Comparison of mobile phone processors. Which processor is better for a tablet? Which processor is better for gaming on a tablet?

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When we go to electronics stores to choose a tablet, we constantly hear from sellers about how good this or that tablet is, how many cores it has, and how high their frequency is. Are these indicators really important, and which processor is better for a tablet?

It's true, but it doesn't sound like it. Does my smartphone require 8 cores or even 10? Its basic idea is this: a car has an engine, just like a smartphone has a processor. The number of cylinders in an engine is similar to the number of cores in a processor. In the past, automakers used 8-cylinder engines, but in Lately Fuel economy is becoming increasingly important, which is why many engines now use four cylinders.

Which processor is better for gaming on a tablet?

In a car, all cylinders have the same cubic capacity. This completely changes the balance of things. But that's not true; Moorhead is trying to compare oranges to pears. This type of device is what is called heterogeneous multiprocessing. This type of arrangement is what is called heterogeneous multiprocessing, where not all cores are the same. To make it work, it assigns tasks to cores according to these characteristics.

A tour of the characteristics

In describing the characteristics of processors, there are three main indicators:

  • manufacturer;
  • Number of Cores;
  • frequency of data processing.

For regular user these characteristics look simply like a set of letters and numbers that do not say anything, so the main emphasis is directly on quantitative indicators.

Tablet processor performance comparison

So let me offer an alternative analogy that better captures the reality of heterogeneous multiprocessing, the humble kitchen knife. In our kitchen we have a piece of wood with several different knives. Knives are different sizes, some are longer, some are shorter, some are thinner, some are wider, some have a serrated edge and so on. Each knife has an optimal use. A bread knife is great for cutting bread, a bone sock is great for removing meat from a bone, a chef's knife is best for chopping, etc. you can use a bread knife to chop and you can also peel the carrots with a chef's knife as it is still a knife with a nice sharp edge, however it is not ideal and probably not recommended.


There are some huge corporations that are engaged in manufacturing quality processors. For example, we can cite brands such as Intel, Qualcomm, MediaTek, etc. They have been working in their field for many years and offer users truly high-quality components that will last for a long time. But the same MediaTek produces mainly solutions for budget devices, while Intel and Qualcomm are installed on high-performance gadgets.

More cores equals more choice. I have options, I have choices. Think of it this way, more cores equals more choice. Now the scheduler can choose the right kernel for the right job. Like me, power efficiency is really the goal of these increasingly large multi-core processors. And as Robert Triggs wrote in his article yesterday: It may seem a little intuitive, but 10 cores doesn't automatically improve performance. However, it offers a lot more choice about what you can do with your workload.

Number of Cores

In most cases, this indicator is decisive for most users, since, supposedly, the final performance of the tablet will depend on it. This statement is partially true, but only for a separate line of devices. For example, a quad-core Android tablet will handle typical tasks faster than a similar device running the same OS but with two cores.

The idea is to scale even more efficiently from small, low-power processors, through mid-range quad-core processors, and all the way up to dual-core high-end configurations. If Patrick Moorhead wants to use an auto industry analogy, here's another one: the gearbox.

Of course you can travel everywhere by car high speed, but is this the most effective? What we're seeing is chipmakers experimenting with the optimal balance of performance and power versus cores, and on this moment it seems to be beneficial for adding more cores.

Everyone has also heard about processors with eight cores, but here, as a rule, four of them are in a constantly active state, and additional ones begin to work to distribute the load when the main ones are at their peak frequency. When performing standard tasks, all the same cores will be active.

Speaking of architecture, a parallel can be drawn between two devices such as Apple iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. These are two top-end smartphones, but the first runs on a processor with only two cores, while the second has an eight-core processor.

All common tasks that will not fully utilize all 10 CPU cores but have 10 cores means the scheduler can run the best cores for the tasks. So far we've talked about technology, why is one design better than another? What is heterogeneous multiprocessing? But the real problem is probably not technology, it's marketing. The phrase "octa-core" is used in the sense that 8 cores are better than 4 in terms of performance.

But the real message is the 8 big ones. So, why 8 and 10 main hobbies? Every company must differentiate itself from the competition. Other processor manufacturers are trying to take advantage of this. So, in conclusion, the key factor to understand about 8 and 10 core processors is that all cores are not the same. Core clusters have different performance and power characteristics. Remember that more cores equals more selection. More choice means better energy efficiency, but not necessarily more performance.

