Registered letter by tracking number. Track the letter. How to track a letter from Russian Post

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When making purchases in foreign online stores, we are all one way or another faced with the issue of tracking the postal item by which the purchased product is delivered to us.

This article will address general issues related to tracking international postal items(MPO). The general principles by which IPOs are divided into tracked and untraceable, the main delivery stages that items go through, will be discussed. The issue of the structure of international tracking numbers assigned to IGOs ​​is separately considered.

We will also talk about average delivery times and factors that greatly influence these terms. A separate section will provide information on the possibilities of tracking IPOs on the websites of state postal services of the countries of the sender and recipient, as well as the use of universal independent services for tracking.

Another Additional information You can always find information on these issues, as well as on customs clearance of international mail and the work of individual postal services in the wiki section of this site.

Basic principles

Tracked and non-tracked IGOs

IPOs (international postal items) are divided into two main categories:

  • Parcels(over 2 kg)
  • Small packages(up to 2 kg)

MPOs are also divided into:

  • Registered(with tracking capability)
  • Unregistered(not trackable)

Parcels, as well as any shipments via EMS, are always a registered shipment, but small packages can be either registered or unregistered.

A registered IPO in the country of departure is assigned a unique 13-digit tracking number, by which you can control the movement of the IPO from sender to recipient, using the tracking services of the national postal operators of these countries or independent tracking services.

The tracking number for registered small packages always starts with a letter R(Registered).

Accordingly, tracking the movement of MPO using tracking services is only possible for EMS shipments, parcels and registered small packages, provided that you know the tracking number.

Examples of tracking numbers:

  • CQ123456785US – postal item from the USA (parcel)
  • RN123456785US – postal item from the USA (small package)
  • EE123456785US – EMS shipping from the USA
  • RA123456785CN – postal item from China
  • RJ123456785GB – postal item from Great Britain

The last 2 letters in the tracking number indicate the country in which the item is accepted for shipment. You can read more about the structure of the track number in the next section.

When an unregistered MPO arrives in Russia, Russian Post assigns it an internal tracking number of type RA*********RU. This number is internal information of the postal operator and serves for internal accounting of incoming international mail and subsequent settlements with the postal operator of the country of departure.

The recipient can find out this number only upon receipt of the IPO.

Track number structure

According to the rules of the UPU (Universal Postal Union) (standard S10), the IPO track number consists of 9 numbers and 4 letters. Track number structure: XX*********XX, where X are letters and * are numbers.

Example: RA123456785GB

The first two capital Latin letters indicate the type of postal item. Here are the main ones:

  • LA-LZ- unregistered MPO weighing less than 2 kg (small package). Not tracked.
  • RA-RZ- registered MPO weighing less than 2 kg (small package). Tracked.
  • CA-CZ- registered MPO weighing more than 2 kg (parcel). Tracked.
  • EA-EZ- registered IGO, issued as express shipment (EMS). Tracked.

Next, the track number indicates an eight-digit digital unique IPO number. According to UPU rules, it cannot be repeated for at least one year. The last (ninth) digit represents verification code, calculated using a certain mathematical function of the item number.

At the end of the track number, two capital Latin letters are also indicated, which abbreviated the country of the sender according to the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code standard. For example CN- China, S.G.- Singapore, G.B.- Great Britain, DE- Germany, US- USA, etc.

2. greatly simplifies the procedure for tracking registered mail items using the track number provided by the user and combines tracking systems of postal services from 27 countries around the world. Allows you to create lists of verified track numbers, keeps statistics of average delivery times for items from different countries. Allows you to predict the time it takes for a shipment to pass through one or another stage of delivery.

3. - can be installed on both PCs and personal mobile devices. The list of supported services includes more than 250 email services. Allows you to create lists of verified track numbers. In addition, it is possible to add user data to the tracking number, which allows you to have accurate information about all the events that occur with a specific order from the moment it is paid for in the store until the moment it is delivered to the recipient.

In addition to the above, there are many other mail tracking services with different capabilities and different composition of supported mail services, so there is no particular point in listing them. The only thing that stands out a little apart is that it does a good job of tracking China Post parcels, but has a rather inconvenient interface and does not support many of the recently emerging local Chinese logistics companies.

Why does the average buyer need tracking?

In this final section I would like to say a little not only about the technical side of the issue, which the article was devoted to, but also about the psychological side of the tracking issue. And also talk about the general purposes of tracking.

