Google AdWords Keyword Planner: instructions for use. Google Ads Keyword Planner: A Practical Guide Google Keyword Tool

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A couple of seconds to launch - and you have access to navigation that works wonders.

Full list possibilities are the following:

Search subject groups keywords;

Import the resulting list of keys into an existing campaign;

Create an ad group based on the received list of keys;

Evaluate the effectiveness of keywords by the number of requests and click forecast;

Predict traffic with reference to the product, region and other parameters;

Predict daily budget;

Determine competitive rates.

Let's start with the main tasks of the Planner - refinement and expansion of key phrases.

Refinement is a reduction in the degree of inconsistency between search terms (search terms) and keywords (keywords) and the approximation of their ratio to 1:1. This is also called iceberg effect reduction.

The ultimate goal is to increase your CTR and lower your average CPC.

Extension is finding new key phrases.

When you first visit the updated Keyword Planner, take a look at what's new in it:

So, to start selecting keywords, select this option:

Semantic Matching with Google Planner

Google Algorithm can use the names of your products or services (you can write up to 10 options at the same time so that Google can find synonyms and words that are close in meaning) and a landing page.

Or pick up semantics exclusively at the site address, while you can use the entire site or a separate page of it:

Google will crawl it and select words that match your product/offer.

Go to the desired tab and set the search parameters according to one of two options: product + site or site only.

For example, we use the first method and fill in only the product names. We also collect brand queries.

Click the "Show Results" button.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of specific keys at the current rate and budget by the number of requests, the planned number of clicks and the level of competition.

This is what the results table looks like:

At the top - the original keywords, below them - the proposed options.

For all there are statistics on the following indicators:

1) Average number of requests per month - depends on what targetings are configured in your account. Used to evaluate the performance of a keyword over different periods.

3) Impression Percentage - The percentage of your ad that was shown when searching for a specific keyword. It is calculated as the ratio of the number of requests for which the ad was shown to the total number of requests for this key.

This metric helps you determine if you can get more impressions and clicks for a particular phrase.

5) Bid to show at the top of the page (maximum).

If the system does not have enough data for any indicator, there is a dash.

In addition, the Scheduler can group the found results by topics. The grouped keys will appear in the Grouped Choices tab.

This option is suitable for fast processing of large lists of keys - it allows you to operate not with individual words, but with thematic groups.

How you can use the results of the selection of semantics

First, you can refine or expand the resulting list:

  • 1 - change the main parameters - location, language, networks and period in order to get results that are relevant for other parameters. different from those specified in the account;
  • 2 - add phrases if you see that the results table is not enough for planning;
  • These can be brand queries (3);
  • You can choose from the options offered by the system (4).

This is a handy option when you need to compare metrics before and after adding keys to your account.

In all cases, you can select the desired match type for the added keywords. The default is broad match:

Choose the match type wisely - the accuracy of the statistics depends on it. Let's take a closer look at how they differ different types compliance.

Keyword match types

Broad match captures all possible word forms that include your phrase.

For example, for the phrase "Car batteries", the scheduler will show all query statistics where this phrase was mentioned. And "Car batteries", and "Where to buy car batteries", and "How to charge car battery”, and “I will sell a car battery”.

With a broad match, we enter the phrase without any operators (without brackets and quotes), as is.

Broad match modifiers make broad match keywords more accurate and narrow your reach. On the one hand, this increases the relevance of the keywords, on the other hand, it reduces the amount of traffic.

Ads are shown only for queries that contain words with a plus sign (for example, +masquerade +costume) or their close variants, but not synonyms (masquerade costumes), in any order.

Phrase match captures statistics for a phrase in all declensions, singular/plural. As a rule, it is recommended to look at statistics by phrase matching. To do this, you need to put the phrase in quotation marks "".

Exact match shows a selection strictly according to a given word form. Exactly the way you asked it - for this we set square brackets- [Red summer dress], for example.

Instructions for beginners on the selection of keywords in AdWords

Hi all! Today's article, as usual, is aimed at newbies in the field of Internet marketing who get lost in various lengthy discussions about collecting keywords, not capturing the essence of the process and abandoning their endeavors.

