 201, household members were happy with the pairs of channels NTV, REN TV, TNT, STS, Domashny, etc. But, a week later, the message “Channel is encrypted” appeared on STS and Domashny. Indeed, the channels turned out to be encrypted.

The description of the LUMAX DV638 receiver says that it has an emulator that allows you to view channels with BISS encoding (which is what we need in this case). However, nowhere in the description are there instructions on how to enable the emulator. The emulator is turned on by sequentially pressing the buttons “Exit”, “6”, “1”, “0”, “8”. After which the receiver reboots and the “Editing Keys” submenu appears in the “Info” menu; if the submenu already exists, then the emulator is turned on. To view STS and Home, this is not enough; you need to register the currently valid keys in the editor. To turn on STS and Domashny on 90E (Yamal 201), I changed the name of the provider, ID code and key for two cells in the BISS submenu. For STS: ID=0004, Key=C12345296789AB9B; for Home: ID=0006, Key=D12345396789AB9B. After entering the keys (as for the ID - most likely you don’t need to enter them), closed channels do not open immediately, but after 2-10 seconds they open.

The described alternative to TRICOLOR -y is quite acceptable. In addition to the broadcast ones, we have (Yamal 201): NTV, TNT, RenTV, STS, Domashny (all in two hour shifts), Vesti channel, Bibigon, Znanie, etc. And at a much lower price, and “with your own hands” . In addition, nothing prevents us from “going on a free satellite TV search” and watching one and a half thousand channels on HotBird or Astra, etc. All you need is a wrench and time...

In this article we will look at the process of installing a satellite dish, although many consider it quite complicated and troublesome. After all cable TV is already outdated, has many shortcomings, for example, a limited list of channels and poor image quality. But the main advantage of satellite is the cost.

If the subscription fee for a cable service is constantly changing, then an average of 160 euros is enough to purchase equipment and install satellite television. For residents of suburban areas and remote private sector, this is practically the only opportunity to provide themselves with access to a wide range of watched channels.

Organization of system operation

  • the channel supply signal arrives at a specific satellite located in space;
  • each subscriber receives a signal on a dish;
  • it is processed through a tuner or receiver;
  • The picture and sound are displayed on the TV screen.

To provide satellite TV yourself, you first need to decide on the operator of the services provided or choose a satellite from which the signal will come.
Some satellite TV channels provide an encrypted signal; they are included in the subscription package or broadcast separately. This is considered the property of the provider and therefore requires paid decoding. Companies provide customers with a service in the form of the ability to watch a large number of channels from one source. At the same time, Russian channels are supplied to the consumer with different devices which are located in remote locations. So you will have to choose nearby satellites or change the equipment.
Popular satellites that provide signals to a wide range of free channels:

  • YAMAL201;
  • Sirius;
  • Amos;
  • Hot Bird.

The convenience of choosing the last three is that the reception is carried out from one plate. When combining communications, you get 37 free Russian channels plus many on foreign languages, which do not require additional investments.
When choosing a provider, you should focus on the leaders of the Russian market, these are:

  • Tricolor TV;
  • NTV-Plus;
  • Orion Express (Viva TV).

All operators have official websites for information, where terms of cooperation and channel packages are provided.

Equipment set

After determining the provider of the services provided or an individual satellite, equipment is purchased. It includes:

  • signal reception antenna;
  • the bracket serves as a means of securing equipment;
  • the converter receives the signal from the dish;
  • receiver;
  • cable;
  • disek (DiSEq);
  • f-connectors;
  • connection cable.

Purpose and operating diagram of the kit

The signal goes from the satellite to the dish, which reflects it into the converter. Then it goes to satellite TV receivers, where it is processed and converts the signal into a picture on the screen. The converter and receiver are connected by a television cable. Disek is needed when receiving channels from several satellites; it connects the converters into one cable. To obtain a complete design, f-connectors are required; they help connect the cable to the equipment.

Selection of components

For high-quality signal reception, it is important to purchase the appropriate kit elements. There are recommendations for choosing components.

