Views on YouTube. Why don't subscribers watch your videos? Everything about private messages on youtube Youtube your e-mail will not be published

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Hello dear site readers! In this article, I will show you how to remove the Website and Email fields in the standard WordPress blog comment form. If you ask “Why?”, then you don’t really need it. And whoever is looking for the answer to the question from the title, he clearly understands that sometimes hiding these fields is useful for website promotion. Along the way, since we will be editing the comment form, we will remove the line “You can use the following HTML tags and attributes”, which is found in some WordPress templates under the “Comment” field.

Why hide the URL and E-mail input fields and who needs it?

For what: fighting spam, reducing the number of outgoing links and simplifying commenting.

Who needs: owners of news and information projects, company websites and online stores. That is, those whose visitors are far from site building, and sometimes from the Internet. The less data you need to fill in the comment form, the more active they will be left. Often, even entering E-mail will be superfluous, as people do not want to leave their data once again.

Who doesn't need: bloggers and webmasters, whose majority of visitors are owners of web projects. The opportunity to get a backlink is an extra incentive to leave a comment. Benefits here for both parties:

  • blog owners get free content, improvement behavioral factors and, finally, communication with readers;
  • commentators - and transitions to their sites if they left a really interesting review.

There is also back side: increase in the number external links, even in nofollow, interferes with the promotion of the site and does not like PS, especially Google. Moreover, when several links with the same anchor from the same page go to the commentator's site, then for search engines it looks all the more spam.

Advice for commenters: if during the communication process you have to leave several comments on one page, fill in the URL field only in the first one. Thus, the blog author will have fewer external links, and your backlink will receive, as much as possible, the maximum weight.

Removing the Website (URL) and E-mail field in the WordPress comment form

Why this is necessary sort of figured out, now we'll find out how to do it. Let's take the Twenty Ten WordPress theme as an example. The standard comment form looks like this:

Now, one by one, disable the Website, E-mail fields and delete the extra text, as shown in the screenshot above.

Disable the Site field

You can hide the Site field or, in some templates, URL, in two ways:

  1. using plugins (for beginners and lazy people);
  2. using PHP code.

Using WP plugins

You can use disable-hide-comment-url plugins or hide-n-disable-comment-url-field. On this moment both are working, but I advise the second, since the first has not been updated for a long time.

Install any of the plugins in a standard way and activate, no settings required. The Site field will no longer disturb visitors.

With PHP Code

There are also two ways here:

  1. editing the comment-template.php file from the WordPress wp-includes folder;
  2. changing the functions.php file of the current theme.

In the first case, you will have to do a similar operation after each update of the WordPress engine. In the second, after each change or update of the template, which does not happen so often. Therefore, I believe that the second method is simpler and more convenient, which means that we will talk about it further.

Attention! Before making changes, do backup functions.php file.

Download file from hosting /wp-content/themes/twentyten/functions.php and open in any text editor e.g. Notepad++. In your case, select the folder with your theme. You can edit directly from the blog admin panel, then go to the menu “ Appearance" - " Editor"and on the right select the file functions.php.

To remove the Site input field in the comment form, add to the end open file this code:

function remove_comment_fields($fields ) ( unset ($fields [ "url" ] ) ; return $fields ; ) add_filter("comment_form_default_fields" , "remove_comment_fields" ) ;

function remove_comment_fields($fields) ( unset($fields["url"]); return $fields; ) add_filter("comment_form_default_fields", "remove_comment_fields");

We save the changes and upload the file with the replacement back to the hosting. As a result, the Site field will be deleted.

Removing the E-mail field

We do everything the same, only we add the following line to the above code: unset($fields["email"]);

function remove_comment_fields($fields ) ( unset ($fields [ "url" ] ) ; unset ($fields [ "email" ] ) ; return $fields ; ) add_filter("comment_form_default_fields" , "remove_comment_fields" ) ;

function remove_comment_fields($fields) ( unset($fields["url"]); unset($fields["email"]); return $fields; ) add_filter("comment_form_default_fields", "remove_comment_fields");

We go to the admin panel (Settings - Discussion), uncheck the box " The author of the comment must indicate the name and e-mail' and save the changes.

We check - it works. However, now there is a situation where you can leave comments without entering a Name. Instead, there will be an inscription Anonymous. If that doesn't bother you, then you can stop there.

