Step-by-step instructions for obtaining an electronic pass in the ATO zone. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Alarm all fields marked with an asterisk.

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What is needed

  1. Identity document.
  2. Driver's license.
  3. Passport technical means(if necessary).
  4. Power of attorney (if the citizen is not the owner).
  5. A document certifying ownership of a vehicle.
  6. Insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner of a motor vehicle (trailer).

How to order a service

Follow the standard authorization procedure in Personal account. In the “Service Catalog” find the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the list of services select the line “State service for registration of motor vehicles and trailers with them in the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation"(second item of the list of services). On the page that opens, a list of 10 services will appear on the left. The principle of filling out an application for all these services is identical. Therefore, we will show how to do this correctly, using the example of the first service on the list: “Registration of a new or used vehicle.”

Step 1. Consent. After clicking the “Get Service” button, a window will appear informing you about the procedure for applying for the service. We remind you that all fields marked with a red asterisk are required to be filled out. After you check the box indicated and click the “Next” button, you will proceed to the next step.


Step 2. Selecting a service provision option. On this page you fill in all the required fields one by one. Please note that the selection is made only from those items that are indicated in the lists (pop-up windows when you click on the white field of the line). Samples are shown below.

Selecting a service option

Your location

Service option

Step. 3 Personal data. The principle of filling out this page is the same as the previous one. Fill in all the required fields, if the white field of the line contains the word “Select” - select what you need from the pop-up list. The power of attorney data page following this step is completed only if necessary.

Personal Information

Identity document

Document type

Residence address

Step 4. Power of attorney. This page must be completed if you are not the owner.

Step 5. Vehicle information. Here you must carefully fill out all fields. Fields not marked with an asterisk are not required.


On holding open team and individual competitions

For powerlifting and bare bench press,

Podolsk and Moscow region

1. Goals and objectives

· Competitions are held to popularize powerlifting in Podolsk and the Moscow region

· Raising a physically developed younger generation and promoting a healthy lifestyle

· Involving young people in systematic physical education and sports

· Creating motivation among adolescents and young people to engage in physical education

· Improving the sportsmanship of athletes in Podolsk and the Moscow region

· Identification of the strongest athletes in Podolsk and the Moscow region

· Formation of a team to perform at open team powerlifting competitions in Podolsk

2. Date and place

The competition is held on November 16, 2013 at the Palace of Culture on May 1: Moscow region, Klimovsk, Zavodskaya street, 3. The start of the competition and weigh-in will be announced additionally (by e-mail or SMS).

3. Organization and leadership

The general organization of the competition is carried out by the MU Center for Civic and Patriotic Education of Youth “Fakel” and the “Good Lift” gym, with the participation of the Podolsk branch of the All-Russian All-Union Organization “Combat Brotherhood” and the “Healthy Nation” Charitable Foundation.

Direct supervision is carried out by the athletic gymnastics coach of the Fakel MU Popov S.A., and the director of the Good Lift gym P.S. Yakovlev. and representative charitable foundation"healthy nation" by I.F. Rabotkin

4. Competition participants

Interested organizations and institutions, as well as individual athletes who have reached the age of 16 and have submitted personal applications to participate in the competition, are invited to participate in the competitions.

The organizers reserve the right to later announce standards for admission to competitions, with mandatory notification of athletes (by email or SMS).

The organizers reserve the right, if the number of applications exceeds, no later than November 9, 2013 to announce standards for admission to competitions, with mandatory notification of athletes by posting information in open sources, as well as sending SMS and e-mail messages.

5. The procedure for holding competitions and conditions for submitting applications

Applications for participation in competitions must be submitted by November 9, 2013. email address: [email protected] or via SMS message to the number +79099250337 (the cost of an SMS is equal to the cost of an SMS message from your telecom operator).

Attention! See Appendix 1 for the correct application form.

6. Procedure for determining the winners

Attention! Competition judging is carried out according to IPF rules (see Appendix 2)

Competitions are held in the open age category (Open).

in the individual championship:

Women compete in the absolute weight category, the winners (who take 1st-2nd-3rd places) are determined by the Wilks formula.

