Rating of demand for programming languages. The most popular programming languages. Programming languages ​​for beginners

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Among all programming languages, these 15 are the most popular.

1. Java

Java is the most popular programming language. Based on it, competent programmers make scalable applications for thousands and thousands of users. Java also main language developing applications for Android smartphones and tablets.

2. JavaScript

The most modern websites are based on JavaScript. Not a bad language if you want to add fun interactivity to your site or write a user-friendly interface.

3. C#

C# is the main development language on the Microsoft platform. If you are developing web applications for Azure and .NET, C# is the most quick way bring together everything that Gates' brainchild has to offer. Want to make a toy? C# is also used to develop game engines.


When creating applications, did you have to work with a large amount of data? RNR will be perfect. It’s not for nothing that the vast majority of sites that deal with tons of information are built on it. It is also the basis for excellent systems complex content management like WordPress.

5. C++

Do you want to build something very complex? Then you will have to turn directly to the hardware and master all its powers. C++ is an excellent choice for developing powerful software, heavy games and anything that requires large amounts of memory.


Python can combine the functionality of all the above languages. Applications, interfaces, data analysis, statistics - if there is a problem, solve it in Python. Python is now regularly used by scientists to wade through massive amounts of economic and industrial data.


Why is C still popular? Because of the size. With very small, fast and powerful. If you need to make software for embedded systems or put together all the technical resources, C is always at hand and ready for battle.


There is always a lot of information. It's everywhere and it's complex. SQL makes it possible to find exactly the information you need. And quickly, reliably and correctly. SQL helps you find information in large databases.

9. Ruby

If you want to revive an old project or prototype, but add new idea- use Ruby. Ruby is a very easy language to learn, given its potential power, plus it powers many popular applications from all over the world.

10. Objective-C

Let's say you need to make applications for iOS. Then forward to Objective-C. While last year everyone was trying to master new language from Apple Swift, Objective-C stood as a giant and supported the entire “Apple” ecosystem.

11. Perl

Is Perl mysterious? Yes. Is Perl difficult? Yes. Is it true that this is a great language that is often used in cyber security? Also true. Perl appeared at the very beginning of the Internet and is still key tool IT specialist.


It is not a programming language, but rather Microsoft's key platform for creating programs and applications. Mikey did their best, .NET is moving to Google from Apple, so now it has become a multi-platform tool.

13. Visual Basic

Visual Basic is a language in which you can solve any problem. It helps build business and automation applications key programs Office is like Excel. It can also be used to solve simple tasks, and tasks for a superman.

14. R

R heads " Big data“revolution, and in 2015 those who will be engaged in data analysis should definitely know it. In science, business and social media, R is used wherever statistical analysis is needed.

15. Swift

Even though it's not even a year old, Swift has captured the eyes and keyboards of countless developers around the world. It has become a new, fast and easy way to develop applications for Mac and iOS. Swift's friendly syntax allows almost anyone who has spent at least six months coding to master programming.

Half of the positions in the ranking of the 25 highest-paying occupations of 2016, according to the job and career site Glassdoor, are IT jobs that require programming skills. The Coding Dojo programming school analyzed advertisements on the world's largest job aggregator indeed.com, compiling the top of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world in 2016.


Topping the list is SQL, a “structured query language” used to create, modify, and manipulate data in an arbitrary relational database managed by an appropriate DBMS. Database technologies (MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server) are used by both international corporations and small businesses and government agencies. In fact, almost every computer and person with access to technology eventually comes into contact with SQL. For example, all Android smartphones and iPhones have access to the database SQL data ite, and many of the most popular mobile applications, developed by Google, Skype or Dropbox, use it.

2. Java

The global technology community has recently developed an object-oriented language Java programming. It is one of the most widely used languages, used by 9 million developers and 7 billion devices.

With Java and its frameworks, developers can create scalable web applications for a wide range of users. Java is also the main language used to develop native Android applications for smartphones and tablets.

