Where in the iPhone flashes when you call. Disable flash on Apple iPhone during a call. Standard way through the "Control Center"

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Until the 4th generation of the iPhone, there was no LED flash on Apple devices; those who wished had the opportunity to purchase it in the format of a separate accessory. He even had his own name - iFlash.

Then the creators decided that it was impractical, so she migrated directly to the smartphone. How to turn on the flash on iPhone 4.

Why and how to turn on the flash?

Now most smartphones have a flash, the main task is to improve lighting when taking pictures, but it can be used for other purposes. One of these tasks is to notify the user about a call. If you are working in a noisy environment where hearing the ringtone would be problematic, the flickering will indicate that someone is trying to contact you.

The flash turns on in several steps.

  • We go to the settings section, there we select the main
  • In this menu, the item "universal access" is important to us
  • In the next step, activate the LED flash for warnings.

That's all, now when you make calls, the flash on the device will blink. She reacts not only to them, but also to incoming messages. If you set an alarm and place your smartphone near you, you can be awakened by the flickering of the LED. There is a curious moment - it will start to flicker only if the smartphone is switched to lock mode. In the active state, the LED signal will not light up.

Note that the use of a flash for these purposes will adversely affect the duration battery life phone. If, after activating the function, it turns out that the smartphone has started to work less than before, then you should not be surprised.

General information about using the flash

If you intend to use this part of the device in a more familiar style, then first learn how to switch smartphone cameras. All modern gadgets have two of them, the front one is designed for selfies. iPhone is supplied good cameras, allowing you to take high-quality pictures even in low light conditions, but the flash is designed specifically to improve the perception of the device. To activate it, find the lightning icon in shooting mode, located in upper corner screen.

There are several types of flash applications. If "Off" is set, then it does not work at all, "Auto" indicates the action in automatic mode when the device adjusts to the lighting conditions, and the LED will only light up if it is dark enough nearby. "On" makes the LED work in forced mode, it is activated with each photo.

The thing is useful, and if you download a utility from the application store that turns LED into a flashlight, you can use your smartphone to illuminate the surrounding space. We hope that the setup will not cause difficulties.

The flash is a small LED flashlight that is located in the main camera module. She is responsible for highlighting the photo during shooting. If the flash does not work on your iPhone, follow each solution presented in the article in turn.

We are looking for a reason

Incorrectly working flash brings a lot of inconvenience during the operation of the iPhone. Determine one of the reasons for the failure:

  • Moisture getting into the camera mechanism - in this case, you need to work with the hardware;
  • OS update. Many users complain about flash limitations or no flash after updating to IOS 10. You can return to use previous version operating system or wait longer new firmware from the developer
  • Jailbreak execution. This operation may limit the functionality of the phone. The only way to solve it is to reset to factory settings;
  • Phone overheating. Due to the temperature increase in the iPhone case, the flash may not work. Turn off the device and wait for it to cool completely;
  • Hardware failure of the flash (after dropping or hitting the phone), which requires a complete replacement of the component.

Method #1 - Change settings

If there is a protective film on the back of your iPhone, remove it - most likely it is preventing the flash from working properly.

Test the flash in different programs. Install third party application"Flashlight". If the flash works in it, but not in the "Camera", you need to update the standard camera apps or use another program for shooting.

If the flashlight functionality does not work either in other programs or in standard ones, check the smartphone settings. In the phone settings, click on the "Do Not Disturb" item and turn on the "Manual" function and after a few seconds turn it off again. Also check if the camera is included in the list of allowed apps.

Method number 2 - Emergency reboot

Press and hold the power key until the slider shown in the figure appears. Move the pointer to the right to turn off your phone. This method allows you to solve temporary software problems.

Method number 3 - Installing updates

The new firmware version, as a rule, contains an improved security system and support for phone functionality. If available to you a new version system, install it:

  • Connect your phone to a power source;
  • Connect to the router;
  • Click on Settings-General-Software Update;
  • Click Download and Install.

Method number 4 - Replacing the camera

If the problem could not be solved using the first three methods, the reason is a partial malfunction of the camera module. Since the flash is a component of the module and it will not be possible to replace it as a separate part, the only way out is to completely replace the main camera.