Winners in men are determined in categories up to 75kg, up to 90kg, up to 110kg and over 110 for the best result. Winners in absolute championship (athletes who took 1-2-3 places) in triathlon and bench press are determined according to the Wilks formula.

In the team championship 4 best results of male team members and 1 female result are taken into account

Points are awarded according to the following scheme:

1st place – 6 points

2nd place – 4 points

3rd place – 3 points

4th place – 2 points

5th place – 1 point

The winner of the team championship is the team that scores the maximum number of points among all teams.

7. Winner's reward ceremony

The winners and prize-winners in the individual and team championships who took 1-3 places in the nominations are awarded with commemorative certificates and medals.

8. Financing

The costs associated with organizing, conducting and rewarding the winners are borne by the organizers of the competition, interested organizations and sponsors. Expenses associated with travel and meals for participants are borne by sending organizations. There is no entry fee.

Annex 1

Sample application (sent by email or SMS):

1. nomination: for example, bench press or triathlon.

2. team name or mark personal *

3. Full name *–

4. Year of birth *–

6th digit *–

7. best result * (over the last 6 months) -

8. age* -

9. coach -

10. contact phone number (preferably cell phone)* -

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Attention! All participants on the day of the competition must have visas certified by a doctor, and a passport or identity card (licence, military ID). Without these documents, athletes will not be allowed to compete.

Appendix 2

Competition rules:

  1. Performance at competitions takes place without the use of equipment (press shirts, overalls, knee bandages for powerlifting).
  2. You can use: wrist bandages, belts (maximum belt width – 10 cm).
  3. If necessary, you can use a non-supportive bandage (on one leg or arm). Non-supportive bandages are ordinary medical bandages. The bandage must be presented to the judge before use.
  4. Exercises are performed according to IPF rules

Squats(rules and order of execution).

After removing the bar (assistants can provide assistance), the athlete takes the starting position.

After the athlete has accepted the starting position, the judge gives the command to SIT DOWN.

The athlete squats so that the top of the legs at the hip joints is lower than the top of the knees. Only one attempt to make a downward movement is allowed.

The athlete must independently return to a vertical position with legs fully straightened at the knees. Double standing up (“jumping” is prohibited).

As soon as the athlete takes a stationary position, the referee gives the command to return the barbell to the racks - RACKS.

- Prohibited- Failure to comply with the senior referee’s signals when starting or finishing an exercise. Double stand-up (jump) from the bottom of a squat position or any downward movement while standing up. The mistake is to bend the legs at the knees and lower the body to a position where the upper surface of the legs at the hip joints is lower than the top of the knees.

Bench press(rules and order of execution)

The athlete should lie on his back, with his head, shoulders and “whole” buttocks in contact with the surface of the bench. The sole and heels of his shoes must be in contact with the surface of the platform or blocks (as far as the shape of the shoes allows).

The fingers should wrap around the bar lying on the racks, with the thumbs positioned “locked” around the bar. This position must be maintained during

performing the exercise. The use of a reverse grip is prohibited.

To ensure firm support for the legs, the athlete can use flat slabs or blocks no higher than 30 cm from the surface of the platform.

The distance between the hands on the bar, which is measured between the index fingers, should not exceed 81 cm (both index fingers should be inside the 81 cm marks).

After removing the bar from the racks with or without the help of assistants, the athlete must wait for the signal from the senior judge with his arms fully straightened (“on”) at the elbows.

The signal to begin the press must be given as soon as the lifter assumes a stationary position.

position and the bar will be in the correct position. The signal to start the exercise is the command – START.

After receiving the signal, the athlete must lower the barbell to his chest and hold it in a stationary position on his chest (usually the base of the sternum), after which the judge gives the command - PRESS. Then the athlete must press the barbell up into straight arms. After fixing the bar in this position, the judge gives the command - RACKS.

- Prohibited– Any error in following the referee’s commands. Any change in the starting position when performing an exercise (any lifting (separation) of the head, shoulders, buttocks from the bench or movement of the legs on the platform or blocks, or movement of the arms along the bar). Any downward movement of the barbell during a bench press. Lack of squeezing the barbell with fully straightened arms at the end of the exercise.

