How to properly connect the antenna cable to the plug. How to lengthen and increase a television cable. Installing a ferrite ring on the antenna cable to eliminate interference

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Perhaps the most important task is when connecting the TV to a signal source. Even an excellent TV and correctly fitted F-plugs at the ends of the cable will not be able to provide high image quality when using a low-quality television cable. And the question arises, which antenna cable is better for connecting a TV and what criteria should you use to choose it?

The crab has one connector for connecting a signal from an antenna or a splitter in the entrance, marked IN (input), and several connectors for connecting televisions, marked OUT (output). If there is no marking, then usually the crab’s entrance is on one side of the body, and the exits are unlikely to be on the opposite side. All outputs for the crab to work properly must be connected to TVs. If there are two outputs, then to two TVs, if there are three outputs, then to three, and so on. There should be no loose connectors on the crab. Or, as they say, put a plug. But in this case, part of the useful signal will be lost; it is better to use a crab, in which the number of taps is equal to the number of connected TVs.

Sometimes after connecting to cable TV using crab several TVs on some channels on the TV screen I can?? interference appears in the form of chaotically appearing white or black dots, traveling waves or a grid. This occurs when a high-frequency interference signal from a local oscillator, parallel connected TVs, or other sources of interference reaches the antenna input of the TV. It is possible that interference can also come from televisions connected in neighboring apartments. The level of this kind of interference can be significantly reduced or even eliminated completely by installing tv cable ferrite ring.

If the connector on the TV is like in the photo, then you need to put an insulating tube on the central contact. Next, the loop is inserted into the central contact, and the shielding braid is tucked into the connector using the blade of a screwdriver. The main thing is to prevent the wires of the shielding braid from coming into contact with the central core of the cable. If the braid is aluminum, then you can insert it into the television connector and fill the free space with thin copper wires taken from any stranded copper wire. To prevent the wire from falling out of the TV connector, you can secure it with several toothpicks or matches. Such an improvised connector will serve quite reliably.

In general, there are quite a few types of coaxial cable and it is used not only for connecting television antennas. They differ in characteristic impedance, insulation diameter, flexibility, degree of shielding, and so on.

The last sub??ip will not be difficult to find, because... They are the easiest to install and are available at all cable product retailers. Do not forget that the antenna coaxial cable should not have sharp bends when laid. Also, when routing cables to several TVs, you will need splitters.

The central element is a conductor in the form of a copper core, through which the television signal arrives. An insulating shell follows on top of it. This braid acts as a protective shield, preventing interference from external electromagnetic waves. The term coaxial in translation means coaxial. Thus, due to the coincidence of the centers of both conductors of the coaxial cable in the radial direction, a standing wave effect is created inside the cable, which reduces signal radiation losses to almost zero.

The second item on this list is worth mentioning separately. The service life of the antenna cable is ten years, but even here everything is quite individual. It all depends on the conditions of its operation. It's one thing if the cable?? you have it correctly laid indoors, another thing is when part of the cable goes outside and is in a suspended state. The effects of the external environment and load on the cable can reduce the service life by several times. By the way, it is prohibited to hang the antenna cable without a support cable.

You have decided to move the TV to another place in the room, but the length of the TV cable is not enough. During renovations at the entrance, the builders damaged the television cable. Your best friend, the dog, sharpened his teeth on the cable, and the TV stopped showing. Cable repair is inevitable. Replacing a television cable completely from the connection point to the TV is labor-intensive work. There is an opportunity to resolve the issue yourself minimal costs labor and funds.

To give mechanical strength to the foil, it is torn from the inside with a thin layer of lavsan or polyethylene. It is almost impossible to remove the plastic. If the F-plug is wound onto the inside of the foil, there will be no contact of the screen with it, or it will be very poor. To avoid bad contact, you need to return half of the wrapped foil back, then the conductive side will be on the outside. If the outer diameter of the television cable is smaller than the threaded hole of the F-plug, then before turning the screen, several turns of insulating tape are wound to ensure a tight fit when screwing the F-plug onto the cable. Next, using a knife blade oriented almost parallel to the cable, carefully cut off the insulation from the central core. The main thing is to avoid notches in the copper wire of the central core, since notches reduce the mechanical strength of the core and it can easily break off.

First, one copper shielding braid of the television cable is returned to its place, and the braid of the second end is screwed onto it. For more reliable contact, several braided conductors of a television cable can be connected by soldering and wrapped around the junction with tinned copper wire with a diameter similar to that of the shielding braided wires. But this is not necessary.

Nowadays it is fashionable to mount the end of the cable from the TV into a socket. This is beautiful, but each additional connection reduces the reliability of the line and leads to a decrease in the level of the television signal, worsening the signal-to-noise ratio. It is better to connect the end of the cable directly to the TV after installing the plug.