Special attention to the receiver

Many consumers believe that the functionality of a device is determined by its cost; the price of a receiver ranges from 60 to 600 euros. Inexpensive devices that provide reception of the main channels are popular among consumers. Purchasing a device with a high price is not justified in the case of an ordinary TV, because you may not expect an improvement in image quality. When connecting the above-mentioned Sirius-Amos-Hot Bird satellites, an inexpensive receiver will be enough, in addition, it remains possible to receive signals from other satellites.
One of the main requirements is the ability to update the firmware software allows you to expand the list of received channels. It is desirable that the firmware version be updated, sometimes this gives up to a dozen additional open channels. Manufacturers are constantly releasing new models with an increased number of functions, so there is no point in purchasing expensive equipment. Experts suggest buying receivers from well-known companies, because the production of subsequent products is based on improving the released models.
Also pay attention to the presence of output connectors; the main ones are:

  • scart;
  • tulips (for connecting to TV);
  • ANT IN and ANT OUT for additional devices;
  • RS 232 connects the tuner to the computer;
  • 0/12 B expands the functions of the disc.

The best options for choosing are considered to be receiver models with the following firmware:

  • GLOBO;
  • Opticum;
  • Star Trask;
  • Openbox;
  • Sky Fly.

Middle-class equipment is also offered with the presence of an emulator or a slot for installing a module for receiving encoded channels.

Plate characteristics

According to their design features, plates are divided into:

  • direct focus;
  • offset.

The second option is more common among consumers due to its availability and practical operation.
There is also a division according to the material from which the product is made. A steel antenna remains a practical, durable and affordable option. There are also products made of plastic, aluminum and mesh on the market, but they have many disadvantages.
Deciding on TV satellite antennas is much easier - you need to know the required diameter, it can be 0.6-3m. With a larger diameter, better signal capabilities are achieved. As a rule, a plate with a diameter of 90 cm is enough. The above mentioned providers require:

  • Tricolor TV – 0.9m;
  • NTV-Plus – 0.6m;
  • Orion Express (Viva TV) – 0.9m.

In areas of poor coverage, the installation of dishes with a diameter of more than 1.2 m is required.

Converter models

The choice of converter device comes down to determining its polarization, this is determined by the type of satellite. It happens:

  • linear;
  • circular.

At the same time, there are universal converters; they are designed to work with satellite television and the Internet. The main indicator of the quality of a device is the noise level. The offered devices come with a certain number of outputs, that is, if you want to watch programs through a computer and TV, you will need 2 outputs. If you use several converters, you will have to purchase a multifeed.
Among inexpensive devices, MTI Blue Line devices offer guaranteed quality. They are designed to work with offset antennas, and there are many new models with different capabilities.

Satellite TV installation

The main nuance when choosing a satellite is the possibility of receiving a signal from it, this means the absence of obstacles. It is important to point the antenna at the satellite, so if there are buildings or vegetation nearby, you will have to install a satellite dish on the roof of the house. Otherwise, you will have to choose another signal source.
There is an algorithm for installing equipment:

  • choosing a company providing the service or directly a satellite;
  • selection of equipment configurations;
  • antenna assembly;
  • determining the direction of the satellite;
  • fixing the bracket;
  • installation of satellite antennas;
  • connecting all equipment;
  • setting.

Installation of a satellite dish

Before installing the equipment, the antenna itself is assembled; instructions are included with the device. The video shows the process of assembling the plate step by step.

It is worth paying attention to the antenna mirror, it is quite fragile, especially for aluminum mirrors. Any mechanical damage can change its geometry and, accordingly, worsen the reception of satellite TV frequencies. After assembly, check the reliability of all fasteners.

Choosing a place and direction

When installing a satellite dish, you independently determine the direction in which the dish should point. According to the rules they calculate:

  • position angle – deviation of the elevation line from the horizontal with direct visibility to the satellite;
  • azimuth – direction to the satellite.

Calculations are carried out according to complex formulas, however, in practice a different principle applies. If you set up a TV for a popular satellite, you can see the direction of the surrounding, already installed equipment. Often, when installing on your own, neighboring plates are used as a guide.

