Choosing a programming language. Why should Python be the first programming language? Where can a freelancer look for work?

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If you know any foreign language, then you can easily earn money from home by translating. But first you need to learn how to become a freelance translator and reach your first customers.

If you start your journey incorrectly, then there is a high probability that you will soon quit this business. No orders - no money. I will show you the shortest and most profitable path from my personal experience.

And let's start with this question - what kind of knowledge and skills should a person have in order to work as a freelance translator?

Who can become a freelance translator?

What I am going to tell you here is in many ways at odds with the “generally accepted opinion.” But I have experience working as a translator and managing my own translation agency. That is, I studied this issue from both sides. So you can trust me =)

And here is the first interesting thought. People often think that to work as a translator you simply need to know a foreign language very well. That is, this requirement is always “by default”. But actually it is not.

The fact is that language is a very multifaceted thing. If you can, for example, speak English well English language– does this mean that you will good translator? Not at all. So-called “bilinguals” (these are people who have two native languages, for example English and Russian) often come to us for work, but they are completely unable to translate.

Translation and knowledge of a language are two completely different things. If you, a Russian person, are now given a description of some industrial chemical processes, you will not understand a word of it. Although everything will be written in Russian.

On the other hand, if you give the same document to a specialist in industrial chemical processes, he will understand everything that is described there without words, using only pictures and formulas.

Therefore, I have always argued and continue to argue that in order to be a good translator, it is not necessary to know a foreign language very well. But you must have a good understanding of the topic you are translating on.

Do I need to have a higher education in translation?

And here’s a second “interesting thought” to follow you up. In fact, a higher education in translation only hinders one from translating. Yes, that's exactly how it goes. If you are a philologist or linguist by training, or even a techie, you have a much better chance of becoming a highly paid translator than a graduate of the translation department.

Do you know why this happens? This is pure psychology. Imagine a person who spent five years learning to translate. And he thinks that he’s already learned how to translate. With his diploma, he comes to a potential customer - and there they tell him that all his knowledge is worthless.

And that they won’t pay him a lot of money. And they will pay the smallest penny so that he does not die of hunger until he learns to translate for real.

Imagine the disappointment and anger of such a person. Naturally, he decides that no one simply needs translators today. And he leaves to teach foreign languages or tutoring.

But another person, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology, also wants to translate. And they also tell him that he doesn’t know how to do anything, and that they won’t pay him much. And the man... agrees. Because he himself knows that he doesn’t know how to do anything special yet. And he begins to study, and over time becomes a very good translator with excellent earnings.

Therefore, if you do not have a translation education, rejoice. You are more likely to succeed in this field.

What if there is no niche knowledge?

At the beginning of the article, I said that it is not necessary to know the language very well, but it is necessary to understand the topic. So what should you do if you don’t know much about any topic? You are not a doctor, not a chemist, not an engineer. Maybe I should go get additional higher education?

In fact, you need to study. But I strongly recommend that you conduct training in combat. That is, start translating on some topic, and after 2-10 orders, you will begin to understand it very well.

Yes, first sit with dictionaries and the Internet, but then you will see that the terms are the same everywhere, and the constructions and sentences are the same. And you will begin to translate literally “with your eyes closed.”

Agree, this is more fun than sitting at a desk for three more years and taking some exams.

Moreover, you don’t fully know which topic you will like - medicine or technology, or law? Getting all higher education is too time consuming. Therefore, use the initial period of your work as a freelance translator to decide on your niche.

And by the way, let’s take a step-by-step look at how to get your first order and become a freelance translator.

Where to find your first customers?

A translator has three main types of clients. The first is customers from various translation exchanges. The second is a translation agency. And the third is direct customers (firms, companies).

Most translators prefer to work through exchanges. This is the simplest, but least profitable option. Customers come to exchanges to find the cheapest translators.

Of course, exchanges are different. For example, the international exchange ProZ will allow you to reach foreign translation customers. But by this point you should already have a very good track record.

Russian translator exchanges are basically a haven for yesterday's students who have absolutely nowhere to go with their English.

