How to repost a post on VK from a computer or mobile phone to a personal page, group or message. What is a repost in contact and how to do it What is a repost in contact

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An ordinary Internet user may not always need to know how to repost in a contact.

After all, with the help of so-called reposts, you can transfer information, an image or video already known to one user to other people, a group or an entire community.

What is a repost?

This term refers to posting someone else's post on your page. Most often, this is a message sent by a friend or posted in a group the user is a member of.

Thus, a repost is a copy of the entire post, but without the comments related to it.

Using this action, you can replicate interesting and relevant messages from another page, increasing their popularity among friends, acquaintances and community members.

The more reposts, the more popular the information.

And the object of copying your profile or group can be almost any content - from a photograph to a musical composition. It is also acceptable to repost a video or link.

It is worth noting that a repost on VKontakte is immediately noticeable - by the name of the page from which the information was copied.

Thus, the message has two authors indicated at once - the one who reposted it, and the person or group who posted it earlier.

If there is multiple repost, the second title indicates the original source.

Types of reposts in VK

There are several repost options that can be done on VKontakte:

  • From one profile page to your own;
  • From the community to the wall of a social network user;
  • From profile to page in group;
  • From one community to another;
  • Repost as a personal message to the user.

All rules for copying and distributing information are the same both on a computer and when logging into a social network from a phone or tablet.

When working in a browser or mobile application, the icons are no different. Except that on a smartphone it will be more difficult to press them.

Repost rules

The simplest type of repost is to copy a message to your profile wall, regardless of where the original post is located - in the community or with another person.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Find a suitable interesting post, information from which you would like to see on your page;
  • Click the heart-shaped image below the message;
  • On the menu that appears with profile images of users who also liked the information, select "Tell friends".

Now a message from another page has appeared on your wall, which all subscribers can see.

And, if your profile is set to allow all friends to see your updates, they will be able to see this post the next time they log into their profile.

To do this, you should use an icon not in the shape of a heart, but one depicting a small megaphone.

Repost with a choice of recipients

Advice! You can make sure that your friends will receive a repost from your page and see it in their news feed by clicking on the “megaphone”. After this, a menu will appear for selecting a recipient.

Here you can specify who the message is intended for:

  • Friends and subscribers. In this case, the repost will only go to the wall. This method is additional for copying an entry to your profile;
  • Community subscribers. This option is only available for users who are also administrators of a group In contact with.

If there are several communities, in the field below you should enter the name of the one whose subscribers the information is intended for.

If you select multiple users, a conversation will automatically be created between the people to whom the message was sent.

You can attach a comment, a photo from your phone, a document, or even an audio or video file from your album to the post you repost.

If you select the “Timer” item here, the data will be sent to the recipients not now, but at the specified time.

This can be useful, for example, to remind you of an event.

Tab "Export" allows you to get a code that can be used to insert into a message not posted on VKontakte.


By learning how to repost, you can share interesting information, useful links, and even important work information with friends, colleagues, and community members.

With this simple but useful option, information on social networks can spread with amazing speed - because the number of copies of one message can grow not in arithmetic, but in geometric progression.

What is a repost?

As always, we start the instructions with theory. Repost is an English word, and translated it means “reposting”. But, like many other Internet terms, the word entered the Russian language as a neologism in its original form, and not in translation. “So what is a VKontakte repost,” you ask. It’s simple - it’s publishing a post on your page, but maintaining a link to the original source. Let's say your friend posted a photo of you on the page. Of course, you can save the photo to your computer and then publish it on your profile. Or you can repost the post on your wall. In this case, the publication will not be considered your author, because will lead directly to your friend's page.

Why is it sometimes better to use repost? Well, firstly, it’s faster - to upload the desired post to your page, it takes one click of the mouse. Secondly, this way you respect copyright. Few people care about this in Russian realities, but potential problems are still easier to avoid. Finally, reposting on VKontakte allows you to save the overall count of likes and, if we are talking about poll posts, votes.

From here we conclude that reposting is a trick either for lazy users or for people counting on mass sharing of published information.

How to repost VK

The theory is complete - brief information will be more than enough. Let's move on to the practical part - instructions on how to repost on VKontakte. Actually, you don’t have to perform any complex manipulations - reposting is done in a few mouse clicks.

So, you saw some interesting post on VKontakte - from a friend, a user outside the contact list, in a group or public. We follow the simplest instructions:

1.Click on the megaphone icon located under the entry you like;

2. Select an audience;

3.Add your comment or additional material if desired;

The general scheme for publishing a repost looks exactly like this. But it would be dishonest on our part to ignore the details regarding all the features of the function. Therefore, we will briefly talk about them.

Item 1. Comments and additional materials. Often, it is not enough for users to simply repost a post - they want to comment on it or add something to it. VKontakte provides such an opportunity. Before publishing, you can write your comment, as well as attach a photo, video, audio recording or document, for example, a funny gif. Oh yes, you can also repost using a timer by setting the time for posting it on your page.

Point 2. Audience selection. This is a very important point, because... the option you choose determines where the repost will be made. There are three options available: friends and subscribers, community subscribers, private messages.

Most often, users choose the first option – friends and subscribers. In this case, you repost directly to your wall, and usually no questions arise along the way.

Option two – community subscribers. Here you are already reposting to a group or public page of which you are the administrator. In this case, the repost is published on behalf of the group or public, and not from your personal account.

