Types of processors and their characteristics. Multithreading and the like. Main characteristics of the processor

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Good day and my respects, dear readers, visitors, passing individuals and... in general, everyone who reads these lines. Today we'll talk about which processor to choose and how to do it.

Many of us want to always have adequate computer hardware at hand. good quality and powerful power, and even at an affordable price.

Operating time and loading

Bold examples of parts are provided by the user. The command below shows the kernel platform. The system execution time is displayed in the uptime statement. The first time is time, the system works for 12 days, 8 hours and 27 minutes. Load 1 means the processor is loaded to 100%.

We will write computer memory information using a free command. The exact memory format and size can be read from the kernel logs at startup. The free option shows the amount of free memory with buffers and is cached as free memory because they can be easily released and used.

However, despite our wishes, not everyone (I would even say only a few) are able to immediately name all the main criteria for choosing a particular computer component. And if they somehow cope with the video card, then when it comes to the brain of everything and everyone, namely the central processor, then this is where the absolute ambush begins.

So the free memory is the sum of all three elements, which is the number in the second row in the free column. In the above example, the root file system filled with 34%. If the drives are not connected, you must first connect the drives to determine their placement.

On the left side of the list is a number indicating the bus number: slot number. The texts are retrieved from the database because in reality the devices are just numbers. He contains computer information and hardware. The above part lists the manufacturer motherboard and its type. Likewise, you will find information about processors, memory modules, connected interfaces, slots, etc. since the list is long, you need to use less.

Therefore, we once again (for, as many remember, there were already articles on choice, and much more) decided to lend a helping hand to everyone in need and talk about how to choose the right processor, namely, what you need to know, what to look for pay attention to what characteristics there are and all that stuff.

In general, today we are waiting for an article from the series: “I want to buy a processor, but I don’t know what to look for.. Can you tell me?”

Information published by the system kernel

By default, it displays in the time zone the computer is in, which is usually set during installation. The list includes time zone information. Some kernel settings can be changed by writing new information to a specific file.

List of hard drives and their partitions

Some commands can only be made by him. They don't work well without some commands. If the processors are larger, the corresponding statement is repeated for each core. Some of them are listed in the following table. If the cache is full, old entries disappear.

In short, make yourself comfortable and... Let's go!

Which processor to choose - main characteristics

As I said, the article will be as practical as possible, so we won’t rant for a long time about what a CPU is and what it’s needed for, but let’s get straight to the point.

We have already touched upon the topic of processors in articles such as and , however, questions are constantly pouring in from readers, they say, give clear instructions on what and how to buy.

And since the project is, so to speak, social (we take into account the “wants” of visitors), without thinking twice we decided to cover this issue in as much detail as possible.

Very often we have to deal with a situation where users buy various sophisticated and expensive ones in the hope that everything will fly and run at once, but the processor is not given due attention, after which it slows down the entire system, because it simply cannot provide all the necessary agility and nimbleness to everyone other working subsystems and components.

Therefore, knowledge of the basic parameters is necessary, first of all, in order to assess the realistically possible computing performance of the future system. It turns out that by focusing on the characteristics of the processor, you will be able to fully reveal the potential of all the components of your computer brother.

Actually, here's what you have to decide on when choosing a processor:

  • Manufacturer's brand ( Intel or AMD);
  • Technical production process;
  • Marking and architecture;
  • Platform CPU or connector type (socket);
  • Processor clock speed;
  • Bit depth;
  • Number of Cores;
  • Multithreading;
  • Cache memory;
  • Power consumption and cooling;
  • Branded bells and whistles of technology.

Architectures are almost always assigned a code name, i.e. code names that allow you to determine just by name what year a particular architecture was released and what characteristics are included in the models of this line.

For example, Intel has such architectures for Core 2 Duo(architecture Conroy): Lynnfield, Nehalem and so on. AMD: Piledriver, Bulldozzer, Trinity.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? If you can touch the processor with your hands, pay attention to its markings on the front side. You can find a lot there additional information, not listed on the box.