I strongly recommend that you start working with a translation agency. There you will be paid more, and there you will receive a steady flow of orders. The customer came to the exchange once and left. And translation agencies will send you new texts every day.

Most likely, you won’t be able to start working with direct customers right away. Because you have to register there entity, do marketing, sales, and much more. You will spend all your time just doing this. So there will be absolutely no time to transfer and earn money.

Therefore, the “editor's choice” is a translation agency. But there is another difficulty with them.

How to get a job in a translation agency

Translation agencies are very distrustful of new translators. In order to at least somehow protect themselves from newcomers, they put on their websites the requirements of “1-3 years of experience as a translator.”

If you just send them your resume and test translations, they most likely won’t even respond to you. First, your resume must be written correctly. Download our.

Secondly, you don’t have to believe everything that is written on the websites of translation agencies. In fact, they will agree to work with you even if you have no experience at all. You just need to approach this matter correctly.

I wrote more about this in the article (opens in a new tab).

In short, translation agencies may risk contacting you with an order if they have absolutely no other options. All full-time and proven freelance translators are busy, but a new order has arrived and there is no one to translate.

And then they start trying new translators. If you have one, then there is a high probability that they will turn to you.

And this will be your first step on the path to wealth and fame.

By the way, what kind of “wealth” can a beginning freelance translator count on?

How much can you earn from translations?

Here I have two news for you - one is bad and the other is good. The bad news is that no one will pay you much. When novice translators find out the rates at which they are offered to work, their eyes often pop out of their heads in amazement.

How so?! Only 120 – 150 rubles per translation page? Yes, this is hellish work - sitting and poking around in dictionaries, studying new topic, look for materials. Why do they pay so little for this?

In fact, not every translation agency will pay you 120–150 rubles. Somewhere they will pay much lower. In addition, the “hardness” of work is most often explained by the fact that the translator simply does not know how to work.

If this is his first page of translation in life, it will seem to him that it is simply incredibly difficult. He will translate 2-3 pages in a day and fall unconscious from exhaustion. But with experience it turns out that everything is not so bad. An experienced translator can translate 10–20 pages a day without strain (especially if it is an order for “his” topic).

As a result, the income of such a translator will reach six figures per month. Considering that he will work from home, in comfortable conditions, without bosses and getting up at 7 o’clock in the morning, this is very good.

To roughly estimate what you can expect in terms of money, use ours (opens in a new tab). It will show you quite accurately how much you can earn and under what circumstances.

Yes, I forgot to mention the good news. If a translation agency loves you, they will be willing to pay you much more than their other translators. Sometimes even much more. But how to evoke this very love?

What will they be willing to pay you for 2 times more than others?

What do you think the customer is generally willing to pay for? By the way, this is the third and final paradoxical thought in this article.

Most translators will say that the customer is willing to pay “for quality”. And of course they will be wrong. The fact is that the “quality” of translation is an even more multifaceted concept than the “level of knowledge of a foreign language.”

I often give this example. Company X needs to clear the cargo through customs. And to do this, they need to provide a translation of the packing list for this cargo by 12 o’clock. The most important thing that should be in the translation is all the numbers and dates. If there is no coordination in paste perfect, no big deal. Nobody will even notice it. But if only one number is missing, the cargo is wrapped.

Therefore, from the customer’s point of view, a high-quality translation in this case is a translation that is done quickly, and all the numbers are in place. For such a translation (even with grammatical errors), he will kiss you, quickly transfer the payment, and then continue to contact only you.

But if everything is perfect from the point of view of translation, but the translation itself was ready only at 13 o’clock, and the cargo went back to mysterious China... Then you are in big trouble. And no paste perfect will help you.

So here it is. The most important thing that customers are willing to pay for is responsibility. I will never get tired of repeating this. If you take a translation and complete it by the specified deadline, they love you. If you don’t refuse work and don’t disappear from the sight of the translation agency for weeks, they love you.

It is very difficult to find such a translator. And they will be afraid of losing you. And therefore, when you ask to increase your rate per page “a little”, they will agree. And with these “little bits” you will very soon earn much more than other translators. Therefore, develop responsibility in yourself. They pay for it.


