Recover deleted messages and conversations on Badoo. How to delete an account in Bad - detailed instructions Video: How to change the drive letter

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In some cases, you may need to rename the drive in Windows 7. This is usually done for more comfortable PC management, for example, you can set a label indicating that the drive is intended for archival copies important data.

Important! In Windows 7, you can also change the letter of non-system partitions, but before performing these actions, you must consider the possible risks.

Changing the volume label

Users treat their PCs differently. Some are quite satisfied with the default parameters offered by the system, others prefer to “customize” the system for themselves, achieving the most comfortable conditions for using the computer.

After installation, all partitions on the hard drive are often named " Local disk", but it is much more convenient to designate the space reserved for films, photographs or backup in a more clear way. This is especially true if the PC is used by several users.

A volume label is a descriptive name for a partition on a hard drive; it is necessary only for user convenience and does not affect the operation of the OS.

Let's look at the main ways to change the volume label:

  1. usage GUI;
  2. label command.

Most users are not used to working with command-based systems. For them, changing the volume label using a GUI is much more suitable.

Here is the procedure for changing the volume label:

  1. open “My Computer”;
  2. right-click to open the menu on the desired drive;
  3. select “Rename”;
  4. enter a new name;
  5. press Enter.

Before changing the volume label, you need to know the basic requirements for it, because otherwise proper operation may be disrupted, consider them:

  • maximum label length is 11 characters for FAT or 32 for NTFS;
  • spaces are allowed;
  • It is prohibited to use a tab character in a label;
  • The label of a disk formatted in FAT cannot contain the following characters: * ? / \ | . , ; : + = « .

Hard drives have usually been formatted in NTFS for many years, other drives may still be formatted in an older format file system FAT.

It is more convenient for experienced users to use command line and team label.

Let's look at how to change the label from the command line:

  1. open a command prompt with administrator rights;
  2. enter the command label drive letter;
  3. press Enter;
  4. specify a new label and confirm the entry using the Enter key.

Please note that the old label will be erased without displaying an additional warning.

If you just need to remove the volume label, you need to do the following:

  1. run command line with administrator rights;
  2. dial command label drive letter and press Enter;
  3. when prompted, leave the input field empty and press Enter;
  4. Confirm deleting the mark by pressing Y.

Possible problems

Sometimes Windows users 7 cannot change the disc name. This is due to the big changes that have occurred in this version of the OS. Often on computers with Vista and XP, to prevent infection by certain viruses, an autorun.inf file was created in the root of the disk. In Windows 7 there is no point in creating it, but this file may be hidden.

Let's look at how to enable the display of hidden files:

  1. open “Control Panel”;
  2. go to the “Folder Options” section;
  3. On the “View” tab, check the box next to “Show” hidden files and folders";
  4. Click Ok.

You can now delete the autorun.inf file and restart the computer, after which you can change the volume label.

Video: How to change the drive letter

Changing the drive letter

The drive letter is a pointer directly to the logical partition hard drive, it also has removable storage devices, CD/DVD drives virtual disks. Sometimes you may need to change it for greater convenience or to correctly transfer programs to the installed new drive.

Important! Never try to change the letter of a system drive. In most cases, this operation will fail, and in some cases there will be problems starting the OS.

Let's look at how to change the drive letter:

  1. go to “Control Panel”;
  2. select “Computer Management” and go to the “Disk Management” section;
  3. on the partition that needs to change the letter, right-click;
  4. in the menu that opens, select “Change drive letter or drive path”;
  5. in the window that appears, click on the “Change” button;
  6. choose the appropriate letter;
  7. click Ok;
  8. confirm the changes.

Important! Changing a drive letter can have unpredictable effects on installed applications. It is also not recommended to change the drive letter to optical disks, since Nero and some other programs may not work correctly after this.

You can change the hard drive label an unlimited number of times, since it is only for the convenience of users and does not affect running applications. Changing the drive letter is recommended only for experienced PC owners, as these actions can harm the system.

In this article, I will show you how to change the drive letter without using any programs or utilities. Of course, there are special software methods, but we will do without them now. The method I will tell you about is suitable for Windows XP, Windows 7 and others operating systems.