So, you are just starting to get acquainted with marketing on the Internet, and do not yet know which side is better to approach it. funds do not allow, and it is high time to enter keywords into the texts on the pages. You may not even know what key phrases are and why they are needed. It doesn’t matter: using a universal example of an online store, we will understand the basics of online marketing and learn how to select keywords (create semantic core).

Preparatory stage

First you need to decide on the category for which you will select queries. We will proceed from what you have available, which may look something like this:

Resource type: online store.

Region: Minsk, Belarus.

Language: Russian.

Task: selection of requests for a certain category, extension .

Now some terminology. Queries that can be combined by one attribute (color, price, season):

  • buy white sneakers.
  • cheap sneakers.
  • etc.

merge into one semantic group.

Interaction with Google Adwords

The guide is designed for beginners, so we will consider the order of collecting keywords using the example of only one tool, which is called.

Register and go to the page of the Adwords service. The main window awaits you, where you need to open the "Tools" menu and go to the "Keyword Planner" section.

Welcome to AdWords.

On the next page of the service, select " Search for new keywords by phrase,…».

Keyword Planner. Where to begin?

A form will open in which you need to specify the main parameters of the filters. Among them:

  • Region - Belarus.
  • Russian language.
  • A number of queries in the line "Your product".
  • In the "Keywords under consideration" box, the main keyword with its word forms is written. If you leave this field empty, the service will offer you requests for different shoes and clothes.
Enter the basic filter parameters.

After entering the initial data, click "Get Variants". As a result, you will see a report generated by the service.

Go to the section " Keyword Options" and press " Show/hide diagram". To add a specific keyword to a group, click the button in the corresponding column. All pressed buttons are marked in red and arrows with numbers.

Adding Variants to a Plan

Composition of a semantic group

The name of this stage sounds solid and even a little scary, but in practice everything is much simpler than it seems to an uninitiated user. The problem is that beginners almost always make the same blunder by adding all the requests they find to one plan. All phrases containing the word "sneakers" are combined - the result is a vinaigrette of requests various types which are difficult to understand.

It is impossible to optimize the page for such a diverse group of keywords. And if there is no normal optimization, then there can be no talk of promotion. In order not to step on the rake that all beginners go through, select queries as follows:

1. Adding queries for a narrowly targeted semantic group. As an example, we take inexpensive men's sneakers: not for children, not black, but for men. Accordingly, all queries in which the words "cheap men's sneakers" occur are added to the semantic group (declension can be any). Geo-queries (indicating the region - Belarus, Minsk, etc.) are also suitable here.

In this way, you will collect a number of keywords from target group without including information, brand and other queries. To see the list you have generated, click the " My Options…».

Further it will be easier: after adding all target requests to the group, you must click the "Download plan" button. Then in the small window set desired parameters(for example, display format "CSV (Excel)") and click "Upload".

This completes the selection of queries for the first semantic group. You can be satisfied with yourself, the first important step has already been taken.

2. Expansion of the semantic core - selection of brand queries. After you create a target semantic group, you need to view the full list of brands available on your online marketplace in the Men's Sneakers category. Next, you start adding queries that include brand names to a separate plan. Such queries are of great importance for promotion and can bring significantly more traffic than general keywords.

Each trademark is an independent group promoted on a separate page of your site. Example: A query for the brand "Nike sneakers" is much more frequent than the general phrase "Men's sneakers".

Based on this, we draw a logical conclusion:

Promotion without brand queries in the topic under consideration is fraught with sudden death on the Internet, since most of the traffic falls on the names of manufacturers.

To promote requests, you need branded pages that are indexed by search engines. These pages should be able to place optimized texts, meta tags, etc.

3. Further expansion of the semantic core - selection of words by filters. The main semantic group has been created, brand queries have been added. Now you need to study what filters are in the category in question, and choose keywords for them. Size, color, price - collect keywords using all available filters, create semantic groups from them and start promoting them on the corresponding pages.