I hope now it’s clearer to you how to become a freelance translator, and how to generally approach this matter in order to start earning money quickly and a lot.

If you want to quickly improve all the skills that are needed to be a real translator (including that same responsibility and discipline), sign up for our course.

There you will learn all the secrets and tricks that will allow you to quickly join the ranks of elite translators. And this is a completely different level of life.

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

Many people think that freelancing is a huge opportunity and incredible income. But to achieve such results, you need time and a clear plan of action.

Let's assume you've already learned how to program, put together a portfolio, and instead of working in an office, you've chosen freelancing.

Where can a freelancer look for work?

Experienced freelancers hardly look for orders because they have already built up a client base. Newcomers do not have this luxury, so they either have to look for work on forums, from friends or in in social networks, or go to the stock exchange. The first three options are more complicated and not as safe, because no one guarantees that the customer will not abscond with your code without paying. The exchange takes this responsibility upon itself.

Exchanges are special platforms where customers and performers gather. The former post tasks and promise money for completing them, while the latter offer their services.

For example, a client needs a plugin for a website:

Andrey Platov


- You need to create an online chat for a WordPress site, budget 500 rubles, deadline - yesterday.

And freelancers who want to complete this task leave applications:

Ivan Ivanov


- Hello, I’ll get the job done quickly, I have experience with similar projects.

Peter Petrov


- I can do it for 350...



- I’ll do it, but the budget needs to be raised to 1,000 - otherwise it won’t be enough even for fuel for a time machine.

The customer looks at the applications, goes into the profiles, evaluates the portfolio and chooses the one he likes best. If you are chosen, the client will write to discuss the details of the work and the method of cooperation. In total there are 3 main options:

  1. Work through the exchange. This is the safest method, because the money is frozen in the customer’s account and then transferred to the contractor if the task is completed successfully. In addition, there is a rating that increases after each project. The higher it is, the more willing new clients will trust. The customer can also leave a positive review - this will increase the chances of finding interesting offers faster.
    If something goes wrong, you can go to arbitration - then the exchange administration will consider your application and protect your interests. Unless, of course, you are trying to deceive anyone.
    The main disadvantage of this method is that you will have to give part of the money as a commission for the exchange services.
  2. Work directly. You exchange contacts with the client and discuss all issues directly. This way you can reach an agreement faster, and you don’t have to share money. However, there will be no protection. Of course, you can take an advance payment or enter into an agreement, but this does not always save you from fraud (more on this below).
  3. Open an individual entrepreneur or get a job. You can register as an individual entrepreneur and cooperate with customers as a legal entity. Or get a job with the customer as a full-time remote employee and work until you complete the project.

Once you have decided on the working conditions and other formalities, you can begin the task. Follow the terms of reference to avoid disagreements. And if difficulties arise, ask the customer’s opinion - most often they will meet you halfway.

Try to approach your work responsibly and deliver projects on time - not only your wallet, but also your business reputation depends on this.

Basically you will have to work with these exchanges:

  • is the largest platform for freelancers on the Russian-language Internet.
  • is a relatively young but popular exchange.
  • is a slightly less popular, but also well-known platform.
  • is the world's largest exchange, but to work on it you need to know English.

There are many other places where you can make money. For example, kwork - all services there cost from 500 rubles:

I once tried dumping because I wasn’t confident in myself yet. But it took all the time to complete orders, and I realized that I should have valued my work much more. I received a lot of orders, but it only worsened my self-esteem and killed my love for programming.

It’s up to you to decide what price to set for your work, but I won’t advise anyone to work for pennies.

How to fill out your profile

Let's say you have already chosen an exchange. Now you need to fill out your profile correctly - there will be general tips that are suitable for most sites.

First of all, look at how experienced, highly rated developers do this: find out what they have in common, what are the differences, what they write about themselves, what photo they put in their profile. Look up to the best.