Remember that the cable that connects to your TV must meet numerous parameters. This is not only its cross-section, the length that allows you to watch TV in any room of the apartment, but also the so-called aging of the cable. The fact is that the cable needs to be changed approximately every seven to nine years, as a qualitatively new leap in the development of television broadcasting technologies occurs. For this reason, the quality of the transmitted signal may decrease, and the image may disappear or be lost during the transmission process. In addition, when connecting the cable, it is worth carrying out diagnostics.

For general information, we note that in high-precision equipment the conductors are coated with silver or gold plating; using this type of cable product to connect a TV to an antenna would be an unaffordable waste.

There are situations when it is necessary to make an extension cord for the antenna cable, in which case you will need an adapter or socket to which the connectors are connected (male-male for the adapter and male for the socket). The extension connector will allow you to extend the conductor to the required length and provide a reliable connection without loss of signal level.

We recommend equipping each end of the extension cord connecting the TV and the splitter with a choke filter (a ferrite ring that fits onto the cable). This simple solution will significantly reduce interference. It is also advisable to place the splitter in a special panel.

As you can see, everything is simple, there is no need to crimp or solder anything. We advise you to check what plugs you have in your antenna network; if they are of the old type, then it is advisable to replace them with new ones. Thanks to such little things, laying the antenna cable is greatly simplified.

Connecting the antenna cable is easy. It is necessary to follow a certain procedure for stripping the wire and connecting it to the coupling. You must act carefully so as not to damage the signal wire or the shielding braid. It is also important to follow the rules when laying the cable. This will help avoid interference when watching TV and signal loss.

Today, our televisions are no longer very similar to television receivers of the last century, which only knew how to show something, and at the same time received exclusively an analog signal. What about today? This can be said to be a whole complex of capabilities and abilities. Works with analog and digital signals, the ability to play video and audio signals from universal inputs, the ability to play videos from the Internet and even in some cases play games and work with applications from the same. In general, it’s not for nothing that some of them wear a proud prefix to their name - SMART, which means skillful. But in this article we would like to talk not about the success of bourgeois companies, which we still have to chase and chase, but about the fact that even the most modern TVs, having Wi-fi and Bluetooth in their arsenal, still need wires. And the most necessary cable for them, as many years ago, is a coaxial television cable. It is with the help of this cable that analog and digital signals are transmitted, that is, a signal with the carrier frequency of the television channels that we watch.

And here the most relevant procedures for connecting a cable to a TV will be choosing a cable, cutting it, installing plugs and extending the cable. It is these simple operations that we will talk about in our article.

Selecting a television cable for the TV and its labeling

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of the television cable. It will depend on it how confidently, clearly and without interference or loss the signal is transmitted. If it is an ordinary wire, then after 2-3 meters there will be nothing left of your useful signal, but there will be a lot of interference. All this is due to the peculiarity of the propagation of high-frequency waves, with the help of which the television signal is actually transmitted. A feature of the propagation of such a signal is the manifestation of the skin effect, when the signal propagates over the surface of the conductor. But this is a voluminous and separate topic, so it deserves a separate article, but that’s not about that now.
Well, the second thing is the correct connection of all the plugs, which we have already discussed.
So let's go back to the first one. What does a “correct” television cable mean? This is a cable for which the wave impedance at the operating frequency (up to 2.15 GHz) is 75 Ohms. Most often, such cables are labeled as COAXIL CABLE 75 OHM. Thus, cables of the following brands can be used for a TV: RG 6U (index possible), SAT 50, SAT 703B and DG 113. The names of the cable brands are given in accordance with the improvement of their performance characteristics.
Usually the cable has a manufacturer's marking, the name of the cable, its resistance, meterage and year of production. Now that the cable has been selected, let's proceed directly to the process of connecting it to the TV.

How to connect the antenna plug to the cable

Let us say right away that connecting a cable to a plug or a plug to a cable is not difficult. You can do all this yourself, without involving a specialist. However, the fact that we decided to examine this issue and present it to your judgment is a kind of confirmation of this. Well, let's start in order.
First you need to cut the cable, that is, properly remove the insulating braid.
There are two ways to cut the cable, namely by wrapping the shielding braid back or simply cutting off the insulation. And then you can screw on the plug itself. Examples of braid cutting are shown in the photo below.

Without bending the braid...

Now the same thing, but with a clear example and with bending the braid.
Cut the braid lengthwise with a sharp knife. Then we cut the braid around the perimeter of the cable. We wrap the braid back so that the next insulating layer is exposed. Here it must be said that the shielding foil is in some cases coated with polyethylene to give the foil strength. At the same time, it is almost impossible to strip polyethylene from the foil. It is also unlikely to burn him. This means we bend the foil back, towards itself, or cut it off altogether.