Point 3. Post export. And here's one final tidbit. It turns out that you can create a link for external resources that will lead to the selected publication. This is needed, first of all, for brand owners and SMM specialists. Let’s say in the VK group you post the latest news, promotions, etc., but at the same time you also have a separate brand website. As an alternative to cross-posting, you can simply make a link to the repost, or rather to the original source.

By the way, reposts can also be done from your phone. The scheme is, in general, the same. And if you want to delete the repost, then we do the same as with regular posts: click on the cross and select “Delete”.

As you can see, everything is, in general, very simple. But sometimes users still encounter problems. And now we will talk about them.

Reposts are not fasted

Let's not intimidate you. All problems boil down to one thing - it’s impossible to repost. Why does this happen and how can it be fixed?

The problem may be purely technical: a failure in the VK social network itself, a poor Internet connection, blocking of the site by the provider, etc. Naturally, in all these cases, the entire VKontakte service will work intermittently. Well, users can only wait for everything to settle down.

However, most often reposts are not available due to privacy settings. For example, in closed VKontakte groups, all entries are private, which means you cannot make reposts even with a personal message.

So don't be shy, repost good posts and promote quality shares on VKontakte.

Hello, dear readers! All of you have probably seen enough of your friends’ beautifully designed VKontakte pages: there are some posts, pictures, videos, etc. there. and want you to have something similar.

Before moving on to practice and explaining how reposts are made, I would like to tell you what it actually is. Let's look at a few terms.

A post is your own entry on your page or the page of your group. You arrange it yourself.

A repost is a post you have copied from someone else onto your wall or the wall of your group. In automatic mode, you can repost posts from user walls or from group walls. You can also do this with comments or simply with articles on third-party sites.

We’ve figured out what it means to repost, and now let’s pay attention to the screenshot and see what reposts look like on the page of an ordinary user:

Now let's move on to practice.

How to repost a post from a user or group wall

There are two ways to do this.

Method 1.

We are looking for a post you like. We move the cursor over the heart or click on it, but do not move it away. We have a small window at the bottom of which there is an arrow with the inscription “Tell friends”. Click on it and the post will instantly appear on your wall.

Method 2.

While this is a more advanced method, a window appears in which we can choose with whom we will share this recording.

If you just want the publication to appear on your wall, then select the first item “Friends and subscribers”.

You can also add to this post and write some comments to it. Naturally, this comment will appear on your wall too. This way you will repost with your text

For everything to work out, you must be logged into VKontakte at this time and perform all actions in the exact browser through which you logged into your VKontakte account.

In this case, you can do the following. Usually, on almost all sites, at the bottom of each article there are social networking buttons, with which you can share site materials in different social networks. networks. We find the button that is responsible for VKontakte and click on it (the location and appearance of the buttons on different sites, of course, may not be the same).

You can also write your comment or addition to the article. You can do this in a text field.

You can also select an image that will be displayed next to the link to the article using the arrows.

If you don’t want any picture at all, then simply uncheck the box next to “Add an image”

After everything is configured, click on the “Submit” button

After all the manipulations have been completed, something like this appears on your wall:

How to repost a comment to your wall

We find a comment we like and click on the “Like” button at the bottom of the comment, a window pops up in which we click on “Tell friends”


Ways to repost on VKontakte

With the help of reposting, we can send the material we like to our friends in private messages, post it in a group, or leave this post on our wall.

Reposting on VKontakte is loved by teenagers who are used to sharing quotes, funny memes or beautiful photos. There are several ways to forward it.

To your page

If you want everyone to read the material you like, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

If you have groups or public pages that you manage, you can post entries from other sources there. We do everything the same as in the first method:

  1. Click on the arrow.
  2. Select the “Community Subscribers” item. In the mobile version, this item may be called “Publish in the community.”
  3. If you have following communities, then select the group in which you want to post.
  4. If desired, you can set a timer (the material may not be published immediately).

To the conversation

Only recipients will see such a repost. You can repost a message both in a group conversation and in a personal dialogue. We proceed like this:
  1. Click on the arrow.
  2. Select the “send private message” option. In the mobile version, select “Send by message”.
  3. We are looking for the right conversation.
  4. If desired, write a message for the repost and send it.

Today we will talk about something that probably everyone knows, namely, we will tell you what it means to make a report or repost on the social network VKontakte, you will find out why you need to repost and why everyone asks for it.

It would seem that sometimes such simple questions as this cause a number of misunderstandings among many users.
We hope you enjoy our article; if you have any questions or comments, we welcome your comments.

The popular social network “VKontakte” has now become an extensive field for communication and dissemination of information, as well as a platform for advertising. An inexperienced user is often unfamiliar with some concepts, for example, what a VK repost is, and why people are asked to repost.

The synonym “repost” is a modern means of distributing content through an audience of VKontakte subscribers. Reposting is a marketing tool for promoting goods and services.

How can I repost?

You can “Repost” by clicking the corresponding arrow button on the right under the post or picture of interest. In this case, the content will appear in the news feed of all the user’s subscribers. The post itself will be saved on the main page of the VK user, called the “wall”.

The number next to the arrow indicates the number of reposts made. The higher it is, the more people will see the information.

Why do you need to repost?

There are several goals:

The post can be pinned to the wall by selecting the appropriate button from the drop-down list using the arrow in the upper right corner. This way, the post will always be at the top of the list of posts on the main page.

tell friends