Delete all my actions. How to delete Google Search History. Can't view list of actions

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What does Google know about you? All.

Seriously - that's it. Especially if you often use a lot of Google products, such as Android, Gmail, Drive, Google Maps or YouTube. Or even a Google search.

But there is some good news, it seems. Google has introduced a new data dashboard called My Activity, where you can see data about what Google has collected about you for most of the last two decades. Every website you visited, every image you viewed, every search phrase you entered into the Google search box.

This is scary. But it's also very useful because, as evidenced by the mountains of collected data, knowledge is power. From the My Activity page, you not only see what Google is tracking, you can also take steps to remove data and prevent future collection.

What is the "My Activity" page?

The My Activity page is the hub where you can see all the key information Google has collected about you over the years. You can find this page by going to (you must be signed in to your account). On the "My Activity" page, you will see traces of activity from various Google products, including search, image search, Maps, Play Store, Shopping, YouTube, and even Help. When you visit a Google Help page, Google records your visit.

By default, the My Activities page displays a timeline and data by day. You can see a list of each individual item on the timeline by clicking on the menu button (three lines) in the top left corner and selecting "Show Activities" view.

Next to each action stack or item, you will see three vertical dots. Click on these dots to view detailed information about a specific item (the details will include things like the exact time the activity was recorded and which Google product was used) or to delete an individual item.

How is this different from a web history tool?

The Web History tool now redirects to the My Activity page - so it's actually the same thing now. But the main difference between the My Activity page and the former web history tool is that My Activity records activity from a variety of Google products, not just search, image search, and video search.

How does Google use this data?

Google uses data in two main ways: to improve its services to the general population (for example, using mobile location data to get information about current car traffic) and to give you a more personalized experience (for example, autocomplete your searches). You can learn more about how Google uses your data on the Information Collection page.

Does the My Activity page show all the data Google has collected on me?

No. The My Activity page shows data from various Google products, but not all of them. You can, however, find even more data collected by going to your "My Activity" page and clicking on the menu icon in the top left corner and selecting "More Google Activity." This page will show you even more Google trackers, such as location history on Google Maps (if you have an Android phone with GPS enabled, you can); information such as contacts, calendars and applications from your devices; history voice search Google; and any videos on YouTube for which you clicked “not interested”.

What can I remove?

Good news: you can do something specific and do it all at once from the My Activities page. Because Google actually uses its data to tailor your behavior, you may see a decrease in the usefulness of some services if you remove a significant portion of your activity.
  • To remove individual items from the My Activity page, find the item you want, click the three dots next to it, and then click the Remove button. (You can also do it on individual days.)
  • To delete all of your activities from a specific day, the past week, a month, or a date range, click the menu button in the top left corner of the My Activities page and click the Select Delete Option button. On this page, you can choose to delete activities for today, yesterday, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, or all time. You can also select a date range by selecting "Specify period" and enter two dates in the "after" and "before" fields.
  • To delete actions when using Google products, such as YouTube or image search, go to the "My actions" page and click the "Filter by date and product" link under the search field. Select the product (or several) you want to remove from history and click the search button. Then click on the three dots next to the search field and select "Clear results."
  • To remove activity related to a keyword or search by keyword, go to the "My Activity" page and enter a word in the search field and click the "Search" button. Then click on the three dots next to the search field and select "Clear results."

I need to delete everything!

You can do it! On the "My Actions" page, click the menu button (three lines) and click the "Select delete option" button. In the "Delete by date" section, click on the date and select "All time" from the drop-down menu. Then click the "Delete" button.

How to prevent Google from recording data?

Google provides some privacy settings right inside the My Activity page. Click the menu icon in the top left corner and select "Activity Tracking" to see what types of activities you allow to be tracked.

Here you will find modules for web applications and location history, device information, voice control, search history and YouTube viewing. Next to each module, you'll see a switch that you can turn off to prevent Google from saving that type of activity. You can also click the "Manage History" button to go to the page for using this product.

Of course, the only surefire way to stop Google from storing data about you is, well, not to use Google products.

To help minimize damage to your account from unauthorized access by others, Google will notify you when someone tries to log into your account.

The purpose of this feature is to facilitate quick account protection if an attacker obtains unauthorized access to your account.

