How to remove unnecessary processes from startup. How to remove a program from startup Unnecessary programs in Windows 7 startup

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There are several ways, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so let's start exploring. The easiest way is to find the Startup folder in the Start menu. All shortcuts found here will be loaded with Windows. Depending on the language operating system, this folder may be called "Startup" or "Startup"..

As you can see, BingDesktop is loading for me, Punto Switcher and SpeedFan. To exclude a program from the Startup folder, you just need to right-click and delete the shortcut. But along with loading Windows many more processes and programs are launched than are presented in this folder.

Built-in utility for managing startup

This is the easiest and affordable way for Windows 7. To launch the “msconfig” utility, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” and in the window that appears, enter the word “msconfig”

A window appears in front of us in which we need to go to the “Startup” tab. Here are all the programs in the autorun section registered in Windows registry 7.

What we see here:

  • The startup item is the name of the program
  • Manufacturer - software developer
  • Command – path to the program with launch keys
  • Location – the registry section or folder where this command is located
  • Disabling date – respectively, the date when this item was disabled by you

Now we find the application in the list, uncheck it and click “OK”. Msconfig will prompt us to reboot, but we don't have to do this.

Managing startup in Windows 8/10

The beauty of this program is that it finds all possible places where anything could be downloaded and allows you to disable hidden programs with one click! And all this is completely free! No installation required, but will require confirmation during first launch license agreement by clicking the “Agree” button.

You need to run the file “autoruns.exe” or “autoruns64.exe” for 64-bit Windows. The second file “autorunsc.exe” is intended to be launched in command line. The Autoruns window looks like this:

At the top there are tabs, each of which indicates the location of startup objects. These are not only programs, but also libraries (dlls), toolbars, widgets, drivers, services and much more. The first tab, “Everything,” presents everything in order at once. On the “Logon” tab you will find those programs that we could disable using previous methods.

In the middle part, in fact, there is a list of programs. To disable a program from autorun, simply uncheck it. If the checkbox to the left of an entry is unchecked, it means it is already disabled. Yellow lines are marked that are listed in startup, but their files have been deleted, i.e. they won't load anyway. Programs without a description (the “Description” column) or without a manufacturer (the “Publisher” column) are marked in pink, which seems to hint at a viral origin, but not necessarily that it is a virus.

By right-clicking on any line and selecting “Search Online...” in the browser, a search line will open with the name of the file to be launched so that you can analyze how safe the object being examined is. More detailed information is displayed at the bottom of the window. I told you how to determine the trust level of applications.

Using the “Save” button on the toolbar you can save Current state startup, and then compare after some time, in order to find out what new has been added. By the way, it is also a very useful tool. I noticed that for some reason Autoruns does not check the launch parameters “userinit.exe” and “explorer.exe”, so it is better to check these keys manually, more on that later.

Editing autorun in the registry

Now we smoothly move on to manually editing the registry. Press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “regedit” in the line. The registry editor will open in front of you, in which you need to go to the startup section.

There are two of them:

  • global for the entire system, from which programs are launched under any user: "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
  • current user's environment: "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

We go to both sections of the registry in turn and find in the list on the right the application that needs to be excluded from autorun, and delete the entry using the right mouse button. Just below there is another section called “RunOnce”. These sections can contain commands for one-time execution, for example, to complete the installation of a software package. You can search there, but most likely it will be empty.

Unlike the “msconfig” utility, in the registry editor we can view more loopholes from where something can start. I'll show you the two most vulnerable spots, both of them are along the way: "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"

Pay attention to these two parameters:

It should be exactly what you see in the picture (paths may vary). If something else is written after “userinit.exe,” or after “explorer.exe,” it will also automatically start along with Windows. In 99% of cases it is a virus! Simply editing these entries is unlikely to help. After all, if a virus is in memory, it will quickly overwrite the recording again. Therefore, you will need a complete .

What else can you do?

If you tried all these methods, but still couldn’t find and disable the program, then look at services and the task scheduler. It is possible that the program is launched from there. Autoruns has corresponding tabs "Services" for services and "Sheduled Tasks" for scheduled tasks.

Without Autoruns, you can easily view services by pressing “Win ​​+ R” and entering “services.msc” in the window. The “Services” window will open in front of you, in which you need to look for the name of the program you are looking for.

How to launch the task scheduler and look for scheduled tasks there.

Another note for you:

  • Most startup objects do not start
  • if a program that has put itself in autoload is launched again, and it considers that it still needs to be in autoload, then it will register itself there again! Therefore, you need to look in its settings where you can disable autorun.