The popularity of Java among developers is due to the simplicity and reliability of the language, which ensures long-term compatibility of products written in it. In the coming years, we should not expect the end of the Java era, on which the sites of IT giants LinkedIn.com, Netflix.com and Amazon.com are built.

3. JavaScript

Almost every modern website uses JavaScript elements is a prototype-oriented scripting programming language. It is most widely used in browsers as a scripting language for adding interactivity to web pages, as well as when building user interfaces with one of a dozen popular JavaScript frameworks. For example, in recent years JavaScript has gained widespread use as the basis for Node.js, a server-side technology that, among other things, enables real-time communication.

4. C#

C# is a relatively new object-oriented programming language that dates back to 2000 and is the main language for development on platforms and Microsoft services. Be it developing modern web applications using Azure and .NET, applications for Windows devices, or powerful desktop applications for business. C#, the evolution of its predecessors C and C++, is the fastest way to take advantage of everything Microsoft has to offer. In addition, it is one of the main languages ​​for developing games using the Unity engine.


Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language aimed at improving developer productivity and code readability. Web applications, user interfaces, data analysis, statistics - whatever problem you need to find a solution for, Python will most likely have a suitable framework.

This is an excellent choice of language for both beginners and experienced programmers. Python has recently supplanted Java as the main initial language programming, with the help of which students are initiated into the world of computer science. Thus, 8 out of 10 computer science departments in the United States and 27 out of 39 top universities use Python to teach students programming.

Academic popularity has led to the fact that in recent years Python has been increasingly used as the main tool for processing huge amounts of data in almost any industry.

NASA and Reddit sites are written in Python.

6. C++

The heir to the “ancient” C, C++ is an ideal choice for developing a powerful “desktop” software, games with hardware acceleration, as well as applications for PC, consoles and mobile devices that require large volume memory for work. The creator of C++, Björn Stroustrup, has been keeping track of applications written in this language since 1983. Among them - Adobe applications and Microsoft, MongoDB databases, a significant part of Mac OS/X.


The brainchild of a Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP was created as a set of tools necessary to save the personal page (Personal Home Page) of the creator. Today, PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that, along with databases (for example, MySQL), is intensively used for developing web applications.

The majority of websites focused on large volume data. It is also a fundamental technology powerful systems content management like WordPress.

8. Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a dynamic programming language with open source code and an emphasis on simplicity and productivity. Its main area of ​​application is the development of web applications. Ruby on Rails is a framework written in Ruby that provides integration of web applications with a web server and a database server. Among the advantages that make Ruby on Rails popular among small startups and global corporations is the speed of development (code capacity and a wide selection of third-party libraries).

Ruby on Rails has been used to create such popular sites as Twitter, SoundCloud, Airbnb, Basecamp, GitHub, Hulu.

9. Swift

In the summer of 2014, at the WWDC conference, Apple introduced its own Swift programming language as a replacement for the long-standing Objective C. Swift is favored by its developers for its safety (it is difficult to accidentally introduce critical bugs into it) and modernity. Another key factor is the “expressiveness” of the language, where to get the same result in Swift you need to go far fewer lines code than in Objective-C.

Analysts predict continued growth for Swift in the coming years. This technology is currently used by LinkedIn, Lyft, Vimeo, Pixelmator and other companies. There is even talk of Google switching from Java to Apple's programming language when developing applications for Android.

IN modern world programming is one of the most thriving branches of technological progress. The need to work with programs is not questioned, since nowadays almost any activity is computerized. This is why good programmers are very highly valued both in Russia and abroad.

Briefly about programming languages

A programming language is a system of interconnected characters necessary to write computer programs. In addition, there is a set of rules that affect the type of program. Depending on these rules, the computer performs computational processes or controls objects. This method of creating programs is intended exclusively for interaction between a person and a computer.

There are two main types of programming languages:

  1. Standard (a set of elements representing its syntax and semantics).
  2. The embodiment of the standard (the software itself that makes it possible to ensure the operation of the standard).

