General opinion about world of tanks. General opinion about world of tanks Recent comments on the post of the game tanks

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There are several battle modes in Tanki X. Each mode has its own characteristics and in some places even differs in gameplay. Each mode has its own goal, its own way of distributing the fund, and more. Selecting a battle mode when creating a battle is required; the battle will be played in exactly the mode chosen by its creator.

Deathmatch (Every man for himself) or DM

The new world war brought chaos and confusion. In the boiling cauldron of local conflicts, it is easy for lone mercenaries to find a hot spot where they can hone their skills and earn extra money. In these conflicts there are no “friends”, there are only enemies. A big jackpot is guaranteed for those who destroy the most tanks.

In this mode, you fight for yourself, all other tanks are opponents - shoot at anyone, you can’t go wrong!

Team Deathmatch or TDM

To gain an advantage in a certain section of the front, Antey and Frontier hire operators and combine them into tank groups. These groups are fighting for their employer's dominance in the region. The winners will receive supplies of crystals in the battle zone, and each mercenary will take as much as he deserves in battle.

Capture the Flag or CTF

One of the key tasks of the war between “Anthea” and “Frontier” is the capture and control of crystal processing complexes, storage facilities and crystal deposits. These are complex operations that require coordinated work of mercenaries in a tank group. The owner of important territory, which means the winner in the confrontation is the group that delivers the largest number of enemy flags to its base.

Please note that the color of the health bar in the game corresponds to the color of the team (it can be red or blue).

Battle Fund

The battle fund is determined by the number of destroyed tanks. The number of crystals for destroying an enemy depends on the level of its improvement and ranges from 10 to 20 crystals per 1 kill. Also, less than 20 crystals are sent to the fund for players of higher skill, whose weapons were automatically balanced when entering the battle.

The distribution of the fund depends on the battle points earned and place in the table.

IN command modes The TDM and CTF battle fund is first divided between teams in proportion to the team score, and then within the team in proportion to the place in the table (thus, an active player of the losing team can often get more crystals than less fortunate and skillful players of the other, winning team).

Tanks still remain an important figure on the battlefield, capable of turning the tide of a battle. Some countries are using the reserves left in tanks since the 80s of the last century - such as the M1 Abrams or Leopard 2, others are creating new combat vehicles that best meet the requirements of military or external customers (South Korea, Turkey and China did this), or they are designing fundamentally new tanks (Russia).

MVT-3000 (China)

Photo: MVT 3000

China widely exports not only cheap household appliances, but also weapons, in particular tanks. And here Russian T-90SM tanks pose serious competition to Chinese combat vehicles. The MVT-3000 main battle tank is designed to surpass competitors in the arms market in terms of price-quality ratio. The protection of the frontal projection of the tank of the Chinese armored vehicle is a multi-layer combined armor barrier and is comparable in thickness to that of the German Leopard 2. In addition to this, the tank is equipped with mounted dynamic protection.

The main weapon is a cannon - a 125 mm caliber launcher capable of firing guided missiles at a distance of five kilometers. The MVT-3000 is equipped with a 1,300-horsepower diesel engine, which accelerates the 51-ton tank to 71 km/h, with a cruising range of about 500 km. The creators have provided for the possibility of boosting engine power to 1500 hp. The combat vehicle is equipped modern systems aiming and observation. For example, the driver has a third-generation uncooled thermal imager at his disposal. The development of MVT-3000 began in 2012, and production is planned for 2016.

ROTEM K2 (South Korea)

ROTEM K2, better known as K2 Black Panther, is a promising Korean battle tank, mass production of which began in 2014. The tank is armed with a powerful 120-mm smoothbore gun with a barrel length of 55 calibers, which was created on the basis of a German gun from Rheinmetall.
The gun's ammunition capacity is 40 shells, 16 of which are placed in the mechanized stowage of the automatic loader, the remaining 24 in special stowage in the fighting compartment of the tank. The gun's rate of fire is 15 rounds per minute. The gun's ammunition includes a KSTAM projectile with homing warheads. Such ammunition is fired at a range of 2 to 8 km, the projectile is automatically adjusted in flight, and submunitions are capable of hitting enemy equipment in the most unprotected part - the upper hemisphere.
The frontal armor of the tank protects against the 120-mm APFSDS armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile, which is widely used in the West. The tank has an advanced fire control system capable of independently detecting, identifying, tracking and firing at targets without operator participation.
The hydropneumatic suspension of the tank deserves special attention, which, thanks to the presence of the ISU system, provides automatic individual control of the suspension units of each road wheel, allows the tank to “squat”, “bend down”, tilt in any direction and eliminates vibration when driving over rough terrain.

