Audio player on html web page. Mastering the HTML5 audio tag. Inserting audio and music in HTML5 - audio tag

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Adds, plays, and manages audio settings on a web page. The path to the file is specified via the src attribute or a subtag. You can write text inside the container that will be displayed in browsers that do not work with this tag.

The list of codecs supported by browsers is limited and is given in table. 1.

Table 1. Codecs and browsers
Codec Internet Explorer Chrome Opera Safari Firefox

For universal playback in specified browsers, audio is encoded using different codecs and files are added simultaneously through the tag.

Syntax Attributes The sound starts playing immediately after the page loads. Adds a control panel to an audio file. Repeats the sound from the beginning after it ends. Used to download a file along with loading a web page. Specifies the path to the file being played. Closing tag


HTML5 IE 8 IE 9+ Cr Op Sa Fx


Alexander Klimenkov - Fourteen

The audio tag is not supported by your browser. Download music.

The result of the example in the Opera browser is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Play an audio file


Audio playback controls vary in appearance between browsers, but the basic elements are the same. These are the play/pause button, track length, elapsed and total playing time, and volume level.

Previously, browsers did not have built-in capabilities to support audio and video content, but with the development of the Internet, support for multimedia elements as a feature of modern browsers has become a necessity. HTML5 introduced new elements and , which are supported in all modern browsers. The main purpose of the tag is to add audio content to the page.

The audio file format determines the structure and presentation features of audio data when stored on a storage medium (storage device). To eliminate redundancy of audio data, as a rule, special audio codecs are used, thanks to which audio data is compressed. Modern browsers support the following 3 audio formats:

MP3 Wav Ogg BrowserOpera I.E. Edge
  • The MP3 format is a codec and a container at the same time. It is widely used everywhere to host downloaded music.
  • The WAV format is also a codec and a container at the same time.
  • Ogg container + Vorbis audio codec. He is commonly called "Ogg Vorbis". It was developed by the Xiph community to replace proprietary MP3, AAC and WMA.

MIME types for audio:

Format MIME typesMP3 Ogg Wav
Browser support Tag
4.0 3.5 10.5 4.0 9.0 12.0
Attributes Attribute Value Description
autoplayautoplaySpecifies that the audio will start automatically as soon as it is ready.
controlscontrolsDisplays built-in media file controls (play/pause button, slider that allows you to jump to a specific fragment of the video, and volume control).
looploopLoops the file playback (our song is good - start over)..
mutedmutedIndicates that audio will be muted (no sound).
Specifies how audio should be loaded when the page is loaded. The attribute is ignored if the autoplay attribute is present.
srcURLSpecifies the URL of the audio file.
Usage example

The element uses the same attributes as the element, except for the width, height, and poster attributes. Similar to using the element, you can provide multiple audio format options using the element, as shown in the example below:

Audio in HTML5 Audio in HTML5 Your browser does not support this audio format. You can download this file from the link below:


In this example we:

We added audio content (tag) to the page, and added the controls attribute to display built-in controls for the multimedia file (play/pause button, a slider that allows you to go to a specific fragment of the video, as well as a volume control).

One of the most remarkable features HTML5 is streaming audio.

If you're into web development, then this collection of 10 incredible HTML5 audio players will come in handy.

- audio and video player, which is written in pure HTML5 And CSS. Support for older browsers is done using Flash And Silverlight players that imitate HTML5 MediaElement API.
MediaElement has many designs and support for popular platforms: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.

This player is quite minimalistic, but functional. Good for when you need playlists and fancy effects!

Another great player, perhaps the best on the entire list. pros is that it is very easy to set up and is quite flexible in size and customizable to an unlimited number of colors.
U cross-browser support, and for older browsers there is it Flash-analog.

You are using Mootools on your website? If yes, then you might like this player, made on HTML5 And Mootools JavaScript framework. The player works perfectly in all modern browsers.

This player is the only one on the list that is paid. It only costs $5, but it works perfectly. The player has many useful functions, for example, protecting your audio from interception using signal overlay, which is very good for commercial use.


IN technologies involved HTML5 And Flash, making it a very lightweight (10 KB) robust cross-browser solution for streaming audio.
Do you want to know what you can do with Sound Manager 2? Visit to view demo!

HTML5 audio provides improved capabilities for working with audio content. Until recently, the only way to add sound files to web pages was to integrate background sound using a tag that would play while the user was browsing the page, with no option to turn it off.

Thanks to the addition of a new element to the HTML5 specification, it is now possible to add audio content with embedded software interface without using plug-ins.

How to Add HTML5 Audio to a Web Page 1. Element Browser support

IE: 9.0
Firefox: 3.5 basic support, 15.0 full support
Chrome: 3.0
Safari: 3.1
Opera: 10.5
iOS Safari: 7.1
Opera Mini: -
Android Browser: 4.1
Chrome for Android: 44

The HTML5 element is used to embed audio content in web pages. In general, HTML markup looks like this:

The controls attribute adds browsers to display the audio player control interface - play, pause, volume buttons.

Rice. 1. Appearance audio player in different browsers

There is currently no audio format that works in all browsers, so to ensure content is accessible to the widest possible audience, it is recommended that you include multiple audio sources represented using the element's src attribute. At the same time, you can add fallback content for browsers that do not support the element.

