Presentation on the topic "system software". Presentation on the topic "system software" System software ppt

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Software: system/application System software is a set of control and processing programs, descriptions and instructions that ensure the functioning of a computer system, as well as the development and execution of user programs. Synonym: “special software”. Application software is a set of programs for solving specific problems from various fields of computer application. Synonym: “general software”.

Operating systems OS/360, OS EC, RSX, RT11,… Multics, Unix Novell NetWare, IBM OS/2 CP/M, Q-DOS, MS-DOS,… Microsoft Windows...XP, Vista, Seven,... Unix-like, Linux Apple MacOS..., Tiger, X Leopard,... PalmOS, Symbian,... WindRiver VxWorks,... Ghost, gOS Cloud...

Operating shells MS DOS: (Norton Utilites for DOS v) OS/2: Workplase Shell Windows: Windows GUI Linux: Bourne Again Shell (BASH) TCSH–shell …

DOS, Windows and other OS&O production Microsoft Operating shells launched from DOSDOS –Windows 1.0 | Windows 2.x | Windows 3.xWindows 1.0Windows 2.xWindows 3.x OS family Windows 9x –Windows 95 | Windows 98 | Windows MeWindows 95Windows 98Windows Me Windows NT Family –NT 3.1 | NT 3.5 | NT 3.51 | NT 4.0 | 2000 (NT 5.0) | XP (NT 5.1) | Server 2003 (NT 5.2) | FLP | Vista (NT 6.0) | Home Server | Server 2008NT 3.1NT 3.5NT 3.51NT XPServer 2003FLPVistaHome ServerServer 2008 Windows OS Family CE –CE 2.0 | CE 3.0 | CE 4.0 | CE 5.0 | CE 6.0 | MobileCE 2.0CE 3.0CE 4.0CE 5.0CE 6.0Mobile In development –Seven (Vienna/Blackcomb; NT 7.0)Seven Closed –Neptune | Nashville | OdysseyNeptuneNashvilleOdyssey More projects –Xenix | MS-DOS | OS/2 | Cairo | SingularityXenixMS-DOSOS/2CairoSingularity

Linux distributions... Slackware S.U.S.E Suse / OpenSUSE ... Gentoo Fregate ... Red Hat / Fedora Core Mandrake Mandriva ... ASPLinux ... Debian GNU/Linux Corel Linux Xandros ... Mepis ... Lindows Linspire ... LiveCD Knoppix Gnoppix, Kurumin ... Ubuntu Kubuntu, Edubuntu, ... ...

Mobile OSs EPOC32 (Psion, 1990s) Symbian: –UIQ platform Up to version 3.0 ( Sony Ericsson) Versions 3.1, 3.2 (Motorola since 2007) – S60 platform (from Nokia Series 60, 2001) Edition 3 Edition 5 (project, for Nokia Tube) Pocket PC Windows Mobile v.6.0/6.1 –Standard –Professional (sensor) OS X iPhone (for iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch) Linux –MobiLinux – Google Android(for HTC Dream)

Specialized real-time OS: OS for automotive electronics, etc. Facts: The average car has about 70 microprocessors installed. Only the engine control system - several million lines of code... Projects: JasPar (Japan Automotive Software Platform and Architecture: Toyota, Honda, Nissan,...) Toyota + Nagoya OSEK University (Bosh + BMW, DaimlerChrysler) Microsoft SyncOS ( Windows Auto) Wind River VVxWorks GHS Integrity…

OS classifications By number of users – Single-user (MS-DOS, NetWare, Windows,...) – Multi-user (UNIX,...) By access modes – Batch (OS/360,...) – Interactive (Windows, UNIX,...) – Real time ( QNX, RSX,...) By the number of tasks solved – Single-tasking (MS-DOS,...) – Multi-tasking (Windows, UNIX,...) By bitness (8,16,32,64,...) ...

What is an OS structurally? Option 1. This is the kernel (minimalist point of view) Option 2. This is the kernel plus the infrastructure that builds on it: the complex system utilities and user applications, as well as tools for managing them (maximalist point of view) Option 3. This is the kernel and a set of tools that ensure its functionality (intermediate point of view)

Structure of a (modular) OS Kernel Startup utilities (tools for loading a kernel image, managing plug-ins, and initializing the system) Support utilities (tools for providing basic kernel functionality) User utilities System libraries

OS kernel and its functions The kernel (core) ensures the interaction of system and user programs with computer hardware: – Distribution of processor time between simultaneously running tasks – Working with physical and virtual memory – Access to data at the level file system, I/O Control –Support network protocols and devices –...

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Software is a set of commands that control the operation of a computer. Without software, a computer will not be able to perform the tasks we typically associate with computers. The functions of the software are as follows: manage computer resources organizations; provide the user with all the tools necessary to benefit from these resources; act as an intermediary between organizations and stored information. Selecting software that meets the needs of the organization is one of the key tasks of management personnel. .

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System support is a set of programs that provide component management computer system. Systemic software includes: operating systems, network software, command-file processors (shells), programming languages, service programs(test and diagnostic programs, system drivers peripheral devices, utilities), archivers and anti-virus programs. .