After the analysis of requests for a certain category of goods, you will have a number of semantic groups in your hands:

  • For targeted requests.
  • By brands.
  • By filters (size, color, season, etc.).
  • Geo queries. We chose one region, but in practice there may be more.
  • Multilingual. If there is a version of the category in another language, then you need to collect keywords for it. This is done by setting filters and changing the language of keywords.

As a result, you will have hundreds of queries clearly divided into semantic groups. For each group, you define one landing page on which the keywords that are part of it will be promoted. Since requests are separated by groups, website promotion, whether it's creating meta tags, ordering texts or buying links, will be much easier to implement.

Moreover, thanks to this orderliness, you will immediately notice which promotional activities have the maximum effect.

If you ignore the above recommendations and simply collect all more or less suitable queries, you will not be able to adequately analyze the dynamics. As a result, it will be difficult to figure out which promotional activities are beneficial, and which ones can be abandoned, saving the budget.

A competent selection of search queries will help you quickly get an extensive database of keywords (semantic core) for further creation of materials that are relevant to them and are in demand among users.

Knowing the frequency of the request in Google, you can create a site with the correct structure and improve the position of existing pages. In addition, the statistics obtained during the study will make it possible to set up contextual advertising with minimal cost and maximum conversion.

The secret of success is that you need to not only analyze the niche and understand your target audience, but also to pick up popular queries with the help of special services.

Do you want to create an effective semantic core without the services of agencies and optimizers? Then you need to read this article!

How to find out the statistics of queries in "Google"?

If you are aimed at winning the sympathy of Runet users, professional tools from the search engine Google systems- exactly what you need.

AdWords Keyword Planner

Google AdWords is the main free platform with an intuitive interface like Yandex WordStat, but with the stipulated assessment of competition. The service is focused on issuing and filtering requests from Google, which can be used for SEO promotion of sites and YouTube channels, as well as setting up advertisements.

The Keyword Planner tool shows details for both individual keywords and entire phrases and gives you all the information related to them - the details will be useful for a successful project strategy. The advantages of this option include powerful functionality for analytics of the effectiveness of promotion, taking into account not only the frequency, but also the competition of keys. Among other things, Google AdWords issues a preliminary price (bid) for queries.

Minus one - you get not exact, average data taking into account search results. Google support emphasizes that the total number of selected queries for individual regions rarely corresponds to the sum of their keys.

Attention! AdWords shows no more than 800 queries, which means that you will have to enter each phrase you are interested in separately. For example, first "buy women's clothing" and then "buy women's dress."

Google Keywords Planner search statistics

Instructions for selecting queries in Google AdWords

The algorithms for working with this service are incredibly simple:

1. Create a single Google account for all informers.

4. Fill out a simple form (with selected phrases, location and negative keywords) and you will receive the information you need.

This is interesting! In 2017, Google changed the gray interface with unjustified submenus to a more modern and attractive analogue. Now working in the system has become even more convenient and enjoyable.

Manual key selection method

Unlike automatic way work with the service, manual control is carried out through the browser without such auxiliary tools as Slovoeb, Magadan or Key Collector.

To start collecting the semantic core, you need to follow the link and then go to the "Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category" subsection.

To start searching for keywords in Google Keywords Plein Air, you need to enter one or two phrases from your preliminary list, adjusting the output settings using filters by region, language, and date range. Then you should click the "Get Variants" button, export the received requests to CSV and then continue working with the following search phrases.

Key guessing for an existing landing page

You have the opportunity to see the statistics of search queries in Google, based on the initial list of priority phrases or on a specific landing page. In this way, it is easy to analyze and then improve the main elements of a web project. You can go further - to study the features of a competitor's website under a microscope, draw conclusions and revise your own strategy.

To do this, go to the "Keyword Planner", enter the address to the page of interest and configure the tool in accordance with personal preferences.

The presented analysis method will show both the frequency of requests and the level of their competition, the recommended bid for launching paid advertising by the service.

