Are social networks necessary at all? Does a blogger need social networks? Do we need social networks?

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Today, the reality around us is rich in a variety of modern technical capabilities that help people fulfill their needs. Simple real dialogues are being replaced by new forms of communication, which are in one way or another connected with new services, opportunities and gadgets and, in particular, with the Internet. It is difficult to overestimate the role of the Internet in organizing the flow of information flows, as well as in organizing communication, as one of the aspects that certainly accompanies the flow of these flows. Agree that e-mail, all kinds of forums organized in the network space, numerous Internet magazines and newspapers, and, in fact, the Internet itself have become for many no less important aspects of everyday life (and the communication inherent in it) than television or telephone, and sometimes they (Internet media) and completely displace their “backward” brothers. According to a report by the analytical company comScore, the number of Internet users in the world reached 772 million people in May 2007.

About 2.1 billion Internet users were recorded worldwide in 2011, almost half of them are residents of Asian countries, according to a global study by the analytical company The Royal Pingdom. The number of websites on the Internet at the end of 2011 was more than 555 million, writes The Royal Pingdom, and about 300 million of them appeared last year. The number of email accounts, which stood at 3.15 billion at the end of 2011, is approximately 1.5 times the total number of users. Occupying slightly less than a third of the market, the most popular e-mail client program remains Microsoft Outlook. According to analysts, the average email user working for a company receives and sends about 112 emails per day. Moreover, more than 70% of total email traffic around the world is spam. Among social networks, Facebook remains the leader in the number of users with more than 800 million accounts, 200 of which were created in 2011. Facebook's mobile audience is estimated at 350 million users by The Royal Pingdom. The number of registered accounts on Twitter is 225 million, and all users of the service send about 250 million tweets per day.

The Internet is an urgent need for every person and has been the main factor in the globalization of telecommunications and information systems for several years now. So what attracts users to sit for hours at the monitors of their computers and truly modern people cannot live without it? Firstly, it is impossible not to note the fact that all participants in the study (100 students from school No. 45: 80 girls and 20 boys, whose average age is 14 years) have a computer, which already reflects their importance and spend an average of 2 hours on the monitor. -3 hours (50% of the total number of respondents). However, respondents can live without a computer, and in particular the Internet, for an unlimited amount of time (40% of all respondents). This fact speaks about the use of the Internet as an assistant in everyday life. Activities on a computer come down to working on the Internet - searching for information and communicating between people on social networks. It would seem that a person uses the Internet, and for health reasons, if there is free time, why not. After all, the Internet saves so much time, searching for the same information on studies, instead of spending hours looking for it in the library, just a couple of clicks and everything is ready, and in the case of communication: at home you can contact all your friends, you don’t need to go anywhere. But behind all this screen of ease there are many problems that not everyone thinks about.

In this regard, the goal of the work is to study various social networks and their significance for life. Objectives of the work: Analysis of the essence of Internet communication. Definition of the content of the concept “social network”. Revealing the true role of Internet sources.

The synergy of the virtual world is fraught with many dangers and problems. So what these problems are and what their essence is are described in this work.

Chapter I. Synergy of virtual communication

This chapter reveals the essence of communication, its forms, pros and cons, as well as the problem of the illusory nature of the virtual world. So what is online communication? In answering this question, we should give a full description of all possible ways of communicating on the Internet.

Synergetics (from Old Greekσυν- - a prefix with the meaning of compatibility and ἔργον - “activity”) is an interdisciplinary area of ​​scientific research, the task of which is to study natural phenomena and processes based on the principles of self-organization of systems (consisting of subsystems ). Synergetics was initially declared as an interdisciplinary approach, since the principles governing the processes of self-organization seem to be the same (regardless of the nature of the systems), and a general mathematical apparatus should be suitable for their description. From an ideological point of view, synergetics is sometimes positioned as “global evolutionism” or a “universal theory of evolution”, which provides a unified basis for describing the mechanisms of the emergence of any innovations, just as cybernetics was once defined as a “universal theory of control”, equally suitable for describing any operations regulation and optimization: in nature, in technology, in society, etc., etc.

Ways to communicate on the Internet

Email. It is an analogue of the well-known system of communication through letters sent in envelopes indicating the destination and data of the addressee, differing in that the letter exists in the form of an electronic message that is sent from the addressee’s computer to the mail server, and then delivered to the addressee to his mailbox . Such communication is often interpersonal or group in nature, but sometimes it can also be mass. It is always indirect and distant.

