What is a Live Start Page and why is it needed?

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News can be good and bad. What category to classify the message that Google has decided to no longer support its home page with widgets, news messages and other little things that many of us need, everyone decides for themselves. Some people have gotten used to it and now face the need to search and select, while others don’t care, since they use other start pages. The selection of iGoogle analogues is quite extensive and can take a lot of time. In order not to waste it, let's consider several of the most functional, convenient and beautiful start pages that can easily replace the loss.

Previously I published an article about. You can set your browser's start page to be visual bookmarks with your favorite sites.

1. My Yahoo.

You will probably like this service if you love or have been studying for a long time English language. The interface is very beautiful and convenient, in addition, there are options for importing personal settings from iGoogle and therefore the transition will be made without problems. The disadvantages of this start page can be considered small customization options to suit your taste and poor work with Runet and various Russian-language resources, since Yahoo is English-language. Since the service is completely focused on English-speaking users, it is quite difficult to regularly view the weather forecast for your city - many small cities in our region are not shown on the maps. However, those users who, on the contrary, prefer searching and communicating on English-language sites, will be very pleased with My Yahoo.

2. Symbaloo.

The tiled interface solution is winning more and more fans with its convenience, clarity and simplicity. The creators of Symbaloo took into account all fashion trends and therefore the appearance of this start page is completely designed in a popular and current style. Indeed, the use of tiles is justified and convenient, especially when performing various search queries: after clicking on the desired tile (“Encyclopedia”, “Recipes”, etc.) a search bar will open in the center of the screen this request. In addition, each user can configure appearance start page to suit your taste - there are many templates. Those who follow the news will find a special news tab here, with options for choosing topics and sorting by time and importance.

This is what the site looks like.

3. Protopage.

A very flexible and convenient starting service that allows you to create a personal page with the required number of bookmarks, themes and widgets. In addition to these features, the user can easily add profiles from social networks, email services and links to other web resources. Each widget can be freely moved and installed where necessary on the page. Despite all the convenience and ease of setting up and working with Protopage, the disadvantage of this start page can be considered a limited number of widgets and, as a result, problems with selecting the right one.

Screenshot from the Protopage website. You can customize all these blocks as you wish.

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Thematic video on setting up the start page in the browser.

Personally, until recently, I did not use the start page of my browser at all. By default it was just there Google search and that's all. But the news that Google is closing iGoogle (the start page with news, widgets, etc.) raised a stir among users and I decided to find out if iGoogle has analogues and is it worth using them? It’s worth noting that you can find dozens of different start pages on the Internet. Therefore, we decided to concentrate on the most worthwhile of them and those that have the greatest functionality.

The main feature of Netvibes is its focus on your RSS. It has a bunch of widgets, including weather, news, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, stocks and others. There are also widgets for many popular sites, but if you don’t find your favorite site in their list, you can simply insert it into your page, the functionality allows this.

In our list, Netvibes gets the palm for customization. It has literally everything, from changing themes to its own RSS reader. There is only one drawback - if you cannot configure it correctly and in detail, you are unlikely to like it.

Protopage is very similar to Netvibes. You also have your own personal page, which you can customize as you wish, changing themes, number of bookmarks, etc. It has built-in widgets, however the emphasis is that you can create your own widgets by adding them to your page social media, email or creating them from other web pages.

Unlike Netvibs, Protopage is easier to use. Widgets move very smoothly and are located where you inserted them. The only small problem is that the number of built-in widgets is small and you may easily not find the ones you need among them.

Symbaloo will delight fans of tiled interfaces with its design. Each widget in it is a separate square, when you click on it, it opens in the center of the screen. By clicking on the square with recipes, a window with a search bar will appear in the center of the screen, and by clicking on the encyclopedia widget, a Wikipedia search will open.

The interesting thing is that users can share the pages they create, so you can always find a cool template for yourself. There is also a separate news tab, by clicking on which you will receive a list of the latest news, which will be sorted by importance.

uStart is more tailored to perform social functions. There are widgets for your favorite RSS, Instagram, Twitter, notes and others. Also, it has a bunch of settings and you can customize each widget as you wish. And if you had an iGoogle or Netvibes account, you can even transfer your settings here.