Bracket Attachment

First, mark the locations for the holes and drill them with a hammer drill. The bracket itself is suspended on anchors; they are reliable and practical. Before installing satellite television, the antenna is tied with a safety rope. The antenna is put on according to the instructions, the fastenings are not tightened too much, because you will have to adjust the equipment with rotational movements.


When the dish is installed, the connection of the television cable begins; this requires:

  • installation of connectors;
  • connection to the converter;
  • connection to the receiver;
  • supply voltage.

To install the connectors, first cut off the wire insulation at the edge and bend the screen braid in the opposite direction. You also need to cut the foil 0.8 cm from the edge, it insulates the core of the wire, and this is how the connector is screwed on. The process is repeated for the second end of the cable, then one side is connected to the converter, and the other to the receiver. In the presence of several convectors, the wire is connected to the disek, from there there is a connection to the receiver. After connecting it to the TV, you can supply voltage to the equipment.

Satellite TV or how to set up an antenna

The direction of the antenna can be determined by:

  • by compass,
  • special devices.

The first method is clear, you need to know the satellite coordinates. In the second case, the task is greatly simplified thanks to the Satfinder device, which helps to quickly identify the satellite and adjust the antenna to it. There are two types of devices:

  • switch;
  • automated.

It is clear that the cost of devices differs; the price of a pointer starts from 10e. But the second type of equipment helps complete the cymbal tuning process in a short time. To accurately determine the required position, the satellite finder is connected between the receiver and the antenna. Next, enter data into the “Antenna Settings” menu for the required satellite and transponder, turn on the power. When changing the horizontal and vertical position of the antenna, the maximum increase in the scale on the left side of the device is achieved. It is these segments that characterize the quality of equipment setup.

Preliminary calculations help to cope with the task; when adjusting, they are guided by the signal level.

Tuning to satellite with free channel package

Let's take, for example, tuning to the Sirius satellite, the course of action:

  • connecting the receiver to the TV;
  • entering installation parameters according to the instructions. To do this, select the “Antenna installation” mode in the main menu; in “Manual search”, set the frequency to 11.766 GHz, horizontal “H” polarization.
  1. in planes;
  2. towards;
  3. using a converter.

1. For the first point, you should rotate the antenna in a horizontal direction, the movements should be smooth. Deviations can differ by literally 1mm, but the difference in signal quality is significant. If there is a complete absence of signal, you will have to adjust the initially set vertical angle of the antenna.
2. To improve image quality, you can move the plate up and down a little, just change its position a little. Otherwise, the image may disappear completely.
3. Rotating the converter in the holder along its axis can significantly improve the situation; for these purposes there are marks on the device.
Next, the vertical “V” polarization is adjusted, the steps are similar to the previous process.
If the setup is successful, a high-quality signal reception level is achieved - now all that remains is to securely fix the reinforcing nuts. In the future, you will have to make such settings for each satellite, however, not by moving the dish, but by adjusting the converter. Next, they open the signal to the encrypted channels by inserting an access card from the operator.

How to set up Tricolor TV yourself

Considering that the most famous satellite digital television Russia is Tricolor TV, it is worth considering the option of setting it up.
Connection and installation are carried out similarly to the method described above. For initial antenna orientation you need:

  1. turn on the receiver;
  2. in the “Antenna Settings” menu, scroll to the right;
  3. wait for two bars to appear at the bottom of the screen, showing the strength and quality of the signal, respectively;
  4. Then the orientation is approximate, the already installed plates are viewed;
  5. when a signal appears on the screen, the bars will begin to fill with a green scale;
  6. for adjustment, horizontal and vertical movement of the antenna of several millimeters is used;
  7. 70% is considered sufficient to fill the scale.

After high-quality setup, when turning on the receiver, the subscriber is offered to download the Tricolor TV update, it indicates full list channels. Knowing the data on the equipment set, you also need to register the receiver. To do this, just fill out the data on the official website of Tricolor TV, after confirming the information, an agreement number is issued and the subscriber card is activated. All that remains is to send the contract in paper form to the company by mail.