To do obligatory filling Name, even if the corresponding checkbox is disabled, we add one more piece of code:

function custom_validate_comment_author() ( if(empty($_POST["author"]) || (!preg_match("/[^\s]/", $_POST["author"]))) wp_die(__("Error! Please fill in the field Name"); ) add_action("pre_comment_on_post", "custom_validate_comment_author");

Now when you try to leave anonymous comment a warning will be displayed:

Remove the line "You can use the following HTML tags and attributes ..."

This text is not present in all WordPress themes, but if you have, it is better to remove it. Why, after all, this is how visitors can leave links, quotes, codes, highlight keywords bold, etc.? Do you need it? In addition, this block of text is not aesthetically pleasing and is duplicated on all pages of the site (not just yours), reducing their uniqueness. Therefore, we can safely delete it by writing the following code in functions.php:

function mytheme_init() ( add_filter("comment_form_defaults" , "mytheme_comments_form_defaults") ; ) add_action("after_setup_theme" , "mytheme_init" ) ; function mytheme_comments_form_defaults($default ) ( unset ($default [ "comment_notes_after" ] ) ; return $default ; )

function mytheme_init() ( add_filter("comment_form_defaults","mytheme_comments_form_defaults"); ) add_action("after_setup_theme","mytheme_init"); function mytheme_comments_form_defaults($default) ( unset($default["comment_notes_after"]); return $default; )

After all our work, we get this form of comments on the blog:

If you removed the E-mail field, then do not forget to remove the inscriptions associated with this. For example, " Your e-mail will not be published", as in the picture above. To do this, in the root of the site in wp-includes folder in the comment-template.php file find the text " Your email address will not be published' and remove it. In the case of the twentyten theme, this works. Other templates may have to do things differently. Just remember to make copies of the edited files just in case.

Now in the functions.php file, all changes will look like this:

I advise you to remove the Site field in the WordPress comment form immediately when creating a blog. Unless, of course, you need it. Otherwise, there will be no more new links, and the old ones will not go anywhere and they will still have to be deleted. But more about that some other time.

Since these procedures sometimes have to be repeated when changing the template or creating a new site, I decided to make myself such a cheat sheet. I hope it will be useful for you too. You can save the page to Bookmarks (Ctrl+D).

How to add a video to YouTube so as not to violate copyrights and not ruin the reputation of your channel. Many YouTubers will object: “Why keep someone else’s content on your channel, especially if it’s an author’s channel?”

The situations are different: necessary information contained in the video, which will have to return more than once. Yes, and I just liked the video, its design, presentation, and so on ...

In addition, adding other people's videos, if you do it right, helps promote your own content through related videos. The main condition here is to do everything right: from selecting the right video to setting up your own video and playlist.

But most often we do the following: download the video and upload it to your channel. This method is not safe from the point of view of copyright infringement and may not have very good consequences.

If someone else's downloaded video was published under the standard YouTube license, then it is protected by copyright and a strike may follow for its illegal use, the owner can delete the video. Three such violations will result in channel blocking..

To avoid this, we will use legal possibility to add author's video to your channel by adding to the playlist.

how to add video

I mentioned the use of video under the Creative Commons license when I reviewed the YouTube video editor.

How can I find out what license a video has? This information is located under the description of the video. Click on the word "more" to see the full details of the video.

If the video is allowed for reuse, then you can re-upload it to your channel. Although, I would not recommend doing this. After all, the author can always change his mind and change the Creative Commons license to the standard one. Yes, unfortunately or fortunately, but the author has such a right.

Therefore, it is safer to use another way to add copyrighted content to your channel - through adding to a playlist.

How to do this, I showed in detail in the video tutorial, which I suggest you watch.

A unique, trouble-free method to attract subscribers to a YouTube channel, buy likes and views without investing your own funds! Everything works 100%! The video course is recorded in HD quality, everything is to the point and without unnecessary water! With this method, you will forever forget about cheating services!

This method can also be used to promote other social networks!!! This is not spam or mutual subscription! Everything is much easier than you think!

1. The method of constant influx of targeted subscribers to your YouTube channel (this is not spam and not mutual subscription)

3. Constant growth of your channel statistics and increase in income (the more targeted subscribers on your channel, the more views. Therefore, the income from your channel will increase)

4.Automated and absolutely free way(this method was developed from free functionality that is available in any computer and you no longer have to invest in dubious cheat services and other PC applications. Also, this method works when the computer is turned off and does not require your precious time and attention)


or 3 simple steps to a continuous stream of subscribers to your YouTube channel

My name is Valentin, I am 30 years old.

