What to do if your iPhone won't turn on? First start or how to activate iPhone? How does the iPhone turn on?

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When purchasing in a store, sellers offer to turn on and run iPhone 5 for free. But for some reason I didn’t want this service.
The fact is that when other people do similar work for you, the question of how to set up iPhone 5 remains a mystery to you. Until, say, you buy a new gadget. But when else will this happen?!

You can turn on and set up iPhone 5 for the first time in three ways:

  1. Recover from iCloud copy
  2. Recover from iTunes copy
  3. Set up as new iPhone

But this is in theory, and in my version, when you purchase a device for the first time, and there is no data saved anywhere from previous similar gadgets, there is only the third option from among the above to set up iPhone 5, as they say, from scratch.

True, after such an initial launch, I then had to manually rewrite all the contacts from the address book of the old Nokia into new iPhone. But that’s a completely different story, that was later.

1 We decisively turn on the new iPhone 5

Let's return to the initial launch of the iPhone 5. First, connect the charger to it and make sure that the device's battery is not completely discharged. Otherwise, you need to charge it first, preferably up to 100%. When you connect the iPhone to the charger, an image of the battery appears on the screen, and the numbers show the charge level - an intuitive picture that does not require much explanation.

And now, turn on the power, press the power button on the iPhone. The initial “Hello” prompt appears (Fig. 1).

Note. This is not the greeting that the baby elephant lost and did not convey to the monkey in the famous cartoon “Hello to the Monkey”:

  • “When I say hi, I’m sending you a good mood,” the boa explained.
  • And now Monkey has a “hello” and a good mood.
  • Oh, if only two more “hellos”…”

The iPhone has a completely normal hello, which means that the device is starting to prepare for the initial setup.

Rice. 1. The initial greeting is not in Russian after turning on the iPhone for the first time

The greeting “Hello” now appears again, but in understandable Russian (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The initial greeting is in Russian after turning on the iPhone for the first time

Again, tap on the intuitive “Configure” inscription at the bottom of the screen (Fig. 2).

A warning appears that we do not have a SIM card in our iPhone (Fig. 3). Here we answer “OK”, and we don’t have any options for choosing an answer - this is the only possible option: tap on “OK” (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Warning about the need to insert a SIM card into the iPhone to connect to a cellular operator

SIM card that the program warns us about initial setup iPhone, needed so that the iPhone can be immediately connected to the network mobile operator.

To be honest, I didn’t want to do this right away without understanding the initial settings of the device. Because you can rashly, without understanding it, inadvertently download something from the Internet during the settings, and then receive and pay a decent bill from the mobile operator. Why do this if, which can distribute, say, a laptop, and which in turn is connected to an unlimited wired Internet– download as much as you want without restrictions!

2 Understanding languages ​​and countries

After refusing to connect the iPhone to the cellular operator’s network, we select the language for communicating with our device. I suggest doing this in Russian, unless, of course, you want to learn another language, for example, Chinese, at the same time as working on the iPhone! Tap on the inscription “Russian” (Fig. 4)

Rice. 4. Selecting the language for communicating with iPhone

Next, in the device settings, we are asked to select the country and region where we are located. It would seem why, since we have already indicated the language in which we will work with the iPhone. But not everything is so simple and obvious. After all, you can, for example, be abroad of the Russian Federation, but at the same time consider Russian the preferred language for communicating with the iPhone. Therefore, selecting a language and selecting a country and region are separate device setup operations (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Selecting the country and region where we are located

In Fig. 5 it is clear that Russia is not in the selection menu. Of course not, because Russia is spelled with the letter “R”, and we see in Fig. 5 only countries starting with the first letter of the Russian alphabet, the letter “A”. Therefore, we swipe up the country and region selection menu until we reach countries starting with the letter “P”. There we will see Russia, and tap on the name of our Motherland.

Rice. 6. Selecting Russia as the country and region for initial iPhone setup

By the way, I wonder how the choice of country is made if you select Chinese as the language of communication with the iPhone. After all, this language does not have an alphabet, so it is unclear how the countries are located there, in what order?

As far as I know, the organizers of the 2008 Summer Olympics, which took place in China, faced the same problem. After all, on the opening day of the Olympics, countries must pass one after another in the strict sequence of the alphabet of the language of the country where the Olympic Games are taking place. But this is also a completely different story. We are returning to the initial settings of the iPhone 5.

And now a warning about the absence of a SIM card appears on the screen again (Fig. 7). And there is no Wi-Fi, that is, the device is not connected to the Internet, and therefore cannot be configured further. As they say, we have arrived...