Altay (Türkiye)

Altay is intended to become the main battle tank of the Turkish army, although it is positioned as an in-house development, this is not the case. 60% of the components and assemblies of the Altay were borrowed from the Korean K2 Black Panther, and in appearance the vehicle is very similar to the German Leopard 2. The tank has been in operation since 2015, so far only four have been built, but the Turkish military plans to receive at least 1000 of these combat vehicles .
According to the main contractor of the project, Otokar, the Altay weighs about 60 tons. The tank is armed with a modified cannon from the German company Rheinmetall with a barrel length of 55 calibers. A German diesel engine with a power of 1500 hp is responsible for the mobility of the tank.
Altay is equipped with a remotely controlled module with 12.7 mm and 7.62 mm machine guns and is protected by combined armor. The crew of the tank is four people.

TARIQ AB9C4 (South Africa-Jordan)

The Jordanian design bureau King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau, together with South African specialists, developed the fourth generation tank TARIQ AB9C4. The main highlight of the tank was the uninhabited Falcon turret with a small front area. True, specialists from the above-mentioned countries were unable to create such a module on their own, so the main work was done by Swiss and British companies.

The 120 mm CTG smoothbore gun, capable of firing all types of modern Western ammunition, was chosen as the main weapon. The gun was created by the Swiss company RUAG Land Systems; in terms of the maximum tensile load of its steel - 1300 MPa - it significantly exceeds the 120-mm smoothbore gun from Rheinmetall, whose value is 1030 MPa.

The gun is equipped with an automatic loader, which houses 17 shells, the rest of the ammunition is located in the inside of the turret. The TARIQ AB9C4 crew consists of two people, who are located in the hull closer to the turret. All weapons are remote controlled. This is an experimental tank, work on which has not yet been completed. Whether it will go into series is still unknown.

T-14 "Armata" (Russia)

The T-14 "Armata" is the only tank accepted into service today with an uninhabited turret. Its multi-layer combined frontal armor is capable of withstanding hits from any modern and future type of anti-tank shells and missiles.
The tank's crew - three people - is housed separately from the ammunition in a special armored capsule, which significantly increases its chances of survival. The bottom of the T-14 is covered by V-shaped armor; in addition, the tank is equipped with remote mine detectors connected to the mine destruction system.

"Armata" is equipped active system"Afganit", capable of destroying cumulative grenades, anti-tank guided missiles and sub-caliber projectiles on approach.

The first copies of the tank are armed with a 125-mm smoothbore cannon launcher; later production vehicles will receive a 152-mm gun. The shells of this gun, designated 2A83, can penetrate a meter of homogeneous armor at a distance of 5100 meters.

The mobility of the T-14 is ensured by a 12-cylinder, four-stroke, X-shaped diesel engine with a power of 1,500 hp, and the active suspension eliminates swaying when driving. The tank has been in operation since 2015.

Many times I came across forums on the darknet where popular games and programs were discussed, in one of the forums there was an interesting section dedicated to the game world of tanks, where players who had been playing for 4-5 years wrote their opinions about this game.

These were mostly negative reviews, I myself played this game for about 1 year, there were tanks of level 7-8... if anyone is interested, the victory statistics were an average of 53%.

But I want to write my opinion about the game and also add to this the general opinion of other players from the forum.

Let's start with the main thing, these are nerfs of tanks..

The idiocy is that premium tanks are nerfed, if you bought a tank for 2000 rubles with the same characteristics, then in half a year - a year, everything on this tank will be cut, and no one cares that you spent real money on purchasing the tank.

Imbo tanks on their lvl - kv-220, e25, scorpion, and french 8lv (I don’t remember the exact name because I don’t come across it often).