Despite the power and versatility of existing this moment languages, no syntax is universal. The diversity of systems forces us to invent new versions of languages. Spreading multi-core processors and mobility created new job for developers.

Historical reference

Since the creation of the first electronic computers, about eight thousand languages ​​have been invented for composing programs. And now they continue to be created almost daily. True, many of them are known only to the creators themselves, but some of them are available for use by millions of people.

The origins of programming belong to the nineteenth century. To some extent, programmable devices include, for example, looms and mechanical pianos. The principle of controlling them was based on instructions, which can be considered a prototype of current programming languages, only very simplified and primitive.

The founder of the creation of programming languages ​​is Ada Augusta Lovelace, a British mathematician who in the mid-nineteenth century wrote a program for calculating Bernoulli numbers intended for the Analytical Engine. It is she who is considered in honor of the mathematician and named one of the programming languages.


With the development of technical industries, the need arose to create programs that control the processes of calculation and creation of something. From here, a wide variety of programming languages ​​began to appear.

Here are some of them:

  • Assembler - language low level, designed to interact directly with hardware.
  • BASIC is the easiest to program; needed for initial mastery of automation tools.
  • "Kobol" - high level; used to solve economic problems.
  • "Fortran" - high level; was created to algorithmize computational problems.
  • "Ada" - high level; created to automate process management (named after Ada Lovelace).
  • Pascal was developed for teaching programming.
  • C and C++ are a universal language for solving any problems; based on the system programmer's requirements.

Popular languages

  • JavaScript.
  • Java.
  • Python.

Judging by the ratings, the most popular languages ​​are JavaScript and Java. This is not surprising because they are built into browsers Google Chrome and Safari, which are very frequently used by many people on the planet. In addition, these funds are used in the most popular programs AdobeAcrobat and Reader. This means that the ranking of programming languages ​​is based on the popularity of certain tools among users.

But according to IEEESpectrum magazine, the most popular is C. It is followed by Java, Python and C++. This sequence is determined by searching for results using special queries on well-known sites.

Tiobe Index

Tiobe is an index that allows you to determine the popularity and demand (rating) of programming languages. Calculation is made according to search queries containing the name of a particular language.

The ranking of Tiobe programming languages ​​is presented as follows: Java is in first place, C is in second place, and C++ is in third place. As of March 2016, Java occupied 25% of the market in popularity among other languages. The popularity of C decreased by 2% and amounted to 14%. ObjectiveC has significantly lost its position, which is surprising, because it is the main one on the iPhone and iPad platforms. JavaScript is also losing its popularity, moving to the bottom of the list.

Frequently used languages

When creating an OS, it is impossible to predict what exactly the user will need. Sometimes it happens that the OS lacks a function that is not provided. It is for their creation that programming languages ​​are needed, with the help of which special code is written and implemented. It is recognized by the computer and edits the program or creates an auxiliary one. For such tasks, the most popular languages ​​are C and C++, as well as BASIC and Pascal. They usually create systems for Windows and DOS.

Languages ​​for writing programs are divided into two groups:

  1. Client-side (represented by JavaScript).
  2. Server-side (HTML is a good example).

By the way, it is HTML that tops the ranking of programming languages. Its advantages are that HTML templates can be easily recognized by any existing browser. This language is basic; without knowledge of it it is impossible to move on to higher levels of programming.

Demand for languages

The ranking of the demand for programming languages ​​is based on their relevance in various areas of employment. Financial systems require complex and varied programming tools, such as Java and C#. But for web pages and similar programs, a simple and concise language is needed, for example, JavaScript or Ruby.

The most sought-after knowledge among employers is SQL knowledge. On its basis, databases such as MySQL and Microsoft SQL were created, which are used by many large institutions. Apart from this, all Android and IOS phones have access to a SQL database called SQLite.

Thus, we can conclude. The 2016 ranking of programming languages ​​is presented by tools that are very similar in popularity, use and demand. But there are still differences, and the reason for this is the different requirements of individual areas of activity.

