Talon by city clinic. Informatization of Belarusian clinics: online ordering of coupons, virtual queues and electronic medical records. Making an appointment with a doctor

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The talon.by service has been available via the Internet since 2010. Today, with its help, you can order a coupon to see a doctor in 49 Belarusian clinics, two more clinics will join the system in the near future. The website also allows you to call a doctor at home. 39 of the 49 available healthcare institutions are located in Minsk, but the system developers plan to connect the majority of Belarusian clinics by 2015.

About 50 thousand coupons are ordered on the website per month, and the number unique visitors reaches 70 thousand. In total, more than half a million coupons were ordered during the existence of the site, and over the past year the number of orders has increased 1.5 times.

For developments in the field of healthcare informatization, JSC Mapsoft was awarded the TIBO-2013 Internet award in the field of medicine.

How the services work

In May 2013, the talon.by website was seriously updated. Before this, the developers placed the main emphasis on functionality, but now the site has acquired a friendly interface. In addition, a separate mobile version was developed. According to Kirill Polyukhovich, a leading specialist at Mapsoft, it is no longer necessary to create a separate application for smartphones - all the functionality of the site is available through the mobile version.

Many changes were made taking into account user feedback. Currently, the site’s technical support receives only about three requests a week from users, most of them concern not the functions of the site, but the work of the clinics. The help section of the site is almost entirely composed of frequently asked questions, divided into sections.

According to Polyukhovich, the Mapsoft system has competitors, but most of them have a significant drawback: they are not directly connected to clinic databases. This means that clinics need to manually track coupon orders and allocate coupons for online ordering separately from regular coupons.

All available coupons to doctors are immediately available on the website talon.by; clinics themselves choose a quota of coupons that can be ordered through the website. This quota is used on average by 75%, and in some specialties by 100%, but these same coupons remain available for order through the registry. The site is directly connected to the clinic’s database: as soon as the user orders a coupon, the order is taken into account automatically without the participation of the registry. And if a doctor is called to your home, notifications are immediately sent to the reception desk.

Unfortunately, one printout of a coupon ordered via the Internet is not enough in most clinics - you need to confirm the coupon at the reception desk. According to Polyukhovich, this is due to the policy of clinics who want to receive confirmation that the patient came at the appointed time.

You can order a coupon either for a specific time (to a doctor who is free at that time) or to a specific doctor (by choosing a time when this doctor is free). To order a coupon, you do not need to register on the website (although the developers plan to add optional registration for regular users) - just enter your last name, residential address and date of birth. After this, the user becomes available to the user account, in which you can also view already ordered coupons.

In addition to online ordering of coupons, Mapsoft also offers clinics the installation of information kiosks. They duplicate the functions of the site on site, but the coupon received at the information kiosk no longer needs to be confirmed at the reception. In total, 20 information kiosks have been installed in Belarusian clinics.

Opinion of the head physician

One of the first Belarusian clinics to take the path of computerization was the 34th clinic. According to the head physician Natalya Dergach, there are now more than 200 computers installed in the clinic. Clinic staff can no longer imagine their work without computers.

Since last year, the clinic has had its own call center with the support of Mapsoft. Patients no longer need to call the reception desk; they just need to wait for an available operator. The call center also allows you to automatically notify patients about the need to undergo a procedure (for example, if the patient has not undergone fluorography for a long time). The average wait time is 3 minutes, and of the 787 calls received by the call center on August 19, the longest wait on the line was 7 minutes.

Such statistics, as well as information about ordered coupons, are available to the head physician in real time. According to Natalya, this makes the head physician’s work easier; instead of paperwork, time can be spent working with people. The same applies to the work of the registry, which online registration eliminates some of the routine paperwork.

Dergach also said that, despite fears, there were almost no false orders of coupons or hooligan attacks on the system. The Mapsoft system allows the registry to control orders of coupons and weed out “garbage” ones both automatically and manually. In addition, the user can only order 5 coupons at a time. “We were going to introduce a system for blocking unscrupulous users, but it turned out to be simply not necessary”, added Polyukhovich.

According to Natalya, the website talon.by did not add any extra work to the registry; on the contrary, it reduced the load: a significant part of booking coupons occurs simply without the participation of clinic employees. True, the registry staff has been reduced slightly: outpatient cards remain “on paper”, and registry employees are required to personally deliver them to the offices.

