Windows Installer service could not be accessed. Windows Installer may not be installed. Error: The Windows Installer service cannot be accessed. Check the launch program for the .msi extension

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Error " Can't access Windows service Installer. Windows is running in protected mode or the service Windows Installer installed incorrectly. Contact Support" may occur when trying to install any program.

The Windows Installer service allows you to add, change, or remove applications provided by the package Windows installer(*.msi). An incorrectly configured service may make it impossible to install any programs.

Method 1

To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods.

Method 2

Note. Product documentation to complete these steps. Method 4: Contact support for help. Record the error message if there is one. Even if you do this correctly, you may not see anything on the command line.

Once the scan is complete, close the command prompt window, restart your computer, and check. Restart your computer, then the problem should go away. More information about what could be causing this can be found here. If you continue to experience certain errors, please contact support.

To resolve the error, you need to perform three steps:

1. Check service availability

To do this you need to go to Control PanelAdministration - Services

Find the service in the window that appears Windows Installer (Windows Installer).

Double-click to open the Windows Installer service properties.

On the tab Are common in field Executable file should be the value: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /V

These errors may occur when using shared computer. To do this, follow these steps:

  • If it is currently set to Disabled, there is a problem.
  • Change it by selecting "Manual" from the drop-down list.
Method 5 Empty user and system “temporary” folders.

Method 9 Check that the length of the installation path and the length of the environment variables are 255 characters. This may happen if the following conditions are true. To resolve this issue, use the following methods. The service is then redirected and re-registered. Run the following commands.

On the tab Dependencies In chapter This service depends on the following components there must be Remote Procedure Call (RPC).

2. Check the launch program for the .msi extension

Open My computer or any folder. From the menu, select Tools - Folder Options and go to the tab File types.

Check the launch program for the .msi extension

If the problem persists, go to method 2. Do not contact these friends any further. This error message appears very often when you try to install software on your computer. During installation, the installation often aborts with the above error message to the defective installer service.

Another way to repair a broken installer

To do this, click the "Start" button and then "Finish". The installation service is then removed from the system. The installer service is reintegrated into the system. Repair and restoration. This is the same as mentioned above. First click the Start button and then Finish.

Highlight the MSI extension and click the button Additionally. In chapter Actions There should be three actions: Restore, Delete, Install. If they don't exist, you need to create them.

If a specific software is responsible for the problems, it cannot be removed by default in safe mode. It requires only one registry entry. A service is assigned to him. After this, programs can be immediately removed using system element control, no restart required.

He can't delete it again, which would have to be done manually using the registry editor. But there's really no reason for this. Below is a list of files that you should install for which operating system. But what can you do if you receive one of these messages? The first step is to query the current status of the service.

Action: & Restore
"C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /f "%1" %*

Action: & Delete application executing the action:
"C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /x "%1" %*

Action: Install application executing the action:
"C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /i "%1" %*

3. msiexec registration

On the menu Start - Run dial command msiexec/unregister and press ENTER. Then run the command there msiexec /register

After the security prompt, an invitation also opens. Therefore this process is important. In most cases this is enough. To do this, open command line with administrator rights as described above and use two simple commands. This manual Intended for experienced computer users.

Resetting the Windows Installer service settings in the registry

On some computers this can also be selected from the boot menu. Keyboard area and layout. Select the operating system to install. If the sections don't appear here, just click "new", accept the defaults and continue. If there are already partitions, click "advanced selection", delete existing sections and click "new". Attention: old data has disappeared!

After you complete all the steps above, the “Cannot access the Windows Installer service” error should disappear and all programs will install and uninstall normally.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Windows Installer is a service responsible for installing, removing and modifying *.msi programs on your computer. If you try to install a program, you receive the error message “The Windows Installer service cannot be accessed. Windows is running in protected mode or the Windows Installer service is not installed correctly. Contact support", use the guide below to fix the normal operation of this service. There may be several reasons for the problem, so we will consider each case separately.

Typically, entering the installation key can be skipped. But with some care the decay can be stopped. However, few users have new installation. Therefore, a muttering of the existing version is announced. The first step should be to separate the data and the system. If the system fails, the data partitions can usually be accessed.

To do this, open Control Panel and in Classic View, select Administrative Tools, Computer Management, and click Disk Management. The system partition should be large enough to have one third free if all application software is installed. Also, create another section for applications. However, experience has shown that there are always programming errors, so individual programs must be installed on the system partition.