If you want to learn new programming languages ​​2016, then you are on the right track. With the passage of time and the need to improve productivity, new programming languages ​​such as Swift and Go are becoming more widespread. So, choose a new weapon and start learning one of these in-demand programming languages.

Even languages ​​such as HTML, Java, JavaScript, C++, etc. remain the basis for the development of the modern IT industry, in which there is no shortage of new programming languages ​​appearing every day. Some of them are even weird and ridiculous, like TrumpScript, and other "lucky ones" like Emojicode.
In recent years, many emerging languages ​​have had an impact on the world of technology. Thanks to their simplicity and convenience, they managed to surpass more established languages.

From time to time, we present to you best languages programming 2016. However, in addition to mastering a popular programming language, programmers must learn new skills to remain in demand.

So, in this article I want to tell you about the new programming languages ​​of 2016 that should interest you. These languages ​​are quickly gaining popularity in the charts and earning positive reviews.

We'll start our list of new programming languages ​​with Go. Also known as Golang, Go is an open source programming language that was created by three Google employees and launched in 2009.

Go is a derivative of popular programming languages ​​such as C and Java, it offers concise notations and strives to keep code simpler and more readable. The language's developers, Robert Griesmer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson, said that the complexity of C++ was their main motivator.

This simple programming language performs most of its tasks using only the standard library. Combining the speed of dynamic languages ​​such as Python with the reliability of C/C++, Go has become an ideal tool for building data-intensive distributed systems.

2. Swift

Apple introduced the Swift programming language at the 2014 WWDC as a replacement for Objective-C. Designed to be simple in nature, Swift focuses on speed and security.

Later, in December 2015, Apple released Swift as open source under the Apache license. Since its launch, Swift has been in high demand and has become one of the most in-demand programming languages.

Learning Swift will guarantee you a bright future as it gives you the ability to code apps for Apple's iOS ecosystem.

3. Rust

The newest programming language, it was developed by Mozilla in 2014, and according to a survey from StackOverflow in 2016, Rust was voted the most favorite programming language.

Rust was developed by Mozilla as an alternative to C++ and focuses on "performance, concurrency, and memory safety."

Rust was built from the ground up and uses modern programming language architecture. The language supports a large number of developments and libraries.

4. Julia

The Julia programming language was designed to help mathematicians and scientists. It positions itself at a high level and is a dynamic programming solution for process computing.

Julia is slowly gaining more users, with its growth rate doubling every nine months. Julia is now considered one of the highest paid skills in the finance industry.

5. Hack

Hack is another new programming language that was created by tech giant Facebook in 2014.

Facebook has also released an open source version of the programming language as part of its in-house HHVM platform under development.

6. Scala

Scala is not the newest programming language compared to other languages ​​on this list. It may be a relatively difficult language to learn, but time invested in Scala will not be in vain.

Its sophisticated features allow you to write better performance-oriented codes. It is an object-oriented and functional programming language that allows you to write scalable code. It was created with the purpose of developing " best Java» code, Scala is becoming a popular language in large companies.

Did you find this article helpful? Don't forget to leave your feedback in the comments below and tell us what you think are the best programming languages ​​of 2016 worth learning.

The modern economy is increasingly dependent on information systems, high-tech solutions and products and therefore urgently needs qualified personnel. Moreover, the demand is so great that employers do not skimp on salaries for specialists in short supply.

Today, the opinions of labor market experts about the demand for certain IT specialists are largely similar: there are not enough high-class professionals, especially programmers. As for the heads of IT departments of companies, now the demand for them is not high, but there are many more people willing to take such a position than there are corresponding vacancies.

The editors of the DailyComm portal conducted a small survey among recruiting companies and found out which IT specialists are most in demand in Russia today.