The article will be primarily useful for everyone who wants to install and configure equipment for watching satellite channels with their own hands.

Many users prefer satellite TV. This is understandable: cable TV has a limited selection of channels.

Today, widescreen models of Full HD television receivers are designed to display high-definition images, something that could only be dreamed of in the era of analogue TV.

If you connect digital cable television, the choice of channels will not be large, but the capabilities of the dish are much wider. If you compare the cost, then the price of a cable receiver is practically no different from a satellite receiver.

But for owners of private houses and citizens living in the countryside, they simply do not have the opportunity to connect to cable television.

Selecting a satellite

Even before installing a satellite dish, the consumer must choose a satellite. Beginners need to understand this issue in more detail.

Satellite television works as follows. First, signals from television channels arrive at a satellite, from which the signals are sent to subscribers to receiving devices or tuners.

Receivers process the signals, and decoding is performed for encrypted channels. After this, the signal goes to the TV.

Using a satellite, you can watch open or encrypted channels, which can be placed separately on the satellite or included in packages from different operators.

To charge subscription fee, encoding is performed. Today, users are offered to purchase packages. This is convenient; if purchased, one payment is provided for viewing a large number of channels at once. To receive high-quality signals from a specific satellite, the antenna must be adjusted.

When satellites are in close proximity, it is possible to receive signals from them simultaneously.

If you want to watch at least 30 channels in Russian for free, then tune the dish to the Yamal 201 satellite. Tricolor TV is extremely popular among users, and the most channels are on NTV-Plus and Raduga-TV.

Free channels can be selected on Acquainted with paid packages Satellite TV is available on websites on the Internet. To prevent interference, it is recommended to mount the antenna on the roof.

Components for connecting satellite TV

Tuner. The receiving device “decrypts” the signal coming from the space satellite, converts it and transmits it to the television receiver.

Plate. It is installed towards the satellite to receive a signal, which is subsequently redirected to the convector.

Head or convector. A device that receives antenna signals. After converting the signal, it is transmitted by the convector to the receiver.

Bracket. Special metal structure for attaching the antenna.

Cable. The connecting link between the convector and the receiver.

DiSEq. It will be needed when one tuner receives signals from several satellites at once.

F-ki. Connect cable and other equipment. These are the so-called connectors.

Cable connecting the receiver and television receiver. SCART, HDMI and tulips.

What should you consider when choosing equipment?

Choose an antenna D = 90 cm, then you will be able to receive signals from the maximum number of satellites. The choice of convector polarization also depends on the choice of satellite.

When two TVs or a TV with a computer are used for satellite TV, you will need to connect two receivers and a convector with two outputs.

The bracket is secured with anchors. The leg should allow the antenna to be freely rotated in different directions. A multifeed will be required when not one, but several convectors are attached to the antenna.

Self-installation of the plate

The service will help you find out where to point the antenna. Having indicated on the map the place where the dish will be installed using a flag, select the desired satellite from the column, and a direction indicator will appear.

Installation work begins with attaching the bracket to the wall.

Self-tuning of a satellite dish

An F-piece is screwed onto the ends of the cable. Cut the insulation from the TV cable by 1.5 cm, bend the screen braid, cut off the foil screen with a distance of 0.9 cm from the edge, and screw on the F-piece.

The cable is connected at one end to the convector, and the other to the receiver.

The next step is to set up the antenna for the satellite. We direct the dish according to the compass, and adjust it according to the signal level displayed in the receiver menu. Having achieved the desired result, tighten the nuts on the plate and secure the cable.

Setting up a satellite TV tuner

In the receiver menu, you must first select a language and check the firmware version. Set the time, time zone, and other settings using the dial.

Display signal quality information. Adjust the antenna based on this window.

After completing the settings, you need to scan the satellite. To open access to channels, insert a satellite operator card.

Photo examples of satellite dish installation

Setting up a satellite dish yourself.

Nowadays, satellite technology has come to almost everyone's home. And many people think that setting up a satellite dish is a complicated process. In fact, this is not so, and if you understand everything, then everything is very simple.

