Overclocking an intel i3 processor on a laptop. Overclocking the processor on Android. Why is a laptop processor overclocked?

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A little theory

Before considering processor overclocking, you need to understand what it is and why you should do it. Overclocking is an increase in the operating frequency of the chip. The higher the frequency of the chip, the faster it works. It's simple.

Probably many people are interested in the question: isn’t this dangerous? There is always a risk. This needs to be understood. When overclocking, not only the frequency increases, but also the heat dissipation. Fortunately, modern processors equipped with a two-level overheating protection system. When a certain temperature threshold is exceeded, the processor forcibly reduces its frequency and supply voltage. As a result, its heat generation decreases. If the temperature continues to increase, then at chip temperatures of about 95-110 degrees the laptop simply turns off. In practice, this usually does not come to this. The laptop simply freezes with a characteristic sound loop. You just need to turn it off and on again.

So if you use computer cooling, don't waste too much CPU temp, but rather if the laptop gets hot on the surface, because that's more important. Also as a solution to cooling noise. For others, this is not a mistake. Turbo was designed as a temporary aid. Of course, though, lower CPU temperatures are better. It just has to be different from other operating parameters.

Using your laptop as your primary tool has its own tricks. First, you will find that using touchpad, a touchpad instead of a mouse, is as ergonomic as replacing the classic circular handlebars of a tricycle in a car. You take one step and you don't want it. Below is the purchase of a mouse - the first laptop, and then the classic. Okay, one problem over.

In this article we will not consider overclocking with increasing supply voltage. It is the increase in supply voltage that makes the greatest contribution to the increase in heat dissipation ( The dependence of heat generation on supply voltage is quadratic). In this article we will simply increase the frequency without increasing the supply voltage. In this case, the heat generation increases very slightly. In practice this is several degrees.

It follows that laptop designers are the un-English enemy, and the missing number block will likely slow down the terrorists in their unjust reign. Terrorists, of course, do not know that it is best to connect a laptop to a classic keyboard, which we have known about for a long time.

Excuse me for these unclear terms, in my opinion, I have a laptop. This might actually work. Surprisingly, this is usually not a concern low productivity laptop processor. It's like you went from 0 gasoline to "restless" - you can handle it without any problems. But then, sometimes, there will be a situation where a couple of taverns are more luxurious.

Let's now consider how you can overclock a PC, laptop or netbook.

A little theory. Those who are especially curious may miss it. To understand all this, let’s consider how all these frequencies are formed. In order for a computer, laptop, netbook or some other digital device to work normally, it is necessary that the operating frequencies of various microcircuits and their components operate synchronously or in phase. Because for different devices If different frequencies are needed, then there is a need to divide/multiply some reference frequency. This is all done by the PLL chip or clock generator. It is she who generates clock frequencies for the processor and other chips. This is what it roughly looks like:

Overclocking a laptop - pros and cons

The same procedure can also be applied to classic motherboards that do not support overclocking. You should go the same way as on laptops! No, we haven't changed our view on overclocking laptops - in most cases it's not a good idea. Constant or prolonged overclocking puts stress on the components, and if you overdo it, you could lose your pet for a while. While on regular computer you can increase the load on the laptop, you need to get standard components.

As you can see, the microcircuit is quite large, has a bunch of legs. An inattentive reader may have a question: how does the microcircuit know what frequency to set? It's actually simple. The frequency is set by a combination of voltages at certain pins of the microcircuit. This voltage combination is stored in registers. It is installed by the BIOS when you turn on your computer, laptop or other device. The values ​​of those registers can also be changed from operating system by using special utilities. Another option is to set the voltages directly: that is, solder wires to the pins of the PLL chip and set the required voltages. These combinations, pin assignments and other things are indicated in the documentation (datasheet). You can find it without any problems by entering the name of the chip and the word datasheet in Google. Such chips are produced by ICS, Realtek, Silego and others. For PLL ICS, the chip model is often written in the last line, for Realtek and Silego - in the first.