Processor socket or socket type

The processor is installed in a special section on the socket or, as it is called, Socket(socket). Conventionally, we can say that this is the lifespan of your platform or the potential for possible development in the future. Socket number, i.e. its model (for example, Socket 775) must match the socket number on the motherboard, otherwise it will not be possible to install the processor on it.

Very often you can encounter a situation where people try to save money on the processor socket, i.e. They initially buy an obsolete processor and motherboard that have been in circulation for quite some time. This is bad because as soon as new standards and a new type of connector appear, then, most likely, new ones will no longer be produced for the old one, more powerful processors, i.e. You will be limited in the ability to upgrade your computer and if you want to improve it, you will have to change not only the processor, but also the motherboard.

The processor socket and motherboard socket must match, otherwise nothing will simply work.

However, not everything is always so critical, because, for example, AMD more flexible policy regarding this issue. The company makes it possible to carry out a painless upgrade for your wallet by supporting the compatibility of new platforms with old ones. Each manufacturer has its own types of sockets. The main ones of the new and conditionally new, say, for Intel are considered LGA 2011, LGA 1155, LGA 775 And LGA 1156, and the last two have practically “sunk into oblivion.” U AMD the most popular are connectors AM3, Socket AM3+ And Socket FM1.

The easiest way to distinguish a processor Intel from AMD- is to look at them and remember that the products are from AMD They always have a lot of contact pins on the back surface, with the help of which they are inserted into the motherboard connector. Intel for some time now, in turn, it has been using another solution - the contact pins are located inside the connector of the motherboard itself.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? The CPU and motherboard socket must be the same or backward compatible.

CPU clock speed

The most well-known parameter for assessing processor performance is the number of operations/calculations performed per unit of time (measured in Hz). For example, if it is said that the processor has a clock speed equal to 3,4 GHz, this means that it processes in one second 3 billions 400 million clock cycles (operation execution interval).

Processors Intel And AMD have different frequencies, but in general, “stones” (processors) often show the same performance. Many people believe that only clock frequency clearly characterizes the processor power, and, therefore, the higher it is, the faster computer and that's it. However, this is not quite true. All components play an important role, for example, parameters such as RAM speed, data bus width, etc. Ideally, all computer components should work, so to speak, “in unison.”

Conclusion. Clock speed is an important performance parameter, but it is far from the only one, so you should not chase it alone.

Processor size

It is also one of the most important characteristics of processor performance and shows the number of bits processed by the processor per clock cycle.

Currently the most high rate bit depth CPU- 128 , however, such models are extremely rare in the consumer market, but 32 And 64 bats are the most popular.

The processor capacity must be supported by the OS, in particular, for example, it must be able to work with 128- bit CPU.

When purchasing, many users are confused about the bit depth markings. 32 - And 64- bit "stones", so here you should remember that the bit depth 86 there are no bits, because such markings (“x 86 ") are designated 32 - bit processors. If the bit depth 64 bits, then the processor is marked as, for example, AMD64 or x64.

In one of the articles, in particular this one, we talked about the difference between bit depths. In the most general case, remember that 32 -bit architecture no longer supports 3,75 GB, so take this into account when upgrading your processor.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? When purchasing, pay attention to the processor capacity, it is better to choose 64 -bit CPU.

Number of processor cores

A certain, very small number of years ago, such a thing as multi-core did not exist at all. Now, “wherever you spit,” completely multi-core processors. When choosing the number of cores, you should first of all proceed from specific tasks.

It is clear that the more cores the better, but if you use a computer to solve office tasks for working with documents, surfing the Internet and light multimedia tasks, then, most likely, a processor with more than two cores is a waste of money.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? The “coreness” of processors is designed primarily to increase performance when working with specially optimized software, games and applications. Therefore, if you are a “full-time” user with minimal goals and objectives, then there is no point in overpaying for the number of cores. The best option would be: 2 kernels - for standard office PC(sort of workhorse) And 4 and more cores - if you want to use your PC as a multimedia and gaming center.