Today we’ll talk about self-assembly, installation and configuration of a satellite dish, or, as another way to put it, -0 dishes.

Setting up a satellite dish for dummies

Today, the most affordable satellite TV kit can be purchased for $50-80. So it's time to switch to digital technologies in television broadcasting.

The kit includes:

– The receiver (tuner, receiver) is the most expensive piece of equipment. It should be chosen carefully, since the channel is broadcast in mpeg 2 and mpeg4 (better) formats.

– Antenna (mirror) – 0.7 -1.2 m. Designed to form the receiving beam into focus, where the signal itself is received.

– Converter (head). One or several, three mostly in our area. One per satellite. Universal with linear polarization.

– Multifeeds (mounting converters). 2 pieces

– Disek – switch between converters. Since the tuner can simultaneously receive a signal from only one converter, it is definitely needed when receiving two or more satellites.

– Coaxial (television) cable with a resistance of 75 ohms. It is advisable to take it with a margin of 3-5 meters.

– F connectors (plugs for connections). There are 8 pieces for three satellites.

– Bracket for fastening and a dowel or anchor for it.

Before moving on satellite channel settings. You need to set up a satellite dish.

How to set up a satellite dish yourself?

For satellite dish settings you will need such tools.

– Extension cord for three outlets.

– A drill or hammer drill with a drill of the required diameter for attaching the bracket with anchors or dowels.

– Wrenches 13mm. and 10mm (preferably two)

– Phillips screwdriver.

- Hammer.

– Electrical tape or plastic ties.

– We assemble the antenna, carefully tighten the bolts, do not forget the washers and engravers.

– We screw two multifeeds to the converter holder (one to the right, the second to the left of the center of the antenna) along with three converters. We don't tighten it too much. We also do not tighten the antenna mount too much.

– We attach the bracket to the wall and hang the antenna so that it looks south, southeast, you can spy on your neighbor.

– We extend the extension cord and take the TV and tuner with us. We connect the TV, receiver and antenna central converter (one, directly to the receiver). You can also try to catch the desired satellite on the ground if you doubt the reception (since there may be an obstacle, a tree, etc. in the direction of reception).

Now the tuners sold are sold with channels already stitched and there is no need to scan and sort them, and it’s easier for us to configure. To do this, turn on the TV and satellite receiver, turn on the desired channel (for example 2+2) on the Astra (formerly Sirius), since we will tune this satellite at the focus (center) of the antenna. Press the button info On the remote control, after inserting batteries into it, we see two scales. (For beginners this is the most difficult process). If the necessary channels are not available on the satellite, but we have certain frequencies. We enter them, if they are not already registered, and right in editing the transponder frequencies we look at the required signal power and quality scales.

First of all, before starting the process, you should choose the right location for installing the satellite dish. We need to consider several factors. To receive a radio signal, the signal from the satellite must reach the receiving mirror and nothing should interfere with it.

In the example given, on the lower floors the reception will be interfered with by trees and the neighboring house. Therefore, the installation of the satellite dish needs to be done higher, in most cases the easiest way is on the roof.

It is very important to thoroughly strip the cable and ensure that there is no short circuit between the braid and the central core, otherwise you may damage the receiver.

We begin the installation by connecting the cable to the converter in focus (in the center) and the satellite receiver.

Important in satellite receiver connect the cable to the desired LNB_IN output.

Sometimes there are mistakes.

You can connect the entire assembly and configure the disk ports, but this will be more difficult. After connecting all the wires, we connect the 220 volt power supply and proceed to the process of setting up the satellite.

Smoothly tilt the antenna up - down, right - left, in the same direction as your neighbor's (approximately south). The desired channel must be received - there will be sound and image, but this is not the main thing. The scales will light up, and we will use them to navigate.

We achieve maximum performance, give preference to the signal quality scale. You can rotate the converter in the mount clockwise and counterclockwise, as well as forward and backward. When the result satisfies us, click exit and switch to other channels of this satellite, check their reception level ( info ). If everything is normal, then you can tighten the antenna mounting bolts, and then the converter. It is advisable to adjust the converter by scrolling it left and right, as well as moving it back and forth in the multifeed mount.