Why change the drive letter? There can be many reasons for this. Perhaps the system missed some letter, and you are not happy when, say, drive D comes first, and then, instead of E, immediately F (for example, such a mess makes me nervous). Or will this be needed if the system has assigned two different disk the same letter (this also happens). One of them will not work correctly. I even already considered this case in ways to solve the problem when.

So, whatever your motivation, here's a guide on how to change your drive letter. I point to Windows example XP. On some other OS everything will be approximately the same, you can figure it out from my pictures.

How to change the drive letter

To change the drive letter, follow the instructions below.

  • Click “Start” and select “Run” (or the keyboard shortcut win+R).
  • Enter “diskmgmt.msc” (without quotes) in the window that opens, and click the “OK” button.

    Launch "Disk Management"

  • In the “Disk Management” window that opens, right-click on the desired drive and select “Change drive letter or drive path.”

    Changing the drive letter

  • Now another window has opened in which you need to click the “Change” button and select the letter you want to assign from the drop-down list this disk. Then click the "Ok" button.

    Changing the drive letter

  • A warning will appear that changing the drive letter will cause some programs to fail to launch. Here we agree and click “Yes” (other warnings may appear, you also need to agree to them).

    Changing the drive letter

You should now see that the drive letter has changed.

Badoo is one of the largest dating apps. Badoo receives 350 million messages every day and has 340 million registered users worldwide. Every month, 60 million people find a new match using the application, and Badoo’s audience increases by 400 thousand users per day.

Due to this, almost everyone will be able to find a match for themselves by simply specifying the criteria and choosing from the proposed list of matches. Since the application is used by people from all over the world, you can find a match whether you are in the center of Moscow or walking around Silicon Valley.

How to use the application?

Badoo has excellent and well-thought-out functionality. For example, user profiles are very detailed: in addition to the standard columns “About Me”, “Interests” and “Location” there is a link to profiles of other social networks - you can look at photos from Instagram or read the latest tweets of the person you like.

All chats are stored in a separate place, so you will never lose an important message. When messaging a person, in addition to simple text, you can send a short video, a sticker, or even a gift.

In the “Visitors” section, all the people who visited your page are noted. The beauty looked at your profile, why not write something back to her?

If viewing your page is not enough to write to a girl first, the application has a “Like” function. Then you will be sure that you liked that green-eyed beauty who opened your profile yesterday. If your sympathies coincide, you can take the next step.

In addition, there is a “Favorites” section where you can add the most interesting users of the application, and where you can find out who is interested in you.

In the “Intersections” section, you can see who you were close to. Does the girl you like go to the same coffee shop as you? Why not make this an opportunity to get acquainted?

A list of mutual friends will also help in getting to know each other. You can learn more about passion from them. Or, conversely, don’t accidentally start dating a friend’s ex.

How concerned is Badoo about our safety?

The creators of the application do not want users to get acquainted with fakes, and therefore the Badoo functionality includes user verification: you will need to take a special selfie in a certain pose, after which the profile will be marked with a blue icon. In addition, there is account confirmation using cell phone or social network - such users have a blue tick in their profile. In your account settings, you can indicate that you only want to communicate with verified users.

If you don’t want messages from annoying users who you don’t really like, then this is also provided - without a Match, you can only write to one user twice. If there is no response, most likely the person did not like you, and further communication will be blocked.

Badoo soll so intuitiv wie möglich sein, aber keine Sorge, wir verstehen, dass du vielleicht ein bisschen Hilfe am Anfang brauchst!

Wenn du dich zum ersten Mal registrierst, stelle sicher, dass du eine gutes Foto von dir verwendest und ein bisschen etwas über dich schreibst, um anderen Nutzern zu zeigen, wer du bist.

Sobald du dein Profil kreiert hast, kannst du das Volltrefferspiel erforschen, welches ein wichtiger Teil von Badoo ist. Stimme entweder mit Ja oder Nein für andere Mitglieder ab und wenn ihr beide füreinander mit "Ja" abstimmt, werdet ihr einen Volltreffer haben und könnt chatten m ! Stelle bitte sicher, dass du die richtigen Einstellungen für "Ich suche nach" angegeben hast.

In deiner Umgebung siehst du Nutzer aus deiner Stadt oder Region.