Forum is special software for organizing communication between site visitors. Typically a forum offers a set of discussion sections. The work of the forum consists of users creating topics in sections and subsequent discussions within these topics. Forums bring together people based on all sorts of criteria. For example, thematic forums: a forum for movie lovers, scientific forums, etc. Another criterion is the “transfer” of a real community to the Internet, for example, a forum for students of our faculty. Forums can be open - where casual visitors can participate, sometimes only with the requirement of prior registration. The goals can be considered to be the acquisition by participants of various knowledge, communication experience, as well as obtaining the truth in disputes regarding a particular phenomenon or individual preferences.

Chat. A type of forum that differs from them in the absence of any specific scientific or social topic. Communication takes place in the form of a polylogue, often of strangers, pursuing the goal of making acquaintances.

Communication, both by email and on forums and chats, cannot necessarily take place only within one country. Since the Internet is the World Wide Web, therefore, people from different countries can communicate. The Internet covers almost all civilized corners of the planet and is a powerful means of intercultural communication. Internet communication is an integral and very important component of a technical phenomenon, which every day is becoming more and more firmly integrated into all spheres of our lives, including the process of exchange and transmission of information of various kinds between people.

Guest books. The first and simplest form of organizing communication is in the form web -applications. The simplest guestbook is a list of messages, shown from latest to first. Each visitor can leave his own message.

Blogs (from English web log - web-journal, web-protocol). In these services, each participant maintains his own journal - i.e. Leaves entries in chronological order. The topics of the posts can be anything; The most common approach is to blog as your own diary. Other visitors can leave comments on these posts. In this case, the user, in addition to the ability to keep his own journal, gets the opportunity to organize a viewing feed - a list of entries from friends’ journals(friends) , regulate access to records, look for interlocutors based on interests. On the basis of such systems, communities are created - journals that are maintained collectively. In such a community, its member can post any message related to the community’s activities.

With the development of these forms of communication, social networks began to form - i.e. a collection of participants united not only by the communication environment, but also with clearly established connections among themselves. In general, all modern systems for ensuring the operation of online communities have several general features:

The vast majority of communities provide for user registration - i.e. Each participant must have an account. When registering, the user must provide some identification information about himself. Almost all systems require you to enter your email address and check its functionality by sending an email with an account activation code. If the address is incorrect, only the system administrator can activate the entry. This approach guarantees to a certain extent the uniqueness of the participant;

work in the environment is carried out in sessions. Each session begins with the user entering their name and confirming their identity by entering a password. For convenience, sessional participation is usually hidden from the user by technical means, but nevertheless, the user is identified constantly;

in addition to credentials, the user configures the environment - appearance, additional information about himself, indicates his interests;

social networks and the services that support them have proven to be a very effective method of ensuring site traffic, feedback, and have gradually become one of the means of generating content (content that has value). Based on this approach, quite a large number of social web services appeared and quickly gained popularity, united under the general name “Web 2.0 services.”

The term "social network" was coined in 1954 by Manchester School sociologist James Barnes. In the second half of the 20th century, this concept began to be actively used in the West in studies of social connections and human relations. Over time, in a social network, not only people as representatives of society, but also any other objects that may have social connections, for example: cities, countries, companies, websites, their resources, began to be considered as its nodes.

During the course of social network analysis, terms such as social network analysis(Social Network Analysis, SNA), social network theory, etc. In this plan, the entire web space and its individual components can be represented in the form of graphs connecting their vertices, which can serve as different network objects (for example, sites containing certain types of information resources; organizations and firms; specialists; different categories of users...) with edges or arcs, which are types of connections that reflect the nature of the relationships between these objects. Many Internet services that allow the establishment of many telecommunication connections automatically form and use social networks. The result is a type of automated service called social networking services.(Social Networking Service) on the Internet.

Pros and cons of Internet communication. The influence of modern eclecticism on communication on the Internet.

Eclecticism (from the Greek eklektikos - able to choose, chooser) is a combination of heterogeneous, internally unrelated and possibly incompatible views, ideas, concepts, styles...

Humanity is trying to keep up with the times. Each person, using various innovations, tries to speed up processes with their help, which waste a lot of time, which could be spent much more usefully, as we think. And if, for example, a trip by train to work is faster than by private car, then this action looks very logical, but if a person replaces real communication with virtual communication, although he could do without it, it makes you think. But Internet communication is important now, and there are a number of advantages for this. First, sending an email requires little time. Secondly, no money is required for forwarding, thirdly, it is possible to simultaneously send one letter to several recipients, fourthly, there is no physical contact with the opponent, and in some cases anonymity. The Internet allows you to escape, and even protect yourself from everyday reality and problems, taking with you only those and only those who can really be called friends, and these will not necessarily be people: these can be secret desires, pipe dreams, important thoughts, that’s why people are drawn to the World Wide Web. This is the main advantage of the Internet for the younger generation.