This service has the largest number of widgets among its competitors, and the number of settings for each of them will shock you. However, its interface does not look very good, so it can be off-putting. In all other respects, the service is great!

My Yahoo

I put My Yahoo at the bottom not because it is bad, but because its usefulness to us is questionable. My Yahoo is definitely the most beautiful service of all those listed above, but it is the least tailored for Russian-speaking countries. For example, I couldn’t even find my city in the weather forecast!

In addition, the number of settings here is minimal and many will not like it. My Yahoo also has the ability to import from iGoogle, so switching from the latter will be absolutely painless. If you know English well and you are not bothered by poor integration with the Russian-language Internet, then you will like My Yahoo 100%.

It is difficult to say which service is the best, since each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. But you can decide which service will be the best for you. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to try each of them, so you will quickly choose your favorite.

How do we access the Internet? Well, first of all - a search engine. What about the rest, such as email, social networks...? We don’t ask them in the search every time. Links to what we use regularly should be organized in a convenient way.

Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer...)


Of course, first of all the browser. We no longer go into the search engine to make a request and search, the search engine field is built into the browser, we simply choose a search engine that is convenient for us. You can also organize links in the browser. The fastest way is bookmarks. You can create folders in bookmarks, simply drag and drop the page of the site you want to add there.
You can open all the sites in this folder (right-click). I made myself a selection of links that I look at every morning: mail, news, weather... One click and I look one by one. Probably all browsers already allow you to log in account and link settings, including bookmarks, to your account. This way you can log into your account on any computer and get all your bookmarks. Your system crashed, you reinstalled everything again and you don’t need to configure everything again, just log into your account. As for bookmarks, it’s easy to add or remove a link to a site.

Browser start page

Now all browsers offer their own simple start page, which can contain the most visited sites or our selection.
If you are a simple user, you will find it convenient and pleasant to use this panel, which is easy to navigate to

Previously opened tabs

We can set in the settings for example: Settings / Open on startup / Previously opened tabs.
Thus, when closing the browser, we will not close open tabs and the next time we open the browser we will simply continue working in it. And there will be less need for a start page.

Search engines

Convenient settings are offered by leading search engines. For example. Yandex or My Yahoo. Yandex will be closer and clearer to us and not only because it is in Russian. Western services, such as news, weather, sports... are little familiar with our country and are tailored to the West. And Yandex also allows you to create your own widgets and add them to the start page.
On the start page you can add widgets with weather, regional news, TV programs, etc. Much can be added or removed.
If Yandex search is convenient for you and you use its mail, then you will be very comfortable here, why come up with anything else?

Russian language

Atavi A bookmarking service, but it's actually a highly customizable start page.
You can select a search engine.
Yandex is suggested first because it has a good Russian version.
That is, the service is not just translated into Russian, but also adapted to the needs of the Runet. This way you can customize the start page for yourself.
Set and customize the search bar, weather, exchange rates, mail alert, news, last visited sites...
There is a menu of bookmarks, of which there can be a lot.
You can add specific sites to home page so that they are always at hand. You can choose your background. Well, and probably the most important thing, in addition to all the amenities. You can use this page anywhere, on any computer or device, in any browser.

English language

Russian language

A simple page with links to main sites.
Immediately, of course, the search form to choose from: Yandex. Google or Wikipedia.
Also links to groups of sites. Everything works quickly and easily, without rebooting and we quickly go to the required site. Only the most popular sites are offered; they cannot be edited, but registration is not required.

The start (home) page is the one that opens immediately after loading the browser.

Typically, specialized pages are used as a start page, containing a set of the most frequently used links to resource directories, web mail, news publications, etc., as well as a number of popular services: Internet search, virus checking, online translation, SMS sending.. .

Try choosing your own page from the 12 most convenient ones presented below.

The first and most common is about:blank. This is a blank page, and is popular because it allows the browser to load quickly, and allows the user to decide which page to open.

Google has created many worthy services and tools, and this service is one of the most popular. iGoogle is a service that provides the ability to customize widgets. You can display weather widgets on such a page, Email, office and many others.

If you need many services from Google during your work, set iGoogle as your stratum page. Additional widgets can be obtained from the iGoogle widget directory link.

