From time to time, everyone has to deal with government agencies that communicate with citizens through registered mail.
Either the postman brings it or you find a notice of registered mail in your mailbox. Moreover, the notice itself does not indicate who sent you the letter (parcel). But the postal employees will not tell you this information. But you want to know who is writing to you)
Sometimes such notice states "judicial", which is exactly what this means - the court is notifying you about something and you should treat such a letter responsibly.
It is important to know the following - judicial correspondence is stored at the post office (in Russian Post offices) for 7 days, after which it is returned to the court with a note that the addressee refused to receive the letter. The court may consider that the person has been properly notified (if we are talking about the date and place of consideration of the case) and the civil or administrative case can be considered without your participation with corresponding (usually negative) consequences.
Other registered correspondence is stored at the post office for 30 days.
Sometimes you just receive letters that you don’t have to pick up at all.
So, is it possible to find out from the notification where the letter comes from and who the sender is?
Here is an example of such a notice

There is a 14-digit number at the top below the barcode mail id(marked in red)
then go to the address here:
Here enter this same 14-digit number and captcha
et voila - you will immediately see who, when and where the letter was sent from
Well, then you decide for yourself whether to run to receive it or to extinguish it)

For correspondence such as DHL, UPS, EMS, etc. - information can be found here