The main problem is that the cooling of business laptops can't even be replaced or enhanced by the best will - you have to assume that the manufacturer assigned your laptop at the time of manufacture. A small problem is the reduction of time battery life overclocked laptop. This is all about overclocking laptops and you should take these things seriously.

Laptop manufacturers say: forget about overclocking!

Laptop manufacturers are trying to prevent overclocking of their models. The reasons partly coincide with those listed above, partly also for business. If overclockers were to overclock, it would certainly result in a significant number of damaged laptops. Considering that "paka" also refers to overclockers, this trend is certainly reasonable.

From the above we can conclude that there are three ways to overclock the processor:

1) through BIOS settings;

2) using special utilities;

3) direct soldering and setting the required voltages at the pins of the PLL chip.

Let's consider each method separately. Desktop PC owners are well familiar with the first method. The BIOS is full of similar settings. This overclocking method is the easiest. Unfortunately, the vast majority of laptops and netbooks have very little BIOS settings. There are simply no overclocking settings.

Both of these reasons, a legitimate concern for the life of the product and a legitimate concern for profits, force the laptop maker to throw those interested in this adrenaline sport as far as possible under their untouchable feet. Are you really that crazy that you are going to read?

Pros and cons of CPU overclocking

You can find the comments at the end of the last chapter. Correct and stable overclocking is possible when we understand how to change individual parameters and what the limitations of your hardware are. Some of the most important benefits and risks of overclocking. The performance of CPU overclocking is to increase clock frequency and the voltage at which the factory model operates. Please note, however, that overclocking performance higher than the manufacturer's recommendation at the same time increases the heat generated by the processor, power consumption, or ultimately the processor itself. Please note that the basic warranty does not cover replacement of equipment in the event of inverted damage. Not every processor of the same type overclocks the same thing, so never copy 100% of your hardware's other performance - based on examples on forums, for example. Typically, laptops are not suitable for overclocking due to the lack of improved cooling. You always increase the CPU clock at your own risk. . Overclocking allows you to increase the performance of your processor before replacing it best model, but requires some commitment and the risk of overtaking makes sense.

The second method is well suited for laptops and netbooks. The most popular utility for overclocking a processor is SetFSB. It supports a large number of different PLLs.

The third method is the most difficult, requires certain knowledge and experience, and also voids the warranty. It is suitable for laptops where frequency change is blocked. The essence of this blocking is that the operating frequency is set once when the laptop is turned on. Its further modification using the same SetFSB impossible.

Force performance without upgrading to a more expensive processor, increasing performance in games and applications. Possibility to reduce processor operating time, frequent warranty failures, increased component temperatures and a lot of time for performance tuning. When overclocking your hardware, don't stick to the cheapest components.

This is directly related to the fact that with higher power consumption of the processor, it also generates more heat, which must be distributed somehow to avoid damaging the hardware. Therefore, we strongly recommend against overclocking the processor when using the cooling that is included by the processor by default by the manufacturer.

  • The first - for people with a very high budget - is an extreme series.
  • Another very important component is cooling.
  • You need good cooling to get better results when overclocking.
Which cooling to choose: air or water.

IN this manual We will consider overclocking the processor using the SetFSB utility. Overclocking a laptop video card is described in a separate guide:.

CPU overclocking

So. First of all, you should find out which PLL chip is installed on your laptop or netbook. For this information, please refer to this forum topic: . If difficulties arise, you can simply disassemble the laptop and see what microcircuit is installed. You can see what it looks like in the photo above.

Both are suitable for overclocking. In the case of good air cooling, comparable results can be achieved for water cooling, but water cooling seems to be more effective solution if we want to achieve the best results.

In the case of air cooling, our limitation is the size of the cooling. The limitation we may encounter when choosing water cooling may be the price, but today there are many compact solutions on the market, that is, the whole package, ready to go.

The other component of our kit is the power supply. The quality of the power supply ensures a stable and reliable power supply - this also leads to the stability of our overclocking. In this article, the set from which the results were developed was as follows.

We also need a utility SetFSB and other utilities we need. You can download them using these links: /

Comment: Some time ago the utility became paid. The latest one is posted in the archive free version. In the paid version, new PLL models are periodically added. The paid version costs about 150 rubles, payment via PayPal.