Fav4 is probably one of the most elegant start pages presented here. Installing it is simple: just visit the resource by clicking on the link in the title. Then you click on the “Settings” link in the lower right corner, selecting the sites you want to see when the browser loads.

Drag the four sites of your choice into the settings panel, and when the browser loads, that's what you'll see.

A start page with thumbnail screenshots of selected sites is not a new invention. For the first time such a tool was presented by Opera. Now similar tools have appeared for both Chrome and Firefox.

True, many users say that the tool for Opera, Opera Speed ​​Dial, is still the most advanced at the moment.

This type of start page does not depend on what browser you have - after all, it is not a third-party developer who does the configuration, but you yourself. If you don't like any of the start pages listed, you can create your own. The start page is something you can do yourself by creating the desired HTML document on your computer and setting it as the start page.

7 more convenient start pages:

Live Start Page is an application for Google Chrome, which replaces the standard start/ new page in Chrome to the addon page. Main differences from the standard page:

  • "Live wallpaper;
  • To-Do Sheet for maintaining tasks;
  • Clock on the page;

It says that I can buy a Live Start Page. If I don't buy, can I continue to use the Live Start Page for free?

Yes! If you purchase the Live Start Page Pro plan, you will have access to some additional features, such as: synchronization, ability to change search engine, extended weather forecast and some others. At the same time, all standard functions (live themes, task list, speed dial) will remain free and you can use them without any restrictions.

What should I do to get “live” wallpaper?

1) Install the application.

2) After installation, you will see a page with themes. Click on the desired theme and click on Install, after which it will start downloading.

3) Click on Additional settings. Here you can disable Site Block, Clock, To-Do and Parralax effect. Just uncheck unnecessary items.

4) Open a new one Google page Chrome and you will see our application.

How can I change the wallpaper to something else?

2) Select the desired theme and download it.

How can I make the Live Start Page automatically open in a new page in the Opera browser?

1) Click on the Settings button.

2) Check the box Make LiveStartPage the start page

How do I upload my background?

Select Your Uploads from the Static Background menu. Click on Upload a new background and upload your picture.

My browser is slow, what should I do?

1) Try installing a theme with a lower resolution. To do this, select 360 resolution in the desired theme.

2) Turn off the Parallax effect. To do this, open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html and uncheck Parallax there.

How do I sync my dials, tasks and settings?

1) Log in to your LiveStartPage account.

2) Click on the Sync button.

3) When synchronizing for the first time, you will need to select the desired option:
Merge data- Will combine the information in your browser with information that is already on the server (for example, you have already synchronized on another computer).
Server data- Downloads all server information to your browser. In this case, the data on your computer will be overwritten!
Computer data- Uploads information from your browser to the server. In this case, the data on the server will be overwritten!
Select the desired option and wait for the synchronization to complete.

How can I remove visual bookmarks?

Open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html and there uncheck Show block.

How can I change the number of sites in the Site Block?

Open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html Change the number in the Number of sites item.

How to change the appearance of your watch?

Open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html In the Clock options you can change the appearance of the clock, as well as its type of time display: 12-hour or 24-hour.

How to add a new task in the Task List?

Click on Tasks. Write the task in the field and press Enter.

I don't like that the picture moves. How to remove it?

Open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html and uncheck Parallax.

My browser slows down when using Live Start Page...

Try enabling Hardware acceleration for video decoding in Google settings Chrome. For this:

1) Open chrome://flags/ page

2) Find the Hardware acceleration for video decoding option.

3) Click on the Enable button.

Speed ​​Dial - Questions and Answers

How to add a new site?

Click on the + button and in the window that appears, specify the name and link of the site, as well as its group.

How to add a new group?

Open the right panel.

Click on Add group. Specify the group name and click on Ok.

How to delete a group?

Right click on the group name - Delete group.

How to rename a group?

Right click on the group name - Rename group.

How to move a group to another place in the list?

Click on the group name and, without releasing the mouse button, move the group up or down.

How can I change the name of a dealer, its URL, or move it to another group?

Right click on dial - Edit dial.

How to remove dil?

Click on the X button that appears when you hover over the name of the dealer.

I don't need a group Popular sites

How to change the number of columns?

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