Leaving only the metallic cores of the braid. At the same time, we also clean the central conductor.

Now screw the plug onto the cable. We bite off the central core in place. Its protrusion will be 4-5 mm beyond the union nut. Now, using a nut, screw on the plug itself.

It should be noted here that the plugs are different. Whether straight or curved in the shape of the letter L. They are also called F-shaped plugs. Their functionality remains unchanged, except that each specific plug is used for an individual and easy-to-use variation. If you prefer to use specific option, then choose it.

At the same time, you will not lose anything in performance.

How to connect the antenna cable to the plug (option 2)

An earlier version of television plugs was a combined metal-plastic design. Something like that.

If you purchased such a plug, then you should install it according to the following algorithm. First of all, we disassemble the plug and put the plastic part on the cable. This part must be on the cable when installing the metal component in order to screw it on later.

If you miss this nuance, then it will be impossible to put the plastic case on the cable.

Now we remove the insulation, about 15 mm. At the same time, we also cut off 5-7 mm from the shielding foil with braid.

We strip the central core of insulation and insert it into the hole intended for it. Tighten the fixing screw.
After that, what remains is to screw the plastic case onto the metal part of the plug attached to the television cable.

That's all. The plug is ready to be connected to your TV.

Possible plug options for connecting to cable and TV

Here it is necessary to say that in nature there are a great many variations of plugs.

Also in the USSR there were plugs that had to be soldered to the cable. And there are also craftsmen who try to stuff, there is no other way to say, a cable into a TV socket without a plug at all. But all this can already be called rudiments, relics, anachronism. In general, this is not worth your attention. Moreover, it is easy to break the socket of an expensive TV, but replacing it will be more difficult.
In this connection, there will be recommendations to use only specialized and modern plugs.

How to extend a TV cable

If you need to extend the cable, it is simply not long enough to connect to the TV. Here it is necessary to act by analogy with the first option. We strip the two ends of the cable and screw on the shank with a union nut. Next, we connect the shanks on the cable to each other using an adapter coupling.

There are also options when you need to connect several TVs. Or you need to connect from the junction box. But here we will not consider this option, since this will turn out to be a mishmash, and not a thematic article. It is better to highlight this topic in the material of our other article.
Another way to extend the cable was sent to us by our user Ramil from Ukraine. He suggested how to connect, thereby extending the television cable if necessary. It is noteworthy that the connection is made using soldering, which essentially has two advantages. First, you don’t have to spend money on consumables in the form of plugs.

Secondly, the signal is practically not lost with such a connection. You can make a dozen connections without any signal loss. So the cable connection algorithm is as follows.

There is no need to leave any comments, since the photographs are signed with comprehensive comments, and an understanding radio amateur will understand that this connection will really not affect the quality of the signal if done carefully. The only caveat is that you need to be able to solder and work with your hands. As for your hands, we won’t help you with that, but regarding how to learn to solder, you can see the article “How to solder with a soldering iron.”

Which plug is best to choose for installing on a cable and connecting to a TV?

Since we have decided to give you recommendations on which plug is better, here we need to motivate our decision. And it all starts simple. Since we need to transmit a signal, and it is transmitted through conductors, it is best to use metal plugs, that is, from the first option for installing the plug given above. This plug is easy to install and does not require soldering or complex tools for installation. This plug is rigid and yet ensures optimal signal transmission. All the advantages are obvious.
In principle, if you come to a store, then a competent, qualified seller will offer you exactly this option; if he does not have the installation, he will sell you another product.

How to connect a coaxial cable

Coaxial cables, like regular ones, have to be spliced, extended, and equipped with connectors. The need to carry out these operations arises when cables are broken, devices connected to them are moved to another location, or new devices are connected.

