The best start pages. IGoogle is gone - a review of the best start pages for browsers. Browser start page

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Live Start Page is an application for Google Chrome, which replaces the standard start/ new page in Chrome to the addon page. The main differences from the standard page:

  • "Live wallpaper;
  • To-Do List for maintaining tasks;
  • Clock on the page;

I have written that I can buy Live Start Page. If I don't buy, can I continue to use the Live Start Page for free?

Yes! If you purchase the Live Start Page Pro plan, you will have access to some additional features, such as: synchronization, the ability to change the search engine, advanced weather forecast and some others. At the same time, all standard features (live themes, task list, speed dial) will remain free and you can use them without any restrictions.

Now let's link these two pages. Main Link to the second page. It is interesting to note that we have the ability to see where we will take the link before clicking on it. We only need to place the mouse on the link, but not click it. Then in the lower left corner of the window we see the address of the new page.

Look at the results we have and try clicking the link. Once we've successfully landed on the second page of our site, it's time to go back. On this moment it can't be because there is no link on the page yet. Information Link to main page.

What should I do to get "live" wallpapers?

1) Install the application.

2) After installation, you will see a page with themes. Click on the desired theme and click on Install, then it will start downloading.

3) Click on Additional settings. Here you can turn off Site Block, Clock, To-Do and Parralax effect. Just uncheck the items you don't need.

Use image for link

The result is a working website with two pages linked to each other. Sometimes the situation calls for using an image as a link. The reasons may vary, but most often we use a link image when we have a photo gallery. They usually consist of two options, small and large, which gives us a more detailed view. Clicking on one of the smaller photos opens a new page where we can see the same picture in a larger size.

Other times we use graphic elements that tell us what will happen if we interact with them. All we need to do is combine the elements. So we provide additional information search engines for the link recipient. In this exercise, we will again create two pages. In "Page 1" we will place a small picture that will serve as a link to "Page 2" where the visitor can see a larger version of the same photo. In "Page 2" we'll add a text link to take us back to the "Page 1" page.

4) Open a new Google page Chrome and you will see our application.

How can I change the wallpaper to another one?

2) Select the desired theme and download it.

How to make the Live Start Page automatically open in a new page in the Opera browser?

1) Click on the Settings button.

The first option will be slightly larger than what we will use on home page. This will take us to the second page where we will use a larger and more detailed image. This is also a common practice and has its advantages and disadvantages.

This is the code for two pages. Link via image. Open a large version of the photo. The result is two beautiful pages. Also, let's make the text " big version” is also a link leading to the second page. The code will remain almost unchanged, except for the newly created link. Open the home page in a browser and try clicking on the links. Everything should work fine.

2) Check the box next to Set LiveStartPage as start page

How can I upload my background?

Select Your Uploads from the Static background menu. Click on Upload New Background and upload your picture.

My browser is slow, what should I do?

1) Try installing a theme with a lower resolution. To do this, select 360 resolution in the desired theme.

We will also introduce another extremely useful element attribute that serves to provide additional information. Hope you find a lot useful information in this lesson. If you have difficulty with the activities in the exercises or want to add something to the lesson, you can share your comment in the form below.

Congratulations, this is the end of this tutorial! You get a delicious bun for a reward

We asked our readers what they use as the default or homepage of their browser. There are many possibilities, so the discussion was very good. Readers have expressed their opinions here in particular with respect to several popular varieties: blank page, regular website, web service, and tiles from favorite or most common sites. These prevailing views are now a little closer to our readers' comments.

2) Turn off the Parallax effect. To do this, open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html and uncheck Parallax there.

How do I sync my dials, tasks and settings?

1) Log in to your LiveStartPage account.

You can then express your opinion in the discussion of the article and in the poll added here on the right. Classic, white, blank page. Nothing spoils her, she will not harm anyone, she does not hold back. The blank page, which is usually referred to as: blank, has been very popular in the last few years. At a minimum, the browser, system, and system load quickly and do not download data from the Internet unnecessarily.

It's not surprising to install another plugin when there are many add-ons in his browser. Especially when you get two favorite clicks in your favorite bookmarks. IN Lately the increasingly popular use of various web services is becoming more popular, offering editable introductory index content at the beginning.

2) Click the Synchronization button.

3) When synchronizing for the first time, you will need to select the desired option:
Merge Data- Combine the information in your browser with the information that is already on the server (for example, you have already done synchronization on another computer).
Server data- Downloads all server information to your browser. In this case, the data on your computer will be overwritten!
Computer Data- Upload information from your browser to the server. In this case, the data on the server will be overwritten!
Select the desired option and wait for the synchronization to finish.

Select browser manufacturer's pages

This is especially noticeable at the first start or when the computer is rebooted. The accelerating pointer is present when the browser starts. Contains links to the browser's most frequently visited, favorites, selected authors, or the user's website itself. Others have a combination of blank and tiles, services and tiles, and simple web pages and tiles. The portal also displays new emails on your own server after logging in.

How do I sync my dials, tasks and settings?

Most users set one of the most popular horizontal portals as a start page in their browser. This is definitely good decision for those who want quick access to the latest information. There are, however, vastly better home pages that may be much better suited to your needs.

How can I remove visual bookmarks?

Open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html and uncheck Show Block.

How can I change the number of sites in the Site Block?

Open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html Change the number in Number of sites.

Homepage is meant to be Starting point for what we will do online. In situations where our use of the Web is limited to our Class, of course, this site will be our "master". As you can see, it all depends on how we use the Internet and what it serves us.