Multithreading and the like

Many people often confuse the concepts of multi-threading and multi-core, but these are completely different things. Multithreading is the ability of a platform (OS, programs, applications) to work in several threads running in parallel. To unleash the full potential of multi-core processors, they need to work with multi-threaded applications. Such applications include: archivers, video encoders, defragmenters, browsers, flash etc.

From the OS, “lovers” of multithreading include: Windows 8, Windows 7 and various systems.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? Multithreading depends on platform optimization by the developer. That's it now more games and applications adequately support this ability. However, it is not a fact that you should look for this parameter in the price lists for processors.

Cache memory and other tails

In addition to RAM, there is ultra-fast cache memory, with which the processor chip works, because it cannot wait for the RAM to “swing up” and perform the required operations.

Cache memory is an area of ​​the processor chip in which intermediate data between processor cores is processed and stored. RAM and other tires. In other words, it is an ultra-fast, volatile buffer that allows you to quickly access frequently used data.

The cache memory has a three-level organization (although some processors only have 2 ):

  • L1– first level cache. The smallest (by volume, 16 -128 KB) and very fast, often operating at the frequency of the most CPU. Has high throughput and processor cores work with it directly.
  • L2– slower, but more than L1 by volume.
  • L3– the largest cache (from 6 before 16 MB).

In general, the main task of developers (regarding the cache) is to determine its optimal size for the processor being released. After all, performance gains in certain applications depend on this. Any cache memory is equipped with a protection system against possible errors (ECC), upon detection of which the latter are automatically corrected.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? If you are a passionate fan of good graphics, computer games and powerful video subsystems with two video cards, then choose a processor with a large amount of third-level cache memory ( 16 MB and above). In all other cases, a processor with almost any amount of ultra-fast memory will be sufficient.

Well, we’re done with the technical parameters, now let’s look at some, so to speak, tricks...

Power consumption and cooling

Of course, the development of processor production capacity could not but affect their energy consumption, which has increased significantly. If previously you could easily get by with a “complete” fan, now special cooling systems are needed to remove heat (see image).

To estimate the heat release, the quantity was introduced TDP, which shows how much heat the cooling system should be designed to remove when used with a specific model CPU. At present, the era of development portable devices(tablets, netbooks, etc.) the energy consumption parameter, due to the technical process, etc., was significantly reduced. For example, TDP processors for mobile computer solutions is only 40 W.

Information on choosing a cooling system for your processor was in the article "".

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? If you are a supporter of all kinds of laptops and similar portable devices, then TDP and you shouldn’t pay special attention to all sorts of fans there - everything is already calculated and installed for you. If you want to assemble a high-performance desktop system, then you need to take a serious “cooler”.

Built-in graphics core

With the development of the technological process for producing processors, it became possible to place various chips inside the CPU, in particular the graphics core.

This solution is convenient because you do not need to buy a separate video card. It is focused mainly on the budget sector (office environment), where graphic capabilities systems are secondary. AMD integrates video chips into its computing processors Radeon HD, such a single element is called APU(accelerated processing element).

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? If your goal is a budget computer in which graphics do not play an important role (well, you don’t play powerful games, don't study 3D-design, etc., etc., but just watch movies, surf the Internet, etc., etc.), then a hybrid processor with a built-in video core is just what the doctor ordered, cheap and cheerful, so to speak. If you need video power, then, of course, there is no point in spending money on a processor with a video core - better.

All sorts of proprietary technologies

Over such a long period of existence of processors, their manufacturers have acquired their own “bells and whistles” - additional functions, accelerating and expanding computing power CPU. For example, here are some of them.

From AMD:

  • 3DNow!, SSE(instructions) – speeding up work in multimedia computing;
  • AMD64- work with 64 -bit instructions, as well as with 32 -bit architectures;
  • AMD Turbo Core- analogue Intel Turbo Boost;
  • Cool'n'Quiet– reduced power consumption by reducing the multiplier and core voltage.

