Where to start running a VK group. How to run a contact group for business so that it brings benefits. Free promotion methods

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In order for the VK group to be successful, in demand and with an active audience, its administration will have to do a lot of work. Taken together, these are various actions related to promoting the group, filling it with high-quality and interesting content, as well as increasing activity among participants.

It should also be remembered that the process of development of the VKontakte social network continues to this day, and therefore not only are many new functions and capabilities being added, but the rules of the site are also subject to changes.

Various VK groups and public pages, especially of a commercial nature, are faced with the rather pressing issue of promoting their community and its promotion.

Before worrying about promotion issues, you should make sure that the group is properly filled and managed correctly. Among the main points are:

  • The most appropriate group type, name, avatar or header, additional functions (products, applications), etc.;
  • Regular, preferably daily filling of the group with useful and general posts;
  • Call to action to increase user activity (surveys, reposts, likes);
  • Group moderation and support feedback;
  • Regular and detailed analysis of the statistics of the group and its audience.
  • Unique content

These and many other factors must be observed and carried out regularly. In general, all this knowledge and recommendations are combined under the concept of group SEO optimization.

Ideally, the group should be useful, informative and relevant, but elements of entertainment are also welcome.

So, we have already looked at how to run a VKontakte group, secrets and tips, now we need to look at the methods of PR for the group.

Promotion of the VK group

Many group administrators who do not have a whole staff of assistants are wondering how to run a VKontakte group and promote it themselves.

Any PR, including VK groups, can be not only paid and free, but also “white” and “black”. In addition, based on the effect and duration, one can also distinguish between active and passive PR. It is highly not recommended to advertise a poorly designed, unoptimized or inactive group, since the effect will be negligible.

Among the main ways to promote your VK group are the following:

  • Advertising your group in other large public areas, websites and YouTube channels;
  • Mutual PR or cooperation with groups similar in topic and number of participants;
  • Increasing the number of participants by means of promotion or mass mailing of invitations;
  • Purchase banner advertising on VK;
  • A group that sells goods and provides services must do it efficiently in order for word of mouth to work;
  • Promotion of the group through axle boxes and mailers;
  • Linking a VK group to your own website, blog, video channel, and other social networks. networks, etc.;
  • Unique interesting content. Until recently, unique content had a secondary role in promoting VKontakte groups and communities. However, with the update mobile version VK up to 5.0 now if your group has unique, interesting, previously unpublished posts, then you have a great chance to get into the interesting feed - and this is a huge number of subscribers completely free

In general, the issue of promoting your VK group is quite complex and multifaceted, despite the fact that from the outside it seems otherwise. You need to treat this matter with the utmost seriousness and honesty, control the quality of work, content and group management. And the most important thing is to always search, replenish and satisfy your specific target audience.

is a social network where users can create profiles, communicate with each other, share photos, listen to music, create playlists and more. Vkontakte is available both in the browser and as a mobile application.

The Vkontakte network is interesting as a marketing tool with a large reach, flexible targeting settings and various advertising formats, which, among other things, generate traffic to the site. Considering the number of active users on the site - about 26 million people with a gender distribution of almost 50% to 50%, this is also a huge concentration of an active Internet audience.

Checklist for creating and setting up a company page from scratch

  1. Register on a social network using email or account Facebook, or log into your account if you already have one. When registering, you need to be linked to mobile phone, which guarantees security against hacking.
  2. Go to section "My groups" and choose to create a group, public page, or event.
  • Group created to unite people into a community of interests.
  • Public page created for promotion directly personal brand or company.
  • Event created to cover and organize a planned concert, party, meeting, etc. (for business, creating an event page within the group itself is more suitable).

Create a group

  1. A group is created literally in one click. You need to select the “Group” option, define a “topic” and click the “Create Community” button.
  2. After creating a community, a block appears for filling the group with information
  1. When filling out the information, you must choose whether to leave the group open or make it closed. You can make these settings later.
  2. After filling out and saving all the fields, the group page opens, which needs to be designed visually (choose a cover, an avatar, fill albums with photos) and fill it with basic content.

It’s best to start recruiting people into the group after publishing the first 10 posts.

Creating a public page

  1. If you need to create a public page, you must also select a topic and click the “Create Community” button.
  2. You will then be asked to select a page type.
  3. Then you need to fill out all the necessary information. The difference from a group is that the page cannot be closed - it will be available to everyone.
  4. After filling out the main and additional information, you need to add an avatar and cover to the page, fill out albums and product cards. It’s worth developing a template for posts in advance so that the community’s content stands out from other communities in the user’s feed.
  5. Fill the community with basic content (minimum 10 posts).

