How to make an image have a transparent background in Photoshop. How can you easily make the background of an image transparent in Photoshop using different methods? How to make a transparent background in fsh

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Today's episode will show you how to make transparent background in photoshop.

Why do you need a transparent background at all?

It happens that you need to overlay another image on one image, but when you overlay the image, a white background remains. See example below:

In the article, we will analyze three ways to get rid of this background. The result should be like this:

I hope everyone understands now. And we get down to business!

In the example below, we will insert the sun on the picture of the clearing. Obviously, the current look of the image is not attractive. Therefore, we will try to correct this moment. We don't remove the white background, we just make it invisible.

But first, of course, you must not insert an image with a white background. Start with a drawing without the sun.

Three ways to remove the background in Photoshop

1 way to make background transparent:

That's it, the background is gone. I hope everything was clear.

2 way to make the background transparent:

On a note! The two methods described above can be applied if the background has the same color. Otherwise, use the third method.

3 ways to remove the background in Photoshop

1. Remove the background in Photoshop using the quick mask tool. The mask is at the bottom of the left vertical menu:

2. After clicking on the quick mask, select "Brush" and paint on the object (not the background), the sun, in our case. Don't touch the background though.

Use different brush sizes for painting. To do this, use the second horizontal menu. More on screen: 3. After the sun is completely filled in, click on the quick mask again. Then the Delete button to delete everything around the object.

Everything was done in haste as an example, so the boundaries are not very accurate. However, if you try, everything will be fine. The main thing is not to waste time and rationally use brushes of all sizes.

Now you know how to make a transparent background in Photoshop. Let's move on to another problem. Namely, to save a transparent background. Often, users successfully remove the background, but they fail to save the image in this form. Do you have the same problem? Then read on!

How to save an image with a transparent background

Let me make an important point right away. Maybe only these words will be quite enough to solve your problem. If you save the image in JEPG format, then the transparent background disappears, the old white color remains. You want to save as PNG or GIF. Related articles:

OK it's all over Now. Now, if we insert the sun into the clearing, the picture will look attractive:

When creating collages and other compositions in Photoshop, it often becomes necessary to remove the background from an image or transfer an object from one image to another.

Today we will talk about how to make a picture without a background in Photoshop.

This can be done in several ways.

The first is to use the tool "Magic wand". The method is applicable if the background of the image is plain.

We open the image. Since pictures without a transparent background most often have the extension JPG, then the layer with the name "Background" will be locked for editing. It needs to be unlocked.

Double click on the layer and in the dialog box click "OK".

Then choose a tool "Magic wand" and click on the white background. A selection appears (marching ants).

Now press the key DEL. Done, white background removed.

The next way to remove the background from an image in Photoshop is to use the tool "Quick selection". The method will work if the image has approximately one tone and does not merge with the background anywhere.

Choose "Quick selection" and "paint over" our image.

Then invert the selection with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+I and press DEL. The result is the same.

The third method is the most complex and is used on color images, where the desired area merges with the background. In this case, only manual selection of the object will help us.

For manual selection in Photoshop, there are several tools.

1. Lasso. Use it only if you have a steady hand or a graphics tablet. Try it yourself and you will understand what the author writes about.

2. Rectilinear lasso. This tool it is advisable to use on objects that have only straight lines in their composition.

3. Magnetic Lasso. Applies to single color images. The selection is "magnetized" to the border of the object. If the shades of the image and the background are identical, then the edges of the selection are jagged.

4. Feather. The most flexible and easy-to-select tool. The pen can draw both straight lines and curves of any complexity.

So, choose a tool "Feather" and circle our image.

We put the first reference point as accurately as possible on the border of the object. Then we put the second point and, without releasing the mouse button, drag up and to the right, achieving the desired radius.

Anchor points can be moved by holding down the key CTRL on the right, and delete by selecting the appropriate tool from the menu.

The pen can be used to select multiple objects in an image at once.

At the end of the selection (the contour must be closed by returning to the first anchor point), right-click inside the contour and select "Create Selection".

Now you need to remove the background in Photoshop by pressing the key DEL. If the selected object is suddenly removed instead of the background, then press CTRL+Z, invert the selection by the combination CTRL+SHIFT+I and delete it again.

We've covered the basic tricks for removing backgrounds from images. There are other ways, but they are ineffective and do not bring the desired result.

Before you make a transparent background in Photoshop, you need to find out everything about the possibilities of this program. And then suddenly, instead of the background, your clothes in the photo will become transparent.