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Basic software is a set of programs that ensure the operation of a computer. The basic software includes: operating systems, operating shells (shell). operating system(OS) is the program that is first loaded when the computer is turned on. The first OS for an IBM-compatible computer (MS DOS) was created in 1981. The OS organizes the execution of other programs. Without it, human work on a computer is impossible. The OS manages the computer, its resources (RAM, disk space, etc.), runs service functions, supervises the work technical devices and some auxiliary programs, carries out a dialogue with the user, launches application and other programs. Operating systems are the main software systems that perform the following main functions: 1) testing the performance of the computer system and setting it up upon initial startup; 2) ensuring synchronous and effective interaction of all hardware and software components of the computer system during its operation; 3) ensuring effective user interaction with the computing system. OS are classified into: · single-user, single-tasking systems (MS-DOS, etc.); ·single-user multitasking systems (OS/2, Windows 95/98/2000, etc., Vista); ·multi-user (network) systems (UNIX family, Linux, WindowsNT, etc.). The main functions of network operating systems designed to work in various networks include: directory and file management; protection against unauthorized access; ensuring fault tolerance; network management. The simplest network operating systems are peer-to-peer operating systems. Their function is to divide the disks of different nodes between all users, enforce passwords and prohibitions on the use of certain disks.

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Operating shells are an interface for user interaction with the operating system. Operating shells interpret (translate into machine code and execute) OS commands. Types of operating shells: graphical - for entering OS commands through menus, switches, buttons, presented in the form graphic images (Windows Explorer, which includes the Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar, and file manager) Text command line- to enter OS commands from the keyboard (cmd.exe, Windows PowerShell, included in MS Windows OS) packages - for recording a sequence of OS commands into a file (file with the .bat extension), then the file is interpreted. windows - for entering OS commands through menus, switches, buttons, presented in the form of a set of letters, numbers and pseudographic symbols.

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Software Developed by: Computer Science teacher Saboidalova M.A. GBOU SPO KO "Communal Construction College", Kaluga

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Computer Computer software is the entire collection of programs stored in long-term memory

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Types of software System software Tool software 1. Basic software: operating systems; shells; network OS 2.Service software: diagnostics; antivirus; media services; archiving; network maintenance Application software System software is a set of programs to ensure the operation of a computer

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Types of software Application software is a set of programs for solving problems in a specific subject area: word processors; table processors; databases (DBMS); integrated packages; GPUs; expert systems; training programs; games; communication programs

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Types of software Tool software is a set of programs for the development, debugging and implementation of new programs; translators; software development environment; reference program libraries; debuggers; link editors

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Basic software Operating system (OS) A set of programs that manage RAM, processor, external devices and files, conducting a dialogue with the user Dialogue shells Add-ons to the OS that provide a user-friendly interface Service software Disk maintenance programs Programs for compressing files on disks Antivirus programs etc. OS functions Dialogue with the user Resource management (CPU time, internal memory, external devices) Working with files

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Operating system (OS) is a complex of interconnected system programs, the purpose of which is to organize the user’s interaction with the computer and the execution of all other programs.

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Service software Programs for disk optimization - provide faster access to information on the disk by optimizing (defragmenting) the placement of data on the disk. Disk compression programs - increase the amount of information stored on disks by dynamically compressing it. Memory management programs provide more flexible use of your computer's RAM. Russification programs adapt other programs to work with Russian letters.

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Linux is a very powerful and stable OS. Using it on the Internet pays off, and hacking it is not so easy. In Linux there is no division into drives C and D, and the process of communicating with devices is very convenient. All devices have their own system file

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User interface Menu is a list on the screen from which the user can select the elements he needs User-friendly interface is a user-friendly way to communicate with the computer Interface is a way for a program to communicate with the user Character-by-character typing and entering commands from the keyboard into the computer in an interactive mode Selecting commands from the menu Entering commands by pressing function or hot keys (key combinations) Text menu Icon menu

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Characteristics of computer generations I 1945-60s II 1955-70s III 1965-80s IV 1975-… V ? Element base Electronic tubes Transistors ICs and LSIs VLSI and microprocessors Optoelectronics, cryoelectronics Maximum processor speed (opers/sec) 10 – 20 thousand 100 thousand –1 million 10 million 109 + multi-processor 1012 + multi-processor Maximum RAM capacity (KB) 100 1000 10 000 10 000 000 100 000 000 Peripherals Magnetic tape, punched cards and paper tapes, digital printing Magnetic tape, punched media, alphanumeric printing Consoles, magnetic tapes, displays, plotters Color graphic display, keyboards, printers, modems + voice input devices, handwritten text reading devices, etc. Examples of computer models MESM, BESM-1, ESM-2, M-20, Minsk M-220, BESM-3, Ural--14, BESM-6 Minsk-32 IBM 360/370, ES computer, SM computer PC: IBM PC, Macintosh, Supercomputer: Cray, Cyber, Elbrus

“Software in a computer” - Computer-aided design (CAD) or CAD (English Representatives graphic editors- programs Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw. The most common application software. Fik group. Software. Instrumentation systems. Today, most systems are moving smoothly to the Web.