6. Deadlift (rules and order of execution)

The athlete must face the front of the platform. The barbell, which is located horizontally in front of the athlete’s legs, is held with a free grip with both hands and rises up until the athlete stands upright.

Upon completion of lifting the barbell in the deadlift, the knees should be fully straightened and the shoulders should be pulled back.

The judge gives the command - DOWN.

Any lifting of the barbell or any deliberate attempt to lift it is considered an approach. Once the lift has begun, no downward movement of the barbell is allowed until the lifter reaches a vertical position with the knees fully extended. If the bar sag when the shoulders are pulled back, this is not a reason not to count the weight lifted.

- Prohibited– any downward movement until the final position is reached. Supporting the barbell with your thighs while lifting up. Steps back or forward. Lowering the barbell to the command. Releasing the barbell from your hands when executing the downward command.

Many billiard players, having reached a certain level, strive to purchase a solid cue, believing that such a cue is a priori better than a composite one. However, this is not quite true. Let's try to figure out what the differences are between cues of different designs, their pros and cons.

Ideally, a billiard cue should be solid, it’s hard to argue with that. But in order for the cue to be great gaming tool, this is not enough. The cue must be made of the “correct” shape, from several types of selected wood (the shaft uses light, impact-resistant wood, and the turnik uses dense, heavy wood that absorbs vibrations well), be even, perfectly balanced, all parts of the cue must be carefully adjusted to each other friend and firmly glued, etc.

Therefore, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of cues of different designs, taking as a given that the cues in question are made of the same quality and have the same parameters (weight, length, cue shape, sticker diameter, balancing, etc.).

Solid cues.

Solid cues have excellent feedback, upon impact, there is a feeling that there is a rod inside the cue. This feeling occurs because after the impact, part of the energy, “reflected” from the ball, spreads without distortion from the sticker to the turnip, because this process occurs in a homogeneous medium (wood). As a result, an excellent so-called “cue feel” arises. Another distinctive feature of a one-piece cue is its slight bending during impact and the rapid damping of vibrations compared to multi-piece cues. This results in less distortion and therefore increased accuracy, and the cue does not “throw” the ball off the line on some difficult shots.

The main disadvantages of solid cues include inconvenience in transportation. If a billiard player plays in several clubs and goes to competitions, then this becomes a real problem.

Also, the disadvantages include the fact that a solid cue is much more difficult to make straight than a composite one, and the likelihood of leashes in solid cues is higher. This is due to the fact that the length of the wooden part of a solid cue is several times greater than the wooden part of a composite cue. And the longer the tree, the greater the likelihood of leashes.

Composite cues.

Composite cues can be made from two, three or even four parts.

Their main difference from solid ones is the presence of connecting units, which, as a rule, are made of metal and have air cavities. This leads to the loss of the ideal “feeling of the cue” due to the fact that the energy reflected after the impact spreads in a heterogeneous medium and practically does not reach the turnip, but is interrupted in the air cavities of the connecting nodes.

The presence of joints in composite cues leads to an increase in the deformation (bending) of the cue upon impact compared to solid cues, and this affects the accuracy of playing balls.

But an important positive factor of composite cues is that the likelihood of them getting caught is lower than that of solid cues. If the joints are initially glued evenly, then with proper storage and use, it is easier to keep a composite cue even than a solid one.

Also, composite cues have no problems with transportation and are easy to use. The market offers many cases, tubes, cases, which in themselves are an additional decoration for the cue.

Eat compromise option, when a composite cue approaches the playing qualities of a solid cue, but is much more convenient to transport. These are two-piece cues with a connecting unit shifted towards the bumper: the connection is not located in the middle of the cue, but at a distance of 1/3 or 1/4 of the length of the cue from the bumper.

Let's summarize.

When faced with the choice of what design of cue to purchase - one-piece or composite - first of all, the billiard player must decide for himself what he needs:

  • If it’s easy to use, then the choice is obvious - a composite cue, perhaps even made of three or four parts.
  • If you need a tool that matches and complements the high level of skill of the player, then you need to buy a well-made solid cue.

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