Rice. 7. Repeated warning about the absence of a SIM card because there is no connection to Wi-Fi

3 Connecting iPhone to the Internet via Wi-Fi

We put the iPhone aside for a while without turning it off. And we start working on the Wi-Fi network - we try to launch Wi-Fi distribution using a laptop. But here an unexpected problem arises. My laptop's Internet access point has a very complex and long password. This was done by the laptop manufacturer to protect the access point from unauthorized connection. And I did not change this password.

But entering this password manually is simply impossible. No one has ever been able to do this without making mistakes. The password can only be copied and transferred, say, inside a file, to a mobile gadget. But transferring any data to our brand new iPhone is not yet possible, because it has not yet been launched.

What to do? The idea of ​​creating an access point using another gadget, using a smartphone, comes to the rescue. Fortunately, a smartphone can become an Internet access point for other devices. And here we can easily, let’s say for a while, make the password for accessing the Internet network simple and easy to enter using virtual keyboard iPhone.

Of course, now we have to agree that we will use up the mobile traffic of a smartphone connected to a cellular operator. You could immediately insert a SIM card into your iPhone. But we will take comfort in the fact that we will thus still try the operation of the device from Wi-Fi networks, and not immediately from the SIM card of the cellular operator. Let's practice, if I may say so.

After a few minutes of waiting iPhone screen comes to life. And the first proposal to launch geolocation services appears (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. We refuse the offer to launch a geolocation service

There is no need to start these services during the initial setup; it is never too late to do this later, when the iPhone is configured and starts working. Therefore, we will refuse to launch this service, for which we will tap on the inscription “disable geolocation services” at the very bottom of the screen (Fig. 11).

5 Create an iPhone password

The next step in the initial setup of the device is to create and enter a password to access the iPhone. From the moment this password is created, the device cannot be “reached” without this password. Therefore, you need to be responsible when creating a password. On the password entry screen you will be prompted to enter this password for the first time using a telephone keypad with numbers and Latin letters below them (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Entering the iPhone password

It is better to make the password only from numbers alone, since using letters will complicate the entry. If someone is confident in using a telephone keypad, they can also include Latin letters in their password. I repeat, I created a password of only 6 digits. And that’s a lot, it was possible to make a shorter password, for example, from 4 digits like a PIN code.

The password is then required to be re-entered to ensure that the password is entered correctly (Figure 13).

Rice. 13. Re-enter your iPhone password

The entered password now needs to be remembered or even written down! Remember forever, for the entire time you use your iPhone.

6 Setting up programs and data on the new iPhone

Now it's finally time to configure software and our iPhone data. You will be asked to configure them in several ways (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Selecting options for setting up iPhone programs and data

We choose the “Set up as a new iPhone” option, as we decided, since this is our first device and we don’t have any old copies in either iCloud or iTunes. And there is no need to transfer them from Android, which regularly distributes Wi-Fi to us, since neither programs nor contacts are needed from it, since this is not my personal device.

So, select the “Set up as a new iPhone” option, tap on this inscription and wait until all the necessary settings are completed. But this is not the end of our “torment.” We will continue to configure the iPhone and prepare it for work.

7 Opting out of setting up an account to access Apple services

What a strange thing! For some reason, developers consider their users to be very advanced. Sometime at dawn personal computers at Windows setup Quite meaningful questions were asked, understandable for a Russian person, and at the very end of the setup a question suddenly arose about a certain page 866. Where does it come from, what is it? There are no explanations, but for the life of me, out of the blue, I need to configure it. And no reasonable explanations.

Then it becomes clear, after some time, that we are just talking about consent to the use of the Russian alphabet when working with Windows. Well, then why not just ask, do you want Russian letters on your computer, or do you not need them? It is absolutely clear that we must answer this question, of course, “Yes, yes, yes, and yes again!”

Here come the developers Apple devices For some reason, we are sure that everyone in the world knows what an account for accessing Apple services, or “Apple ID,” is. And in the next step of the initial setup of our gadget, they offer to set up this account (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Proposal to set up an account for access to Apple services, Apple services

The most remarkable thing is that all these settings can be done quite easily later, when our iPhone is working. When setting up the gadget, you don’t need to enter accounts or anything like that.