Badoo ist kostenlos und wenn du aus der Masse hervorstechen willst, schau dir einfach unsere Premiumfunktionen wie Punkte oder Badoo Premium an.

Viel Spaß bei Badoo!

  • Wie kann ich "Ich suche nach" ändern?

    Um deine "Ich suche nach" Einstellungen zu ändern, öffne bitte einfach dein Profil, gehe bis zu dem Abschnitt "Ich suche nach" und klicke auf das Bleistiftsymbol neben "Ich suche nach", um dieses zu bearbeiten. Wähle aus, ob du nach "Neue Freundschaften", "Unterhaltungen" oder "Verabredungen" suchst und klicke "Speichern", nachdem du deine Wahl getroffen hast. Wenn du auch das Alter und Geschlecht für deine Suche angeben willst, dann klicke einfach auf das Filtersymbol neben dem Volltreffer Abschnitt auf der linken Seite oder in deiner Umgebung in der rechten oberen Ecke.

  • Wie ändere ich meine Standort-Angabe?
  • Problembehandlung

    Wenn du bei der Nutzung von Badoo irgendwelche Schwierigkeiten hast, kann das an einer vorübergehenden Störung auf der Seite liegen.

    Folge bitte den Anweisungen, um zu versuchen, das Problem zu lösen:

    1. Überprüfe, ob dein Browser auf dem neuesten Stand ist und aktualisiere ihn falls nötig

    2. Lösche Cookies and Cache in deinem Browser

    3. Schließe den Browser und starte ihn neu

    4. Logge dich aus und melde dich anschließend wieder an

    Falls keiner der Vorschläge dir weitergeholfen hat, kannst du noch Folgendes versuchen:

    • Öffne die gleiche Seite in einem anderen Browser, um zu überprüfen, ob das Problem bei einem bestimmten Browser liegt. Falls das Problem bei beiden Browsern auftritt, lass es uns bitte wissen.
    • Deaktiviere vorübergehend alle Plug-ins, Add-ons oder Erweiterungen in deinem Browser und starte ihn anschließend neu.
    • Setze in deinem Antivirenprogramm oder in deinem Browser auf die Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Webseiten und stelle sicher, dass dein Antivirenprogramm keine Probleme mit deinem Betriebssystem erkannt hat.

    Wenn du nicht genau weißt, wie einer dieser Schritte durchzuführen ist, findest du genaue Anweisungen in dem Hilfebereich deines Browsers.

  • Einer der wichtigsten Punkte bei der Benutzung von Badoo ist nach wie vor der Spaßfaktor! Daher bieten wir unseren Mitgliedern bereits bei der Profilerstellung viele Möglichkeiten zur Individualisierung an. Wie das genau funktioniert und was alles möglich ist, erklären wr in dieser Rubrik.

    1. Wie kann ich mein Profil verstecken?

      Wenn du dein Profil für einige Zeit nicht verwenden willst, hast du die Option, dieses zu verstecken. Sobald dein Profil versteckt ist, scheinst du nicht mehr in deiner Umgebung und im Volltrefferspiel auf. Die Nutzer, welche mit dir schon in Kontakt waren, können dir noch Nachrichten schicken, aber du kannst diese Nachricht nur lesen, wenn du dein Profil wieder öffentlich machst.

      Wenn du dein Profil verstecken willst, , klicke auf "Profil löschen" am Ende der Seite und wähle "Profil verstecken". Sobald du das bestätigst, wirst du automatisch ausgeloggt. Um deine Nachrichten lesen zu können, wieder in der Umgebung und im Volltrefferspiel angezeigt zu werden, logge dich bitte einfach ein und mache dein Profil öffentlich.

    2. Wie melde ich mich bei Badoo an?
    3. Wie kann ich mich mit Google, Facebook oder MSN einloggen?
    4. Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen. Was mache ich jetzt?
    5. Ich habe keine Bestätigungsemail erhalten. Was kann ich tun?

      Überprüfe auf jeden Fall die Bestätigungsseite bei Badoo, um sicherzugehen, dass du die richtige E-Mail-Adresse angegeben hast. Sieh bitte auch in deinem Spam-Ordner nach, da es möglich ist, dass unsere E-Mail versehentlich dort gelandet ist. Falls du eine unserer E-Mails dort findest, markiere Sie bitte als "Kein Spam/ Junk".

