TV antenna service. Antenna master - antenna repair. Antenna master or television

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Our antenna technicians are experienced specialists who are well versed in the devices of all types of television antennas, from collective antennas to satellite ones.

The main task is installation, laying TV cables in entrances and apartments, setting up dishes for satellites and television transmission centers. The task of the antenna setup wizard is to make the TV show all available channels.

An antenna technician, armed with tools and knowledge, is able to cope with any task.

His daily activities include the following types of work:

  • Installation any types of antennas at the customer’s home;
  • Settings antennas to obtain maximum signal strength;
  • Connection television receivers to collective, digital and satellite antennas.

An experienced antenna technician will install the equipment on the roof or balcony, be able to orient the mirror to the signal source, and run the cable. It will also identify the location of the break or determine the area where the signal is attenuated. In other words, it does any type of work related to antenna equipment.

Do you need the services of an antenna technician?

Do you need to connect your TV to the public antenna?

Has the reception quality deteriorated significantly?

The problem will be solved by calling an antenna technician to your home. Contact our specialists and they will return your favorite TV shows, series, films and entertainment programs to your TV screen.

The services of antenna technicians in Moscow are provided by our service. We employ experienced specialists who can cope with any task.

Our advantages:

  • Quick visit of a TV antenna technician to your home, anywhere in Moscow;
  • Promptly carrying out any type of work, be it laying a cable or setting up an antenna for a television center;
  • Guaranteed return of your favorite TV channels to your TV screen;
  • Careful work that will not cause damage to household property.

Call us right now, and we are guaranteed to return your TV to working order in the shortest possible time.

Our antenna technicians work on call and arrive at the specified address at exactly the appointed time– no long multi-day waits or delays. The work completion time, as a rule, does not exceed 1-2 hours. During this time, an experienced specialist will find the breakdown, diagnose the condition of the antenna and cable, and check the correct connection.

With us you will forget about a bad image, interference on the TV screen, crookedly laid cables and non-functioning TV sockets. All types of work are covered by a guarantee. Your TV will be able to show all the TV channels available in your area - without interference or distortion.

Call a TV antenna specialist

The technician is called by contact phone number. Call us at any convenient time – we will coordinate the arrival time and send an experienced antenna technician to you. He will perform any type of work competently, efficiently and without any errors.

Installation satellite equipment You can do it yourself or resort to professional help competent specialists in this field. Contacting a company that provides installation and configuration services satellite dishes, will be the only right decision for you.

Why a company and not a private ad?

In order to make a systematic choice, it is necessary to clarify all the pros and cons of the parties:

  • when ordering services, you will be provided with a complete list of works provided by this company;
  • work will be carried out only using professional, the latest equipment and modern technologies;
  • any of the craftsmen in a self-respecting company is fully trained and qualified to perform any type of work related to satellite technologies;
  • Probably the most important plus for the masters is the warranty. None of the satellite dish installers who advertise privately in newspapers and on the World Wide Web will provide you with any guarantees of their work. That is, it is not a fact that after the front door closes behind him, a picture with a signal will remain on the TV. You can pay for the work, and call him again tomorrow to solve certain problems.

In turn, companies providing services for setting up and installing equipment for signal reception satellite television, provide guarantees for work performed. After the work has been completed, the client is given a counterfoil of the call form with the following written on it: the date and place of the work performed, the name of the installer who carried out the setup, and the name of the work.

At any time during the warranty period, you can apply for free help specialists if the antenna equipment setup fails due to poor quality work. A technician will be sent to you to troubleshoot the problem. As a rule, these are rare cases; in most cases, the lack of signal does not occur at the installation site, but when the receiver is used incorrectly.

Private craftsmen cannot provide all this due to lack of experience, technical components, and the quality of the work leaves much to be desired. Often, “seasonal masters” of satellite technologies have a basic set of knowledge, which is only sufficient for simple antenna setup. As a rule, they rarely cope with solving more complex issues presented to them.

Types of jobs

Of the variety of services provided by companies for setting up and installing satellite television, the following points can be highlighted:

Advisory assistance. It is the primary link on the path to installing satellite television. The manager will tell you about all the available advantages of a particular supplier, of which there are a great many in Moscow. These include: Telekarta, Tricolor TV, NTV+. The choice among them is not easy and each client needs help.

Work on the selection of equipment for high-quality signal reception. Not every equipment, namely a mirror (antenna), can be suitable for full and uninterrupted reception of a signal from a satellite. The spread of signal strength across the country is very large. For example, to receive a signal from satellite content provider NTV+ in Moscow, you will need an antenna with a diameter of no more than 60 cm, and in the Far East, this may sometimes require antenna equipment with a diameter of 120-150 cm.