We need to start the device, and not try to configure a lot of things on it instead. Therefore, let’s refuse this “attractive” offer and tap on the inscription “Configure later in Settings” (Fig. 15 - here they even explain to us where we can make the missed settings)

Despite the possibility of refusing the Apple ID settings, our gadget will be “surprised” at this reckless decision of ours, in the opinion of the iPhone. And we will be asked again about refusing to use this option (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Repeated offer to set up an account to access Apple services

And here we firmly answer “no!”, for which we tap on the inscription “Do not use” (Fig. 16).

8 Acceptance of terms and conditions

Abroad, in countries of developed capitalism, actions related to legal rules and restrictions are very developed. Citizens of these countries are almost never too lazy to read a dozen pages of small, close, tooth-breaking text about what can and cannot be done with anything:

  • with a microwave: is it possible to dry a cat in it?
  • with washing machine: Is it possible to wash dogs in it?
  • etc.

I agree that it is important to know this, to know exactly what is possible and what is not. Know what the manufacturer guarantees and what it doesn’t. But for some reason not yet in our country. Well, we don’t read these agreements! Perhaps someone is reading, I won’t talk about everyone. But the majority of our citizens are still not interested in legal subtleties.

I will not comment on this or define it. That's it, that's all. But our iPhone is clearly not Russian. Therefore, before starting to work with it, we are asked to read the terms and conditions, and. If you do not agree with these provisions, the device will not operate. Therefore, we have no choice as such. Regardless of whether you have read or not read the terms and conditions.

Rice. 17. Acceptance of terms and conditions

9 Refusal from Siri

It would seem that this is happiness, we have accepted the terms and conditions - we can begin work. But it was not there. We will now be asked to enable Siri.

Siri is an interactive system that allows you to control your phone using your voice, which first appeared in iPhone models 4S. This means that it is also on our fifth model. But, again, Siri can easily be turned on later, once our iPhone is working. Therefore, let us also refuse this invitation by tapping on the inscription “Turn on Siri later (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Refusal to turn on Siri

A reasonable question arises: why are we offered all this during the initial setup of our gadget, if all these settings can be done later. The answer looks quite simple - these are just marketing moves by the iPhone manufacturer or its partners developing software for its operation. No more.

The manufacturer believes that we are poorly informed about the capabilities of the device, and perhaps the manufacturer is right in this. But the manufacturer does not understand or does not want to understand that it is not so easy for us to master everything right away. Everything needs to be done in order. First set up iPhone 5, and only then explore all its limitless possibilities.

However, the manufacturer thinks differently, and thus we have to refuse various options again and again, leaving their launch and study for later.

10 Sending diagnostics

The hardware and software of mobile gadgets is constantly being improved. Manufacturers sometimes install new elements and new programs into these devices at their own peril and risk. And they do not always have time to test all this in the quiet conditions of their research laboratories.

This is due to competition. If you test for a long time and do not bring the product to the market, you may be late, and the market will be occupied by “foreign” products. So you have to take risks.

And since there is a risk, it means that there may be malfunctions in the operation of the device. To fix these glitches, iPhone developers are also patching special programs. These programs “catch failures”, somehow systematize them a little, and can send information about them to the manufacturer.

Modern manufacturers are very fond of the information they receive about all the failures that occur, as this allows them to constantly improve their hardware and software. Therefore, we are offered to set up either automatic sending of information about any failures in the iPhone to the manufacturer, or refuse this option.

Here you can advise both sending information and not sending it. It is better not to send to those who will use the iPhone on mobile networks and spend limited and rather expensive Internet traffic. You can send to those who will use the gadget more often, working via Wi-Fi and unlimited traffic.

Skeptics may argue that mobile networks sending diagnostic messages does not consume significant volumes. Yes, of course it is. Until one day you receive a bill from mobile operator and you see very unusual figures, say, the cost of the Internet when roaming abroad. After this, most often there is no desire to AUTOMATICALLY send or receive any unnecessary messages via the mobile Internet.

Therefore, in this case, we will refuse (just in case) from automatically sending diagnostic messages to Apple. To do this, tap on the “Do not send” inscription at the very bottom of the screen (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Opting out of automatic sending of diagnostic messages

11 The long-awaited start to work on iPhone 5

And now, after all our numerous consents and refusals to enable/disable certain options of the new iPhone, we get the opportunity to start working on it. The message “Welcome!” appears on the screen. and the “Get Started” invitation.

We tap on this “Get Started” inscription (Fig. 20)

Rice. 20. Initial settings completed, we are asked to get started on iPhone

That's what we've been waiting for! Patience and a little effort. We can start working on the iPhone, install a SIM card in it, enter data into address book, call, send SMS, etc. The question “how to set up iPhone 5” was successfully resolved, hurray!

