Which laptop to choose Asus or Acer. Asus and Acer laptops. Comparative review.

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Sales volumes of Asus laptops in 2006 took 2nd place. Acer is on the first. This is due to Acer’s pricing policy, which can be formulated as “a foreign car at a low price.” Asus' motto is "Quality for life."
According to statistics over the entire period of operation, the percentage of complaints for Asus laptops is
All Asus laptops come with a 2-year Worldwide Warranty. This means that no matter where you buy an ASUS laptop, you can use the service anywhere in the world where there is an authorized Asus service center and receive qualified advice and support.

AsusTek Computer Inc. (Asus) is a Taiwanese company founded in 1989 and specializing in promoting advanced technologies in the field of computer technology. Despite the fact that the production of Asus laptops began later, only in 1997, during this time the company acquired a reputation as one of the world's best manufacturers mobile computers. Among well-known laptop brands, Asus solutions stand out based on a number of indicators. Asus laptops are a unique design, unique technology, increasing time battery life, worldwide guarantee.

All Asus laptops are different a large number modifications and ample opportunities for modernization.

Since its founding in 1989, ASUSTeK Computer Inc. managed to grow into a large international corporation. Production is concentrated in Taiwan and China. Achievements include repeated (in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003) inclusion in the ranking of the best companies in the industry "Top 100 InfoTech Companies" (Businessweek).
Wide the lineup ASUS laptops will satisfy the most demanding users.

Founded in 1976 Pan Acer Group has a wide network of dealers and distributors in more than 100 countries. The company's revenue for 2002 amounted to more than $12.9 billion. Acer is one of the ten largest developers and suppliers of IT solutions, aiming for 4th place in 2007. It has become a leading supplier of a wide range of high quality computer equipment to professionals - personal computers and Acer laptops. Moreover, Acer is an innovative company engaged in the development and implementation of Internet technologies, devices and services, and also has a number of large investment projects. Consolidated turnover of Acer Inc. amounted to $3.1 billion.

Currently, Acer is the seventh largest PC manufacturer in the world and ranks fifth in Europe. As for the laptop market, Acer has been operating in this sector of the market for twelve years, supplying products under its own trademarks and being one of the largest OEM manufacturers. In 2001, 2.5 million Acer laptops were sold.

Talking about competitive advantages Acer laptops, they primarily emphasize the fact that none of the models have ever been produced by other vendors. In other words, Acer remains the largest laptop manufacturer.

Acer in the third quarter of 2003 became the second largest manufacturer of laptops based on the Centrino platform in the world, ahead of only Dell.

Until recently, Acer laptops were classified in the same way as laptops from other manufacturers. But in fact, the company has officially announced that from now on, all portable PCs that it has produced and will produce will fall into one of the following four categories: desktop replacement, work mobility, small office solutions and home entertainment. For laptops included in each category, there are corresponding requirements regarding technical equipment and design.

Acer Laptops: PC Replacement

The category called “Replacement of desktop PCs” includes mainly laptops of the so-called budget class. Now laptops in this category are aimed at various companies, in whose offices network networks are being replaced desktop computers portable models.
All Acer laptops, included in the “Replacement of desktop PCs” category, have relatively low characteristics, but, however, sufficient for everyday work with office applications. But this includes not only budget laptops, but also so-called tablet PCs, which are in many ways superior to budget ones. They have a more solid and convenient design, fairly high characteristics of internal components ( HDD, RAM, video card). - Acer Aspire 9303WSMi
- Acer TravelMate 5623WSMi
- Acer Aspire 9515WSMi

Acer: Mobile laptops

The “Mobility at Work” category also includes laptops with fairly high specifications. But, unlike the previous one, this category includes more advanced laptops equipped with the latest communication tools. Portable PCs included in the category are particularly popular with legal entities, namely companies for which modern mobile business solutions are very important. We don’t think it’s worth explaining that different companies have completely different understandings of laptops that provide this mobility. Therefore, the described price category includes representatives of almost all models previously known as business-class laptops and, to a lesser extent, budget ones.