The procedure for connecting a television cable to a plug, antenna, splitter


  • If the cable needs to be extended, purchase an additional piece of it of the required length. Its characteristic impedance should be the same as that of the existing cord. If this parameter of the existing cable is unknown, you should follow the rule: television antennas are connected with a cord with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms, antennas for CB radio stations - with a cable with a characteristic impedance of 50 Ohms. Cables for computer networks an outdated standard (today such networks are practically out of use). The thickness of the cable is chosen depending on its purpose. It is necessary to use a thick cord in two cases: its long length (to reduce attenuation) and significant power of the transmitted signal. If at least one of these conditions is met, the cable must be of large diameter.
  • Before carrying out any operations with cables, be sure to unplug all equipment connected to them. Many devices have capacitors that connect the common wire to one of the network wires. In this case, if you simultaneously grab the braids or central cores of two cables or two ends of one cut cable, you can receive a painful electric shock. Even after disconnecting all equipment, before simultaneously touching two live parts of the cables in any combination, be sure to make sure that there is no voltage between them using a voltmeter alternating current. If the cable leads to a transmitting device (for example, a CB radio station), you should additionally ensure that there is no high-frequency voltage on it using a wave meter. Even at low power, the impact of such voltage on the skin can cause burns.
  • Splicing cables by twisting or soldering is only possible if the equipment connected to them is not transmitting, since with such a connection the standing wave ratio noticeably deteriorates, which threatens the transmitting equipment with failure. First, strip both cables. Make a longitudinal cut on the outer insulation, unravel the braid, then, moving it to the side, twist it. Then use wire cutters to remove the insulation from the central core. Connect the braid of one cord to the braid of the other, and do the same with the central cores. Never allow a short circuit between the braid and the central conductor. If soldering is used, do it quickly so as not to melt the insulation of the central core, which also threatens a short circuit. Carefully insulate all connections.
  • The standing wave ratio changes much less when connecting coaxial cables using connectors. They come in two types: F (television) and BNC. Only the latter are suitable for transmitting equipment. They, in turn, must have the same impedance as the cable, and therefore are available in two versions: CP50 and CP75. To connect the cable using connectors, purchase a plug and socket of the same standard. It is better if they are designed for connection without the use of soldering, so that there is no risk of a short circuit from melting the insulation of the central core. By attaching a plug to one end of the cord and a socket to the other, connect them to each other. If the connectors have exposed contacts (usually sockets are produced this way), insulate them.
  • If the equipment used in conjunction with the cable is transmitting, be sure to check with a standing wave ratio meter whether this parameter is outside the permissible limits. After this, start using the equipment.

Today, our televisions are no longer very similar to television receivers of the last century, which only knew how to show something, and at the same time received exclusively an analog signal. What about today? This can be said to be a whole complex of capabilities and abilities. Work with analog and digital signals, the ability to play video and audio signals from universal inputs, the ability to play video from the Internet and even in some cases play games and work with applications from the same. In general, it’s not for nothing that some of them have a proud prefix to their name – SMART, which means skillful. But in this article we would like to talk not about the success of bourgeois companies, which we still have to chase and chase, but about the fact that even the most modern TVs, having Wi-fi and Bluetooth in their arsenal, still need wires. And the most necessary cable for them, as many years ago, is a coaxial television cable. It is with the help of this cable that analog and digital signals are transmitted, that is, a signal with the carrier frequency of the television channels that we watch. And here the most relevant procedures for connecting a cable to a TV will be choosing a cable, cutting it, installing plugs and extending the cable. It is these simple operations that we will talk about in our article.

Selecting a television cable for the TV and its labeling

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of the television cable. It will depend on it how confidently, clearly and without interference or loss the signal is transmitted. If it is an ordinary wire, then after 2-3 meters there will be nothing left of your useful signal, but there will be a lot of interference. All this is due to the peculiarity of the propagation of high-frequency waves, with the help of which the television signal is actually transmitted. A feature of the propagation of such a signal is the manifestation of the skin effect, when the signal propagates over the surface of the conductor. But this is a voluminous and separate topic, so it deserves a separate article, but that’s not about that now.
Well, the second thing is the correct connection of all the plugs, which we have already discussed.
So let's go back to the first one. What does a “correct” television cable mean? This is a cable for which the wave impedance at the operating frequency (up to 2.15 GHz) is 75 Ohms. Most often, such cables are labeled as COAXIL CABLE 75 OHM. Thus, cables of the following brands can be used for a TV: RG 6U (index possible), SAT 50, SAT 703B and DG 113. The names of the cable brands are given in accordance with the improvement of their performance characteristics.
Usually the cable has a manufacturer's marking, the name of the cable, its resistance, meterage and year of production. Now that the cable has been selected, let's proceed directly to the process of connecting it to the TV.

How to connect the antenna plug to the cable

Let us say right away that connecting a cable to a plug or a plug to a cable is not difficult. You can do all this yourself, without involving a specialist. However, the fact that we decided to examine this issue and present it to your judgment is a kind of confirmation of this. Well, let's start in order.
First you need to cut the cable, that is, properly remove the insulating braid.
There are two ways to cut the cable, namely by wrapping the shielding braid back or simply cutting off the insulation. And then you can screw on the plug itself. Examples of braid cutting are shown in the photo below.

Without bending the braid...