Abstract: This article is an information resource. Any interference with additional settings processor is at your own risk. Be sure to take extra care. Be sure to review the warranty terms for your specific device. Incorrect parameter changes may cause the processor to crash.

Before overclocking, we must check if our factory processor is stable. This is best done by benchmarking our operating equipment at full load using several benchmarks and tools that will allow you to regularly assess your stability.

First we launch SetFSB:

In the window, select your PLL chip model. To find out what PLL chip you have, download the instructions for your laptop model. You can find it at the beginning of this topic: . At the beginning of each of them there is a System Block Diagram section. It indicates which chips are installed in the laptop. Among them you are looking for the Clock generator block. That block indicates the PLL model that is installed in your laptop.. If you have any difficulties at this stage, then contact us here: or do it differently.

The value at which our processor clock operates. The voltage charged by the processor.

  • The program is unpacked and ready to use.
  • You can download directly from the site.
Our stress test program window looks like this. During the test, we recommend running the test completely.

Example of overclocking procedure

The program is available for a 30-day trial. . When you open the benchmark window, we automatically have access to our CPU temperature and load. After the stress test we can interpret the initial results. Before starting overclocking, it is important to determine what results can be achieved by our equipment. You can check the results by searching for a similar configuration on the forums. Time is also an important factor - there is one rule: never rush when accelerating.

My laptop has a chip installed ICS9LPR310BGLF. I chose it from the list. If your chip is not on the list, then you should either look for utilities that support your chip, or contact the author of the program with a request to add your chip to the list of supported ones. As mentioned above, in some laptops overclocking may be blocked by hardware.

Overclocking too quickly and inaccurately can lead to unstable overclocking in the future. It depends on your motherboard. Auto; All-core sync is the same per-core sync we recommend starting with. With this option, each core of our processor will work at the same speed; On a kernel, you can adjust the time of each kernel separately. This option has best app at the end, when we have already steadily overclocked the processor and see if it is possible to add at least 100 MHz to at least one core. This is the voltage of our processor, which also has 3 options.

When you have selected PLL, click on the button Get FSB:

In the main program window, various frequencies should appear and the current processor frequency in the window Current CPU Frequency. For me it is 1998.2 MHz.

In our case, overclocking will be done by increasing the system bus. To do this, move the slider in the center of the window to the right. It is better not to touch other sliders and tabs. To increase the adjustment range, check the box next to Ultra:

On this moment we are looking for an opportunity to constantly set the frequency of our memory. This value can be found directly on the memory sticker. Once all the parameters are set, you can start changing the processor clock speed as well as its voltage. In the case of processors with 4 generations of good Starting point is the voltage 1.2 V and the clock frequency. If the computer starts for these values ​​and we can run all the stability tests, that's very good.

If your computer won't start, don't panic. Now we can configure the settings. Unfortunately, after an hour of stress testing, the computer shut down again. In the end, by setting the clock to 42 and the voltage to 2 V, the computer worked stably, not exceeding 70 degrees. Any time you change the clock or change the power source, it is recommended to perform a stress test, since simply starting the computer and passing the 10-minute test does not guarantee long-term stability. Keep configurations stable.

Move the slider slightly to the right, increasing the system bus frequency by 10-15 MHz:

To apply the changes, click on the button Set FSB:

Or maybe automatic overclocking?

Many manufacturers have programs that come with motherboards, which can automatically overclock the performance of our processor. For our processor, this program was able to achieve a clock speed of 4.2 GHz, which was stable but not the fastest.

Test results and temperatures. When automatic acceleration Performance was 6% better than stock settings, but with manual overclocking you're looking at an average increase of 11%. This allows you to say that your automation options help improve the performance of your equipment, but don't use it to its full potential.

If you increased the frequency excessively or incorrectly specified the PLL, then nothing bad will happen. The laptop will simply freeze or turn off. Then you can turn it on without any problems.