Natalya Dergach also said that electronic services do not pay for themselves directly (or will pay for themselves in the future due to the reduction of registry staff), but pay for themselves indirectly due to more efficient work and rational use of working time.

Future plans

The plans of the developers of the online registry include not only the predictable expansion of the system to all clinics of the republic and the widespread installation of information kiosks. Mapsoft plans to expand the functionality of the online registry, connect institutions without their own databases, link Accounts relatives.

The developers also want to add the ability to order coupons based on a doctor’s referral in “foreign” healthcare institutions, and not just in the user’s “native” clinic. However, this can only be done through the “native” registry due to the problem of identifying the patient in a “foreign” institution. However, you won’t have to go further than your “native” registry to get the coupon.

The company is technically ready to implement electronic outpatient cards and medical records, but this is hampered by organizational and financial issues. Completely eliminate paperwork in healthcare (despite the possibilities digital signature) is not allowed by law. Implementation experiment electronic card The company plans to begin patient testing in 2015.

Mapsoft is also developing an electronic queue system and plans to replace information stands in clinics with electronic displays. The electronic queue will reduce the waiting time for an appointment and streamline the order of visiting a doctor. With its help, you can also resolve disputes between patients with coupons and urgent cases - the system will allow you to calculate the required time for an appointment and the availability of available doctors.

Bye main problem electronic queue are just temporary standards. Organizing a queue at a clinic is much more difficult than, for example, at a bank: patients do not care which office they go to; urgent referrals, reserved coupons, and redirections from one doctor to another must be combined. But the developers do not consider these problems insoluble and promise experimental electronic queues in clinics in the near future.

Modern technologies make life much easier for humanity. For example, when going to a doctor in the city of Vitebsk, an electronic service can save the patient from long languor in line at the reception desk. To do this, you need to register on the patient portal, choose a convenient time and date. That's all! And no nerves...


Ordering a ticket to the Vitebsk clinic is quite simple. The site navigation will be handled by the most regular user. However, to avoid unnecessary questions, we have compiled step by step instructions, with which you can easily make an appointment with any doctor.

  1. Visit the website "Talon.by" (talon.by) using the link.
  2. Recording can be done without registration or with personal account by registering in advance. Decide for yourself whether you will register on this resource. If you do not want to create a personal account, then proceed to the next point 3. If you still decide to log in to this site, then:
  • Move your mouse to the “Register” button and click it.
  • Enter the required data (address Email and come up with a password).
  • After this, you need to enter your phone number and click the “Continue” button (in a few seconds you will receive an SMS message with a code).
  • Enter this digital combination, after which registration can be considered complete.
  1. Select the region where the medical institution is located. Click on the button “Vitebsk region.” and in the list that appears, click on “Vitebsk”.
  2. You will see a list of medical institutions where you can get a coupon. Find the desired hospital or clinic and click on it.
  3. After this, you will be taken to a page where a description of the medical institution is given, its contacts are available, and a schedule of all specialists is provided. On the left side of the screen, click on the “Order a coupon” button.
  4. After this, you need to choose the specialist you want to see.
  5. The next step is to choose a specific doctor. The names of the doctors in the specialty you have chosen will appear in front of you.
  6. In the window that opens, there will be a schedule of doctors in Vitebsk, which displays the number of available coupons for different days. Your task is to determine the date and time of the proposed visit and click on the appropriate button.
  7. After this, the system will prompt you to fill in your personal data (full name, phone number, address, etc.). After entering all the required information, click on the “Continue” button.
  8. You receive confirmation that your appointment with the doctor was successful.


This Internet resource Talon.by is designed in such a way that both a registered user and a person who has not been registered can get a coupon to see a doctor via the Internet.

But people who have their own personal account on this site have access to a number of functions that unregistered users cannot use.

For example, without a personal account, you will not be able to cancel your appointment with a doctor or view the coupon again. When applying for a coupon, you will have to enter your data each time. Registered users skip this point, because the system automatically enters the data that was specified during registration.

As you can see, ordering a doctor’s certificate online is quite simple. This resource saves a lot of time and effort for patients. Don't be afraid computer technology and progress. After all, they make life easier for each of us.