The system sends you a warning about logins to your account from places and devices from which you have never logged into your account before, and asks you to confirm that this person is actually you.

To assist you in your review, information will be provided about each suspicious Google login, including the IP address, its location, the name of the domain associated with it, and the time the account was accessed.

How to confirm a suspicious login

Most users log into their accounts from multiple computers and mobile devices, so it can sometimes be difficult to determine that it is actually you and not another person.

Therefore, each input is evaluated according to several criteria:

  1. date and time: If you see that the time and date fall within the period in which you were logged in from your computer, phone or application (for example, Picasa, chat and client Email), yours Account may be attacked by hackers.
  2. IP address and domain: Among the information about each login is the IP address and the domain it is associated with. Domain name, as a rule, allows you to determine the Internet service provider (for example, the operator cellular network), from which infrastructure your account was last used. The specified domain may sometimes be incorrect. So if you are still not sure that this is your login, you can run reverse IP address check. This way, you will get more information about the computer or device from which you logged in.
  3. Location: If the location is physical or the domain name is unusual for you, this could indicate a hacker attack. Login from mobile phone sometimes shows a different location than the real one, but even then the domain must belong to your mobile operator.

What to do if there is a suspicious entry

If you have any doubts that all of the listed entries were made by you:

  1. Check your computer with antivirus. Some hackers install programs on computers to track what characters are typed, and virus scanning will limit this risk.
  2. Change your password. Someone probably knows it and used it to log into your account.
  3. Update your account recovery options. If someone is actually logged into your account, they can also change their settings to receive a new password via email.

We all use Google services and leave a lot of personal information that may be available to third parties. The BBC described how you can remove personal information from Google.

"Using the services Google, you trust us with your personal data,” these words begin the section of the user agreement that describes the privacy policy.

The tech company is making it clear to its users what they should be prepared for.

However, few know that Google also gives you the opportunity to delete any information that is stored in the "My Activity" section.

How to delete information about your online activities

Whenever you access search engines Google, the company stores this information and associates it with your account.

The search engine also records every action, such as filling out forms or surveys Google, as well as work with mail Gmail.

Here you can select specific pages or products Google and delete the information they store. You can also erase all history for a day or for a specific time period.

The most drastic step is to delete data on all products for all time.

Before performing this operation Google will send a warning about possible consequences, however, deleting search history or use of applications and products Google will not affect the operation of the account in any way.

How to delete the history of all activities on YouTube

Google, which owns the video hosting YouTube, also tracks what videos you watch on the site.

But this information can also be quickly deleted. In the “History” tab, you need to select two options: “Clear search history” and “Clear browsing history”. You can also delete individual search queries or videos watched.

You can also prevent the service from saving your browsing history.

How to remove information that advertisers receive

Google not only collects information about users, but also transfers it to advertisers and partners.

This is why you so often see contextual advertising that overlaps with recent search queries.

But there’s nothing wrong with that: you can easily find out what exactly Google told about you.

To do this, you need to log in to your account page. Google, and then to the “Privacy” section.

After disabling the personalization function, the search engine will not be able to use data about you to select advertising.

Google will always warn that personalized advertising works in the interests of the user, but this is a matter of individual preference.

How to delete your location information

On devices with operating systemAndroid, which also belongs Google, A list of places you've visited is automatically saved.

Erase this information on Google Maps Can on this page.

To begin with, you can simply disable the geolocation tracking feature. You can delete your entire travel history or select a specific day or period of time. There is a function for deleting even individual movements or stops, which can simply be sent to the trash.

If you have your own Google account, then according to the default settings or those made by you personally in the “Privacy” section, your actions in this search engine will be reflected and preserved in its history. Let's assume that you want to find out and delete some of your actions over a certain period of time that are stored in the Google services system, but you don't know how to do this. On this page I post a small manual on how to set up a system for tracking your actions in the search engine on Google, as well as remove it in certain applications and sites that use Google services.

As you know, Google saves your searches from browsers and apps and uses them to help you find things faster. necessary information in Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube and other services. The user’s ability to find tracking information, configure it, and delete unwanted information is a necessary and useful skill in certain situations for an Internet user.

It is very important to know and remember that any of your actions on the Internet using browsers will only be tracked in cases where you are authorized in your Google account in the browser you are using.

If you perform search actions in an authorized version, look for your actions in the history not only of browsers, but also in Google services.