And now the processor frequency has increased slightly:

Now you need to check whether the laptop will work stably at a given processor frequency or not. To do this, run the program Prime95 from the archive at the links above. To start testing, click on Just Stress Testing:

Choose desired mode loads. I settled on the third, although you can also include the second:

Click OK and run the utility HWMonitor from the archive using the links above for temperature control.

Utility Prime95 capable of generating a very large load on the processor. If the processor can cope with it, the laptop does not freeze or turn off for 10-15 minutes, then you can increase the processor frequency even more using the utility SetFSB as described above.

To stop the test, select the appropriate item from the menu:

In this way: we increased the frequency using the SetFSB utility -> checked Prime95 -> increased the frequency again and we need to look for the maximum frequency at which the laptop can work stably without freezes and shutdowns.

So. We've sorted out the overclocking. Now there is one more nuance. When rebooting settings SetFSB are reset and you will have to overclock the processor again. To avoid this, you need to add SetFSB to startup. Let's take a closer look at this process.

Adding SetFSB to startup

First you need to create a batch script. To do this we open Notebook and write something like this:

c:Program Files (x86)SetFSB -w15 -s668 -cg


Explanation of what is what in this line:

c:Program Files (x86)SetFSB path to the SetFSB utility. Yours may be different

-w15- delay before launching the utility in seconds

-s668- overclocking settings. This is a very important parameter. We look at the first number on the right of the slider in the green field. In my case it's 668

-cg- another extremely important parameter. IN square brackets you need to specify the model of your PLL as it is indicated in the utility.

Drag the file to the Startup folder in the Start menu.

As a result, after the next Windows boot The processor frequency will be automatically increased:

That's all

Please post all questions in this forum topic:

Sincerely, the author of the material is Andrey Tonievich. Publication of this material on other information resources is permitted only with reference to the source and indicating the author

Almost every user sooner or later thinks about how to overclock a laptop. Except, probably, for those who change their laptop for a new one once a year, or even more often. This process differs little from the process of overclocking a desktop computer, but the risks here are higher. If you still decide to speed up your laptop, we will tell you how to do it.

Typically, the need to figure out how to overclock a laptop safely arises when the device stops coping with the necessary tasks. Nowadays, performance requirements are growing almost every month, which means that the most advanced PC by recent standards can very soon become mediocre.

The reality is that even the most powerful “cars” are already working at a confident C grade after a year

In order to overclock your laptop for better performance in games and other tasks, you can change three parameters of its operation. Firstly, it is possible to make the processor work faster, secondly, the video card, and thirdly, to improve the RAM performance.

If you decide to overclock, do not forget that with new parameters the life of the PC may be significantly reduced. Increased loads for which the gadget was not originally designed will have an impact.

The first thing you should try is to increase the clock speed of the processor, which will speed it up. Usually this can be done using the BIOS, but laptop manufacturers often block the functionality of this shell for the user. In this case, help the program will come SetFSB. When selecting a new frequency for the processor, do not forget to constantly monitor the state of the system (the most important indicator is temperature, overheating is possible). Careless overclocking can lead to the premature death of the processor or constant system freezes.

If the above action does not bring results, try increasing the processor power. The RMClock application will help you with this. You should be especially careful here - increasing the voltage greatly affects the heat dissipation of the CPU.

You can overclock your video card in exactly the same way, only using other utilities. Most manufacturers have already stocked their products software, allowing you to change the clock frequency. As in the previous case, it is very important to monitor overheating. RAM is accelerated by overclocking the system bus, all in the same SetFSB utility.

This needs to be remembered

Even if you carefully monitor the state of the laptop during overclocking, you still must not forget that increasing its performance will certainly lead to an increase in temperature. Therefore, think ahead about improving ventilation or other ways to cool it down. In addition, increasing the clock frequency of any of the laptop components significantly reduces the battery life of the device. For example, if previously it worked for 2 hours on battery power, then after the above steps it will work for an hour and a half.


Although this process is not the most difficult, be aware of the dangers. If you decide to try to overclock your laptop at your own risk, remember a few basic points. First, don't overdo it or push the device to its limits. And secondly, carefully control the entire process, otherwise you can “fry” the gadget.

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