Photoshop background basics

Photoshop is rightfully considered the most powerful tool for working with bitmaps. Sometimes it seems that you already know everything about the possibilities of this graphic editor. But then again and again you stumble upon something new:

The most demanded area of ​​application of Photoshop among ordinary users is to change and edit the background part of the image. As if foreseeing this, the program already at the first stages of creating a new graphic file asks how to make its background layer:

Creating a new graphic file in the graphic editor is carried out through the menu "File" - "New". In the dialog box that appears, you can set the dimensions and basic parameters of the future image. Setting the value of the "Background Content" field to "Transparent" is the main way to remove the background at the stage of creating a picture.

The ability to edit images in Photoshop is built on the use of layers. Each of them is a separate independent object. Changing any of the layers will not affect the contents of the others in any way. The layered structure of the image is displayed in the Layers panel:

But all this is theory, which can be quickly learned in practice. Therefore, let's get down to creativity, the power of expression of which will be enhanced by Photoshop.

Using an adjustment layer

Let's look at an example of how you can change the background in Photoshop using an adjustment layer. At the start, we have this image:

The upside of using an adjustment layer is that it saves time by having a customizable effect on the entire color range of the picture. You can create it by clicking on the black and white circle at the bottom of the Layers panel. In the menu that appears, select the item " Curves":

By moving a point on the curve and adjusting the color channel, you can achieve various options changes to the entire photo. With a skillful approach, further editing may not be necessary. This is probably the most fast way how to change the background of a photo:

With the help of an adjustment layer, you can easily change the time of day throughout the city.

Removing the sky

We are tired of the boring sky above the city. Therefore, we will remove it using the Background Eraser tool. It's in the sidebar on the left:

Of course, the above example lacks a bit of precision. Therefore, in order not to remove the necessary details in the drawing, you should use a thin pen.

All changes affected only the main layer. Before you change the background, through the menu " Layer" - " New"Create a new one:

Now, to make a new sky over our city, you can use your imagination and various Photoshop tools. For example, some kind of gradient. Here's what the end result might be:

But the contours of the city are very difficult to cut straight. Therefore, to demonstrate the next tool, we will use a photograph of the desert. The task is still the same: we change the sky:

To select the cloudy sky over the desert, we will use the tool " Magic wand". It is suitable for use in cases where the pattern consists of several pronounced color shades.

Before replacing the sky background with another one, activate the magic wand on the toolbar and click on the sky with it. In this case, it is better to set the sensitivity of the instrument to the maximum value. Otherwise, the background will be selected incorrectly:

After that, right-click on the selected area, and in the appeared context menu choose " Layer through clipping»:

It seems that nothing happened. But if you look at the Layers panel, then there we will see a new element. To delete a cut out background, you should select the layer containing it, and select the "Delete layer" command in the context menu. This is what our desert looks like now:

Now you can add a new layer and fill the sky over the Sahara with bright colors:

Background blur

But still I want to train not only on cats, but also on people. Let's see how to blur the background in Photoshop. For editing, take a picture with a picture of a person. According to the unwritten laws of the Internet, for such a demonstration, a photo of a beautiful girl is most often used:

Now we will try to make the background of the photo blurry so that all attention is focused on the female beauty. This effect can be obtained if you use expensive “reflex cameras” for photography. But we will achieve this with the help of a graphical editor.

The main problem is to correctly highlight the contours of the body. Let's try to use the magnetic lasso for this.

If you draw the Magnetic Lasso tool along the outline on the image, then the silvery stroke seems to be attracted by a magnet to the boundaries of the selected object.

After activating the tool, carefully move the cursor along the contours of the girl's figure. And then in the context menu, select the item " Invert Selection»:

Before making the background blurry, we apply the built-in filter of the graphic editor. To do this, in the "Filter" menu, select the item " Lubrication" - " Gaussian blur»:

It turned out, of course, not without flaws. But all of them can be removed using the Blur tool. And here's what happened:

Now we take a different approach and use a mask to highlight the girl's figure. First, let's create a duplicate of our layer. To do this, mark it in the Layers panel and select the item in the context menu. Duplicate Layer»:

Then apply the filter to the appeared copy of the layer. Gaussian blur". And add a mask to the copy of the layer by clicking on the icon in the form of a rectangle with a white circle inside it. This is how the photo of the girl should look at this stage.

How to make a transparent background in Photoshop?