Now the same thing, but with a clear example and with bending the braid.
Cut the braid lengthwise with a sharp knife. Then we cut the braid around the perimeter of the cable. We wrap the braid back so that the next insulating layer is exposed. Here it must be said that the shielding foil is in some cases coated with polyethylene to give the foil strength. At the same time, it is almost impossible to strip polyethylene from the foil. It is also unlikely to burn him. This means we bend the foil back, towards itself, or cut it off altogether. Leaving only the metallic cores of the braid. At the same time, we also clean the central conductor.

Now screw the plug onto the cable. We bite off the central core in place. Its protrusion will be 4-5 mm beyond the union nut. Now, using a nut, screw on the plug itself.

It should be noted here that the plugs are different. Whether straight or curved in the shape of the letter L. They are also called F-shaped plugs. Their functionality remains unchanged, except that each specific plug is used for an individual and easy-to-use variation. If it is more convenient for you to use a specific option, then choose that one.

At the same time, you will not lose anything in performance.

Possible plug options for connecting to cable and TV

Here it is necessary to say that in nature there are a great many variations of plugs.

Also in the USSR there were plugs that had to be soldered to the cable. And there are also craftsmen who try to stuff, there is no other way to say, a cable into a TV socket without a plug at all. But all this can already be called rudiments, relics, anachronism. In general, this is not worth your attention. Moreover, it is easy to break the socket of an expensive TV, but replacing it will be more difficult.
In this connection, there will be recommendations to use only specialized and modern plugs.

How to extend a TV cable

If you need to extend the cable, it is simply not long enough to connect to the TV. Here it is necessary to act by analogy with the first option. We strip the two ends of the cable and screw on the shank with a union nut. Next, we connect the shanks on the cable to each other using an adapter coupling.

There are also options when you need to connect several TVs. Or you need to connect from the junction box. But here we will not consider this option, since this will turn out to be a mishmash, and not a thematic article. It is better to highlight this topic in the material of our other article.
Another way to extend the cable. It is noteworthy that the connection is made using soldering, which essentially has two advantages. First, you don’t have to spend money on consumables in the form of plugs. Secondly, the signal is practically not lost with such a connection. You can make a dozen connections without any signal loss. So the cable connection algorithm is as follows.

Which plug is best to choose for installing on a cable and connecting to a TV?

Since we have decided to give you recommendations on which plug is better, here we need to motivate our decision. And it all starts simple. Since we need to transmit a signal, and it is transmitted through conductors, it is best to use metal plugs, that is, from the first option for installing the plug given above. This plug is easy to install and does not require soldering or complex tools for installation. This plug is rigid and yet ensures optimal signal transmission. All the advantages are obvious.
In principle, if you come to a store, then a competent, qualified seller will offer you exactly this option; if he does not have the installation, he will sell you another product.

Nowadays, few people can imagine their life as a bouze cable television. Everyone can find a channel of interest that will allow them to spend their free time profitably. Connecting your TV to an antenna allows the TV to receive a digital signal, which significantly improves the quality of the broadcast image. An incorrect connection can make the signal unstable. You can read about how to connect an antenna to a TV in this article.

Before you start connecting the antenna, you need to take care of purchasing a high-quality television cable, at the ends of which you should attach F-plugs. If the antenna and TV cable are not connected correctly, the TV signal will be lost, resulting in poor picture quality. The most important point when connecting an antenna is right choice cable.

If a low-quality television cable is used for connection, even the most modern TV and correctly attached plugs at the ends of the cable will not save the situation.

To know which cable to choose, you must first study the issue of the movement of high-frequency current along the antenna cable. IN electrical network current flows along the entire perimeter of the conductor cross-section. But the movement of the high-frequency current of a television signal occurs differently.

Steps to install the antenna plug on the cable:

  • You can make the connection yourself, since the voltage of the television signal does not pose a danger to human health.
  • When purchasing a plug for an antenna cable, you should pay attention to the size of the plug that matches the specific television cable.
  • To wind the plug, the cable can be separated using two methods: the shielding braid can be wrapped, or it can be left unwrapped. The first method is considered more reliable.
  • To separate a television cable, you need to cut deep into the outer sheath of the cable. The pressure of the knife should not be too strong, otherwise the braid may be damaged.
  • The incised shell is folded back and cut off where the cut begins.
  • The aluminum foil and copper braid are unscrewed. To give the foil strength, it is necessary to cover it with polyethylene on the inside.
  • Half of the turned-off foil is folded back so as not to deteriorate the quality of the contacts.
  • The central core is freed from insulation, and the plug is screwed onto the foil.
  • The central core is “bitten off” so as to leave 2 to 3 mm.