The purpose of this site is to give the user access to four of his favorite Internet sites as quickly as possible. They are hidden under four squares with logos specific to a particular page. We can determine which page will be in a particular area. We have several dozen of the most popular sites in the world. We then move on to adding additional sources information. The flexibility of this site deserves special praise. The form of this site depends primarily on what it needs and expects from start page user. In addition to a huge number of gadgets, we also have the ability to customize appearance by selecting any graphic theme. Speed ​​Dial. You have the option to specify multiple or multiple fields to which specific sites have been assigned. As a rule, the list refers to sites that we visit very often and regularly. Thanks to the speed dial, we always have them at hand. A: blank, it's just a blank page. With a blank start page, we minimize the risk that our focus will be reversed and we won't be able to do what we just did. In addition, we may not need to wait for the site to load with all the content, which can slow down the browser. Extensions make it easier and faster to access frequently performed tasks.

How to change the look of the clock?

Open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html In the Clock options, you can change the appearance of the clock, as well as its type of time display: 12 hour or 24 hour.

How to add a new task in the Task List?

Click on Tasks. Write the task in the field and press Enter.

One note - don't overdo it with the number of add-ons installed because too many aren't great. However, what surprised me personally is that even installing dozens of add-ons does not cause a noticeable slowdown in the browser. You will find many useful additions, which perfectly complement those described below.

Screen capture

You have to admit that he has potential. It allows you to simply edit the dump by inserting a line, highlighting a significant part of the page, blurring information that should not be found in the dump, and also has a simple drawing function. Handle your browser with mouse gestures. Do you need anything else?

I don't like the picture moving. How to remove it?

Open the link chrome-extension://ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj/pages/options/options.html and uncheck Parallax.

My browser slows down when using the Live Start Page...

Try enabling hardware acceleration for video decoding in google settings Chrome. For this:

What should I do to get "live" wallpapers?

It needs to be copied and run manually. We see the thumbnails of the pages visited, but they are completely unreadable and diligent. I think it looks really good, take a look at the screenshot below. This extension simplifies the whole process. The bottom line is that nowadays 90% of flash sites are ads. Thanks to this extension, you will get rid of them forever, and if you want to play one movie in flash with one click, everything will be back to normal.

You have an incredibly important job to do, but you feel completely creative impotence. One click and you land on a completely completely unknown website with some very cool content that is sure to be far more absorbing than the work you're about to do.

1) Open the chrome://flags/ page

2) Find the option Hardware acceleration for video decoding.

3) Click the Enable button.

Speed ​​Dial - FAQ

How to add a new site?

Click on the + button and in the window that appears, specify the name and link of the site, as well as its group.

How to add a new group?

Open the right panel.

Click on Add Group. Specify the group name and click on Ok.

How to delete a group?

Right click on the group name - Delete group.

How to rename a group?

Right click on group name - Rename group.

How to move a group to another place in the list?

Click on the group name and without releasing the mouse button move the group up or down.

How to change the name of a dil, its URL or transfer it to another group?

Right click on dial - Edit dial.

How to remove dil?

Click on the X button that will appear when you hover over the name of the dealer.

I don't need a group Popular sites

How to change the number of columns?

Personally, until recently, I did not use the start page of my browser at all. By default it was just Google search and all. But, the news that Google is shutting down iGoogle (the start page with news, widgets, and more) resonated among users and I decided to find out if iGoogle has analogues and is it worth using them? It is worth noting that on the Internet you can find dozens of different start pages. Therefore, we decided to focus on the most worthwhile ones and those that have the most functionality.

The main feature of Netvibes is its focus on your RSS. It has a bunch of widgets, including weather, news, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, stocks, and more. There are also widgets for many popular sites, but if you do not find your favorite site in their list, you can simply insert it on your page, the functionality allows this.

On our list, Netvibes takes the lead in customization. It has literally everything from changing topics to its own RSS reader. There is only one drawback - if you cannot configure it correctly and in detail, you are unlikely to like it.

Protopage is very similar to Netvibes. You also have your own personal page, which you can customize as you wish, changing topics, number of bookmarks, and more. It has built-in widgets, however the emphasis is on the fact that you can create your own widgets by adding to your page social media, email or by creating them from other web pages.

Unlike Netvibs, Protopage is easier to use. Widgets move very smoothly and stay where you put them. The only problem is that the number of built-in widgets is small and you can easily not find the ones you need among them.

Symbaloo will delight fans of the tiled interface with its design. Each widget in it is a separate square, when clicked, it opens in the center of the screen. By clicking on the square with recipes, a window with a search bar will appear in the center of the screen, and when you click on the encyclopedia widget, a Wikipedia search will open.

The interesting thing is that users can share the created pages, so you can always find yourself a cool template. There is also a separate news tab, by clicking on which you will get a list of the latest news, which will be sorted by importance.

uStart is more geared towards social functions. There are widgets for your favorite RSS, Instagram, Twitter, notes, and more. Also, it has a bunch of settings and you can customize each widget to your liking. And if you had an iGoogle or Netvibes account, you can even transfer your settings here.

This service has the largest number of widgets among its competitors, and the number of settings for each of them will shock you. However, its interface does not look very good, so it can be repulsive. In all other respects - the service is cool!

My Yahoo

I put My Yahoo at the bottom, not because it's bad, but because its usefulness to us is questionable. My Yahoo is by far the most beautiful service of all those listed above, but it is the least tailored for Russian-speaking countries. For example, in the weather forecast, I could not even find my city!

In addition, the number of settings here is minimal and many will not like it. My Yahoo also has the ability to import from iGoogle, so switching from the latter will be absolutely painless. If you know English well and you are not embarrassed by poor integration with the Russian-speaking Internet, then you will like My Yahoo 100%.

It is difficult to say which service is the best, since each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. But you can decide which service will be the best for you. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to try each of them, so you will quickly choose your favorite.

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