Without going into technical details and comparisons, we can say that the number of cores plays a role only if the choice is between devices of the same architecture, for example, two Android tablets, and not between the brainchildren of Google and Apple.

CPU frequency

The last quantitative indicator is very important for users. Exclusively in all product descriptions the maximum frequency at which it is capable of operating is indicated. installed processor, while most tasks are performed at minimum speed. For example, a Cortex A15 processor whose specified frequency is 1.7 GHz for mobile devices, operates at 1 GHz most of the time, and peak power is locked by the manufacturer to reduce battery drain.

If you were to raise money today, it would likely cost much less. While processors are important for optimizing battery performance, speed, and overall function of a smartphone, they don't themselves sell smartphones. His worldwide plan was also limited.

Beijing's local government has supported it financially, Lei Jun said on Tuesday, and China's central government has been pushing for years to build a local semiconductor industry. And actual performance results may fluctuate, which is normal.

When choosing any tablet, be it a device for gaming or for surfing the Internet, you should not focus on digital indicators. Decide what you want to use the device for, and only then delve into the technical details.

The tablet has turned from a fashionable electronic gadget into a valuable assistant for students, businessmen, young mothers, and freelancers. Thereby electronic device You can easily solve work issues, communicate with relatives, friends and acquaintances on Skype, share bright photos and launch your favorite computer games. As you can see, the device has a lot of functions. However, they are difficult to implement without the support of a powerful processor.

So it's likely that the three new chips will have more high performance in the future, let's wait and see together. Even when looking at efficiency, a mixed picture emerges at first. Octa core processor is a microprocessor with a total of eight data cores, which is suitable for various electronic systems. This type of CPU is less common in the mobile sector than multi-core processors with two or four modules.

In a smartphone or tablet with an octa-core processor, eight data cores work on pending processes and tasks. Not all cores are running at the same time, but individual threads are distributed among active cores depending on the operating system and programming running application. Usually they have different clock speeds and have different performance characteristics. Combined with the integrated graphics chip, they form a central computing unit or tablet. Once a process, such as an application or game, begins, data and computation instructions are distributed across the processor cores.

Evaluating the processor

When choosing a tablet, it is important to evaluate not only appearance device, but also its specifications:

  • amount of RAM;
  • screen resolution;
  • operating system type.

These indicators determine how comfortable you will be working with an electronic gadget. However, all these characteristics fade without a high-quality, reliable and high-speed processor. It is worth assessing first of all:

How mobile phones with octa-core processors remain efficient

When the operating system is optimized to use multi-core processors, access and load times are reduced and performance is increased. These values ​​are specific to individual data cores and cannot be added. For this reason, many manufacturers equip their smartphones and tablets with high-performance rechargeable batteries that provide longer runtime while simultaneously supplying the processor with the necessary energy.

Which smartphones are equipped with an eight-core processor?

When choosing a new mobile phone, many aspects are taken into account, from its design and price, to the battery capacity or internal storage, allowing us to save many applications, photos, videos and much more.

  • processor operating frequency;
  • Number of Cores;
  • processor model.

A couple of years ago, a tablet that had a single-core processor was considered a profitable and practical purchase. Its performance felt reactive, and downloading media files within 2-3 minutes was not irritating.
Today, user requests have increased significantly. They choose processors for tablets that have at least two cores in order to watch movies in HD quality, run computer games and faster communication via messengers. They are frustrated with waiting 60 seconds for web applications and pages to load. A processor with four cores handles such small tasks within 10-20 seconds. As a result, surfing the Internet becomes pleasant - not annoying or annoying.

However, sometimes we don't pay attention to something as important as the "heart of the smartphone", the processor, the component that moves everything. It's funny, isn't it? Why does a mobile device manufacturer want to move from a high-end processor to a mid-range processor?

Maybe because this high-end processor is not as high-end as it claims? At the moment the two are the undisputed kings in the manufacturing sector mobile processors. So once again we've put the question on the air: how many cores does your smartphone really need?

Also, the power of the central processor in a tablet is of no small importance for processing information. Agree, it’s not very pleasant to wait 5-6 minutes for a text document or a 2-minute video to load on the screen. In this case, it is necessary to “overclock” the speed of the processor or “pump up” its technical indicators. There are enough programs for this. For example, a CPU for a tablet. This application will provide maximum information about the electronic gadget and speed up the processor.