The second half of the plug should be screwed in until it stops, then both plugs will be ready for use. It happens that after inserting the plug, the television cable prevents you from placing the TV close to the wall. To avoid this, it is necessary to install the plug with an angled design.

Connecting a satellite dish to a TV without a receiver

Connecting your home TV to satellite television is associated with a receiver. This is how you used to be able to view television channels. Today, you can make the connection yourself without using a receiver.

Many modern models are equipped with a built-in digital tuner and a special slot into which an access module is installed.

If the satellite dish is connected and configured correctly, the TV will receive a signal from the satellite operator, which will allow you to use satellite television without connecting a receiver. To correctly connect the antenna cable satellite dish must be connected to a connector that has a special input. It is usually located next to the input of the over-the-air antenna.

Advantages of connecting without a receiver:

  • No need to buy additional devices;
  • The interior is not disturbed, so the receiver does not take up space.
  • You can only use one remote control to watch a channel.
  • The number of wires is significantly reduced.

To decode channels you will need to install the CAM module and an access card. Without the module, viewing television channels will be extremely limited. When the module is installed, the cable from satellite dish should be connected to a special socket using F-connectors.

Instructions: how to connect the antenna to the TV

To connect the antenna cable and the power supply, you need to connect the cable to the plug in the power supply, where the antenna is active. First of all, you need to properly separate the cable. To do this, you need to move one and a half centimeters away from the end of the cable, and then carefully cut off the insulation. This needs to be done in a circle.

When making cuts, it is important to ensure that you do not damage the braiding, as well as the cable shield, which is located under the insulation.

After this, you need to push the screen hairs and foil back. It is necessary to step back 5 mm from the braided edge in order to cut the inner insulator and remove it. Then the cable is carefully inserted under the plug so that the braid and screen touch the lower tinned area.

How to prepare the antenna cable:

  • Find the end of the cable.
  • Remove insulation.
  • Move the screen.
  • Cut off the inner layer until the inner core appears.
  • Connect the cable.

In order for the voltage to reach the TV cable from the antenna cable, it is necessary that the lower tinned plug pad be touched. The central core braid must not be allowed to short-circuit. If a short circuit occurs, the power supply indicator goes out or lights up dimly.

How to connect a TV antenna easily and simply

Home TV antenna It is best to organize using a splitter. A splitter is a metal box into which one input F-connector goes in and several connectors come out. There can be several or many outputs: from 1 to 6. Depending on this, you can connect the antenna to several TVs at once.

To connect your home antenna correctly and efficiently, you must use a modern antenna cable that is double shielded.

Double shielding eliminates a lot of electromagnetic interference. The central core of the cable can be completely copper, or it can be copper-plated. When choosing a cable, it is important to pay attention to the model of your specific TV.

How to connect a custom antenna:

  • Insert the cable into the TV socket.
  • To connect several TVs, you can use a splitter.

To optimally connect several devices, you need to use a splitter. It will distribute the signal evenly. This connection is convenient if repairs are necessary. If TVs begin to show poorly, it is necessary to check the operation of the signal network.

Instructions: how to connect an antenna to a TV (video)

Street or indoor antenna You can connect it to the TV yourself. The voltage is safe for human life, so even a beginner can perform the installation. From correct connection The quality of the signal will depend, and, consequently, the convenience of watching TV. The antenna is connected using a television cable. His choice will depend on the TV model. The cable must be High Quality, otherwise the signal will not reach the TV, which will lead to frequent interference.

Very often, a second TV appears in one family. In this case, there is only one antenna. The question arises: how to connect two TVs to one antenna? There are ways to use one antenna on two or more TVs.

What you need

To connect, you will need several parts:

  • two-output splitter (splitter). This is a device that allows you to divide the signal from the antenna into two or more streams. It has an input on one side and two or more outputs on the other - for connecting television receivers.

  • 5 connectors corresponding to the splitter;
  • 2 adapter plugs;

  • antenna cable.

Important: When purchasing a splitter, do not confuse the number of outputs! A three-way (three-output) splitter is used to connect three receivers, but not two! If you still have a three-output one at hand, you can solve the problem by connecting a ballast resistor (resistance 75 Ohms) to the free output. And if there is a plan in the future to install and connect several TVs to this antenna, then it is better to immediately buy a splitter with several outputs and temporarily drown out the empty outputs with the same resistance.

Work progress

We will try to talk about the connection in such a way that even someone who does not understand radio engineering at all can cope with the task. This is done step by step like this:

  • Selecting details. The first thing you need to do is buy a splitter. They come in a variety of varieties, including those that require soldering and those that do not. If you know how to solder, then it is better to take those that involve soldering. This connection is always more reliable than any other, it produces less signal loss and preserves its quality.