It is quite understandable that all buyers want to receive their goods as quickly as possible and secretly hope that the goods sent, say, from China or the USA will reach the recipient in Russia in a week. But, alas, miracles do not happen, and when choosing delivery of goods by the regular state postal service, you need to be mentally prepared for a wait of 3-4 weeks.

During this time, someone will check their track number only a few times to make sure that the shipment is moving, and someone will check their track number several dozen or hundreds of times... Of course, the latter is more typical for newcomers to online shopping and their excitement even somewhere justified. But the truth lies in the fact that no matter how many times we check our track number, the package will not move faster! Therefore, you still shouldn’t be so paranoid about tracking issues.

In essence, tracking is a tool for monitoring the physical movement of a shipment, in principle, a tool for monitoring compliance with delivery deadlines. And the shipment tracking data, for example, will be very useful to you if you decide to make any claims to the postal services regarding the delivery of the item or the speed of delivery.

Therefore, three main tracking purposes can be defined:

  • Informational - when the recipient simply tracks the movement process and delivery time of his shipment, receiving information from tracking systems.
  • Control - when the recipient, using information from tracking systems, can control the timing of the shipment at certain stages of its processing and delivery in order to correlate these timing with target dates delivery and receipt of any compensation from postal services in case of failure to comply with these deadlines.
  • Evidentiary - when information from tracking systems serves as evidence in possible disputes between the sender and recipient, in case of failure to receive the shipment or its loss (alas, this also happens sometimes)

To reduce the time spent on the tracking process itself, it is of course recommended to use independent tracking services that allow you to create lists of tracked track numbers. The track number is added there once and only then you can easily view the tracking results once every 1-2 days. This significantly reduces the time it takes to track all your parcels and saves you stress.

Good luck with your shopping and fast shipping!

Tracking parcels from China and other countries

4.4 (87.69%) 1659 ratings.

Don't know where your package is? We offer you a list the best tools to track parcels from any stores, including Aliexpress standard shipping and Ebay.
Modern postal services provide tracking number postal item so that the recipient can track yourself where is the parcel located? Let's look at how this can be done using the example of tracking mail items by ID from China.

How to find out where your package is online:

Enter the track code, click “track” and find where your package is located.

Where is my parcel? Manual parcel tracking option

If you want to check tracking numbers with maximum convenience, and find out where your parcel is currently located, then universal online trackers for searching postal items will help you:

Advanced package tracking option

In principle, there is little point in updating the status of parcels more than once a day. But if you want to track your parcel as accurately as possible, you can do the following:
1. If sent by Airmail (China post Registered Airmail) then first track the parcel before import:
ChinaPost (China Post) –
HongkongPost (Hong Kong Post) –
SingaporePost (Singapore Post) –
and after import you continue to track (until receipt) here:
Post office -
2.If sent via EMS (EMS China Post Express Mail Service), then we also divide the procedure into two stages.
Track to import (check whether shipped from China or not):

after import:

In addition, if the package is delivered by force EMS services, you can always call their operators and clarify current data about the parcel by calling 8-800-200-50-55 (24 hours a day, calls from anywhere in Russia are free)

Statistics of shipment times

Information on delivery times for parcels can be viewed on the statistics server

Bonus! Parcel tracking programs

Do you want to find out where your package is without going to websites? You can install a parcel tracking program on your computer that will automatically check the status of an unlimited number of track codes!

This option (it seems a little ineffective to me, but oh well) suggests installing a special program on your computer (connected to the Internet).
I won’t describe this option in detail, I’ll just provide links and screenshots:


Tracking postal items via mobile devices:

Track your parcel using mobile devices.
The official Russian Post application is available for devices and .


What does NULL status mean (response from user nickname CTRL-F)
As China Post explains to its clients, the introduction of new statuses in tracking international shipments is intended to remove the accusation against China Post of unreasonably increasing the time it takes for parcels to arrive in Russia, etc. NULL status – no parcel in China (has already cleared customs and is interpreted as a departure of an airplane flight). The next entries after NULL are information about transit movement at airports along the route of the parcel (airport coding according to IATA). Example PEK - Beijing, PVG - Shanghai, FRA - Frankfurt. AND last record– destination country code. This information was sent to me by my regular supplier from China.
And with the help of this tool (), you can check the correctness of the track number, as well as calculate the verification code using the known track number of your parcel.