      Du kannst dich auch über Facebook Connect, Google, Yahoo oder MSN bei Badoo .

    6. Wie kann ich meinen Namen ändern?

      neben "Deine persönlichen Infos". Gib einen neuen Namen ein und bestätige diesen, indem du auf "Speichern" klickst.

    7. Wie kann ich meine E-Mail-Adresse ändern?

      Gehe bitte zu deinen Einstellungen und clicke auf das Bleistiftsymbol neben "Dein Profil". Gib deine neue E-Mail-Adresse ein, klicke auf "Speichern" und du wirst dann gefragt werden, dein aktuelles Passwort einzugeben.

    8. Wie kann ich mein Passwort ändern?

      Öffne dein Profil und gehe zu deinen Einstellungen in der rechten oberen Ecke und klicke auf das Bleistiftsymbol neben "Dein Profile". Gib dein neues Passwort ein, klicke auf "Speichern" und du wirst dann gefragt werden, dein aktuelles Passwort einzugeben. Bestätige dieses, indem du auf "Speichern" klickst.

    9. Warum habe ich keine E-Mail erhalten, nachdem ich "Passwort vergessen" ausgewählt habe?

      Stelle zuerst bitte sicher, dass du die richtige E-Mail-Adresse eingegeben hast und korrigiere etwaige Fehler. Wenn du die richtige E-Mail-Adresse eingegeben hast, dann schau bitte in deinem Spam Ordner nach, weil die E-Mail vielleicht dort gelandet ist. Wenn du die E-Mail in dem Spam Ordner findest dann folge bitte den Anweisungen und markiere die E-Mail mit "Kein Spam".

    Badoo is designed to be as intuitive as possible, but don"t worry, we know that you might need a little help when learning your way round!

    When you sign up for the first time please make sure that you add a good photo of yourself and write a little bit about you to show other users who you are.

    As soon as you have created your profile you can check out Encounters , which is at the very heart of Badoo. Simply vote Yes and No for other members and should both of you like each other you will have a match and you can start chatting ! Make sure that you have the correct settings for your "I"m here to".

    People Nearby is the section where you can browse users in your city or region.

    Badoo is free to use but if you want to stand out from the crowd go and check out our premium services such as credits and Badoo Premium.

    Enjoy using Badoo!

  • How can I change my location?

    In your , just click on next to your current location and either enter a new one or select one from the dropdown menu.

    If you cannot see the when trying to change your location it is because of one of these reasons:

    • You are using the mobile app and the website at the same time and therefore your location will be automatically detected by the GPS of your mobile device and cannot be changed.
    • You don"t use the app and your browser"s location services are not providing us with accurate coordinates. Simply disable location services on your browser and you can then manually set your location on your profile.

    Contact our if you have issues with your location when using the mobile app.

  • How can I change my password?

    Please open your profile and go to your settings in the top right corner and click on the pencil icon next to the section "Your account". Enter the new password, click on "Save" and you will have to type in your current password and click "Save" to confirm this.

  • I "ve forgotten my password. What do I do?
  • How can I reactivate my deleted profile?

    First thing's first: welcome back!

    If you deleted your profile less than 30 days ago, you should have a confirmation email from us that includes a reactivation link. Click that and you’ll be able to jump right back in.

    If it’s been longer, you’ll need to create a new profile – a good excuse to switch things up and try a different approach, maybe?

  • Troubleshooting guidelines

    If you"re experiencing any problems on Badoo, it"s possible that this is being caused by a temporary issue on the site.

    Please try the following steps in attempt to resolve the problem.

  • I'll tell you how to delete Badu's page from mobile version site, in the case when you access the site from a tablet or smartphone. And deleting the profile in full version from a computer.

    Removing a profile from your phone

    Please log in to your page first. Go to the menu located at By going to this address, with right side click on the gear.

    In the menu that loads, select “Account”. The “delete profile” option is available there. It helped - share the article with friends, like it.

    Deleting a page from your computer

    In the upper right corner there is a gear icon (settings for your page in Badu), click the mouse arrow on this icon.

    Here is a complete list of settings. On the left side, at the very bottom of the settings, click DELETE PROFILE.