“Software lesson” - Author: Teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 23 Grodinskaya Valentina Alekseevna e-mail: [email protected]. Simulators (babytype) Tests Electronic textbooks. Used to pack files to reduce disk space. Instrumentation software. Translators. Formation of information literacy of students.

“PC Software” - Computer software. Computer devices. Background to the emergence of software. Programming systems are tools for creating application programs. Application software. Training programs for self-education or in the educational process. Human. Mathematical packages for complex engineering calculations.

“Machine text translation” - Computer dictionaries and machine translation systems for texts. Optical shape recognition systems. First, using a scanner, you need to obtain an image of a page of text in graphic format. Optical document recognition systems. The result of recognition is the character whose pattern most closely matches the image.

"Types of software" - K educational programs include electronic textbooks, training simulators. MS Access. Photoshop. MS Excel. Programming systems. Professional programs. MS PowerPoint. Types of software. AutoCAD MS Access. System software. Many users begin their communication with a computer with computer games.

“Computer software” - Application programs that directly support the performance of work required by users; A computer that is assembled in a factory from microcircuits, wires, circuit boards and other things is like a newborn human. All programs running on a computer can be divided into three categories: System programs- serve to manage computer resources.

system software (general use programs),
performing various auxiliary
functions, such as creating copies of the used
information, issuance reference information O
computer, checking the functionality of devices
computer, etc.
application software that enables execution
necessary work on PC: editing
text documents, creating drawings or
pictures, processing of information arrays and
tool software (programming systems),
ensuring the development of new programs for
computer in a programming language.

System software

These are general use programs and are not associated with a specific
using a PC and perform traditional functions:
planning and task management, input management
output, etc.
System software includes:
operating systems (this program is loaded into RAM
when you turn on the computer)
shell programs (provide more convenient and
a visual way to communicate with a computer than using
DOS command line, such as Norton Commander)
operating shells are interface systems that
used to create graphical interfaces,
multiprogramming, etc.

Drivers (programs designed for
management of ports of peripheral devices,
usually loaded into RAM at
starting the computer)
utilities (auxiliary or service
programs that present the user
a number of additional services)
Utilities include:
file managers or file managers
dynamic data compression tools
(allow you to increase the amount of information by
disk due to its dynamic compression)

viewing and playback tools
diagnostic tools; controls allow
check your computer configuration and check
the performance of computer devices before
total hard drives
means of communication (communication
programs) are designed to organize exchange
information between computers
computer security tools
(backup, antivirus software).

Application software

Application packages are a system
programs whose scope of application
are divided into problem-oriented,
general purpose and integrated packages
packages. Modern integrated
packages contain up to five functional
components: test and tabular
processor, DBMS, graphic editor,
telecommunications facilities.

Application software

Application software, for example, includes:
Set office applications MS OFFICE
Accounting systems
Financial analytical systems
Integrated office management packages
CAD systems (automated
HTML or Web editors
Browsers – means of viewing Web pages
Graphic editor

Tool software

Tools or systems
programming are systems for
automation of new program development
in a programming language.
Borland Delphi - designed to solve
almost any application task
Microsoft Visual C++ - this tool allows you to
develop any applications running in
OS environment such as Microsoft Windows

File systems

All modern operating systems provide the creation
file system, which is designed for
storing data on disks and providing
access to them.
Basic functions of the file system can be
divided into two groups:

File systems

Functions for working with files (creating,
deleting, renaming files, etc.)
Functions for working with data that
stored in files (write, read, search
data, etc.)

File systems

To the file structure maintenance function
include the following operations taking place
under operating system:
creating and naming files;
creating directories (folders) and assigning them
renaming files and directories
(folders); copying and moving files
between computer drives and between directories
(folders) of one disk;

File systems

deleting files and directories (folders);
navigation by file structure with the aim of
access to a given file, directory (folder);
file attributes management.

Integrated Systems

Integrated packages are
a set of several software products,
combined into a single convenient tool.
The most developed of these include
text editor, organizer, electronic
table, DBMS, support tools
email, creation program
presentation graphics.

CASE technologies

CASE (Computer-Aided Software)
Engineering - a set of tools and methods
software engineering for design
software that helps
provide high quality programs,
no errors and easy to maintain
software products. Also under CASE
understand a set of methods and means
design information systems With
using CASE tools.

CASE technologies

Development automation tools
programs (CASE tools) - tools
automation of design processes and
software development for
systems analyst, software developer and

CASE technologies

analysis tools - designed for
construction and analysis of a subject model
database design tools;
application development tools;

CASE technologies

process reengineering tools
(fundamental rethinking and
radical redesign of business processes to achieve maximum
effect of production, economic and
financial and economic activities,
issued by the relevant
organizational, administrative and
regulatory documents. Reengineering
uses specific means
presentation and processing of problematic
information that is understandable to both managers and
developers of information systems.);

CASE technologies

planning and management tools
testing tools;
documentation tools.

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