You'll see icons on the screen that let you do a lot of things on your iPhone. But that's a completely different story...

How to activate iPhone via iTunes

For those who are ready to activate their new iPhone through iTunes, we can advise you to do the following.

First you need to download iTunes software from the official website of the developers (the most latest version). Download the application according to the installed software on your computer.

Install the application, connect the iPhone to your computer (a cable for this is included with the phone).

The phone must be fully charged, and the SIM card must be in its place (in the appropriate compartment).

Connect the Internet on your computer.

Accept the terms license agreement, then continue the device activation process. Now proceed to filling out the required data. Double check them and click on “Submit”. The program will then automatically send the entered information to Apple. This activates both the warranty and the phone.

Cell phones iPhone is better buy at Apple stores or special electronics stores to avoid problems with further activation of the device. Avoid dubious retail outlets, do not buy a phone second-hand or over the Internet from little-known sites.

The world of technology does not stand still and gradually the whole world is moving to a new standard for using high-speed mobile internet 3G. All iPhone models support this standard, but not all have it activated. We will tell you how to enable 3G on your iPhone yourself.

How to enable 3g on iPhone and iPad?

Step-by-step instructions for turning on 3g. Enablement options depend on your phone model and installed IOS. We will look at how to enable 3g on Iphone 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6, 6+ models. Also, all these settings are suitable for iPad.

Option #1.


2. Go to the General section --> Network. Activate the “Enable” slider so that it glows blue. So we just turned on 3g mode.

Option #2.

1. Open the desktop on our gadget and go to the “settings” section.

2. Go to the “Cellular Communications” section and move the slider to the left “Enable 3G” (it will change the color from gray to green. Turn off 3g mode, move the slider to the right.

Option #3.

1. Open the desktop on our gadget and go to the “settings” section.

2. Go to the “Cellular Communications” section --> click “Voice and Data” and select “3G” if you have not selected it. We return to the settings and see that we now have activated 3G mode.

Video. How to enable 3g on iPhone 5.5S,6.6+?

Useful tips for using 3G on iPhone:

The 3G enabled mode drains the battery much faster than regular Internet. Without the need for high-speed Internet and to save battery, we recommend turning off this mode.
- You can use and create an access point for your computer or other devices.

Without them, your iPhone works longer and faster.

I will skip the most banal things that everyone knows, namely: turning on the power saving mode, turning off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, lower brightness, remove applications from multitasking and more.

1. Stop putting up with unnecessary notifications

It would seem, how will this help? But a new application from a game or a useless application turns on the screen, uses system resources, and this wastes battery power. You should leave them only for important programs.

Disable unnecessary notifications: Settings - Notifications.

2. No need for apps to run in the background

Disable apps that use Wi-Fi or cellular communication when you are not using your phone. Messengers, mail and the bank application can not be turned off, for example. Everything for your goals and objectives.

Applications running in the background can be turned off here: Basic – Content update.

3. Mail does not need Push

When adding a new account, Push data loading is automatically enabled. Not for every mail, but still in most cases.

If you do not use mail often, it is better to change Push to content update by time or manually. Thanks to this, mail will no longer always look for new letters, but will do this after a certain time or when using the application.

Turn off the Push battery eater here:

4. Free geolocation services from unnecessary software

Many applications ask for permission to update their location in the background when first launched, and you, without paying attention, allow a useless game to do this. Disable everything unnecessary applications, put “when using the program” for the necessary ones and “always” for the most important programs.

Removing unnecessary applications from the geolocation menu: Privacy - Location Services.

5. Turn off animations, turn on reduced transparency

I would recommend this only as a last resort, when you need to maximize the operating time of your smartphone. Not everyone will like it, because animations are a huge part of iOS and it looks different without them.

How to turn off animations: Key – Universal access – Reduced movement.

6. Clean your RAM once

Often processes that you don't need are stored there. How to do it? Hold down the power key until the slider appears, release the power key and hold Home button 5 second.

7. Stop giving Apple all your data

Why would you give Apple data? There is nothing confidential there, but this system regularly checks the geolocation, which wastes the smartphone’s charge.

It turns off here: Privacy – Location Services – System Services – Product Improvement.

P.S. Have a nice weekend everyone!

Today we will look at how to enable geolocation on the iPhone 5s (for example) and related services that ensure the smooth operation of the device, as well as programs for collecting and processing confidential information.