How to maintain a VKontakte account

What content to publish

  • Content about the company and products: stories about corporate culture, mission, values, communicating the USP of the product.
  • News about the company, promotions and discounts.
  • Entertainment content: memes, photo collections, etc.
  • Images of the behind-the-scenes life of the company, which shows the “inner kitchen”, a story about the employees.
  • User Content.
    It is tracked both on VKontakte and on other sites. Can be used as feedback from customers and increasing loyalty among the audience.
  • Quotes.
    They can be designed both on the picture itself and in plain text with a selection of photos. To create similar posts, you can use graphics editor Canva.
  • The use of situational marketing, when a brand uses situational news items in its content.
  • Infographics.
    An excellent format for presenting information with a large amount of digital data.
  • Expert articles.
    If a company is engaged, for example, educational activities, then it’s worth conveying your expertise to the audience.
  • Useful content, for example, in the “did you know?” format. or number of the day.
  • Survey for community/public members.

How to select content

There are three types of content in the content funnel:

  • Entertaining: evokes emotions in the audience
  • Expert: Educates the audience
  • Branded: increases product recognition by stylizing pages or their individual elements to match its appearance or external features.

There is no clear rule about how much there should be. The main thing is not to fill the community with branded content alone.

Today there are more than 40 content formats on the market; it’s worth trying each of them and seeing the audience’s reaction. VKontakte is also an ideal platform for working with audience loyalty. And if the main goal is to provide customer support, you should give preference to this particular social network.

How to choose an audience

Thanks to its wide targeting capabilities, you can choose almost any audience segment, ranging from the most basic settings(age, gender) and ending with travelers. All necessary settings are set in advertising office.

How often to post

There is no clear rule on how many posts you should publish per day. Everything is individual and depends on the topic. You need to experiment and see how the audience reacts. Behind starting point you can take 1-2 posts a day.

How to promote

Paid and free promotion formats


  • Advertising in publics - posting a post in groups with a similar target audience (posting is done through a public exchange, for example Sociate).
  • Targeted advertising(see options).
  • Post promotion (photo or video) - advertising publications in the news feed. Settings are carried out in the advertising account.
  • Buying offers is inviting users who, for a certain reward, join a group and perform actions in it. You can purchase offers from companies like B-Like. It is considered not the best way to promote due to the low quality of the acquired audience.


  • Publishing interesting and high-quality content
  • Invitation to personal messages - the community administrator sends personal messages to the audience inviting them to join the community
  • Conducting competitions where one of the rules is mandatory membership in a group or subscription to a public page.

Where should links in posts lead to the site?

There are several options:

Basic paid and free forms of content

Paid formats

  • Targeted advertising
  • Advertising in public pages
  • Promoting posts in the feed

Free formats

  • Holding a competition
  • Invitation in private messages - a welcome invitation letter for another user

Free promotion methods

Publishing interesting and high-quality content

  • Maximum response from the target audience
  • Due to the large volumes of content appearing in a user's feed, there is a risk that posts may not be noticed.

Any community owner wants his creation to be interesting to users, posts to benefit people, and discussions to be replenished with comments. If you have just opened your group and don’t know where to start, then after reading this article you will learn interesting secrets and tips on how to run a VKontakte group so that it develops and is in the TOP of searches. All communities in VK can be conditionally divided into several categories.

  • Entertainment groups. This includes communities whose topics are devoted to humor, reviews of popular films, and music.
  • Scientific and educational groups. Those that post interesting facts, books with useful content, groups dedicated to business and the development of a business.
  • Thematic communities. Such groups are created by people of the same profession or dedicated to only one topic (psychology, construction, design, beauty, health, advertising)
  • Groups to promote a brand or business. As a rule, they are made in the format of an online store.
  • Public blogs. They are created in the form of diaries by one person who talks about interesting discoveries and events of his life.

The secrets for maintaining each of these categories will be different. There are nuances and features, but whatever topic your group is dedicated to, the first thing you need to do is format it correctly and make a high-quality description. Select high-frequency queries in Wordstat on your topic and name the group accordingly. Then, in the description field, describe in detail and point by point what a person will find in the community. IN This can be done as follows:

  1. Under your cover, tap the 3-dot box.
  2. Select a control point.
  3. You will be taken to the description.

In the menu on the left in the “Sections” field, you can connect materials, as well as products, if your community is created for commercial use. You can find out how to sell through a group here:

How to lead a VKontakte group

Maintaining a VKontakte group depends on the purpose for which it was created. The foundation on which any group rests is its content. If you have created an entertainment community, you will constantly need to look for new jokes, anecdotes and gags all over the Internet, it is important that they are fresh and not repeated in other communities. Posts in such groups should be posted at least 5-7 times a day.

For those who create scientific educational groups and thematic communities, the correct balance of content is important. You need to post not only tips and facts on your topic, but also dilute the wall with polls, for which you can get votes , jokes, apt quotes. If you limit yourself to only topical advice, users will get tired of monotonous information. Divide the ratio of content in this way - 50% - tips and facts on the topic, 30% - jokes and funny pictures, 20% - advertising information, polls, videos and interesting gifs. Here the frequency of posts can be reduced to 3-5 per day.