KV-220 at 5 lv oppresses everyone indiscriminately.
e25 with his level of fighting, just blows away 7-8-9lv. Scorpio is not as oppressive, but still does good damage.

You can even create a separate topic about E25, this is the only self-propelled gun in the game that has no equal. camouflage is the highest, speed is high, reload time is 3 seconds.
All the free tanks that could be imbedded like E25 were all nerfed and some were completely removed from the game, allegedly they were imbad, E25 was imbad and no one cares about it.

The developers hide behind historicity, show at least one segment from history where American self-propelled guns, starting from 8-10 lv, destroyed Soviet ISs.
The amx elc bis from history was traveling at a speed of 80 km/h, the turret could spin in a static position, but in the game the developers gave it a speed of 64 km/h and an almost motionless turret, supposedly it would be difficult to hit and all historicity could be screwed in this case.
But the T95 cannot add speed because this is not historical, let it continue to creep at 14k/h, but it will coincide with history.

In general, developers hide behind historicity when it suits them.

I pumped up the "bulldog" because I knew that it was a good tank, I watched a lot of guides about it, battles on this tank, but when there were 900 experience left before the tank opened, it was already late at night, and I decided to leave pumping up for later, but having gone a day later I saw an announcement that this tank had been nerfed, fans and avid nerds reacted calmly to this, but I, as an ordinary player, didn’t like it, was there any point in nerfing it at all? in general, now this 1x1 tank will be killed by any tank of its same level, it seems to me.

I started pumping out artillery, pumped it up to 5lv (grill) by opening French art 6lv, opening Soviet art after KV-2 (never played on it), the news comes out that the artillery was nerfed, damage and accuracy were cut, then I closed the site and deleted game.

Everything that is playable in the game at medium level will be nerfed to make it more difficult to play and to invest more in “gold” shells and so that more premium accounts will buy.

Playing at 7-8 lvl, I realized that I was going into a huge minus in terms of credits, per battle -35,000 on average, you can’t penetrate anyone with ordinary shells, playing at 7-8 lvl will throw you to 9-10 lvl. I started asking on the forums what and how and what to do, they said buy a premium account. that is, I also have to pay to play this squalor?

When you turn on additional reserves, all your shells begin to fly chaotically but not on target, with full aiming I did not penetrate the tanks of my lvl, cumulative shells generally fly scatteredly, they fly millimeters from the tank, you are thrown to experienced players who take you out 15-4 .

These additional reserves work like launching a disgusting game mode, and this is true for 70% of players.

Blind artillery shells disappear altogether.

It is impossible to fire any tank with a high-explosive cannon or gold shells with activated additional reserves, but what can I say, without them everything sucks. The shells fly into the tracks without damage and hit next to the tank even though you are completely locked down and aiming at the turret.

Flying down a small hill, your turret breaks, although the chassis should break. A hill that a tank can easily drive up when accelerating, it turns out in the game it can’t drive up, as soon as the tank’s tracks come into contact with this hill, the speed instantly drops. If you drive up a hill on the map, a pass or swamp, in some places the tank slides down sideways, although the degree of the hill you are standing on is 25-30. We drove into the water and immediately the speed dropped, and the developers are saying that they are bringing the gameplay closer to reality?

If you have little HP 50-100, then any tank above the level will simply touch you, you will immediately explode, that’s how it is.

The developers are talking about some kind of VBR if we are talking about the fact that you don’t shoot a tank that in fact is a shot.
Example - there is a T67, you are with a T-34-85 on a high-explosive cannon with 450 damage, you converge and shoot at the rear of the T67, and then bam and magic, the T67 has 6hp left, this is a high-powered weapon, and this is almost always the case.

The KV-2 and T-49 very rarely deal damage at least close to the maximum, on average 400-500, although the damage is 900.

It’s not worth “dragging” into this game at all; after playing well a couple of times, your luck runs out and your gaming experience suddenly disappears.

You cannot hit the tank because the projectile flies in the other direction; if it hits, you crit the modules without damage, you hit the track even though the projectile hit the turret. Artillery always hits you, the camouflage perk stops working altogether (those who played on the Christmas tree will understand what I mean).