Access to the Windows Installer service is denied because you are under a disabled account. Try installing the program with administrator rights.

The Windows Installer service is not running. Check your service settings:

1. Go to “Control Panel” -> “Administration” - “Services”

2. In the “Services” window, find: “Windows Installer” (or “Windows Installer”) and double-click on it.

Now for the system partition: Applications leave trash cans in different places. Some programs cannot be uninstalled properly and leave redundant files and folders on your hard drive. Orphaned links remain on the desktop. Attention! Before attempting to remove and restore programs, create a system restore point and run backup all your data. Changes to the registry and deletion of files are your own responsibility.

Which file belongs to which application? At the first installed program the user loses visibility. With both tools, it is possible to scroll through the list of hits again for unnecessary data and adjust if necessary. In addition to the two programs, there are several special tools that specialize in temporary files or registry entries. The registration database is the switching center and the brain of the operating system and therefore all applications. The appearance of default folders also sets values ​​in the registry.

3. In the window that appears, on the “General” tab, make sure that in the Executable file field the following is indicated:

C:WINDOWSsystem32msiexec. exe /V

In the Startup type field, “Manual” is selected.

On the Dependencies tab, under This service depends on the following components, there should be "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)".

Check service availability

The registry also contains unnecessary entries, which, for example, are deleted from software. These unnecessary entries can be detected and removed using tools. If you want to know how programs change the registry and what keys play for an application, you can either use Registry Monitor to view the process or view the differences between two snapshots before or after installing the program.

To get as much information as possible, you should run the program once and create a file from each file format before taking a second snapshot. American soaps usually have a guy who doesn't belong in the household but who sits in the kitchen all day eating in the fridge. They start every time the system starts, do nothing, eat RAM and see if they have any updates. Watch a movie or document occasionally. Autorun programs, especially manuals automatic update, took over.

Check the program association for files with the extension. msi

Open “Control Panel” -> “Folder Options”, go to the “File Types” tab.

You should also try the autoplay tool. The program scans the registry and displays additional entries autostart. Currently version 1 and version 0 are in service pack 2. Check which version is installed. On the Version tab, the number appears after the file version. More old version may indicate a need for an update. If this doesn't work, you can try it again in Safe Mode.

When the garbage is cleared and the spaces are redistributed, gain order through disk defragmentation. Once you have cleaned your computer and put it into application data, you should clean the flat once. Select system partition and select "Check". If the system recommends defragmenting, click Defragment. Defragmentation usually takes a long time. Let the computer do everything, take two hours alone, and take a walk and think about the best way Reserve copy.

Highlight the MSI extension and click the Advanced button. There should be three actions in the Actions section: Restore, Delete, Install. If they don't exist, you need to create them.

Action: &Restore the application executing the action:

Back to the top Send Feedback Cause Cause This behavior may occur if any of the following conditions are present. Back to the top Workaround Depending on the problem, use one or all of the following methods. Check registry permissions.

Correcting the error manually

Before you begin: Make sure the service pack is installed. In the Default Spoofing Levels list, click Identify, and then click OK. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, click account"System", click "Add" and then "OK".

"C:WINDOWSSystem32msiexec. exe" /f "%1 %*

Action: &Delete the application performing the action:

"C:WINDOWSSystem32msiexec. exe" /x "%1 %*

Action: Install an application that performs the action:

"C:WINDOWSSystem32msiexec. exe" /i "%1 %*

Register msiexec

Go to “Start” -> “Run”, type the command: msiexec /unregister and click “OK”. Then run the command in the same way: msiexec /register

If not, add it with full control. I hope you will serve my shaop. When you download it, we are left with two files in the folder. Now let's move on to each category separately and explain what they are. Cleaning up storms is never too big, but it's not something that solves anything. Instead, certain Internet pages that check this data must be configured with a date and time before allowing us to interact with it.

Nothing to do with the company that makes the hardware components. At least those cases that are provided for by this program. What about the system restore feature that only shows a blank window? And this is the place for it. They don't call it a "registration center" for nothing, huh? In the case of the Registration Center section, if we are in doubt about which option to qualify for, we can safely select all of them. There will be no consequences for the choice.

After the above steps, the problem should be resolved.

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