Vitebsk City Children's Dental Clinic
st. Smolenskaya, 8, building 1

City Clinical Dental Clinic of Vitebsk
st. Gorky, 34

City clinical maternity hospital No. 2 Women's consultation, Vitebsk
Pobedy Ave., 34

Regional Children's Clinical Center
st. Chkalova, 14, room B

Regional clinical maternity hospital
Chernyakhovsky Ave., 21

Regional Clinical Center for Psychiatry and Narcology
st. Kommunisticheskaya, 6

Regional endocrinological clinic
Frunze Ave., 71, room B

Polyclinic No. 1, Vitebsk
st. Tereshkova, 30

Polyclinic No. 2, Vitebsk
st. Gorky, 90

Polyclinic No. 3, Vitebsk
Moskovsky Ave., 43, building A

Polyclinic No. 4, Vitebsk
st. Bohdana Khmelnitsky, 24

Polyclinic No. 5, Vitebsk
st. Gagarina, 106

Polyclinic No. 6, Vitebsk
st. Kondratyeva, 16

Polyclinic No. 7, Vitebsk
st. Lokomotivnaya, 14

If you live in the city of Minsk, then you have access to a unique service from medical institutions, thanks to which you can very easily and quickly see a doctor via the Internet. This is a very useful service, which is very popular today. But before you visit the official Internet site of electronic recording, which is located at talon.by, you need to familiarize yourself with some specific rules.

Rules for online appointment with a doctor

Typically, an appointment with a doctor should be made at a scheduled visit. In urgent situations, you should visit the registrar of the medical institution. It is possible to make an appointment with a doctor who will give you a referral for a medical and social examination.

If you want to get a coupon in advance, you should know that an initial examination by a specialist can be carried out only after you present a referral from a local doctor. The rule does not apply to doctors such as a surgeon, ophthalmologist or otolaryngologist.

It is suggested that you register online in advance, even two weeks before your appointment date. One person can only sign up twice a month. If a repeat visit is needed, the doctor will prescribe it.

To make a pre-registration, you need to know your insurance policy number. Having decided on the time to visit the doctor, you must come to the appointment in advance, twenty minutes before the appointed time. This is done in order to confirm at the reception that you really have an appointment with the doctor you need.

If you do not have an electronic medical record, then you need to create one, otherwise ordering a coupon via the Internet will not be possible.

If for some reason you are unable to visit the doctor at the appointed time and date, then you must cancel the previously performed appointment operation.

How to get it in Minsk?

To get a doctor's certificate through an online portal, all you need is a computer and a stable Internet connection.

Order a coupon to see a doctor in Minsk (talon.by)

So, how to make an appointment with a doctor online? There are a few simple steps:

  1. Visit the Internet portal Talon.by at http://www.talon.by .
  2. Search and select your area and the desired medical facility. It is worth noting that today you can order a coupon via the Internet not only in Minsk, but also in such cities of Belarus as Berezy, Slutsk, Gantsevich.
  3. Then click on the specialist you need to see.
  4. The next step is to choose the most suitable appointment date for you.
  5. Next, we confirm the operation and in the window that opens, select the name of the desired doctor and the time of the visit.

It is worth noting that only those people who are geographically assigned to the clinic can make an appointment via the network, that is, the medical institution has medical cards or other documents on them.

In general, we can only say good things about the electronic appointment with the doctor. Of course, Belarus is a large country, so this service is not available in all cities. But living in Minsk, you can forever forget about spending many hours sitting in the corridors of the clinic. You can also add that even a person who is not particularly comfortable with the Internet can get a doctor’s certificate, because there is nothing complicated about it.