The developers came up with scripts (the same VBR) if you play well and play the game, then the scripts rarely turn on you. If you farm silver for 5lv, play and don’t invest anything, then the scripts turn on for you in 7/10 battles.

The scripts represent everything that I said about the flight of projectiles, 1 is turned on, you play well, you hit tanks and always with damage. turned on 0, then a complete “JO” awaits you, you can just leave the game and not waste your nerves.

There is no balance between earnings and costs in the Game. If you play on “gold”, 1 shell costs 5,000 silver, then no matter how well you play, you will be in the black in 1/10 of the battles. Repairing a tank + buying shells (without gold shells for 8lv) does not pay off without a premium account. the costs are as follows: for a regular battle you will spend - 20,000 - 40,000 silver. With premium accounts you will be at +2,000 - 5,000 silver.

Perk leveling is poor. perk 1 requires 94,000 experience, perk 2 requires 188,000 experience. To which the developers said - buy a perm account and a premium tank and upgrade your crew. Playing on lvl 5-6 tanks (there’s no point in playing higher, you’re just wasting your money)
pumping is just torture.

To sum it up, this game is aimed at pumping out money with the poorest gameplay, the developers want to get as much money out of the game as possible, but they don’t see how they are driving the game into a hole. In wot blitz the gameplay is much better, the developers monitor the game, the donation is moderate. Right there, if you invest 20,000 rubles, then you can safely play for fun. And if you are not going to invest money in this game, then you will not be able to play normally. Only for 5 lv, no more.

There are several simple and convenient programs to record video.

A small digression. Any digital video is recorded using codecs. Codecs are, roughly speaking, an archiver for video data. The recording quality and the size of the resulting file depend on it.

In most programs, you need to manually select the appropriate codec, otherwise the file size and quality of the recorded video will be terrible. In this case, you need to know what to choose, and if necessary, install the codec first. Some programs that support video card codecs with hardware video encoding have codec preferences.

Let's look at video recording programs:

Bandicam (click to expand)

Bandicam is a high-quality video and screenshot capturer from games, movies, any area of ​​the desktop. Installation does not require payment or registration (however, in the free version, video recording is up to a maximum of 10 minutes and the Bandicam logo is displayed on the video). The program interface is simple and convenient. Recording video and creating a screenshot is done by pressing one key.

To record screen video

  1. Click the button Screen area».
  2. In the panel with area settings options, select the one you need.
  3. Specify a folder to store screenshots and videos.

Using the settings panel, you can select the desired size of the recording area - one of the standard, arbitrary, or the entire window.

Go to the " Video", there we configure:

  1. Hotkey Start/Stop (default is F12).
  2. Setting the video quality (there are templates of standard quality and format for uploading to YouTube). Remember that if you shoot a video of a violator, the quality must be such that you can easily read the players’ nicknames.

We adjust the video quality, select the recording frames per second (FPS) parameter. The base value is 30, that is, the maximum for YouTube.

Select the codec.

Set the video quality.

Now you can directly start recording video. To do this, press the specified hotkey or the REC button on the program panel. If necessary, recording can be paused or the area can be adjusted while shooting.

Free Screen Video Recorder (click to expand)

One of the most simple programs to record screen video.
Installation does not require payment or registration.

The program interface consists of six buttons, of which we are interested in the button shown in the screenshot “ Record video from window»:

After clicking this button, you only need to select (click) the window from which the video will be recorded. In our case, this is a browser window with an image of the battle.

Please note that when you select a window, an inscription will appear indicating the name of the window from which recording will be made.

Then click " Write down»:

To pause or stop video recording, use " Control panel" from " notification area»:

Video files are saved by default to the address C:\Users\Account_name\My videos\ . You can configure the save folder as well as the video quality in the settings (far right button).

Camstudio (click to expand)

Quite easy to use free program, which does not require registration.
After launching the program, you will see a convenient and intuitive interface:

Pay attention to the recording control. It is made in graphics and colors corresponding to old video cameras:
Red circle - direct video recording;
Vertical gray bars - pause in video recording;
Blue square - stop recording and save the recorded video.