What then are the negative aspects that can be identified in online communication? The World Wide Web of the virtual world and communication on the Internet is addictive and almost addictive to its users.People have an obsessive desire to access the Internet, but once on it, a person does not find the strength to leave web pages (42 respondents spend 1-2 hours on social networks every day). There are two main forms of the virtual world and communication on the Internet: chat addiction - from communication in chat rooms, forums, teleconferences, and e-mail. And web addiction - from new doses of information (virtual surfing on sites, portals, etc.). And yet, the majority of Internet addicts are hooked on services related to communication. According to statistics, the most attractive characteristics of such contacts are anonymity (86%), accessibility (63%), security (58%) and ease of use (37%). We must not forget the fact that spending a long time at the computer has health consequences.

Behind all these pros and cons lies a new problem of communication on the Internet -the illusory nature of online communication. The popularity of online dating is growing all over the world.

Networking relationships are extremely easy to start and very easy to end. There is no need to worry about how you look or what impression you make on others: others will see you only if you want them to, and the way you want them to. A charming, captivating illusion of a full-fledged emotional life arises, devoid of those inevitable shortcomings and difficulties that real communication brings. Internet relationships require almost no emotional labor; the ease of creating contacts discourages you from investing work in maintaining them. The result is numerous short and empty virtual relationships, a fear of creating real relationships, a desire to dull the feeling of loneliness with more and more virtual novels. The Internet makes it possible be not yourself . You can try on and play any role that you always wanted to play, but it was scary, ashamed, awkward. On the Internet, these concepts are somewhat inappropriate, because how can one be embarrassed in front of a soulless piece of hardware? On the Internet, nothing will prevent you from shining with erudition and wit, since online encyclopedias are always at hand. Thus, a person lives in a fantasy world for some time extremely pleasantly, but it is impossible to prolong the illusion indefinitely. If the Internet nevertheless spared part of the consciousness, then there will be a desire to meet a virtual partner for real, and here it turns out that the created ideal image is unlikely to correspond to reality, hence disappointment, and sometimes even depression. However, the most formidable danger is that, carried away by the illusion, eager to maintain it as long as possible, people cut off the possibility of creating real, genuine relationships or interrupt existing ones.

The peculiarity of online communication is such that the image of another person on the Internet is completely devoid of reality. After all, you can create your own hero, fill him with your own fantasies, desires, collect in the image all the ideal characteristics inherent in a person, and pass him off as yourself, and we readily believe that the person on the other side of the screen really is like that.

Today, a whole industry has even begun to develop in connection with this. Special companies appear that offer a person to create a variety of photographs - “images of the new you.” People take the most unusual and sensual photographs, retouch their appearance, and patch up all the flaws. But, alas, this image simply melts away during a real meeting, if it takes place in the future. And, subsequently, this can lead to a break in the relationship. It is not surprising that among those seeking romantic companionship online, it is common to exaggerate or attribute positive traits to themselves, and to downplay or hide their serious shortcomings. Many people take such deception calmly, believing that it is quite natural to lie a little when you want to make acquaintances. When communicating with their virtual interlocutor, people, of course, are sure that they are communicating with a person who suits them so well, understands them so well, always listens carefully, but in fact, communication occurs with themselves, people communicate with an image that they themselves have come up with . In this case, the content of the remarks coming from the other side of the screen does not matter, since everything said by the interlocutor will be attributed to a fictitious image and endowed with the corresponding meaning. This is precisely the principle of modern eclecticism. Such network relationships lead to a loss of self-identity (psychologists use it to describe the set of qualities that make a person who he is), they allow you to play “yourself or another,” and there is a high risk of overplaying. There is a change in priorities: real life begins to seem like a boring preamble to the “real”. Eclecticism leads to the fact that some people immerse themselves in the illusory virtual world, enthusiastically communicate with “cyberfriends”, with “cyberbrides” and gradually begin to lose the line that separates real, everyday life from electronic phantoms. Overly preoccupied and sometimes zombie-like people, as a rule, have an impoverished life. Such people move little, are chained to computers for hours, which leads to the development of hypokinesia. They stop noticing the beauty of the world around them, lose the ability to form normal human relationships, which are replaced by surrogate, base animal instincts for satisfying desires and receiving pleasure. Eclecticism is fraught with danger not only for the user, but also for society as a whole. People with evil intentions use cunning to find victims on the Internet and deliberately create ideal images to lure more and more victims. Most often, children and teenagers become victims.

