Error 924 when downloading from Android. What to do if the Play Store displays an error message. What is this error and its causes

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Error represents another the most typical mistake, which appears to users while downloading or updating an application in Play Market. Also, the error may appear not only for one application being downloaded or updated, but for all of them at once.

Determine the exact nature of the cause of the error quite problematic, as well as for other similar problems with the Market. However, we have compiled a list of methods that can help you fix this problem quite easily.

Method #1 Checking the network connection on the device

The first thing you should check is the Internet connection on your device. You may be unable to download or update applications because you are not connected to the network, or there are serious problems with your connection. Make sure your device is properly connected to the network and everything is fine.

Method No. 2 Restarting the device

Many users ignore this advice, but they do not underestimate its effectiveness - rebooting the device. The thing is that Android, like, say, Windows, is an operating system. Sometimes some bugs or critical failures may occur in the OS. Perhaps the exact same thing happened in your case. Restart the device and let the Android OS start its working session anew. You can also try restarting the Play Market application itself, since it might have crashed there.

Method No. 3 Clearing the Play Market application cache

The cache is incredible convenient function any application. However, it is often precisely because of this that problems occur, which include the error . If this is indeed the case, then you just need to clear the cache and data Play apps Market and it will be all over. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings on your Android device.
  • Go to "Applications".
  • Next, go to “All applications”.
  • You will see a list with all the applications on your device. Find Play Market in the list, then click on it to go to the “About the application” window.
  • Once in this menu, click on the “Storage” item.
  • Information about the application and a couple of options for it will appear. Click on the “Erase data” option to start.
  • Then click on the second option - “Clear cache”.

Method No. 4 Removing the Play Market utility

If none of the above helped in solving the error , which is quite possible option developments, then you can try simply deleting the Play Market application from your Android device. In fact, you can't uninstall the app, but you can uninstall updates for it, which will return it to the original version.

To remove Play Market updates, follow the same path as shown in the previous method and click on the “Uninstall updates” button. After this action, go to already old version application and check for errors . If everything is fine and it functions as it should, then you can install all updates for it back.

Method No. 5 Deleting a Google account

This method helps users quite rarely, but it all works sometimes. You can probably see it in other articles on similar topics. So, you need to try removing your Google account from the device and then adding it back. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to Device Settings.
  • Go to "Accounts".
  • Click on your Google account once.
  • Then click again on the “More Actions” button.
  • Click on the “Delete account” button.
  • Once your Google account is removed from your device, add it again.

As already mentioned, the method is not very effective and works quite rarely, but sometimes a miracle happens and this solves the situation with errors, including the error

Due to problems in the operation of the services themselves. Therefore, you can overcome it in several simple ways, which will be discussed below.

If you encounter a problem in the form of “Error 924”, then take the following few steps to get rid of it.

Method 1: Clear cache and Play Store data

While using the application store, the device memory accumulates various information from Google services, which needs to be removed periodically.

These two simple steps should help you resolve the error. If it still appears, move on to the next method.

Method 2: Uninstall Play Store updates

An incorrectly installed service update may also be the cause.

Now reboot your gadget, go to Play Store and wait a few minutes for it to update (should throw you out of the app). Once this happens, try again the steps that caused the error.

Method 3: Delete and recover Google account

In addition to the previous reasons, there is another one - a failure in profile synchronization with Google services.

  1. To erase your account from your device, "Settings" go to the tab "Accounts".
  2. To access account management, select "Google".
  3. Find the delete account button and click it.
  4. A window will then pop up, in which click again "Delete account" for confirmation.
  5. Reboot your device to confirm the action you performed. Now open again "Accounts" and tap on "Add account".
  6. Next select "Google".
  7. You will be redirected to the page for creating a new account or logging into an existing one. In the highlighted field, enter the email to which the profile is registered, or the phone number associated with it, and click "Further".
  8. Next you will need to enter your password, then tap again "Further" to go to last page recovery.
  9. Finally, accept with the appropriate button "Terms of Use" And "Privacy Policy".
  10. That's it, the account is linked to your device again. Now you can use Google services without errors.

If “Error 924” still remains, then only rolling back the gadget to its original settings will help. To find out how to do this, check out the article linked below.

One of the common errors when downloading and updating applications in the Play Store is error code 924. Many Android users devices have encountered it, but not many know how to get rid of it. The essence of this problem is that the device refuses to update the game applications, displaying this message, which is unpleasant for any user:

"Failed to update the application. Try again. If the problem persists, try fixing it yourself. (Error code: 924)"

In this life hack, we will analyze the causes of the problem and ways to solve it.

Causes of error 924 and how to fix it

One of the most common causes of error 924 when downloading and updating applications is the manipulation of transferring applications to the SD card. There are several ways to solve the problem. The solutions listed below are presented in order from easiest to least likely to affect your Android phone or tablet, to more complex ones that involve deleting updates and data.

But before you start solving the problem, make sure that your device is connected to the Internet if you are using Wi-Fi. If you are using the Internet from your mobile operator check if the traffic on your tariff has expired. Sometimes just closing it helps too. Play Store and its restart. In addition, it would be a good idea to try rebooting your Android phone or tablet; this method often helps.

Clear cache and data from Play Store

Ready. The application cache has been cleared. Check to see if the error has been fixed or if the problem still occurs when downloading and updating applications. If clearing the cache did not help, move on to the third method.

Uninstalling Play Store app updates

The third method suggests removing app updates " Play Store" Essentially, we will roll back to the version of the program that was preinstalled by the developers by deleting Latest updates, in which an error could have crept in that prevented you from updating and downloading your favorite shooting games.