    After this, another window appears in front of you, in which you select the appropriate one from all the options offered to you with the mouse. The last option worked for me - delete the profile. By clicking on it, a blue circle appears next to this phrase, which indicates your choice. After that, click continue.

    After this, some background window may pop up for you with a hint and recommendation. Don't select anything, just close this pop-up window to complete the removal. For example, I was told that the site can display information in 42 languages, and suggested that I select a different language. I just closed this window.

    They try to bribe you by offering to stay with you for three days with free super power. We don’t react, but click delete profile.

    Now you need to indicate the reason for deletion. I chose the other option and wrote them my reason. After that, click continue.

    Enter your password (if you know it) and click delete my profile. If you don’t know the password and it tells you that the password is incorrect, but it will write about it, then just click forgot your password? and to your place the mail will come a letter containing a link, and when you click on it, this will confirm that you really want to delete. Your profile should be deleted. You will receive a message by email stating that your profile has been deleted and you are asked to restore your profile within 30 days. If you do not restore it within 30 days, the profile will be permanently deleted.

    During registration, they do not offer to enter a password, but simply through a link from the mail you got to your page in Baduu for the first time. If you remember this, of course, you really didn’t specify a password during registration.

    Video instructions for removing Badu

    Those who want to delete a badoo page should log into their account.

    With this, the question of how to delete an account in badoo can be considered resolved. All instructions on how to recover your account will be sent to email.

    Recovery instructions have been sent to your email.

    The letter contains information that after 30 days the profile will be completely deleted, and during this time it is possible to restore it.

    Uninstalling an application

    Don't know how to remove yourself from the badoo app on your phone? To completely delete a profile, you first need to delete it from the full version of the site, and then delete the application directly from the phone. For operating rooms iOS systems and android actions have slightly different specifics and minor differences:

    • On smartphones with Android OS, deletion occurs in the settings in the “My Applications” section, on iPhones in the “Statistics” section.
    • Removal can also be done via main screen. On Android, hold down the application shortcut and drag it to the trash can that appears. For iOS, hold down the shortcut, wait for the cross to appear at the top left and click on it.

    A large number of Internet users are registered on various dating sites, some register for communication, and others just for fun. They all have one problem in common - how to delete an account? This is easy to do at Badu.

    What kind of social network is this?

    There are more than 100 million users of the Badu network. It appeared in 2011, and the creator is considered to be a Russian entrepreneur. Distinctive feature This network supports most languages ​​of the world. Quite unexpectedly, the network became a success, especially in Italy, Spain and Latin America. The dating site has been in existence for more than six years, and user activity has not subsided. Here you can meet people, chat, exchange videos and photos. If for some reason social network I'm tired of it, the question of how to delete an account in Badu can be easily solved.

    How to log out permanently?

    In order to delete your profile, you must first remember your data - login and password. If they are forgotten, they can be restored by clicking on the “forgot password” button, and the system will send a recovery link to the email specified during registration. This should be done before deleting your Badu account. Next you need to follow the instructions:

    1. First of all, you need to click on your name in the system in the upper left corner.
    2. After your personal page opens, in the right top corner The “gear” icon will appear, click on it, the “Options” menu will appear.
    3. Here you need to scroll to the very bottom of the page until the “Delete profile” link appears.
    4. After clicking on it, a window will appear in which the options for action will be shown, the system will offer to freeze the page for a while or make the account invisible, there is also a “Delete forever” button. Having selected the desired action, the user only has to click on the “Continue” button.
    5. After deletion, you will receive an email with a link to the user’s page, in case the person changes his mind about logging out of the system forever. The link is valid for 30 days, after which it becomes inactive.

    How to delete your Badu account from your phone?

    Sometimes a user wants to delete an account from mobile device. This can also be done easily by following the instructions:

    1. Log in to your page and from there go to the “Settings” menu.
    2. In the settings, select the “Account” line and click on it.
    3. Scroll to the end and find the “Delete Profile” option.
    4. The system, just like when deleting it on a computer, will offer alternative options: “Superpower” bonuses for several days, freezing and others. Click “Delete” again.
    5. A link (valid for 30 days) will be sent to your email so you can restore your profile.

    Still, before deleting your account in Badu, you should think about it, because it will not be possible to restore it after a month; the only solution in this case will be to register again.

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