Medical institutions in Minsk

1st children's clinic - Zolotaya Gorka, 17
2nd clinic - Yakubovsky, 33
3rd children's clinic - Mogilevskaya, 2, building 3
3rd clinic - Voronyansky, 13, building 2
4th city clinic - Pobediteley, 93
5th children's clinic - Kuntsevshchina, 22
6th clinic - Ulyanovskaya, 5
7th children's clinic - Plekhanova, 127
7th polyclinic - Stanislavsky, 32
8th clinic - Nikiforova, 3
10th children's clinic - Shishkina, 24
10th clinic - Sukharevskaya, 19
11th clinic - Velikomorskaya, 36
12th children's clinic - Permskaya, 50
12th polyclinic - Olshevsky, 61
13th children's clinic - Kizhevatova, 60
13th polyclinic - Lomonosova, 3
14th clinic - Frolikova, 2
16th children's clinic - Odoevsky, 45
17th children's clinic - Koltsova, 53, building 1
17th clinic - Gerasimenko, 49
17th clinic, Women's consultation - Gerasimenko, 22, building 2
18th polyclinic - Plekhanova, 60, building 2
19th children's clinic - Independence, 119
20th children's clinic - Olshevsky, 29, building 2
21st clinic - Filatova, 13
22nd polyclinic - Tashkentskaya, 5
23rd children's clinic - Angarskaya, 60, room A
23rd clinic - Rokossovsky, 134
25th children's clinic - Odintsova, 75
26th clinic - Kuntsevshchina, 8
28th clinic - Gintovta, 28
29th clinic - Kazintsa, 94
30th polyclinic - Koltsova, 53, building 2
31st polyclinic - Burdeynogo, 4
32nd clinic - Golubeva, 25
33rd student clinic - Surganova, 45, building 4
34th clinic - Kulman, 22
35th polyclinic - Serova, 15
37th polyclinic - Luchiny, 28
38th polyclinic - Voronyansky, 50, building 1
Outpatient clinic No. 1 - Akademika Fedorova, 17, building 2

What is TALON.BY?

TALON.BY is an online registry for your clinic.

Right now, online you can:

  • view information about the clinic;
  • view all available coupons to doctors;
  • order a voucher for an appointment with a doctor;
  • cancel a previously ordered ticket;
  • call a doctor at home.

TALON.BY operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now fully and in mobile version site.
Today the service is available to all clinics in our country that use modern information technologies.

You can order a certificate to see a doctor not only in Minsk, but also in many regional centers and large cities.

Follow site updates!

Don't get sick and be healthy!

Medical institutions on the site

Where can I find out the phone number, address of the clinic and other information?

On the first page of the online registry of each clinic, its address, location on the map, telephone numbers and the address of its website are indicated. Another useful information You can find out on the clinic’s website or during a personal visit.

Why is my clinic unavailable today? Yesterday I worked.

A special feature of our service is the provision of information directly from the medical institution’s database and ordering a coupon in real time. As a result, you receive completely reliable, up-to-date information, and the ordering procedure eliminates any overlaps (“double” coupons, etc.). At the same time, this requires constant communication with the institution via the Internet. When technical problems in a medical institution, the service will be temporarily unavailable.

Why can I order a voucher only during clinic opening hours?

TALON.BY operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. At the same time, the operating mode of the Internet registry of a particular clinic is determined by the administration of this institution. In this regard, it is possible to turn off the clinic server during non-working hours and weekends.

With a proposal to change the operating mode of the online registry of your clinic, you should contact the medical institution directly. This can be done by using the electronic appeal form on the medical institution’s website.

Making an appointment with a doctor

There are coupons to the selected doctor, but they are always not available for ordering online. Why?

The peculiarity of our service is that all available coupons are always displayed on the website. The administration of the website talon.by does not have access to coupons; they are entered by the reception staff in the program at the clinic; the website broadcasts the current situation and works automatically.

The situation when a coupon is not available for ordering via the Internet can be caused by various reasons:

  • The quota for ordering coupons via the Internet has ended (this quota is set by the administration of the institution)
  • Internet quota is 0 (registration is carried out according to directions, which requires a personal contact with the registry; the website only provides information on the availability of coupons)
  • The pre-registration quota has expired (coupons may become available again on the eve of the appointment)

Such coupons are displayed on our website, but you cannot order them from the website. For what exact reason the coupon is not available and what to do to order it, only the receptionist knows. However, the information provided by the service will allow you to evaluate in advance the possibility of signing up for a convenient time, after which you should contact the reception desk.

Why are there so few doctor specialties on the list? Where is the gynecologist (endocrinologist, neurologist, ENT, etc.)?

The information displayed on the site is provided from the clinic's database. The composition of specialties available via the Internet is determined independently by the administration of each clinic. For some specialties, free access to online appointments is not provided for various reasons. For example, when recording is carried out only upon presentation of a referral. In this case, you cannot do without a personal visit to the clinic. You can find out more about this by contacting the administration of the medical institution through the electronic appeal form on the clinic’s website.

Why is the doctor I visited before no longer listed?