Valuable parcels and letters are often sent by mail. Senders are worried about their safety, but thanks to special services it is now possible to track mail. Postal tracking makes it possible to ensure that the package will be delivered safely to the addressee.

Tracking postal items by ID

Tracking mail items by ID has become popular. Moreover, this procedure will not take much time, it is a matter of several minutes.

How are postal tracking performed using an identifier? Each parcel/letter that will be sent is assigned specific number, “observation” is being conducted on it.

The resource provides detailed information about each postal shipment, including its main parameters - weight, parcel status and its value.

What is a mail ID?

A postal identifier is a track number, it consists of numbers and letters and is unique. Using this code, any shipment is monitored throughout the entire journey, starting from the point of editing and ending with the final destination.

The postal identifier can be found in the receipt issued when sending a parcel at a Russian Post office. On standard receipt forms, the identification code appears above the From field.

Tracking of postal routes using an identification number can be done on our website. This method of “observation” is suitable both for postal shipments carried out within Russia and for those carried out between countries.

To track a postal item using an identification code, you do not need to waste time and nerves standing in queues. You just need to register on the website and enter the tracking number.

After entering the track code, you will be provided with information about the status of the shipment sent by mail, information about the date of receipt and delivery of the parcel to the addressee (if it has already taken place).

The advantages of this method of tracking parcels sent by mail are obvious. Information about the transportation of parcels can be obtained at email address, just save the code in your individual account, and the information will come to automatic mode. The benefit of this option is especially noticeable when you are waiting for several products ordered from different online stores at the same time.

Tracking items sent by mail using a track number is easy and convenient way"observation" of the movement of the parcel/letter. Thanks to the method of tracking the movement of postal items by identification number, you will always be aware of where the parcel you sent or expected is located.

Everything is very simple - to track a registered letter from the Russian Post, you just need to know its unique identifier (➤ where to find it, read here) ✅ Next, you will only need one action, a maximum of one and a half :) ➤ Enter mail ID registered letter to the tracking form and click on the “magnifying glass” image - we will happily and quickly do the rest for you. In a maximum of 10 seconds ⏳ our robot will track the letter and show all the information on the screen.

How long does it take for a registered letter?

A very popular question - let's say right away that there is no exact answer to it. Delivery times for registered letters depend on many factors listed below:

  • Distance between transportation points. The letter can be delivered within 24 hours after sending if we are talking about sending it within the same city. Sending a registered letter usually takes no more than 2 days within the cities-subjects of the Federation, or by the administrative centers of the district district. If the destinations are located at long distances (from 1000 km or more), then it is more difficult to answer how long it takes for a registered letter?
  • Weather. Delivery times for registered letters (as well as any other RPO) of Russian Post are calculated based on average statistical data, which does not take into account possible deterioration of weather conditions. This is especially true in winter because... heavy snowfalls do not allow special mail transport to quickly cover the route.
  • Possible mistakes when filling out a form or when transferring data to the database. We know of cases where mistakes were made by the sender or the postal worker. Most often they are associated with an incorrectly filled address or a postal code that does not correspond to it. In such cases, registered mail may be sent via the wrong route.

You can find out the estimated delivery time for registered mail by calling hotline Russian Post ➤link to page with phone number. Or use the calculator for calculating delivery times for letters on a special page of the Russian Post website: ➤ To find out how long a registered letter takes, enter the starting and final destinations, then the estimated weight of the letter or the number of sheets in it and the delivery method.

how long does it take for a letter from

Tracking Russian Post letters by track number

✅ Our online service provides the service of tracking Russian Post letters by track number - it is completely free, and the tracking process is faster ✈ than most similar sites. ➤ To track a letter by number, you need to enter it in a special window and click on the “tracking” button - we have this function performed by a “magic magnifying glass” :)

tracking letters by number

How to track a Russian Post letter?

    As we all know, the process of tracking letters on the official one ( is not the most convenient. And therefore, quite often many Russian Post clients have a question - how to track a letter? We will selflessly :) be happy to answer this question and help you track your letter. Tracking a letter is impossible without 2 components:
  • This is the track number assigned to the letter at the Russian Post office. If at this stage a question arises in your head - what is it? ➤ read the answer here.
  • A good, high-quality online email tracking service - don't worry, you've already found it :)

Enter the number into the window for tracking letters and click on the “magnifying glass” image - you see, tracking a letter is not as difficult as it seemed;)

How to track regular or registered mail by last name?