The rear camera part is sold as a separate component of iPhones. It is individual for each smartphone model. It is important to note that only original parts must be used during repairs. The camera cable must be printed with a unique serial number. The figure below shows the rear camera, which we will replace next.

Unpin back cover from the display using a pentagonal screwdriver, picks and a spatula to disconnect the cables motherboard. Then remove the board. In its upper part, find the installed camera module and unfasten the screws of its cover. Disconnect the cable with a spudger and replace the component. Collect the phone.

Almost all modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with LED flash, which is mainly used when taking pictures and as a flashlight. In turn, Apple has found another, no less interesting application for it. Starting with the fourth generation iPhone, the flash can act as a flasher to visually signal a call.

Do you need this flasher

Initially, the idea of ​​using an LED in a blinking mode was intended to help people with disabilities (hearing impaired) not to miss incoming calls and SMS notifications. But over time, the situation has changed. Today, many young people deliberately turn on the flasher, thus trying to draw the attention of others to their fashionable gadget. However, this method does not always have a positive effect. Some people may be irritated by such flickering, especially at night.

An LED flasher can help girls quickly find an iPhone in their bag among many different accessories. It is also worth noting that the flicker extends to the alarm clock. This means that at the time of the alarm, in addition to the melody, frequent flashes of the LED will be visible in the room, provided that the iPhone is face down. To determine if the flasher is useful for you, you should turn it on for a few days on your iPhone. But keep in mind that this will speed up battery drain.

So how do you enable flash blinking?

Switching procedure LED flasher Extremely simple and done in just a couple of minutes. To do this, go to the "Settings" section and find the line called "Basic". Then touch the specified line, after which a list with many sub-items will appear on the screen. Among them, you should find and click on the item "Universal access". Scrolling through the items of the newly opened section, you need to find and select the line with the name "Flash of warnings". After its activation, all incoming calls and messages on the iPhone will be accompanied by a melody with a bright optical effect.

The developers of the iPhone running iOS 10 additionally equipped it with another option - “Flash in silent mode”, which is also located in the Accessibility menu. To enable it, the user needs to do two things:

  • by moving your finger across the screen, turn on the switch located next to the name of the option;
  • move the switch located at the end of the phone to the “Silent” position, at which its orange part will become visible.

After these actions, with each incoming call or SMS, the smartphone will vibrate and blink brightly with the LED.

Sometimes iPhone owners complain that immediately after enabling the option, the flasher for some reason does not work. In this case, you should restart the device and try again to receive the call. In this case, the following nuance should be borne in mind. Periodic flashing of the iPhone is possible only when its screen is turned off. If the device is not in standby mode (the screen is active), then the LED will not blink.

How to disable

Turning off the LED flasher on the iPhone is carried out according to the same principle as turning it on. To turn off the flash during incoming SMS and calls, re-enter the "Universal Access" menu and move the switch on the screen to the inactive position.

By the way, not only owners of the iPhone version higher than iOS 5 can turn on the LED flickering function during incoming calls. Some other smartphones also have access to it. In particular, the activation of the flasher by default is available in devices MIUI firmware, and on a smartphone with Android OS you will have to install Flash application On call.

Read also

Not everyone knows that starting with iOS 5, Apple developers have added for iPhone owners the function of automatically triggering the flash when calls and notifications arrive.

In contact with

This feature can be useful not only for people with hearing problems, but also for those who would like to receive visual alerts instead of sound ones.

How to turn on flash on incoming calls and notifications on iPhone with iOS 13

1. Open the app Settings and go to section Universal access.

2. Select an item audiovisual material.

3. Set the switch Flash warning into position On.

4. If necessary, also activate the option Flash in silent mode. When this item is activated, the LED flash will light up only when the ringer switch on the side of the iPhone is in

After activating the function Flash warning whenever you receive incoming iPhone call or notification, the LED flash will flicker.

If the function did not work (it happens on older devices), restart the device.

And most importantly, don't forget to make sure you put your phone face down if you want to see this feature in action.

How to turn on flash on incoming calls and notifications on iPhone with iOS 5 - iOS 12

1. Go to Settings and select section Main.

2. Scroll down and enter the menu Universal access.

3. Select a section Hearing and activate the switch Flash warning.

Unlike other models, the iPhone does not have a special notification indicator for incoming calls and notifications by default. Instead, ordinary vibrations are provided here. However, the iPhone has a flash feature that can be used to alert you to incoming calls, messages, and other notifications coming to your device. In this article, we will show you how to turn on the flash when calling on iPhone.