The list displays only doctors with a work schedule filled out at the clinic. If a doctor is on vacation and a schedule has not been created for him, he may temporarily not be displayed on the site. You can find out more about your doctor’s current work schedule by contacting the clinic by phone.

Why is there not a single coupon to the chosen doctor, all days are unavailable?

Most likely, there really are no coupons for the chosen doctor. Perhaps all of them were ordered or canceled, for example, due to the doctor’s illness, an unplanned business trip for study, etc. You can find out more about this case by contacting the clinic by phone or using the electronic application form on the institution’s website.

Why did coupons for the day I selected become unavailable? An hour ago everything was fine, and there were still enough free coupons left.

The administration of a medical institution has the opportunity to limit the volume of coupons ordered via the Internet by setting a percentage quota. Once a certain number of coupons have been ordered via the Internet, the remaining ones will be available only by contacting the registration desk. You can find out more in your clinic about the size of the established quota for the chosen specialty. And also, if such a situation arises often, apply for an increase in the quota. To do this, you can use the citizen electronic appeal form on the website of your clinic.

Why are there so few free coupons? Is it possible to give out more coupons via the Internet?

The peculiarity of this service is that you see absolutely all free coupons. Exactly the same as the clinic receptionist. If tickets for another time are not displayed in the list, it means that they have already been ordered, or they are not accepted at this time.

Why can't I order tickets in the morning for the same day? There are coupons, but ordering is not available.

This is a necessary limitation. You cannot order a ticket directly on the day of application. Since by the beginning of the reception, the time of free coupons may already be distributed differently. For example, to receive patients with emergency indications, etc.

To order a voucher for “today”, contact the clinic reception.

I made an appointment with the doctor for one child, but he won’t allow the second one, it says “contact the reception.”

Most likely this is a coincidence. There is no such restriction; you can register two or more patients in a row with one doctor. At the same time, the clinic administration can set a limit (quota) on the number of coupons that can be ordered via the Internet. If after enrolling the first patient the quota has expired, then you can enroll the next one only by contacting the clinic’s reception desk. You can find out more about the established quotas by contacting the administration of the medical institution.

When I made an appointment with a doctor for one child, I couldn’t make an appointment for the second; it gave me an error: “You have already been made an appointment.”

Two children are two different patients. There is a restriction that prohibits ordering more than one coupon per day for the same specialty for the same patient. After ordering the first voucher, the list is displayed taking into account this circumstance, since the first patient is now registered. You need to “reset” your registration by clicking on the “Logout” button at the top right. After this, you can order the next coupon, indicating the personal data of the second patient.

I go through different days, and everywhere when choosing a coupon it says “through the registry.” How do I know on what day there are coupons available for ordering?

The days of the calendar have a color gradation. If a coupon is available for ordering through the website, it is displayed in the calendar green. Coupons that can only be ordered through the clinic’s reception desk are shown in grey. Weekends when appointments are not available are highlighted in red. Coupons for making an appointment with a doctor online may be unavailable for various reasons: the quota (number of available coupons) for ordering online has expired or it has not been installed (coupons are issued by referral and are displayed on the website for information only). All these restrictions are set by the medical institution and cannot be changed by the site administration. With a request to increase the number of coupons issued via the Internet, contact the administration of the institution through the electronic application form on the clinic’s website.

We ordered a doctor's certificate for my husband. How can I order for myself now? The computer remembers his data, but I can’t enter my own.

Click the "Exit" button on the right top corner. Your husband’s details will be reset and you will be able to indicate yours when ordering the next coupon.

I can’t order a coupon to see a doctor, it displays the message “Currently there are no free coupons for any doctor in the chosen specialty!”

This message appears when there are no free coupons for the selected specialist. This can happen for several reasons: all the vouchers have been ordered, the doctor's schedule has not been filled out, or the appointment has been cancelled. To find out the reasons, as well as with suggestions for maintaining the schedule of specialists, you should contact the medical institution. This can be done through the electronic application form on the website of your clinic.

Patient registration

I can’t register, how do I enter the address correctly - the Zvezda Newspaper prospectus?