If you do not have soldering skills, then you need to choose an appropriate splitter, as well as one suitable for a specific type of cable. A win-win option would be a splitter with built-in sockets for coaxial cables.

Having chosen a splitter, select the appropriate connectors. F-connectors are now very popular due to the fact that they are reliable and easy to install.

  • Choosing a location for the splitter. It is optimal to position the device so that the antenna cable can easily reach it and, if possible, have the shortest distance to both TVs.
  • Cutting the existing antenna cable. It is necessary to cut so that the cable can freely reach the splitter. The old plug is cut off along with a piece of cable.
  • Cable stripping and installationF– connector.

For those who know how to solder, there is no point in telling them how to cut a cable and solder it to a splitter - they know it themselves. What follows is written for the average user who is not familiar with the radio business.

So, we cut the cut end of the wire as shown in the figure: we strip the edge and wrap the braid. The middle core insulator should protrude slightly, and the middle core itself should protrude by at least 5 mm. The tool for removing insulation from a coaxial cable at home is an ordinary kitchen knife.

Important: The cable must be standard; DG 113 or SAT 703B are more often used. Under no circumstances should the cable braid be connected to the central core, otherwise the signal will not pass through at all.

Install the F-connector. It is also called wrap-on because the connector is wound onto a soft wire. The connector for connecting the cable and splitter is ready.

  • Cut two pieces of wire with the expectation that the length would be enough for each TV.
  • We mountF- connectors similarly for connecting TV cables and splitter outputs. We do the same at the other ends of the cables.

As a result, we use all five connectors, including:

  1. one from the antenna, to enter the splitter;
  2. two televisions, for exiting from it;
  3. two televisions free.
  • We connect the connectors to the splitter.

  • We connect two free connectors with adapters. An adapter is a device with an F-connector attached at one end and a coaxial plug at the other for connecting to television receivers. Typically this device is generally referred to as a plug.
  • We turn on the television receivers. Let's check how both receivers work. If everything is done correctly, the image should be normal. Now you can easily enjoy an excellent picture on two receivers at once, without interfering with each other.

Using the diagram below you can see the path along which you need to connect 2 TVs to one antenna:

How to install an antenna with an amplifier

But what if after connecting the splitter the image quality deteriorates? This may mean that the antenna on two TVs does not provide the required signal, while the separating device also takes over some of its share. The solution can be an antenna with an amplifier, it is also called a Polish one. Such an antenna for two TV receivers connected to the device will improve the signal quality in both TVs. To do this you need:

  1. In an existing circuit with a splitter put awayF- connector from the entrance to it.
  2. In his place connect the plug to the power supply from the antenna kit with amplifier.
  3. At the entrance install an adapter with an antenna socket(the so-called “mother”) and insert the plug from the antenna with an amplifier there.

This should improve the signal quality.

Splitter with amplifier

There is a second option - look for a splitter with a built-in signal amplifier. This method is good when the TV initially showed well and new antenna not required. However, before purchasing a new device, discuss your specific case with a specialist.

Amplifiers, including those on the antenna, have different gains, and too much signal is just as bad as a weak one, and can also cause distortion. The telemaster will measure the signal level and give advice on purchasing an amplifier.

By the way, the problem with signal attenuation can even arise if you connect several TVs to one antenna. The more receivers, the more the signal attenuates. Therefore, when planning to connect several television receivers, weigh all the pros and cons.

Below are video instructions for connecting an antenna to two television receivers:

In contact with

When moving an antenna or TV, or if it is damaged, it is necessary to extend the TV cable. This article talks about what connection methods are available and how to do it yourself.

Cable arrangement

In the center of the TV cable there is a copper wire with a diameter of 0.3-1 mm. Surrounding it is polyurethane insulation, separating the central core from a shield of aluminum foil and copper braid. Braided cables without foil do not meet modern signal transmission standards.

The entire structure is protected from external influences and ultraviolet polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene sheath.

The outer diameter must be at least 6-8 mm, and when laying next to electrical wiring - 10 mm. It cannot be bent at a right angle; the recommended radius is more than 5 cm.

How to choose a TV cable

When purchasing a TV cable, the choice of brand is made based on several parameters.

Characteristic impedance

All TV cables have a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms. This depends on the ratio of the diameters of the braid and the central core and is determined at the factory when designing the cable.

Cable thickness

In addition to wave resistance, ordinary resistance matters. The thicker the cable, the larger the cross-section of the central core, and the greater the distance the signal is transmitted. For apartments and multi-storey buildings, at a distance of up to 30 meters, 6 mm is sufficient. When using thick outer insulation, the cable diameter increases.