Follow the first two steps from the previous section, and then click on the menu button in right top corner information about the application and select " Uninstall updates».

Removing and re-adding Google accounts

This method is the most radical of the ones we are considering. The Google account deletion trick doesn't work often, but what do we have to lose?

  1. Let's go to " Settings» → “Accounts”.
  2. Tap on your Google account.
  3. Click on the additional actions button at the top right and select " Delete account».
  4. After deleting, add yours again account in the Android Accounts settings.

If none of the above helped.

In 99% of cases, the problem should have been solved, but if you have reached this point, then, most likely, none of the above helped you, then it is worth checking things that are not obvious at first glance. After all, the operating system is a complex program, the operation of which can be influenced by various factors, including other applications.

  • Check whether the error remains depending on the connection type - by mobile network Wi-Fi.
  • If you are in Lately installed antiviruses or some other applications from the “ System", try removing them.
  • According to some reports, the enabled Stamina mode on Sony phones can somehow cause error 924 to appear.

Many users of Android devices that have built-in Google service Play or Play Market encounter a problem when the service starts displaying a message with error code 924 in the Play Market. What is the reason for this failure? How can I fix it? Let's try to figure out this problem. The information described below will help you fix other system errors. All methods are the same.

Error 924 in Play Market: causes

First of all, it is worth noting that it is necessary to clearly understand the nature of such a failure. It is believed that all errors of categories nine hundred and four hundred are associated with problems that arise in the service itself. This is partly true... The problem in a global sense may be much broader. The main reasons for the appearance of system messages with error code 924 include the following:

— problems with communication when updating or downloading applications;

— lack of free space on the drive;

— incorrect settings of parameters for accessing the service;

— problems with account recognition;

- application cache overflow.

In this case, we will not discuss viruses that may block access to this service. Let's look at how we can using standard methods fix error 924 in the Play Market. These methods do not require additional utilities or special knowledge. Everything is done quite simply. At the same time, you can get rid of the above failures and errors quite effectively.

Error code 924 in Android: what to do?

Many owners of smartphones and tablets, oddly enough, may not pay attention to communication interruptions. But even a short break does not affect the process of updating the corresponding program or downloading an application. If error 924 appears when downloading from the Play Market, then, first of all, you need to make sure that the device is connected to a network with a good signal level. This is the simplest reason for error code 924. On the other hand, you need to check the internal drive for free space. This is especially true in cases where distributions are not downloaded and installed onto an SD card. Perhaps the service simply cannot load necessary files. In this case, you need to clear the space by removing unnecessary files and applications. This can be done by entering the settings menu, in which you select either the applications section, or any other category, for example, video, photo, and so on. Videos and graphics tend to take up the most space.

Error 924: Configuring Basic Settings

If you try to access official service One more point needs to be taken into account. Synchronization must be activated in the settings options Google account and background data transfer. If the default parameters have been changed for some reason, the system will display a message indicating error 924 in the Play market.

Error code 924 in Play Market: deleting service updates

The problem may not be limited to user actions. It turns out that on his own Play service Market tends to be glitchy. This is due to so-called “bugs” in updates. On the one hand, they can be installed incorrectly, for example, due to communication failures. On the other hand, the updates themselves may be unfinished. How, in this case, can you resolve error 924 in the Play Market? You just need to remove updates from the service itself by first going to the application section and selecting the “All” category by double swiping to the right. After this, you need to find the specified service and click on the button to delete the latest installed updates. The device must be rebooted after completing these steps. When Internet access is turned on, installation will begin. latest versions updates that are radically different from all previous ones, as they fix bugs.

Error 924: Clearing application cache

If none of the methods described above helps, and error code 924 appears again in the Play Market, you need to pay attention to the application cache. You can clear it in the same application section when entering each program where the corresponding button is present. To avoid doing such things manually, the easiest way would be to use special utilities like CCleaner. Such programs automatically perform cleaning after a complete scan of the state of the mobile device.

Error 924: Account Sync Problems

Another reason for a failure with code 924 may be a situation when the service simply does not recognize the account to which this device attached. To correct the situation, you need to go to the appropriate settings section and delete the existing registration. After this you will need to enter or available data Gmail, or new ones. Please note that this method may not be effective.

Error code 924: Factory reset

The easiest method to resolve the 924 code problem is to restore from a backup. However, this method will only be possible if enabled automatic creation backup copies, which can be saved both in the cloud and on the device itself. When full reset all information that was previously stored on the device, including user applications, contact lists and personal settings, will be restored programmatically. To implement this operation, you need to go to the main parameters section, select the menu there Reserve copy and recovery, and use the master reset line here. When the system reboots, it will begin the recovery process. After this, you will have to manually enter your account, password and Internet connection access parameters. Such a procedure may well be able to eliminate the problem.

Error code 924: Hard Reset

Some users recommend using a radical method - resetting with all data reset. In our case, this may be too drastic a measure. For the same Sony smartphones Xperia will be best served by using the PC Companion utility. It allows you to “bring to life” any device when connected via a USB port. The operation itself takes quite a lot of time, but the result should exceed all expectations. For any devices, the same programs will be available on the manufacturers’ official websites. It is recommended to use Hard Reset only in cases where nothing else helps. However, as practice shows, this is not required. In most cases, the problem with the Play Market can be easily resolved using the methods listed above. Of course, we cannot exclude the possibility of a failure in the operating system or damage to the device at the physical level. If more serious problems arise, you will have to use other methods, which in some cases involve interfering with the design of the device. If, in addition to everything else, the device had unofficial firmware installed, then no one can guarantee the functionality of the device. In this case, even resetting the settings may not be effective.

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