From Intel:

  • Hyper Threading(hyperthreading) – creation of two virtual (logical) computing cores for each physical core;
  • Intel Turbo Boost– increasing the CPU frequency depending on the load on the cores;
  • Intel Virtualization Technology– run multiple operating systems simultaneously without loss of performance.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? Of course, additional “goodies” in the form of proprietary technologies are not something you should base your choice of CPU on, but no one is stopping you from getting them for free as a pleasant bonus, the main thing is to decide what is needed.

So, the last thing for today is...

Processor marking

It is very important to be able to read and correctly interpret the processor markings, because stores are different, sellers are not always honest, but you have to pay extra N-thousands of rubles for an incomprehensible “stone” is hardly something anyone wants, and therefore it is important to be able to read the processor markings. Let's look at it using a specific example, for example, for a manufacturer AMD.

In general, the markings from AMD(for generation Family 10h) can be represented in the following form (see image):

The decryption will be as follows:

Processor brand ( 1 ). The following characters are possible:

  • A – AMD Athlon;
  • H – AMD Phenom;
  • S – AMD Sempron;
  • O – AMD Optheron.

Processor purpose ( 2 ). Options:

  • D – desktop– for workstations or desktop PCs;
  • E – embedded server– for dedicated servers;
  • S-server– for servers.

Processor model ( 3 ). Possible designations:

  • E– energy efficient processors;
  • X - locked multiplier;
  • Z– unlocked multiplier.

Thermal package and cooling system class ( 4 ). The data is taken from the table (see image):

CPU case ( 5 ). The data is taken from the table (see image).

Number of Cores ( 6 ). Values ​​from 2 to C ( 12 ).

Cache memory size ( 7

Processor revision or stepping ( 8 ). Data from the table (see image).

So, based on the data in the table, you can easily determine what kind of processor we have in front of us, for example, judging by the model below (see image), we have it in front of us..

CPU AMD with markings HDZ560WFK2DGM, which means:

  • HCPU families AMD Phenom;
  • D– purpose: workstations/desktop PCs;
  • Z560– processor model number 560 (Z - with a free factor);
  • W.F.TDP before 95 W;
  • K– the processor is packaged in a 938 pin OµPGA (Socket AM3) case;
  • 2 – total number of active cores;
  • D– L2 cache size 512 KB and L3 cache size 6144 KB;
  • GM- C3 stepping processor core.

So, knowing the credentials of the tables, you can easily calculate what kind of instance is in front of you.

Actually, that's all I would like to tell you. I think that the information will be useful to you and will come in handy more than once.

Where is the best place to buy a processor?

  • - perhaps the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio. The prices are quite reasonable, although the range is not always ideal in terms of variety. The key advantage is the guarantee that really allows for 14 days to change the product without any questions, and in case of warranty problems, the store will take your side and help solve any problems. The author of the site has been using it for years 10 at least (since the days when they were part of Ultra Electoronics), which is what he advises you to do;
  • - a huge assortment and choice of anything, although the prices do not match every time. The key advantage is the wide coverage of the delivery area throughout Russia, i.e. you can place an order virtually anywhere, which is sometimes very helpful (especially in cities where you can’t find some items during the day);
  • - one of the oldest stores on the market, as the company exists somewhere around 20 years. Decent selection, average prices and one of the most convenient sites. Overall a pleasure to work with.

The choice, traditionally, is yours. Of course, there are all kinds Yandex Market“Nobody canceled them, but of the good stores I would recommend these, and not some MVideo and other large networks (which are often not only expensive, but defective in terms of quality of service, warranty work, etc.).


Today we found out in as much detail as possible which processor to choose and how to do it correctly, i.e. what you can pay attention to when purchasing it.

The information is quite specific and technical, perhaps difficult and unusual for some, so if you haven’t learned something, read it again, and then again, then open the price list and try to make several options for selecting processors for different needs.

Then reread again, then select again. In general, and so on in a circle until you get your hands on it :)

We have fulfilled our good mission, which means it’s time to say goodbye for a while.
As always, if you have any questions, additions, thanks, etc., feel free to write comments.