Installation work. To carry out high-quality installation, a large amount of knowledge in the field of satellite technology and service is required. Initially, it is necessary to select the correct installation location for the receiving equipment. It is important that the antenna is in the direction of the satellite, otherwise the signal will not be found. Any professional with extensive work experience can easily find right place for installation of a satellite dish.

Post setup. If such a nuisance happens and the signal from the satellite disappears, do not fall into despair. You should immediately contact the company providing the setup services. Service support specialists will immediately come to you and find the cause of the signal interruption.

Often the reason for this is the mirror moving along horizontal axis settings. To put it simply, the antenna was turned left or right. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens due to excessively strong gusts of wind. It will not be difficult for a specialist to detect this kind of problem and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Preventative work. They include processes for early detection of failure of a particular piece of satellite equipment.

Dismantling and installation work. This service is widespread due to the fact that when you move to a new apartment, you can take the antenna equipment for watching satellite TV with you, instead of purchasing and installing a new set. The technician arrives at the appointed time and dismantles the mirror and television cable. Then, immediately or at a time convenient for the client, he installs the equipment in a new location. This service helps save a significant part of the family budget.

Installation of satellite TV

In order to save money, it may, of course, not be so significant, but still, you can independently purchase a set of equipment for receiving a satellite television signal. Sometimes there are situations when the equipment may cost less in another city or you decide to buy a satellite TV system second-hand. However, it will still be necessary.

Antenna master from 999 rub.

Master of installation and configuration of antennas, Tricolor TV in Moscow and Moscow Region

Master with 15 years experience
Low prices. Warranty - 1 year!

A professional installer will install the receiving equipment in a matter of hours. In order not to delay this process, you need to inform the manager of the company from which installation services will be ordered in advance about the available equipment and components. The kit includes:

  • antenna for receiving a signal with an appropriate diameter;
  • universal converter;
  • F-type connectors;
  • coaxial cable of the proper length;
  • A receiver that supports signal reception formats and video formats.

The installation procedure consists of 3 main stages: choosing a mounting location, installing an antenna, receiving a signal to the customer’s receiver.

The first is the correct selection of a location that is suitable in the geostationary direction to the satellite. To do this, the installer’s personal experience or compass data is used.

The second involves installing antenna equipment at the selected location and setting up signal reception.

At the third stage, work is carried out on connecting the cable, wiring it into the apartment, and transmitting the signal to the client’s receiver. The latter consists of scanning the satellite to receive channels and storing them in the receiver's memory.

Organized for your convenience. An experienced technician will answer questions about improving the quality of television images in an apartment, country house, or country house.

Accepts requests to call an antenna technician to your home to repair, connect and configure television antennas.

Skilled antenna master promptly travels to service all districts of Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region. The deadline for completing applications is on the day of the call, or the next day.

Repair of a television antenna after construction work in an apartment

The apartment renovation is finally finished! The noise, dust, inconvenience, wandering around relatives are over. The furniture is arranged, we sit down on our favorite sofa. We turn on the TV, our favorite TV show just starts and... . We didn't check the home antenna...

Unfortunately, very often, when accepting an apartment after renovation, we do not pay any attention to the need to check the operation of the collective antenna. What to do if TVs do not work well and antenna repair is necessary, how to improve the image? Is it really necessary to re-lay the antenna cable around the apartment, trench the walls, plaster, paint? No! without disturbing the condition of the apartment, our antenna service will do!

It would be great if your apartment has an antenna shield - a small hatch hidden in the wall, into which the television antenna cable from the common corridor enters. This greatly simplifies the work of the antenna master; it means that the workers did not forget to install the antenna. A splitter is installed in such a shield; it is often called a “crab”. The number of splitter outputs corresponds to the number of taps TV antenna. If your apartment does not have such a shield, then the antenna signal is routed through feed-through antenna sockets, which need to be checked by a master antenna technician. The performance of the antenna is affected not only by the correct connection, but also by the quality of the antenna sockets (unfortunately, price does not always indicate quality). It is very good if the antenna cable is replaced with modern type RG-6, its varieties are given in the section Television cable. This is easier, but in most cases you can achieve a good antenna repair with an old cable.

From the practice of antenna repair

A major renovation was carried out in a one-room apartment, including a complete replacement antenna cable, gating walls, installing antenna sockets. The apartment has two TVs: in the room and in the kitchen. Before the repairs began, the home antenna on the old cable worked well. After completing renovations in the apartment, the Sony CRT TV in the kitchen shows poorly, but in the room the image of the Sharp LCD TV is good. The antenna connection was not checked immediately; attempts to contact the technicians who performed the work were unsuccessful.