For those involved in promoting a brand and business, it is important to post information about useful promotions, discounts, assortment updates, and new reviews in a timely manner. You can devote 80% of the information to this, and leave 20% for funny pictures or advertising from your partners. To prevent people from getting tired of information overload, it is best to make 1-2 posts a day.

For those who decide to start their own public blog on VK, it is important to remember the uniqueness of the posts. This will determine how your group will grow and your name will be promoted. Here you can post 1 post once a day or even every three days. But unique.

How to properly lead a VKontakte group

Maintain a VKontakte group correctly- this means not abandoning it, constantly updating the content in it and making sure that posts appear constantly, and not once a month. It is also important to fill the group with subscribers:

After all, this is “gasoline” for the community, without which it will not “go” and will not develop. Follow the public statistics . After what posts do people unfollow? When is the most activity in the group? This way you can understand how to properly lead your group/

Check your privacy settings: Your business page should be visible to everyone on the Internet so that customers can easily find you. Clients and colleagues should be able to send you a message (Settings - Privacy - Contact Me).

The sections for video recordings and audio recordings are located at the bottom and do not play such a big role.

What should a copywriter post on the wall?

For promotion, it matters what you post on the wall and where you repost from! Publications must include posts on copywriting and marketing in general. After all, you like your job?

Feel free to repost useful materials, videos, infographics. And it will be useful to you, and it will show customers that you are in the know.

Just keep in mind that a repost can lead an interested reader away from your page to a competitor’s page irrevocably. Therefore, you should not share other people's materials too often. Publish more of your interesting and useful.

Maintaining a VKontakte group- the process is quite complex and if approached incorrectly, you can ruin the whole job.

In this article I will talk about important adviсe and some secrets community management in the current year 2019.

Previous years have brought many changes to social network: community messages appeared, products in the group, widgets, a unique opportunity, the rules for conducting competitions became stricter, the number increased for a variety of reasons.

All this significantly affects the running of the community. And today a huge effort should be made so that the group reaches the TOP and begins to generate profit/sales.

How to lead a VKontakte group in 2019: secrets and tips

You can always find current promotion methods in the article:.

And now I will tell you about some aspects of competent group management:

1. If you plan to run a commercial community (a company representative office, a store selling something), then it is recommended that you do so rather than a public page (public).

This is due to the fact that public pages suitable for entertainment content, and groups for promoting goods/services, etc. The bonus is the opportunity, and this is one of effective methods promotion. In public this function absent.

2. must clearly reflect the content that is published in it.

In the title and description, provide brief and at the same time succinct information about the activities of the community (you can). Don't forget to add a couple keywords so that users can find the group in search.

3. Create a unique group design that will attract the attention of visitors and potential subscribers.

Start with and then create a beautiful, convenient menu. I also recommend or.

4. If the community is a representative of any company or store, then it is necessary.

5. Don't forget which will lead to the website or menu.

The button is very eye-catching in a mobile application.

6. Create in a few minutes.

You can add up to 7 internal links to articles, sections, and applications. It is also possible to customize menu items.

How to lead a group on VK

7. Entries should not be cumbersome and must include images.

Naturally, entries must be unique; it is not recommended to borrow posts from other thematic communities - the group may be blocked. If you wish, you can add - this may affect the popularity of posts.

Bonus: for unique and interesting posts you can, which is issued for a week (the coverage of posts with the tag increases 5 times).

8. Don’t forget to write “longread” articles that appeared at the beginning of 2018.

A very useful tool that can significantly increase the coverage of such posts. High-quality, voluminous articles are in great demand - verified.

Maintaining a community on VK

9. Be sure to use it - it will save a lot of time.

Stretch the publication of posts throughout the day with a timer for 15-20 minutes after the hour. This is due to the fact that 90% of communities publish posts every hour (14:00, 15:00, 16:00) and the news feed of subscribers is completely cluttered during these hours.

Therefore, set the timer for 15-20 minutes (14:15, 15:20) after an hour and then subscribers will definitely notice your posts and your reach will increase.

In addition, we calculated .

10. Set up a connection between yourself and group visitors.

Most The best way- to plug . This way, visitors will be able to ask you any question and receive an answer on behalf of the community.

11. Install one that will attract the attention of visitors.

The widget is displayed under the main group information and contains calls to action.

12. Connect if any.

Very useful feature for commercial communities that are created to sell goods/services on social media. networks.

13. - a great way to connect with subscribers.

Send important news to those who have signed up for your newsletter.

Maintaining a group on VK

14. Add , with which you can easily create active buttons for purchasing tickets, making appointments, questionnaires, surveys, etc.

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