It’s not difficult to set up tracking or delete your unnecessary actions for the period of time you choose - Google services have special conditions for this.

To begin the above steps, first log into your account (if you are not logged in, do so). Then, in the “Privacy” block, click on the “Actions in Google services” link.

In the page that opens, you will be prompted to either “CHECK YOUR ACTION TRACKING SETTINGS,” or “VIEW ACTIONS,” or “GO TO YOUR GOOGLE ACCOUNT.”

In our case, you can follow the first two links - in the first case we will go to the tracking settings, in the second - to the history of the actions you performed. Let's go to View Actions.

On new page you will be presented with blocks for each completed action, which you can either delete by clicking on the option in the right corner of the block (three dots), or view this action in more detail by clicking on the “Details” line.

This differentiated approach is very useful if you want to delete a specific “historical action” of yours. But you can take the plunge and delete in bulk the history of all actions and products for a certain period of time, chosen at your discretion. To do this, on the left side of the page, click on the line “Select deletion option”...

Remember: once you delete a selected option, it cannot be restored to your Google history!

I intentionally led you, dear readers, to the “VIEW ACTIVITIES” page first, believing that deleting unnecessary historical events would be of more interest than the settings on the “CHECK ACTIVITIES TRACKING SETTINGS” page.” However, I still recommend visiting it. If you wish to disable ALL tracking functions, then work with the topmost block "App and Web History" in settings. To do this, simply move the tracking slider to the left. For users of the Ghrome browser, as an option, there is a button on which you can check (or uncheck) the corresponding checkbox:

After completing the action, all that remains is to confirm it in the pop-up window that opens.

To make settings separately from web search - only for Google applications, leaving the search unchanged, just go further down the page to manipulate the settings buttons in the "Location history" (maps), "from devices", "History" blocks voice control", "Story YouTube search", as well as "YouTube View History".

Good luck!

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Where you can view all the information that the company collects and change your settings for receiving it. Last week, a new service appeared there, “My Actions,” which displays all your online activities associated with your Google account. Even if you don't think you need to worry about the security of your personal data, it's still worth checking these settings from time to time. At least you can be sure that you are happy with what you are sharing with Google.

Screenshot: The new My Activity service will show how much Google knows about you.

You can view what Google stores about you and configure the collection of this information as follows.

How to see all your activities on the Web and applications

Every time you search for something in Chrome on your computer or smartphone, Google tracks your actions to personalize the results. The same thing happens when you use others Google apps like Google Maps or Google Now.

All iPhones and Android devices have app and web history saved by default, including searches and maps activity. This is because all of these actions are directly linked to your Google account.

You can view all collected information using the My Actions service.

But if you want Google to stop tracking some of your activities, you'll have to dig a little deeper.

How to stop Google from tracking your online activities

Here you can see all the types of data that Google tracks. To disable saving your app and web history, simply tap the icon on the right.

If this is not enough for you and you want to clear the entire history of your online activities, do the following.

To begin, select “Manage History.” You will be redirected back to the My Activities page where you will need to open extra menu(to do this, click on the icon in the form of three vertical dots in the upper right corner).

In the menu, select “Select a deletion option” and then “All the time.” You can delete data received for a certain period of time by specifying it in special fields.

Learn more about how to remove searches from your computer or mobile device, you will find on the dedicated Google help page.

Check if your location is visible on the Internet

Google may track your location if you allow it.

To check if your geographic data is being tracked, go to “Check your activity tracking settings.” There you can view all the geographic data saved about you by clicking "Managing History".

As with web history, location tracking can be turned off with a single click on the icon on the right.

To delete your location history, select "Managing History", and then click on the trash can icon in the lower right corner.

Listen to all your Google voice commands

Every time you say "Okay Google" or click the microphone icon, Google will record what you say.

More information about how Google stores your voice search history can be found here.

View your activities on YouTube

Google keeps track of what you search on YouTube and remembers what videos you've watched. You can edit your saved history in a similar way in the Activity Tracking section.

There you can also see when and at what time you searched for or watched a particular video, as well as see from which device this action was performed.

In addition, Google has a page where you can step by step configure what data about yourself you are willing to share. There you can also check the relevance of your privacy settings and displayed advertising.

You can find more information about how Google uses your data.

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