First of all antenna master I checked the signal at the entrance to the apartment - the collective antenna works perfectly. Further testing of the antenna showed that the TV signal to the Sony TV comes through the pass-through antenna socket in the room, and it is because of this that the antenna does not work well. Connecting another antenna socket completely restored the television signal at both points. It should be noted that often a home antenna does not work well due to the poor quality of TV outlets.

From the practice of an antenna master

received an application: after what was done in the apartment overhaul, after some time it was discovered that the antenna in the apartment was not working well at all points. The apartment has antenna sockets. Checking the collective antenna in the panel on the landing showed its serviceability. When opening the block of TV sockets, it was discovered that the builders had left very short ends of the antenna cables that could not be correctly inserted into the spring connectors of the antenna sockets.

Master antenna operator produced TV antenna repair by installing barrel connections and masking elements. As a result, a good antenna signal and a clear image on all TVs were obtained without disruption appearance in the apartment.

Antenna damage

During the renovation of the apartment there was an cable break to the TV, how to find the location of the damage? Are there instruments that can be used to find cable damage transmitting a television signal?
There are cable locator testers on sale that allow you to find the location of a break or short circuit in various cables, however, the measurement accuracy indicated in devices of the highest price category is 0.5 meters. Such devices will not indicate the point at which the cable broke. And if you want to do a major opening on the wall, then it’s easier and more reliable to lay a new cable and disguise it.
It is also known from practice that the most common problem The problem left behind by careless builders is not a break or short circuit of the cable, but its severe weakening in places of incorrect connection, hidden behind suspended ceilings or plastered in the wall, and their location cannot be found by cable testers.
How to get out of this situation? The instinct and experience of a qualified craftsman comes to the rescue. In the vast majority of cases, it is possible to improve the image quality of televisions without disturbing the construction work carried out in the apartment.

Antenna master or television technician?

If the TV starts acting up, we have a question: is the TV home antenna faulty or the TV itself? Will he cope with this? antenna master, and if there is a malfunction in the TV, can it be fixed at home or is repair required in a television workshop? From this article you will learn about ways to localize the fault.

When the equipment is working properly, we don’t think about the existence of antenna technicians from the antenna service, stationary TV repair shops, or TV technicians performing repairs at home. We have no idea how the collective antenna is connected, how the antenna cable is laid, and we have no idea what the TV consists of. But, inopportunely, the TV broke - bad picture or does not turn on at all. Which specialist should I call: antenna operator, TV technician, radio engineer? Or you need to order a car and take the TV to the workshop. It doesn't seem easy, but you can, in most cases, answer the question yourself.

Typical manifestations of antenna and TV malfunctions

  • TV won't turn on- power indicator does not light up, the screen is dark, there is no sound. This is a malfunction of the TV itself - the power supply or processor unit. But, before calling the television repair shop, check the electrical outlet to see if there is any voltage. It is enough to connect any other device to this outlet instead of the TV - table lamp, radio, phone charger (only a known good one). The infrared remote control may also be faulty. Most models have power buttons on the TV body - try pressing it. By the way, checking the remote control is possible at home. Take a digital camera (the one built into your phone is also very good), turn it on to take pictures and point it at the end of the control panel. Simultaneously press the power button on the remote control, if you see the LED blinking dimly, the remote control is OK, if not, take it for repair or buy a new one. Yes, the most important thing is to check the batteries in the remote control! Power supply malfunctions are the most common, so a teleworker is usually able to carry out repairs at home. If the fault is in the processor unit, you need an experienced specialist. Such repairs at home are possible, but if you have a car, it is better to take the TV to a stationary workshop.
  • There are streaks visible on the TV screen- horizontal or vertical, one or more. This is a malfunction of the TV - scanning devices or matrix. On CRT TVs, this is a sign of a frame or horizontal scan malfunction. These are typical faults known to most repairmen. But on modern TVs this is a sign of a serious and expensive malfunction. It should be produced in a workshop.
  • The screen has a good picture, but- the sound is wheezing or missing from others. Your TV may need to be tuned on these channels. The procedure is not complicated; it is carried out by an antenna repairman on site. The main sound standard we use is DK, and other countries also use I, L or BG standards. You need to enter the setup menu of your TV and set the sound system accordingly.
  • The TV image is distorted- interference on TV- “sparkles”, dashes, “snow”, color disappears, the picture becomes black and white, while the sound may be good, or may be accompanied by wheezing or hissing. Who should I call: an antenna technician or a TV repair specialist? Do you need an antenna or TV repair? In this case, either the antenna or the television receiver may be faulty. First of all, look at the performance of another TV in your apartment. If it works well, try swapping them.

When is an antenna technician needed to repair an antenna?