According to the above study (90% of respondents use social networks for communication), the majority of respondents do not hide their personal data, however, users who still consider it necessary to hide their data are reduced to default phone numbers and contacts. They explain their action by saying that they consider it unnecessary to leave their personal information on the Internet (40% of respondents) and do it absolutely correctly, since it helps them maintain their own security, in order to avoid, for example, unnecessary calls. Among the respondents, there are those who answered that they do not hide, but deliberately use fictitious data to achieve their own goals (2 users), which confirms the fact of the existence of the illusory nature of virtual communication, which has negative synergy. Under the influence of virtual information hackers, an Internet user, by giving away all his personal information, endangers not only himself, but also other users. The danger lies in the fact that hackers can use information, for example, to build virtual acquaintances, search for phones of other users, extort money, and or for any assistance that requires action on the part of the user; the range of harmful influences is quite wide. It is through virtual acquaintance that people, without knowing it, seriously endanger their physical, emotional and spiritual health. Long-term communication with such a fictional imaginary hero can lead to simple addiction, all the more so when you find out who is really hiding under the mask of your interlocutor.

Chapter II. The illusory nature of Internet resources

2.1. Information Internet resources

According to the study, the second most important use of a computer, in particular the Internet resource, is listed as a source of knowledge, that is, a cognitive type of activity. Indeed, why sit for hours in the library when with a few keystrokes you can find out everything you need. Thus, there is a lot of free time. Apparently, it is this argument that is decisive regarding the intellectual role of Internet sources among a group of respondents (100 people). It would seem, why not, when there is free access to the Internet, use it for your health!However, according to the survey, quite a lot of users use the Internet resource, but when answering the question of whether you trust them, many (51% of respondents) answer that not always, and try to check the accuracy. This fact speaks of doubtfulness and distrust of the Internet in cognitive terms. The Internet is a boundless network that changes every second: new sites appear, new forums are created, information is updated... At the same time, it does not necessarily need to be changed by a specially trained programmer; the most ordinary user can do this. In addition, the Internet has freedom; thousands of materials, documents, and information are posted online. And it will always be like this as long as there is the Internet.The virtual world is extremely mobile, there is no permanence in it, everything that seems to be defined and seems stable can easily change overnight. Undoubtedly, “information freedom” has an impact on areas of activity, transforming them, which provides the preconditions for the emergence of deterministic chaos. It turns outso that information that seems to be reliable is viewed differently by other users: “how many people have so many opinions.” As a result, the user simply cannot figure out what is true and what is false.This is the problem of the illusory nature of Internet resources.

It turns out that information on the Internet does not always correspond to reality, which means it has negative synergy. However, one should not be so categorical about synergy. Modern science does not stand still, it develops, new terms and concepts appear that are published with the help of the Internet, therefore, illusoryness should not be considered as a purely negative factor in the development of synergy; there is also a positive side, which consists in broadening the user’s horizons. It is on the Internet that you can accidentally come across interesting facts, statistical reports, and sites that arouse the interest of the Internet user.Still, we should not forget that, despite all the colorfulness of Internet knowledge, there are facts that can only be found in books.

2.2. Internet resources created for communication

Foreign social networks. Facebook - year of foundation - 2004. As of May 2011 in Facebook More than 700 million accounts were registered. The most popular social network in the world. Classmates - year of foundation - 1995. Number of participants - about 50 million. “When you are over thirty-five,” said the CEO of the project, Michael Schutzler, “you look in the rearview mirror of your life, and one day the thought arises in your head: “ My God, how did I end up here? And how is Harry? I haven’t spoken to him for 25 years.” The network, whose name is translated into Russian as “Odnoklassniki”, created in the city of Renton, USA, is designed to solve the problem of “looking in the rearview mirror”. Today is one of the largest social networks in the world, uniting people who want to find and maintain contact with those with whom they studied, worked or served in the army. Its members have the opportunity to post photographs, biographies, and participate in news discussions in their community feeds. considered the first social network on the Internet. MySpace - year of foundation - 2003. “An online community for communicating with friends of your friends” - this is how the developers define the purpose of this social network. Network members can create their own communities of interests, write blogs, post photos, music and video materials. In January 2008, a beta version in Russian was launched, but already in August 2009, the final closure of the Russian division was announced. General Director of Russian MySpace Alexander Turkot explained the closure by Rupert Murdoch’s categorical reluctance to develop the network in Russia. However, the Russian-language interface and profiles of Russian users are preserved. After 2009, it lost its popularity (it dropped from 5th place in the world to 72nd in 2011, the number of network participants during this time decreased from 80 to 30 million). In April 2011, losses were first announced online. LinkedIn - year of foundation - 2003. The growing network unites St. 100 million professionals from 150 industries. Users have the tools to create their own professional portfolio, search for partners and clients, and expand their circle of professional communication. Friendster - year founded - 2002. One of the oldest online social networks providing search for those “who are you interested in"and building a social network. In recent years it has been losing popularity. The number of users is 8.2 million (June 2010) from around the world.