I have been making money on YouTube for more than 4 years. And during this time YouTube has become one of my main earnings on the Internet. Yes, yes, it is earnings. And what's more, it's not even bad!

All of you know very well that it is very difficult to download your channel. And I, like many of you, tried my luck on the “gray” channels. Yes, some kind of penny dripped, but it didn’t last long. The “gray” channels have one road and this road to the BAN! But this did not stop me, the desire to make money on YouTube did not leave me for a second, and I decided to create my own author's channel. I chose a topic, recorded about 20 videos. There was little sense from this, the channel was not popular, the subscribers can be counted on the fingers, the views are also not very ...

The question arose: “Where can I get targeted subscribers to my channel?!”

I started wandering around different services for cheating subscribers, etc. (you are familiar with this). On such services, you first need to work on your own in order to get something, or invest your own money to cheat a certain number of subscribers. I spent a lot of money, but this did not give the results that I expected. Subscribers were not targeted and after a few days they began to unsubscribe. The channel started to “die” again!

After re-reading a bunch of information on the Internet, reviewing many different video courses, I realized that all this is nonsense and I need to come up with something of my own. And I did it!

From my not small experience, I have identified some important criteria by which you can force ordinary user YouTube subscribe to my channel. And based on all this, I developed my own method for attracting subscribers, which today gives excellent results and income from my channel.

What I wish you with all my heart!

It has long ceased to be exclusively an entertainment platform. Now people are making good money on this platform.

By creating content that is interesting to users, almost everyone is able to instantly gain popularity. You just need to get lucky.

But in addition to creating your own video, the platform has long given rise to a huge number of other ways to generate income. Today we will analyze one of them, which has become relevant for a long time.

Although few have heard of it, it is quite effective and worth the effort. Let's break the article into its component parts, in each of which we will analyze in detail the most important aspects of earning.

We will try to convey the idea and principle of the activity under discussion as clearly as possible, and then answer, while using someone else's material.

how to make money on youtube watching videos

To start earning on your own, it is important to understand how the system works. It is arranged quite simply, at first glance, but at the first interaction with the resource, some problems may arise.

As you know, anyone can register on YouTube in order to subsequently upload their videos to their personal channel. Anything can be contained in them, as long as it complies with the rules of YouTube.

But the rules tend to become stricter if you plan to receive money from the company. Let's start with the fact that the creators of the platform do not directly pay anyone.

For this, there are affiliate programs, which also have their own conditions and requirements. To get the so-called “affiliate program”, you need to fall under certain numbers, which are usually expressed in the number of views and subscribers.

Many are familiar with cases when affiliate program owners independently approached channel owners to offer cooperation. But much more often, which is natural, you have to take the initiative first.

Only users who have signed a partnership agreement receive profit from channels, according to which they will be paid currency, depending on the number of views.

It is important to follow the rules, which is the main part of the complexity of the system. Often there are controversial situations due to which you can suddenly lose your channel and the materials on it.

In addition, of course, all the viewers of the author are lost. For some, this may be the starting point of a career, such as a vlogger. Now we are getting closer to how to make money on YouTube on someone else's video.

how to make money on youtube watching videos

To earn money, you need to have some kind of content that will be watched. If we talk about its creation, then there are no specific requirements. The Internet has seen many ups and downs.

There are also examples when shooting on a regular mobile phone collected more views than the work of a professional studio. A lot depends on the quality of the idea and its implementation, but you can start with very simple options.

Now we are moving on to the key point of the article, when it is time to convey the main idea. To earn income from affiliate program it is not necessary to have unique videos.

In other words, you can use materials from the network, even including Youtube itself. Moreover, many have long known this and are actively earning on other people's content.

Can this be called a scam? It is unlikely, since protected materials are actively blocked by moderators, and no one will forbid us to use unprotected ones. Channels that use other people's videos are called "gray".

Read also:

Gray channels or how to make money on YouTube on someone else's video

Initially, channels that use someone else's content can be divided into two categories: legal and illegal. Let this not sound too intimidating, since for the theft of material the user will only be blocked. But the victims are sometimes quite serious, although they are measured only in the time spent.