Choose an avatar good quality. It is advisable that you be there, but not at a party with friends, but in some more business-like setting. Don't add a photo that is too formal, but don't try to stand out too much - it's best to strike a balance.

key skills

If there is such a field, do not hesitate to fill it out completely. Choose your most important skills - this could be working with databases, creating high-load applications, and so on. Don't waste this space describing skills like creating variables.

Profile description

Describe your positive aspects, but don't get carried away - no one wants to read your odes to themselves. Try to write briefly and accurately so that the customer can quickly find out what you can do:

Experienced PHP developer. In my work I use Laravel and direct hands. I can write:

  • online store;
  • blog engine;
  • plugins for WordPress;
  • and so on.

If necessary, I can write an interface in Angular.JS or React.JS.

There is no need to use ornate designs or add lyrical digressions:

Hello! My name is Alex Petrov. A year ago I decided to switch from Windows to Mac and I fell in love, so now I’m writing interface code, thinking about my beloved Macintosh...

Think about the comfort of your potential clients. They read several dozen, if not hundreds, of profile descriptions per day. With such a volume, uninformative texts are simply closed.


Select high-quality screenshots of your work and write a short but useful description- what the program does, what technologies you used, and so on. If possible, upload multiple files. Be sure to add a link to your GitHub repository.

How to search for orders

You can search for tasks both in the general feed and by keywords. For example, by keywords you will find orders for the development of plugins or online calculators. On most exchanges you can list your services and prices so that customers can find you themselves.

After choosing a project, read the description and technical specifications, if any. Please read all attachments carefully and then leave a response. Try not to use templates - it’s better to write as personalized messages as possible:

Hello, Maxim!

I read your technical specifications, I just have experience working with library X, which you need. You can see an example of implementation in my project U. As far as I understand, you you need something like this: *a description of how you would solve the problem, preferably with code snippets*?

This way you will show that you are really familiar with the task and can cope with it - this will add a few points to you compared to other performers.

If you don’t have experience yet, you can write about it - some customers will agree to hire a beginner who will lower the price a little. But don’t get carried away, because you’re unlikely to like working for pennies. And the longer you do this, the more difficult it is psychologically to ask for more money later.

How to work as a freelancer

At first, you can take cheap orders - the main thing is that you are interested in completing them and so that you can develop. Always try to write the best code, even if you feel like you should pay more for it - this way you will gain experience and gain a reputation as a good specialist.

And don’t think that you have a lot of time for the project - it’s better to remember the 90-90 rule:

The first 90% of the code takes 90% of the time. The remaining 10% of the code takes up another 90% of the time. Total - 180%.

Hofstadter's law also plays an important role:

Any business always takes longer than expected, even taking into account Hofstadter's law.

Armed with this knowledge, you will most likely still successfully miss a few deadlines, but this happens in all fields.

After completing the task, you can ask for feedback or permission to add the project to your portfolio.

How can a freelancer protect himself from scammers

Sometimes you may come across scammers, so you need to be able to distinguish them from normal clients. You must know how to get the job done and get paid for it, or at least not give the customer the opportunity to use your project for free.

First of all, remember that you can only work without advance payment under a contract or with an old client with whom you have known for a long time. Although he can deceive. Many freelancers divide their work into 3-4 parts. For example, they receive a third of the amount and complete a third of the project, and then complete the rest. This way you can minimize the risk of fraud: even if you are deceived, you will only lose part of the money.

To show the code in action, upload it to your hosting and give a link to the site to the client - it will cost only 300 rubles (200 for a domain for a year + 100 for hosting per month, but you can find an option for 5 rubles), so the investment will pay off from the very first order.

If a client wants to check how this code will work on his site, and you are afraid of losing it, add a backdoor - a special piece of code that will break the program under certain conditions:

If (date("Y-m-d" ) >= "2019-04-04" ) ( //3 days after transfer of source codes exit( "To continue using the site, pay the developer's work!"); }

If you add this code at the beginning of the page, the site will no longer be displayed after April 4, 2019, and only the request to pay for the work will be visible in the browser. But such a backdoor in the code is easy to notice, so it is better to harden it so that the program does not work after its removal, and also subject the code to obfuscation - that is, make it unreadable: = _1913039849(1 ))(exit (_1913039849(2 ));) ?>

This code will work, but it will not be readable. This can be done using special online services.