In addition to the listed sites, there are others that are also actively used by various users. We have listed only the most famous ones.


“We invented and improved technologies,

who stole from us,” Turkle writes.

In our age of computer technology, everyone is familiar with the concept of the Internet. The Internet covers almost all civilized corners of the planet and is a powerful means of intercultural communication. Internet communication is an integral and very important component of a technical phenomenon, which every day is becoming more and more firmly integrated into all spheres of our lives, including the process of exchange and transmission of information of various kinds between people. Communication in the virtual world is mainly carried out through a variety of social networks. The term “social network” was coined in 1954 by Manchester School sociologist James Barnes. Everyone has their own reasons for registering on social networks: some try to find old acquaintances and friends, others dream of restoring old relationships, and for some it is simply a convenient way to keep in touch and make new acquaintances. The demand for social networks is growing every day, drawing more and more people of different age categories into its arms. It is impossible to fully evaluate network resources as positive or negative. On the one hand, this greatly simplifies the life of a modern person, but not everyone understands the degree of danger that online communication carries.
The main problem is that many people become completely dependent on the social network; they can no longer imagine their life without it. Constantly interacting with each other through online correspondence, they forget about personal communication, for some users this reaches the point of fanaticism, they begin to spend their money on paid resources, sometimes without realizing it at all. Over time, a person may develop a pathological need to constantly stay on the site, which he can no longer get rid of on his own. This addiction is very similar to drug or alcohol addiction. An acute craving for using network resources is a kind of illness that can arise due to any personal or psychological problems, due to unfulfilled desires, as well as hidden complexes and difficulties in communication, because in the virtual world it is much easier to express oneself, to create an ideal image, the awareness of one’s own security and anonymity is of particular importance, which is not the case in the real world. There is a complete replacement of real relationships with virtual ones. A large percentage of users try to leave the networks, but after a certain time, they return there again, this suggests that people are aware of their direct dependence, but cannot overcome it.

Desperate communication on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook can be considered a modern form of insanity, psychologists say. Experts interviewed by admit that addiction to social networks is a real problem today, but it can have its pros and cons - everyone decides for themselves what to choose. People are becoming isolated from reality due to social networks, as technology takes precedence over humanity, the professor believes. There is a replacement of real human interactions with connections in cyber reality, which is a pathetic imitation of the real world. In Europe, there are specialized centers for helping people suffering from addiction to online communities. Here in Russia, it is more difficult to find a specialist who could help cope with such a condition.

The virtual world is extremely mobile, there is no permanence in it, everything that seems to be defined and seems stable can easily change overnight.


Vasilkova V.V. Order and chaos in the development of social systems: Synergetics and the theory of social self-organization. St. Petersburg: “Lan”, 1999.

Gurina M. Philosophy. M., 1998.

Elchaninov M.S. Social synergetics and disasters in Russia in the modern era. M.: KomKniga, 2005.

Efimov E. G. The use of social networks as a type of professional competence in the educational sphere./Efimov Evgeniy Gennadievich. //Innovative development of human resources in the region, November 18-19, 2011, Volgograd: [materials]. - Volgograd: FGOU VPO VAGS, 2011. - 500 p.

Efimov E. G. Kuznetsov A. A. Types of crisis potential of social Internet networks as regional socio-economic systems. //Innovative potential of the modern region: problems of regional security and intraregional integration in the post-Soviet space, All-Russian scientific and practical conference. (2011; Volgograd). October 28-29, 2011, Volgograd: [materials]. - Volgograd: FGOU VPO VAGS, 2011. - P.144-145.

Kapitsa S.P., Kurdyumov S.P., Malinetsky G.G. Synergetics and future forecasts. - M., 1997.

Kochetov A.N. “The influence of the Internet on the development of society”

Online articles from the site

Appendix: Survey results

But, sometimes it is useful to doubt the usual things, let's think about what disadvantages social network buttons may have, are they really necessary for any site?