If you are using any other in an interesting way, then please tell me about it in the comments.

In this article I want to tell you how to remove a program from startup. Many computer users do not even suspect that if you remove some programs from startup, their computers will boot much faster.

Let's give an example from life. You bought a computer, it just has installed windows, everything works quickly, everything suits you. You start installing various programs on it, mail agent, google chrome, adobe products and other programs you need for your work. And at this pace, over the course of a month or two, you stage and stage programs. Then there comes a turning point when the computer takes a long time to load. You are indignant: how can this be? One of the reasons why the computer takes a long time to boot after entering the password or the welcome window is that you have many programs in startup that start up along with Windows when the computer boots.

There are many third-party programs that can help fix this issue. I’ll tell you how to remove programs from startup, without any programs.

In Windows XP, windows vista, windows 7, removing unnecessary programs from startup is configured in the same way.

Enough with the introductions, let's get down to the process itself.

Click Start => Run. The following window will open:

In Windows 7, if you click Start, you won’t see the Run option there, so windows users 7, press the key combination. Win + R. These keyboard shortcuts can be used on any operating system.

In the “Open” field, enter the msconfig command and click OK. The following window will open.

Be careful not to change anything in this window or its layouts unless you are sure.

Here we see a lot of programs that load automatically, you will have checkmarks everywhere, I have already unchecked them so that my computer boots faster.

You can disable all programs you don't need. How do you know what is needed and what is not?

Now I will list programs that should not be disabled.

Antivirus; (under no circumstances should you disable the antivirus; you understand that a computer without an antivirus will be susceptible to virus infection)

Ctfmon; (monitors active windows and provides support for text input services for speech recognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard, translation and other user input technologies)

All other programs can be safely disabled; your computer will not receive any harm from this, only benefit.

Once again, you can disable all programs except those that I listed above. If someone is eager to find out in more detail what each program is needed for and what it is responsible for, then I can give you useful advice, use google. We enter the name into the search engine and read what it does. There is also another option. There is a column called “command”, in this column you can find out where the program you are interested in is located - just go to the directory where the program is located.

We learned how to remove unnecessary programs from startup in Windows XP/Vista/7 operating systems.

Today, the Windows 8 operating system is taking the lead. It has a slightly different sequence of actions for removing programs from startup.

Let's look at this sequence in more detail.

If you also click start => run, and enter msconfig. The same window will open, but if you switch to the startup layout, you will see the following window.

Where they write to you that it’s not fate, go to the task manager. Click “Open Task Manager” and the following window will open.

I have disabled all the programs I don’t need; in the “status” column I can see the program’s status, disabled or enabled. To disable or enable the program, click on the word in the column, for example, enable, with the right mouse button, a context menu will appear where you can select the next item, disable, open the file location, search the Internet, properties.

Let's look at an example: hkcmd Module. I don’t know: I need this program or not, the name is unclear, the publisher is intel, the name and publisher do not understand what this program can do, the state is enabled. I right-click and select Internet search. The second link from the top, I read it, it says that this program installed with graphic cards, provides support for hotkeys, and many more letters. I don’t need this program, I can safely disable it. Now my computer will boot even a little faster. I hope it became clearer to you after this example.

In this article, you learned how you can free up some memory by removing unnecessary programs from autostart of the operating system.

Video lesson on removing programs from startup

Autostart of programs is an absolutely necessary function for the normal operation of a computer. With autorun, the operating system independently launches those programs that must run continuously while the computer is running. But, some program developers abuse this function. As a result, many programs that the user does not need at all all the time are loaded automatically and create constant load to the computer without doing any useful work. In this material you will learn how to disable autorun programs in Windows 7.

There are several ways to disable autorun programs in Windows 7. First, you can open the program's settings and disable the autorun feature. But, unfortunately, not all programs have such functions in the settings. In addition, if you want to disable autorun of several programs at once, then this method will not be very convenient and will take a lot of time. In such cases, you can use the MSCONFIG utility or special programs to disable autorun of programs.

Method No. 1. Disable autorun of the program using its settings.

Open the desired program and go to its settings. Here you need to find the AutoPlay feature and disable it. Let's demonstrate this using the example of the uTorrent program.

Launch the program and open the “Settings” menu. In this menu, select “Program Settings”.

After this, a window with program settings will open in front of you. Find the autorun feature of this program and disable it. In the case of uTorrent this function located on the General tab.