Sometimes users may have difficulty entering a street with a complex name. For example, the prospectus "Newspaper "Zvezda" can be indicated in the clinic database as prospectus "G. Zvezda" or "Mr. Zvezda", and the street "Yakuba Kolas" - as "Kolasa Yakuba" or "Ya.Kolas". Similarly - numbered names (“3rd Stroiteley Lane”), other complex names (“50 Years of Victory”, “Heroes of the 120th Division”, etc.).
When entering the names of such streets, limit yourself to one keyword: “Star”, “Kolas”, “Builders”, “Victory”, “Heroes” (or “Divisions”). This will be enough for a successful search. Do not worry about the presence of other streets with a similar name (1st, 2nd, 3rd lane) - the patient search is performed using all the details at the same time, as a result of many streets the required one will be identified correctly.

I can't register. The message “The patient with the specified data was not found in the medical institution’s file cabinet.”

This can happen in several cases:

1. When registering, you entered your data with an error. Double-check your information and enter it correctly.

2. You are not registered in the database of this clinic. Contact your clinic at your place of registration.

3. In the clinic’s registry database, your data was entered with an error. Contact the registry office and check that the spelling of the last name in the clinic database matches the spelling in the passport. The same applies to the address.

Registration fails. The message “Too many matches found” is displayed.

This situation occurs if the personal data you entered corresponds to more than one entry in the patient file. As a result, the system cannot identify a specific patient. The system will prompt you to enter the data again, and the fields for entering your first and last name will automatically expand, allowing you to enter them in full form. If entering specified personal data (with full name and patronymic, exact address) does not help, this may mean that there is a duplicate record in the database. This happens when a patient was registered twice by mistake. Contact the clinic reception to resolve this issue.

I'm on a permit - could this be causing problems with registration?

Yes, it is quite. When a patient with a temporary permit for service is entered into the database, the departure date corresponding to the end of the permit period is immediately filled in. The permit is usually valid for one year. If the authorization is not renewed in a timely manner, or the renewal information is not entered into the database, the patient will not be found (records of dropped patients are not taken into account). Contact the clinic reception to resolve this issue.

I can't enter my date of birth. Without it, registration will not take place - the field is required. What to do?

One of the following reasons is possible:

1. You are using an unpopular browser or old version, and your browser does not support this component. Update or replace your browser.

2. During the site development process this form changed several times. You see an old form previously saved by your browser. To fix the problem, force refresh the page (Ctrl-F5 in most browsers) and delete temporary files.

The site provides two options for entering the date of birth: an electronic calendar and manual data entry in the “DD.MM.YYYY” format. If one option doesn't work, try another.

Who will correct the misspelling of the patient's last name? Who and where to contact? On the ordered coupon, the last name is displayed with an error.

The patient's name and other personal data are stored not on the website, but in the clinic's registry database. Only there can the mistake be corrected. Contact the clinic's reception desk and provide accurate personal information for correction; check to ensure that the data in your passport and the clinic's database match exactly. Check the correct spelling of your last name, date of birth, and residential address (this is especially important for complex last names and streets consisting of a set of words and numbers). In some cases, you may be asked to come to the institution with your passport for data verification.

When ordering a coupon through the website, my last name is given with an error. I went to the clinic, and the receptionist said that everything they wrote was correct. On the site, after registration, the last name is still displayed with an error. When will the information on the site be updated?

The information on the site is not “updated”, but is displayed as entered in the clinic. To check exactly how your last name is recorded, print out the coupon at the reception; the patient’s last name will be indicated there.

Why hasn't the street name been corrected? On the website, my data indicates Masherov Avenue, although it has long been renamed Pobediteley Avenue.

All personal data of the patient is stored not on the website, but in the clinic’s registry database. Only there can they be corrected. Contact the clinic receptionist and report any inaccuracies in the data.

There are no streets in the village, and the system asks you to enter the name of the street. How to fill out the card correctly?

In the situation described, the street is not required to be filled.
If registration does not take place without indicating the street, contact the reception desk and clarify how your address is indicated in the clinic.

Calling a doctor to your home

How to cancel a doctor's house call?

To do this, you need to call the clinic reception. Cancellation of a call via the Internet is not possible. This is because by the time you decide to cancel the call, it may already have been transferred to the doctor. In order for this information to be conveyed to the doctor, you must contact the clinic in person (by phone).

How to determine what time a doctor's home visit will be performed?

Home visits are carried out by doctors during the entire operating time of the clinic. It is impossible to plan the order and timing of visits, since the situation can change quickly. You can check the status of your call on the “View/cancel coupons” page or on the order page. Expect all visits to be completed on the same day the call is accepted.