Braid material

The central core is always copper or copper-plated steel. The RF signal travels across the surface, so its material does not matter.

The central conductor is surrounded by a dielectric, the material of which is also unimportant. Next in all cables is aluminum foil surrounded by braid. The denser it is, the better the quality of the cable. The braid material can be different:

External insulation

When installing the antenna indoors, the material of the outer shell does not matter. When using it outdoors, the external insulation must be designed for outdoor installation, otherwise it will crack under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and other factors, and the cable will fail.

Important! A cable that is pulled through the air must have a supporting steel core.

How to extend a TV cable

Extending the cable, as well as connecting television cables to each other, increases signal resistance, so they must be kept to a minimum. The number of connections should be no more than 1-2. If necessary, this can be done in different ways.

Via adapter or plug and socket

The simplest and quick way connect the television cableF-plug and F-socket:

  • Remove the outer layer of insulation on one of the wires at a distance of 25-30 mm;
  • Wrap the braid in reverse side. The inner side of the aluminum foil is coated with lavsan or polyethylene for strength, so part of the screen is folded back to ensure contact;
  • Strip the end of the central core to a length of 10 mm. This must be done without damaging it, otherwise the wire becomes brittle;
  • The F-plug is screwed onto the TV cable through the foil. The central wire should protrude by 0.5 cm. The excess is cut off with wire cutters or side cutters;
  • Operations 1-4 are repeated for the second end of the cable;
  • The prepared F-plugs are screwed into the F-socket.

The connection using a TV plug and TV socket is carried out in the same way. The difference is that it has less mechanical strength, so the finished connection is wrapped with electrical tape, or a piece of heat-shrinkable tubing is put on it and heated with a hairdryer or lighter.

Interesting. Connectors are available in straight and 90 degree angles. Curved ones are used when there is no room for a smooth cable bend. The installation method does not change from using the corner connector.

Solder connection

Another way to reliably and efficiently connect wires is soldering. It's cheaper, but more difficult and longer than using a connector:

  • Using a knife, cut the outer shell to a length of 50-60 mm;

Carefully! The shielding braid must remain intact.

  • Like the skin of a banana, the outer insulation and screen fold back;
  • The central core is cut to a length of 20mm;
  • The insulation is cut to a length of 10mm on one side. As shown in the photo, it is necessary to leave a “step”;
  • The central core is bent at an angle of 45 degrees. The ends are tinned;
  • Operations 1-5 are repeated for the other cable;
  • The central cores of the connected wires are soldered “overlapping”. Irregularities and drips of tin are removed with a file or soldering iron;
  • The soldering area is covered on both sides with the remaining uncut insulation of the central core, and is wrapped with electrical tape for strength;
  • The aluminum foil of the screen is returned to its place;
  • The shielding braid is put in place one by one. For better contact screens can be soldered;
  • The previously bent outer insulation is applied to the connection on both sides;
  • The finished structure is wrapped with electrical tape, or a previously placed piece of heat-shrink tubing is placed over it and heated with a hairdryer.

Attention! On the inside, the shielding foil is covered with a layer of insulation, so the layer laid on the outside turns inside out.


This is the most low-quality connection method. At the place of twisting, contact is lost, it oxidizes, is mechanically fragile and has an unaesthetic appearance. You can connect the cable by twisting it in two ways:

  • Similar to a soldered joint. Instead of soldering, twist the central cores together;
  • Strip the outer insulation by 40-50mm, and the inner insulation by 20-25. Twist the central wires and screens in pairs, insulating the twists with electrical tape.

Connecting multiple cables via a splitter

When connecting one antenna to several TVs, the connection is made through a special device - a splitter, or “crab”.

This is a small box with one input marked “IN” and several outputs marked “OUT”. TV cables are connected via F-connectors or TV-plugs.

Inside the splitter there is a ferrite ring with windings, and in cheaper models - resistors. These elements distribute the input signal evenly across the outputs, so it is not recommended to install a “crab” with spare outputs.

If the number of outputs is more than four, an active splitter is installed - a device in which the amplifier is located.

Cable laying rules

In order for the wiring to serve for a long time, it should be laid according to certain rules:

  • At the maximum distance from electrical wiring. Intersections with electrical cables should be made at right angles;

Important! To reduce interference, these wires are not laid side by side, in the same cable channel or pipe.

  • Minimum number of connections. Only factory connectors or soldering should be used;
  • Do not coil the TV cable. This creates an inductor that attenuates the signal;
  • Do not bend the wire at a right angle. If necessary, use corner connectors.

Correctly performed connection of television cables will ensure good transmission signal and high-quality image, and knowing how to connect a television cable will allow you to do this work yourself, without the help of a specialist.


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