P.S. Thanks to team member 25 KADR for the existence of this article

A year ago, summing up the intense struggle for leadership in the PC processor market between Intel and AMD, we gave the palm to AMD, whose processors at that time were more productive and cheaper and had lower heat dissipation. Over the past year, the situation has changed dramatically, which is primarily due to the release of a new generation Intel processors microarchitecture-based Intel Core. And if we talk about the current state of affairs, then the undisputed leadership in the PC processor market belongs to Intel.

When they talk about processors for PCs, they mean processors from either Intel or AMD (it makes no sense to even mention processors from other companies due to their lack of popularity on the market). Actually, it is the stubborn, fierce competition of these two giants of the computer market that is the very engine of progress that allows the creation of increasingly more powerful processors and from which consumers ultimately benefit. Of course, both companies have their own opinions on this issue. For example, speaking about the development of microprocessors, Intel company likes to refer to Moore's law, however, it is hard to believe that the processor industry would have reached such heights if Intel had not experienced constant pressure from AMD.

An intense struggle between Intel and AMD occurs with varying success from one company to the other. For example, if we talk about the current year, then until the summer the clear advantage (not in terms of sales volume, but in terms of demand for processors) was on the side of AMD, whose processors were considered better in terms of the totality of their consumer qualities. However, in the summer an event occurred that radically changed the state of affairs on the market. Intel has announced a new generation of energy-efficient processors based on micro Intel architecture Core. The family of desktop processors based on this revolutionary microarchitecture is called Intel Core 2 Duo. Actually, after the appearance of this new family of microprocessors, which in all respects turned out to be better than those in AMD’s arsenal, Intel again took the lead. However, we will return to the new family of Intel processors, but for now we will take a closer look at those processor characteristics that are worth paying attention to.

Characteristics of modern processors

A modern PC processor is a complex device with many technical characteristics. And there is simply no clear answer to the question of which processor is better due to the fact that it is impossible to reduce all the characteristics of a processor to a single integral criterion that could serve as an indicator of its quality.

If we try to classify all the characteristics modern processors From the user's point of view, four main groups can be distinguished:

If everything is clear about the cost, then the remaining characteristics of the processors require comments.

Energy efficiency

Just two or three years ago, the choice of a processor for a PC was limited to consideration of two components - processor performance and its cost, and the processor’s performance was clearly indicated by its clock frequency. However, times are changing, and now reducing everything only to performance and cost means greatly simplifying the real situation. In addition to absolute performance, processors are usually characterized by energy efficiency, that is, performance per watt of electricity consumed. Previously, when the power consumed by the processor was only a few tens of watts, such a characteristic as energy efficiency was simply not paid attention to. However, when the power consumed by the processor reaches the 100 W mark and even exceeds it, energy efficiency has become one of the most important characteristics of the processor.

And the point is not only (and not so much) that the higher the power consumed by the processor, the more you have to pay for electricity (in Russia this problem is not so pressing), but that processors with high power consumption are difficult to cool. We have to use massive and noisy coolers, which eliminates the possibility of creating low-noise PCs. Naturally, the optimal solution would be a high-performance processor with low power consumption, which, in fact, is reflected in the concept of energy efficiency.

It is clear that the energy efficiency of a processor, like its performance, does not have a numerical expression and in this sense is not technical characteristics processor. However, energy efficiency depends on characteristics such as the processor microarchitecture, manufacturing process, clock speed, power consumption, and whether the processor supports power-saving features.


In addition to performance and energy efficiency, modern processors are characterized by a range of supported technologies. For example, modern Intel processors (depending on the model) support technologies such as Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT), Execute Disable Bit virus protection technology, 64-bit computing technology Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel EM64T), overheating protection technology Intel Thermal Monitor 2, energy saving technologies Enhanced Intel SpeedStep and Enhanced Halt State (C1E).