Please note that when tightening the bolts the signal may go away. Therefore, we twist it evenly but firmly so that the antenna does not sway from the wind.

Now the antenna is configured and all that remains is to configure the converters in the multifeeds. To do this, disconnect the cable from the central converter and connect it one by one to the required heads in the multifeeds. On the tuner, turn on the channels from the satellite that needs to be tuned and press info. We also move the loosely attached converter up and down, right and left until the desired result is achieved and tighten the bolts.

Fine tuning of the satellite dish

So we already have a signal from the satellite, the channels have been scanned, but some are missing, the picture is blurry or not shown at all. In this case, we have a weak signal or no signal at all from certain transponders. For everything to work perfectly, you need to fine-tune the satellite.

To do this, switch the receiver to a weak or non-working frequency (transponder, channel) so that the signal indicators are visible. Next we adjust the converter. We move it in the holder back and forth and twist it left and right relative to the clockwise until the signal improves. We switch to other frequencies of this satellite and achieve the optimal result. We make every effort to receive the maximum number of received TV channels from a particular satellite.

Important. Remember that Amos should be found to the right of center when looking at the antenna from the front, and Hotbird to the left.

Now the antenna is fully configured for three satellites and all that remains is to connect it correctly.

To do this, cut three pieces of cable of the required length (about 1.5 m) and attach them to the converters. You can connect to the disk as you please, but I prefer order

– Amos – 1 LNB

– Astra (Sirius) – 2 LNB

– Hotbird – 3 LNB

– Receiver

We secure all cables with electrical tape or zip ties, and hide the disks from moisture in a plastic box (optional).

We stretch the cable into the room to the tuner connected to the TV and plug everything into the network to configure the disk drive ports in the receiver. Select the desired satellite (menu - installation), disk drives with 1.0 and the desired port. Click the menu and see a note about saving settings

After completing the procedure for the desired satellites, the antenna setup can be considered complete.

When setting up an antenna with a connected disk, you must specify the disk port for the satellite.

If there are no scanned channels, then for tuning you should select the desired frequency (you can get it on the Lingsat on the Internet).

Setting up a direct focus satellite dish

Video instructions for installing and configuring a satellite dish

Download instructions for installing a satellite dish

Satellite television is no longer a luxury and is available in many homes. Installing such a structure has always been considered a complex process. Do you know how to set up a satellite dish yourself? It turns out that if you understand the installation technology, everything is not so difficult. Let's try to analyze together how this process occurs and what difficulties lie in wait.

Using a satellite device is an excellent solution for both an apartment and a private home

Before purchasing satellite equipment, it is important to first select an operator. The satellite variety of television operates from various orbiting satellites that pick up signals from stations and transmit them over large areas to Earth.

The antenna detects the signal and then transmits it to the converter and then to the tuner. And only after this the decoding process occurs, and the signal is transmitted to the TV in the form of sounds and images.

Channels in Russian are transmitted from certain satellites. To receive a signal from specific object, it is important to set the reception frequency correctly. To do this, you need to know how to set up a satellite dish yourself.

About 30 channels in Russian can be received via the Yamal 201 satellite. From operators it is worth choosing among such as Tricolor - TV, NTV - plus or Raduga - TV.

The table shows prices for certain models of satellite dishes.

ImageModelsprice, rub.
Lumax 0.6 m with bracket1450
Tricolor STV – 0.55-1.1 0.551290
Tricolor FullHD GS-E501/C59110300
Supral 60 cm with bracket1640
Option 0.6 m900
Wisi b/kr5900

How to set up a satellite dish yourself: installation nuances

Before installing a satellite dish yourself, let’s figure out what parts such equipment consists of:

  • a plate that receives the wave and sends it to the converter. It is better if its diameter is more than 90 cm;
  • the head (converter) receives the message and transmits it to the receiver;
  • the tuner receives the signal, performs decoding and transmits it in an understandable form to the TV;
  • the bracket provides a strong mounting of the antenna on the wall, which allows you to rotate it in different directions;
  • the cable is the conductor of the received signal. It connects the receiver and converter;
  • if you plan to receive several channels, then a DiSEqC device is used, which allows you to connect the converters in a common cable.