The antenna in the apartment needs to be repaired; if, when rearranging TVs from different rooms, a bad image remains in the same room, but in another TV the TV works well - this is a malfunction of the antenna tap in your apartment. The malfunction moved after the TV to another room - a TV repairman is needed. If all your TVs in the apartment are not working well, you need an antenna repair specialist from the antenna service. Interview the neighbors on the landing: the absence of complaints about the quality of the antenna from the neighbors on the floor indicates the need to repair the antenna connecting the panel in the entrance to the TVs in the apartment. The fault may be in the antenna cable, connectors, antenna crabs, plugs, or faulty antenna sockets. If your neighbors’ TVs also work poorly, the collective antenna needs to be repaired, you need to make an application to check the antenna signal to your television signal provider - who you pay the money to in the “TV antenna” column of the rent receipt.

Where can I get my antenna repaired?

Our antenna service It has great experience troubleshooting, in which the collective antenna of any providers must be checked, and Akado. Specialists work as both television technicians and antenna technicians; they can competently check a television antenna, check the passage of the antenna signal to the TV and, if necessary, carry out high-quality repairs, install an antenna amplifier or install a new antenna if necessary.

The Moscow antenna service serves all districts of the city and the immediate Moscow region, including: Central Administrative District Arbat Basmanny Zamoskvorechye Krasnoselsky Meshchansky Presnensky Tagansky Tverskoy Khamovniki Yakimanka Northern Administrative District Begovoy Airport Beskudnikovsky Voykovsky Golovinsky Degunino Dmitrovsky Koptevo Left Bank Molzhaninovsky Savelovsky Sokol Timiryazevsky Khovrino Khoroshevsky NEAD Alekseevsky Altufevsky Babushkinsky Bibirevo Butyrsky Lianozovo Losinoostrovsky Marfino Maryina Roshcha Medvedkovo Ostankino Otradnoe Rostokino Sviblovo Northern Yaroslavl EAD Bogorodskoye Veshnyaki Vostochny Ivanovskoye Izmailovo Kosino Ukhtomsky Metrogorodok Novogireevo Novokosino Perovo Preobrazhenskoye Sokolinaya Sokolniki SEAD Zhulebino Kapotnya Kuzminki Lefortovo Lyublino Maryino Nekrasovka Nizhny Novgorod Printers R Yazansky Textile workers Yuzhnoportovy Southern Administrative District Biryulyovo Brateevo Danilovsky Donskoy Zyablikovo Moskvorechye Saburovo Nagatino Gardeners Nagatinsky Orekhovo Borisovo Tsaritsyno Chertanovo South-Western Administrative District Academic Butovo Gagarinsky Zyuzino Konkovo ​​Kotlovka Lomonosovsky Obruchevsky Tyoply Stan Cheryomushki Yasenevo CJSC Vnukovo Dorogomilovo Krylatskoye Kuntsevo Mozhaisky Novo-Peredelkino Vernadskogo Avenue Ramenki Solntsevo Troparevo Nikulino Filevsky Park Fili Davydkovo North-Western Administrative District Kurkino Mitino Pokrovskoe Streshnevo Strogino Tushino Khoroshevo Mnevniki Shchukino ZelAO Zelenograd.

Categories of antenna repair work performed:

Repair The antenna operator is called to TV antenna repair Setup Setting up a television antenna, as well as configuring and sorting television channels in accordance with the customer’s wishes. The connection is made by connecting the TV to the antenna. After repairs in the apartment The antenna signal is restored after construction repairs. Restoring the high-quality operation of the antenna is carried out without disturbing the appearance of the apartment. Replacement Replacement of the old antenna cable with a modern one with two shielding shells. Improvement Improves the quality of the antenna signal and TV images. Services Antenna operator call service. Antenna Master will promptly come to you and repair the antenna.

Answers to questions about antenna repair

Poor quality of television broadcasting from the central home antenna. We live in a five-story building at the address: Moscow, st. Kastanaevskaya, 21-3. The picture quality on different channels varies greatly. The main channels show especially poorly: ORT, Rossiya 1, NTV and several others. In addition, of the 50 broadcast channels, not a single one is in HD quality. Please let me know if this situation can be corrected and what actions need to be taken.

TV doesn't work well

Why does the TV show poorly?.
This is a very common request from clients. In this case, the reason for the poor-quality image is not in the television receiver, but in the poor television signal coming from the receiving antenna. The antenna needs repair. But what can be done if all the cables are laid in the walls and the owners do not want to disturb the order in the apartment? It turns out that a lot can be done. First of all, the antenna technician diagnoses exactly how the home cable network is organized. Methods for connecting multiple TVs to an antenna are described in the section "How to connect an antenna to a TV." But the difficulty is that the builders who carried out the repairs are not always familiar with these rules, and make connections as it is convenient for them. The problem of low-quality components also aggravates the situation.
In most cases, a way out exists and an experienced antenna technician can find it.

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