After setting up the program, close the window by clicking on the “Ok” button to save the changes. That's it, in this simple way we disabled autostart of the uTorrent program in Windows 7.

Method No. 2. Disable autorun using the MSCONFIG utility.

Here you can see a list of programs that start automatically immediately after the operating system starts Windows systems 7. In order to disable their autorun, just uncheck the box next to the program name and save the settings by clicking on the “Apply” button.

It should be noted that some programs may not appear in the Startup tab. This happens if they are run as services. To disable autostart of such programs, go to the “Services” tab and check the box next to the “Do not display Microsoft services” option.

After this, you will see all the programs that start automatically as services on your computer. Disabling autorun of such programs is also very simple. To do this, just uncheck the box next to the service name and save the settings.

Method No. 3. Disable startup programs using special programs.

You can also use third party programs. So one of the most advanced and convenient programs to control automatic start is . After launch, this program scans the operating system and collects data about all programs that start automatically. These programs are divided into groups and displayed in separate tabs in the Autoruns program.

In order to use Autoruns, just uncheck the box next to the desired program. Most automatically downloaded programs are available to the user on the “Logon” tab. In order to disable autostart of services, you need to go to the “Services” tab.

Automatic activation of programs when Windows startup- this option is very useful when it comes to essential programs. The user frees himself from the routine operations of launching one by one (clicking on shortcuts) to open network clients, instant messengers, text editor. Everything you need is loaded immediately - the computer is configured to work in the way the user wishes, and without his participation.
Comfortable. Definitely.

But if there are too many programs in startup, certain difficulties arise:

  • The computer takes much longer to start;
  • the system “slows down” due to programs that are launched automatically and “hang” in the tray;
  • wasteful consumption of computer hardware resources: some startup applications are enabled, but the user accesses them extremely rarely.

In this review, we will talk about how to disable autorun programs in Windows using built-in and third-party tools.

Program settings

When you need to deactivate the autorun of a specific application, first look at its settings. Many programs provide an option that allows you to disable autoloading.

Let's look at the shutdown using specific examples:
In the uTorrent torrent client: Menu → Settings → Program settings → General → option “Run... with Windows” (you need to remove the “bird” in the window)

To remove Skype messenger from startup, open its menu:
section “Tools” → Settings → General settings → function “Run... when Windows starts” (uncheck the box with a mouse click).

Standard option

In the “System Configuration” system panel, Windows allows the user to independently disable autorun programs. This procedure is performed in just a few mouse clicks:

1. Click on the “Start” button in the taskbar.

2. In the search menu bar, type - msconfig. Press "Enter".

3. In the “System Configuration” window, click the “Startup” tab.

4. In the list, remove the “birds” next to utilities, programs, and gaming applications whose launch you want to deactivate.

5. Press the “Apply” and “Ok” buttons successively.

Editing the Registry

Intervention into the system registry in order to remove programs from startup must be used when for some reason the msconfig option and third-party tools cannot be used. Editing requires the user to have certain skills and experience working in the registry editor. Because if you perform the procedure incorrectly, you can disable the system.

To remove startup keys, do the following:
1. Press Win + R together on your keyboard.

2. In the “Open” line, type the directive - regedit. Click "OK".

3. If you want to disable automatic software launch for everyone accounts, open a "branch":
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Run

To configure autoload in the current account:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Run

4. In the second panel of the editor (Name/Type/Value), right-click the key of the required application and select “Delete” from the menu. After activating the command, it will be removed from the startup list.

Startup folder

1. Open the Start menu. Scroll down the list a little.

2. Find the Startup folder. Right-click on it and select "Open".

3. In the window that appears, remove shortcuts to unnecessary programs: using the context menu (the “Delete” option) or by dragging them to the “Trash”.

Special programs

You can also remove a program from startup using special maintenance utilities. This approach has certain advantages: no need to study OS settings, quick access, convenient alternative interface, etc.

We present to your attention two popular special utilities that allow you to remove a program from startup.

CCleaner is a cleaning program. Its main functional task is to clean file directories and the registry from software garbage. But among its additional options is the Windows autorun configuration. Free version The CCleaner distribution can be downloaded from

After launching and installing the program, follow the steps below:

1. Click the “Service” section icon. In the submenu (adjacent column), click “Startup”.

2. Click on the application in the list that you want to remove from automatic launch.

3. Click one of the buttons:

  • “Disable” - temporary deactivation;
  • "Delete" - complete removal from the list.

Autoruns is an advanced tool for managing modules, services, processes and system startup. Developed by Sysinternals and purchased by Windows developers (Microsoft Corporation). Captures all running software objects in the system. Recommended for use by experienced users.