Do not be afraid if, after blocking the site, the client threatens you with legal proceedings. Firstly, you, as a contractor, have the right not to deliver the result of the work until payment is received. Secondly, unless otherwise stated in the contract, the code is your intellectual property, and the customer uses it at his own peril and risk.

Although this, of course, depends on the legislation of your country. It is better to immediately warn the customer that the code will work for several days, and you will send the production version only after payment.


Freelancing can really be a joy if you approach promotion and self-organization correctly. Try to adhere to the terms of reference and deadlines, otherwise you will feel terrible. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

And don’t forget that you can’t establish yourself in freelancing once and then rest on your laurels all your life. You will have to constantly invest in promotion and self-development in order to be in demand.

You will also understand that self-organization, budgeting and time management are no less important than your professional skills.

If you have not yet obtained the necessary set of skills and have not collected a portfolio, sign up. This way you will not only learn everything a novice web developer needs to know, but also get one of the most sought-after professions, because about 80% of all websites on the Internet are written in PHP.

You will become familiar with the basic paradigms of object-oriented programming (OOP), learn to work with XML, JSON, REST, SOAP. And then you will master the design of software architecture, learn how to optimize the developed system and ensure code security.

PHP took first place in the ranking of programming languages ​​in the freelance market in 2016. This is evidenced by the results of an analysis of the popularity of programming languages ​​conducted by the freelance service

More than half of the projects are related to programming in PHP - 55%. The same language received the largest number of budgets – a total of 46%. Performers working with PHP are 30% and this is also the largest portion among programmers.

The analysis clearly illustrates which programming languages ​​are in demand among customers, which of them the performers work with, and which ones are the most profitable to work with - the 2016 rating is as follows:

As you can see, JavaScript this year was in demand by customers several times less than PHP - 17% of published projects were associated with it, and it attracted 16% of the total amount of funds spent by customers. However, the competition among performers here is very high compared to PHP - 23% of the total audience of programmers.

1C, which took third place, accounts for approximately 10% of projects and budgets, and performers account for more than 15%.

Fourth place this year went to C/C++, as it is more popular among customers compared to C# - 7% of projects and 8% of budgets. Among performers, C/C++ is in fifth place with less than 10% of the audience of freelance programmers.

There are more than 10% of C# programmers, but customers publish projects less often - 5%, and budgets in this category are about 6% of the total.

Developers software, who are freelancers, have always been in high demand. The online market for freelancers is experiencing steady growth with no signs of slowing down. In fact, most experts believe that the trend of online job posting will skyrocket over the next decade. This is the ideal time for those who are looking forward to starting a career in software development. But achieving this goal can be challenging. You must master a programming language, and in some cases, you need to be able to program in multiple languages ​​to complete the job. It is very important to start learning with the right programming language. That's why the most common question people ask is "Which programming language should I learn as a beginner?"

Luckily, a list has been created that can help you decide which programming languages ​​are best for beginners.


For those with little or no programming experience, Python is the best choice. Python is at the top of our list because of its simple and straightforward syntax. Although this language was created about 30 years ago, it is still going strong and becoming popular in the technology community. Like other major programming languages, Python also provides well-integrated library and support for external libraries.

You can use Python for almost any type of workflow. From web development to desktop applications, from science projects to machine learning projects, knowing Python code will help in almost every type of project. Even if you decide to learn any other major programming language in the future, still learning the language at an early stage will be beneficial as it will introduce you to the basic concepts of programming in a simple, easy and effective way.

Another reason why Python is recommended as a suitable choice for beginners is its learning curve. Compared to other major popular programming languages ​​such as Java and C++, Python has a smoother learning curve.

2. JavaScript

Please don't confuse JavaScript with Java. We left JavaScript in second place because it is a higher level language and therefore, as a beginner, you don't have to deal with complex details. Another huge factor in its popularity among beginners is that you can start coding in JavaScript right from your browser. Note that it is not necessary to set up any development environment for JavaScript code. For all intents and purposes a beginner, a browser is all that is required to start programming in JavaScript. It is mainly used for developing client applications. In general, it is recommended to find someone who has experience in JavaScript and get help in understanding the complex nature of this language.