To select a recording area, go to the menu " Region" Here you can choose:

  • « Region» - select an area when starting recording;
  • « Fixed Region» - record a fixed area of ​​the screen;
  • « Window» - select a window for recording;
  • « Full Screen» - recording the entire monitor screen.

It is better to select the window entry " Window", as indicated in the screenshot.

You will be prompted after clicking the " Record» click on the selected window and start recording video:

A huge advantage of this program is high-quality video, rather modest in terms of memory footprint.

In recording settings ( Options > Video Options...) you can adjust the quality of the recorded video, and in the program settings ( Options > Program Options) - autosave folder. You can see a detailed description of the program.

UVScreenCamera (click to expand)

The first thing that catches the eye and cannot but please the user is the completely Russian program interface:

The program can capture an arbitrary area, an entire window, or an area of ​​a preset size.

Before you start recording, go to settings.

In the " Video» you need to configure:

  1. « Video recording options» - Select the frame rate per second (“FPS”),
  2. Option " Recorded video format» - Microsoft AVI, so that the recording is immediately saved to a video file.
  3. Folder to save the video file.
  4. Codec

We leave the default - Xvid, since it is supported on most devices. But if your video card supports hardware encoding video, you can use a different codec.

  • From Nvidia, select "H.264 (NVENC)" if you want to receive best quality recordings with minimal FPS loss. Older cards from Nvidia can work with “H.264 (CUDA)”, owners of cards from AMD can select “H.264 (AMP APP)”, and for integrated video cards from Intel, accordingly, you can select “H.264” (Intel Quick Sync)".
  • If you have several video cards at once (Nvidia and Intel, for example), then you need to select the option that uses your active, working video card. If your monitor is connected directly to motherboard, then this is an Intel codec, and if the monitor is connected to a video card (Nvidia or AMD), then select the appropriate codec.

In the " Hotkeys» you need to configure:

  1. Hotkey for recording.
  2. Hotkey to stop recording.

After starting recording, a panel will appear with a button “ End recording" Click it or use hotkey to stop recording and save the video to a file.

oCam Screen Recorder (click to expand)

A worthwhile program, despite the fact that it is distributed absolutely free.

It has all the necessary functions and built-in codecs.
After installation is complete, it is recommended to uncheck the boxes:

So, run the program and go to settings:

There in the section " Coding»:

  1. Select the frame rate per second (“FPS”).
  2. “Quality” - video quality. The higher, the better the video quality and the more file. For regular video casts, it is enough to set it to “high”.
  3. The “audio” bitrate can be left at 192 or select a lower 128 Kbps for voice recording.

In the “Hotkeys” tab, select:

  1. Hotkey for recording.
  2. Hotkey to pause/stop recording.

Close the settings and select the capture area using the " Size" You can select fixed rectangles, the entire Full Screen screen, or a Select Area object. The green window can also be stretched with the mouse by clinging to the squares.

To start recording video, click " Record" To stop the recording process, press F2, and to see what happened, the “ open", which opens the folder with the received files.

In chapter " Codecs» It is recommended to look at Bandicam for a list of optimal codecs that also use your video card (if it supports hardware video encoding). The program is already built-in and the MPEG-4 codec is selected by default.

FastStone Capture (click to expand)

Install the program and run it. The interface looks very simple; to record video with sound, click on the “ Record Video»:

A new window with capture parameters will appear at the bottom right:

We are offered four options for how to record video:

  1. Window/Object - select a program window or part of it.
  2. Rectangular area - use the mouse to select the desired area of ​​the screen.
  3. Entire screen without taskbar - recording everything except the bottom bar where the Start button is.
  4. Entire screen - accordingly, write everything that is on the screen.

If you need to record sound, check the box " Audio recording» and choose where to get the sound from.

But before you start recording, you need to enter “ Settings».

On the first tab " Video» set:

  1. Frame rate (" Frame Rate") in the resulting file. The higher the frequency, the smoother the video and the larger the final file size. To capture screenshots or online videos, choose the maximum frame rate of 25, and for recording programs on the desktop, 5-10 frames per second is enough.
  2. Quality from " good"("Good") to " The best"("Better"). Usually it’s enough just “ good"and the file size is smaller.

Please note that on weak computers or laptops there may be stuttering at the maximum frequency. In this case, reduce the number of frames or quality.