The interface of the modified service impresses with thoughtfulness. At the top there is a line for the name of the product or service, next to it there is a button "Get options" and "Edit search criteria". Below are two subsections: one for working with ad groups, the other for calculating keywords.

The second category includes frequency, competition, and average CPC and bounce rates for each ad. At the very bottom you can see relevant phrases - they will be useful for expanding the semantic core.

Word order in a query

Unlike Yandex WordStat, Google's query selection tool is able to distinguish the same key phrase with a particular word order. Statistics and bid for such keywords will have different indicators - this applies to exact and phrase matching.

If you do not want to enter essentially the same queries with different word order, but want to immediately familiarize yourself with all the data, use the broad match modifier (+). It will show synonyms and similar keys.

Search phrases by region

Are you planning to promote the site in the area? Then you need to use the "Location" tab and set the desired city - you will receive a list of requests that are popular with the target audience.

You can also select "All locations" and then exclude phrases with extra cities and regions from the results.

Advice! If an extensive initial list is required, we recommend using a minimum of filters. So you will collect the maximum number of target phrases and better understand the topic, the needs of your potential customers. But get ready for the fact that further cleaning and preparation of keys will require a lot of effort and time.

Convenient seasonal analysis

The Google Keyword Tool shows the dynamics of search queries by week and month. Information from this section will be useful for an information site with a New Year theme, offering its services to a travel agency, an online store selling swimwear or flower seeds.

The information obtained will help predict the decline and growth in the number of visitors for specific keys.

Programs and services for searching queries for Google

1. "Slovoeb" - multifunctional free tool, which makes it possible to automatically generate a large list of keys with an analysis of the region and the time required for promotion.

2. Keyword Tool is a handy service that supports more than 80 languages. For most requests, it selects over 750 keys, and also gives search hints.

3. - the platform pleases with a clear interface and good functionality. Allows you to identify the keywords your competitors are ranking for.

4. Key Collector - paid, but very convenient and powerful option for those who want to get maximum information with minimum effort.
5. - shows tips for improving the list of keys, allows you to collect a long tail that will quickly bring the first customers.

After testing each of the presented tools, you will surely find one that will help you form the perfect semantic core. As a result, the site will attract new visitors, which means it will increase sales or income from monetization.

We have released a new book "Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand.

The tool itself offers the following options:

We choose the first item.

Let's see what keyword options he will find for the word "roses":

In the column "Your product or service A » indicate the name (roses, bicycles, etc.).

You can also specify a landing page, if any. different groups queries leading to different sections of the catalog, such as in online stores or service sites.

Unlike Wordstat, Planner allows you to select a product category, such as Gardening. This greatly simplifies the search for keywords, because. extra words (films with the word "rose" in the title, perfume, female name"Rose", etc.) are automatically screened out. In our case, we need the category “Gardens, terraces, patios”.


Suggested targeting criteria are:

  • "Location". You can select the target city/region or several where the activity is carried out. It makes no sense to show ads throughout Russia if your services are distributed throughout Moscow and Moscow Region.
  • "Language". Google is globally oriented and can therefore be configured in any of the languages ​​presented.
  • Negative words. Additionally, you can add words for which queries will not be shown.
  • Click on "Get Options" and see what happens.

Google Keyword Statistics

It displays options for key phrases with the word "roses", the average number of requests per month and the level of their competition.

The keywords are chosen quite accurately and in accordance with the subject.

And now let's see the result of Wordstat selection:

The issue is more “garbage”, it is necessary to dilute it with negative keywords. However, Yandex shows us synonyms and queries similar to the one we are looking for.

For a more specific "buy roses", Wordstat gives more options. In addition, with its help it is easier and faster to collect low-frequency.

Keywords for the query "buy roses"

Google Adwords keywords for "buy roses"


Comparing the work of the two tools Yandex.Wordstat and Google Adwords, I would say that it is best to use these two tools together.

Yandex Wordstat is much faster and easier to use.

However, despite the difficulty of selecting keywords in Google, the tool itself provides more information for analysis and many additional features to collect high-quality SA.

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