Why is it impossible to call a doctor at home tomorrow?

In accordance with in accordance with the established procedure medical services, all doctor's house calls are made only on the day the call is registered. Please note that this service is available only in the first half of the day for all institutions. In the afternoon, incoming calls are processed by doctors.

Choosing a local doctor

How can I find out who my local doctor is by looking at the street and at home?

The site provides a function automatic detection local doctor. After choosing the doctor’s specialty, use the “Your local doctor” button. Upon completion of entering the patient’s personal data (full name, address), the system will automatically identify your local doctor. This opportunity is available only to specialties that have a local service: therapists, pediatricians, gynecologists. In some clinics this function may not be available due to the unconfigured principle of “distributing” doctors among areas.

How to choose a therapist by site number?

It is not necessary. The site provides a function for automatically identifying a local doctor. After selecting the doctor’s specialty, click on the “Your local doctor” button and after entering your data (full name, address), the system will automatically select the local doctor. This opportunity is available only to specialties that have a local service: therapists, pediatricians, gynecologists.

Questions about ordered vouchers

I successfully ordered a doctor's appointment, but forgot the date and time. How can I clarify them through the website?

The site has a separate “personal” section where you can view all your coupons with unexpired dates. On the first page after selecting a clinic, select the “My coupons” section and enter your personal information. After this, you will be able to view the coupons you ordered, print them, and, if necessary, cancel the order.

Yesterday I made an appointment with a doctor, but today I don’t see my coupon on the list. What's happened?

Ordered coupons are displayed in the list only if the patient is registered. Return to the first page of the clinic and select the “My coupons” section. After entering your personal data, you will see a list of previously ordered coupons. Also, the registered patient will see his coupons in the calendar with a general list of coupons.

I made an appointment to see a doctor, but I won’t be able to make it to the appointment. How to cancel a coupon?

On the first page after selecting a clinic, click the “My coupons” button and enter your personal information. After this, you will be able to view all the coupons you ordered, print them, and also cancel (delete) the ordered coupon.

There are also alternative way: go through all the steps of ordering a coupon to the same doctor, in the general list of coupons you will see your coupon (will be highlighted), by clicking on it you will be asked to refuse the coupon.

How to print a ticket? The doctor demands and there is a queue outside the office.

Some medical institutions do not require printing of a coupon at the reception when ordering online. Otherwise, before visiting a doctor, you must contact the reception desk to receive a coupon ordered online. Also, if the clinic has an information kiosk, you can print a coupon using it yourself by logging into the “My coupons” section using your credentials. A coupon printed through the information kiosk serves as the basis for visiting a doctor.

The coupon printed from the website serves only to remind you of the information about the upcoming visit to the doctor (date, time, full name, office).

A new service has appeared - talon.by. I connected to him.

Here's what they write on the service website:


is an automated service that works directly with the registries of medical institutions. Therefore, the website always provides up-to-date information about doctors’ work schedules and free coupons for ordering - both via the Internet and at the institution’s reception desk (by phone or in person). Data on the availability of coupons to doctors is filled out by registrars at the clinic, and the TALON.BAY website requests them from information base medical institutions and displays them in a convenient form.

Order a voucher to see a doctor easy enough to do. Choose a hospital, the doctor’s specialty, the doctor himself, and then choose a time that is convenient for you. There are quite a large number of coupons available for this week.

Please note that not all daily vouchers are issued through this service. Some of the coupons remain for issue directly at the clinic!

You can also make an appointment with specialists by phone.

On Monday at 14:00 make an appointment by phone with specialists for the following Monday, on Tuesday at 14:00 the next week a week later - Tuesday, and accordingly the rest of the days of the week. Appointments are made with pediatricians both for the same day and for days of the current week.

Coupons to see doctors can be ordered by phone at the clinic reception: 5052736

On this moment to the service “TALON.BUY” 78 medical institutions in Belarus have already been connected - mainly clinics. The site is visited by about 325 000 Internet users. 2.5 million coupons to the doctor issued through the "Talon Buy" service.

Please note that not all coupons to the clinic are issued through the TALON.BY service. Below is an algorithm for obtaining coupons to see a doctor at the clinic of the Minsk Central District Hospital.

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