To install and configure a satellite dish, prepare the following tools: drill, wrenches, Phillips screwdriver, hammer and electrical tape.

High-quality installation of a satellite dish yourself: instructions for dummies

To install equipment according to all the rules, you must know exactly where it needs to be directed. The service will allow you to do this. There you need to indicate a certain placement of equipment, as well as select a satellite. After these steps, the desired direction will be displayed on the screen.

To find out the exact coordinates of the location for installing the antenna, use a reference book or search on the Internet. You will also need information about satellite data transmission. In this case, the location of the satellite on the horizon matters, as well as the frequency of the transmitter and the speed of maximum information transmission. Through search engines you can find out information about the transmitter.

It is important to correctly calculate the angles of inclination and rotation of the antenna. This can be done manually (which is very difficult) or use special software applications. Such a service requires entering certain information: the location and name of the satellite, as well as geographic coordinates. The program also provides results in graphical form.

Fine-tuning the antenna device requires some preparation. Prepare screwdrivers of various sizes, a set of cables, an extension cord and several sockets for connecting power.

Before installing the system, make sure there is a signal. In this case, the antenna should be held in your hands. If everything is in order, then the bracket is installed. A hammer drill makes holes for the anchors. Moreover, their size is selected taking into account the wall material and the weight of the structure. After attaching the bracket, you can mount the antenna. In this case, you will need information on how to set up a satellite dish yourself.

How to configure your satellite dish tuner yourself after connecting

The antenna is configured after connecting it to the receiver. To do this, the wire is transferred from the converter to the tuner. The cable is installed as follows:

  • the insulation layer in the cable is trimmed, about 1.5 cm from the edge;
  • the braid is folded outward;
  • the middle inner part of the wiring is freed from foil, then cleaned and put on F-ka;
  • in this case, the core should extend no more than 2 mm;
  • the same must be done with the other side of the cable;
  • the cable is connected to the converter, and the other side is pulled to the receiver.

Then you need to make the settings. In this case, you should find out in advance how to set up different channels on a satellite dish yourself.

First, it is recommended to set the antenna approximately. Then a suitable satellite is selected in the receiver settings. Its characteristics also need to be indicated. These are frequency, polarization and speed. In this case, two bars will appear on the screen. One demonstrates that the dish has caught the desired wave, and the second displays the power. If the equipment is installed correctly, it should show at least 50% of the signal. Then you need to improve the quality. Here certain actions need to be carried out with the plate. It is important to note changes in the signal scale. Therefore, it is better to configure the system with an assistant.

It’s worth starting by turning the device up and to the right. Then slowly turn the plate to the left. If the signal is not caught, then lower the antenna a few millimeters down and move the dish. Setting up involves searching for a manual fit. First, achieve at least 30% quality. And then, moving by degree, make a more detailed adjustment. When the quality is 60-80%, further settings are made using certain actions with the converter.

Then the individual heads are adjusted. A specific satellite is indicated for the converter.

How to configure the tuner can be found in the instructions for it. First, select the menu language for the receiver and flash its firmware. Then you should set the time zone and time. After that, select the satellite and all the necessary settings for it. When using DiSEqC, you need to enter the input number to connect the converter.

Then the signal strength is displayed and the antenna is adjusted. When you are sure that the signal is normal and the antenna is configured, scan the satellite. To be able to turn on channels, a card of a specific operator is inserted. In some cases, you can use a special device for setting up satellite dishes yourself.

How to set up your TV?

Finally, you need to scan the satellite for channel content, and also configure the TV. In this case, the channels are arranged in a certain sequence so that they are convenient to search for. If access is paid, then you need to use an unlock card.

Satellite dishes have so many advantages that more and more people are thinking about installing them. With the correct use of tools and recommendations, you can install this wonderful equipment yourself.

Satellite dish: installation and configuration (video)

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