✅ There are often cases when site users were interested in the ability to track letters by last name. ➤ The good news is that we know everything existing methods track the letter, but there is also unpleasant news - unfortunately, by last name you can do this on this moment impossible. If any of the Internet resources offers you tracking by last name, we do not recommend doing this. As you probably know, “demand creates supply” and sometimes people who are not as good as us :) try to make money on this. Under the pretext of tracking the letter, you will be asked to enter your last name, and then most likely send an SMS and believe me, it will not be free;). As a result, you will not receive the promised information on the letter, thank you for your attention - be careful and good luck;)

What is a mail ID and where can I find it?

➤ So, let's try to quickly bring you up to date and tell you in a couple of sentences what a track number is - also known as a postal identifier. Oddly enough, none of these designations are used by the Russian Post in the check, which they kindly provide to you at the branch. ✅ RPO is exactly the official designation of this miracle number :) “RPO” stands for registered mail and it is this identifier that makes it possible to track your letter among thousands of others. As we already hinted above, you can find the tracking number of the letter in the cash register receipt, especially for you we took a photo of the Russian Post receipt and indicated the location of the track number with a hefty red arrow, good luck in the search;)

pochta ru track a letter by number

How to fill out an envelope?

    It would seem a common thing to fill out an envelope to send a letter, but it is important to do it correctly so that the letter is delivered as quickly as possible and to the right address. Not everything is so complicated, following our instructions you will become an expert :) in filling out envelopes, point by point:
  • It is necessary to indicate the sender/recipient addresses and their full names as clearly as possible
  • IN right bottom corner you must enter your contact information Sender
  • Left top corner fill in the Recipient's data
    Filling out the envelope - what to include in your contacts:
  • Full “Last Name First Name Patronymic” of the recipient and sender. If the recipient/sender is an organization, you can indicate its short name.
  • Numbers: streets, houses and apartments (if it is an apartment building and not a private house)
  • Full names of the settlements of the sender and recipient of the envelope
  • Name of district, region, region or republic
  • If the envelope is sent to another country, you must indicate its full name
  • PO Box number - if the envelope needs to be delivered to a location other than the recipient's address.
  • Please fill in the postal codes of the recipient and the sender carefully; due to an error in one digit, the envelope may “go” to the wrong place.

Below is a sample of how to fill out an envelope correctly:

how to sign an envelope

Thank you very much for choosing our service - we appreciate it and are constantly working to improve the entire process of tracking Russian Post letters.

The state enterprise "Russian Post" (FSUE) was established by government decree of September 5, 2002. The enterprise was officially registered and adopted its Charter on February 13, 2003.

Russian Post has in its network 86 regional branches, 42,000 branches and about 350,000 employees, of which 87% are women. The company provides delivery and postal services in the territory of Russian Federation with an area of ​​17,000,000 square kilometers. Russian Post operates in 9 time zones, delivering postal items to 2,600,000 road, 1,200 air and 106 railway routes.

The company owns 18,000 trucks, 827 vans, 4 ships, 4 helicopters and one horse.

Russian Post plays an important role in the national infrastructure. The company greatly influences the development of other sectors.

Every year, Russian Post employees receive and send more than 2.4 billion. parcels and postal items, 1.7 billion printed products, 595 million utility bills and other bills, 488 million pensions and benefits, and 113 million remittances.

The company operates under the leadership of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The main office of the company is located in Moscow.

History of Russian Post

On June 28, 2002, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, a new concept was adopted for the restructuring of the postal system at federal level. This concept involved the unification of all post offices of the country into one organization for centralized control and distribution of resources. The enterprise is state-owned and controlled at the federal level.

Over time, the range of activities of the Russian Post was supplemented by retail trade, the federal service for money transfers, express delivery EMS, photo printing and many other services.

Russian Post parcel tracking

The Russian Post parcel tracking system allows all clients of this company to check postal status online. The system quickly generates data and provides all available information about the parcel and where it is currently located.

Russian Post parcel tracking numbers

Russian Post parcel tracking codes differ in types and can have different appearances.