Most webmasters mistakenly believe that making it easy for people to share content will help increase traffic. And that's why WordPress and other popular CMSs have countless plugins for .

But do these plugins really provide that much value?

Let me tell you more, such widgets even have significant disadvantages, especially if you place them on pages that no one would ever share (for example, a contact form or an “About Us” page). So, before you put social media buttons on your website, you should consider the following aspects:

1. Buttons slow down your site

We live in a time where no one will wait for a long time for a website to load.

According to recent studies, about 79% of visitors will wait no more than 3 seconds for a website to load.

The situation gets even more complicated when it comes to mobile users. If the page does not load within 1 second or less, the user will most likely leave your site.

As you probably already imagined, introducing several buttons at once will lead to a significant increase in the size and weight of the page, and this will seriously affect the loading speed.

Even more troubling, a recent study found that 99,8% mobile users never actually use sharing buttons. ()

Advice: use only the buttons of the highest priority social networks, and to reduce page loading time, install a single Uptolike widget, instead of inserting separate codes.

By the way, I often receive a question by email: Whose social buttons are used on my blog? Under the articles I have a widget from the service, it is very famous in the West and loads quickly. True, I ordered the counter to the left of the buttons separately from the programmer; it is not part of their widget.

2. Loss of visitor engagement

By offering sharing buttons on pages with valuable and interesting content, you, without knowing it, are shifting the focus of attention and interaction from your website to those same social networks. Your topic will be discussed elsewhere without even thinking about who the author was.

This means a loss of control over the discussion, and, moreover, a loss of potential site visitors. Even if we consider the ideal scenario in which the debate over your topic takes place on your public page on the social network, you are still losing valuable visitors, leaving them on VK, FB or Twitter.

Naturally, this greatly complicates control over user retention and engagement. This is why I encourage you to consider implementing communication and discussion platforms into your website.

Advice: chats or a good commenting system (like De: comments, Cackle) will help you maintain communication within your main site, but with the ability to log in through social networks. This way, users can receive communication without leaving your site.

3. Distraction from purchasing a product/service

In principle, this point is a continuation of the previous one, just with a more acute problem - lost sales. When it comes to commercial sites, the loss of a visitor is a direct loss, and social networks play an important role here.

Despite the fact that this is a common practice, placing social buttons on product cards is a very dubious idea. It’s truly funny to see such buttons in adult-themed online stores; does anyone really expect that customers will repost “this” to their wall 😉 And in general, have you ever shared a product page on social networks?

You can read more about the impact of social buttons on sales in an article on, where the authors gave specific examples of changes in conversion for this reason.

4. Script conflicts and errors

The reason here is quite simple: new widgets may be developed with errors and jambs that can “break” your site. Even if there are no errors, when updating the site design, the markup and code may change if you have not checked everything in advance.

Social media buttons are designed in such a way that you can simply paste the finished code into the desired element on the site, as a result, there is a chance of completely ruining the page layout, and many users will most likely notice this before you fix everything.

It may seem that I am exaggerating somewhat, apparently I simply belong to that generation of webmasters who are wary of all external scripts on their site and do not want to depend on other people’s services. In general, of course, cloud technologies are coming...

5. Think about safety

As noted earlier, many sharing buttons are based on javascript.

Javascript is a fairly vulnerable language for hackers; sharing buttons can cause far more problems than they are worth. Hackers can easily inject malicious code into your website via javascript, track the behavior and habits of your visitors, or worse, gain access to personal information.

Therefore, if you cannot do without sharing buttons on social networks, then it is important to take maximum care of the site’s security. I recommend reading the article Using these tools, you can reduce the vulnerability of the site and eliminate the possibility of problems related to Javascript.


I'm not trying to convince you to get rid of social buttons; in most cases they are very useful. the site is not deprived of them either 😉

In general, try to adhere to the following principles:

  • A selective approach is to place social buttons on those pages where it makes sense.
  • Measure loading speed - use widgets that are not too overloaded.
  • In commercial matters - get rid of everything that can distract from the purchase.
  • Choose scripts from well-known developers and check their work from time to time.

The advantages of sharing buttons are obvious, but it is also important to consider all their disadvantages.

Do we need social networks?

Huge amounts of traffic are consumed daily on social networks by a gigantic audience of fans of these sites.

People waste time, make useless acquaintances, communicate stupidly, play games and post photos. All this is a waste of time that could be spent usefully.