To start recording video, click the Record button and highlight an area or select an object, whichever you selected earlier.

Then click Start. The following window will appear confirming all parameters:

The recording has begun, to complete it, use the small panel below:

To pause/continue press Ctrl + F10.

When you're done, save the file and that's it.

Gaming Windows panel 10 (click to expand)

Inside apps and games operating system Windows 10 can take videos and screenshots. Videos are recorded in MP4 files, screenshots in PNG format. All recordings and screenshots are stored at %UserProfile%\Video\Clips.

Hardware requirements for a Windows 10 game DVR

Game Bar is available on all Windows 10 PCs. However, to record game clips, you will need one of the following video adapters:

  • AMD: AMD Radeon™ HD 7000, HD 7000M, HD 8000, HD 8000M, R9 or R7 series.
  • NVIDIA: GeForce 600 series or higher, GeForce 800M or higher, Quadro Kxxx or higher.
  • Intel: Intel series HD Graphics 4000 or higher, Intel Iris Graphics 5100 or higher.

If you ran " Windows 10 game bar" and your PC is unable to record game clips, you will see one of the following messages telling you so:

  • Unfortunately, this PC does not meet the hardware requirements for recording clips. additional information see in the Game Bar options window.
  • Unfortunately, this PC does not meet the hardware requirements for recording clips. Read more.

If one of these messages appears on your screen, it means that you should update your video adapter, and if not, then see below how to activate " Windows 10 game bar"and use it.

Activate " Windows 10 game bar».

Open the application " Xbox»:

  1. Click the icon Settings" and select the subsection " DVR for games».
  2. Activate the switch " Create game clips and screenshots using Game DVR».

When you are in an application or game, you need to open the Game Bar. To do this, press the key combination Win + G. Click the button Settings" and in the window that opens, select the item " Record game in background».

After making changes, click " Start recording».

The recording has started, in the right top corner you will see a recording timer.

To stop recording, press Win + Alt + R or the “ button Stop" on the panel.

Tap the recording notification that appears to view it in the Xbox app.

NVIDIA Share (click to expand)

Share (formerly ShadowPlay) allows you to record high-quality video with virtually no performance hit. Uses the H.264 codec and packs the video into an mp4 container. This type of video is great for uploading to YouTube.

Attention: The function is only available on PCs running Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10, installed application GeForce Experience, video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (desktop) / GeForce GTX 660M (laptop) and higher, 4+ GB random access memory and GeForce 347.52+ driver.

You can download and install the GFE package separately or as part of the driver.

After installation, launch the GeForce Experience application, go to settings (gear button in the upper right corner), then go to the “General” tab and make sure that the Share function is supported on your computer:

To launch Share, click the button in the upper right corner of the program (or use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Z). You will see a panel like this:

Click " Record" and select " Settings" To ensure that text in battle (for example, player nicknames) is clearly visible on the video you record, select a resolution of at least 720p (and better game= resolution of your monitor), frame rate 30 and bitrate at least 15 Mbit/s.

In the general Share settings, you can configure hotkeys to start video recording, save folder, etc.

Now you are ready to record video. To start or stop recording, press Alt + F9 (default). It is recommended that before starting recording, expand the game to full screen by pressing F11 so that your applications on the taskbar and tabs/bookmarks in the browser are not included in the frame, if this is critical (the entire screen will be recorded, there is no option to select only the window with the game).

To immediately upload your recorded video to YouTube, expand the Share panel and click Gallery. To simply watch a video on your computer, you will have to manually open the folder in Explorer that is designated for saving the video.

Radeon ReLive (click to expand)

Attention: The feature is only available on PCs running Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 and an AMD Radeon HD 7700 graphics card (discrete or integrated) or higher, and on select APU cores. More information about support for this or that hardware see AMD website.

ReLive is available as part of new drivers, and when installed, you will be asked if you need to install it. You can download drivers.

After installation, right-click on the desktop and select " Radeon Settings", go to the tab " ReLive", enable "ReLive" and "Record Desktop":

To start or stop recording, press Ctrl + Shift + R (default). When recording starts and ends, you will see notifications in the upper right corner of the screen:

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