  1. Packages, small parcels and registered letters tracked by 14-digit number.
  2. Parcels and parcels are assigned a special code which consists of 4 letters and 9 numbers:
    • The first 2 letters indicate the type of shipment
    • 9 digits - unique code departures
    • The last 2 letters indicate the country from which the parcel was sent
  3. Parcels EMS - international express delivery of items. Tracking Number EMS parcels the same as for regular international shipments, except for the fact that the code begins with the letter E

Examples of parcel tracking numbers:

  • 14568859621458 - internal parcel tracking code
  • CQ---US (CQ123456785US) – parcel or small item from the USA, postal package
  • RA---CN (RA123456785CN) – parcel from China
  • RJ---GB (RJ123456785GB) – parcel from the UK
  • RA---RU (RA123456785RU) - if the parcel was not registered before entering the territory of the Russian Federation, Russian Post can assign an internal tracking number.

Russian Post tracking numbers are compiled in accordance with the international S10 standard, allowing parcels to be tracked by both the sender and the recipient, and the implementation of the Russian Post electronic tracking system makes this even easier.

How to track a Russian Post parcel?

In order to find out where your parcel is, you need to pay attention to the following.

  1. To find out information about estimated arrival time and other details, you should use the tracking number Russian Post. This is a special tracking code that is unique for any parcel. It must be provided to you by the sender (online store, company or individual).
  2. Fill in the search field located at the top of the web page with this tracking code.
  3. Click the “Track” button and wait for the report to be ready.

Russian Post tracking

Russian Post tracks both parcels sent within the Russian Federation and international shipments, including EMS express mail. Domestic Russian Post shipments are tracked using a 14-digit track code, the first six digits indicating the sender's postal code. International shipments of Russian Post begin and end with 2 letters, the first two indicate the type of parcel, and the last two indicate the sender's country.

How to track a parcel in Russia?

Tracking a Russian Post parcel in the Russian Federation is quite simple. In order to start tracking your parcel, you need to have the parcel tracking code on hand. Russian Post tracks shipments using 14-digit slate tracking codes for domestic parcels and 13-digit codes for international parcels. To quickly and easily track your Russian Post parcel, enter the parcel's track number in the field above and BoxTracker will check your parcel and determine its location.

How to find a parcel by Russian Post tracking number

Russian Post parcels are located by postal tracking number. Domestic tracking numbers contain 14 digits, starting with the postal code of the sender or the department that issued the package. For example, if the parcel was sent from Moscow from the Russian Post office on Shelepikhinskaya Embankment with the index 123290, then the departure code will look like 12329000000000. International parcels processed by Russian Post can be tracked using a standardized 13-digit code typical of international shipments for postal services around the world. The first two letters indicate the type of item, then 9 unique digits of the item, and the last two letters indicate the sender's country code.

Parcel tracking ZA..LV, ZA..HK

This type of parcel differs from other international shipments in that these parcels are handled using a simplified system thanks to the cooperation of the Russian Post with the most popular online store for Russian citizens - Aliexpress. Thanks to this cooperation, the procedure for registering parcels with Aliexpress has been simplified, making shipment faster and cheaper. Such parcels have tracking codes like ZA000000000LV, ZA000000000HK.

Parcel tracking ZJ..HK

Parcels with a tracking code starting with ZJ are parcels of purchases made by Russians from the Joom online store. Just as in the case of Aliexpress, Joom entered into a partnership with Russian Post, thereby reducing the cost of delivering parcels with Joom, as well as significantly speeding up the shipping process itself from registration to delivery time.

When tracking, Joom parcels can have one of three statuses:

  • Package sent
  • The parcel arrived at the office
  • The parcel has been received by the addressee

Tracking parcels from China

Postal parcels from China may not have complete information about the location of the parcel, but the most important information you will have in your hands. The main stages of tracking will be available to you, and this is the most important thing. Parcels from China along their route pass through postal centers in Latvia and Hong Kong, which is why the letters LV and HK are assigned at the end of the track code, not CN.

What to do if you can’t track your parcel?

There may be several reasons why the track number may not be tracked. Most of these reasons are easily solvable, and sometimes do not require special solutions. The main reasons why a package is not tracked by track number:

  1. Not enough time has passed since the parcel was sent and the number has not yet entered the database. Sometimes it happens that the track number is not tracked until 10 days from the day the parcel was sent. The main thing here is to be patient and wait until the parcel begins to be tracked in the system.
  2. The tracking number is incorrect. In this case, you need to check the tracking number again with the seller or sender. Also check that the number is spelled correctly. You may have made a mistake when copying or typing a number on the keyboard.

In any case, you should not worry, although the reasons why the track code is not tracked are not limited to those listed, there is always a solution. As a rule, all parcels reach the addressee, and in extreme cases, you can always open a dispute in the online store and you will get your money back.

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