For those who value mobility at work, the following laptops:

- Acer TravelMate 3022 WTMi
- Acer Travelmate 3043WTMi

Acer: Office laptops

“Solution for small offices” is a category that manages to unite portable Acer laptops used both for personal needs and leisure, as well as for work. Here you can find representatives of multimedia and business classes. If you want to use such a laptop for work, it will fully satisfy all your needs, if for games and other entertainment - even more so. As a solution for small offices, laptops:
- Acer Aspire 3682WXC
- Acer Aspire 3683WXMi
- Acer Aspire 3693WLMi
- Acer Aspire 5101AWLMi

Acer Laptops: Entertainment Center

And finally, the most expensive group, which includes Acer portable PCs, is “Home Entertainment”. Based on the name, you can guess that such laptops are intended, for the most part, for purely home use. And, of course, it is clear that they are not focused on work, although to some extent they are not focused on work either. These laptops are different the most powerful processor and a video card that allow you to work with the most modern applications, audio, video and games.

For home lovers:

- Acer Aspire 5684WLMi
- Acer Aspire 5113WLMi
- Acer Aspire 5633WLMi

Having analyzed this information, you yourself will be able to understand that Acer laptops included in each of the categories will be useful to you in at least some way. Some will find them useful for work, others for entertainment. But anyway, high quality Such PCs will make you thank the manufacturer more than once.

Our website has already described how to choose a good one and what characteristics you need to know.

This article already talks about the most common models, the advantages and disadvantages of each. And most importantly, which of the presented models is better to choose.

Which laptop to choose - Asus or Acer

And although it is difficult to understand the advantages and differences of this or that company, they exist.

Two leading laptop companies are presented to your consideration: Asus and Acer.

Advantages of an Asus laptop:

  • better, having in most cases up to 512 MB of video memory. Laptops from this company use integrated video cards;
  • a better cooling system that prevents the computer from overheating and makes working on it more comfortable;
  • increased body strength;
  • high reliability technical device and uptime.

Disadvantage of Asus laptops:

  • the price is higher than Acer laptops.

Asus not only produces laptops, but also develops and produces motherboards and video cards.

Acer laptops are available with a separate video card. This significantly reduces the price, but makes the laptop bulkier.

The price of Acer laptops is significantly less than the price of laptops Asus, but the quality is somewhat inferior.

Acer laptop cases are made of soft plastic material, which can lead to chips, scratches, and cracks.


— Asus laptops are considered more reliable, although more expensive;

If your funds allow, then it is preferable to opt for laptops from

An increasing number of people are switching from regular desktop computers to laptops, which are quite mobile, convenient and attractive compared to their huge counterparts. In computer markets in post-Soviet countries in this moment There are two predominant brands of laptop manufacturers: Acer and Asus. However, you should follow in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each desktop device.

First, you should look at the cost of a particular model. So, for example, a laptop from Asus will cost a little more than a laptop from Acer, and the difference will be around 20 percent. Therefore, in terms of price, laptops from the manufacturer Acer will look more advantageous.

As for the casings of these devices, it must be said about their invulnerability and durability. Laptops from Acer are by and large made of lightweight plastic, which can fail after two or three years of use - cracks will appear, the case will rub, etc. Asus cases are more reliable; they can withstand at least 4-5 years of active use (of course, not taking into account falls and all kinds of impacts). That is, in terms of the strength of the cases, Asus laptops win.

Regarding the issue of the insides of laptops, it should be noted that there are no fundamental differences between Acer and Asus laptops; perhaps the latter will have a slightly more powerful video card. Asus laptops also have an improved cooling system, which protects the device from overheating.

An additional plus for Asus will be the fact that this brand is engaged in the development and production of motherboards and video cards, and this indicates good experience in the field computer technology. Acer is focused only on assembling computers and laptops.

And in conclusion, one cannot help but recall the fact that, according to statistics, “laptops” from Acer are about 2.5 times more likely to break down than their competitors developed by Asus.

As a result, the question arises: “Does it make sense to save 20 percent and get a laptop that loses quality by more than 35-40 percent?”

Therefore, if you cannot decide between choosing a laptop from Asus or Acer, throw away all thoughts and hesitations and confidently purchase an Asus laptop. For you, he will be a faithful assistant that you can rely on.

Among the huge number of companies involved in the production of computer equipment, a traditional confrontation is observed between two companies - Acer and Asus. Each of them has its adherents and is considered one of the best on the market. But how are things really? Which brand should you prefer?

About the Acer brand

Acer is a well-known Taiwanese company that has managed to enter the international market of computer equipment and electronics. This brand produces laptops, desktop PCs, smartphones, tablets, household appliances, etc.

The history of the brand begins in 1976, when a fairly small company Mulitech International was founded. Since the 80s, this “baby” has received government subsidies and entered an active phase of its work, establishing Taiwanese production of IBM-compatible PCs.