To answer the question “Where to enable geolocation on an iPhone,” we will try to figure out what the meaning of this function is and who will find it useful.

Many of us don’t know how to turn on the location search service on the iPhone, and we also don’t know how to turn it off. There's nothing complicated about it. Read the table of contents in the instructions carefully and choose the most suitable solution to the problem for you.

Location services on iPhone. What are they and how are they useful?

Geolocations on iPhone are an integral part of your device. They allow you to track your location throughout the day. It all depends on the settings, which are quite flexible functional interface. One of the most striking examples is searching for the most convenient restaurant or cafe for you, the nearest taxi, car sharing car, as well as a free hotel room.

Most services that determine the location of you and your iPhone in particular are easily configured via standard settings. To set up geolocations on iPhone, Apple allocates an entire menu item in which you can enable or disable elements that use location data, including system services.

You must understand perfectly well. How more apps use your location data, the faster your iPhone battery drains and eventually becomes unusable. This is why flexible configuration of geolocations on the iPhone is so important, which we will tell you in more detail later.

How to enable location service on iPhone?

To answer this question, we should find the location of geolocations in the iPhone settings. Go to Settings - Privacy - Location Services.

You can customize each application as you wish. We advise you to take a detailed look at the services and applications or games that you use most often. Flexible setup can significantly save your iPhone's battery life.

To enable the service for determining the approximate geoposition of the iPhone, check the slider moved to the right. If tracking is working properly, the slider will be green, as shown in the screenshot.

For reference! It will not be difficult for you to enable geolocation on an iPhone 6 or a newer iPhone 7 model. Our instructions are universal and created on updated version software – iOS 11.

How to set up geolocation on iPhone?

The needs of the applications that users install on their devices are different from others. That's why we can't say exactly what you should turn on or off in your location data settings. However, we will try to provide detailed information about the system location data so that you can make the most informed decision when turning various features on or off.

To set up geolocation on your iPhone, go to the “Location Services” menu item, which you already know from the previous step of the instructions. Scroll to the bottom of the list of suggested options. Go to System Services. This will also allow you to answer one of the popular questions: “Geolocation on an iPhone, where can I find it?”

To determine the location of a person or iPhone, you should carefully prepare geolocation settings. This is necessary so that no one else but you can change GPS settings or turn off Find My iPhone tracking services altogether.

You should introduce restrictions on the use of settings in your iPhone menu. Go to “Settings” - “General” - “Restrictions”. Enter the preset passcode. Scroll through the restrictions settings to the “Privacy” - “Location Services” section.

Make sure location services are turned on and the restrictions checkbox is set to “Prohibit changes.” Also, before introducing restrictions to prohibit changes, we advise you to check the settings of the Find iPhone function. The settings should match those shown in the screenshot. Introducing such changes to geolocation settings will help answer the main question “How to determine the location of an iPhone.”

If you did everything correctly, now no one except you and the person who knows the access code will be able to disable geolocation services on the iPhone. They will simply be “Inactive”.

How to find a person by iPhone geolocation from a computer?

It's very easy to do. Go to the official Apple website.

If you are doing this for the first time, you will have to go through two-factor authentication on your computer and allow account icloud trust browser. So, let's go to the site. Enter your login, i.e. email address and password. Information about two-factor authentication will appear on your computer, as shown in the screenshot below.

At this time, a pop-up window with a city map on your iPhone asks you for permission to access your account. Click Allow and enter the six-digit authorization code (on PC) that appears on the iPhone display.

After passing two-factor authentication, the following question will appear on the computer: “Trust this browser?” If you are going to determine the location of your iPhone from your home computer, feel free to click “Trust”

You will then be taken to the main icloud menu. It looks like this:

To locate your iPhone from your computer, click Find My iPhone. If you carefully read the previous settings item, you will see a map of the current location of you or your device.

Don't forget, when you search for an iPhone, the device will display running service geolocation, unless you have disabled it in the settings. This way you can discreetly determine a person’s location using their iPhone or vice versa.

Find your iPhone through your computer if it is turned off. Is it possible?

This is possible, but the search system will give you a previously noticed address that was attached to your account. Ultimately, the Find My iPhone function will display the last registered address of your device's location on the map. If the iCloud server does not contact the iPhone, the point on the map or geolocation will be gray.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments. Our instructions for setting up and determining the location of the device are suitable for any iPhone running iOS >11.