To configure startup using Autoruns:
1. Go to the official download page -

3. Extract the archive:

  • right-click on the Autoruns archive volume;
  • option in the menu “Extract to current folder”.

4. Once unzipping is complete, run the autoruns.exe file.

5. In the utility window, go to the “Everything” tab.

6. In the registry sections “... CurrentVersion\Run”, uncheck the boxes next to the programs that you want to remove from startup.

7. Upon completion of the procedure, close the utility, restart the computer and check the changed autorun setting.

Viruses in startup

Many viruses (browser hijackers, miners, adware, etc.) are “registered” in the system bootloader. And in some cases they automatic start it is impossible to disable it either by standard means of the system or third party utilities. After the user turns them off at startup, they still turn on again.

That's why In case of virus infection, anti-virus tools must be used to adjust startup.

The most effective in solving such problems:

A tiny but extremely useful anti-virus scanner. It is capable of destroying pests not only in the startup list, but also in browsers, programs, and the system registry.

Distributed free of charge on the offsite https://ru.с/adwcleaner/.

After launching and completing the AdwCleaner update, click “Scan” in its panel. Then remove any virus objects found and restart Windows.

Helps with severe virus infection of your PC. Can detect malware that remains invisible to the main antivirus running on the system. Successfully detects many types of digital infections (worms, Trojans, rootkits).

To download the scanner, use the " Free download» on the page The scanning is started in the “Check” menu: Selecting the scan mode → Settings (if necessary) → Launch.

Regularly monitor your system startup settings. Especially after installing a new one software, games. Disable automatic launch of rarely used, unnecessary programs. Otherwise, they will consume computer resources without any benefit. And on low-power systems can cause crashes, slowdowns Windows operation.

Successful PC setup and comfortable use of the operating system!

Very often, when you turn on your computer, many different programs start. Each user gives preference to the set certain programs for autostart. However, few people know how to remove a program from autorun, and we will talk about this in today’s article.

This is the easiest way for beginners, which allows you to remove a program from startup. It is important to note that in some cases this method may not help solve the problem with startup programs. But it’s still worth trying to use it.

  • Open menu Start icon-windows , then click on the inscription "All programs".
  • Then scroll down to the folder. Left-click on a folder to view the contents.
will be empty, delete it anyway. To do this, right-click on the folder and select context menu "Delete".

  • In the pop-up window, confirm your intention to delete the folder by clicking the button "Yes".

How to remove a program from autorun via MSConfig

The MSConfig utility is available on all versions of the Windows operating system. This utility allows you to remove a program from startup with one click. So, let's get down to action.

  • Click on the keyboard shortcut Win+ and then enter the command msconfig and click on the button "OK".

  • After this the utility will open "System configuration", go to the tab.

  • Now uncheck the programs that you want to remove from startup, and then click on the button "Apply". Do not uncheck unknown programs, as this may negatively affect the system boot.

  • After this, a pop-up window will appear, click on the button.

According to numerous users, this method is the most effective, as it allows you to remove viruses and spyware programs from startup that slow down the operation and boot of the system.

How to disable autorun of programs using the Autoruns program

Powerful, functional, easy to use and yet free program Autoruns, allows you to disable autorun programs. Moreover, you do not need to go into the registry, risking system crash. You just need to download and run the program, and then remove programs from startup that you consider unnecessary.

Described below detailed instructions on how to remove a program from autorun.

  • Download the program "Autoruns" by clicking on the button below. - Downloaded 130 times - 1 MB

  • Unpack the archive and run the file "autoruns.exe".

  • After this, you need to agree to the terms of the user agreement. To do this, click on the button "Agree".

  • Autoruns will then open. In the tab "Everything", you need to uncheck the programs that you want to remove from autorun.

In the example below, we removed the Download Master program from startup. By the way, by clicking on the program, you can find out details about the program version and directory.

In addition, as you have already noticed, programs are highlighted in different colors:

  • In white are functioning programs that have a detailed description. Remove unnecessary programs from startup to reduce the load on the system, as this will increase Windows boot speed.
  • Those in yellow are programs that have already been removed or simply don’t work. They do not need to be deleted.
  • Pink colors are programs that do not have detailed description. Therefore, Autoruns considers these programs to be suspicious. Don't worry, a large number of programs and applications do not have detailed descriptions.

We hope that by reading our article to the end, we were able to answer the question - how to remove a program from autorun. If you have any questions, use the comments section!

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