MI's main tactics involved the release of budget models with good quality, in particular good performance. A few years later, the first Japanese and German representative offices appeared, after which various divisions were formed, the name of which already contained the word Acer.

In 1988, the entire corporation was renamed Acer Group. From this moment on, rapid entry into the US and European markets begins. Along the way, AG absorbs and buys up several companies that come to hand, strengthening its position and gradually taking the place of a leader in its field.

In the early 2000s, a restructuring was carried out, as a result of which AG began to accommodate three “components” - Acer, Wistron and BenQ. Today AG, in addition to Acer, owns the eMachines brands, Packard Bell,Gateway.

Main characteristics of Acer products:

  • low or average level of prestige;
  • no overpayment for branding;
  • good technical capabilities;
  • affordable price.

It is thanks to the last point that products under the Acer brand enjoy undiminished popularity in different countries peace. The company continues to follow the legacy of its founder Stan Shea, who believed that technology could be inexpensive and of high quality.

About Asus

The brand was born in 1989, when four managers who left Acer decided to found their own company. I didn’t have to think long about the name. By discarding the initial letters of the word Pegasus (“Pegasus”), the already well-known name Asus was obtained.

Initially it was planned that the company would be engaged exclusively in consulting other companies on the production of motherboards. This strategy failed, as did the next one - the release of its own chipsets. Only the last tactic “shot” – releasing motherboards.

The company quickly made friends with Intel, creating a board for their processor. From that moment on, the company’s successful ascent to the top began. Having gained a reputation as true specialists, Asus owners We have also made significant progress financially. At the same time, they entered the world market, and in honor of this event, the company was officially registered in 1990.

Now Asus is one of the top five companies producing computer equipment. In addition to motherboards, the company produces optical drives, video cards, laptops, desktop PCs, monitors, mice, smartphones. The products differ in the following parameters:

  • belonging to the middle or high price segment;
  • excellent brand reputation;
  • good performance indicators.

Asus laptops“took part” in the ascent to Chomolungma. As follows from the words of the climbers, only the products of this company were able to work normally at an altitude of 5000 m, while other laptops did not even turn on.

Which is better: Acer or Asus?

The user’s task is not to “focus” solely on the brand, but to analyze the technical indicators specific model the product you like. It cannot be said that any of the companies in question are better or worse - they have completely different tactics and their own target segment.
There are several main parameters in which Acer and Asus differ. Anyone can familiarize themselves with these characteristics and decide for themselves which brand is more suitable in a particular case.

Estimated parameter Acer Asus
Video card It is characterized by good quality. As a rule, laptops are equipped with separate cards, which increases the overall dimensions of the device. Demonstrates excellent quality and a large amount of memory. Laptops of this brand are characterized by integrated video cards.
Cooling system Slightly inferior to the competitor in quality, which is why there is a risk of overheating. Well designed, thanks to which the device does not overheat and ensures long-term comfortable operation.
Frame Made of soft, pliable plastic, which is extremely sensitive to any mechanical stress. The result is scratches, cracks, and abrasions. It is characterized by increased strength, due to which the surface will retain its original or at least “decent” appearance for a long time.
Design It is characterized by bulkiness and low attractiveness. Stylish and thoughtful.
Battery It quickly becomes unusable. After a couple of years of active use, the device will be able to turn on for only ten to twenty minutes. Demonstrates a long lifespan.
Warranty period Year. Usually two years.
Price Relatively low. Lower segment. Mostly high. Middle and upper segment.
Durability By frequency of calls to service Acer centers is in the lead. Regarding laptops, the motherboard and south bridge, causing some keys to fail. It is believed that Asus breaks down less often, although it all depends on the specific model.

Acer products are traditionally classified as budget products. But low cost does not mean that the product is bad: it’s just that the company’s policy involves producing inexpensive products of quite acceptable quality. As a rule, the Acer brand is recommended for purchase by novice users, students and those who need the device solely for working with simple applications (for example, watching movies or running simple games).

You should also not ignore the quality of a particular model. There are cases when identical devices of both brands work for a long time without breaking down. The service life is largely influenced by the user's habits - how carefully he handles the equipment and whether he follows the manufacturer's recommendations.

Before purchasing, you need to read reviews on the Internet for the model you like. Thanks to such a “research”, you can find out in advance about the most common problems and decide how critical their occurrence is in a particular case.

Choosing equipment is always a search for the optimal balance between quality and price. When deciding on the best manufacturer, you need to remember that any brand has unsuccessful copies, and high cost does not guarantee the durability of the product.

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