All major web browsers support JavaScript. But there is no guarantee that code that works fine in the Chrome browser will behave the same way in Firefox. Such questions can lead you into a dead end without any clues. But if you have experience in JavaScript, dealing with such complexity will be much easier.

3. Java

Java is undoubtedly the most popular programming language. It is in huge demand and the Java developer community is constantly growing. Java's popularity can be attributed to the fact that its code is platform independent. This essentially means that you can run the same code on Windows machine, Linux and even on Apple.

The language is also commonly known as WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere) or Write Once, Run Anywhere. Due to its extremely portable nature, you can find Java codes running in all kinds of installations, from large data centers to the smartphone in your pocket. Java is used by almost all major web services such as Amazon, YouTube and Google. Because it is so popular around the world, you can count on expert support in the discussion forums.

This support system is important for you as a newbie and will make it easier for you to tackle new challenges in an efficient manner. Compared to the other languages ​​we have mentioned, Java is a bit more complex. But the time you invest in learning this language will help you earn more as it is almost always in high demand.

4. Swift

If you are interested in developing mobile applications then Swift is your language to learn. It is used in the development of iOS applications. You might be wondering why we skipped Android development in this article. It is absolutely true that there are more Android devices than iPhones, but the paradox is that iOS developers earn four times more than Android developers. Once you master application development in Swift, you will be able to develop applications for the entire Apple ecosystem, including Mac books, Apple Watch and Apple TV.

5. Ruby

Ruby is very popular among startups. Some popular startups using Ruby on Rails are Airbnb, Basecamp, and Shopify. It's understandable that start-up companies want their products to be available to users as quickly as possible. This is exactly where Ruby on Rails excels. Compared to other programming languages, developing the same application or software in Ruby is approximately 40% faster.

Another important feature of Ruby is the presence of external effects. In most cases, you can easily find ready-to-use modules that will save a lot of time and effort. Ruby is a popular choice not only among beginners but also among experienced developers due to its fast nature. You will find it useful when you are developing an application within a tight budget and still need to deliver the product in a short time frame. Ruby is a dynamic programming language and receives updates at least twice a year to stay relevant in the ever-evolving technology market. With such constant attention and support from Ruby developers, you can be sure that this language will remain at the top for a long time.

Successful work and creativity to everyone!

Russian-speaking freelancers have a way to earn more for projects. To do this you need to work with foreign clients. But you won’t be able to communicate in Russian; you’ll need English. What phrases does a freelancer need to know in English and where to learn them, says the team of the online platform for booking language courses


To complete interesting projects and receive payment in dollars, look for clients on foreign freelance exchanges. For example, on, or Freelancer. On these sites, everything must be written in English: business card, messages and comments.

But it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. We tell you what to pay attention to.

Business card. When creating a profile on foreign exchanges, tell us about yourself: who you are, how you differ from other performers and how you can help:

Translation: Here's how I can help. Improve the ROI of existing accounts by identifying wasted campaigns and untapped targeting opportunities. I will save your time and money by setting it up with high quality advertising campaigns V Google Adwords and Bing Ads since launch.
I will improve the quality of your account and reduce the cost per lead through one-time or long-term optimization.

Discussion of the project. If the customer chooses you, ask him about the task before taking on it. Specify the details of the project: terms, price and technical requirements. This will help you save time and make fewer edits.

Here's an example of how a motion designer can do this. The template is suitable for other professions if you adapt it:

Translation: Promo from scratch according to your sketches will cost from $ 500. But without details I cannot fix the price and terms. Please give me more information and I will tell you the price and time frame.

Deadlines. Be careful when discussing stages and deadlines of work in correspondence. For example, Americans are more likely to work with those who provide specific dates.