AMD processors also contain similar technologies, but they are called differently and are implemented somewhat differently. For example, depending on the model, AMD processors may support AMD 64 64-bit computing technology, NX Bit antivirus technology, AMD Virtualization technology, and AMD Cool 'n' Quiet power-saving technology.


The performance of a processor is usually understood as the speed at which it performs a task (an application), that is, the less time the processor spends on implementing a particular task, the higher its performance. It would seem that this approach to the concept of processor performance is quite logical. However, not all so simple. Let's look at a simple example. Let there be two processors and two applications. The first processor demonstrates more high performance in the first application, and the second processor in the second. The question arises: which of the two processors is considered more productive? The answer here is by no means trivial, and the reality is that some processors demonstrate better performance on one set of applications, and others on another. In this sense, it is more correct to talk not about absolute processor performance (as some kind of absolute truth), but about performance on a set of applications.

The performance of a processor is directly affected by its microarchitecture, cache size, clock speed, and number of processor cores. Let us recall that, in addition to single-core ones, there is currently a wide variety of dual core processors for PC. Actually, the transition from single-core processors to multi-core ones is a modern trend in the development of processors. The reason for the transition to multi-core is quite obvious. The fact is that throughout the history of processor development, one of the most effective ways The increase in performance was an increase in clock frequency. At the same time, an increase in clock frequency leads to a nonlinear increase in power consumed by the processor with all the ensuing negative consequences. Actually, the power consumption of processors today has already reached that critical point when further increasing the clock frequency has become impossible, since there is simply nothing to cool the processors with. This means that there is a need to find radically different ways to increase processor performance, and one of them is the transition from single-core processors to dual-core and multi-core processors. Moreover, this is a truly revolutionary step in the development of processors, since it not only changes the processor architecture, but also requires changes to the entire infrastructure, including software. The fact is that multi-core processors can provide performance benefits only if multi-core optimized, well-parallelized software (operating system and applications) is used. If program code written in such a way that it only implies sequential execution of instructions, then multi-core will be of no use.

Intel processor lineup

Modern the lineup Intel processors for PCs are quite wide and include several families:

  • Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Core 2 Extreme;
  • Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition;
  • Intel Pentium D;
  • Intel Pentium 4;
  • Intel Celeron D.

Of course, the flagship family of Intel processors is the Intel Core 2 Duo, which currently makes sense to focus on, unless, of course, we are talking about budget or entry-level office PCs.

Dual-core Intel Core 2 Extreme and Intel Core 2 Duo family of processors

If we recall the history of Intel processors, we can see that all the first-borns created on the basis of the new processor microarchitecture were either inferior in performance to processors based on the microarchitecture of the previous generation, or were approximately equal to them. In any case, the introduction of a new processor microarchitecture has never been accompanied by a sharp jump in processor performance. This is exactly what happened, for example, when introducing the Intel NetBurst architecture. The first Intel Pentium 4 processors based on this microarchitecture were inferior in performance to the latest processors of the Intel Pentium III family. In this regard, the new microarchitecture has always been seen as the potential for further increases in processor performance, which could no longer be achieved based on the previous generation microarchitecture, but the process of moving from one microarchitecture to another has never been accompanied by a performance jump. However, with the Intel Core microarchitecture, which replaced Intel NetBurst, everything happened differently. Either Intel processors were criticized for too long, or the loss of market share affected them, or it simply didn’t work out any other way, but the fact remains that the new Intel Core microarchitecture became not just the basis for further growth in processor performance, but also provided a kind of performance jump. That is, the performance of the very first samples of desktop processors based on the Intel Core microarchitecture turned out to be much higher than the performance of the previous processors Intel generation, And AMD processors. Today, processors based on the Intel Core microarchitecture are the undisputed leaders in both absolute performance and energy efficiency.

Intel's new dual-core desktop processors were previously known under the code name Conroe, but after the official announcement this family was called Intel Core 2 Duo.

The Intel Core 2 Duo family of dual-core desktop processors includes several models that differ in clock speed and L2 cache size (Table 1). In addition, this family includes the top model Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 Extreme Edition series, which differs from other processors in the Intel Core 2 Duo family only in clock speed and power consumption.