But first of all: what do kernels do?

Will these ten cores be used or is this pure marketing, or as we said at the time, a major war? Let's start from the beginning, although readers of this site will know more than enough: what is a kernel and what is its function? In terms as we understand it, the core is the part of the processor that is responsible for executing a task. Multiple cores allow you to perform multiple tasks in parallel, so the more cores a processor has, the more tasks it can perform simultaneously.

Theoretically, yes, but only at a basic level, since it depends not only on hardware, but also from software, as well as from operating systems smartphones and applications running on it. That is, if the developer programmed his application to run in one core, there is no point in having ten.

Number of cores in the processor

Many buyers are interested in the question: “What number of cores is considered optimal for a tablet processor?”
Experts are confident that the choice of this indicator directly depends on your goals in using the electronic gadget.
Let's say that you plan to work with text documents and occasionally play short videos. In this case, it is quite enough for you to choose a processor for a tablet with two cores.
It will provide fast loading text editors for writing articles, reviews and testimonials, video materials. A tablet of this type can also handle working in a browser with only 2-3 tabs open. But to run computer games or work with numerous tabs in the browser, you need a device with a more powerful processor. There is a possibility that the mini-computer with two nuclear processor it simply won’t handle virtual fun, and when loading numerous web pages it will turn off and on automatically every time to save battery.

How will a 10-core processor work?

However, developers are increasingly optimizing their applications for multi-core systems. This also extrapolates to smartphones in the same way. Of course, this dual-core package, which is responsible for the heaviest tasks, leads us to the next question.

Do you really need that many cores?

Well, the answer for most would be no, although most of us like to bare our smartphone's processor and talk about multi-tasking, right? Besides, how many things could you do at the same time on a smartphone screen?

Which processor is better for gaming on a tablet?

They say that the best option for fans of computer games is a tablet computer with a quad-core processor. With it, you will quickly launch large games and will not worry about the game stopping at the most interesting place or the electronic gadget rebooting for no reason. The game will give you the most vivid impressions and a carefree holiday. But the main thing is that you can run your favorite games anywhere and at any time: on the train, in mall or on the beach. By the way, there will be no problems with choosing electronic gadgets in this format - they are produced by all leading manufacturers of the world market.

Of course, the presence of many cores is associated with high resource consumption and heat generation. So we finally get it wet and say no, we don't need that many cores. This is because fewer cores allow the system to run at higher speeds while being more power efficient.

One of the common elements we consider when choosing a computer is its processor. However, in the world of TV, we don't look that much. Today we will tell you how the processor of your TV affects the image quality. More fast processor provides a better transition when opening the application of our TV, which guarantees us a current experience that meets our expectations.

How to test the processor?

Many users have doubts: is the tablet with multi-core processor, how do they write about it in magazines and talk about it among experienced computer scientists? You can check this indicator when purchasing the device. At retail outlets you can always download the game or play online. You will appreciate the speed of the electronic gadget, its capabilities and technical performance.
Better more expensive, but better quality?
The number of cores in the processor affects the final cost of the device. Many buyers are put off by this aspect. But there is also back side medals. The more cores a processor has, the faster it works and the more reliable it is. Judge for yourself: powerful processor processes large volumes of information, does not freeze and allows you to solve a complex of urgent matters in a short time.

Multi-core processors, more powerful for high-quality image processing

From our background in computer science or photography, as amateur or advanced users, we can get an idea of ​​how the processor will affect image processing. And how do we know which processor is better? In truth, it helps us a lot if his name follows more or less the same rule as in computer technology.

The higher the operating frequency, the more power is required for image processing. This is explained very simply, because real behavior can be much more complicated. As a summary we could say that two TVs that mount the same type of panel, the quality of the resulting picture will depend on which one has best processor for their processing. Of course, all the technologies that the brand develops in different models, will also affect the final result.

Quality assurance

When purchasing a device, you receive a quality guarantee for a period of one year. The processor is the first to signal that an electronic gadget is not in order - it begins to slow down and loads slowly text documents and video materials. As soon as you notice a malfunction, contact a technician. By eliminating this small oversight, you will extend the life of your electronic gadget.

At the time of buying tablet computer carefully check the technical characteristics of the processor and its performance, keeping an eye on our recommendations, and then the gadget will become your faithful assistant for many years!

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