The iPhone is not an eternal device, although it fails somewhat less frequently than Android, but still this is not uncommon, then the question becomes what to do if iPhone won't turn on. Gadgets often break down, freeze and stop responding to user actions. Often the reason is mechanical or external damage devices, but this is not always the case.

You shouldn’t think for a long time about why the iPhone 5 or any other model won’t turn on if it was externally exposed to unwanted influences:

  1. Perhaps the smartphone was dropped into water; even a short-term immersion or rain can cause a short circuit and failure to work. If the phone was really drowned, you should not turn it on immediately; on the contrary, turn it off and set it aside to dry. After 1 day, try to turn it on, as the probability of restoring its operation is higher, otherwise a short circuit will occur upon startup and the smartphone will be unusable;
  2. Mechanical damage. When an iPhone falls from a height, it often takes a hit to the display, but the insides are less likely to suffer. There is no choice but to send your smartphone for repair;

  1. Freezing. Batteries are afraid of prolonged exposure to cold, and they suddenly lose all their charge due to chemical reaction. You need to warm it up in your hands and then try to start it, most likely you will have to charge it.

In these cases, the malfunction can only be repaired at service centers. There are a number of other reasons that lead to freezing, some of which are quite easy to eliminate.

iPhone turned off and won’t turn on - forced start

If the iPhone 5s has turned off and does not turn on, you should use a function that forces the smartphone to start. The method is relevant for those cases when the smartphone freezes at some stage, perhaps only a black screen is shown, but the backlight works, or after turning off, the phone stops turning on. However, the procedure does not clear device data, so it should be used initially. For each version of iPhone there is the same key combination, only in the latest 7th model it is different:

  1. Hold down the Home button and the Power button at the same time. The hold duration should be more than 10 seconds, usually up to 20 seconds. Then the Apple logo in the shape of an apple appears on the screen. This option works for all versions except iPhone 7;

  1. A separate, more familiar approach is used in new version, you need to hold down Power and the volume control, namely the volume down button. Similarly, you need to hold until the actions on the screen begin.

The problem can be fixed with this method, but there are several additional methods.

iPhone 4, 5, 6 or 7 won't turn on - power adapter

A fairly common problem that the iPhone 5s does not turn on is a power failure. The user, even when connected, may not see any reaction from the smartphone, but often they are not even aware of such a banal solution to the problem as charging.

The owner of an iPhone needs to connect it to a charger, no matter what the power source is: a 220 V network, a car or a computer. Do not be alarmed if there is no immediate reaction. During deep discharge, for example, when the phone freezes, it takes time for the charging indicator to appear. It is worth waiting at least a few minutes, this is usually enough time. It is better to charge for 1 hour and then try to turn it on, do not forget about previous method, it is still applicable today. Sometimes the process never starts; this can be caused by various mechanical problems.

What can affect charging:

  1. Check the cleanliness of the connectors, remove all kinds of foreign objects and dirt with a needle or brush;
  2. Make sure that there are no kinks in the wire; there are probably interruptions there;
  3. Check the tightness of the contacts; perhaps the wire does not go in completely, then you will have to determine the reason for this;
  4. We strongly recommend using original chargers. Lightning cables Chinese manufacturers overheat during operation, may have insufficient charging power or practically no power;
  5. Sometimes the power or charging controller fails, then you will have to use the services of a service center.

It happens that the iPhone charges, but does not turn on, especially often it reaches the logo and freezes at this moment or turns off. In this case, you can use recovery mode. To use it you need to have a computer at hand. It is highly desirable that the iPhone is already connected to it first, and the PC is added to the trusted connection source, but this may not be useful.

The recovery principle is as follows:

  1. Connect your smartphone and computer;
  2. Launch iTunes;
  3. Force a restart of the device - Home (for version 7, volume down button) and Power;
  4. A message will appear on your computer screen allowing you to restore your operation. iOS systems, you should click on “Update”.

In this case, an installation attempt will occur operating system without erasing files. You may need to completely restore your iPhone to factory settings. Then in iTunes you will have to go to the main tab and click “Restore”.

Ultimately, if the iPhone 6, iPhone 7 or any other version still does not turn on, you need to contact technical support. They will remotely provide instructions on how to fix the problem; if this does not help, then they will refer you to service center, closest to you. This will mean that the problem is of a technical nature and the user is powerless here.

If the smartphone was used carefully and charged with original chargers, then most likely it will be possible to restore its operation using the described methods. Otherwise, you will have to give the device to experts.

If you still have questions on the topic “What to do if your iPhone won’t turn on?”, you can ask them in the comments

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