When used wisely, networks such as VKontakte become an indispensable tool.

What does a social network on the Internet provide?

It is clear that this provides a stable income for the developers of such projects.

What do Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter and their analogues bring to our lives? There are many positive aspects of using social media. There are plenty of networks:

  • free communication with family and friends who are far away;
  • access to a huge amount of useful information;
  • the ability to quickly and easily get answers to your questions;
  • convenient exchange of information (a means of transmitting any data);
  • now through social media networks, you can log in to other resources;
  • You can store photos and videos in them for free.

This is just a small list of what social media can be useful for. networks. I do not consider myself an ardent fan of such systems, since I use them more often for business, rather than for entertainment.

If you like to spend time online on VK or on other similar sites, also think about spending it usefully.

Earning money is what social media is for. networks!

The main advantage, for me personally, is opportunity to earn extra money online. I have been registered in promotion systems for several years now and actively use them.

I also recommend them to my friends. You may not be able to earn money for a new Mercedes, but it’s easy to get money for a phone. Do you also want to always have money on your mobile balance? Register on and complete tasks through your accounts:

After spending a few minutes and logging into this system 3 times a day, you can collect good money.

Of course, accounts are filled with garbage, you have to join all sorts of groups and publish advertisements, but when you order a payment, you forget about this nuance:

It’s convenient for me to receive money via Webmoney, although here you can order transfers to your phone, QIWI or Yandex.Money. Available orders quickly run out, so it makes sense to use several of these sites.

Good rewards are given out on these services:

Communicating in the blogosphere, I noticed that many bloggers are quite dismissive of social networks and, accordingly, of communication on them. Others, on the contrary, actively post their photographs there, links to posts, remarks and do not bother with these issues. And I wanted to figure out what social networks are for and how effective they are for promoting an offline blog.

As far as I remember, the first blogs in RuNet appeared on the basis of blog hosting sites. The most successful project turned out to be LiveJournal, popularly known as LJ, zhezheshechka, “cozy.” It successfully combined (and continues to combine) the functions of an autonomous blog and a social network. Yes, a third-level domain, some truncated functions (dependence on the LiveJournal administration, truncated journal settings, monetization restrictions, etc.). And the “friends feed” unites different blogs into a single stream, which allows you to keep abreast of what your friends have written.

Google Blogspot has taken an intermediate position between blog hosting and stand-alone blogs. You can attach a second-level domain to your blog and monetize it more freely. The friends feed has disappeared, leaving only the option to go to the next blog on the console. There is also a certain dependence on the blog hosting administration, which can close the blog at its discretion.

Offline blogs provide maximum freedom of expression. Design it the way you want, monetize it as much as you can. But the price for freedom was dependence on search engines and difficulties in attracting readers.

In recent years, social networks have burst into the Internet space. Twitter, VKontakte, Facebook, Google+, Instagram... In many ways, they became the very “feed of friends” that autonomous vehicles were so lacking. But at the same time, they took over some of the blogging functions. Let's try to figure out what exactly.

Social networks - quickly and conveniently

Social networks have proven their efficiency. Information spreads across them instantly. Let's remember where we got the main information from during high-profile social events: opposition protests on Bolotnaya Square, the Pussy Wright case, the Kyiv Maidan, the war in Donbass, and other incidents. Precisely from social networks. Thanks to #hashtags any high-profile event instantly rises to the top; Internet users sometimes find out about it earlier than the official media. This kind of “word of mouth” turned out to be extremely effective. The intelligence services of different countries did not fail to take advantage of this. The “Arab Spring” and other “color revolutions” are direct confirmation of this.

Social networks also make it easy to repost - with the click of a button. Thanks to them and likes, your friends will also see the post you liked in their feed. It's easy to write on social networks. They are installed on any smartphone as separate programs. Writing a post or sending a photo from the scene of an event takes just a few minutes. The main thing is to have the Internet.

Blogs are a different matter - even with a mobile version, you can’t write on them so quickly. For example, I’ve been writing this post for the second day, thinking about it, making edits, adding. Then I will have to write a title, keywords, add a meta description, select a picture and design it accordingly. And when the post comes out, how can you make sure that readers know about it quickly? Not everyone reads the newsletter. And again, social networks come to the rescue - either a personal account or a group. And the more it is promoted, the more people will follow the link.

Several times my blogs experienced an avalanche-like increase in visitors, their number reaching several tens of thousands per day. It turned out that someone gave a link in promoted groups. A few days later the numbers returned, of course, to their previous level.

Social media accounts - blogs? Yes!