Head of the recruiting department of the iChar recruitment agency, specializing in the selection of IT specialists, Nadezhda Borisova:

“We have been working in the market for recruiting IT specialists in Russia, the CIS and Europe for several years now. During this time, a certain rating of the most sought-after specialists in IT has been formed, for whom there has been a serious struggle for several years in a row.

First of all, these are Java developers. As a rule, companies are “hunting” for people at the Senior level, or senior developers. This hunt sometimes gets to the point where a developer, having posted his resume on hh.ru at two o’clock in the afternoon, receives fifteen calls from recruiters and about the same number of emails by the end of working hours.

In second place in demand, perhaps, are web developers. Here we, of course, mostly refer to PHP, but specialists with experience in Ruby-on-Rails and Python are also valuable. Moreover, while small web studios usually require mid-level people or even novice programmers, large and well-known projects and companies place much higher demands on specialists.

If you had asked us a year ago, we would have put iOS and Android developers in third place. Developers for mobile platforms were in great demand in 2012, but today the hype around this topic has died down a little (perhaps because there are too many players on the market).

And today we put Front-end developers in third place: there are a great many js frameworks, there are also enough projects that need experienced specialists, but there are not enough developers.

Last but not least in importance, I would like to mention system administrators. Good administrators are always worth their weight in gold, especially those who can be called universal specialists - so that both Win and *nix know. It happens, and vice versa, quite often people with expert knowledge of, say, virtualization technologies are required - this already depends on the specific employing company.

Of course, “pluses” have not gone away and are still needed, although disputes in communities do not stop on the topic that C++ as a language has outlived its usefulness. We also need ERP consultants, "Axapters" and 1C developers."

Head of the recruiting group at the recruitment agency Re Consa Ekaterina Chislova:

"Programmers were and remain the most in demand in the IT sphere: 1C - since this system is traditional for Russia and is used in many companies (such people are needed both on the developer/implementer side and on the client side). C++ developers are also needed, The choice of vacancies in this area is usually quite rich.

Very in demand Java programmers, as well as developers using other technologies, for example, ASP.NET, SharePoint. In addition, the labor market also values ​​professionals in the field of business automation and production based on SAP systems, etc. There is a special “hunt” for high-level programmers (leading programmers, team leads). By the way, a number of companies are trying to compensate for the small number of rare “IT specialists” on the market by opening their own corporate universities.

Further, technical support specialists traditionally remain in demand, since there are corresponding vacancies in almost any large company that has some kind of computer system. In addition, there is a great demand for testers.

Development Director of the recruiting company "IT-Dominanta" Denis Kalanov:

"In the first place are programmers, among whom Java programmers are especially in demand, then programmers mobile devices (OS Android and iOS), followed by programmers in the field of web development, in particular, on the increasingly popular Ruby&Rails platform, then PHP programmers, C#, etc.

In second place are testers; first of all, we are talking about automation engineers (these are almost programmers, people who develop and use auto-tests for testing).

There is a high demand for technical support specialists with knowledge of one or more foreign languages."

So, based on the comments of experts, we can identify the top most sought-after specialists in the domestic IT industry.

1. Java programmers and developers. Employers offer applicants for these vacancies salaries ranging from 15 to 250 thousand rubles, depending on qualifications.
2. Web developers. These specialists can earn from 10 to 200 thousand rubles per month.
3. Developers for iOS/Android mobile platforms. The monthly salary of such a specialist ranges from 25 to 200 thousand rubles.
4. Front-end developers. They earn from 25 to 150 thousand rubles per month.
5. Software testers. In a month, such specialists can earn from 15 to 150 thousand rubles and more.
6. 1C programmers. There is always a demand for them, and employers offer from 10 to 170 thousand rubles per month for the services of these specialists.
7. Programmers of C++ and related programming languages. Employers are willing to pay from 25 to 150 thousand rubles for their work.
8. System administrators. Their wages range from 15 to 125 thousand rubles per month.
9. ERP consultants. Such specialists receive from 40 to 140 thousand rubles per month.

Salary data - portal hh.ru.

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