Photoshop is one of the most popular programs among people who are fond of design, graphics and drawing. Photoshop may also be needed by people who are far from creativity, but who need its functions. For example, it was necessary to use some kind of image in the text, but it is unacceptable to place it with the existing background. To do this, you can either change the background, or use a transparent background. Let's try to figure out how to make a transparent background in Photoshop.

How to make a transparent background in Photoshop - the first way:

Click the left mouse button "File" (File) (in the left upper corner). Select "New" from the drop-down list. In "Background Contents" select "Transparent". This method should be used by those who want to create their own image without a background. It will not work if you want to remove the background from the finished image. To do this, you need to use the second method.

How to make a transparent background in Photoshop - the second way:

The Photoshop graphic editor is different in that it uses layers. The image behind which the transparent background becomes, needs to be copied on a new layer. This is done by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl and J keys (hereinafter we will use the commonly used abbreviation, for example, Ctrl + J). To do this, you can use another way - right-click on the layer and select the item "create a duplicate layer" (Duplicate Layer) in the drop-down menu. In the next window that appears, click "OK". You should get two identical layers, only one of them will be called "layer 1" and the other - "background".

The second step is to hide the layer called "background". To do this, you just need to click on the image of the eye, located to the left of the layer.

The third step is to separate the image from the background. This can be done with a tool called "rubber band". On the keyboard, it is turned on with the "E" key. The size of the rubber band tool can be changed using the "[" and "]" keys on the English layout. You will need to resize the tool in order to accurately "erase" the background around the object. If you did everything right, then you will have a "chessboard" around the object - this is the absence of a background, that is, a transparent background.

The last step is to save the image with a transparent background. Saving is standard. In the upper left corner, left-click on "File" (File) in the drop-down list, select "Save as" (Save as). Under the image and the line "File name" there will be a line "file type". In this line you select the format in which the image will be saved. You can choose either the ".psd" format or the ".png" format. It is recommended to use the latest format. After doing this, click "Save". The JPEG format does not preserve transparency.

Now you can use the image without the original background by pasting it into the required document. It should be noted that the rubber band tool is quite difficult for beginners if the hand is not "full" of daily work in this program. Therefore, it can be difficult to try to "erase" the background around small objects, such as grass, for example. You can advise either to improve your skills, or use a graphics tablet for work (which is more common for professionals), or try another way.

How to make a transparent background in Photoshop - the third way:

You need to convert the background of the image to a layer. To do this, right-click on the background in the area on the right, where the layers are displayed. Select "Layer from background" / "From the background" (most versions of Photoshop downloaded from torrents are on English language. This remark is also true for many tutorials). In the menu that opens, click "OK". Select the Magic Wand tool. It can be used only if the background to be cut out is uniform in color (otherwise, use the Lasso tool). Select the background. Click Delete. After that, we see our object against the background of a chess field. This is the transparent background. It remains only to save the image as described above.

There are a lot of videos on the web on this topic. For example, you can follow the sequence of actions on the video for the article.

Now you have taken one step in the field of learning the basic features graphics program Photoshop and along the way realized their need for high-quality visual design of your work. Congratulations!

Sometimes it becomes necessary to cut out an object from one photo to another or make a transparent background. To do this, you first need to cut out the object from the photo. What are we going to do now. If you have not yet taken the object you need, then it is better to try to find a uniform, contrasting background, but if you already have photographs and others cannot be done, then you will have to act as it is, but it will be more difficult to work with such a photo.

I will be using this lid.

How to cut an object in Photoshop

  1. Click on the lock on a single layer in order to be able to remove it "through and through", making "holes" in the photo.

2. Now, you need to select the "magic wand" tool. It highlights objects along the contours and helps to fulfill our mission)

I was a little unlucky and my subject did not stand out completely. To fix this, we hold down "ALT" and draw over the area that was highlighted as superfluous, thereby showing the program that it made the selection incorrectly. Photoshop uses neural networks for such operations, so with each refinement of the path, the selection will be more accurate.

5. Well, it's much better this way. Now press the Delete button on the keyboard and the background is removed.

Well, we made the background transparent, you can crop the photo to make it more convenient to work and save it in png format.

Crop image for convenience

  1. Select the cropping tool and select the desired area on the image.

Saving a photo to png

  1. Open the "file" menu and look for "Export as" there.

2. Select "format", "png" in the field. Make sure the "Transparency" checkbox is checked and click "Export All". Save the file and ruduemsya)

Was It became

This is how you can make the background transparent. Everything is done quite simply, but sometimes it is difficult to select an object and you have to tinker. The resulting image can be superimposed on photographs. You will definitely succeed, the main thing is to want!

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