If this feature is enabled, when a call or message arrives on iPhone, the LED will flash repeatedly, which is very convenient when set to silent mode. This good addition to the ordinary vibrations that the system already has.

Flash LED Alerts on iPhone - handy feature which is not known to all users. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to turn on the flash when calling on iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, X and other versions.

This option is available on models of modern versions of iPhones with latest version operating system iOS. Although given function has been around for a long time, methods for enabling it on older iPhone models are somewhat different.

iPhone gadgets later and later iOS systems are equipped with flashing LEDs that notify you of incoming calls, messages and other notifications. And later versions, starting with iPhone 4 and iOS 5, no longer support this feature. The following is a step-by-step description of how to make a flash on an iPhone when you call.

1. Open Settings from the main screen.

2. Click "Basic».

3. Then go to " Universal access».

5. Click " Flash warningFlash in silent mode».

6. Switch the alert LED flash to " ON» .

That's it, the now turned on indicator light flashes three times to notify the user of incoming calls, messages and various notifications. To turn off the notification, you need to switch the setting to "OFF».

This feature is also undeniably useful for people with hearing impairments. Also, often ordinary iPhone owners turn off the loud signal and use only the flashing LED. This tells how useful this feature is.

Read also:

How to turn on flash on call on iPhone for silent mode?

Your iPhone usually announces a notification with sound signal, vibration, or both. But there are situations where loud signals and vibrations fail to attract attention, such as in loud environments such as a nightclub. Or maybe the user just doesn't want to be bothered by sound or vibration at all.

Solution: LED indicator (flash) on the iPhone. It starts flashing brightly whenever you receive a notification. This is the same bright flash that you use on your camera or as a flashlight. Therefore, this function is ideal for giving a flashing signal for incoming calls, messages and other notifications that are hard to miss.

If you want the LED flash to automatically activate whenever the iPhone is muted. You need to flip the switch on the iPhone 7, be careful this feature is only available on new models.

1. Open Settings from the main screen.

2. Click "Basic».

3. Then go to " Universal access».

4. Then scroll down to hear.

5. Click " Flash warning". On newer iOS versions « Flash in silent mode».

6. Switch the LED flash in silent mode to " ON» .

Now with the sound off LED flash will notify you of incoming calls.

Now when you receive messages, phone calls or any other notifications. The LED indicator (flash) on the iPhone will flash continuously to alert you.

This feature is useful in the following situations:

· Prevent missed calls, messages and any other notifications.

Attracting attention in loud environments, both at work and at leisure in noisy places.

use of a light signal together with an alarm clock. (This last use case should be reserved for masochists only. Don't force your brain and go to bed on time);

Now you know what silent mode is, how to use it, and on which models it is available.

How to turn on the flash when calling on iPhone (Video)

The video shows step by step how to turn on the flash for iPhone. It also explains what silent mode is.

How to turn on flash for calls and notifications on iPhone

Why is the LED flash not working on iPhone?

What to do if the function did not work?

This feature only works when iPhone is locked or in sleep mode. Some older devices require a reboot to activate this feature. In addition, your phone must be face down so that you can see the flashing light.

The light should flash even if the phone is in:

Silent mode

with vibration off

· with the bell switch on the side panel turned off. (Only on new versions of iPhone).

The visual cues can also be used superbly in combination with the normal vibrations provided by the system.

Apple originally developed this feature for people with hearing impairments. However, many users liked it. People appreciated the great opportunity to receive visual signals instead of sound ones.


For some understanding, this idea originates from the old jailbreak setting, but Apple used it as the accessibility feature for iOS 5. It is kept in all modern versions of iOS. More recent versions such as iOS 10 have added a secondary option called "Flash on Silent Mode". Flash LED assures that this feature is very convenient for iPhone users.

To test the flash, you need to wait incoming call or messages. You can initiate your own notification by setting a short countdown timer. Either way, you'll notice that the iPhone's camera flash will start blinking at the same time as the sound alerts and vibrations. The effect is very intense and it can make the phone look dazzling, which is especially noticeable in the dark. However, you need to understand that such an iPhone signal cannot be ignored.

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