The letter in the name of the processor model indicates its power consumption (TDP), in particular the letter “E” corresponds to a power consumption of 65 W. As you can see, almost all desktop processors of the Intel Core 2 Duo family have a maximum power consumption of 65 W. And only one Extreme Edition processor (model X6800) has a maximum power consumption of 75 W.

All processors in the Intel Core 2 Duo family support technologies that were used in previous generations of processors - Intel Virtualization Technology, Execute Disable Bit and Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel EM64T). Additionally, these processors come with features such as Intel Thermal Monitor 2 and Enhanced Halt State (C1E).

It should be noted that the Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 processor - the flagship model of the entire Intel processor family - is not available in the retail network, so we do not indicate its price. In addition, the price of the processor depends on the type of delivery: there is a boxed version (BOX), when a cooler is sold along with the processor, and an OEM version - a processor without a cooler.

Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition family

In the modern Extreme Edition family (Table 2) of Intel processors, there are three models: Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition 965, 955 and 840 - all of them are dual-core, with each processor core based on the NetBurst microarchitecture.

Despite the fact that Extreme Edition is the flagship family of Intel processors, it hardly makes sense to focus on these processors today. Firstly, because these processors are based on the already obsolete NetBurst microarchitecture. Secondly, the power consumption of these processors is 130 W and a very powerful cooler is required to cool them. Thirdly, in terms of performance and, even more so, energy efficiency, these processors are inferior to the top models of the Intel Core 2 Duo family. Fourthly, their cost is more than $1000. And finally, the main thing is that it is almost impossible to buy these processors, since they are simply not on sale. Therefore, their consideration is interesting solely from an educational point of view.

Intel Pentium Processor 965 Extreme Edition (Pentium 965 EE) (codenamed Presler) runs on 65 nm technological process and has a dual-core architecture. Each of its cores is based on the NetBurst microarchitecture. This uses the technology of placing two separate cores in one package. In addition, both processor cores have their own 2 MB L2 cache, so the total L2 cache size is 4 MB. Like all processors in the Extreme Edition family, the Pentium 965 EE processor supports Hyper-Threading technology, which together provides simultaneous processing of up to four threads. In addition, this processor implements Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology, Execute Disable Bit (XD), Intel Virtualization Technology (VT), as well as Thermal Monitor and Thermal Monitor 2 thermal protection technologies.

The processor clock frequency is 3.73 GHz (system bus frequency 266 MHz, internal multiplication factor x14). The thermal package (TDP) of the new processor is 130 W, and the operating voltage range is from 1.2 to 1.375 V. The temperature of the processor case at maximum heat dissipation should not exceed 68.6 ° C.

The Intel Pentium Processor 955 Extreme Edition (Pentium 955 EE) is in many ways similar to the Pentium 965 EE and, in fact, differs from it only in clock frequency and core stepping: the Pentium 955 EE clock frequency is 3.46 GHz (the system bus frequency is 266 MHz, internal multiplication factor - x13).

The Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition 840 (Pentium 840 EE) processor (codenamed Smithfield) is manufactured using a 90 nm process technology, while the size of the processor die is 206 mm2, and the number of transistors inside the processor is 230 million. Unlike Pentium 960 processors EE and 950 EE, where the dual-core architecture is organized as two separate processors in one package, the Pentium 840 EE processor has two cores on a single chip, each with its own 1 MB L2 cache, and therefore a common The L2 cache size is 2 MB. Cores Pentium processor The 840 EEs feature a NetBurst microarchitecture. This processor supports Hyper-Threading technology, which together provides processing of up to four threads, and therefore one such physical processor is defined operating system like four logical. In addition, this processor supports Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology, Execute Disable Bit, as well as thermal protection technologies Thermal Monitor and Thermal Monitor 2, but unfortunately, the Enhanced Intel SpeedStep energy saving technology is missing.

The processor clock frequency is 3.2 GHz (FSB frequency is 1066 MHz).

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