Download name.mp3

Table 1. Tag attributes Attribute
autoplay Automatic playback of an audio file immediately after the page loads.
controls Tells the browser to display basic playback controls (start and stop playback, skip to another location in a recording, adjust volume).
loop Loop playback of an audio file.
muted Turns off the sound when playing an audio file.
preload An attribute responsible for preloading audio content. Optional, some browsers ignore it. Possible values:
auto - The browser downloads the entire audio file so that it is available when the user starts playing it.
metadata - The browser downloads the first small part of the audio file to determine its basic characteristics.
none - no automatic download of the audio file.
src Contains the absolute or relative URL of the audio file.
2. Audio codecs

An audio codec (decoder) is a program for converting digital data into an audio file or audio stream format. Popular audio formats are:

MP3 is the most popular audio format that uses lossy compression and allows you to reduce the file size several times. Due to licensing fees, Firefox and Opera are not supported.

A.A.C. (Advanced Audio Codec)- closed codec, analogous to MP3, but compared to the latter, it supports more high quality sound with a similar file size.

Ogg Vorbis is a free format with open source, supported in Firefox, Opera and Chrome. Provides good quality sound, but is not widely supported by hardware players.

3. Alternative media resources

The element is used to add multiple media resources for and . Indicates alternative video/audio files that the browser can choose from based on its supported media type or codec.

4. Add subtitles and titles

The element is used as child element And . Adds a text track for subtitles, media titles, or other text information that should be visible while an audio or video file is playing.

Table 3. Tag attributes Attribute Description, accepted value
default Indicates that this track is played by default. Only one element can contain a given attribute.
kind Specifies the type of text track; subtitles are displayed by default. Accepted values:
captions - translation of dialogues and sound effects, displayed as text over the video (for deaf users).
chapters - adds chapter titles as a list for navigation through the media file.
descriptions - adds an audio description of what is happening in the video (for blind users).
metadata - metadata used by scripts is not displayed to users.
subtitles - text duplication of the video audio track, displayed as subtitles for the video.
label Adds a track title. If this attribute is not set, the browser will apply the default value.
src Contains an absolute or relative URL to the text track data.
srclang Language of the track being played.
5. Stylized example of an audio player

Using CSS styles you can give your audio player an unusual look. Playback is controlled using a small script (using the jQuery library), the sound appears when you hover over the record.

This question comes up very often, so I decided to devote a separate article to it in the lessons. Since HTML does not have a universal technology for playing audio for all browsers, to solve this problem I suggest downloading the audio player file, as is done on most sites. We do everything step by step:

1. On the hosting where your site is located, in the root directory (the folder where the index file is), create the audio folder. In the future you will place all audio files into it.

3. Now select necessary files, better in mp3 format. Create an audio folder in the root of the site and upload them.

4. All that remains is to insert the player connection code. It is suitable for any site. In the right place, you just need to indicate the path to the player file and audio file, respectively replacing the words your_domain and audio_file name:

And everything is ready! You can also look at the working example.

How to install background music in html Using the capabilities of HTML and the browser, you can also insert background music into the page. You will need an audio file in the desired format: WAV, AU, MIDI or MP3. You can use any file with the specified extension as an example.

The first way is the embed tag. The embed element is used to load and display objects (for example, video files, flash movies, some audio files, etc.) that the browser does not initially understand.

The syntax is quite simple:

A closing tag is not required.

Now let’s look at an example of a record with attributes, and below with their decoding:

Embed tag attributes for playing audio in html
width - panel width in pixels (or percentage)
height - panel height in pixels (or percentage)
align - position of the panel relative to the text, possible values ​​are left, right, center
hidden - allows you to hide the panel, attribute values: true - the panel is hidden, false - the panel is visible (default value)
autostart - true - the player starts automatically when the page loads, false - waits for the play button to be pressed
loop - loop, true - the track is played in a circle, and if false - only once

Second way. Very old, but also practical) Add the melody to the same folder (directory) where your file is located, and in the body write the following code:

As a result, after loading the page, the melody you specified in the bgsound tag will sound. Now let's take a better look at the tag attributes:

src - path to your audio file
loop - how many times to repeat the melody (if -1, then repeats endlessly)
balance - stereo balance value (from -10000 to 10000)
volume - melody playback volume, where 0 is the maximum, and -10000 is the minimum.

However, there will be no way to control the player in any way - every time the page is refreshed, the track will be played again.

After describing the method of inserting background music, I want to dissuade you from this, since most users, as a rule, already listen to music when they visit various sites. Therefore, accompanying music can only force him to close the tab with the site.

Inserting audio and music in HTML5 - audio tag
audio- paired tag, which defines the background sound, music, or other audio stream on the site.

Audio tag attributes

autoplay - the file is played immediately when the page is loaded (similar to background music bgsound)
controls - display the player control panel in the browser
loop - plays the file again after it ends
preload - the audio file will be loaded along with the page loading
src - path to the audio file (mp3 or ogg)

Example code with audio tag

Audio tag

Audio in HTML 5

The audio tag is not supported by your browser.
Download music.

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