Let's immediately get acquainted with the term "reupload" of videos that are often used on the Internet. With the help of reloading, users have been earning for a long time, but the system has not yet been fully studied.

This is due to the constant development of the resource, which allows moderators to more and more efficiently calculate channels with other people's videos each time. So what is the illegality of reuploading?

The answer is simple enough. This is a blatant copyright infringement. People who actively use this method, have several channels, in case one of them is suddenly blocked.

Someone contains more than ten at once, which brings the owner to a tangible profit, although it clearly requires a greater load. As it becomes clear, the main disadvantage of using someone else's content is a big risk.

Given the regular security updates of the Youtube service, the risk is constantly growing. But active users have found a way out of this, allowing the use of unprotected materials.

The legal method is to re-upload material without the "CC Non-commercial (CC NC)" mark.

Anyone can apply materials from the author's channel through the "Creativecommons" system, which is absolutely legal and does not violate the user agreements that we accepted during the registration and signing of the affiliate program.

Where to get material and what to focus on

Since we are talking about earnings, it is worth choosing the most popular topics. Undoubtedly, you can choose something close in spirit, but it will not always be possible to find an audience for the material that is of interest to you personally. Wanting income, you need to focus on the relevance of the topic.

For example, by uploading a sensational video from foreign news to your channel, there is a chance to get a huge number of views. But do not forget that there are a lot of people who want to, and therefore it is necessary to act quickly.

To safely use the video on your channel without worrying about violating the rules, it is better to look for it where it is not protected by copyright.

These places can be:

  • Social media;
  • VIMEO service;
  • RuTube service;
  • Modified videos using video editors (clips, cuts, etc.).

This is only a small part of the most used sources for legal re-uploading of content. The only thing that is important to make sure before that is that there is no original on Youtube.

There is always a chance that the video was originally taken from the service where we plan to make money. Such a mistake can lead to serious consequences, which will deprive us, in extreme cases, of the channel.

And this means that we will not receive money either, although we have spent personal time and effort. In any case, now we know how to make money on YouTube on someone else's video, while reducing the risk to a minimum.

If you are wondering how to get views on YouTube and you are wondering “why are my subscribers not watching my videos?” then this article is for you. You can also jump straight to the video.

As you probably already know (especially if you already have a YouTube channel), when you upload a new video to your channel, it doesn't get many views relative to the number of subscribers. Let's say you have 10 thousand subscribers, and the video is gaining 1000-1500 views in the first few days.

Why is that?

This is due to the fact that not all subscribers watch your video. And this is quite a common situation. All authors face this. YouTube channels. If your video is gaining 10-15% of views from the number of subscribers, this is a normal situation.

And there are several reasons for this.

First reason

Not all users watch all of your videos. Do you personally watch all the videos in the feed? For example, I am subscribed to about 50 channels and, of course, I cannot watch every video from each of them. There simply isn't enough time for this. And not all topics are interesting to me.

The second reason

Employment at work, at the institute. Or family, friends. Naturally, YouTube goes by the wayside. Subscribers cannot view all your videos without missing a single one. This is a common situation. You shouldn't worry about this.

Third reason

Not all videos are equally interesting for all your subscribers. For example, I have a video "How to watermark a video?". I explain the technical points in the program. Of course, some users come to my channel from this video. All my videos are aimed at the general attraction of subscribers and the development of the channel. What should users do who subscribed to this particular video, and other topics that I talk about are not interesting to them? Naturally, either unsubscribe, or simply do not watch my other videos.

But what to do if you are not satisfied with 10-15% of views from the total number of subscribers? How to increase this number? There are 4 tips here.

First step - Names

You should pay attention to the names of the videos. You need to choose cool, intriguing names. To make the user just want to click on it. This way you can attract more viewers and get more views on YouTube.

Second step - Theme

Stick to the main theme of your channel. No need to make videos about anything. Because users, subscribing from one video, hope that the rest will be on the same topic.

If you have created an educational channel, make educational videos. And make your personal blog, for example, another channel. So your videos will be more useful, and the audience will get used to it. They will watch your videos more often and you will get more YouTube views.

Third Step - New Video Release Schedule

Decide how many videos per week or per month you will upload. Share this information with your subscribers. Make a specific schedule.

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