Try to give an exact deadline for completing the task and ask the customer to confirm that he agrees with it:

Translation: Let me know if this is correct and I will send you a draft next week - July 12th

Working conditions. Establish yourself as a responsible performer and let the client know that you will not disappear in the middle of the project. But if you write directly: “I will not leave in the middle of the project” - it will look suspicious. Better promise to keep the customer informed about updates on the project: “I’ll keep you informed about updates.”

Don’t be afraid to clarify that you understand and accept the terms of the work. This may be useful if disputes arise or the customer requests additional edits. Alternatively, write at the end of the letter: “This is to confirm that I have understood our June 8, 2018 conversation.”

Professional sites

If you're a designer, illustrator, or architect, post your portfolio on Behance or Dribble. These are portfolio sites where you can discuss your work with colleagues and communicate with potential clients. A correctly completed profile and a high-quality portfolio on these sites is an opportunity to get a customer with a good project.

Profile. On Behance and Dribble, your portfolio speaks for you. It shows what you can do and who you worked with. But the profile also needs to be filled out. They usually write their specialty and contacts there.

Example of a completed profile:

Translation: I am a passionate multi-disciplinary designer specializing in branding, graphic design and digital design. Say hi: (email address)

Portfolio. In order for the customer to understand how you work and how immersed you are in the topic, you need descriptions of the work. In them, tell about the tasks, techniques and results.

For example, you drew a series of illustrations with a pink moon. The caption “The pink moon” will not be enough, here you need to explain the concept:

Translation: Connection with the past and reverse side the world were the main source of inspiration for the work. United by the pink moon, traveling the world. This is the moon that everyone sees: old, young, rich, poor.

Comments. On professional websites, abbreviations or emoticons are often written in comments to works and correspondence. For example, there are abbreviations: IDK - means I don’t know, GL - Good Luck, TNX - Thanks.

To understand what other freelancers write about your work, it is useful to learn commonly used abbreviations:

Translation: ASAP - As soon as possible; FYI - FYI; 2G2BT - Too good to be true; AFAIK - As far as I know; BTW - By the way; RLY - Truth; TTYL - Let's talk later; IMHO - In my humble opinion; TIA - Thanks for the advice.

Sometimes positive comments on the works from your portfolio are left not only by colleagues, but also by future clients. Therefore, always respond politely and thank for praise. And you can invite a potential customer to chat in private:

Translation: Thank you for your interest in my work. If I can help with your project, let's discuss it by e-mail


The most popular method of communication for searching and discussing projects is email. The chances of getting a job increase if you format your email in such a way that the customer immediately understands who you are and what you offer.

Letter subject. If you respond to a vacancy by email, indicate a specific topic or the one requested by the customer in the description on the site.

Bad example: “About job” - the company may have several vacancies open, and your letter will be lost. Good: “Response to the project for designer” - this way the customer will immediately understand what it’s about and will put it in the right folder if he can’t read it right away.

Attachments and links. Attach only small files, such as a resume, to your email. Don't try to send large pictures or designs. It is better to upload your portfolio to a professional website and provide it with a text link. This way the letter will look structured, and the customer will be able to immediately see your work.

Etiquette. Don't forget about politeness. Thank the customer for their time “Thank you for your time” and put a signature at the end of the letter, for example, “Best Regards”.

Here is an example of a job application:

Translation: Response to a designer vacancy. Hello John. My name is Petr. I have been specializing in interface design for 5 years. I have enough experience to take part in your project for Google. And I would be grateful if you would consider my candidacy. You can view my portfolio and reviews on Behance. My resume is attached. Thank you for your time. Best wishes, Peter

Where and how to learn English as a freelancer

Most often, freelancers communicate with clients by mail or instant messenger, and sometimes call on Skype. To discuss a project, working conditions and money, you need to learn professional vocabulary, train writing and listening skills.

Here are some tips on how to do this.

Vocabulary. Make a list of the basic terms you need for your work, find the correct translation and save it in a notepad on your computer. This way, the vocabulary will always be at hand, and you won’t have to waste time on online translators.

An example of vocabulary that may be useful to a freelancer

If you read several news stories in English from your field every day, you will quickly develop the necessary vocabulary for communicating with customers. To do this regularly, subscribe to newsletters and social media channels.

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