Let's remember what a blog is. This is an abbreviation for English web log- an online event log, online diary, online diary, where posts are structured chronologically, from new to old (see Wikipedia). And it depends only on its author what and how he will fill it. Someone writes about the events of their lives, travels and experiences. Some people talk about more abstract topics. Others generally publish only photographs, without text. The main function of a blog is (self)presentation and communication. Otherwise, the blog turns into an information site.

And for that matter It doesn’t matter at all where the blog will be located - on an offline platform, blog hosting or on a social network. Efficiency and capabilities are decisive.

Nowadays, many social media accounts have turned into full-fledged blogs. I will name just a few names: Anatoly Shariy, Arsen Avakov, Vitaly Tretyakov, Anatoly El-Murid... Their Facebook profiles have a huge number of subscribers. And the ease of reposting allows you to convey information to others. Other politicians and public figures use other social networks. Dmitry Rogozin often responds to his opponents on Twitter, and Ramzan Kadyrov on Instagram. But it doesn’t matter where - the main thing is that a large number of people instantly learn about it, and the media publish them.

Of course, if we are talking about a long post with a lot of photos, a classic blog would be optimal. But if you want to publish a photo taken “on the fly” or short travel notes, again, “on the fly”? Or are you offended by some situation or phrase and want to discuss it with friends? There is nothing better than a social network - fast, efficient, convenient. But all this: a photo, a remark, a note - also falls under the definition of a blog.

Autonomous blog - how to attract readers?

Autonomous blogs, as I wrote above, provide the greatest opportunities in terms of design and monetization. It is also important that you are its full-fledged owner and are little dependent on third parties (unless, of course, you break the law and are at least a little concerned about safety). On the other hand, a serious problem with autonomous films is attracting readers. As a rule, the main flow comes from search engines. And that means you have to please them.

More than 80% of visitors to this blog come from search engines, and more than 90% to “Moscow Region”.

How to please search engines? Write a post with at least 300 words (Google’s recommendation), write a title, keywords, meta-description, properly design pictures, etc. Then take care of indexing the post, ideally pump it up with links... But that’s not all.

We all know that the “gold of a blog” is its readers, and active ones at that. Those who subscribe to updates will comment on posts. Bloggers use the most sophisticated methods to attract new people: relay races, competitions, gifts for subscription, mutual commenting, etc. If only a person subscribes to the blog.

Are social networks killing blogs?

In my opinion, social networks can be compared to a newspaper, and blogs can be compared to an illustrated magazine or book. It is useless to argue which is better - everyone has their own capabilities and tasks. The news feed on a social network is quickly updated; information that was recently relevant gradually slides down and is eventually lost somewhere in the archives. A classic blog is easier to navigate. For example, on my blog it’s easy to find posts that were written 6 years ago.

Sometimes I find it difficult to separate my offline blog from my social media account. This is how I do it. Usually what requires a detailed narrative, a lot of photographs, I publish on the blog. More immediate - on social networks. But this doesn’t mean that I look at my social media profiles as a dump where I can throw everything. This is also my story, my little blog, which serves as a support for this.

People are lazy by nature and do not always click on an external link. Now they note that clicking has given way to scrolling - this is due to the widespread use of mobile devices. I noticed that, for example, Anatoly El-Murid, the author of a very popular political blog on LiveJournal, completely duplicates his posts on Facebook. They comment on it both here and there. So it's justified.

Blogs, social networks and business

Businessmen have long understood the effectiveness of social networks. A beautiful picture on Instagram can attract more customers than a blog article. By googling, you can find many posts devoted to this issue. Any self-respecting company or publication is represented on the Internet in all its diversity: an autonomous website, regularly updated profiles on social networks.

So I wouldn't treat social media as just a chat room. Of course, for most users, that's exactly what they are. But at the same time, they are a very effective tool for promoting your brand and shaping public opinion.

My blogs and social networks

My readers are probably wondering how many transitions from social networks there are to my blogs. I will be disappointed - a little, on normal days about 1-2%. Links to posts get few likes, while a successful photo or remark posted on Facebook will get several dozen likes and a dozen shares - this despite the fact that I don’t promote my profile and add as friends not everyone who knocks .

Very often, interesting discussions unfold under my posts on social networks. And I sometimes regret that they cannot be moved here. Of course, I would prefer to somehow combine all my accounts - Autonomous, Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram into a single conglomerate. I still can’t imagine how this is technically possible.

© , 2009-2019. Copying and reprinting of any materials and photographs from the website in electronic publications and printed publications is prohibited.

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